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died, and whose bodily and mental
endowments, we trust, will excite him
to aim at the acquisition of Critonian

When o'er the seas I hied me forth,
A wanderer from my native north,
A willing wanderer to view
Cities and people strange and new:

The muses, with maternal care,
Still followed through the paths of air,
And still with silver wings outspread,
They guard from ill their favourite's head.
So when the toils of war were done,
The Cyprian goddess' darling son,
Through fiercest perils doomed to stray,
Found her companion of his way.
And if to India's burning sand,
Or Syrtes' Gulfs or Gades' strand
My path should lead,-on India's soil,
The goddess band should aid my toil!
No more the ocean's wrath to brave,
Near gentle Adria's milder wave
On Latian shores a welcome guest,
Far from my own loved north,


Nor here their kind attention ends,
The goddess band are still my friends,
And give me those to whom belong
Congenial cares, the sons of song.

But thee, my friend, the stainless flood
That warms thine heart, thy noble blood,
And fortune's smile, and virtue's blaze,
Adorn thee with collected rays.

Can'st thou, the friend of every muse,
To me, their friend, thine aid refuse?
Worthy thyself their love to share,
And making all they love thy care.

We close this imperfect sketch of Mr Tytler's interesting book with the able summary with which he concludes it.

"We began this piece of critical biography by enumerating the three great methods by which the posthumous celebrity of the Admirable Crichton had been attacked. These were, by impeaching the -authority of his biographers, by insisting on the incredible nature of the talents ascribed to him, and by assertions that his poetical remains are devoid of talent and genius. The examination of these three methods of attack is now finished. We

The difficulty mentioned in page 217, relating to the last line of this ode, appears to me completely dispelled by supposing Deum to have been written thus, Deûm for Dearum, and that the meaning of Crichton was what I have endeavoured to give this stanza in the translation.-Tr.

have endeavoured to prove that the various biographers, through whom the accounts of Crichton's abilities have been transmitted, are entitled to credit. What may be called the poetical part of the argument, because it includes the examination of Crichton's poetry, has been dismissed with a very few observations. It is a matter of opinion and taste, not fitted for reasoning or illustration. The only remaining argument, founded on the allegation that Crichton's exploits, as related by his biographers, are impossible to be believed, has, it is hoped, been shewn to be unworthy of any serious credit. From the state of science and literature at this period, in Scotland and in Italy, where Crichton commenced and perfected his education, any man, possessing, as he did, uncommon talents, and enjoying the advantages of an education under the most eminent masters of the times, must have arrived at very high excellence, while, at the same time, this progress did not, owing to the very nature of these studies, imply the possession of so rare and transcendent & genius as it would be unnatural or incredible to find in so young a man. The pos session of such early eminence in the dead languages, of so wonderful a memory, and so singular a talent for disputation, is not incredible, because the same is to be found in Picus Mirandula, Politian, and Mazzonius. The possession of such rare talents, at so early an age, is not to be construed into an argument against maturer excellence; and we are not to be told, that this precocity in youth forebodes a failure of the intellectual powers in manhood, when we can point, in the catalogue of early talent, to such names as Cicero and Pliny, as Tasso, Grotius, Voltaire, and Pope. We are not to be told that the stories, narrated in the most positive terms, raneous composition, of his unpremeditated of the eloquence of Crichton in extempoexcellence in Latin prose, and the ease and elegance of the unstudied verses which he delivered, are unworthy of belief, when we know the perfection to which this singular art of extemporizing was then carried in Italy, and when the names of Marone, Querno, Silvio, and a constellation of other Italian improvisatori, are found, at the very same period, in the annals of Italian literature. But we may be told, (and this is the very point for which we contend,) that the union of all these talents, the combination of this variety of intellectual excellence, in so young a man, is a very remarkable circumstance. We may be told, and we do insist, that this union becomes still more remarkable, when we consider, that, in all the manly and military exercises, which are so commonly neglected even by the inferior candidates for scien tific or literary eminence, this singular man had arrived at such perfection as to excel

