Imágenes de páginas

Revue de la mode; gazette de la famille. [Plates.] 13e-17e année, 1884-88.

Richards, J. B. Prince Roderick. 3 v.

"Entertaining and vivacious romance. The romantic and tragic episodes in the lives of certain foreign potentates during the last decade have obviously furnished him with much of his material, but he has so adroitly shuffled and dovetailed the real with the imaginary, that except in the case of a few minor figures, he is in no danger of coming under the condemnation which so justly applies to workers in portrait' fiction.". -Athenæum, June 15, 1889.

Ris-Paquot, O. E. Dictionnaire des poinçons, symboles, signes figuratifs, marques, et monogrammes des orfèvres, fermiers généraux, maîtres des monnaies, etc.

"Son Dictionnaire' permettra de reconstituer avec certitude l'état civil, au besoin depuis le 13e siècle jusqu'à nos jours, de ces précieuses pièces d'or ou d'argent que les amateurs s'arrachent à un prix souvent centuple de leur valeur intrinsèque." — Le livre, fév. Rochemonteix, C. de. Un collège de Jésuites aux 17e et 18e siècles; le collège Henri IV de La Flèche. 4 v.

Rod, E: Les trois cœurs.

"M. Rod a fait précéder son volume d'une préface où il déclare nettement que ses amis et lui ont rompu avec le naturalisme. Le naturalisme a été remplacé

par' l'intuitivisme, dont M. Rod donne la définition que voici L'intuitivisme, si par hasard on voulait accepter ce mot, serait donc l'application de l'intuition comme méthode de psychologie littéraire: regarder en soi, non pour se connaitre ni pour s'aimer, mais pour connaître et aimer les autres; chercher dans le microcosme de son cœur le jeu du cœur humain; partir de là pour aller plus loin que soi, et parce qu'en soi, quoi qu'on dise, se réfléchit le monde.' Beaucoup de psychologie, plus de descriptions ne de 'scènes' tels seront les traits principaux du roman intuitif. Il faut lire ce petit volume, c'est le meilleur commentaire du manifeste littéraire que nous venons d'analyser, et l'on ne regrettera son temps à aucun égard." — Bibl. univ., mars. Samary-Lagarde, Mme. J.. Les gourmandises de

Charlotte; préface d'E: Pailleron.

"Depuis une quinzaine la presse ne tarit pas d'éloges sur son comte. Jamais roman de Zola ou de Daudet, jamais livre de Renan ou de Bourget, n'a provoqué une aussi bruyante réclame. Ajoutons, d'ailleurs, pour être juste, que cette charmante plaquette a tout ce qu'il faut pour piquer la curiosité: une préface de Pailleron, un récit fantaisiste dans lequel Mme. Samary raconte les aventures drôlatiques et lamentables de Charlotte victime de sa gourmandise et de sa gloutonnerie, et surtout trente-deux planches en couleur par Job, qui sont de petites merveilles de dessin ingénieux et de naïve originalité.” — Revue bleue, 5 avril. Surcouf, R. Un corsaire malouin, Robert Surcouf.

"C'est avec une piété toute filiale que l'auteur a ra conté l'histoire de son illustre aïeul, le roi des corsaires, l'idole des marins de Saint-Malo et le héros de tant de légendes populaires." - Revue bleue, 5 avr. Swift, Gen. J. G. Memoirs, 1800-1865; added, a genealogy of the family of T: Swift of Dorchester, Mass., 1634; by H. Ellery. Technology architectural review; [pub. by] Mass. Institute of Technology, Dep't. of Architecture. Vol. 1. 1887-88.

Thomson, J. Mungo Park and the Niger. (The

world's great explorers.)

"A well-chosen adaptation of author to subject some. times produces a volume of exceptional interest. The life and work of perhaps the greatest African explorer of the last century by one of the most distinguished and capable travellers of our own day is an instance of this." -Athenæum, June 28.

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"He writes with fluency and clearness, and is so genuinely interested in his subject, of which he takes a broad, comprehensive view, that he is quite sure to communicate his interest to his readers."-Atlantic monthly, August.

