Imágenes de páginas
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Siemens, E. W. v. Scientific and technical papers; tr. from 2d German ed. Vol. 1. "Written at various times during the last forty years, some of them are now a little behind the advanced outposts of present-day science, but this in no way detracts from their inherent value. The several papers mark a stage of development of the subject with which they deal, and whether or not they have been left behind by later advances, their importance is unimpaired. Apart from their scientific and technological merits, they show how eminent the author was both as a scientist and as a manufacturer, and afford an admirable illustration of the value of that combination of theory with practice which all true educationalists are now seeking to promote."- Westminster review, Oct.

Slater, J: H, Book collecting; a guide for ama


Stearns, L. F. H: Boynton Smith. (Amer. relig. leaders.)

"As a piece of literary work this book need fear comparison with none in the series. He brings the man and the issues clearly before us while his remarks and interpretations act as search lights along the whole coast of American theology and religious history." Literary world, June 18.

Stoddard, C: A: Spanish cities; with glimpses at Gibraltar and Tangier; illust.

"With the illustrations, the clear English he em. ploys, his zest and pleasure in good things, and a happy knack of picking up out-of-the-way bits of history and tradition, he invests his chapters with a flavor of freshness and novelty. Those on the Alhambra are particu larly bright and entertaining." - Lit. world, Nov. 5. Strange, D. The farmer's tariff manual; by a farmer. "Is filled with economic science fused into common sense, and, with its vigorous grip on reality, should have much weight with the special audience it addresses."___ Nation, Oct. 13.

Taussig, F. W:

Nation, Oct. 13.

State papers and speeches on the tariff; with introd. "The five documents from Hamilton, Gallatin, R. J. Walker, Clay, and Webster give the pro and con of the protective controversy. The volume is designed for collateral reading in colleges." Texier, C: Description de l'Asie Mineure, 183339; beaux-arts, monuments historiques, plans et topographie des cités antiques. 3 v. avec 241 planches. 1839-49.

Thierry, G. A. La bien-aimée; Rediviva; La rédemption de Larmor.

"La bien-aimée, Rediviva, La rédemption de Larmor sont de très jolis cauchemars, très bien composées dans leur apparence de désordre, et d'une progression savante dans l'étrangeté et dans l'effroi. On lit cela, le soir, dans une clarté douteuse, très seul (il vaudrait mieux être en hiver, dans un vieux château à rafales; mais on ne peut pas tout avoir à la fois), et l'on est sûr de dormir mal pendant toute la nuit.— Revue bleue, 23 juil. Thomson, J. A. The study of animal life. (Univ. extension manuals.)

"The book has a very wide scope. The author ranges from such elaborately technical matters as the chemical composition of protoplasm to the views of purely pop. ular writers like Grant Allen,or the late R. Jefferies upon theStruggle for existence.' Occasionally our author drops into poetry. It might, perhaps, be imagined that

this blending would not produce an altogether happy result, but this surmise would be absolutely the reverse of the truth." Sat. rev., Oct. 1. Tiersot, J. Rouget de Lisle; son œuvre, sa vie.

"Le livre de M. Tiersot, avec son continuel mélange, très habilement maintenu, de biographie, de critique littéraire, et de critique musicale n'en est pas moins une monographie consciencieuse, agréable, et d'un très vif intérêt." Revue blene, 2 juil.

Tolstoï, Graf A. K. Prince Serebryani; an historical novel of the times of Ivan the Terrible and the conquest of Siberia; tr. by J. Curtin.

"Count Tolstoi, who may have been a kinsman of the great living writer, died in 1875, leaving as a literary legacy a dramatic triology and the work now presented to English readers, both dealing with the events of the terrible reign of the fourth Ivan. The novel, while rich in broad, strong portraiture, is pre-eminently a story of ac. tion, and there is not a chapter in which the movement ceases or even drags. It is a long time since we have read a more admirable aud powerful historical romance." Spectator, Sept. 24.

Trial of W: Palmer for the Rugeley poisonings,
May 14-27, 1856. 4th ed. rev. [1856.]
Two tales. Vol. 1.
Verlaine, P. Les poètes maudits.

Visitor's guide to Salem.

Nouv. éd.

