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-it confounds the careless labourer, but in your Majesty it ought solely to produce the effect of an exquisite Christian vigilance, which is necessary for the better discharge of your duties. Jesus Christ our Lord, who adopted it, and the church which promulgates it to us, expect this good

from it.

"He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen." From this sentence there is no appeal; the Lord has said it, and it shall be fulfilled. The husbandman who neglects the culture of his land, or the king who governs not his kingdom with equity, alike subject themselves to be despoiled of them. Terrible anathema! such that even the Jews who heard it uttered (saith the Evangelist) cried out, " God forbid." But, in respect to ourselves, can such evil befal us? No; trusting in the rectitude of your Majesty, I hope it cannot; yet it is needful to fear it, lest the evil should befal us.

From not doing this, Belshazzar lost his kingdom, his life, and his soul, although a holy Daniel at his side had timeously predicted the ruin of his throne. Saul lost the sceptre, his life, and his soul, for his maladministration, notwithstanding the prayers and mediation of so great a prophet as Samuel. Rehoboam saw his kingdom fall in pieces, and pass into other hands, in punishment of his caprice, and because he despised the counsel of the ancients. Ahab experienced even a more unfortunate lot for his perverse conduct, though the great prophet Elias had so often forewarned him. The Romans lost the Spanish dominions, the Goths saw them pass under the Moorish yoke; and in our days the whole of Europe

But whither am I wandering? Your Majesty is an eye-witness-is he who has most nearly felt this testimony of the certain truth, this evidence of the infallibility of the sentence which Jesus Christ," through the Evangelist," this day lays before


Your remembrance of it, and meditations upon it, ensure your own felicity and the happiness of the whole

"But he forsook the counsel which the old men gave him."-2d Chron. Chap. X. verse 8.

nation. The Father of All sees that it is impossible for you personally to assist in all the parts of this great vineyard-sees the indispensable necessity you lie under to avail yourself of the aid of labourers in its culture; but if you seek, O King! to secure your own and our happiness,-if you seek to shun the fulfilment of this dreadful denunciation, you must watch without ceasing, and apply it to the husbandmen to whom you entrust the cultivation; when they do not fulfil their obligations, destroy the wicked men." To persuade you, Sire, to adopt this vigilance will form the subject of my discourse. Nothing can be more worthy of your care. To explain it with the utility I desire to your great soul, and to the whole nation, I stand in need of the Divine assistance-Ave Maria.


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"He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard unto other husbandmen."


FIRST, What life, what efficacy is in the word of God? The apostle Paul hath well explained this, where he says, "The word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow; and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.' This ineffable quality, "which may be considered as existing in every word which the Almighty addresses to his creatures,” particularly applies to the terrible sentence which he this day pronounces against the wicked husbandmen of the vineyard: “He will miserably destroy those wicked men." No one can meditate on this denunciation attentively, without experiencing the most salutary effects. It is sufficient to reform the most careless husbandman, administrator, or king.

If you respect not my words, attend, O King, to those of the exalted Saint Theresa of Jesus, glory of Spain, and delight of the heavenly Jerusalem. This enlightened virgin was tenderly interested for, and warmly attached to, the throne of St Ferdinand, which you worthily occupy. She had also a particular regard for your immortal ancestor, the just, the prudent Philip

Heb. Chap. IV. verse 12.

the Second, and having compassion on him, because surrounded by flatterers, he had no one near him to tell him the truth, though, considering the circumstances in which he was then placed, it was necessary he should be warned of it, the Saint herself resolved to admonish him, because she loved him. Her heart was nigh to fail her, but encouraging herself, she said, "It is better that my heart should suffer, than that my king and his kingdom should be lost.' She could not ascend into this cathedral to preach before him, for although she was a doctor of theology, being a woman excluded her, but as ambassadress of the King of kings, she addressed unto Philip a letter, which, being read, comprehended in two lines, that which I feel it a duty incumbent upon me to inculcate in this sermon, viz. "Remember, Sire, that Saul was a chosen and an anointed king."

Having perused this paper, that great prince was (saith the history) somewhat astonished, but on reflection, he soon became sensible that God spake to him through the medium of this celestial heroine. He bethought himself of that carelessness which had led him into peril, he bebecame watchful and zealous for the happiness of his kingdom, and grew so perfect himself, that not long thereafter, the virgin Estifania, of the apostles," the daughter of the saint," beheld him come forth triumphantly from the tribunal of God, favoured by the most holy virgin, to whom he had rendered so many services.


the vineyard upon others, who will cultivate it with advantage. shall come and destroy those husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others."