Towle, Mrs. E. A. Alexander Heriot Mackonochie; a memoir; ed. by E: F. Russell.

"Mr. Mackonochie was not a learned theologian, but he was an untiring worker among the poor, eminently self-sacrificing and charitable, and at the same time an excellent organiser, and he effected a wonderful amount of good in the crowded district in which his church was situated." — Athenæum, July 19.

Trézenik, L. (pseud. of L. Epinette), La confes

sion d'un fou.

"C'est le journal d'un homme instruit qui, se sentant menacé par la folie, entreprend de retracer pas à pas la marche de sa déchéance intellectuelle et psychique. L'abolition progressive de la volonté, le dédoublement, l'hallucination, sont décrits ici avec une rare précision.' Le livre, mars.

Triger, R. L'année 1789 au Mans et dans le HautMaine.

"Une masse de faits, recueillis aux sources locales, bien distribués à leur place, font de ce livre un des plus précieux documents de la grande enquête sur 1789.” — Rev. des questions hist., jan.

Turpie, D: M. Manual of the Chaldee language, containing a grammar of the Biblical Chaldee and Targums, a chrestomathy, etc. 1879. Vorsterman van Oyen, A. A. Catalogus van boeken, platen, enz., verkrijgbaar bij het Genealogisch en heraldisch Archief te 's Gravenhage; alsmede Supplement op den in 1884 verschenenen Dictionnaire nobiliare. Westall, W: Strange crimes.

"Lovers of the 'Police news,' etc., will welcome Mr. Westall's collection of foreign criminal cases. They will be able to contrast the dogged brutality of the Ger man with the fantastic ferocity of the French criminal, and both with our own most notorious examples of these qualities. The compiler claims much psychologi cal and moral value for his work." Athenæum, July

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Contents. Gideon. Samuel. Saul. Miriam's schooling. - Michael Trevanian.

"Miriam's schooling,' the more important of the two secular stories, bears in method and execution a strong resemblance to the writer's earlier chronicles of Cowfold. There is the same keen observation, the same delicate precision, the same unrelenting dissection of mind, of motive; the village is shown to us as in a Dutch picture; the light and shade are vivid, all the daily life is there."- - Athenæum, July 26. Williams, A., and Co. Plan of Boston, with parts of the adjacent towns. 1835. Wolff, J. The salt master of Lüneburg; tr. by W. H:, and E.. R. Winslow.

"What is really admirable in it is its pictures of political and social life in a free burgh of the fifteenth century. The picturesque doings of the trade guilds, and in particular the festival of the honorable craft of cobblers, are learnedly, if not very cleverly described." Critic, July 19.

Wolley, C. P. Snap; a legend of the Lone Mountain.

"A fine, healthy, vigorous book." - L. B. Walford.

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"Much that is in these pages is, of course, taken from other sources: but the collation of material has been so ably accomplished, and the critical powers of a keen observer have been so well exercised that the volume is practically new, and will prove an essential handbook to the study of the early Christian art of this coun try." Athenæum, Aug. 30. Amand-Durand,

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Livres à dentelles et dessins d'ornements reproduits et pub. sous la direction de E. Bocher. 1883.

Armaillé, M.. C. A. de S., comtesse d'. La com

tesse d'Egmont, fille du maréchal de Richelieu, 1740-73; d'après ses lettres inédites à Gustave III.

"Pleasant in many ways. It is chiefly based on the letters of the too short-lived Countess to Gustavus III., the victim of Ankarström. Mme. d'Egmont was a delightful person, whom the gods kindly carried off before the evil days because they loved her. And no wonder they loved her, for her portrait here is perfectly enchanting.". - Sat. rev., Apr. 5.

Austin, W: Literary papers; with a biog. sketch by J. W. Austin.

Aymeri de Narbonne; chanson de geste, pub. par
L: Demaison. 1887. 2 v.

Beaumanoir, P. de. Euvres poétiques, pub. par
H. Suchier. 1884. 2 v.
Bismarck-Schoenhausen, O: E: L., Fürst von.


Bismarck intime; by a fellow student; tr. by H: Hayward.

