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Loutish (lout'ish), a. Clownish; rude; awkward.

Loutishly (lout'ish-li), adv. In a loutish


Loutishness (lout'ish-nes), n.

The state or quality of being loutish; clownishness. Louvre, Loover, Lover (lö'ver), n. [Fr. l'ouvert, the opening, pp. of ouvrir, from L. aperire, to open.] A dome or turret

Louvre, Abbot's Kitchen, Glastonbury.

rising out of the roof of a hall or other apartment in our ancient domestic edifices, formerly open at the sides, but now generally glazed. They were originally intended to allow the smoke to escape when the fire was kindled in the middle of the room.-Louvreboard. See below under Louvre-window.Louvre-window, the name given to a window in a church tower, partially closed by slabs or sloping boards or bars called louvreboards (corrupted into luffer or lever boards), which are placed across to exclude the rain, while allowing the sound of the bell to pass. Lovable (luv'a-bl), a. Worthy of love; amiable. Miss Edgeworth; Tennyson. Lovage, Loveage (luv'aj), n. [Formerly loveach,livish, from 0. Fr. levesche, L. ligusticum.] A plant of the genus Ligusticum (L.scoticum), nat. order Umbelliferæ, sometimes used as an aromatic stimulant. See LIGUSTICUM. Love (luv), v. t. pret. & pp. loved; ppr. loving. [A. Sax. lufian, from lufu, lufe, love; D. lieven, G. lieben, O.H.G. liuban, liupan, to love. Allied to E. lief, dear, leave, permission, believe, furlough; A. Sax. lof, G. lob, praise; Goth. liubs, beloved, galaubs, dear, valuable, galaubjan, to approve of, to believe; Bohem. lubiti, to love; Lith. lubju, to long; L. libido, longing, desire, libeo, lubeo, to please; Skr. lubh, to desire, to yearn, lobha, covetousness.] 1. To regard with a strong feeling of affection; to have a devoted attachment to.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Mat. xxii. 37. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Mat. xxii. 39. 2. To regard with the feelings of one sex towards the other; to be tenderly affected towards; to be in love with.-3. To like; to be pleased with; to delight in: with things for the object.

Wit, eloquence, and poetry,

Arts which I loved.


Love (luv), v.i. 1. To be tenderly affected towards a person of the opposite sex; to be in love.

But since thou lovest, love still and thrive therein, Even as I would when I to love begin. Shak. 2. To love each other; to be tenderly attached to each other.

Never two ladies loved as they do. Shak. Love (luv), n. 1. A strong feeling of affection; devoted attachment to a person. Especially-2. Devoted attachment to a person of the opposite sex; as, to be in love with a person.

Hunting he loved, but love he laughed to scorn.


Love is the shadow of the morning, which decreases as the day advances. Friendship is the sha dow of the evening, which strengthens with the setting sun of life. Translation of La Fontaine.

Art is much, but Love is more! O Art, my Art, thou'rt much, but Love is more! Art symbolizes heaven, but Love is God And makes heaven.

E. B. Browning.


3. Courtship: chiefly in the phrase to make love, that is, to court; to woo; to solicit urion in marriage.-4. Strong attachment; devotion; fondness; liking; inclination; as, love of country; love of home; love of art.5. The object beloved; a sweetheart.

She hears no tidings of her love. Shak. Often used in address as a word of endearment. 'Trust me, love.' Dryden.-6. A picturesque representation or personification of love; a Cupid.

Such was his form, as painters, when they show Their utmost art, on naked loves bestow. Dryden. Used of Cupid or Eros, the god of love. Love made those hollows, if himself were slain, He might be buried in a tomb so simple. Shak. Used of Venus or Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

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He is not lolling on a lewd love-bed. 9. A thin silk stuff.-10. In some games, a term expressing no points scored; as, the game was two, love, that is, two points on one side and nothing on the other.-Love in idleness, a kind of violet (Viola tricolor).— Free love. See under FREE.-Free-of-love,

a plant of the genus Cercis. - Labour of love, any work done or task performed with eager willingness, either from fondness for the work itself or from the regard one has for the person for whom it is done. Of all loves,t by all means; without fail. 'Mrs. Arden desired him of all loves to come back again.' Holinshed.-To make love to. above under def. 3.-To play for love, to play a game, as at cards, without stakes.There's no love lost between two persons, they have no liking for each other.


There was not a great deal of love lost between Will and his half-sister. Thackeray. Love is the first element in a great number of compound words of obvious signification; such as, love-charmed, love-darting, lovekilling, love-laboured, love-language, lovelearned, love-lore, love-loyal, love-poem, lovesecret, love-sigh, love-song, love-taught, lovetoken, &c.-SYN. Affection, friendship, kindness, tenderness, fondness, delight. Loveable (luv'a-bl), a. Same as Lovable.

Elaine the fair, Elaine the loveable,

Elaine the lily maid of Astolat. Tennyson. Love-apple (luv'ap-1), n. A plant (Solanum Lycopersicum or L. esculentum) belonging to the nat. order Solanaceæ. Called also Tomato. See LYCOPERSICUM. Love-bed (luv'bed), n. An immodest bed. Shak.

Love-bird (luv'bèrd), n. A member of a genus of birds (Psittacula) belonging to the Psittacidae. They are a beautiful group, consisting of very diminutive species; they are

Swindern's Love-bird (Psittacula swinderniana). found in America, Africa, and Australia, and are remarkable for having no furcula. They receive their name from the great attachment shown to each other by the male and female birds. Swindern's love-bird is barely 6 inches in length. Love-broker (luv'bro-kér), n. One who acts as agent between lovers. Shak. Love-cause (luv'kaz), n. A love-affair. Shak.

Love-charm (luv'chärm), n. A charm by which love was supposed to be excited; a philtre.

'But what,' said Nydia, 'can induce the beautiful


and wealthy Julia to ask that question of her servant? Has she not money, youth, and loveliness? Are they not love-charms enough to dispense with magic?' Lord Lytton. Love-child (luv'child), n. An illegitimate child. Dickens.

Loved (luvd), a. Beloved. Love-day (luv'da), n. A day in old times appointed for the amicable adjustment of disputes between neighbours.


This day shall be a love-day, Tamora. Love-drinkt (luv'dringk), n. A drink to excite love; a philtre or love-potion. Love-favour (luv'fa-ver), n.



given to be worn in token of love. 'Deck'd with love-favours.' Bp. Hall. Love-feast (luv'fest), n. 1. A feast or banquet (in Gr. agape) in the primitive church, at which rich and poor feasted together, and the former made a contribution for the latter. See AGAPE.-2. A species of religious ordinance held at intervals by some religious denominations, as the Moravians and the Methodists, to which members of their church alone are admitted, a kind of imitation of the agape held by the early Christians.

Love-feat (luv'fet), n. A deed of gallantry.