At present may I not expect from your guiltless heart equal, or even greater fruits, than those words of Saint Theresa produced in that of your heroic ancestor Philip the Second? Surely I cannot doubt it. Already, methinks, I see you vigilantly driving from your side, those who do not love you, those who will not tell the truth unto you. Already, methinks, I behold you cleansing the public offices from that filth which (if I may be allowed the expression) hath so iniquitously been introduced into them, in these latter times of trouble and confusion. Already, methinks, I perceive you visiting the labourers in the vineyard, examining their labours, and striving that it may bring forth its fruit in due season. If this you do not, know, O King, that this you ought to do, to render yourself and your kingdom happy. For example, there are in the vineyard of Spain labourers (or ministers) of state. Those ought to be men with clean hands, pure intentions, and of upright conduct: Men who would not allow themselves to be biassed by self-interest, by friends, relations, or connections, or by those who are destitute of merit, in managing the national property, or in the distribution of situations, (or employments.) But is this the case? Alas! Sire, I go forth from considering this great obligation, and I find the people see, sigh, and weep, that directly the contrary takes place. I find that scarcely is any one entered upon an elevated employment, when he raises up his whole house, family, and friends," and this in the face of all the nation," forgetful that among those regarding him are a thousand of acknowledged merit, who are thereby injured, and defrauded of their rights: A thousand, who, though justly entitled to employment, are denied it, while it is bestowed on those who deserve it not, sometimes even as the wages of iniquity, through the mediation and interest of an accomplice of their crimes. What horror, Sire! that such abuses should prevail. The vineyard brings forth only weeds and thorns, (these are resentments, clamours, and complaints,) which canи h

I, O King, possess not that fervour of soul which inspired Saint Theresa of Jesus, but I yield to none in my desire for your happiness, and the welfare of your kingdom; in which, "as is known to you," I am deeply interested, because I love you, I do not flatter you, but speak the truth un to you. I repeat with my holy mother," Remember, immoral Ferdinand, that Saul was a king, that he was chosen by God, and anointed by his prophet; but in the end he was forsaken by the Lord, lost his life, his soul, and his kingdom, because he did not fulfil his obligations." This sentence of the saint's is, as it were, an abridgment of the words of the evangelist, by which we are this day told That the Father of families will punish the wicked husbandmen, and bestow


not be remedied, but by driving from the midst of it these perverse husbandmen, fulminating against them the sentence of the Almighty," Destroy those wicked men.'

There are also warlike labourers in the Spanish vineyard. The individuals of this department have a right, " as the defenders of their country," that justice should be rendered to their heroism, that equity should be observed in the distribution of rewards and ranks,—that merit should obtain a preference, and that activity and valour should take the lead of laziness and cowardice. This is peculiarly needful in a profession where honour holds so prominent a place. But is this the reality? Ah, Sire! Thousands of military men of merit deplore the want of justice,-the scandalous disorder which (contrary to your good intentions) prevails in this branch of the service of the state. Thousands of men of valour see others who, by intrigues and interest, enjoy a fictitious fame, elevated above them, true merit being obscured by that which is unreal. Thousands of brave men who have been faithful to their country, see others, though tarnished by disloyalty, yet covered by the veil of intercst," receive those ranks, in justice, due to the former. Thousands of heroes, their bodies full of honourable scars, who are entitled to the highest rewards which can be bestowed, find themselves oppressed by want, scattered through the nation, nay, sometimes even in prison, because no one in power will raise his face to obtain justice for them,-because no one compassionates their misfortunes. These men cry aloud, raising their hands to Heaven, praying that the justice of your Majesty - may apply to the delinquents the sentence of the Father of families, " Destroy those wicked men."

