Imágenes de páginas


maculatum, from macula, a spot.] To spot; to stain; to blur.

Maculate (mak'u-lát), a. Marked with spots; blotted; hence, defiled; impure.

My love is most immaculate white and red.-Most maculate thoughts, master, are masked under such colours. Shak.

Maculation (mak-u-la'shon), n. The act of spotting; a spot; a stain.

I will throw my glove to Death himself, That there's no maculation in thy heart. Shak. Maculature (mak'ü-la-tür), n. 1. A sheet blotted in printing.-2. Blotting-paper. Macule (mak'ül), n. 1. A spot.-2. In printing, a blur causing the impression of a page to appear double.

Macule (mak'ül), v.t. To maculate; to blur; especially, in printing, to blur so as to cause an impression to appear double. Maculose (mak'u-lõs), a. Of or belonging to spots; spotted: maculated. Mad (mad), a. [O. E. made, maad, A.Sax.mad, gemoed, mad; allied to Goth. gamaids, weak, impotent; 0.H.G. gameit, blunt, dull; Icel. meida, to hurt.] 1. Disordered in intellect; distracted; crazy; insane: said of persons. 2. Furious from disease or otherwise: said of animals; as, a mad dog; a mad bull.3. Extravagant in feeling or action; under the influence of some powerful and uncontrollable emotion; as (a) beside one's self; frantic; angry; enraged; furious.

And being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them, even unto strange cities. Acts xxvi. 11. (b) Wildly frolicsome. 'How now, mad wag? Shak. (c) Excited with violent and unreasonable passion or desire; infatuated. The world is running mad after farce, the extremity of bad poetry. Dryden.

4. Proceeding from or indicating madness; expressing distraction; prompted by infatuation or fury.

Mad wars destroy in one year the works of many years of peace. Franklin.

-Like mad, madly; furiously. [Colloq.] A bear, enraged at the stinging of a bee, ran like mad into the bee-garden, and overturned all the hives. Sir R. L'Estrange. SYN. Deranged, delirious, crazy, insane, distracted, infatuated, frantic, frenzied, furious, raging, enraged, exasperated. Mad (mad), v.t. To make mad, furious, or angry; to madden.

Had I but seen thy picture in this plight, It would have madded me. Shak Mad, Made (mad, mad), n. [A. Sax. matha,

mathu, a worm, a maggot, Sc. made, mathe, a maggot, Goth. matha, G. made.] 1. A maggot or grub.-2. An earthworm. Madam (madam), n. [Fr. ma, my, and dame, lady, from L. mea domina, in same sense.] Lit. my lady: (a) a term of compliment used in address to ladies of every degree, but chiefly given to married and elderly ladies. (b) A term applied to a lady in general, especially with a slight shade of disrespect; as, she's a proud madam; city madams. In colloquial language it is generally contracted into Ma'am. Madame (ma-däm), n. pl. Mesdames (madam) [Fr.] Madam; ladyship: a title of respect for a married lady. Madapollam (mad-a-pol'lam), n. [From Madapollam, a town in India, province Madras, near which it was first manufactured.] A fine long cloth for the Eastern markets.

Mad-apple (mad'ap-l), n. A tropical plant or its fruit, of the genus Solanum, the S. insanum or melongena, the fruit of which is boiled in soups and sauces. Called also Egg-apple, Jews'-apple. See SOLANUM. Madarosis (mad-a-ro'sis), n. [Gr., a making bald, from madaros, bald.] Loss of the hair, particularly of the eyelashes. Mad-brain, Mad-brained (mad'bran, mad'brand), a. Disordered in mind; hot-headed; rash.

I must, forsooth, be forced To give my hand opposed against my heart Unto a mad-brain rudesby full of spleen. Shak. Mad-brain (mad'bran), n. A rash or hot headed person; a hare-brained individual; as, he's a regular mad-brain.

Mad-bred (mad bred), a. Bred in madness or passion. Shak.

Madcap (mad'kap), n. [Mad and cap; comp. the phrase 'A bee in one's bonnet.'] A rash, hot-headed person; a person of wild or eccentric behaviour; a flighty or harebrained person; one who indulges in frolics; a mad-brain.

Why, what a madcap hath heaven lent us here!


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Well, I could not a-think what could make so shy an' resarved a gentleman as Mr. Aram admit these 'ere wild madcaps like at that hour. Lord Lytton. Madcap (mad'kap), a. Pertaining to or resembling a madcap. 'The madcap Prince of Wales.' Shak.

Madde,t v.i. To be mad. Chaucer. Madden (mad'n), v.t. To make mad; to craze; to excite with violent passion; to enrage.

Madden (mad'n), v.i. To become mad; to act as if mad.


They rave, recite, and madden round the land. Madder (mad'ér), n. [A. Sax. mæddere, madder.] A plant of the genus Rubia, R. tinetorum, nat. order Rubiaceae. It is a climbing perennial plant, with whorls of dark green leaves, and small yellowish crossshaped flowers. The prepared root is used as a red dye-stuff. It yields colours of the greatest permanence, and is employed for dyeing linen and cotton red. Two kinds of it are fixed upon cotton; one is simply called madder-red, and the other, which possesses a much higher degree of lustre and fixity, is called Turkey or Adrianople

Madder Plant (Rubia tinctorum).

red, because it was for a long time obtained entirely from the Levant, where it was called alizara. The colouring principle of madder is termed alizarine.-Madder-lake or madder-carmine, a red pigment made by washing madder with cold water, boiling the residue with a solution of one part of alum in twelve of water, and precipitating the decoction gradually with carbonate of soda or with borax. Madder-yellow, madderorange, and madder-purple, are the names of other pigments prepared from madder. The use of madder in dyeing is now almost entirely superseded by that of artificial aliMadder (mad'ér), v.t. To dye with madder. zarine (which see). Madder (mad'èr), v.i. To perform the proMadding (mad'ing), a. Raging; furious; cess of dyeing with madder.


[blocks in formation]

Made (mad), pret. & pp. of make.
Made (mad), a. [Allied to mad (which see).]
Fatigued; exhausted. [Scotch.] Written
also Maid, Mait, Mate.

Madecass, Madecassee (mad'e-kas, mad-ekas'ē), n. A native or inhabitant of Madagascar.

Madecassee (mad-e-kas'ē), a. Belonging to Madagascar.

Madefaction (mad-e-fak'shon), n. [L. madefactio, madefactionis-madeo, to be wet, and facio, to make.] The act of making wet. Madefication (mad'e-fi-ka"shon), n. Act of making wet. Bailey.

Madefy (mad'e-fi), v.t. [Fr. madefier, L. madefacio, to make wet.] To make wet or moist; to moisten. [Rare.] Madegassy (mad-e-gas'i), n. and a. as Madecassee.

Madeira (ma-de'ra), n. on the isle of Madeira.


A rich wine made

Madeira-nut (ma-de'ra-nut), n. A species of walnut with a thin shell, from the island of Madeira.