those whose lives were devoted to their study-that in all the more elegant accomplishments which belong to the gentleman and the courtier, he was conspicuous by the facility with which he had acquired, and the ease and grace with which he displayed them;-that, from the accounts of his most intimate friends, he who concentrated in himself this various store of intellectual and physical powers, was remarkable for a modesty of manner, and a sweetness and gentleness of disposition, which endeared him to his friends, and disarmed the jealousy of his rivals; and that, to finish the picture, he was, in his figure and countenance, one of the handsomest men of his age. When all this is put together, when all these rays of excellence are traced back into one focus, and found centering in one person, we may indeed be told, and there are few who will not as sent to the observation, that this person must have been no common man. We say, that if, as has been shewn, the authors, through whom this account has been transmitted, are entitled to perfect credit, this union of talent is, although neither supernatural or incredible, entitled to high admiration;—that it is not to be wondered at, that his contemporaries should have been astonished and dazzled by the appearance of so brilliant a vision,--a vision, too, which rose so bright and beautiful only to set so sadly and so soon. And we, lastly, contend, that the possessor of such unrivalled excellence was not only entitled to receive from them, but is now as fully entitled to demand from us, that appellation by which, as the only reward of his labours, his genius, and his misfortunes, he has descended to posterity, the Adirable Crichton." pp. 218–223.

went beyond an improvement in our dictionaries, or to restore a passage in our classics. In our time, however, its poetry has been translated and imitated by masters of the art among ourselves, and German criticism has become almost a standard of authority. The press of Germany is as powerful as its armies. It half destroyed Bonaparte. The national voice is now heard throughout Europe, and has even penetrated into the councilchambers of assembled monarchs. The increase and the improvement of German literature is one of the phenowhich the most important results may mena of modern times, and one from be expected. A new life has been given to thirty millions of people, who are school learned enough to be сараble of appreciating every idea which is presented to them, and who are now, for the first time in their history, exerting their combined reason in the discussion of all the important questions that are proffered for the decision of man. Many of them are deeply versed in the languages of all the nations around them;-they borrow improvements from all, and give back with interest whatever they borrow. They are newly informed of their own greatness,-they are enthusiastic,

and they are certainly now destined to promote the future improvements of the race, much more than ever they could before promote them when they were not Germans, but Austrians, Prussians, Bavarians, and Saxons, and the enemies of each other; when they wanted that bond of a common

ON THE PROGRESS WHICH THE GER literature which now unites them in


THE Germans date their new birth from the year 1740, and certainly be fore that period Germany appears to have been known to the rest of Europe only as a great storehouse of soldiers; where they might be bought at so much per head; or as a great school in which plodding professors taught their pupils every thing but good sense and the German language. The monarchs then studied soldier drilling as jockies break horses and teach them paces, that they might have a goodlooking article for the market. The influence which Germany, then, had on the political world, it acquired from its muscle and bone, and its powers in the literary world never

one great and magnificent whole.

Historical literature is rightly deemed of great importance in Germany; it is taught at all the universities and schools, and must therefore have a great influence on the whole people. Some professors of history, such as Spittler, Eichorn, Pütter, Heeren, and Luden, have been, or are some of the most popular teachers; and the cleverest men of Germany have sat as students at their feet. There is a great demand for their produce, even more than for the produce of the poets, and it is likely to do more than verse can do in modelling the character of future generations.

It was late, however, before the historical part of German literature was improved. The example of Gib

bon, Robertson, and Hume, worked powerfully on the Germans, and they have probably succeeded better in imitating them than in imitating our poets. Before they were acquainted with the writings of these authors, they were celebrated for historical research. They dryly narrated facts, but carefully abstained from mixing one philosophical thought with them, as if it could turn the whole into fable. They had volumes of dates and occurrences, but they were cold and dead, like the departed beings they related


Universal history was left entire ly to theologians or to philologists. All that could instruct man,-all that related to the progress of arts and of civilization, all that could give us hope for the future from the improvement of the past,-all the wonderful changes that have taken place in the condition of our race and its various manner of thinking, were all neglected, and universal history was reduced in such hands to the history of the church and of a few sublime authors. At present, however, the Germans pretend to write every branch of history philosophically, to trace in every part of it the progress of man and the causes of his welfare or his misery. They no longer aim to teach a barren knowledge, but a fruitful wisdom. They pretend to surpass our countrymen in accuracy of research, and to equal them in the freedom of their remarks, and the brilliancy of their style. We have even met with an example of some of them being discontented with the manner in which Gibbon has written his Account of the Progress of Christianity, and his Life of Julian, and they have re-written both.