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Love-knot (luv'not), n. Any complicated kind of knot, or a figure representing such: so called from being used as a token of love or as representing mutual affection. Lovelace (luv'lās), n. [From the hero of Richardson's Clarissa Harlowe.] A pleasant and likeable man of the world, but loose in his relations with the other sex. Love-lasst (luv'las), n. A sweetheart.

So soone as Tython's love-lasse gan display Her opall colours in her eastern throne. Mir. for Mags. Loveless (luvles), a. 1. Void of love; void of tenderness or kindness.-2. Not loved.3. Not attracting love; unattractive. [Rare.] These are ill-favoured to see to; and yet, as loveless as they be, they are not without some medicinable virtues. Holland.

Love-letter (luv'let-ér), n. A letter professing love; a letter of courtship. Love-lies-bleeding (luv-liz-bled'ing), n. A plant, Amaranthus caudatus. See AMAR


Lovelily (luv'li-li), adv. In a lovely manner; amiably; in a manner to excite love. Otway. [Rare.]

Loveliness (luvli-nes), n. The state or quality of being lovely: (a) amiableness; qualities of body or mind that may excite love.

If there is such a native loveliness in the sex as to make them victorious when they are in the wrong, how resistless is their power when they are on the side of truth! Addison.

(b) Beauty; beautifulness. Loveling (luv'ling), n. A little love; a lovable being. Chapman.

Love-lock (luv'lok), n. A particular curl or lock of hair so called, worn by men of fashion in the reigns of Elizabeth and James I.; a curl or lock of hair hanging by itself or so as to appear prominently.

How, sir, will you be trimmed?... your lovelocks wreathed with a silken twist, or shaggy to fall on your shoulders? Lily. Love-lorn (luv'lorn), a. [Love and lorn.] Forsaken by one's love; forlorn, pining, or suffering from love.

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Lovely (luv'li), a. [A. Sax. luftic.] 1. Fitted to attract or excite love; possessing qualities that may invite affection; lovable; amiable; attractive. [Obsolete or obsolescent.] Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in their lives. 2 Sam. i. 23. Shak

O! he's a lovely gentleman! 2. Exciting admiration through beauty: beautiful. So lovely seem'd that landskip.' Milton. 'Indeed these fields are lovely." Tennyson.

Alive, the crooked hand of death had marr'd
Those lovely features which cold death hath spar'd.

I must instance a more unfortunate case. The epithet lovely can fitly be used only of beings capable of exciting, by their moral and physical perfec


tions, the passion of love, and at the same time of reciprocating it. That only is lovely which is both lovable and loving. In the affectation and exag. geration which so often characterizes the phraseology of polite society, this unhappy word was seized upon and generalized in its application, and it soon became the one epithet of commendation in young ladies' seminaries and similar circles, where it was and is applied indiscriminately to all pleasing material objects, from a piece of plumcake to a Gothic cathedral. Ruskin unluckily adopted this schoolgirl triviality, and, by the popularity of his writings, has made it almost universal. G. P. Marsh.

[There is no doubt that lovely, like other words, is often misapplied, but Mr. Marsh in the above extract would limit its meaning too much; it was certainly applied to inanimate objects long before Mr. Ruskin's day, as the extracts show. 1-3. † Loving; tender. Seal the title with a lovely kiss.' Shak. Lovely (luv'li), adv. So as to induce or excite love; very beautifully or pleasantly. 'Lovely fair.' Shak. 'Earth... lovely smiled. Milton.

Love-making (luvʼmāk-ing), n. Courtship; paying one's addresses to a lady.

The inquiry of truth, which is the love-making or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, the preference of it; and the belief of truth, the enjoying of it,-is the sovereign good of human nature." Bacon. Love-match (luv'mach), n. A marriage entered into for love alone.

Lovemonger (luv'mung-ger), n. One who deals in affairs of love.

Thou art an old lovemonger, and speakest skilfully. Shak.

Love-pined (luv'pind), a. Wasted by love. Lover (luv'èr), n. 1. One who loves or is attached or kindly disposed to another. 'How dear a lover of my lord your husband.' Shak. 2. One who is enamoured; a person in love: now used in the singular almost exclusively of the man, though formerly also of the woman, while the plural is still commonly used of an amorous couple.

Your brother and his lover have embraced. Shak. 3. One who likes or is pleased with anything; as, a lover of books or of science; a lover of wine; a lover of religion. Lovert (lö'ver), n. See LOUVRE. Lovered (luv'érd), a. 'So lovered. Shak. Lovery+ (lővér-i), n. The same as Louvre. And ruined house, where holy things were said,... Whose shrill saint's bell hangs in his lovery.

Having a lover.

Bp. Hall. Love-scene (luv'sen), n. A somewhat demonstrative exhibition of mutual love; a passage in a play or novel, the subject of which is a meeting between lovers.

Mind your own work, my dear,' said her husband, gently. Circe resumed a love-scene between Adèle and the tender forçat. Hannay.

Love-shaft (luv'shaft), n. A shaft or dart of love; specifically, Cupid's arrow.

A certain aim he took

At a fair vestal throned by the west,
And loosed his love-shaft smartly from his bow.


Love-sick (luv'sik), a. 1. Sick or languishing with love or amorous desire; as, a love-sick maid.

To the dear mistress of my love-sick mind. Dryden, 2. Composed by a languishing lover, or expressive of languishing love.

Where nightingales their love-sick ditty sing. Dryden. Love-sickness (luv'sik-nes), n. Sickness caused by love; languishing caused by amorous desire.

Lovesomet (luv'sum), a. Lovely. Dryden. Love-spell (luv'spel), n. A spell to induce love.

But talking of Glaucus and his attachment to this Neapolitan, reminded me of the influence of love. spells, which he, for aught I know or care, may have had exercised on him. Lord Lytton. Love-suit (luv'sūt), n. Courtship; solicitation of union in marriage.

(His) love-suit hath been to me As fearful as a siege. Shak. Love-toy (luv'toi), n. A small present from Arbuthnot. a lover. Loving (luv'ing), p. and a. 1. Entertaining a strong affection; having tender regard; fond; affectionate; as, a loving friend. 2. Expressing love or kindness; as, loving words.

Loving-cup (luyʻing-kup), n. A large cup containing wine or other liquor passed round the table from guest to guest at banquets, especially those of a ceremonious or imposing character.

Lovingkindness (luv'ing-kind-nes), n. Tender regard; mercy; favour: a scriptural


My loving kindness will I not utterly take from him. Ps. lxxxix. 33.



Lovingly (luv'ing-li), adv. With love; with affection; affectionately.

It is no great matter to live lovingly with goodnatured and meek persons. Fer. Taylor. Lovingness (luv'ing-nes), n. Affection; kind regard.