Madeline-pear (mad'el-in-par), n. A pear. Called also St. John's Pear-in France Poire de St. Jean.

Madel-paroowa (mad'el-pa-ru'wa), n. A boat used in Ceylon for fishing, chiefly close inshore and on the lakes of the interior, sometimes covered with a bamboo roof, when it takes the name of padji. Mademoiselle (mad-mwä-zel), n. [Fr. ma, my, and demoiselle, damsel. See DAMSEL.] The title given to a young unmarried lady in France; miss. In ancient usage, mademoiselle was a title distinctively applied to the eldest daughter of the king's brother; also, a title formerly given to all married women not of noble origin.


Madge, Madge-howlet (maj, maj-hou'let), n. [Comp. magpie.] An owl.

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I'll sit in a barn with madge-howlet, and catch mice first. B. Jonson. Mad-headed (mad'hed-ed), a. Hot-brained; rash. Out, you mad-headed ape!' Shak. Madhouse (mad'hous), n. A house where insane persons are confined for cure or for restraint; a lunatic asylum; a bedlam. Madia (ma'di-a), n. [Chilian madi, the native name of the first observed species.] A genus of viscous hairy yellow-flowered composite plants inhabiting South America and California. The seeds of M. sativa yield a fixed oil of excellent quality. Madid (mad'id), a. [L. madidus, wet, from madeo, to be wet.] Wet; moist.

His large deep-blue eye, madid and yet piercing, showed that the secretions of his brain were apportioned, half to voluptuousness, half to common sense. Disraeli. Madisterium (mad-i-ste'ri-um), n. [Gr. madisterion.] A surgical instrument for extracting hairs; a pair of tweezers. Madjoun (mad'jun), n. An intoxicating drug, made by the Turks from the pistils of the flowers of the hemp plant, ground and mixed in honey, with powdered cloves, nutmegs, and saffron. Written also Majoun. In a mad manner; as, Madly (mad'li), adv. (a) without reason or understanding. (b) Frantically; furiously. (c) With extreme folly or infatuated zeal or passion. Madman (mad'man), n. 1. A man raving or furious with disordered intellect; a distracted man; a lunatic; a crazy person.

When a man mistakes his thoughts for persons and things, he is mad. A madman is properly so defined. Coleridge. 2. One inflamed with extravagant passion, and acting contrary to reason. Madness (mad'nes), n. The state or quality of being mad: (a) a state of disordered reason or intellect; lunacy; distraction. There are degrees of madness as of folly. Locke. (b) Extreme folly; headstrong passion and rashness that act in opposition to reason; ungovernable fury or rage; as, the madness of a mob; the madness of despair. The cruel madness of love.' Tennyson.-SYN. Distraction, derangement, delirium, craziness, insanity, lunacy, mania, frenzy, franticness, rage, fury.

Madonna (ma-don'a), n. [It. madonna, from L. mea domina, my lady.] An Italian term of address equivalent to Madam. It is given specifically to the Virgin Mary, like Our Lady in English, and hence pictures representing the Virgin are generally called madonnas.

Madoqua (mad'o-kwa), n. A very tiny antelope of Abyssinia (Antilope saltiana or Neotragus saltiana), about as large as a good-sized hare, and with legs of about the thickness of a lady's finger. Madrepora (mad-re-po'ra), n. See MAD



Madreporal (mad-re-po'ral), a. Of or belonging to madrepores; consisting of madrepores.

Madreporaria (mad' re-pō-ra"ri-a), n. pl. An order of Coelenterates, sub-class Anthozoa or Actinozoa. It includes several families, to which belong all the reef-building or stone corals (Lithocorallia), or sclerodermic corals (Zoantharia Sclerodermica). The Linnæan Lithophyta included also the gorgonias and other sclerobasic corals. Madrepore (mad're-pōr), n. [Fr.; It. madrepora, from madre, mother, and Gr. poros, a kind of stone. Others suggest Fr. madré, spotted, and pore, a pore.] A coral-building

polype of the genus Madrepora, the type of the family Madreporida, having twelve short tentacles and a polypidom of stony hardness and of a spreading or branching form. The term, however, is more generally applied to the polypidom itself than to the polype, and in this sense is equivalent to coral. Madrepore consists of carbonate of lime with traces of animal matter, and is formed by gradual deposition in the tissues of the compound polype, so that in course of time the whole presents the appearance of a number of polypes supported on an extraneous body. When the animal matter has been removed, madrepore is of a white colour wrinkled on the




surface and full of little cavities, in each of which an individual polype was lodged; the radiating septa of the cavities corresponding to the internal divisions of the animal. Madrepores raise up walls and reefs of coral rocks with astonishing rapidity in tropical climates. The term is often applied to other branching corals than those of the genus Madrepora. See MADREPORARIA. Madreporida (mad-rē-pō'ri-dē), n. pl. The madrepore family. See MADREPORE. Madreporiform (mad-ré-pō'ri-form), a. In zool. perforated with small holes like a coral; specifically, applied to the tubercle by which the ambulacral system of the echinoderms mostly communicate with the exterior. Madreporite (mad'rë-pō-rīt), n. 1. A variety of limestone, so called on account of its occurring in radiated prismatic concretions resembling the stars of madrepores. When rubbed it emits the smell of sulphuretted hydrogen gas.-2. Fossil madrepore. Madrier (mad-rĕr' or mad'ri-er), n. [Fr.] In milit. engin. (a) a thick plank armed with iron plates, with a cavity to receive the mouth of a petard, with which it was applied to anything intended to be broken down. See PETARD. (b) A plank lined with tin and covered with earth to form roofs over certain portions of military works, in order to afford protection against fires in lodgments, &c. (c) A plank used for supporting the earth in a mine, or in a moat or ditch to support a wall.

Madrigal (mad'ri-gal), n. [Fr. Sp. and Pg. madrigal; It. madrigale, older It. madriale, mandriale, from L. and Gr. mandra, a sheepfold, or any place for sheep and shepherds to take shelter in; and thus madrigal was originally applied to the shepherd's song] 1. A little amorous poem, consisting of not less than three or four stanzas or strophes, and containing some tender and delicate, though simple thought, suitably expressed. The strophes are generally connected together by rhymes, though this is not absolutely necessary, and indeed the term is used with a certain amount of looseness. The madrigal was first cultivated in Italy, and those of Tasso are among the finest specimens of Italian poetry. Several English poets of the time of Elizabeth and the Charleses wrote madrigals of notable grace and elegance, the chief names being Lodge, Withers, Carew, and Suckling.2. An elaborate vocal composition now commonly of two or more movements, and in five or six parts. The musical madrigal was at first a simple song, but afterwards was suited to an instrumental accompaniment. There are a number of famous English composers of madrigals.

Madrigalist (mad'ri-gal-ist), n. A composer of madrigals. Dr. Burney. Madrilenian (mad-ri-lē'ni-an), a. belonging to Madrid.

Of or

Madrilenian (mad-ri-lē'ni-an), n. A native or inhabitant of Madrid. Madrissa. See MEDRISSA.

