Imágenes de páginas
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Ancien Japon.

Appert, G., and Kinoshita, H. 1888. "Donne des renseignements précis sur les institutions de l'ancien Japon, ses mœurs, ses arts, sa littéra ture, sa noblesse, et les principaux faits de son histoire. Il renferme un dictionnaire de curiosités japonaises fort utile aux collectionneurs." - Bibl. de la France, Feuilleton, 8 juin.

Arundel Society. Chromolithographs.

The betrothal of the Virgin; after the fresco by Lorenzo di Viterbo in the Church of S. Maria della Verità, at Viterbo.

The calling of S. Matthew; after the picture by Vittore Carpaccio, in the Church of S. Giorgio dei Schiavone at Venice.

Charity; from a fresco by Andrea del Sarto, in the cloisters of the Compagnia dello Scalzo, Florence.

Christ bound to the column; after the fresco by Sodoma in the Academy of Fine Arts, Siena.

The entombment; from the fresco by Fra Angelico in the Convent of S. Mark, Florence. The presentation in the Temple; from the fresco by Fra Angelico in the Convent of S. Mark, Florence.

St. John the Baptist preaching; from a fresco by Andrea del Sarto, in the Cloisters of the Compagnia dello Scalzo, Florence.

Aschrott, P. F. The English poor law system, past and present; tr. by H. P. Thomas; with pref. by H: Sidgwick. 1888.

"This is another of the many instances in which we English people have been indebted to a foreign observer for a complete and impartial account of something of national concern, this something being sometimes social, sometimes literary. Dr. Aschrott traces the history from the sixteenth century, and describes it as it exists at present. In both departments his work merits the praise which Professor Sidgwick bestows upon it in his preface. It is in the main descriptive, but it is also, on occasion, critical.". Spectator, Nov. 2. Babelon, E. Description historique et chronolo

gique des monnaies de la république romaine vulgairement appelées monnaies consulaires. 1885. 2 v.

"M. Babelon has shown no stint of labour. Not only the student aud the numismatist, but also the historian, will be grateful to him for the mass of material which he has brought together, and for the light thrown upon many a passage of the ancient authors through the medium of the coin types. In his introduction he gives a clear outline of the early coinage." Athenæum, Oct. 2. Blanc, A: A. P. C: Histoire de la renaissance artistique en Italie; rev. et pub. par M. Fau

con. 2 v.

"M. Faucon qui s'est chargé de revoir et de préparer pour l'impression les manuscrits de Charles Blanc, est un ancien élève de l'Ecole Française de Rome; en même temps qu'il revisait minutieusement le texte, il le complétait, nous dit-il, par des notes, précisait les dates, rectifiait détails et citations, terminait chapitres, évitait enfin par des interversions et des coupures les répétitions que permet l'enseignement. M. Faucon aura eu fort à faire pour mettre les leçons de Ch. Blanc d'accord avec les découvertes de l'érudition contemporaine.

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Précieuse collaboration, en vérité, car en lisant ces chapitres où se rencontrent tant de pages heureuses sur Pisano, Giotto, etc., on peut goûter avec sécurité le charme de la diction, la finesse des aperçus, l'ingéniosité des développements, l'élégance et parfois l'éloquence du style qui ont fait le succès légitime du talent de Charles Blanc, malgré les lacunes de son savoir, comme en dé.

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pit de théories souvent hasardées et d'affirmations esthétiques souvent douteuses. Il faisait aimer l'art." - Le livre, nov.

Bonham, J: M. Railway secrecy and trusts. (Questions of the day.)

"Mr. Bonham while deprecating any legislative prohibition of pools and trusts as leading to worse and more secret methods, nevertheless opposes the methods of railway pooling and combination as a solution of the problem. He finds that the trouble lies in the secrecy with which the railways are managed. His remedy is absolute publicity. But he confines himself to vague generalizations, and is unduly diflident in setting forth any practical plan." — Political science quarterly, March.