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Finally, there are in the vineyard of Spain innumerable judicial labourers in tribunals, governments, and a variety of situations in which they ought to administer justice; but what confusion and disorder exists among them? I throw a glance around the whole Peninsula,—I examine the sentiments of its inhabitants, I hear their words, and reflect on their complaints. All Spain resembles one great hospital, where each one bewails his miserable lot. One complains be

cause that power eclipses justice,because favour has inclined the balance to the opposite side,-because his rights are sepulchred without a chance of resurrection before the world end. Others lament the want of money to render their just claims effectual; without which their labours and fatigues, they see, are lost. Thousands of sufferers complain because that, under the name of fees in prosecuting their causes, they have been robbed of all they had, and left prostrate in the depth of misery, from which they can never extricate themselves, unless Jesus Christ descend to give them his hand, as he did to the paralytic person mentioned by the Evangelist. The conduct of these wicked husbandmen, Sire, is grievous to the nation,-fills it with sorrow,forces it on to the fatal verge of most dangerous discontent, and imperiously demands that your majesty should apply to them the sentence of the Most High, "Destroy those wicked men.'

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SECOND, Wherefore is it, Sire, after singing songs of triumph over foreign foes, that we are in such danger from domestic enemies? Can it be possible, after all the labours of your Majesty in search of men to execute their duties faithfully and promote our happiness, that the vineyard of our nation produces only weeds and thorns in place of fruit? Can it be possible that so many magistrates and ministers who have given such proofs of fidelity towards you, the country, and religion,-who have suffered so much, and even exposed their lives for you and them,-Can it be possible that such men are careless or unfaithful in the discharge of their obligations?

Alas, from hence I think I hear each of the ministers exclaim, the nation is not unhappy through my fault I cannot do more-I labour constantly-I watch incessantly to ascertain what is just, and to act as behoves me; but unfortunate man! an unseen hand, a man-enemy, sows discord, and renders my exertions useless-What a misfortune! I am not to blame, says another magistrate

I execute what the king commands and the laws prescribe-I study to decide correctly-I endeavour to avoid injuring true merit; but unhappy man! the man-enemy, the hidden hand, oversets and ruins all my labours

What grief! I hear the veteran and meritorious generals of the army declare," We do all in our power for the felicity of our soldiers, we are clamorous in their behalf,-we strive that they may want for nothing,-we solicit an equitable distribution of ranks and rewards, and make representations through every channel' for the better organization of the army, but miserable men! The manenemy frustrates our ideas, renders our plans ineffectual, and subjects us all to the greatest wants." Thus, Sire, do many of the labourers whom you have appointed to cultivate this great vineyard excuse themselves.

But to whom pertains this hidden hand? Who can be the man-enemy who renders vain the healing intentions of your Majesty and the labours of your husbandmen? Ah, Sire! be on the alert, he is not far distant who is guilty of all this evil-he walks in the midst of us-we may easily find him if we seek him with care. Already I behold him-I shall declare who he is ;-but no, in this place the sinner may not be named. I shall give his marks without naming him. The man-enemy is he who seeks not peace, he who fattens upon discord, he who amuses himself by looking upon Spaniards disunited and quarrel ling, he who shews himself insensible of the declaration of the Saviour, that a kingdom divided internally cannot stand, he who despises the prayer of the same Divine Master, which supplicates the Eternal Father that all may be united by the bonds of love, as the ties of nature unite the father and the son, he who values not the zeal and industry with which the Apostle Paul strove to impress this most important truth upon the hearts of Christians. He is properly an antichrist, a wild beast, that ought to be banished to the woods and thickets, where he may herd with his fellows.

The man-enemy is also he who, shouting aloud, Long live Ferdinand, the country, and religion, introduces himself into the government, overturns all order by his dissimulation, gratifying his own ravening ambition with employments, salaries, and honours, at the expence of the innocent and suffering nation. This enemy is easily recognised. Let your Majesty

observe those who present themselves unto you, even although they come with plans and projects of economy in favour of the nation;-look upon their hands as they retire, and if flesh stick to the nails, (" that is," if they hold any employment or place under government, &c. &c.) doubt not but they belong to him whom we seek,that they are of those who do much evil,-of those who have given occasion to the new proverb which even the children in the streets repeat, to wit, Long live Ferdinand, let us go and rob.

In the last place, this man-enemy is he who renders useless or torpid the wise and just determinations of your Majesty, and deprives the greater part of the nation of the good it should derive from them. To what fatal consequences do not these disorders lead? The ministers of the altar feel them, your soldiers lament them, and they furnish the enemies of the throne with grounds for censuring, and reasons for slandering it. In fine, Sire, this man-enemy is, as Saint Augustine says, the devil clothed in flesh, and so subtle is he, that he insinuates himself into your very cabinet, scatters discord even there, and banishes from you those two angels whom God placed by your side for companions, counsellors, and comforters, (you will understand that I mean the two princes† your brothers,) and thus deprived of their support, the devil, the world, and the flesh, can more easily assail you.