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"From the letters of Trench, of Lord Houghton, of Edward Fitz-Gerald, and many others who were contemporaries of Tennyson and who died before him, Mr. Waugh has collected a very curious little anthology of references, many of them slight and remote, but all helping to fill up the picture when each is relegated to its proper place. It does not pretend to be more than a study in biography and criticism, and as such we must pronounce it to be an excellent one."-Sat. rev., Oct. 22. Wee Widow's cruise in quiet waters, The; by an idle exile. (Unknown lib.)

"Lightly written in a graceful style; but it is weighted with guide-book information of the points the yacht touched at, and has a breezy air of nautical knowingness." Critic, Oct. 8.

Whitman, W. Autobiographia; or, The story of a life; sel. from his prose writings. "Selections so arranged as to give a consecutive account of his career in his own picturesque language." Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. Children's rights; a book of nursery logic. "Contains several exceedingly sensible chapters about children's playing, reading, kindergarten, and the like topics." - Lit. world, Oct. 8.

Wright, G: F. Man and the glacial period.

"An abridgment from his large work on the 'Ice age.' He has prepared himself for this minor volume by investigations on the Pacific coast and in Europe, but the American matter in the two volumes is substantially the same." — Lit. world, Oct. 22.

Yonge, C.. M.. The cross roads; or, A choice in life; a story for young women.

"Eschews entirely the aristocracy and draws its characters from the serving class. It is a simple story of the love and honesty of a servant, and her undaunted purpose to follow the dictates of a clear conscience and good judgment.”. Critic.


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Alden, G. A., and others. Das malerische Schweden; eine Schilderung in Wort und Bild; übers. von O: Hoppe. 1891.

Aldrich, A. R. Songs about life, love and death. "Whoever reads these Songs' will be sure to recog. nize in them qualities which compel one to ascribe to the young woman who wrote them genius of a rare order. Her writing is always spontaneous, her language simple and direct, and her lines abound in imaginative touches which instantly capture one by their force and felicity." Critic, Nov. 26. Alfieri, V., conte. Vita, scritta da esso; col Panegirico di Plinio a Trajano. 1818. Archbold, W. A. J. The Somerset religious

houses; Prince Consort dissertation, 1890. "Any contribution to the history of the dissolution of monasteries meets with a welcome now-a-days, and Mr. Archbold's scholarly essay deserves the heartiest praise." Spectator, Sept. 10. Audebrand, P. Petits mémoires du 19e siècle.

"Une contribution fort curieuse et qui ne laisse pas d'être assez utile à l'histoire du romantisme. M. Aude. brand a connu Henri Heine, Felix Arvers, Méry, Gérard de Nerval, Charles Philippon, Alfred de Musset,et même George Bell, dont je trouve, je ne sais pourquoi, qu'il abuse un peu. Il abonde en anecdotes amusantes sur tous ces gens là. Vous trouverez là l'histoire de Musset et du rhinocéros du jardin des Plantes qui est très drôle, et l'histoire du chien du candidat qui est bien plus bouffonne encore." — Emile Faguet in Revue bleue.

Austin, Mrs. J. G. David Alden's daughter; and other stories of colonial times.

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G. Ravenstein; illust.

"During two years the author has travelled assiduously, and one of the results is a map which we believe to be the first trustworthy production of its kind. The natural productions, the trade, and the physical fea tures are described in turn with minuteness, and in a manner which carries conviction of the general accuracy of the writer.". -Athenæum, Oct. 29. Bourinot, J: G: Historical and descriptive account of Cape Breton and of its memorials of the French régime; with notes.

Brann, Rev. H: A. Most Rev. J: Hughes, 1st Abp. of N. Y. (Makers of America.)

"A small book cannot do much more than outline his long career. It does this, however, with a firm hand, leaving out of view no salient points, and even contriving to devote a chapter to his poetical and liter. ary gifts." Catholic world, Nov. Burnet, J: Early Greek philosophy.

"Unquestionably he throws great light on many ob scure topics. He writes with full knowledge of the German literature of the subject, he has subjected to fresh criticism an enormous mass of historical material, and he has produced a weighty and intensely interesting book." Nation, Aug. 11.

Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Giovanni and the other children who have made stories.