Bos, E. Les avocats aux Conseils du Roi; étude sur l'ancien régime judiciaire de la France.


Callisthenes, pseud. History of Alexander the Great; the Syriac version, ed. from five mss., with Eng. tr. and notes, by E. A. W. Budge. Campardon, E. Liste des membres de la noblesse impériale, dressée d'après les registres de lettres patentes conservés aux archives nationales. Carpenter, W: B., Bp. of Ripon. The permanent elements of religion; 8 lectures before the Univ. of Oxford, 1887, on the foundation of the late J: Bampton.

"Extempore, but of a very bright kind, will prob ably be the reader's verdict. A series of ingenious declamations on the theology of the magazines. It is a work that needs to be done from time to time, and probably no man alive could do it better."- Sat. rev., Mar.


Cooke, R. T. Somebody's neighbors. 1884. Cultus arborum; a descriptive account of Phallic tree worship; with illust. legends, etc., exhibiting its origin and development with a bibliog.

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Cust, R. N. Linguistic and Oriental essays, 184687. 1880-87. 2 v. (Trübner's Orient. ser.) Sketch of the modern languages of Africa. 1883. 2 v. (Trübner's Orient. ser.) Sketch of the modern languages of the East Indies. 1878. (Trübner's Orient. ser.) Danvers jewels, The. 1887. Descartes, R. René Descartes; his life and meditations; a new tr. of the "Meditationes;" with introd., memoir, etc., by R: Loundes. 1878.

Dix, E. A. A midsummer drive through the Pyr


"Mr. Dix shows considerable power in word-painting, while his familiarity with the history and literature of the Pyrenees makes him an admirable guide to that region." Nation, Mar. 13.

Farnam, C: H: History of the descendants of J:
Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.
Ferguson, J. H. The philosophy of civilization;
a sociological study.

Foncin, P. Géographie historique; leçons en regard des cartes. 1888.

Forsyth, P. T. Religion in recent art; expository lectures on Rossetti, etc.

Contents. Rossetti; or, The religion of natural passion. Burne Jones; or, The religion of præternatural im. agination. - Watts; or, The religion of supernatural hope. Holman Hunt; or, The religion of spiritual

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"It is not so much as a musician that Wagner appeals to Mr. Forsyth. He is rather attracted by him as a poet, a thinker, and a quasi-theologian. In Wagner he beholds the great prophet of Pessimism. We take Mr. Forsyth's method of criticism to be a sort of rebellion against the unæsthetic baldness of certain forms of modern Christianity. His account of the play of Parsifal' is admirably written, and the whole book is exceedingly clever and eloquent."— Spectator, Nov. 9. Fothergill, J. A march in the ranks. (Leisure hour ser.)


France. Comité de Salut Public.

Recueil des actes; avec la correspondance officielle des représentants en mission et le registre du Conseil Exécutif Provisoire; pub. par F. A. Aulard. Vol. 1, 10 août 1792-21 jan. 1793. "Nous accueillons ce tome avec un sentiment de profonde estime pour l'éditeur qui entreprend avec tant de courage et une si persévérante ardeur une tâche si utile, il est vrai, si fructueuse pour nous, mais pour lui si longue, si laborieuse, si écrasante. Le Recueil

Aulard' sera toujours cité, mentioné,loué dans les livres sérieux qui traiteront de la Révolution."- Rev. critique,

7 oct.

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"Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. M. Girard obtint le prix au mois de novembre 1886, avec un mémoire manuscrit qui fut jugé excellent, mais que l'auteur, exigeant envers son euvre, polit et repolit pendant plus de deux ans avant de la livrer au public. Il en est résulté un volume d'une haute distinction, qui restera dans notre littérature savante et qui laisse loin derrière lui les travaux, peu nombreux d'ailleurs, où le même sujet avait été abordé précédemment. Il suffit de lire l'introduction pour apprécier les aimables qualités de M. G. et le soin d'artiste qu'il a mis à composer son sujet.". Rev. critique, 2 déc.