The only two bands of good-will, loveliness and lovingness. Sir P. Sidney. Low (lō), a. [O.E. law, lawe, lagh, &c.; not in A. Sax.; D. laag, Icel. lágr, Dan. lav; akin perhaps to lie, and perhaps to law. For the softening of g to w comp. law, saw, dawn, &c.] 1. Depressed below any given or imagined surface or place. Low is opposed to high, and both are relative terms. That which is low with respect to one thing may be high with respect to another. A low house would be a high fence; a low flight for an eagle would be a high flight for a partridge; the sun is low when it is not far above the horizon. 2. Not rising to the usual height; as, a man of low stature; a low tide, that is, a tide which, when full, does not rise to the usual height: different from low tide (see def. 4).-3. Deep; descending far below the adjacent ground; as, a low valley.

The lowest bottom shook of Erebus.


4. At or near the furthest point to which the sea recedes by the fall of the tide; as, low water; low tide. [When intended to be used with precision these phrases always signify the very lowest point of the tide.]5. Below the usual rate or amount, or below the ordinary value; below the probable amount; moderate; as, a low price of corn; low wages; a low estimate.-6. Not loud; as, a low voice.-7. Grave; depressed in the scale of sounds; as, a low note.-8. As applied to numbers, not expressing many units; indicative of a small number. Hence9. Near or not very distant from the equator; as, a low latitude, such latitudes being expressed by low numbers.-10. Dejected; depressed in vigour; wanting strength or animation; as, low spirits; low in spirits; to be a cup too low, that is, not to have drunk enough to be in good spirits.-11. Depressed in condition; in a state of humiliation and subjection.

Why but to keep ye low and ignorant? Milton. 12. Humble in rank; in a mean condition; as, men of high and low condition; the lower walks of life; a low class of people.-13. Mean; abject; vulgar; grovelling; base; dishonourable; as, a person of low mind; a low trick or stratagem.-14. Not elevated or sublime; not exalted in thought or diction; as, a low comparison; a low metaphor; low language.

In comparison of these divine writers, the noblest wits of the heathen world are low and dull. Felton. 15. Submissive.


And pay thee fealty With low subjection. 16. Feeble; weak; having little vital energy; as, a low pulse; he is in a low state of health. 17. Moderate; not excessive or intense; not violent; as, a low heat; a low temperature; a low fever.-18. Plain; simple; not rich, high-seasoned, or nourishing; as, a low diet. 19. Inclined to the Low Church. - Low Church. See High Church under HIGH, α. -Low Countries, the Netherlands. - Low Dutch or Low German. See DUTCH and LOW-GERMAN.-Low Latin, the Latin of the middle ages.-Low steam, steam having a low pressure or expansive force. See LowPRESSURE, a. Low Sunday, the Sunday next after Easter: so called because it was the practice of the early Christians to repeat some part of the Easter-day services on the octave of Easter. The day was a feast-day, but the contrast between the lesser rites of this day and the higher solemnities of Easter conferred on it this name. -Low water, the lowest point of the ebb or receding tide.— Low wine, a liquor produced by the first distillation of alcohol; the first run of the still.-Lower chalk, in geol. the name given to a member of the chalk formation, distinguished by the absence of flints, and by the superior hardness of the chalk, which is sometimes used for building-stone.-Lower Empire, a name sometimes given to the Roman Empire from the time of the removal of the seat of empire to Constantinople.Lower greensand, the lowest member of the chalk series. Called also Shanklin-sand and Iron-sand.

1. Not aloft; not on high; Low (lō), adv. near the ground; as, the bird flies very low. 2. Under the usual price; at a moderate price; as, he sold his wheat low. 3. In a


mean condition: in composition; as, a lowborn fellow; a low-born lass.-4. Late, or in time approaching our own.

In that part of the world which was first inhabited, even as low down as Abraham's time, they wandered with their flocks and herds. Locke.

5. With a depressed voice; not loudly; as, speak low.-6. On a low key: in composition; as, a low-set voice; a low-pitched instrument.-7. In astron. in a path near the equator, or so that the declination is small: said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution; as, the moon runs low, that is, is comparatively near the horizon when on or near the meridian. Low (lö), v. t. To sink; to depress. Swift. Low (lo), v.i. [A. Sax. hlówan, D. loeijen, Icel. hlóa, O.H.G. hlojan, to low.] To bellow, as an ox or cow.

The lowing herd winds slowly o'er the lea. Gray. Low (lo), n. The sound uttered by a bovine animal, as a bull, ox, cow; a moo. 'Talking voices and the low of herds.' Wordsworth.


Bull Jove, sir, had an amiable low. Low (lou), n. [Icel. log, logi, a flame, loga, to blaze; Dan. lue, G. lohe, a flame. Allied to A. Sax. lig, lige, a flame. For softening of g to w, see Low, a.] Flame; fire. [Scotch or northern English.]

There sat a bottle in a bole
Beyond the ingle low.


Low (lou), v. i. To flame; to blaze. [Old English and Scotch.]

A vast, unbottomed, boundless pit, Fill'd fou o' lowin' brunstane. Burns. Lowbell (lō'bel), n. [Low, a flame, and bell.] 1. A bell used in a certain kind of fowling by night, the birds being made to lie close by the sound of the bell and blinded by a light, so as to be easily taken by a net which is thrown over them.-2. A bell to be hung on the necks of sheep or other animals. This is the bell probably alluded to in Beaumont and Fletcher's 'Peace, gentle lowbell,' which probably means 'Peace, gentle sheep.' Lowbell (lo'bel), v.t. To scare, as with a lowbell.

Low-born (lō'born), a. Of mean or low birth.

Low-caste (lō'kast), a. Of a low race or caste; as, a low-caste Hindu. See CASTE. Low-churchism (lö'chèrch-izm), n. Lowchurch principles. See High Church under HIGH.

Low-churchman (lō'chêrch-man), n. One who maintains Low-church principles. See High Church under HIGH.

Lower (lō'ér), v. t. [From lower, compar. of low. Comp. Icel. lægja, to lower, from lágr, low, and also E. linger.] 1. To cause to descend; to let down; to take or bring down; as, to lower the mainsail of a sloop. 2. To reduce or humble; to make less high or haughty; as, to lower the pride of man.-3. To lessen; to diminish; to reduce, as value or amount; as, to lower the price or value of goods, or the rate of interest. Lower cheerly! (naut.) the order to lower expeditiously.Lower handsomely! (naut.) the order to lower gradually. To lower spirits, among distillers, to reduce the strength of spirits by mixing with water. SYN. To depress, sink, reduce, lessen, diminish, decrease, humble, humiliate, abase.

Lower (lō'ér), v.i. To fall; to sink; to grow less.

Lower (lou'ér), v.i. [Same word as D. loeren, to frown; L.G. luren, to look sullen; comp. also G. lauern, to lurk; E. leer; perhaps also glower.] 1. To appear dark or gloomy; to be clouded; to threaten a storm. 'And all the clouds that lowered upon our house.' Shak. "The lowering spring.' Dryden.-2. To frown; to look sullen.

