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conferring upon the whole nation of the Israelites and their descendants. "The Lord magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel, and they feared him as they feared Moses, all the days of his life."

Reader, dost thou feel that thy wisdom is but folly, and thy strength weakness; and dost thou look to God continually to work in thee both to will and to do of his own good pleasure?

The obedience of Joshua to the commands of God, was prompt and implicit. Difficulties and dangers did not dishearten him. He never made excuses for delay. He was no procrastinator in the discharge of duty. "Arise, go over this Jordan," was the direction of the Almighty; and his servant put it into immediate execution, though a whole nation was to make the passage, and a miracle was necessary to accomplish it. The captain of the Lord's host ordered Jericho to be compassed, and Joshua commanded the priests and the people to begin the march. Achan and his family were to be destroyed, and it was done. Strongly fortified cities were to be taken; mighty kings were to be subdued; large and powerful armies were to be vanquishedthe word of the Lord came to that effect, and the leader of the Israelites put his armies in motion. He heard. He believed. He obeyed.

Joshua was decided in his piety. His love to

God was a principle of loyalty, deep-rooted, abiding, incorruptible. To do the right—to do it always, to do it fearlessly-was one of the most conspicuous traits of the character of this noble man. When he had ascertained the will of God, he had the rule, and he followed it. The ambi tion of conquest, the tempting spoils of the vanquished, the lure of popularity, turned him not aside from the path of rectitude. He sought no personal aggrandizement. He coveted no large possessions, and showed a singular disinterestedness in the moderate portion for which he asked, and which was assigned him. If necessary, he would stand alone in his fidelity. Even if the whole nation should go over to idolatry, his inflexible resolution was; as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Reader, is such the purpose of thy soul?

This distinguished person was eminently trustworthy. There must have been that in his intercourse with his fellow-men which early won their confidence. He was known to be entitled to it. Hence he was chosen by Moses to lead the band that conquered at Rephidim, and to ascend Mount Sinai with him, his only companion when he went to its highest elevation to receive the tables of the law. Hence he was one selected for the important mission from Kadesh-barnea to spy out the promised land. And hence

(the highest honor that was conferred upon him placing the seal of the divine approbation upon his fidelity,) he was chosen by God himself the colleague of Moses before his death; his successor after it as the leader of the Israelites; their conductor into Canaan; and the chief of the nation, until, under his guidance, they conquered the country and had it divided among them. What responsible trusts! What proofs of his moral greatness of soul, thus to have the confidence, entire and unchanging, of his God and of his fellow-men!

In the divine strength, my young friend, resolve to be, like Joshua, trust-worthy. Acquire the confidence of those with whom you are connected in the various relations and business of life, by showing that you deserve it. Adhere rigidly to the truth. Keep your word. Fulfill punctually and strictly your engagements. Perform your duties conscientiously. Be faithful to every trust reposed in you. Let integrity mark your whole character. Above all, be faithful to your God. Secure, as Joshua did, his gracious approbation, and you, too, shall be honored with the marks of his confidence, and enjoy the exalted privilege of being employed in his service. You shall be prepared, in whatever sphere of duty he may see fit to place you, to be happy in promoting his glory and the best good of your fellow.

men here; and in the future world to rise to higher privileges, and to happiness unutterable, in loving and serving him without imperfection, and without end.

We might speak, in the same way, of the courage of Joshua, both his moral courage, and his personal bravery; of his wisdom and prudence ; of his wonderful talent to command; of his inflexible perseverance; of his patience and skill in managing such a people as the Israelites; of his patriotism; and especially of his active and affectionate benevolence, as shown, in so striking a manner, towards the close of his life, and in his parting counsels to his countrymen. We might expatiate on these and other estimable traits of his character. But time forbids. We have seen enough in this eminently great man, to lead us to adore the riches of that grace which fashioned him into such loveliness and excellence, and to pray that, through the same grace, we may be, as he was,—each one in his lot and station, the servant of the Lord.

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