Goldsmid, E. Collection of historical documents illustrative of the reigns of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns; with notes, etc. (Coll. adamantea.)

Guiffrey, J. Les conventionnels; listes des députés et des suppléants à la Convention Nationale; dressées d'après les documents orig. des archives nationales avec détails biog. "Une publication bien utile et très méritoire, qui a coûté M. Guiffrey tant de peine et de si labo. rieuses recherches."- Revue critique, 7 oct.

Haggard, H: R. Allan's wife; and other tales.

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"All are told with the skilful method of introduction which makes Mr. Haggard's stories appear comfortably like the truth, and his usual vigour." Athenæum, Feb. 8.

Hake, A. E., and Wesslau, O. E.

Free trade in capital; or, Free competition in the supply of capital to labour, and its bearings on the political and social questions of the day. "Published with the intention of showing the errors in our financial arrangements. Mr. Hake objects strongly to bimetallism, and he objects strongly also to nearly the whole of our present monetary system. However crude his views on many branches of economic study, and in particular on the application of economic rules to banking, may be, he lays down the one great principle with considerable force: he sees that self-help is the best help, and that State interference may readily be carried too far." -Athenæum, Mar. 8.

Hall, H. Court life under the Plantagenets; reign of Henry II.

"The author remarks that the plan of the work has compelled him to reproduce only such features of court life as were actually recorded by contemporary chroniclers and essayists. The reader will not complain when he finds himself introduced into the company of the witty Walter Map, and the learned John Salisbury. The quaint lessons of leechcraft are expounded by Master Necham, and the great Glanville himself condescends to explain the legal difficulties connected with the use of the ordeal. The illustrations are admirable." — (: Elton in the Academy, Feb. 8.


Hungerford, Mrs. M.


Her week's amusement.

"A capital bit of comedy." — G. B. Smith in the Academy, Aug. 7, 1886.

Jones, Rev. W. H:,and Kropf, L: L. The folk-tales of the Magyars; coll. by Kriza, Erdélyi. Pap, etc.; tr. and ed., with notes. (Folklore Soc. Pub.)

Jones, W: Glimpses of animal life; a naturalist's observations on the habits and intelligence

of animals.

"Any reader who begins the first chapter of this book, entitled 'animal playfulness,' will certainly finish it, and having finished it will certainly go on to those that follow." - Spectator, Dec. 7. Klaproth, H: J. von. Mémoires relatifs à l'Asie; cont. des recherches historiques, géogra— phiques, etc., sur les peuples de l'Orient.


Leader, J: T., and Marcotti, G. Sir John Hawkwood (l'Acuto); story of a condottiere; tr. by L. Scott.

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Simple and accurate, learned and interesting, it appeals almost equally to the student of history and to the lover of adventures. They have an ample knowledge of details, and there is something so honest in their own interest in their hero that they lead us without any effort on our part through the intricate history of the fourteenth century in Italy."- Athenæum, Dec. 7. Lecomte, L. H. Un comédien au 19e siècle; Frédérick-Lemaitre; 1800-76. 1888. 2 v.

"A general survey of popular dramatic art during the first half of this century.” — Athenæum, July 6. Lieven, D. B., Princess, and Grey, C:, Visc. Howick, 2d Earl Grey. Correspondence; ed. and tr. by G. Le Strange. 2 v. "These letters are by no means uninteresting, but there are too many of them. But though he has been sparing of the editorial file, Mr. Le Strange has otherwise done his work very thoroughly. His translation of the lady's share of the correspondence is idiomatic and graceful, and his connecting remarks are always accurate and to the point. Princess Lieven, the wife of the Russian ambassador, is frequently men. tioned in the Greville journals. She played a great part in English society for several years, and combined the functions of a leader of fashion with those of an important, though unofficial agent of the Russian court." Athenæum, Feb. 1.