Madwort (mad'wèrt), n. The common name of several plants, chiefly of the genus Alyssum, so called because they were formerly used as a remedy in canine madness. Mae (ma). [A. Sax. ma, more, O. E. moe, ma.] More. [Scotch.] Mægbote, Magbotet (mag'bōt), n. [A. Sax. kinsman, and bote, compensation.] An mag. ancient term signifying compensation for the slaughter of a kinsman. Maelstrom (mal'strom),n. Lit. mill-stream; a celebrated whirlpool on the coast of Norway, near the island of Moskoe.

It is very

dangerous in winter, especially when the north-west wind restrains the reflux of the tide. At such times the whirlpool rages violently, so as to be heard several miles, and to engulf small vessels which approach it. Mænura, n. See MENURA.

Maer, Maor, n. [Gael maor, maoir, an under-bailiff.] Anciently in Scotland a steward of the royal lands under the mormaer or great steward. See MORMAER. Maestoso (mä-es-to'zō). [It., majestic.] A direction in music to play with grandeur and strength.

Maestricht Beds (ma'strikt bedz), n. pl. The name given by geologists to the uppermost member of the cretaceous group of the Meuse valley, from Maestricht, a town of the Netherlands. These beds are marine, and composed of a soft yellowish-white limestone resembling chalk, and containing flint nodules, belemnites, hamites, hippurites, baculites, &c.


Maestro (ma-es'trō), n. [It.] A master of any art; specifically, a master in music; a composer.

Mafeie. [0. Fr., my faith.] By my faith. Chaucer.

Mafflet (maf'l), v.i. [Probably an imitative word. Comp. O.D. maffelen, moffelen, to move the jaws, to stammer, Prov. G. maffeln, baffeln, to prattle; E. faffle, to stammer.] To stammer. Holland. Mafflert (maflèr), n. A stammerer. Magazine (mag-a-zēn'), n. [Fr. magasin, a storehouse, Sp. magacen, almagacen, from Ar. al-makhzen, a storehouse, a warehouse, from khazana, to store.] 1. A receptacle in which anything is stored; a warehouse; a storehouse; specifically, (a) a strong building, constructed generally of brick or stone, for storing in security large quantities of gunpowder or other explosive substances, and warlike stores, either for industrial or military purposes, (b) The close room in the hold of a man-of-war where the gunpowder is kept. (c) The cartridge chamber of a magazine rifle (which see). (d) The fuel chamber of a magazine stove (see below). A magazine of all necessary provisions.' Raleigh. 2. A pamphlet periodically published, containing miscellaneous papers or compositions. The first publication of this kind in England was the Gentleman's Magazine, which was first published in 1731 by Edward Cave, under the name of Sylvanus Urban, and which is still continued, though its character is now entirely changed.-Magazine cartridge-box, a cartridge-box in which the cartridges are so arranged that they can easily be got at when wanted for loading.-Magazine rifle, a rifle containing a supply of cartridges, which are automatically fed to the chamber at the rear end of the barrel. -Magazine stove, a stove containing a fuelchamber from which the fire is automatically fed with coal as that in the grate burns


Magazine (mag-a-zēn'), v.t. To store up or accumulate for future use.

Magazine (mag-a-zēn'), v.i. To conduct or edit a magazine.

Of magazining chiefs, whose rival page
With monthly medley courts the curious age.
The day

Magazine-day (mag-a-zēn'dā), n.
on which monthly and other serial publi-
cations are published and supplied to the

Magaziner, Magazinist (mag-a-zen'èr, mag-a-zen'ist), n. One who writes in a magazine. If a magaziner be dull.' Goldsmith. Magbote (mag'bōt). See MEGBOTE. Magdalen (mag'da-len), n. [From Mary Magdalene, who has been supposed to be the woman mentioned in St. Luke vii. 36-50.] A reformed prostitute; an inmate of a female penitentiary.- Magdalen hospital or Magdalen asylum, a house or establishment into which prostitutes are received with a view to their reformation; a female penitentiary.

Magdaleon (mag-dālē-on), n. [Gr. magdalia, the crumb or soft part of bread, from massō, to knead.] In med. (a) a medicine, as a pill, prepared with bread crumb. (b) A roll of plaster. Dunglison. Magdeburg Hemispheres (mag'dē-bérg he'mi-sferz), n. pl. [From having been first constructed by Otto Guericke of Magdeburg.] An apparatus for ascertaining the amount of the atmospheric pressure on a given surface. It consists of two hollow brass hemispheres, furnished with handles, and so formed that when placed mouth to mouth they shall be in air-tight contact. In this state the air is exhausted from the inside by means of the air-pump, when it will be found that the hemispheres adhere together with considerable force, owing to the pressure of the atmosphere on their external surfaces. If, then, the area of the section of the sphere through the centre be known, and the force required to pull the hemispheres asunder be ascertained, the pressure exerted by the atmosphere on a square inch of surface may be found, supposing the exhaustion of the hemispheres to be complete. The atmospheric pressure, however, is much more accurately ascertained by the barometer.

Mage (maj), n. [L. magus, from Gr. magos, a Magian, from Per. mag, a priest-probably from same root as L. magnus, Gr. megas, great.] A magician. Spenser.

And there I saw mage Merlin, whose vast wit
And hundred winters are but as the hands
Of loyal vassals toiling for their liege. Tennyson.


Magellanic (mag-el-lan'ik), a. Pertaining to Magellan, the celebrated Portuguese navigator. Magellanic clouds, three conspicuous whitish nebulæ, of a cloud-like appearance, near the south pole. Magenta (ma-jen'ta), n. A brilliant bluered colour derived from coal-tar. It was so named because it was discovered in 1859, the year of the battle of Magenta. Called also Fuchsine.

Magg (mag), v.t. [The most probable explanation of the word is that it is Gypsy slang, and allied to Hind. makr, fraud, makkar, a cheat, a knave.] To steal; to carry off clandestinely. [Low slang.] Magg (mag), n. 1. A cant word for a halfpenny.-2. pl. The gratuity which servants expect from those to whom they drive any goods. [Scotch.]

Maggimonifeet (mag-gi-mon'i-fēt), n. [Maggy many feet.] A centipede. [Scotch.} Maggiore (maj-jō'rā), a. [Ît.] In music, major, as a scale or interval. Maggot (mag'ot), n. [Probably from W. macai, pl. maceiod, magiod, a maggot or grub, from magu, to breed.] 1. The larva of a fly or other insect; a grub; a worm. 2. A whim; an odd fancy; a crotchet. The maggot born in an empty head.' Tennyson. Maggotiness (mag'ot-i-nes), n. The state of being maggoty or of abounding with maggots.

Maggotish (mag'ot-ish), a. Maggoty; whimsical.

Maggoty (magʻot-i), a. 1. Full of or infested with maggots.-2. Capricious; whimsical. A maggoty unsettled head.' Norris. Maggoty-headed (mag'ot-i-hed-ed),a. Having a head full of whims.