After the professors of history had slumbered through two centuries, a Mr Selözer, who was professor at Göttingen, awoke about the year 1780, and he roused his sleeping brethren. They grumbled at being disturbed, they attacked his writings,—they ridiculed his suggestions, and it was not till after his death that he was placed in that niche of the Temple of Fame which he now fills. He was the determined enemy of what the Germans call sultanismus, and made some attacks on those wanton exercises of power which were then common in Germany. He gave a new force to statistical inquiries.


example and his advice have been followed, and the historians of Germany are now chaunting their first songs of victory. He gave instruction as a professor, and he wrote a periodical paper chiefly devoted to history and politics, which was published at Göttingen between the years 1776 and 1792.

Spittler, who merits praise equal to Schlözer, lived, and wrote, and taught at the same time and place. He was a professor at Göttingen, and afterwards a cabinet minister to the Duke of Wirtemberg. He was honoured in his lifetime. His works contain, considering the governments under which he had always lived, very liberal views. He carried the principles of Schlözer to their proper bounds; and it was in him a great merit always to recognize and develope in his writings the influence which a free constitution has on the talents, the prosperity, and on the virtue of a people. He was the enemy of religious bigotry and of the usurpations of the priesthood; and his outlines of the History of the Church is reputed a better work than is possessed by any other nation on the same subject. His histories of Wirtemberg and of Hanover§ are full of profound reflection and accurate remark. His memory is yet cherished by his scholars and friends as that of a man full of talents and of noble enthusiasm. He is said, however, to have passed his latter days unhappily, from being unable to accomplish in Wirtemberg the improvements he wished and had projected.

Among the authors of this period, Justus Möser stands very high in the estimation of his countrymen. His History of Osnabrüch || is quite classical;-his Patriotic Phantasies ¶ prove him to have been a deep thinker; and the advice he gave to the lower classes in his weekly paper, and in a form somewhat resembling the proverbs of Poor Richard, allow him, with jus

* The title was Briefwecksel, und later Staats auszügen.

+ Grundriss der Geschichte der Christlichen Kirche.

Würtenbergische Geschichte. § Geschichte der Fürstenthums Han


Osnabrüchsche Geschichte. Patriotische Phantasien.

tice, to be compared, as is done by Goethe, to the illustrious Franklin. We shall say nothing of the History of Switzerland and the Universal History, both by Müller, because these are already most probably known to our readers through the work of Mad. de Stael. Woltman's History of the Reformation is written with the spirit of Spittler; and Dresck is said to have equalled this great master in his General History of Europe. † Schiller's "History of the Separation of the United Provinces from Spain," and his "History of the Thirty Years War," without having any claim to historical research, or even historical accuracy, are splendid pieces of composition, and contain many admirable portraits of individuals. Every heart glows with a love of freedom at reading them, and with a hatred of intolerance and persecution.

Exclusive of these authors, whose writings may, in some measure, be considered as political, the Germans boast of many historians of the arts, of literature, and of particular branches of the progress of civilization. The History of Ancient Art by Winkelmann, of Literature by Eichorn, the History of Man by Herden, the History of Language by Adelung, the History of the Constitution of Germany by Pütter, tt the History of the Laws of Germany by Eichorn, ++ and of the Roman Laws by Savigny, SS are all examples of particular histories, in writing which the Germans may be said to excel.

One of the greatest friends and scholars of Spittler, and his successor at Göttingen, is Professor Heeren, of whom such honourable mention is

Geschichte der Reformation in


+ Uebersicht der Allgemeine Politische Geschichte insbesondere Europa's.

Abfall der Niederlanden. Dreysig jährigen Krieg.

§ Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums. Geschichte der Literature vom ihrem Anfange.

¶ Geschichte der Menscheit.

In his Mithridates and other works. ++ Historische Entwickelung der heutige Staatsvervassung des Teutschen Reichs. Deutsche Staats und Rechts Ges

chichte. §§ Geschichte des römischen Rechts im Mittelalter.

made by Madame de Stael, and who has enriched the literature of his country with several historical works. His History of the Commerce, Colonies, and Constitution of the States of Antiquity, his Outlines of the Political History of Europe, † and his other writings, have been received with general applause. There is a greater quantity of knowledge and of industry visible in his works than in those of his master. His style has followed the progress of improvement, and is not so artificial as that of Spittler; but his reflections are neither so bold nor so profound. It would occupy too much space to give even a dry catalogue; of all the authors who have been celebrated since Schlözer and Spittler, or who are now celebrated, as having improved the historical literature of their country, and we shall only add the name of Luden, at present professor of history at Jena. He is well known from his quarrel with Kotzebue and as a political writer, but he is not so well known as an historian, who, according to a contemporary, "has written his History of Antiquity with an earnestness of thought, a vigour of expression, and a dignity of manner, that can only spring from a mind which has deeply studied the political history of man, and which is warmly interested in his welfare."