Loftie, W: J: Westminster Abbey; illust. by H. Railton.


"Mainly reprinted from the Portfolio,' and illustrated with etchings chiefly by Mr. H. Railton. text cannot be called a complete history, although it begins at the beginning, nor is it a guide for those who visit the church and do not know much about it. It is rather the sort of book a visitor might sit down to read after going through the building if he desired to im. prove his acquaintance with what he had seen in the company of one who had got up for the inquirer's benefit all that is best worth knowing by the general reader." Athenæum, Dec. 28.

Long Island Hist. Soc. Memoirs. Vol. 4: G: Washington and Mount Vernon.

"A collection of Washington's unpublished agricultural and personal letters, written chiefly from Philadel phia, from 1793-1799. The main part of the publication consists of 127 Washington manuscripts, which Edward Everett bought from the family of the farm-manager, William Pearce, and which, through the late James Carson Brevoort, reached the Society. Mr. Moncure D. Conway has prefixed an introduction full of appetizing information served up as only a good literary cook can set forth things new and old. In this introduction and appendix, good use is made of other manuscripts of the President. How Thackeray would have enjoyed looking at this reprint -as he may possibly have seen the originals, or transcripts from them before writing 'Henry Esmond.'"

Meaux, vicomte de. La réforme et la politique française en Europe, jusqu'à la paix de Westphalie. 2 v.


"This is one of those of excellent contributions to history peculiar to the French genius. The lucidity of M. de Meaux's style, and his thoughtful generalisations, enable us to disentangle the issues of a most perplexing revolution, and give startling actuality to the problems of the sixteenth century some of which have yet to be solved. M. de Meaux has spent ten years in coordinating the mass of materials supplied by the historians and the archives of the sixteenth century, and his conclusions seem to us legitimate, though his point of view cannot always be ours."- - Spectator, Oct. 12. Market Harborough; or, Melville, G: J: W. How Mr. Sawyer went to the Shires. Inside the bar; or, Sketches at Soakington. [1872.]

Mivart, St. G. Origin of human reason; an


amination of recent hypotheses concerning it. Moulton, R: G. The ancient classical drama; a study in literary evolution.

"Mr. Moulton takes his task seriously, and executes it skilfully. He not only gives outline plots of the most celebrated Greek tragedies and comedies, and those of their Roman imitators, but he also emphasizes the distinction between the work of ancient and modern play. wrights by arranging' Macbeth the masterpiece of modern tragedy, as it would have been written by a Greek of the classical period. This adaptation, though of course only sketched out, is nevertheless very clev erly done, and sets the classical and modern dramatic methods in clearer contrast than all A. W. Schlegel's The real value of the learned lectures thereon. book lies in its suggestions towards interesting schoolboys and undergraduates in what they regard in most cases as mere lesson-books."- Sat. rev., Mar. 1.

Munroe, K: The golden days of '49; a tale of the California diggings.

"A capital subject capitally treated. No boy who is a boy could resist it."- Athenæum, Jan. 4. Musset-Pathay, V: D.

Histoire de la vie et des

ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau. Nouv. éd. aug. de lettres inèd. à Mme. d'Houdetot. 1822. Nicholls, Mrs. C.. B. Jane Eyre; an autobiography; with introd. by C. K. Shorter. (Camelot ser.)

Nicoll, W. R. James Macdonell, journalist.

"He was still young at the time of his death; but not only was he then a highly honoured writer for the lead. ing London newspaper, but his contemporaries will ungrudgingly allow that he had, and deserved to have, the reputation of being the most brilliant in the true and French sense-journalistic artist of his day." - W: Wallace in the Academy, Feb. 1.

Oxford magazine. Echoes from the Oxford magazine; reprints of seven years.

Pfeiffer, C: American mansions and cottages. Ploetz, C. Epitome of ancient, mediæval, and modern history; tr. with add., by W: H. Tillinghast.