The philo

Magi (ma'ji), n. pl. [L. magus; Gr. magos, a Magian. See MAGE.] The caste of priests among the ancient Medes and Persians; hence holy men or sages of the East. Magian (mā'ji-an), a. Pertaining to the Magi. The magian superstition of two independent Beings.' Bp. Watson. Magian (ma'ji-an), n. One of the caste of the Persian Magi; one of the priests of the Zoroastrian religion. Their knowledge was deemed to be supernatural. Magianism (ma'ji-an-izm), n. sophy or doctrines of the Magi. Magic (maj'ik), n. [L. magicus, pertaining to sorcery, from magia, Gr. mageia, the theology of the Magians, magic. See MAGE.] 1. The art or pretended art or science of putting into action the power of spirits; or the science, art, or practice of producing wonderful effects by the aid of superhuman beings or of departed spirits, or the occult powers of nature; sorcery; enchantment; necromancy. If she in chains of magic were not bound.' Shak.-2. Power or influence similar to that of enchantment; as, the magic of love. -Natural magic, the art of applying natural causes to produce surprising effects.

The writers of natural magic attribute much to the virtues that come from the parts of living creatures, as if they did infuse immaterial virtue into the part severed. Bacon.

-Celestial magic attributes to spirits a kind of dominion over the planets, and to the planets an influence over men.-Superstitious or geotic magic consists in the invocation of devils or demons, and supposes some tacit or express covenant or agreement between them and human beings. Magic (maj'ik), a. 1. Pertaining to magic; used in magic; as, a magic wand; magic art. 'Magic verses.' Shak.

Lend thy hand

And pluck my magic garment from me. Shak. 2. Using or having power to use magic. 'The magic prophetess.' Waller.-3. Working or worked by or as if by magic.-[Magic differs from magical chiefly in the fact that it is not used predicatively. Thus we do not say the effect was magic. Moreover we do not speak of a magical lantern. See MAGICAL.]-Magic square, a square figure formed by a series of numbers in mathematical proportion, so disposed in parallel and equal ranks as that the sums of each row or line taken perpendicularly, horizontally, or diagonally are equal.-Magic lantern, a kind of lantern invented by Kircher, by of which small images are represented on the wall of a dark room or on a white sheet, magnified


2 7




4 3 8

Magic Square.



to any size at pleasure. It consists of a closed lantern or box, in which are placed a lamp and a concave mirror (as at A), which reflects the light of the lamp through the small hole of a tube in

the side of the lantern, which is made to draw out. At the end of this tube, next to the lamp, is fixed a plano-convex lens (B), and at the other a doubleconvex lens (D). Between the two lenses are successively placed (at c) various slips of glass, with transparent paintings, representing vari

Magic Lantern.

ous subjects, which are thrown in a magnified form on the wall or screen opposite to the lantern and spectators.

Magical (maj'ik-al), a. 1. Pertaining to magic; proceeding from magic; having supernatural qualities; as, magical powers or arts. "The magical shield of your Ariosto.' Dryden.-2. Acting or produced as if by magic; as, the effect of the restorative was magical. His name, that magical word of war.' Shak.-3. Having the power of using magic: said of persons. Sir T. Herbert. [For distinction between Magical and Magic see MAGIC, a.]

Magically (maj'ik-al-li), adv. In a magical manner; by the arts of magic. A ring magically prepared.' Camden. Magician (ma-ji'shan), n. One skilled in magic; an enchanter; a necromancer. Shak. Magilp, Magilph (ma-gilp', ma-gilf'), n. A gelatinous compound used by artists as a vehicle for colours. It is produced by mixing linseed-oil and mastic varnish together. Written also Megilp, Megilph.

Magilus (maj'il-us), n. A genus of gasteropodous molluscs, containing only one species (M. antiquus), which lives in masses of coral. The shell is at first an ordinary spiral, but as the coral grows it is prolonged into a tube directed outward to the surface of the coral, so that the animal may always be in contact with the surface of the water. The tube may be 3 feet long, the lower part being filled with calcareous matter. Magister (ma-jis'tèr), n. [L., from mag, root of magnus, great, as minister from min, root of minor, less.] Master; sir; an appellation given in the middle ages to persons of scientific or literary distinction, equivalent to the modern title of Doctor. Magisterial (maj-is-te'ri-al), a. [See MAGISTRATE.] 1. Pertaining to a master; such as suits a master; authoritative; proud; lofty; arrogant; imperious; domineering. Pretences go a great way with men that take fair words and magisterial looks for current payment. Sir R. L'Estrange. 2. Of or belonging to a magistrate or his office; of the rank of a magistrate.

The third estate consisted of 578, and of these only 32 were clerical, noble, or magisterial.


3. In chem. pertaining to magistery (which see)-Magisterial, Dogmatic, Arrogant. Magisterial applies to the manner of saying or doing a thing-assuming the tone and gesture of a superior or master. Dogmatic characterizes the temper and manner of saying something: we are not dogmatic from any exaggerated idea of our own importance, but because we have implicit faith in the truth of what we say, and imagine that others should naturally be in the same way of thinking. Arrogant implies the assumption of more than due authority from an over-estimate of one's importance.

He uses a magisterial authority while he instructs him. South.


A dogmatic spirit inclines a man to be censorious of his neighbours. An arrogant way of treating with other princes and states is natural to popular governments.

Sir W. Temple.. SYN. Authoritative, lofty, imperious, proud, haughty, domineering, despotic, arrogant. Magisterially (maj-is-te'ri-al-li), adv. In a magisterial manner: (a) with the air of a master; arrogantly; authoritatively. (b) In the capacity of a magistrate. Magisterialness (maj-is-te'ri-al-nes), n. The state or quality of being magisterial; the air and manner of a master; haughtiness; imperiousness; peremptoriness.

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Magistery (maj'is-tér-i), n. [L. magisterium, the office of a master or guide.] 1. A magisterial injunction; a command which can be enforced. [Rare.]

This last was not a magistery, but a mere command. Brougham.

2. In chem. a term formerly given to various extracts or preparations, especially to certain precipitates, as that seen when water is added to a solution of bismuth in nitric acid. 3. Any kind of medicine or remedial agency claiming to be of exceptional efficacy; a magistral.

Magistracy (maj'is-tra-si), n. [See MAGISTRATE.] 1. The office or dignity of a magistrate.-2. The body of magistrates.


That enlightened, eloquent, sage, and profound body, the Magistracy of London. Magistral (maj'is-tral), a. 1. Suiting a magistrate; magisterial; authoritative.-2. † Pertaining to a sovereign medicine or remedy. 'Some magistral opiate.' Bacon.-Magistral line. See MAGISTRAL, n. 2. Magistral (maj'is-tral), n. 1. A sovereign medicine or remedy.-2. In fort. the line where the scarp of a permanent fortification, if prolonged, would intersect the top of the coping or cordon. It is the master line, which regulates the form of the work. Called also Magistral Line.-3. The roasted and pulverized copper of pyrites added to the ground ores of silver for the purpose of decomposing the horn-silver present. Magistrality+ (maj-is-tral'i-ti), n. Despotic authority, as in the matter of opinion. "Those who seek truths, and not magistrality.' Bacon.