The progress which these authors have made has constantly been to a greater boldness of thought, a greater force of expression, and a greater simplicity in the construction of periods. We have recently met with some notices of a work on universal history that may serve to show the point at which our neighbours are at present arrived, and the spirit which prevaris in their historical writings. The title of it is, A Universal History, from the beginning of historical knowledge to our own times. § The author, Carl

Handbuch der Geschichte der Staaten des Alterthuns mit besondere Rucksicht auf ihre verfassung ihren Handel und ihre Colonien.

+ Handbuch der Geschichte des euro päischen Staatensystems.

Allgemeine Geschichte der Balker. Kotzebue was himself a historian, and a great part of his recent unpopularity arose from the opinions which he delivered in his Geschichte der Teutschen ou Charlemagne. § Allgemeine Geschichte vom Anfange

v. Rotteck, is now professor of jurisprudence at the university of Freyburg, in the dukedom of Baden, and was for a long time professor of history there. It is published in parts, and is not yet completed, being only brought down to the discovery of America. It is intended to be used by professors in their lectures, and was undoubtedly so employed by the author himself. It formed the basis of the instruction he was habituated to deliver, and, now sent forth to the world, may teach it what may be expected from his instruction.

We are happy to see our inquiring neighbours extend their scrutiny into every direction, because the most sacred truths always gain in the long run from being examined; but there is a difference between inquiring and teaching, and the latter office surely outruns the former, when what at best must be felt as very doubtful and hazardous, is taught boldly as true. The Germans have long been celebrated for opinions in religion of a very daring description. We know that such are taught in universities by professors of theology; and our readers may form some notion of the length to which they are carried in this book "for the instruction of young men," when we state that there are passages of it, particularly relating to the history of the Jews, which we could not venture to translate. Yet such passages meet the approbation of German reviewers, they are not marked as any thing extraordinary, and suit, indeed, the views of most of the literary men in that country.


The geographical descriptions of Mr Rotteck are very fine. We quote one of Persia. "Bounded on the north by the spacious Media, on the south by the Persian Ocean, and on the east by Caramania, Persia rises from the eastern part of the beautiful champagne country of Lusiana. Its extent may be equal to Italy. It is full of hills, which are partly barren, and partly rich in pasture. Towards the sea, it spreads out in a flat, sandy desert. Pars signifies, according to Tychsen, the Land of Light; and Persia enjoys continually a clear, unclouded sky. In the high land the air is fresh, and towards the north

der Historischen Kenntnisse bis auf unsere


even cold. Better watered than the surrounding countries, it produces in abundance fruit, vegetables, and corn, and it has always been inhabited by a race of strong, healthy men. Their numbers are now decreased, and they have become less industrious since the doctrines of Zoroaster, which were friendly to agriculture, were changed for the law of Mahomet. The greater part of the land is now a waste, and forms, with the sublime ruins of Persepolis, an harmonious whole. More than two thousand years are now passed since Alexander, drunk with wine and victory, destroyed the sacred city of the Persians, and, when many of the present splendid edifices of the world shall be forgotten, its ruins will remain. The mysterious fragments are still seen on the borders of the desert, inclosed by two arms of the mountains that there begin to rise. Columns, chambers, flights of steps, and tombs, all of a gigantic size, some fallen and some standing, and all formed out of immense blocks of marble, united in a most wonderful manner, are all promiscuously mixed with many extraordinary representations of animals. The walls are covered with the characters of a language which is long since lost. The empire of the Persians, however, extended beyond their native land over all the neighbouring countries."

The following is a short extract from a description of the state of the world when the empire of Rome was rent in pieces:-"The different nations of the globe, and especially of Europe, had no longer any common interest, nor any common master, and they mixed in confused and dreadful broils. At length the storm moderated, the growing empire of the Franks became a new centre of gravity to Europe, as the Caliphat had some time before become to Asia. Christianity, already perverted, established different conditions of its servants; and the hierarchy, uniting itself with the extended and growing feudal system, put a stop to the tumultuous movement, and gave to the empire of the west a suitable form that lasted three hundred years."This appears a very different manner of writing history from that which was followed when history was only considered as an appendage of religion er of criticism, when it was in the

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