Poyser, A. W. Magnetism and electricity. Rand, J: C. One of a thousand; biographical sketches of one thousand representative men resident in Massachusetts, 1888-89. Reade, C: A perilous secret. 1884. 2 v.

"The novel A perilous secret,' is an amplification of the Adelphi drama of Love and money,' written by Charles Reade and myself. The story was invented and completely constructed by me alone and before Charles Reade ever saw it or even heard of it."- H: Pettitt in the Athenæum, Apr. 11, 1885.


Remusat, J: P: A. Mélanges postl:umes d'histoire et de littérature orientales. 1843. Richemont, L: A: C., baron de. Siége de la citadelle d'Anvers, par l'armée française, sous les ordres du maréchal comte Gérard. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. The senior partner. Roberts, E. Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat in the U. S. sloop-of-war Peacock, 1832-34. 1837. Roberts, M. Banning and blessing.

"This tale centres in the doings of Lois Smerdon a 'black' witch who had the luck of living at a time when witches were no longer burnt or drowned, but were still believed in, and so could levy contributions on possible victims without fear either of refusal or revenge. The description of the old woman, with her cleverness, her trained habits of observation, and the acute attention to the present which gave her such shrewdness in guessing at the future, is an excellent piece of work." Spectator, Dec. 7.

Rod, E: Le sens de la vie.

"Deux livres doivent surnager parmi tous ceux qui ont vu le jour cette annee: 'Le disciple,' de Paul Bourget, et Le sens de la vie.' d'Edouard Rod."-M. de Vogué in 'Remarques sur l'Exposition' in Revue bleue,Jan. 18. Rodenberg, J. Die Grandidiers; ein Roman aus der französischen Kolonie. 1881. 3 v. Roland de la Platière, Mme. M. J. P.


inédites addressées aux demoiselles Cannet, 1772-80; pub. par A. Breuil. 1841. 2 v. Rosenberg, Dr. M. Alte kunstgewerbliche Arbeiten auf der badischen Kunst- u. Kunstgewerbe-Ausstellung zu Karlsruhe, 1881. 1882. Rossel, V. Histoire littéraire de la suisse romande. Tome 1.

"Un tableau très complet, et qui n'a pas encore été dressé, de la vie intellectuelle de tous les cantons français de la Suisse."

Rudolph, F. K: J., Erzherzog von Esterreich. Notes on sport and ornithology; tr. by C. G. Danford.

"The Prince by his genuine devotion to nature, and by his readiness to impart his experiences to others, had succeeded in establishing a sympathetic bond with the more humble workers in the field of ornithology. He had a keen sense of the importance of the science, but was himself hardly gifted with the characteristic The 'Notes,' dispositions of a true scientific man. independently of their intrinsic value are full of interest on account of the light they throw upon the mind and character of one who seemed destined at no distant future to play a great part in the affairs of the Dual Monarchy of Central Europe." -Spectator, Jan. 11. Salignac, J: de G. B., baron de. Ambassade en Tur

quie, 1605-10; correspondance diplomatique ; pub. et annoté par comte T. de G. Biron.

Salmoné, H. A. Arabic-English dictionary on a new system. 2 v.

"The author has endeavoured to simplify the study of Arabic, but it is of classical or literary Arabic, and he ignores the slipshod method of instruction which rests contented with a parrot-like acquirement of sounds.

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The great care bestowed upon the production of the work, the minute research of which it is the outcome, the time occupied and labour expended in putting its sev. eral parts together-all these self-evident truths, though they may not disarm criticism in estimating practical results, cannot fail to impress the critic favourably on a first inspection of Mr. Salmoné's pages." - Athenæum, Mar. 15.

Santorini, Dr. R. Evoe Mikrokokkus! mit 21 illust. von Dr. Corrugator Supercilii. 1888. Schäffle, A. E. F: The quintessence of socialism; tr. from the 8th Germ. ed. under the supervision of B. Bosanquet.

