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Moore, H. E.

Back to land, O'Neill, J: The night of the Pollock, W.H. King Zub,1347.

[blocks in formation]

Müller, F: M. Theosophy, 1371. Mulhall, M.G.,and F: T. Handbook, river Plate, 1359. Munich. K. Acad. d. Wiss. Hist. Comm. Die Chroniken d. schwäbischen Städte, 1335. Munkittrick, R.K. The moon prince, 1335. Murray, D: C. little girl, 1359. venges, 1355. Myers, F: W: H:

ture life, 1363. Nash, J: T.

Bob Martin's

Time's re

Science, fu.

Volunteering in

India, 1359. Nash,T: The unfortunate traveller, 1339.

Nat. Conf. on Univ. Extension.
Proceedings, 1339.
National cyclopædia of Amer.
biog., 1359.

Naville, E: Festival-hall of
Osorkon II, 1343.
Nayler, G:

Coronation, Geo.

IV., 1351. Needell, J: H. Passing the love of women, 1335. New Jersey. Docs. rel. to colonial hist., 1367. Newspaper cuttings, Civil war, 1351.

Negri, A. Fatalita, 1371. Newberry, P. E. Beni Hasan, 1371.

Newhall, C: S. Shrubs, northeastern America, 1371. Noble, J. A.

Sonnet in Eng

land, 1355. Nordau, M. Gefühls-Komödie, 1367.

Norman, P: London signs,1359. Normand, C. Troie, 1343. Normandie monumentale, 1367. Norris, W: E: A deplorable affair, 1355. North, M. Further recollections of a happy life, 1359. Northall, G. F: Eng. folkrhymes, 1335. Obscura, C. Anglican preach ers, 1335. O'Hagan, J: Joan of Arc, 1351. Ohrwalder, J. Ten years' captivity, 1335.

Old England forever, 1343. Oliphant, M. O.W. The cuckoo in the nest, 1339. The sorceress, 1367. Thos. Chalmers, 1363. Victorian age of Eng. literature, 1343. Ompteda, C. F: W: v. A Han overian-Eng. officer, 1367. O'Neill, H.C. Devonshire idyls, 1343.

gods, 1367.

Order of chivalry, 1371.
Orpen, A. E. Chronicles of the
Sid, 1363.

Otéé, E. C. Scandinavian hist.,
Oudemans, A. C. The sea.
serpent, 1371.
Owen, J: Skeptics of the Ital.
Renaissance, 1359.
Owen, M.. A. Old rabbit, 1355.
Paalzow, H. God wie-Castle;
Jakob van der Ness; Ste.
Roche; Thyrnau, 1367.
Page, J: L. W. The rivers of
Devon, 1367.
Pain, B. Stories, interludes,

[blocks in formation]

Ponce de Leon, N. The Columbus gallery, 1359.

Pool, M. L.. Katharine North,
1359. The two Salomes, 1371.
Poole, S. L. Aurangzib, 1363.
Cairo, 1335.
Poore, G: V.

1363. Porter, M. S. 1347. Post, W. K.


Rural hygiene,

L.. M. Alcott,

Harvard stories,

[blocks in formation]

Pemberton, T. E. T. W. Rob- Q. Dead Man's Rock, 1364.

ertson, 1351.

Pepys, 8: Diary, 1367.
Peraté, A. L'archéol.chrétienne,


[blocks in formation]

Green bays, 1359. Question ouvrière, La, 1355. Quilter, H. Preferences in art,


[blocks in formation]

Renan, E. Hist. du peuple d'Israel, 1364. Religious hist., 1344.

Renard, J. Coquecigrues, 1364.
Renard the for, 1367.
Renton, W. Outlines, Eng. lit-
erature, 1371.
Repplier, A. Essays, 1335. Es.
says in idleness, 1371.
Revue diplomatique, 1368.
Reynolds, O. Mem., J. P. Joule,


[blocks in formation]

Pollard, A. W: Chaucer, 1371.
Pollock, F. Leading cases, 1335. Ricard, J. Sœurs, 1364.

[blocks in formation]

singing, 1360.


Philosophy of

Rogers, T: L. Mexico, 1368. Roosevelt, T. Amer. big-game

hunting, 1371. Ropes, J: C. Waterloo, 1352. Ross, M. In the vine country, 1356. (Somerville and Ross.) Through Connemara, 1338. (Herring and Ross.) Ross of Bladenburg, E. J. T: Marquis of Hastings, 1355. Route north of Boston, 1335. Ruprich-Robert, V: M. C. L'archit. normandie, 1355. Rushforth, G: M. Latin hist. inscriptions, 1368. Ruskin, J; Poetry of architecture, 1371. Works, 1368. Russell, A.P. Sub-Cœlum,1371. Russell, T. B. Current Ameri

canisms, 1360. Russell, W: C. List, ye lands.

men, 1355.