Carlier, A. La république américaine, Etats-Unis ; institutions de l'union institutions d'état, régime municipal, système judiciare, condition sociale des Indiens. 1890. 4 v.

Carlyle, T: Rescued essays; ed. by P. Newberry. "As the paper on Louis Philippe is inspired by a fine moral indignation so are the winning and pathetic pages on the Death of Charles Buller' inspired by a human tenderness, the very existence of which readers of the painful Reminiscences have been tempted angrily to deny. No more winningly beautiful literary portrait than this has been painted in our generation. Five articles on Irish matters fill the remainder of the volume." Spectator, Nov. 5.

Cavazza, E.. Don Finimondone; Calabrian


"A collection of tales in English of modern life in Calabria; praised in the Oct. Atlantic monthly." Centenario, El; revista illust; organo oficial de la junta directiva de conmemorar el descubrimiento de America. Vol. 1.

Christie, R: C. Bibliography of the works written and ed. by J: Worthington, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. 1888. (Chetham Soc.)

Church, Rev. A. S. Stories from the Greek comedians; Aristophanes, Philemon, Diphilus, Menander, Apollodorus.

"The bright sunlight, the crisp breezes of the Egean, the purple distances of Hymettus, the sweet yet tart air of Athens are present in all these things and give them a certain imperishable quality." - Critic,

Dec. 3.

Cobb, E. W. Memoir of Sylvanus Cobb, Jr. 1891. Cole, T. Old Italian masters; with historical notes by W: J. Stillman; and comments. "In delicacy, refinement, accuracy, subtility of light and shade, beauty of tone, Mr. Cole has no equal. Mr. Stillman's notes are able and careful from the point of view of the archæologist and historian. As a critic his views are obviously colored by his extreme idealistic theories." Colombo, C. The letter of Columbus on the discovery of America; fac-simile of the pictorial with tr. and repr. of oldest 4 eds, in Latin; printed by the Lenox Library.

Nation, Nov. 17.

Coppée, F. E: J. Les vrais riches; illust.

Très gracieusement, très spirituellement, et aussi très malignement conté. C'est d'une lecture charmante." Revue bleue, 13 août. Denham, M. A. The Denham tracts; a coll. of folklore; repr. from the orig., print. 1846– 59; ed. by J. Hardy. Vol. 1. (Folk-Lore Soc.)

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"One of the best stories of its kind that we have ever had, deals in a most fresh and charming way with the ordinary aspects of Highland life and character a century ago. Mr. Dod's men and women are broadly individualized and unmistakably alive." Academy, Sept. 24. Edda. Die prosaische Edda im Auszuge, nebst

Volsunga saga u. Nornagests-thattr; mit Glossar hrsg. von E. Wilken. Th. 2, Glossar. 1883.

Ellwanger, G: H. The story of my house.

Whether the ideal be altogether ours, or in some details be contrary to our dreaming, there can be no doubt that everybody will sympathize with much in Mr. Ellwanger's prospectus of a house beautiful." Sat. rev., Oct. 29.

Eneas: texte critique, pub. par J. Salverda de Grave. 1891.

Evans, E.. E. The story of Kaspar Hauser; from authentic records.

"Miss Evans is a strong advocate of the belief that Kaspar Hauser was the legitimate heir to the Grand Duchy of Baden, but we confess she seems often to ac cept as evidence what appear to us unsupported statements." Athenæum, Oct. 29.

Ex Libris Society. Journal; ed. by W. H. K. Wright fand] A.J. Jewers. Vol. 1.



Die Hauptperiode der sogenannten Friedensblokaden, 1827-50; eine völkerrechtliche Studie. 1891.

Ferryman, Capt. A: F. M.

Up the Niger; Maj. C. MacDonald's mission to the Niger and Benue; added, Native musical instruments, by Capt. C: R. Day.

"Though the expedition failed to solve the curious problem of the relations between the sources of the Benue and those of the Shari flowing into Lake Tsad, the notes on the country traversed are full of interest. The writer's style is simple and natural, and his readers learn a good deal of the political and social condition of the whole region.". -Athenaum, Oct. 15. Fishwick, II: History of the parish of Bispham, Lancaster. 1887. (Chetham Soc.) Förstemann, E. W. Erläuterungen zur Mayahandschrift der Königl. Oeffentlichen Bibliothek zu Dresden. 1886.