"Readers will have in this volume of a little over a hundred pages one of the clearest expositions of Socialism, particularly Collectiveism, they are ever likely to receive, and the mastery of this volume is more in the power of the ordinary intellect of man than that of the treatises of the Socialist leaders themselves." - - Spectator, Jan. 25.

Schopenhauer, A. Religion; a dialogue, and other

essays; selected and tr. by T. B. Saunders. "Perhaps the most convenient way of getting at the essence of Schopenhauer, in these busy days is from Frauenstadt's Schopenhauer Lexicon, which contains in alphabetical arrangement Schopenhauer's utterances on every topic that engaged his attention; and there were few topics on which he did not throw new light. Mr. Saunders has done a useful service in giving a few samples of the later volumes in his present booklet. The most valuable essay in this collection is that on physiognomy, which contains some admirable remarks on the art of deciphering faces." — - Nation, Mar. 18.


Sharswood, Hon. G. Essay on professional ethics.


Shaw, G. B. Fabian essays in socialism.

"The book may be taken as a sort of official expres. sion of the opinion of the moderate party among English social democrats, and is for that reason of considerable value. There is a close concurrence of doctrine, and even in the mode of stating the opinions held among the writers of whom Mr. Bernard Shaw, Mr. Sidney Webb, and two others write on the basis of socialism, economic, historic, industrial, and moral; while Mr. Graham Wallas, Mr. Bernard Shaw, and two others write on the organization of society under socialism and on the transition to social democracy."-Athenæum, Feb. 1.

Sieyes, E. Qu'est-ce que le Tiers Etat? précédè de l'essai sur les privilèges. Ed. crit. avec une introd. par E. Champion. 1888. "La brochure Qu'est-ce que le tiers état?' déjà rare sous la Restauration, plus rare encore en 1847, d'après Louis Blanc, était, dans ces dernières années, devenue presque introuvable. On accueillera donc avec gratitude l'édition que publie aujourd'hui M. Champion." Rev. critique, 7 oct.

Sims, G: R. Tales of to-day.

"Twelve tales, told all of them with the vigour which we expect in all that comes from Mr. Sims's pen. This is a very readable book." - Spectator, Nov. 11.

Stanhope, P. D., 4th Earl of Chesterfield.

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to his godson and successor [1761-1773]; ed., with a memoir by the Earl of Carnar


"The resemblance between these letters and the ear. lier series written to his son is remarkable. We find in both the same idea clothed in almost identical language. But a kindlier and less cynical tone pervades the letters

before us. Old age and the sorrows which darkened his closing years, though borne with apparent indifference, had somewhat softened the natural hardness of the writer's character. The editor has contributed to the volume an interesting memoir of Lord Chesterfield, and we wish that it were longer." Athenæum, Jan. 4. Stories jolly, stories new, stories strange, and sto

ries true.

"When among the names of the writers given, those of Mrs. Macquoid and Mrs. Molesworth, Charlotte Yonge and Agnes Giberne, R. M. Ballantyne and G. A. Henty, G. Manville Fenn and H. C. Adams are mentioned, enough has been said to prove that the contents of the book are not only entertaining, but of high literary quality."- Spectator, Jan. 4.

Tomson, G. R. Selections from the Greek anthology. (The Canterbury poets.)

"The writers whose versions have been laid most under contribution are Mr. Andrew Lang, Dr. Richard Garnett, Miss Alma Strettell, and Mr. W. M. Hardinge, to whom collectively two-thirds of the whole is due." — Athenæum, Oct. 19.

Turner, C: E: The modern novelists of Russia; 6 lectures at the Taylor Inst., Oxford.

Vitu, A: C: J. Paris.