But sullen discontent sat lowering on her face. Dryden. Lowert (lou'èr), n. 1. Cloudiness; gloominess.-2. A frowning; sullenness. Sidney. Lower-case (lō'èr-kās), n. In printing, (a) the case of boxes that contains the small letters of printing-type. Hence, (b) small letters of printing-type. Lower-case (lō'èr-kās), a. In printing, applied to small letters, in distinction from capitals. See the noun. Lower-class (lõ'ér-klas), a.


or having relation to persons of the poorer and humbler rank of society.

My firm belief likewise is, what I now speak of will prove to be a middle-class rather than a lower-class enfranchisement. Gladstone.

Lowered (lō'érd), p. and a. Brought down;



reduced; lessened. In her. applied to ordinaries abated from their common situation. Lowering (lou'èr-ing), p. and a. Threatening a storm; cloudy; overcast; as, a lowering sky. Loweringly (lou'èr-ing-li), adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.

Lowermost (lō'èr-mōst), a. [Irregular superl. of low.] Lowest.

Lowery (lou'ér-i), a. Cloudy; gloomy. Low-German (lő-jér’man), n. The language spoken by the dwellers in the northern and flatter parts of Germany, and in many respects nearer to Dutch or Friesic than to High German.

Low-German (lō-jér'man), a. Of or pertaining to the language known as LowGerman; also in philol. applied to that class of tongues of which Low-German is a member, and which includes in addition Dutch, Flemish, Friesic, Old Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, and English. The ancient Gothic or MosoGothic is also generally classed with the Low-German tongues.

Lowing (lō'ing), n. The bellowing or cry of cattle.

Lowland (lo'land), n. Land which is low with respect to the neighbouring country; a low or level country. The Lowlands, Belgium and Holland; the Netherlands; also, the southern parts of Scotland. Lowlander (lō'land-ér), n. An inhabitant of the Lowlands, especially of Scotland: opposed to Highlander.

Low-life (loʻlif), n. Mean or vulgar state, condition, or social position; persons of a mean or vulgar state, condition, or social position; as, all the characters are taken from low-life.

Lowlihood, Lowlihead (lo'li-hud, lo'li-hed), A humble state; meekness; humility. [Antiquated or poetical.]


The stately flower of female fortitude,

Of perfect wifehood, and pure lowlihead. Tennyson. Lowlily (lō'li-li), adv. In a lowly manner; humbly.

Lowliness (lõʻli-nes), n. The state of being lowly: (a) freedom from pride; humility; humbleness of mind.

Walk... with all lowliness and meekness. Eph. iv. 2. (b) Want of dignity; abject state; meanness. [Rare.]

Low-lived (lolīvd), a. Leading a mean life. Lowly (lo'li), a. 1. Not high; not elevated in place. The lowly lands.' Dryden.-2. Mean; low; wanting dignity or rank.

For from the natal hour distinctive names, One common right the great and lowly claims. Pope. 3. Not lofty or sublime; humble.

These rural poems and their lowly strain. Dryden. 4. Having a low esteem of one's own worth; humble; meek; free from pride.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart. Mat. xi. 29. SYN. Modest, meek, mild, humble, low, mean. Lowly (lō'li), adv. In a low manner or condition: (a) humbly; meekly; modestly. 'Be lowly wise.' Milton. (b) Without grandeur or dignity; meanly.

I will show myself highly fed and lowly taught. Shak. Lowlyhede, n. Humility. Chaucer. Low-men (lo'men), n. pl. A kind of dice so loaded as always to throw up low numbers. See FULLAM.

Lown (loun), n. [See LOON.] A low fellow; a scoundrel; a loon.


We should have both lord and lown. Lown, Lownd (loun, lound), a. [See LOUN.] Sheltered. Prof. Wilson. [Scotch.] Lowness (lō'nes), n. The state of being low: (a) the state of being less elevated than something else; as, the lowness of the ground or of the water after the ebb-tide. (b) Meanness of condition; low birth; humbleness of position. (c) Meanness of mind or character; want of dignity; as, haughtiness usually springs from lowness of mind. (d) Want of sublimity in style or sentiment: the contrary to loftiness. (e) Submissiveness; as, the lowness of obedience. (f) Depression of mind; want of courage or fortitude; dejection; as, lowness of spirits. (g) Depression in fortune; a state of poverty; as, the lowness of circumstances. (h) Depression in strength or intensity; as, the lowness of heat or temperature; lowness of zeal. (1) Depression in price or worth; as, the lowness of price or value; the lowness of the funds or of the markets. (j) Graveness of sound; as, the lowness of notes. (k) Softness of sound; mildness or gentleness of utterance; as, the lowness of the voice.


Low-pressure (lō'pre-shür), a. Having a low degree of expansive force, and consequently exerting a low degree of pressure: often applied to steam, but not with very much precision. Low-pressure engine, an engine in which steam of a low pressure is employed, or in which the pressure on the piston is never much more than two atmospheres. Formerly low-pressure engines were all condensing, and this latter property formed the distinction between highpressure and low-pressure engines, but many high-pressure engines are now condensing.

Until a short time ago all condensing engines were low-pressure, now the most efficient engines constructed are certain marine engines (designed for vessels which make long voyages), which are highpressure and condensing. Pop. Ency

Low-spirited (lo'spir-it-ed), a. Not having animation and courage; dejected; depressed; not lively or sprightly.

Low-spiritedness (lo'spir-it-ed-nes), n. Dejection of mind or courage; a state of low spirits.

Low-studded (lõ'stud-ed), a. Furnished or built with short studs; as, a low-studded house or room. Goodrich. Lowt. See LOUT.

Low-water (lo'wa-ter), a. Relating to the lowest point of the ebb or receding tide; as, the low-water mark. See WATER-MARK. Low-worm (lō'wêrm), n. In farriery, a disease in horses like the shingles. Loxa-bark (loks'a-bärk), n. A kind of Peruvian or cinchona bark, the produce of Cinchona Condaminea.

Loxarthrus (loks-är'thrus), n. [Gr. loxos, twisted, and arthron, a joint.] In med. an obliquity of a joint without dislocation or spasm, as in the case of club-foot. Loxia (loks'i-a), n. [Gr. loxos, twisted.] 1. In med. a distortion of the head toward one side; wry-neck.-2. A genus of conirostral insessorial birds, characterized by having a compressed beak, and the two mandibles so much curved that their points cross each other. The cross-bill (Loxia curvirostra) is the type of this genus. Loxiadæ, Loxiidæ (loks-i'a-dē, loks-i'i-dē), n. pl. The cross-bills, a family of conirostral birds, of which the genus Loxia is the type. Loxodon, Loxodonta (loks'o-don, loks-odon'ta), n. [Gr. loxos, oblique, and odous, odontos, a tooth.] A sub-genus of elephants, living and fossil, so called from the rhombshaped discs of the worn molars. Loxodromic (loks-o-drom'ik), a. [Gr. loxos, oblique, and dromos, a course.] Pertaining to oblique sailing, or sailing by the rhumb; as, loxodromic tables. Loxodromic curve, or line, or spiral, the path of a ship when her course is directed constantly towards the same point of the compass, in a direction oblique to the equator, so as to cut all the meridians at equal angles. It is a kind of logarithmic spiral, having properties analogous to those of the common logarithmic spiral. It always approaches the pole, but never reaches it; so that a ship, by following always the same oblique course, would continually approach nearer and nearer to the pole of the earth without ever arriving at it. See RHUMB.