Forbes, A. Drawn from life. 1871. 3 v.
Fuller, T: Collected sermons, 1631-59. ed. by J.
E. Bailey, compl. by W: E. A. Axon. 1891.

2 v.
Furniss, H. Flying visits.

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Descriptive of the humours of watering-places, certain North-country towns, and the capitals of Scotland and Ireland. Both text and drawings are in Mr. Furniss's happiest vein. A better companion the railway passenger could not have than this cheerful volume." Sat. rev., Sept. 24.

Garnier, R. M. History of the English landed in

terest; its customs, laws, and agriculture. "Written by a landed agent, who unites with an hon. ourable sympathy towards the landed interest that in

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Gering, H. Glossar zu den Liedern der Edda, Sæmundar Edda. 1887.

Goldschmidt, L. Handbuch des Handelsrechts. 3e Aufl. 1891.

Gomme, G: I. The Gentleman's magazine library; a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's magazine, 1731-1868[Vol. 12.] 1891.

Griswold, W: M. Descriptive list of novels and tales dealing with life in Russia. Grossmith, G: and W. Diary of nobody; illust.

"This study of lower middle-class life is admirable, and in some of its touches it goes near to genius. It is the diary, extending over about a year and a half, of a highly respectable clerk in the city, who seems to be verging on fifty years of age, although he still preserves a considerable vivacity of spirits. It has amused us from cover to cover."- Sat. rev., July 23. Harris, T: M.

Assassination of Lincoln; a history of the great conspiracy; trial of the conspirators and review of the trial of J: H. Surratt.

"Gen. Harris is strongly convinced that President Lincoln was the victim of a conspiracy concocted by Jefferson Davis and the confederate emissaries in Canada. The charges to this effect which were made on the trial were not proved, according to Nicolay and Hay; but General Harris has no doubts on the subject." Literary world, Oct. 22.

Harrison, C. Stray records; or, Personal and professional notes. 2 v.

"Always amusing, always interesting, whether the author is talking about others, about himself, or the places he has visited."— Sat. rev., Sept. 24. Harrison, Mrs. C. C. Belhaven tales; Crow's nest: Una and King David.

"Of all the many volumes of southern stories none have a more pleasant, old-fashioned, Cranford flavor than Mrs. Burton Harrison's new collection." — Literary world, Nov. 19. Heiden, M. Motive; Sammlung von Einzelformen aller Techniken des Kunstgewerbes als Vorbilder und Studien-material. Heilborn, Dr. P. Das völkerrechtliche Protek torat. 1891.

"M. Heilborn connaît bien les faits contemporains, et il les analyse avec sagacité."-Revue de droit int., v. 23. Heimburg, W. Lumpenmüllers Lieschen; Roman. 3e Aufl. [18-]

Henley, W: E., and Stevenson, R. L: Three plays: Deacon Brodie; Beau Austin; Admiral Guinea.

"To the first two are prefixed the names of the actors who performed in them during their brief career upon the stage; the third has not yet been tried by the light of lamps. All three are interesting experiments, written with curious care, and yet not convincingly dramatic." -Nation, Nov. 17.

Hering, C. Recent progress in electric railways; a summary of periodical literature relating to electric railway construction, operation,


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Hole, S: R., Dean of Rochester. Memoirs.

"Despite a certain tendency to ramble, these reminiscences are quite one of the most delightful books of the season. The Dean has known a large number of interesting men. His tastes are wide, embracing liter ature and art, horticulture, and most branches of sport. He has a keen sense of humour, and never spoils his stories by over-elaboration of their points." Athenæum, Nov. 19.

Homer, W: B. Writings; with introd. essay and memoir by E. A. Park. 2d ed. 1849. Horne, T: H. The Biblical keepsake; or, Landscape illust. of places in Scriptures. 3d ser. 1837.

Imperial, The, 1839.

Inama-Sternegg, K: T. von. Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte des 10. bis 12.Jahrhunderts.