"Ce beau livre donne l'historique et la raison d'être de tout ce que renferme la capitale de la France. L'anteur, M. Auguste Vitu, le brilliant rádacteur du 'Figaro,' le savant président de la Société de l'Histoire de Paris et de l'Ile de France,' y fait la description complète des monuments de Paris, en montrant la physionomie exacte des différents quartiers; le tout mis au point de l'actualité la plus stricte et la plus rapprochée."

Walford, E: W: Pitt; a biography.

The book, we grieve to say, is scarcely critical, consisting to a considerable extent of extracts from Wraxall and William Wilberforce, Lord Stanhope, and Mr. Lecky, which are connected by a somewhat rambling narrative." Athenæum, Feb. 28.

Weale, W. H. J., and Richter, Dr. J. P. Descrip

tive catalogue of the collection of pictures belonging to the Earl of Northbrook; the Dutch, Flemish, and French schools by W. H. J. W.; Italian and Spanish by J. P. R. "The Northbrook gallery contains 202 pictures of all schools, and among them there are so many of special interest and fine quality that the collection is well worthy of the honours of such a beautiful Catalogue as this, and the learned labour bestowed upon it by Mr. Weale, and Dr. Richter."- Sat. rev., Jan. 25.

Wedmore, F: Life of Honoré de Balzac. (Great writers.)

"Admirable little monograph.


Mr. Wedmore has judiciously devoted himself to a detailed criticism and commentary upon the chief works of the author, and to a rapid account of his life both tasks most admirably performed." Oswald Crawfurd in the Acad. emy, Mar. 1.


Willoughby, Capt. Sir J. C., Bart. East Africa and its big game; the narrative of a sporting trip from Zanzibar to the borders of the Masai; with postscript by Sir R. G. Harvey "We cannot honestly say that the general reader will find excitement in these pages, nor that the specialist will find information of value. But we know what to expect in the diary of travellers whose object is to shoot big game, and the author is an excellent specimen of his class. Though the unvarnished record of shoots' page after page may be wearisome to those who cannot hope to rival or to profit by that detailed experience, many sketches of native life are interspersed rough, indeed, and entirely objective, but well worth note.". Sat. rev., Mar. 29.

Wrigley, M. Algiers illustrated.
Young Mistley.

Almanach national; annuaire officiel de la République française pour 1889. Amiel, E. Un libre-penseur du 16e siècle: Erasme. "Cette figure d'Erasme, familière depuis longtemps, prend ainsi, sous la plume de M. Amiel, des traits par. ticuliers, une expression plus intime et plus rare, où l'on peut mieux lire le fond même de l'homme." - Le livre, déc.


Un publiciste du 16e siècle: Juste-Lipse. 1884.

Asboth, J. de. An official tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina; with an account of the history, etc., of the people.

"M. de Asboth is a member of the Hungarian Par. liament. The work is mainly historical and antiquarian, but contains a little of almost everything, including ethnology, religion, folk-lore, literature, agrarian conditions, and social life, and one of the most interesting accounts of the history of the Bogomil heresy that we have met with. The book is profusely il. lustrated, and the drawings of tombstones contained in it will be found of considerable importance." Athenaum, Dec. 7.

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Balg, G. H. Comparative glossary of the Gothic language; with especial reference to English and German; with pref. by Prof. F. A. March. 1887-89.

Barron, L: Les fleuves de France: La Loire. [1888.]

Bennett, A. W., and Murray, G: Handbook of

cryptogamic botany.

"No human being living in this year of grace will ever know all that cryptogamy has to teach. All thanks then to those who have so succinctly and accurately told us the essentials of that which is at present known." Henry T. Wharton in the Academy, Sept. 14. Bibliophile française, Le; gazette illustrée des amateurs de livres, d'estampes et de haute curiosité. Tome 1-7. 1868-73. 7 v. Bridgett, Rev. T. E. Blunders and forgeries; historical essays.

"Written to expose certain misstatements as to matters of ecclesiastical history which he has detected in the books and speeches of Anglican churchmen and others." Sat. rev., Mar. 22.