Loxodromics (loks-o-drom'iks), n. The art of oblique sailing by the loxodromic or rhumb, which always makes an equal angle with every meridian.

Loxodromism (loks-od'rom-izm), n. The tracing of a loxodromic curve or line; the act of moving as if in a loxodromic curve. Loxodromy (loks-od'ro-mi), n. Loxodromics. Loxomma (loks-om'ma), n. [Gr. loxos, oblique, and omma, the eye.] A genus of fossil labyrinthodont amphibians, distinguished from the other genera of labyrinthodonts by the very oblique disposition of the long axes of the eye-orbits. Loxonema (loks-o-ne'ma), n. [Gr. loxos, oblique, and nema, a thread.] A genus of paleozoic fossil gasteropods, with pyramidal shells, so named from the striæ by which the surface of many of the species are marked.

Loxosoma (loks-o-sō'ma), n. [Gr. loxos, oblique, and soma, body.] A marine polyzoon-like animal, a connecting form between the worms, the Polyzoa, and the Brachiopoda.

Loy (loi), n. In agri, a long narrow spade used in stony lands. Farmer's Ency. Loyal (loi'al), a. [Fr. loyal, O.Fr. loial, leial, leal, from L. legalis, pertaining to law, from lex, legis, a law. Leal is another form.]


True or faithful in allegiance; devoted to the maintenance of law and order; faithful to the lawful government; faithful to a prince or superior; true to plighted faith, duty, or love; not treacherous; constant; as, a loyal subject; a loyal wife.


There Laodamia with Evadne moves, Unhappy both! but loyal in their loves. Dryden. There sat the lifelong creature of the house, Loyal, the dumb old servitor, on deck, Winking his eyes, and twisted all his face. Loyalism (loi'al-izm), n. Loyalty. Loyalist (loi'al-ist), n. A person who adheres to his sovereign or to constituted authority; particularly, one who maintains his allegiance to his prince, and defends his cause in times of revolt or revolution. Loyally (loi'al-li), adv. In a loyal manner; faithfully.

Loyalness (loi'al-nes), n. Loyalty. [Rare.] Loyalty (loi'al-ti), n. The state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to a prince or superior, or to duty, love, &c.; constancy.

He had... such loyalty to the king as the law required.


Lozel (löz'el), n. Same as Losel. Lozenge (loz'enj), n. [Fr. losange, probably the same as louange (O.Fr. losange, losenge, loange, L.L. laudemia, L. laus, praise: see LOSENGEOUR), praise; inscriptions or devices on heraldic shields, monumental slabs, &c., may have been called louanges or losanges, from their tending to the exaltation

of the personages they belonged to, and hence the term may have come to signify the objects themselves. Wedgwood suggests Sp. losa, Lang. laouzo, a slate or flat stone for paving.] 1. In geom. a figure with four equal sides, having two acute and two obtuse angles, called popularly a Diamond; a rhomb.-2. Something resembling such a figure in form: as, (a) in her. a bearing of such a shape, appropriate to the arms of spinsters and widows. (b) A small cake of sugar, &c., often medicated, originally in the form of a rhomb, but now variously shaped. (c) A small rhomb-shaped pane of glass, set in a leaden frame for a church window or house-lattice.-Lozenge mould

[blocks in formation]

Lozenge-shaped (loz'enj-shāpt), a. Having the form of a lozenge or rhomb.

Lozengy argent


Lozengy, Lozengee (loz'-
en-ji, loz'en-je), a.
her. a term used to ex-
press the field or any
armorial charge which is
divided by diagonal lines
transversely into equal
parts or lozenges of dif-
ferent tinctures.
Lu (lö), n. and v. t. Same
as Loo.

and gules. Lubbard (lub'ärd), n. A lubber. Sir W. Scott.

Lubber (lub'èr), n. [Allied to looby, lob, W. llob, an unwieldy lump, a dull fellow, llabi, a clumsy fellow, a lubber.] A heavy, clumsy fellow; a sturdy drone'; a clown; specifically, a term applied by sailors to one who does not know seamanship.

And lingering lubbers lose many a penny. Tusser. -Lubber's point (naut.), a black vertical line drawn on the inside of the case of the mariner's compass. This line, and the pin on which the card turns, are in the same vertical plane with the keel of the ship, and hence the rhumb opposite to the lubber's point shows the course of the ship at any time. The lubber's point, however, deviates from its proper position when the ship is heeled over, hence seamen do not implicitly depend upon it, as indeed its name implies. -Lubber's hole (naut.), the vacant space


between the head of a lower-mast and the edge of the top through which sailors may mount without going over the rim by the

Rigging of Ship's Top.

J. Top. gg, Lubber's holes. hh, Futtock-shrouds.

futtock-shrouds. It is considered by sailors as only fit to be used by lubbers. Lubberly (lub'er-li), a. Like a lubber; clumsy; clownish; as, a lubberly fellow or boy.

Lubberly (lub'er-li), adv. Clumsily; awkwardly.

Lubric, Lubrical (lü'brik, lū'brik-al), a. [L. lubricus, slippery, hazardous, deceitful.] 1. Having a smooth surface; slippery. 'Her lubric throat.' Crashaw.-2. Wavering; unsteady; uncertain. The deep and lubric waves of state.' Sir H. Wotton. "Thy lubrical and glibbery muse.' B. Jonson. 3. Lascivious; wanton; lewd. "This lubric and adulterate age.' Dryden. Lubricant (lü'brik-ant), a. [L. lubricans, lubricantis, ppr. of lubrico. See LUBRICATE.] Lubricating.