The volume purports to be a translation of remin. iscences of a fellow student. But it is odd that the fellow student should throw no new light on the German statesman's career, nor furnish a single new anecdote. The book is in fact nothing but a hash of stories that have already appeared garnished with commonplace reflections." Academy, Aug. 23. Boucher de Molandon,

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Jacques Boucher, sieur du Guilleville et de Mézières, trésorier général du duc d'Orléans en 1429; sa famille, etc.; souvenirs orléanais du temps de Jeanne d'Arc. 1888.

"Le savant auteur y donne des renseignements fort curieux sur le rôle de Jacques Boucher pendant le siège d'Orléans; sur le chancelier d'Orléans Guillaume Cousinot; sur l'entrée de Jeanne d'Arc à Orléans et son séjour chez le trésorier général Jacques Boucher; sur le paiement de la rançon du duc Charles d'Orléans; sur le famille de Jacques Boucher. Une ample description de l'hôtel de Jacques Boucher termine le travail du laborieux et sagace érudit auquel l'histoire est redevable de tant de curieuses recherches."- Rev. des quest. hist.,


Brun de la Montaigne; roman d'aventure, pub. par Paul Meyer. 1875.

Buchanan, R. Life of the Hon. T: McKean; compiled for the genealogy of the McKean family; with introd. letter by Hon. T: F. Bay

ard. Bullen, A. H: Poems, chiefly lyrical, from romances and prose-tracts of the Elizabethan age; with chosen poems of N: Breton. "Mr. Bullen's preface introduces a very welcome, though very slightly heterogeneous, addition to the excellent lyrical anthologies which for the last three or four

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"Mrs. Burnham has a bright story to tell, and her characters have an ease of life which is nearly as good as profundity of conception." - -Atlantic monthly. Cadol, E: Le chemin de Mazas.

"Votre roman est causé plutôt qu'il n'est écrit: c'est pourquoi aucune fatigue ne se mêlé au plaisir de le lire, Ah! vous n'êtes pas un ennuyeux, vous. Vous avez créé dans Nicholas un delicieux coquin. Vous lui avez donné votre esprit, et ce n'est pas peu dire! Longue et brilliant vie à ce cousin de Robert Macaire, qui à dans les veines quelques gouttes du sang de Tartuffe!"-Rev. bleue, 17 mai.

Calvo, J. B. Republic of Costa Rica; tr. and ed. with introd. additions, etc., by L. de T. Child, G. W. Church and state under the Tudors. "The subject well deserves attention, though it is probable that a great many books will have to be written before general principles are established. However, Mr. Child's contribution shows an adequate conception of the foundations of sound knowledge, and is a testimony to the value of the work done by Bishop Stubbs in his Historical Appendix to the Report of the Ecclesiastical Courts Commission. Mr. Child does not

write from a polemical point of view. He is the plain man who is free from pre-possessions, and is simply engaged in drawing such inferences as the facts justify.


The most permanently useful part of his work is an appendix which contains the chief ecclesiastical statutes of the sixteenth century." Sat. rev., June 28. Church, Mrs. F. M. A scarlet sin; a novel.

"Miss Marryat has sufficient command of the art of telling a story in a bright, readable way, to make her more judicious readers regret her habit of choosing stories which are not worth telling." Spectator, June


Clark, J: W., and Hughes, T: McK. Life and letters of Adam Sedgwick. 2 v.

"The two rather ponderous volumes constitute an excellent biography, and the collateral information which is abundantly supplied renders the work a rich treasury of biographical fact concerning Adam Sedgwick, and the numberless interesting and important men and women whose intimacy he enjoyed.” — Athenæum, Aug. 9.

Collins, M., afterwards Mrs. Cook. Ida; an adventure in Morocco; a novel.

"There is a good deal of interesting and picturesque description in Ida,' notably that of the heroine's ride from Tangier to Tetuan, and of the Sultan's procession into that town; but the story is unpleasant." — Sat. rev., Aug. 23.

Corrie, G: E. Memorials of [his] life; from his diary and correspondence; ed. by M. Hobroyd.