Broc, le vicomte de. La France sous l'ancien régime. Vol. 2: Les usages et les mœurs. "Dans le premier volume M. le vicomte de Broc avait étudié le gouvernement et les institutions politiques; de le second il s'est occupé des usages et des mœurs." - B. Raunie in Revue bleue, 27 av.

Bunyan, J: A book for boys and girls; or, Country rhymes for children; a facsimile of the 1st ed. pub. 1686; with introd. by Rev. J: Brown.

"The first edition of this little work, and which has only been known to collectors up to the present time through early catalogues, has always been considered as absolutely lost, no copy being known to exist. A copy was, however, quite recently discovered, and has been secured by the British Museum: from this unique example this facsimile has been made, and is now presented to students and collectors."

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Clarke, G: K. Genealogy of the descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newbury, Mass., 16421885. 2d ed. enl. 1885.

Clutterbuck, W. J. The skipper in Arctic seas.

"An extremely inoffensive chronicle of small beer. The book, however, is pleasantly written, and well illus. trated." Athenæum, Mar. 1.

Collinson, Admiral Sir R: Journal of H. M. S Enterprise on the expedition in search of Sir J: Franklin's ships by Behring Strait, 185055; with memoir; ed. by Maj.-Gen. T. B.


"Though it comes rather late in the day, this first attempt to do full justice to the merits of a modest man is not the less welcome. General Collinson has performed his task with good taste, and as much knowl. edge as could be expected from an editor not personally acquainted with the Polar Basin, and his volume is illustrated by several excellent maps, a portrait of Sir Richard Collinson, and a coloured sketch of the Enterprise." Athenæum, Mar. 11.

Comettant, O. Trois ans aux Etats-Unis; étude des mœeurs et coutumes américaines. 2e éd., rev. et corr. 1858.

Conference in the Interest of Physical Training. Physical training; report of the papers and discussions of the Conference.

Congrès Bibliographique International. Compte rendu des travaux.

Containing the "Mémoire" de M. Henri Stein sur les travaux bibliographiques de 1875 à 1888.

Courtney, W: P. The parliamentary representation of Cornwall, to 1832.

"The story of the representation of Cornwall, of its County Members, and of the Burgesses who sat for its boroughs, down to the year 1832. The two classes must not be put together. The County Members sent to Parliament by the Cornish freeholders, were almost without exception, men of distiction, leading men of the county, if not of wide reputation. Most of the Borough mem. bers were placemen or nominees. The history of these boroughs is scarcely a creditable page in English history; but it had to be written, and the author of this volume has shown an industry beyond praise in writing it."Spectator, Dec. 7.


Davis, T: Prose writings; ed.,, with introd., by T. W. Rolleston. (Camelot ser.)

"There is a peculiar fitness in entrusting to Mr. Rolleston the editing of Thomas Davis's literary remains, inasmuch as of all living Irishmen, there is perhaps no one who is more in sympathy with that generous and romantic figure. Though bright and animated in style it is more for their spirit than their liter. ary form that these papers are worthy of republication." - Spectator, Apr. 5.

Dennysville, Me. Memorial of the 100th anniversary of the settlement. 1886. Derôme, L. Causeries d'un ami des livres; les édi

tions originales des romantiques. [1887.] 2 v. Dilke, Sir C: W. Problems of Greater Britain. 2 v.

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"The first and most important fact connected with Sir Charles Dilke's very able book is that it pricks the glittering bubble of Imperial Federation, and scatters to the winds the literary and political soapsuds of which it is compounded. But though we pick this out as the most significant result of Sir Charles Dilke's volumes, it must not be supposed that he draws any such direct conclusions. His attitude throughout is that of one who desires to place both sides of the question fairly be fore his readers. ... A book stuffed with facts and occupied with a vast variety of subjects." - Spectator, Feb. 8.

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