Lubricant (lü'brik-ant), n. That which lubricates; specifically, a substance used to diminish the friction of the working parts of machinery, as an oily or greasy substance. Lubricate (lú'brik-at), v.t. pret. & pp. lubricated; ppr. lubricating. [L. lubrico, from lubricus, slippery. ] To make smooth or slippery; to rub or supply with some substance, especially an oily or greasy substance, for the purpose of diminishing friction; as, mucilaginous and saponaceous medicines lubricate the parts to which they are applied; to lubricate the parts of a machine. Lubricate (lü'brik-at), a. Slippery. [Rare.] Lubrication (lu-brik-a'shon), n. The act of lubricating or state of being lubricated. Lubricator (lü'brik-at-ér), n. One who or that which lubricates; specifically, in mach. an oil-cup or other contrivance for supplying oil or grease to diminish the friction between rubbing surfaces. Lubricity (lu-bris'i-ti), n. The state or quality of being lubric: (a) smoothness of surface; slipperiness. (b) Aptness to glide over anything or to facilitate the motion of bodies in contact by diminishing friction. 'The lubricity of the oil.' Ray. (c) Instability; as, the lubricity of fortune. The lubricity of popular favour.' Sir H. Wotton. (d) Lasciviousness; propensity to lewdness; lewdness; lechery; incontinency. tonness and lubricity.' Dryden. Lubricous (lü'brik-us), a. Same as Lubric. Lubrifaction, Lubrification (lu-bri-fak'shon, lubri-fi-ka"shon), n. [L. lubricus, and facio, to make.] The act or operation of lubricating or of making smooth and slippery.


Lucanidæ (lu-kā'ni-dē), n. pl. [The genus Lucanus, and Gr. eidos, resemblance.] The stag-beetles, a family of lamellicorn coleopterous insects, distinguished by the very large and powerful mandibles with which the males are furnished. They live during the day in the trunks of trees and old wood, and take flight at dusk. The larvae of the European species live in the willow and the oak, and remain untransformed for several years. The common stag-beetle (Lucanus cervus) is a highly characteristic species of the group (see STAG-BEETLE), and is one of the largest of British insects. This species flies about in the evening in the middle of summer, especially round the oaks, upon the wood of which the larvæ feed. Some of the foreign genera of stag-beetles are remarkable for their brilliant colouring, such as Lamprima, an Australian group, and Chiasognathus, a curious genus from the isle of Chiloe.

[blocks in formation]

Luce (lus), n. [L. lucius, a fish supposed to be the pike.] A pike full grown: a fish used as a heraldic bearing.

The pike is the luce of heraldry. There is no earlier example borne in English heraldry than is afforded by the pikes on the arms of the family of Lucy. Moule (Heraldry of Fish). [Shakspere, Merry Wives of Windsor, i. 1, seems to allude to this.]

Lucent (lu'sent), a. [L. lucens, lucentis, ppr. of luceo, to shine. See LIGHT.] Shining; bright; resplendent. The sun's lucent orb. Milton.

Lucernt (lu'sèrn), n. [L. lucerna, from luceo, to shine.] A lamp.

Lucern (lu'sérn), n. 1. A sort of huntingdog: so called perhaps from coming from the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.

[blocks in formation]

2. An animal whose fur was formerly much in request: by some supposed to be the lynx. Written also Lusern and Luzern. The polecat, mastern, and the rich-skinned lucern I know to chase. Beau. & FL.

Lucernal (lu-sérn'al), a. [L. lucerna, a lamp.] Of or pertaining to a lamp or other artificial light. Lucernal microscope, a compound microscope upon the principle of the solar microscope, but in which the object is illuminated by a lamp or other artificial light instead of the sun's rays, the image being thrown upon a plate of ground glass connected with the instrument, or on a screen independent of it. Lucernaria (lú-ser-na'ri-a), n. [L. lucerna, a lamp.] A genus of Hydrozoa belonging to the order Lucernariadæ. The body is somewhat bell-shaped and the tentacles are arranged in tufts. They affix themselves by a slender peduncle to sea-weeds, &c., and Lucernariada (lu-ser'na-ri"a-dē), n. pl. An are phosphorescent. order of Hydrozoa, sub-class Lucernarida, including those species which have only a single polypite, are fixed by a proximal hydrorhiza, and possess short tentacles on the margin of the umbrella. The reproductive elements are developed in the primitive hydrosome without the intervention of free zooids. The genus Lucernaria may be regarded as the type. See LUCERNARIA. Lucernarida (lu-sér-nar'i-da), n. pl. A subclass of the Hydrozoa, whose hydrosome has its base developed into an umbrella, in the walls of which the reproductive organs are produced. It has been divided into three orders, Lucernariadæ, Pelagidæ, and Rhizostomidæ.

Lucerne, Lucern (lu'sèrn), n. [Perhaps from the Celtic luzu, luzuen, a herb; although against this etymology is the fact that the plant was introduced from Italy into France in the fifteenth century under the name of clauserne, out of which arose the modern French form luzerne.] The purple medick (Medicago sativa), a plant of the nat. order Leguminosa. It is a valuable pasture and forage plant, extensively cultivated in some of the chalky districts of England and France. Whether as green food or as hay for horses it is inestimable. It yields two crops in the year. Lucid (lu'sid), a. [L. lucidus, from luceo, to shine. See LIGHT.] 1. Shining; bright; resplendent; as, the lucid orbs of heaven. court compact of lucid marbles.' Tennyson.-2. Clear; transparent; pellucid; as, a lucid stream.-3. Bright with the radiance of intellect; not darkened or confused by delirium or madness; marked by the regular operations of reason; as, the lucid intervals of a deranged man.-4. Presenting a clear view; easily understood; distinct; as, a lucid order or arrangement. A singularly lucid and interesting abstract of the debate.' Macaulay.


Lucidity (lu-sid'i-ti), n. The state of being lucid; as, (a) brightness; clearness; transparency. (b) Clearness of style; quality of being easily intelligible; intelligibility.

His lucidity, his dialectic skill, and the racy and masculine style in which he wrote, made him a formidable antagonist. Buckle.


Lucidly (lu'sid-li), adv. In a lucid manner; with brightness; clearly. Lucidness (lu'sid-nes), n. The quality or state of being lucid; brightness; clearness; transparency; lucidity.

Lucifer (lu'si-fèr), n. [L. lux, lucis, light, and fero, to bring.] 1. The morning star; the planet Venus when she appears in the morning before sunrise: when Venus follows the sun, or appears in the evening, she is called Hesperus, or the evening star. The term is applied by Isaiah figuratively to a king of Babylon in his brightness and splendour.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Is. xiv. 12.

2. The prince of darkness; Satan; and hence, a person of Satanic attributes. [This use arises from an ancient belief that in the above passage from Isaiah reference was made to Satan.]

And when he falls, he falls like Lucifer,
Never to hope again.

Shak. 3. A match ignitible by friction, either on any surface which offers the requisite amount of friction, or on a specially prepared surface, usually made of a small splint of wood tipped with some explosive and inflammable substance, as a mixture of chlorate of potass and sulphuret of antimony, or more commonly of phosphorus and nitre. Called also Lucifer-match.-4. A genus of crustaceans allied to the Stomopoda. Luciferian (lú-si-feri-an), a. 1. Pertaining to Lucifer; devilish.