Magistrally + (maj'is-tral-li), adv. Authoritatively; magisterially. Bramhall. Magistrand (maj-is-trand'), n. [L.L. magistrandus, from magistro, signifying in mediaval Latin to make a master (as in arts) of, to confer a university degree upon, from magister, a master.] A designation given in the University of Aberdeen to a student in arts in the last year of his curriculum. Magistrate (maj'is-trat), n. [L. magistratus, a magistrate, from magister, a master. See MAGISTER.] A public civil officer invested with the executive government or some branch of it. In this sense a king is the highest or first magistrate in a monarchy, as is the president in a republic. But the word is more particularly applied to subordinate officers, to whom the executive power of the law is committed, either wholly or in part, as governors, intendants, prefects, mayors, justices of the peace, and the like. In England the term is usually restricted to justices of peace in the country, and to police and stipendiary magistrates in London and the larger towns; and in Scotland to the provost and bailies in burghs.

The obvious definition of a monarchy seems to be that of a state, in which a single person, by whatsoever name he may be distinguished, is intrusted with the execution of the laws, the management of the revenue, and the command of the army. But, unless public liberty is protected by intrepid and vigilant guardians, the authority of so formidable a magistrate will soon degenerate into despotism. Gibbon. Magistratic (maj-is-trat'-ik), a. Of or pertaining to a magistrate; having the authority of a magistrate. Magistratic or ecclesiastic power and order.' Jer. Taylor. Magistratical (maj-is-trat'ik-al), a. Same as Magistratic. Godwin. [Rare.] Magistrature (maj' is-trat-ür), n. Magistracy. [Rare.]

Magma (mag'ma), n. [Gr., a mass, salve, dregs, from root mag, to knead.] 1. The generic name of any crude mixture of mineral or organic matters in a thin pasty state. 2. In med. (a) the thick residuum obtained after expressing certain substances to extract the fluid parts from them. (b) The grounds which remain after treating a substance with water, alcohol, or any other menstruum. (c) A salve of a certain degree of consistence.-3. A confection.

Magna Charta (mag'na karta), n. [L., great charter.] 1. The great charter of the liberties (Magna Charta Libertatum) of England, signed and sealed by King John in a conference between him and his barons at Runnymede, June 19, 1215. Its most important articles are those which provide that no freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or proceeded against except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land, and that no scutage or aid should be imposed in the kingdom (except certain feudal dues from tenants of the crown), unless by the common

n, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;


council of the kingdom. The remaining and greater part of the charter is directed against abuses of the king's power as feudal superior. The charter granted by Henry III. is only a confirmation of that of his father King John. Hence-2. A fundamental constitution which guarantees rights and privileges.

Magnality+ (mag-nal'i-ti), n. Something great; a great or striking deed or feat. Sir T. Browne.

Magnanimity (mag-na-nim'i-ti), n. [L. magnanimitas. See MAGNANIMOUS.] The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquillity and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest, and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.



Sir Thomas Elyot (1535) speaks of the now familiar words frugality, temperance, 'sobriety,' and magnanimity, as being not in his day in general use; magnanimity, however, is in Chaucer. Magnanimous (mag-nan'im-us), a. [L. magnanimus-magnus, great, and animus, mind.] 1. Great of mind; elevated in soul or in sentiment; raised above what is low, mean, or ungenerous; brave; dauntless; heroic; as, a magnanimous prince or general.-2. Dictated by magnanimity; exhibiting nobleness of soul; liberal and honourable; not selfish.

There is an indissoluble union between a magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity. Washington.

Magnanimously (mag-nan'im-us-li), adv. In a magnanimous manner; with greatness of mind; bravely; with dignity and elevation of sentiment.

A complete and generous education fits a man to perform justly, skilfully, and, magnanimously, all the offices of peace and war. Milton. Magnase (mag'nās), a.

A term applied to an excellent black colour, which dries rapidly.

Magnase black is the best of all blacks for drying in oil without addition, or preparation of the oil; it is a colour of vast body and tingeing power. Weale.

Magnate (mag'nāt), n. [L. magnates (pl.) from magnus, great.] 1. A person of rank; a noble or grandee; a person of note or distinction in any sphere; as, a literary magnate.

More than one of the magnates who bore that wide-spread name. Macaulay. Specifically-2. One of the nobility or persons of rank forming the House of Magnates in the national representation of Hungary. Magnes, Magnes-stonet (mag'něz, magnēz-stón), n. [L., from Gr. magnēs.] A magnet.

On thother syde an hideous rocke is pight Of mightie magnes-stone. Spenser. Magnesia (mag-ne'shi-a), n. [From Magnesia in Asia Minor, whence also magnet, L. magnēs. Pliny describes a white kind of magnes which did not attract iron, and which is conjectured to have been carbonate of magnesia.] Oxide of magnesium. It is a white tasteless earthy substance, possessing alkaline properties, and having a sp. gr. of 2.3. It is absorbent, antacid, and mildly cathartic. It is almost insoluble. It is found native in the state of hydrate and carbonate, and exists as a component part of several minerals. In com. pure magnesia is generally distinguished by the term calcined magnesia, and is readily obtained by exposing its hydrated carbonate to a red heat. The hydrated carbonate goes by the name of magnesia, or magnesia alba. The chief use of magnesia and its carbonate is in medicine. Sulphate of magnesia is known by the name of Epsom-salt, having been first obtained from a spring at Epsom. It is a useful purgative medicine, and is also employed in the preparation of magnesia and its carbonate. Magnesian (mag-ne'shi-an), a. Pertaining to or partaking of the qualities of magnesia; containing or resembling magnesia.-Magnesian limestone, (a) properly, a rock composed of carbonates of lime and magnesia, the latter amounting in some cases to nearly a half. There are several varieties, more or less useful for building or ornamental purposes, which are included under the generic term dolomite (which see). (b) A name frequently given to the whole Permian for

w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


mation, from the above rock being very largely developed in it. Magnesite (mag'nes-it), n. A term which at first included two distinct species of minerals, viz. sepiolite or meerschaum, the hydrated silicate of magnesium; and what is now recognized as magnesite proper, or the anhydrous carbonate of magnesia. The two are frequently found combined, and always in metamorphic rocks containing magnesia, as talc schist, serpentine, &c. Magnesium (mag-nē'shi-um), n. Sym. Mg. At. wt. 245. The metallic base of magnesia. It may be obtained by decomposing chloride of magnesium by means of potassium. It is of a white colour like silver; its lustre is metallic and brilliant; it is very malleable, and fuses at a red heat. Heated to redness in oxygen gas, it burns with brilliancy, and combining with oxygen becomes magnesia, or the oxide of magnesium (MgO). This light is rich in chemical rays, and is now employed to some extent in photography. The chief salts are the carbonate, the chloride, the sulphate (Epsom-salt), the phosphates and the silicates, among which are such minerals as chrysolite, meerschaum, soapstone, and serpentine.