Ryley, G: B.

Scotland's Free

Church, 1364. Salisbury.E.E. and E. M. Family-histories, etc., 1352. Salt, H: S. 1340.

Salvini, T:

Animal's rights.

Leaves from the autobiography of S., 1371. Sanborn, F. B: A. Bronson Alcott, 1360.

Sanders, D.C. The Indian wars, 1356.

Santley, C. Student singer,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Swimming, 1364. Mary Stuart, 1371. French war and 1360. Literary works,

Autobiog. of an

old passport, 1371. Smith, A.II. Cat.of sculpture, British Museum, 1360. Smith, G. Henry Martyn, 1336. Bay leaves; The United States,

1371. Smith, G: B. Eng. Parlia.,1348. Ferdinand de Lesseps, 1368. Smith, R. A. H. B. Greece,


Diet. of the Bible,

Smith, W: 1364. A. Smith, W: Smith, 1348. libraries, 1336.

Schem, A. J. Amer. year-book. Snead & Co.

1859, 1340.

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Book stack for

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vaux, 1348.

Story, A. T.

J: Linnell, 1336. Vagrom men, 1344. W: Blake, 1372.

Strong, E. H. In Paradise,1360. Stübel, A. Tiahuanaco, 1368. Sturgis, J. After twenty years,

Count Julian,

Homes in city,

1336. Sturgis, J. R. 1364. Sturgis, R., etc. country, 1360. Sudermann, H. steg, 1336. Sullivan, T: R. Day and night

stories. 1360.

Der Katzen

Suttner, B. v. "Ground arms," 1360.

Sweet, H: New Eng, grammar, 1372.

Sweetser, M. F. The Maritime provinces, 1360. Swinton, B. A. G. de R.


giana, Lady de Ros, 1364. Swymerton, C. Indian nights' entertainment, 1348. Sydney, W: C. Social life, England, 1340.

Symonds, J. A. In the key of blue, 1352. Michelangelo, 1340. Walt Whitman, 1364. Essays, 1372.

Symons, A. Tabarant, A. Tamura, N.


Taube, F: W: engländ. Tellet, R. 1336.

Temple, R:

Silhouettes, 1364. L'aube, 1964. Japanese bride,

Geschichte d.

Handelschaft, 1336. Pastor and prelate,

J. Thomason,1364.

Tennyson, A. and C. Poems,


Italian inde

Thanet, O. Adventure in photography; Stories of a western town, 1360. Thayer, W: R. pendence, 1352. Theuriet, A. 1364. Thomas, E. F. Europe, 1352. Thompson, G: E. Roman Campagna, 1348. Thompson, H. M. Theory of wages, 1348.

La chanoinesse,

Thompson, M.. P. Landmarks,

Dover, N. H., 1356. Thomson, J. P. Brit. New Gui nen, 1340. Thorne, W: H: Modern idols, 1364.

Thornely, J. L.


[blocks in formation]

Torrens, W: T. M.

Twenty years in Parliament, 1352. Toscanelli, 1372. Toudouze, G. Tendresse de mère, 1364.

Tout, T: F: Edward I., 1364. Townshend, R: and D. An of ficer of the Long Parl., 1348. Townsend, V. F. Our presidents, 1344.

Trask, K. Under King Constantine, 1368.

Travers, G. Mona Maclean, 1364. Treanor, T. 8. Heroes of the Goodwin Sands, 1360. Trenholm, W. L.

ple's money, 1356. Triggs, O. L.

The peo

Browning and

Whitman, 1356. Trotter, L.J. Earl of Auckland, 1364.

Tsurayuki, K. Log of a Ja-
panese journey, 1368.
Tucker, F. de L. B. Catherine
Booth, 1352.

Tuckerman, B. Peter Stuyve

sant, 1360. William Jay, 1372. Tuckwell, W: The ancient ways, 1368.

Tupper, C: L. Our Indian protectorate, 1368. Turnbull, W: R. Othello, 1344. Turner, C. J. R. Shakespeare's land, 1368.

Tyacke, R. H. How I shot my bears, 1372. Tyndal, M. Some old Puritan love-letters, 1372. (Winthrop and Tyndal.) Uhde, Č. Baudenkmaeler In Grossbritannien, 1368. Uhle, M. Die Ruinenstaette von Tiahuanaco, 1368. (Stübel and Uble.) Ullmann, A. Katalog. d. Waf. fen-Sammlung, München, 24.8.20., 1336.