That all that luciferian exorcism be blotted out. Fer. Taylor. 2. Belonging to the Luciferians. Luciferian (lu-si-fe'ri-an), n. One of a sect that followed Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari, in the fourth century. They showed extreme hostility to the Arians. Luciferite (lu'si-fèr-it), n. Same as Lucife



Lucifer-match (lu'si-fér-mach), n. Same as Lucifer, 3.

Luciferous (lu-sif'er-us), a. [See LUCIFER.] Giving light; affording light or means of discovery. Boyle. [Rare.]

Luciferously (lū-sif'èr-us-li), adv. In a luciferous manner; so as to enlighten or discover. Sir T. Browne. [Rare.] Lucific (lü-sif'ik), a. [L. lux, lucis, light, and facio, to make.] Producing light. [Rare.] Luciform (lu'si-form), a. [L. lux, lucis, light, and forma, form.] Having the form of light; resembling light. [Rare.] Lucifriant (lu-sif'ri-an), a. Luciferian; satanic. Lucifrian pride.' Marston. Lucimeter (lu-sim'et-ér), n. [L. lux, lucis, light, and Gr. metron, measure.] An instrument for measuring the intensity of the light which proceeds from different bodies; a photometer.

Lucina (lu-si'na), n. 1. In Rom. myth. the goddess who presided over the birth of children, said to have been the daughter of Jupiter and Juno, but frequently confounded with Diana and Juno. 2. The moon. Chaucer.-3. A genus of bivalve molluscs, the type of the family Lucinidæ. Lucinidae (lu-sin'i-dē), n. pl. A family of lamellibranchiates whose characteristics are: an orbicular and free shell; one or two hinge-teeth; lateral teeth, one on each side or obsolete; mantle-lobes open below, with one or two siphonal orifices behind; and an elongated, cylindrical, or strap-shaped foot. Luck (luk), n. [D. luk, geluk, G. glück, fortune, prosperity. Probably allied to G. locken, to entice.] 1. That which happens to a person; an event, good or ill, affecting a man's interest or happiness, and which is deemed casual; a series of such events regarded as happening by chance; fortune; chance; accident; hap; as, good luck; ill luck. 'Good or evil luck.' Shak.-2. A favourable issue or combination of events; good fortune; success; as, an extraordinary run of luck in card-playing.

Such, how highly soever they may have the luck to be thought of, are far from being Israelites indeed. South. SYN. Chance, accident, hap, fortune. Luckily (luk'i-li), adv. In a lucky manner; fortunately; by good fortune; with a favourable issue; as, luckily, we escaped injury. Luckiness (luk'i-nes), n. The state or quality of being lucky or fortunate; good fortune; favourable issue or event; as, the luckiness of a man or of an event. Luckless (luk'les), a. Without luck; unpropitious; unfortunate; meeting with ill


success; as, a luckless gamester; a luckless maid.

Prayers made and granted in a luckless hour.

Lucklessly (luk'les-li), adv. In a luckless
manner; unfortunately; unsuccessfully.
Lucklessness (luk'les-nes), n. State of be-
ing unlucky or unfortunate.
Luck-penny (luk'pen-ni), n. A small sum
given back for luck to the payer by the per-
son who receives money under a contract
or bargain. [Scotch.]

Lucky (luk'i), a. 1. Favoured by luck; fortunate; meeting with good success; as, a lucky adventurer.-2. Producing good by chance or unexpectedly; favourable; auspicious; as, a lucky adventure; a lucky time; a lucky cast.-3. Bulky; full; superabundant; as, lucky measure. [Scotch.]-SYN. Successful, fortunate, prosperous, auspici


Lucky (luk'i), adv. Somewhat excessively; too; as, lucky severe; lucky long. [Scotch.] Lucky, Luckie (luk'i), n. [Probably the adjective. Comp. goody, goodwife, lucky-dad, lucky-minnie, and Fr. belle-mère, beau-père, &c.] An elderly woman; a grandam; goody: prefixed to a person's name; as, Lucky M'Laren. [Scotch.]

Lucky-dad, Lucky-daddie (luk'i-dad, luk'i-dad-di), n. A grandfather. [Scotch.] Lucky-minnie (luk'i-min-ni), n. A grandmother. [Scotch.]

Lucrative (lu'kra-tiv), a. [Fr. lucratif; L. lucrativus, from lucror, to gain profit, from lucrum, gain.] Yielding lucre or gain; gainful; profitable; making increase of money or goods; as, a lucrative trade; lucrative business or office.-Lucrative succession, in Scots law, a passive title whereby an heir-apparent who accepts gratuitously of a grant from his ancestor of any part, however small, of the estate to which he is to succeed as heir, is thereby subjected to the payment of all the debts of the ancestor contracted prior to the grant.

Lucratively (lu'kra-tiv-li), adv. In a lucrative manner; profitably.

Lucre (lu'kér), n. [Fr. lucre, L. lucrum, gain.] Gain in money or goods; profit: often in a bad sense, or with the sense of base or ununworthy gain.

The lust of lucre, and the dread of death. Pope. Lucriferous (lu-krif'èr-us), a. [L. lucrum, gain, and fero, to produce.] Gainful; profitable. Boyle. [Rare.]

Lucrifict (lu-krif'ik), a. [L. lucrum, gain, and facio, to make.] Producing profit; gainful.

Lucrous (lu'krus), a. Pertaining to lucre or gain.


Luctation (luk-ta'shon), n. [L. luctatio, from luctor, to wrestle or strive.] Effort to overcome in contest; struggle; contest. [Rare.]

Luctual (luk'tü-al), a. [L. luctus, grief, from lugeo, luctum, to mourn.] Producing grief.

Lucubrate (lü'kū-brāt), v.i. [L. lucubro, to study by candle-light, from obs. adj. lucuber, bringing light, from lux, light.] To study by candle-light or a lamp; to study by night. Lucubrate (lü'ku-brat), v.t. To elaborate, as by laborious night-study. Lucubration (lü-kü-bra'shon), n. [L. lucubratio. See LUCUBRATE.] 1. Study by a lamp or by candle-light; nocturnal study.-2. That which is composed, or is supposed to be composed, by night; a literary composition of any kind.

The most trifling lucubration was denominated 'a work.' W. Irving. Lucubrator (lü'kü-brat-ér), n. One who makes lucubrations. Lucubratory (lü'ku-bra-to-ri), a. Composed by candle-light or by night; pertaining to nocturnal studies.

You must have a dish of coffee and a solitary can. dle at your side, to write an epistle lucubratory to your friend. Pope.

Lucule (lú'kül), n. [From a fictive L. lucula, formed on type of macula from lux, lucis, light.] In astron. a luminous spot on the


Luculent (lü'ku-lent), a. [L. luculentus, from luceo, to shine.] 1. Lucid; clear; transparent; bright; luminous; as, luculent rivers. 2. Clear; evident; unmistakable.

The most luculent testimonies that the Christian religion hath. Hooker. Luculently (lú'kü-lent-li), adv. In a luculent manner; lucidly; clearly; luminously. Max Müller.