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Magnet (mag'net), n. [L. magnes, magnetis; Gr. magnes, a magnet or magnetic iron-ore, from Magnesia, in Asia Minor, whence the stone was first brought.] 1. The loadstone; an ore of iron which has the peculiar properties of attracting metallic iron, of pointing to the magnetic poles of the earth when freely suspended, and of dipping or inclining in a perpendicular plane on being removed from the equator. These properties it communicates to iron or steel by contact.-2. A bar or mass of iron or steel to which the peculiar properties of the loadstone have been imparted, either by contact or by other means: called in distinction from the loadstone an Artificial Magnet. Such a magnet, temporarily produced by an electric current passing through a Horse-shoe wire coiled round a bar of soft Magnet. iron, is called an Electro-magnet.-Horse-shoe magnet, an artificial magnet in the shape of a horse-shoe. Magnetic (mag-net'ik), a. 1. Pertaining to the magnet or magnetism; possessing the properties of the magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of iron, or a magnetic needle.-2. Pertaining to the earth's magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian. (See sub-entries below.)-3. Attractive, as if magnetic. She that had all magnetic force alone.' Donne. -Magnetic amplitude, azimuth, &c., in navig. the amplitude, azimuth, &c., indicated by the compass.-Magnetic battery, a kind of battery formed of several magnets (usually horse-shoe magnets) combined together, with all their poles similarly disposed; called also a Magnetic Magazine or a Compound Magnet.-Magnetic compensator, a contrivance connected with a ship's compass for compensating or neutralizing the effects upon the needle of the iron of the ship.-Magnetic curves, the name given to those curves into which an infinite number

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of very minute needles would arrange themselves when placed round a magnet, and at liberty to move round an axis. An idea of these curves is given by the appearance of iron filings when scattered upon a sheet of paper and agitated immediately above a magnet, as shown in the annexed figure. -Magnetic dip. Same as Dip of the Needle. See under DIP.-Magnetic equator, a line passing round the globe near its equator, in every part of which the dip of the needle is nothing. The general inclination of the magnetic to the terrestrial equator is about 12.-Magnetic fluid, a hypothetic fluid, by which the phenomena of magnetism have been accounted for.-Point of magnetic in


difference, that point of a magnet, about midway between the two extremes, where the attractive force, after continually diminishing as we proceed from either pole, ceases altogether. - Magnetic induction, the power which a magnet or current of electricity possesses of exciting temporary or permanent magnetism in such bodies in its vicinity as are capable of receiving it.—— Magnetic intensity, the force of attraction which magnets exert on surrounding bodies capable of being influenced by them, or which the earth exerts on magnets at different places. The intensity of the attractive force exercised by the north pole of one magnet on the south pole of another, and its repulsive force on the north pole of the second, varies inversely as the square of the distance of those poles. On the earth there are three points of maximum magnetic intensity, two in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere.-Magnetic ironore. Same as Magnetite. - Magnetic meri dian of any place, a great circle, the plane of which passes through that place, through the centre of the earth, and the direction of the horizontal magnetic needle. The angle which the magnetic meridian makes with the true geographical is different in different places and at different times, and is called the variation of the compass.- Magnetic needle, any small magnetized iron or steel rod turning on a pivot, such as the needle of the mariner's compass.-Magnetic north, that point of the horizon which is indicated by the direction of the magnetic needle. It is seldom the true north. Magnetic points of convergence, the magnetic poles of the earth, around which are drawn the isogonic lines, or lines of equal declination. -Magnetic poles of the earth, two nearly opposite points on the earth's surface where the dip of the needle is 90°. They are at a considerable distance from the poles of the earth.-Magnetic pyrites, a bronze-yellow magnetic sulphide of iron, varying in composition from Fe-S to Fe10S4 It is found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. Called also Pyrrholite. — Magnetic telegraph, the electric telegraph. See TELEGRAPH. Magnetic (mag-net'ik), n. Any metal, as iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, &c., which may receive the properties of the loadstone. Magnetical (mag-net'ik-al), a. Same as Magnetic, but less common. Magnetically (mag-net'ik-al-li), adv. In a magnetic manner; by magnetism. Magneticalness (mag-net'ik-al-nes), n. The quality of being magnetic. Magnetician (mag-net-i 'shan), n. skilled in magnetism; a magnetist. Magneticness (mag-net'ik-nes), n. The quality of being magnetic; magneticalness. Magnetics (mag-net'iks), n. The science or principles of magnetism. Magnetiferous (mag-net-if'èr-us), a. Producing or conducting magnetism. Magnetism (mag'net-izm), n. 1. That peculiar property, occasionally possessed by certain bodies (more especially by iron and some of its compounds), whereby, under certain circumstances, they naturally attract or repel one another according to determinate laws.-2. That branch of science which treats of the properties of the magnet, and magnetic phenomena in general. 3. Power of attraction; as, the magnetism of interest. Animal magnetism, a sympathy supposed to exist between the magnet and the human body, by means of which the magnet is said to be able to cure diseases. The same name was given by Mesmer in the latter part of the eighteenth century to certain phenomena produced by the action of one person upon another, from a fancied analogy between the action of the mineral magnet and that of the animal energy, or vis vitæ, to which these effects were attributed. See MESMERISM.-Terrestrial magnetism, the name given to the magnetic properties which the earth as a whole possesses, which give the needle its directive power, and cause it to dip, and which also communicate magnetism to iron or steel placed in certain situations. It is found that all metals are more or less susceptible of magnetism.


Magnetist (mag'net-ist), n. One versed in the science of magnetism; a magnetician. Magnetite (mag'net-it), n. [Named from its magnetic properties.] A black oxide of iron, which sometimes possesses polarity, and is highly magnetic; magnetic iron ore. It is found crystalline or granular. Part of the iron


may be replaced by magnesium, or titanium or copper, yielding varieties of the ore. The typical composition is iron 72:4, oxygen 27 6. It is chiefly found in metamorphic, but sometimes also in igneous rocks. Magnetizable (mag-net-iz'a-bl), a. Capable of being magnetized.

Magnetization (mag'net-iz-a"shon), ". The act of magnetizing, or state of being magnetized.

Magnetize (mag'net-iz), v.t. pret. & pp. magnetized; ppr. magnetizing. 1. To communicate magnetic properties to; as, to magnetize a needle.-2. To attract as if by a magnet; to move; to influence. "Thoroughly fascinated, magnetized, as it were, by his character. Motley.-3. To put under the influence of animal magnetism.

Magnetize (mag'net-iz), v.i. To acquire magnetic properties; to become magnetic; as, a bar of iron standing some time in an inclined position will magnetize.

Magnetizee (mag'net-iz-e"), n. One put under the influence of animal magnetism. [Rare.]