Now, O King, your vigilance and justice should shine forth in the discovery and punishment of this monster of the human species. From the moment you do this, the precious vineyard which the Eternal Father has committed to your care will begin to flourish, and to bring forth fruit. The sweat of your many husbandmen shall no longer be in vain ; nor will you need to enforce against them the sentence of the text. The

In Spanish," Viva Fernando y va mos robando."

+ Don Carlos, acknowledged as legiti mate by the late Cortes, and Francisco Pablo, declared by the Cortes illegitimate, and who is supposed to be the son of Go doy the Prince of the Peace.

grasses shall be richer than those of the land of promise, "that is," immense benefits shall accrue to religion and our country, and Spain be the acknowledged princess of all the Catholic kingdoms. Then shall you be able to render a good account to the great Father of all, saying with truth and confidence, Behold, O Lord, the vineyard which thou hast entrusted to thy servant's care,-I found it full of thorns, and weeds, and brambles, but now it flourishes and yields its fruit abundantly; or, in other words, I received this kingdom without peace, without union, without obedience, without tranquillity, divided into factions and parties, made, as it were, into a likeness of the infernal regions; but now, O Lord, behold it united-in peace in tranquillity-the minds of the people reconciled and submissive to Thee, to Thy church, and to Thy


But what do you, Sire, fear my hopes shall be in vain? No assured ly; your purity of life, your love of equity, your upright intentions, your compassion for the poor and destitute, -the prodigies by which God hath brought you to the throne of this heroic kingdom, all assure us that God himself will complete the work,-the cause is his, and from his hand will come a remedy for all. He who can make the lion and the lamb live together in the same hut, shall cause the Spaniards, whose opinions are most opposed, to embrace each other, eat at the same table, and sleep under the same roof.* Co-operate, King,

When the preacher exhorts his Majesty to co-operate in the reconciliation and union of Spaniards, it is not without making some distinction. The disunited are in three classes. First, The incorrigibly wicked, who are consequently irreconcileable. These ought to be banished from the midst of us.

In the second class are those who remain apart from the cause of the King through doubt or irresolution; if these repent, it will be proper to receive them, but not into confidence or a participation of employment, until by their conduct (which ought to be carefully watched by government) they shew themselves worthy of both. Thus the government will preserve its authority, and get quit of hundreds of enemies, viz. the relations, friends, and dependants of the reconciled person. In this the King

in this great work, and the blessing of the Highest shall be upon you and upon your kingdom. Humanity is not incompatible with justice.-both are splendid attributes of majesty,use them with that prudence and firmness which present exigencies require, and you shall not only worthily sustain the character of Catholic prince-of the faithful husbandman of the Spanish vineyard, but your Majesty shall participate in that ineffable eulogium, which is for its excellence applied to the Eternal King, "Rex pacificus magnificatus est, cujus vultus desiderat universa terra.” Ferdinand the Just, the Pacific, has immortalized his name; all his faithful vassals desire to look upon his amiable countenance.

God of my life! Jesus of my heart, hear our supplications, and render effectual our prayers in favour of thy servant our beloved Ferdinand, and of his Catholic kingdom. Thou knowest that the builder of the house laboureth, and the watchman of the city watcheth in vain, if thou appliest not the hand of thy adorable providence, to consummate the undertaking. Grant us thy especial favour to enable us to co-operate in this good work; bestow on us that fervid cha rity which thou broughtest into the world,-that spirit of peace which the angels announced to the shepherds, and which thou didst so often recommend to thy disciples to preach and impress upon the minds of the sons of Adam, saying, Peace to you-peace be with you. My peace be upon you. Thus, O Lord, we shall have such hearts and such souls as thou requirWe shall be useful husbandmen est. in the vineyard of this Catholic nation, and we shall go forward in company with the best king whom we have enjoyed through thy mercy, towards the city of peace, where we shall behold thy face in glory.

Grant this, O Lord! Amen.

has set a good example, admitting to reconciliation and even to employment some of the opposite party, whom he knew deserved them. This is just and right among Catholics. The third class are those weak and fickle persons who resemble weathercocks, and who are little to be feared, though it is proper to keep an eye over them.

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