"The records of a singularly uneventful life are not often so interesting as these memorials of the late Master of Jesus College. A few very pleasant and profitable half hours may be spent over these pages, through which three intertwined threads of sentiment run to wit, of fervent and unaffected piety, of detestation and horror of Popery, and of fondness for riding and shooting and love of nature." — Athenæum, Aug. 30.

Cudlip, Mrs. A. T. The love of a lady.

Neither characters nor circumstances will be found very attractive by those who are at all fastidious in their taste." Athenæum, Aug. 30.

Daurel et Beton; chanson de geste provençale,

pub. par P. Meyer. 1880. Davis, J. Life and reminiscences of J. Davis; by distinguished men of his time; introd. by Hon. J: W. Daniel.

Débat, Le, des hérauts d'armes de France et d'An

gleterre; suivi de The debate between the heralds of England and France by J. Coke; commenc. par L. Pannier, achevé par P. Meyer. 1877.

Deschamps, E. Euvres complètes, pub. par le marquis de Queux de St.-Hilaire. 1878-89. 6 v.

Dinarte, S. (pseud. of A. d'E T.). Innocencia ; story of the prairie regions of Brazil; tr. by J. W. Wells. 1889.


"A simple, and yet powerful and melancholy story of country life in Brazil. A faithful picture of Bra zilian life and scenery, with its physical and moral storm and sunshine." - Academy, Jan. 15.

Drumont, E. A. La dernière bataille; nouv; étude psychol. et sociale.

"C'est une furieuse charge contre la société actuelle et le monde juif, faite avec l'âpre courage, la fougue indomptable et l'amère ironie de ce paladin de l'antisémitisme."- Le livre, avril.

Du Boisgobey, F. Le fils du plongeur; scènes de la vie sportive.

"Fortuné is Fortuné. and his readers are his readers, and will remain so."- Sat. rev., May 17.

Duffy, Sir C: G. Thomas Davis; memoirs of an Irish patriot, 1840-46.

"A generous and enthusiastic panegyric of his friend Thomas Davis. His career was rather a fortunate one for he died famous after a way, beloved, and not disillusioned.” — Sat. rev., July 19.

Duncan, S.. J.

A social departure; how Orthodocia and I went round the world by ourselves.

"Little salient touches give fresh life and accuracy to the writer's sketches. Nothing, indeed, shows the writer's skill better than the freshness of her treatment of hackneyed scenes and doings. In fact, there is a stream of fun running through the entire volume, rarely forced, and often decidedly amusing." - Athenæum, July 12.

Edwardes, Mrs. A. Pearl-powder; a novel.

"A little stiff, and long-winded, neither so fresh in subject nor so free in manner as Archie Lovell,' and several other romances by the same author. There

is a savour of English life and circumstance under the reign of Farmer George which produces a fair measure of pleasant illusion.' Athenæum, July 12. Ellis, H. The criminal. (Contemp. sci. ser.)

"Gives a rather muddle-headed account of that mixture of doubtful observation, and still more doubtful theory which goes to make up the new science of criminal anthropology. At the basis of the whole system is the rejection of moral responsibility. The criminal is not a bad man but a being of abnormal development. stead of punishing crime, in fact, we should reward it with a first-class education." Spectator, Aug. 30. Elmer, L. Q. C. History of the early settlement


and progress of Cumberland Co., N. J.; and of the currency of this and the adjoining colonies. 1869. Farrar, F: W: gau, 1890. "Among the many accounts that have been written this year, one of the most picturesque, the most interesting, and the most reasonable is this sketch of Archdeacon Farrar's." - Spectator, Aug. 16.

The Passion-play at Oberammer

Fernow, B. The Ohio Valley in colonial days. (Munsell's hist. ser.)

"An exhaustive study. The well-known facts scattered through a library of books have been collected and freshly arranged, and made more useful for reference through the addition of some hitherto unpublished and unknown material." - Mag. of Amer. hist., Sept. Forster, J. Four great teachers: [Ruskin, Emerson, Carlyle, Browning.]

"Largely composed of extracts, and accompanied by decidedly superficial commentary." Sat. rev., July


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"It is an admirable little tale, full of local characteristics, with curious fragments of Creole French from Martinique, and abundance of wide human sympathy." -Athenæum, Aug. 30.