Lucullite (lu-kul'lit), n. [From the Roman


consul Lucullus, who so much admired its compact variety as to honour it with his name.] A sub-species of limestone, of which there are three kinds, the compact, the prismatic, and the foliated. It is often polished for ornamental purposes. Lucuma (lu-kü'ma), n. [The native Peruvian name.] A genus of plants, nat. order Sapotacea. The species are shrubs or large trees yielding a milky juice. They have leathery entire leaves, and flowers growing in clusters on the sides of the branches. L. mammosum is the common or mammee sapota. See MAMMEE-SAPOTA.

Lucy (lu'si), n.

In her. same as Luce. Ludibrioust (lü-dib'ri-us), a. [L. ludibriosus, from ludibrium, mockery, derision, from ludo, to sport.] Ridiculous; sportive; wanton. Tooker. Ludibundness (lü'di-bund-nes), n. [L. ludibundus, sportive, playful, from ludo, to sport.] Sportiveness; playfulness. Dr. H. More. [Rare.]

Ludicrous (lü'dik-rus), a. [L. ludicrus, from ludo, to play, to jest, ludus, a sport or game.] Sportive; burlesque; adapted to raise laughter, without scorn or contempt.

Plutarch quotes this instance of Homer's judgment, in closing à ludicrous scene with decency and inW. Broome.


A chapter upon German rhetoric would be in the same ludicrous predicament as Van Troil's chapter on the snakes of Iceland, which delivers its business in one summary sentence, announcing that snakes in Iceland-there are none. De Quincey.

SYN. Laughable, sportive, burlesque, comic, droll, ridiculous.

Ludicrously (lu'dik-rus-li), adv. In a ludicrous manner; sportively; in burlesque; in a manner to raise laughter without contempt. The Ludicrousness (lu'dik-rus-nes), n. state or quality of being ludicrous; sportiveness; the quality of exciting laughter without contempt.

Ludification (lu'di-fi-ka"shon), n. [L. ludificor, to make sport of-ludus, play, sport, Ludificatory (lü-dif'i-ka-to-ri), a. Making and facio, to make.] The act of deriding. sport; tending to excite derision.

In the sacraments of the Church there is nothing empty or vain, nothing ludificatory, but all thoroughly true. Barrow.

Ludlow Rocks (lud'lo roks), n. pl. In geol. a portion of the upper Silurian rocks, 2000 feet in thickness. It is composed of three groups, the lower Ludlow rock or mudstone, the Aymestry limestone, and the upper Ludlow rock. They have their name from Ludlow in Shropshire, where they are characteristically developed.

Ludus Helmontii (lu'dus hel-mon'ti-i), n. [From Jan Baptista Van Helmont, an eminent Belgian chemist and physician of the seventeenth century, who believed in the efficacy of such stones.] 1. A calcareous stone, the precise nature not known, which was used by the ancients in calculous affections.-2. An old mineralogical term for a variety of septarium in which the sparry veins were frequent and anastomosing.3. A term formerly applied to every species of calculous concretion occurring in the animal body.

Lues (lü'ěz), n. [L.] A poison or pestilence; a plague.-Lues venerea, the venereal dis


Luff (luf), n. [Goth. lofa, the palm of the hand. See LoOF.] The palm of the hand. Luff (luf), n. [D. loef, G. luf, weather-gauge; akin to A. Sax. lyft, Sc. lift, G. luft, the air, the heavens, and E. loft.] Naut. (a) the air or wind. (b) The weather-gauge or part of a ship toward the wind. (e) The sailing of a ship close to the wind. (d) The weather part of a fore-and-aft sail, or the side next the mast or stay to which it is attached. (e) The fullest and broadest part of a vessel's bow; the loof. (f) A luff-tackle (which see).-To spring her luff, to yield to the helm by sailing nearer the wind: said of a ship.-Luff upon luff, one luff-tackle applied to the fall of another to afford an increase of purchase. Luff (luf), v.i. [D. loeven, to luff.] To turn the head of a ship toward the wind; to sail near the wind. Hence, in the imperative, luff is an order to put the tiller on the lee side, in order to make the ship sail nearer the wind. Luff round, or luff a-lee, is the extreme of this movement, intended to throw the ship's head into the wind. Luffer (luf'er). A form of Louvre. Luff-hook (luf hök), n. hooks of a luff-tackle. Luff-tackle (luf'tak-1), n. Naut. a purchase composed of a double and single block, the

Naut. one of the


standing end of the rope being fastened to the single block, and the fall coming from the double; variously used as occasion may require.

Lug (lug), v. t. pret. & pp. lugged; ppr. lugging. [A. Sax. geluggian, to pull, to lug; originally perhaps to pull by the lug, ear or handle; Sw. lugga, to draw, to haul, lugg, a forelock, a lock of wool. The noun. however, may be from the verbal stem of which the sense of dragging or hanging loose was perhaps the original; A. Sax. lyccan, luccan, Dan. luge, to pluck, and E. lag may be allied.] 1. To haul; to drag; to pull with force, as something heavy and moved with difficulty. 'Will lug your priests.' Shak. Jowler lugs him still Through hedges.

2. To tear the ears of.


Thy bear is safe and out of peril,
Though lugg'd indeed, and wounded very ill.

3. To carry or convey with labour. They must divide the image amongst them, and so Ing off every one his share. Jeremy Collier. -To lug out, to draw a sword: in burlesque. Their cause they to an easier issue put, They will be heard, or they ing out and cut. Dryden. Lug (lug), v.i. To drag; to move heavily. My flagging soul flies under her own pitch,. Like fowl in air too damp, and lugs along, As if she were a body in a body. Dryden. Lug (lug), n. [See the verb.] 1. The ear. [Provincial English and Scotch.1-2. A projecting part of an object resembling the human ear; as, (a) the handle of a vessel. (b) A projecting piece in machinery, to communicate motion; specifically, a short flange by or to which something is fastened. (c) A projecting piece upon a founder's flask or mould.-3. A pliable rod or twig; a pole. Hence 4. A measure of length of 16 feet; a pole or perch.

Lug (lug), n. A lugworm (which see). Luggage (lugaj), n. [From the verb lug.] 1. Anything cumbersome and heavy to be carried. What do you mean

To dote thus on such luggage!

2. A traveller's packages or baggage.


[merged small][graphic][subsumed][merged small]


In order, on the clean hearthstane, The luggies three are ranged. Lugmark (lug'märk), n. A mark cut in the ear of an animal, as a sheep or dog, to identify it.

Lug-sail (lug'sal), n. [Perhaps from the upper corner of the sail forming a kind of lug.] A square sail bent upon a yard that hangs obliquely to the mast at one-third of its length.

Lugubriosity (lü-gü'bri-os"i-ti), n. Same as Lugubriousness.

Lugubrious (lü-gü'bri-us), a. [L. lugubris,

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