Under King Constantine, 1360. Underwood, F. H: The poet and the man, 1360. Quabbin, 1344.

Urie, Barony of, Scotland. Court book, 1340. Uzanne, O. Bouquinistes, 1356. Vaihinger, H. Commenter Kant's Kritik d. reinen Vernunft, 1368. Vallée, L. Bibliog. des bibliographies, 1352. Valroger, L. M.. de. Etude, consuls de la mer, 1360. Vanbrugh, J. Plays, 1356. Van Dyke, J: C. Art for art's sake, 1352. Van Ness, T: ligion, 1360. Van Ornum, W: H. Why gov. ernment at all, 1348. Van Oss, S. F. Amer, railroads as investments, 1352.

The coming re

[blocks in formation]

Vielé-Griffin, F. La chevauchée d'Yeldis, 1368.

Villari, L. In Italy, 1372.
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, P. A:
M. L'amour suprême; Axël;
L'Eve future; Isis; Le nou
veau monde; La révolte; Tri.
bulat Bonhomet, 1372.
Villon, F. C. Poems, 1352.
Viollet le Duc, E. E. Notre
Dame, 1334. (Guilhermey and
Viollet le Due.)
Virginia magazine, 1368.
Vogt, G: La porcelaine, 1364.
Vogüé, E.M. Heures d'histoire,


[blocks in formation]

Warner, C: D. As we go, 1372.
Washington Irving, 1368.
Warren, J: B. L. Poems, 1368.
Washingion, G: Accounts with
U.S.; Journal, 1372.
Watson, R. A. and E.. S. G:
Gilfillan, 1348.

Watson, W: The eloping an
gels; Excursions in criti-
cisms, 1360. Lachrymæ mu-
sarum, 1336. Lyric love,1348.
The Prince's quest, 1360.
Watt, J. C. John Inglis, 1372.
Webster, S. Misuse of legal
tender, 1372.
Wedmore, F. Renunciations,


Oxford, 1348.

Weeks, S. B. Church and state,
N. Carolina, 1372.
Weiss, B. Der Petrinische
Lehrbegriff, 1336.
Weiss, J. J.
théâtre, 1372.
Wells, J.
Welsh, W: Sioux, 1344.
Wendell, B. Stelligeri, 1372.
West, A. F. Alcuin, 1340.
Westbrook. R: B. The elimin-
ator, 1364.
Wheatley, H: B. Literary blun
ders, 1364.
Wheeler, C.

[ocr errors]

Williams, M. M. Field farings,

Williams, W. Appleton's N.
and E. guide, 1340.
Willink, A. The world of the
unseen, 1368.

Wilson, D. The lost Atlantis,

Wilson, E. C. A royal hunt,
Wilson, G: R. Drunkenness,

Wilson, J. G. Memorial hist..
New York, 1372.

Wilson, W. An old master,
1372. Division, reunion,1356.
Winchester (Diocese). Hamp-

shire allegations for marriage licences, 1372.

Winslow, W: C. A. B. Ed-
wards, 1352.

A propos de Winter, W: G: W: Curtis, 1364.
Gray days and gold, 1336.
Life, Edwin Booth, 1372.
Winthrop, J: Some old Puri-
tan love-letters, 1372.
Wishart, G: Mem., James,
Marquis of Montrose, 1372.
Wissmann, H. v. Second jour-
ney, equatorial Africa, 1372.
Wister, O. Dragon of Wantley,
Wolff, H: D.

Columbia's em

blem, 1364. Wheeler, E.G. A Washington symphony, 1364. Wheeler, W:


The spectator,

[blocks in formation]

Whitby, B. In the suntime of her youth, 1348. White, E. W. Winterborough, 1336. White's Club, tory, 1336. Whitfield, R. P. etc., 1368. Whitman, S. Hapsburgs, 1344. Whittier, J. G. At sundown,



Realm of the

Les frères

Social studies,

Wiele, M. van de. Van Ostade, 1368. Wiggin, K. D. Cathedral courtship, 1356. Wilde, J.. F. S. 1368. Wiley, W: H. etc., 1372. Wilkins, M.. E. Giles Corey, 1360. Jane Field, 1344. Wilkinson, J. J: G. The Af rican and true Chrislian relig., 1340.

The Yosemite,

Willard, M. Life, S: Willard, 1352.

[blocks in formation]

Williams, A. M. Sam Houston, 1372. Williams, M. Round London, Zola, E. 1344. 1372.

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