Magnetizer (mag'net-iz-èr), n. One who or that which communicates magnetism. Magneto-electric, Magneto-electrical (mag-net'o-e-lek"trik, mag-net'ō-e-lek"trikal), a. Pertaining to magneto-electricity.Magneto-electric induction, the communication of magnetic properties to iron by means of electric currents.-Magneto-electric rotatory machine, an apparatus for rendering the magneto-electric induction currents continuous, and for converting their alternating direction into a constant one. Magneto-electricity (mag-net'ō-e-lektris"i-ti), n. 1. Electricity evolved by the action of magnets.-2. That branch of science which treats of phenomena inwhich the principles of both magnetism and electricity are involved.

Magnetograph (mag-net'ō-graf), n. [E magnet, and Gr. grapho, to write.] A selfacting instrument for registering, by photography or otherwise, the states and variations of any of the terrestrial magnetic elements. Magnetometer (mag-net-om'et-er), n. [E. magnet, and Gr. metron, a measure.] An instrument for measuring any of the terrestrial magnetic elements, as the dip, inclination, and intensity, especially the latter. Magnetometric (mag'net-ō-met"rik),a. Pertaining to or employed in the measurement of magnetic forces; obtained by means of a magnetometer.

A valuable series of hourly magnetometric observations was continued, night and day, throughout the whole period of our stay at the island. Ross's Antarctic Expedition. Magnetomotor (magnet-ō-mō"tor), n. [E. magnet, and L. motor, a mover, from moveo, to move.] A voltaic series of two or more large plates, which, producing a great quantity of electricity of low tension, is well adapted to the exhibition of electro-magnetic phenomena.

Magnifiable (mag'ni-fi-a-bl), a. Capable of being magnified; worthy of being magnified or extolled.

Magnific, Magnifical (mag-nif'ik, mag-nif'ik-al), a. [L. magnificus, noble, splendidmagnus, great, and facio, to make.] Grand; splendid; illustrious.

O parent! these are thy magnific deeds. Milton. Magnifically (mag-nif'ik-al-li), adv. In a magnificent manner. Magnificat (mag-nif'i-kat), n..

[L., third pers. sing. pres. ind. of magnifico, to magnify: doth magnify.'] The song of the Virgin Mary, Luke i. 46: so called because it commences with this word in the Latin Vulgate.

To mag

Magnificate † (mag-nif'i-kāt), v.t. nify or extol. Marston. Magnification (mag-nif'i-kā"shon), n. The act of magnifying. [Rare.] Magnificence (mag-nif'i-sens), n. [L.magnificentia.] The condition or quality of being magnificent: (a) grandeur of appearance; splendour of show or state; as, the magnificence of a palace or of a procession; the magnificence of a Roman triumph. (b)† Munificence; generosity in a high degree.

Then cometh magnificence, that is to say when a man doth and performeth gret werkes of goodnesse. Holland. Magnificent (mag-nif'i-sent), a. [L. magnificens-magnus, great, and facio, to do or make.] 1. Grand in appearance; splendid. Man he made, and for him built Magnificent this world.


2. Fond of splendour; showy; stately. Sir

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Every amorous person becometh liberal and magnificent, although he had been aforetime a pinching snudge. Holland.

Magnificently (mag-nif'i-sent-li), adv. In a magnificent manner; with magnificence; with splendour of appearance or pomp of show.

Magnifico (mag-nif'i-kō), n. 1. A grandee of Venice.

But if the peers have ceased to be magnificoes, may it not also happen that the Sovereign may cease to be a Doge? Disraeli.

2. A rector of a German university. Magnifier (mag'ni-fi-ér), n. One who or that which magnifies: (a) that which enlarges or increases apparent size; specifically, an optical instrument that magnifies; a convex lens, a concave mirror, or a combination of lenses or mirrors, which increases the apparent magnitude of bodies. (b) One who extols or exalts.

Magnify (mag'ni-fi), v. t. pret. & pp. magnified; ppr. magnifying. [L. magnificomagnus, great, and facio, to make.] 1. To make great or greater; to increase the apparent dimensions of; to enlarge; to augment; as, a convex lens magnifies the bulk of a body to the eye.-2. To increase the power or glory of; to sound the praises of; to extol; to exalt.

O, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Ps. xxxiv. 3.

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3. To represent as greater than reality; to exaggerate. SYN. To enlarge, amplify, augment, exaggerate, exalt,extol, praise, glorify. Magnify (mag'ni-fi), v.i. 1. To possess the quality of causing objects to appear larger than reality; to increase the apparent dimensions of objects; as, my spectacles magnify too much.-2. To have effect; to avail; to signify. [Old vulgarism.]

My governess assured my father I had wanted for nothing; that I was almost eaten up with the

green-sickness: but this magnified but little with Spectator.

ray father.

-Magnifying glass, in optics, a plano-convex or double-convex lens: so called because objects seen through it have their apparent dimensions increased.

Magniloquence (mag-nil'o-kwens), n. [L magniloquentia-magnus, great, and loquens, speaking. ] A lofty manner of speaking or writing; tumid, pompous words or style; language expressive of pretensions greater than realities warrant; grandiloquence; bombast.

Magniloquent (mag-nil'o-kwent), a.


in words; speaking loftily or pompously; expressing lofty pretensions; bombastic; tumid; grandiloquent.

Magniloquently (mag-nil'o-kwent-li), adv. In a magniloquent manner; with loftiness or pomposity of language. Magniloquous† (mag-nil'o-kwus), a. Magniloquent.

Magnitude (mag'ni-tud), n. [L. magnitudo, from magnus, great.] 1. The comparative greatness of anything that can be said to be greater or smaller; the comparative extent, bulk, size, quantity, or amount of anything that can be measured; as, the magnitude of an object, of a surface, of a line, of an angle, of a weight or force of any kind, of an interval of time.-2. Anything that can be measured; any quantity that can be expressed in terms of a quantity of the same kind taken as a unit; specifically, in geom. that which has one or more of the three dimensions, length, breadth, and thickness. An angle is also a kind of geometrical magnitude. Time, weight, and numbers are arithmetical magnitudes.-3. Greatness, as referred to an intellectual or moral standard; grandeur.

With plain heroic magnitude of mind. Milton. 4 Importance; consequence; as, in affairs of magnitude disdain not to take counsel. -Apparent magnitude of an object, that which is measured by the optic or visual angle intercepted between lines drawn from its extremes to the centre of the pupil of the eye. This angle may be considered to be inversely as the distance of the object. (This term is chiefly used when speaking of the heavenly bodies, but is also used in many branches of optical science.]-Magnitude of stars. See STAR.