Her own counsel; by the author of "Dr. Edith Romney. 3 v.

"A thoroughly good novel. The writing throughout the book is above the average, the characters live, the feeling is refined." —Sat. rev., Apr. 26.

Hozier, L: P: d', and Hozier de Sèrigny, A. M. d'. Armorial d'Artois et de Picardie, 1696-1710; pub. et suivi d'un nobiliare de Flandre et d'Artois, par A. F. J. Borel d'Hauterive. 1866.

Johnson, T: R. Section map and street index of the city of Boston, including Cambridge and Somerville. 1883.

Karr, J: B. A. La maison de l'ogre.

"Suite de piquantes bluettes, où l'infatigable auteur des Guêpes, satirise, avec autant d'humeur que de bons sens, les personnages et les travers du jour." - Le livre, avr.

Kunz, G: F: Gems and precious stones of North

America; a popular description of their occurrence, value, history, archæology; and of the collections in which they exist; also a chapter on pearls, and on remarkable foreign gems owned in the U. S.

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Margival, N: de. Le dit de la Panthère d'amours; poème du 13e siècle, pub. par H: A. Todd. 1883. Martial, d' A. L'amant rendu cordelier à l'observance d'amours; poème pub. par A. de Montaiglon. 1881.

Masseras, E. L'example de l'Amérique; Washington et son œuvre. 1889.

"M. Masseras a retracé la biographie du fondateur de la république américaine, et éclairé l'une par l'autre les trois grandes phases de l'existence des Etats Unis l'enfantement des institutions républicaines, la guerre de la Sécession et la situation financière qui fut la conséquence de cette lutte fratricide. Il s'est attaché à faire ressortir les graves enseignements que les nations européennes peuvent retirer de ces études historiques." Revue bleue, 26 avr.

Mercier, C: Sanity and insanity. sci. ser.)


"In his short but lucid sketch of the general constitution of mind, and the nature of the various faculties of which it consists, the author follows the psychology of Spencer, of whom he is a loyal disciple; and closely ap plies throughout the evolutional hypotheses to illuminate the complicated material with which he has to deal.

To many educated readers, and the legal profession especially, this book will certainly be of no small use.


Something approaching to a real working definition of insanity will be found, and a careful perusal of Dr. Mercier's lucid statements and cogent reasoning as to the nature and causes of insanity may help many a clear-headed judge or advocate to separate the chaff from the wheat in the medical evidence both of the ig norant and the over-expert witness. The thought is precise throughout, and the arrangement logical. It bristles with apposite similes drawn from surpris ingly various departments of knowledge." Sat. rev., July 26. Merlin; roman en prose du 13e siècle, pub. avec la mise en prose du poème de Merlin de R. de Boron, par G. Paris et J. Ulrich. 1886. 2 v. Mollett, J: W. The painters of Barbizon: Corot, Daubigny, Dupré. (Illust. biog. of great artists.)

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Montague, C: H., and Dyar, C. W.

Written in

red; or, The conspiracy in the North case; a story of Boston.

Montgomery, D: H: The leading facts of American history.

Moore, Rev. A. L. Holy week, addresses on: 1. The appeal and the claim of Christ. 2. The words from the cross; at S. Paul's Cathedral, 1888.

Morrison, W. D. The Jews under Roman rule. (The story of the nations.)

"Although the history of the period in question has been written with much completeness by Prof. Graetz in his great work on the Jews, with the help of all accessible documents, the reader will not find Mr. Morrison's book a mere 'rechauffé.' Of course he is obliged to use Josephus, and some scattered notices in Roman writers; nevertheless, his graphic descrip

tion of the political, social, and religious state of the Jews during this period is excellent, and we may say complete enough considering the limited space allowed by the publisber." Athenæum, Aug. 23. Muybridge, E. Animal locomotion; an electrophotographic investigation of consecutive phases of animal movements: prospectus and catalogue of plates. 1887.

Mystère de St. Bernard de Menthon, Le; pub. par A. Lecoy de la Marche. 1888.