"Pendant ce long espace de temps, le grand domaine, tout en restant encore le facteur économique le plus actif, perd de plus en plus son organisation primitive. L'exploitation directe par le propriétaire se restreint continuellement. Le seigneur n'est plus le seul entrepreneur; l'indépendance des tenanciers à son égard ne cesse de grandir. Le servage disparaît peu à peu : aux relations personnelles entre le maître et ses mancipia se substituent des relations économiques entre le propriétaire et ses locataires. En même temps la circulation de l'ar gent apparait et dans les villes le commerce et l'industrie commencent à donner l'essor au crédit." — Recue critique, Jan. 25.

Ingraham, Rev. J. H. The Prince of the house of

David; or, Three years in the Holy City;
the letters of a Jewess relating the life of
Jesus from his baptism to his crucifixion.
New ed.

Jacobs, J: Indian fairy tales.

"A charming book, and a good deal of its contents will be new even to avid students of fairy lore, while all of it is delightful for reading, and profitable for comparison."- - Sat. rev., Oct. 22.

Jannet, C. Le capital, la spéculation, et la finance au 19e siècle.

Joret, C: La rose dans l'antiquité et au Moyen Age; histoire, légendes, et symbolisme. Kingman, B. Epitaphs from Burial Hill, Plymouth, Mass., 1657-1892; with biog. and

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Kobell, L.. von.

Conversations of Dr. Döllinger;

tr. from German by K.. Gould.
"Döllinger was no mere scholar confined to his libra-

He was a keen politician, took a warm interest in
all that went on, and possessed the power of uttering
epigrams, and he could enjoy the incisive sayings of
others." Athenæum, Oct. 29.

La Caron, Maj. H. Twenty-five years in the se-
cret service; the recollections of a spy.
"Even a Gladstonian editor must admit that the ap-
pearance of Twenty years in the Secret Service,' is a
matter of interest, and its contents no less so. No
doubt it is for them an inconvenient, an even painful
matter. His interposition at the particular juncture is
the more officious and inopportune because the revela
tions, or reminders, of his volume simply knock the
bottom out of that theory of a distinction between the
two Nationalist factions which, ever since the quarrel
with Mr. Parnell, the Gladstonians have been so labo-
riously endeavoring to fortify. Nor is it only in remin
ders such as these that the Mayor's book is so terribly
inopportune. It deals in a manner which cannot but
be more or less embarassing to the Home Secretary
and Mr. Morley, with the heroes now languishing in

Saturday rev.,

certain of Her Majesty's prisons.". Oct. 22. Lancaster, Eng. St. Mary. Materials for the history of the church; ed. by W: O. Roper, Vol. 1. (Chetham Soc.)

Lhomme, F. Charlet. (Les artistes célèbres.) "Charlet is a very interesting person. There is no doubt whatever that he helped very mainly to bring about the Second Empire; not a good deed, certainly, but a remarkable one in history. He was a great master of lithography in its palmy days, a very popular and fertile artist, as it seems an excellent fellow, at times no bad caricaturist pure and simple, and a capital designer of children."- Sat.rer., Sept. 10. Lodge, H: C. Historical and political essays. Lovett, R: James Gilmour of Mongolia; his diaries, letter, and reports.

Luther, M. Catechism for the people, pastor, and preacher; a reprod. of the ed. printed at Frankfort-on-Main, 1553; ed. by W. H. Rylands. (Holbein soc.)

Maas, Rev. A. J. Life of Jesus Christ according to the gospel history. 2d ed. McCracken, W: D. The rise of the Swiss republie; a history.

"Forms an excellent history of Switzerland, and gives also the text of the constitution and some expla nation of the Referendum. There is, however, still room for a more complete picture than any which exists of the building up of the modern political federation and of its existing leading features." Athenæum, Nov. 5.

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baron de. Memoirs; tr. by A. 2d ed. 2 v.

Life of Christopher Columbus, (The world's great explorers.)

"This is in a moderate size the fullest, the most clear, the best reasoned, and the most generally useful of the Lives of Columbus which has appeared to our knowl- Sat. rev., Nov. 5. edge." Mass. Militia.

1st Corps Cadets.

150th anniversary of the foundation, Oct. 19, 1891.

Maurice, F: D. Sermons preached in Lincoln's Inn Chapel. New ed. 1891-92. 6 v. Mennell, P. Dictionary of Australian biography

"Notices of eminent colonists, including Britons who have held official positions in the South Sea colonies and then returned to the mother country, from the inauguration of responsible government in 1855 down to the present time, and of the dead as well as of the living." Athenæum, Oct 22.