Magnolia (mag-no'li-a), n. [After Pierre Magnol, professor of botany at Montpellier in the seventeenth century.] A genus of


trees and shrubs, the type of the nat. order Magnoliaces. The species, which chiefly inhabit North America, Northern India, China, Japan, and other parts of Asia, are trees much admired on account of the elegance of their flowers and foliage, and are in great request in gardens. The bark of the root of M. glauca, or the beavertree, is an important tonic. (See BEAVERTREE.) M. tripetala, or umbrella-tree, has also tonic properties. The cones of M. acuminata yield a spirituous liquor, employed in Virginia in rheumatic affections. M. grandiflora, or big-laurel, and M. conspicua or Yulan, the yulan or Chinese magnolia, grow well in the south of England, and are perhaps the finest of our ornamental trees. The yulan is remarkable in that it flowers in spring before the leaves expand. Magnoliaceae (mag-no'li-a"se-e), n. pl. An important nat. order of albuminous polypetalous exogens, allied to the Ranunculaceæ, consisting of bushes and trees, inhabiting the temperate parts of both the Old and New World. They have alternate minutely dotted leaves, and large solitary flowers; the bark is aromatic and bitter. Several species are valuable for their timber, others for the febrifugal qualities of their bark. (See MAGNOLIA.) Most of them are prized for the beauty of their flowers and foliage. The bark of the tulip-tree (Liriodendron tulipiferum) is said to equal Peruvian bark. Drimys Winteri yields winter's bark. Illicium anisa tum is called star-anise from its flavour and the starlike arrangement of its carpels. See STAR-ANISE. Magnum (mag'num), n. [L., large.] A bottle holding two English quarts.

The approbation of much more rational tempers than the B. club could have mustered even before the discussion of the first magnum. Sir W. Scott. Magnum-bonum (mag' num-bō-num), n. [L., lit. large-good.] 1. The name applied to a large-sized oval plum having a yellow skin covered with a thin whitish bloom.2. A kind of large-sized barrel pen. Magot (mag'ot), n. [Fr.] The Barbary ape (Macacus Inuus or Inuus ecaudatus), which has a small tubercle in place of a tail. It is naturalized on the rock of Gibraltar, and forms the type of Cuvier's genus Inuus. It is remarkable for docility and attachment to its young.

Magot-pie, ti Maggot-piet (mag'ot-pi), n. [Magot, maggot, a form of Margaret, and pie, like Fr. margot, a pie, a dim. form of Marguerite.] A magpie.

Augurs, and understood relations have

By magot-pies, and choughs, and rooks, brought
The secret'st man of blood.

Magpie (mag'pi), n. [Mag, for Margaret, and pie, a magpie, from L. pica, a pie or magpie. Called also magot-pie, maggoty-pie, maggatapie. Comp. O. E. Madge-howlet, an owl; Jenny-wren, Robin-redbreast, &c. See MAGOT-PIE.] 1. A well-known bird, the

Magpie (Pica caudata).

Pica caudata, type of the genus Pica, belonging to the Corvidae or crow family. It is about 18 inches in length; the plumage is black and white, the black glossed with green and purple; the bill is stout, and the tail is very long, whence its specific name caudata. The magpies continue in pairs throughout the year, and prey on a variety of food, chiefly animal. They are celebrated for their crafty instincts, their power of imitating words, and their propensity to purloin and secrete glittering articles.-2. A halfpenny. [Slang.]


I'm at low water-mark-only one bob and a magpic. Dickens.

3. In volunteers' slang, a shot striking the target in the division next the outermost in a target divided into four sections: so called because the markers indicate this hit by means of a black and white disk.

Magpie-moth (mag'pi-moth), n. Lerene grossulariata (Linn.), a moth belonging to the family Geometridæ, and often called the Gooseberry-moth. Its colour is white with black and orange spots, and the same colours appear on it in its larval and pupal states. The larva feeds on currant and gooseberry leaves, and where abundant is very destructive.

Magsman (magz'man), n. A street swindler who preys on countrymen and others easily duped. [Slang.]

Maguey (ma-gwa' or mag'wa), n. [Mexican maguer.] A species of Agave (A. americana), American aloe, belonging to the nat. order Amaryllidaceae. It is a native of Mexico, and furnished the natives with a material for their buildings. Its leaves were used for covering the roofs of their houses, and for paper, clothing, and cordage; also for preparing a spirituous liquor called pulque. See AGAVE.

Magus (ma'gus), n. [L. See MAGE.] A Magian; one of the Magi or ancient oriental philosophers.

Magyar (mag'yär; Hung. pron. mod-yor'), n. 1. One of an Asiatic race which invaded Hungary about the end of the ninth century, and settled there, where it still forms the predominant race.-2. The native tongue of Hungary. It belongs to the Ugrian family of the Turanian or agglutinate class of tongues. Magydare (maj'i-dar), n. [L. magydarius or magudarius, Gr. magydaris.] Laserwort, a plant of the genus Laserpitium. Mahabharata (ma-hä-bha'ra-ta), n. [Skr. mahat, maha, great, and Bharata, the descendants of a king named Bharata. Lit. the great history of the descendants of Bharata.] The name of one of the two great epic poems of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. It is founded on, and contains a history of, the contest for supremacy between the two great regal families of North Indiathe Pandavas and Kurus or Kauravas-ending in the victory of the former, and in the establishment of their rule over the northern part of India. In reality, however, this narrative occupies but a fourth of the poem, the other three-fourths being episodical and added at various times. The Mahabharata thus became a sort of encyclopædia, embracing everything which it concerned a cultivated Hindu to know.

Mahadeva (ma-hä-de'va), n. [Skr. mahā, mahat, great, and deva, god; lit. the great god.] A name of Siva, one of the Indian deities, from which the sacred Ganges is fabled to have sprung. Mahaleb (ma-haleb), n. [Ar. mahleb.] A species of cherry (Cerasus Mahaleb), nat. order Rosacea, sub-order Drupaceæ, whose fruit affords a violet dye and a fermented liquor like kirsch-wasser. It is found in the middle and south of Europe. Its flowers and leaves are used by perfumers, and its wood by cabinet-makers.

Maharajah (ma-ha-ra'ja or ma-hä-rä-ja), n. [Skr., from mahā, great, and rajah, a prince or king.] The title assumed by some Indian princes ruling over a considerable extent of territory.

Maharmah (ma-här'ma), n. A muslin wrapper worn over the head and across the mouth and chin by Turkish and Armenian ladies when they appear abroad. Simmonds. Mahee (ma-he'), n. [Hind.] The native name of the gall-nut of the tamarisk-tree, imported into England from India for dyeing and photographic purposes, from its richness in gallic acid. Called in Algeria, whence it is exported to France, tacahout. Mahl-stick (mal'stik), n. Same as Maulstick. Mahoganize (ma-hog'an-iz), v.t. To paint wood in imitation of mahogany, or to put a veneering of mahogany over. [American.] Mahogany (ma-hog'an-i), n. [Mahagoni, native American name.] 1. A tree of the genus Swietenia, the S. Mahagoni, belonging to the nat. order Cedrelaces. It grows in the West Indies and Central America. Two other species of Swietenia are found in the East Indies, but they are not much known in this country. The mahogany is one of the most majestic and beautiful of trees; its trunk is often 40 feet in length and 6 feet in diame

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