Nationalist, The. Vol. 1.

Vol. 1.

(Great wri

New review, The; ed. by A. Grove. Noel, Hon. R. Life of Lord Byron. ters.) "Mr. Noel's enthusiasm for Byron is genuine and engaging. The book gives much more space than short accounts of Byron's life have done to his last days in Greece. Though it is sometimes uncritical, and still oftener undisciplined, it is by no means without merits. It is generous and stimulating, and may have the double good effect, first of making people read Byron; and secondly, of encouraging others to take enthusiastic views of life and literature rather than indulge in the maudlin or pottering analytics of the day." - Sat. rev., Aug. 2.

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Page, J. L. W. An exploration of Exmoor and the hill country of west Somerset; with notes on its archæology.

"Mr. Page's book, with its pretty etchings and draw. ings by Mr. Arthur Dawson, its pleasing descriptions of scenery, its fluent discourse concerning Roman camps, hill-beacons, barrows, old churches, and the battle fields of Alfred, will increase the pleasure of the tourist The topography of Blackmore's romance is carefully delineated. In description his book is clear, methodical, and of sound guidance. The history and antiquarian lore are less satisfactory." Sat. rev., July 5. Philippe de Navarre or Navairre. Les quatre âges de l'homme; traité moral, pub. par M. de Fréville. 1888.

Philips, F. C., and Wills, C: J. Sybil Ross's marriage; the romance of an inexperienced girl.

"A story of a very uncommon kind. One of the most striking and powerful pieces of fiction of recent years." Athenæum, Jan. 18.

Pillet, C: Madame Vigée-Le Brun. (Les artistes célèbres.)

"A good addition to the excellent series." Satur day rev., June 7.

Prost, B. Traicté de la forme et devis comme on 1878.

faict les tournois.

Raoul de Cambrai; chanson de geste, pub. par P. Meyer, et A. Longnon. 1882.

Roth, H. L. Guide to the literature of sugar; for chemists, botanists, librarians, manufacturers, and planters; with subject-index. Saint voyage, Le, de Jherusalem du seigneur d'Anglure; pub. par F. Bonnardot et A: Longnon. 1878.

Schaack, M. J. Anarchy and anarchists; history of the red terror and the social revolution in America and Europe; the Chicago Haymarket conspiracy. 1889.

"The whole story is set forth with the greatest precision and in minute detail. ... The illustrations are not of the hightest merit, but they enliven and explain the text, and lend reality and vividness to the narrative." Spectator, Apr. 19.

Seawell, M. E. Throckmorton; a novel.

"It is in the character-drawing of persons who are not lovers, and of lovers when temporarily diverted from love's miseries and ecstasies, that the author shows a critical faculty which condones much nonsense." - Nation, Aug. 14.

Simon, Sir J: English sanitary institutions re

viewed in their course of development, and in some of their political and social relations.

"Comprises a survey of the rise and progress of 'human sanitary endeavour,' a history of Public Health legislation, and a very complete and suggestive_record of the fifty years hygienic reform."-Sat. rev., July 12. Stackelberg, N., Freiherrin von. The life of Car

men Sylva, Queen of Roumania; tr. by H. Deichmann.

"This 'Life' by its skilful suggestion of the poet's personality, is a valuable commentary and guide, a book deserving to be read, too, for the good taste and discriminating tone of the writer." Sat. rev., Apr. 5. Stirling, Scotland. Extracts from the records of

the royal burgh of Stirling, 1667-1762; with app., 1471-1752.

Stockton, F. R: The Merry Chanter.

"The Merry Chanter' is the name of a ship belonging to a young married couple in a small New England town. ... The ship never sails, but life aboard of her is made very amusing."

Stuart, G: H. Life; written by himself; ed. by R. E. Thompson.

"Franklin's autobiography had a charm of manner which added much to the fact that it portrayed the youth of one who came in time to be one of the great men of his century and of the modern world. Mr. Stuart was a good man-in a narrow sense a much better one than Franklin; he was an energetic, useful, and extremely pious man; but he had none of the elements of greatness, and he had no literary skill. interest as there is in his autobiography is wholly in the facts. He adds nothing to them by his report. He touches them with no felicity of thought or phrase.". Nation, Aug. 14.