Miller, J. New York as it is; or, Stranger's guide book to New York and Brooklyn, etc.


Millican, A. Travels and adventures of an orchidhunter; account of canoe and camp life in Columbia. 1891.

"He describes the beauty of the various orchids in their native homes with much enthusiasm. The book is well illustrated and should be welcome to many readers". Spectator, Aug. 6.

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Nisbet, H.

Where art begins.

"Chiefly made up of personal talk about art of the random and not undiverting kind that seems proper to those who hold that none but the painter has the right to be an art critic." Sat. rev., Oct. 10.

Normand, C: J. B. Greuze. (Les artistes célèbres.)

"A very good book, especially in technical criticism, which is frank, but fair and sensible."— Sat. rev., Oct. 15.

Oldekop, J: O. Chronik des J: Oldecop; hrsg. von
K: Euling. 1891.

Otte, H: Glockenkunde. 1884.
Perkins, J. E. France under the regency; with a

review of the administration of Louis XIV.
"Continues his review of French history so well be-
He is
gun in France under Richelieu and Mazarin.'
to be praised for having produced a work on a period
of French history comparatively obscure to English, of
the highest degree of readableness, and bearing every
mark of thorough investigation and a candid temper.'
Literary world, Nov. 19.

Petrie, W: M. F. 1881-91.

Poole, S. L..

Ten years digging in Egypt,

The history of the Moghul emperors of Hindustan illust. by their coins. "Exemplifies in an interesting manner to what extent the researches of numismatists are of value to the historical student."- Sat. rev., Oct. 22. Pulci, L: Morgant der Riese; in deutscher übers. des 16 Jahrh., hrsg. von A. Bachmann. 1890.

Riis, J. A. The children of the poor.

"Mr. Riis has a bitter knowledge of poverty, for he himself has tasted it. When he came from Denmark at the age of twenty, his battle for a livelihood was a fierce one. He believes not in relief, but in preventive work; and he is an enthusiastic advocate of measures that tend to make the poor solve their own problems." - Lit. world, Nov. 19.

Schreiber, W. I.. Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur métal au 15e siècle. Vol. 1. 1891.

Schubin, O. (pseud. of I.. Kirschner).


aus dem Leben eines Virtuosen. 3e Aufl. 1890.

"A powerful study of character." Critic. Boris Lensky; Roman. 2e Aufl. 1889. 2 v.

Continuation of Asbeïn.

Sladen, D. The Japs at home; illust.

"Contains a good deal about the Duke of Connaught's visit to Japan, together with a description of Sir Ed. win Arnold's Japanese home.'

Smyth, A. II. The Philadelphia magazines and

and their contributors, 1741-1850.

Stanwood, E. History of presidential elections. (Rulers of In

3d ed. Stephens, H: M. dia.)


"The record of this faithful, manly life is succinctly given. There is a good deal of other matter, however. The story of a man who bore rule in India is apt to run into history; the events were greater than the men, or the men were so involved in events that they had hardly any other life of their own." Academy, Oct. 15. Stockton, F. R: The clocks of Rondaine; and other stories.

Synge, G. M. A ride through wonderland.

A lively account of a trip to the Yellowstone geysers, and cañons, and hot springs."-Sat. rev., Oct. 22. Tennyson, Lord. A. The death of Enone; Akbar's dream; and other poems.

"Tennyson's posthumous volume is full of fine things, not unworthy of his prane; all varieties of Tennysonian thought and music are to be found in this little book of twenty-four poems." -Academy, Nov. 5. Thorpe, W. G. The still life of the Middle Temple, with some of its table-talk; preceded by fifty years' reminiscences.

Through the land of the Aztecs; or, Life and travel in Mexico; by a Gringo.

"In a businesslike fashion he has accomplished the object he had in view, which was to set forth the progress of Mexico under the masterfull rule of President Diaz. Life and travel in Mexico must be very agreeable just now to the traveller, to judge by his cheerfui and sunshiny record."- Sat. rev., Oct. 22.

Traill, II: D. Number twenty; fables and fantasies. This

"Some of the incidental verses are excellent.

is the precocious baby's answer to its nurse, who tries to Boothit with,

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