Terhune, Mrs. M.. V. H. (pseud. M. Harland). With the best intentions; a mid-summer episode.

Theuriet, A. L'oncle Scipion.

"Compared with 'La neuvaine de Colette,' 'L'oncle Scipion' is a commonplace and even a vulgar book. But it is also perfectly harmless, and it has the merit of being true to nature, and a real picture of life, - - a less romantic Nature, and a lower level of life. There is something of Dickens in the story, and even in the The pictures of Paris life are very clever."- Spectator, Aug. 20.


Thomas of Canterbury, St. Fragments d'une vie de St. Thomas de Cantorbéry, en vers accouplés, avec fac-similé de l'original; pub. par P. Meyer. 1885.

Tiruvalluva. Le livre de l'amour; tr. par G. de B. de Fontainieu.


"Ce n'est que la troisième section des Koural de Tirouvallouva,' l'ouvrage qui, dans l'Inde dravidienne et méridionale, répond à peu près au Livre de Manou' de l'Inde âryenne bien qu'en différant notablement et construit sur un tout autre plan. On lira avec intérêt la savante notice que M. Julien Vinson a mise comme avant-propos en tête du travail de son élève. Il y traite, entre autre questions, de la personalité de Tirouvallouva. Toute sa discussion peut se résumer dans cette phrase; la vérité est que nous ne savons rien de positif sur l'auteur des Koural.' Tirouvallouva, en effet, semble désigner, comme Manou un personnage indéterminé." L. Feer in Rev. critique, 10




Tovey, D. C. Gray and his friends; letters and relics in great part hitherto unpublished. "One of the principal designs of the editor is to give a more complete record of the friendship between the four Etonians, Gray, Horace Walpole, West, and Ashton, known to their schoolfellows as the 'Quadruple Alliance.' The editor's notes are short but satisfactory, and the introductory essay is pleasant and suggestive." -Athenæum, Aug. 16. Watson, H. B. M. Marahuna; a romance. 1888. "The heroine is, in fact, a far less commonplace and better conceived character than Frankenstein's monster, with whom, in her isolation from the human race, she has a good deal in common. If Miss Marriott Watson's powers of execution were equal to her felicity of design Marahuna' would be an extremely remarkable book. As it is, it is a story of a good deal more than average ability. A very clever story, and one deserving to be read by the judicious." - Saturday rev., Apr. 21. Weitzel, Mrs. S. W. Counter-currents; a story. 1888.

Whistler, J. A. M. The gentle art of making enemies; as exemplified in instances wherein the serious ones of this earth have been spurred on to unseemliness and indiscretion while overcome by an undue sense of right,

"It is of the order that Charles Lamb classed as biblia abiblia,' books that are no books at all, like dictionaries and catalogues; and Mr. Whistler himself would probably be justly offended if it were spoken of as literature, or he himself as a littérateur. He is only an artist of genius and a rare wit. In this volume, he has collected the records of his controversies with the various more or less eminent persons with whom during an eventful life he has come into collision. ... It may be said that for the last twenty or thirty years there has been contention in the realms of art, and that Mr. Whistler has been foremost on the side of the new artistic departure. The book is altogether so curious, so dainty in all externals, so absolutely unlike anything that ever before has proceecled from a printing press, that probably the bibliophile of the future who is without a copy of the first edition on his shelves will be as unhappy as those Flemish am ateurs of etching and tulip are represented to have been when their collections lacked a first state of Rembrandt's 'Little Juno with the crown' or a bulb of the famous Semper Augustus tulip." Oswald Crawfurd in the Academy, June 28.

White, S. V. Selections from [his] portfolio. Zola, E. La bête humaine. (Les Rougon-Macquart.)

"Ce chef-d'œuvre, disent les uns, cette très puissante étude, dissent plus simplement les autres. Je n'ai pas le temps, et je le regrette, de vous conter par le menu l'action singulièrement complexe de ce drame charpenté du main du maître." - Le livre, avril.

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