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Do You Want the Proof?

CHE first question to be solved

by the prospective advertiser is: Has the medium the confidence and respect of its clientele? The second: Does it pay them?

We answer these questions by offering you the names of our friends who have advertised in every issue of the Reliable that has been published-from the modest first copy of thirteen years ago to the handsome 140-page color-plate number for January, 1907. Are you interested in knowing these friends?


Reliable Poultry Journal Co. Quincy, Illinois.

Out of the West

We Are Starting

The Western Farm Journal

Our home is situated in one of the most intensely cultivated sections of the United States. Our people have been doing things for a number of years.

You All" know of Rocky Ford-her practical growers, her luscious melons, her bountiful beet crops, etc., made possible by fertile soil-the right climate and a system of irrigation superior even to that of Egypt.

Our first issue will go into the homes of 10,000 of these careful farmers. They are large planters, grow paying crops and are good cus


We Are Lined Up To Grow

Our reading matter will be secured from Practical and successful Farmers and will be along such lines as is sought after by the better class of farmers.

We are going after their confidence with good goods, all wool and double width.

We want you to start your Ad in the first issue and we will spare no pains to keep you with us,

Forms close Jan. 5. First issue Jan. 15. Rate 75c. per inch. Yours truly,

The Western Farm Journal Pub. Co.,

W. H. Butterfield, Manager,





whose goods appeal to the pro-
gressive farmer will find it much
to their advantage to add the


to their available list the ensuing year. The consolidation of the AMERICAN CULTIVATOR and the MASSACHUSETTS PLOUGHMAN has now been effected, and the subscription rate reduced to one dollar per


These are facts that should not be overlooked by the advertiser who desires to cover New Eng. land thoroughly.

Rates will be furnished by the Long Critchfield Corporation.

Guaranteed Circulation


Do you want to get in touch
with that many farmers and
stock raisers of the Middle
West? The

Chicago Markets

Is a Live Stock and Agricul-
tural Weekly and reaches the
very best class of farmers
and stock raisers.

Guaranteed Circulation


W. O. HOFFMAN, Publisher,


356 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

I have had three jobs since my twenty-first birthday-four years, seven years and eight


Left the first to go to the second, and the second to go to the third. Am still at the third.

To do better each time? No to do worse, from a money standpoint.

But to apply some of the things I learned in the previous job.

I did get my wages increased occasionally while at the first two jobs.

But I wouldn't have gotten a worth-while promotion in a thousand years.

Why? Don't ask me-just read over again the first part of this talk.

Eleven years to learn something-not much even then-of my duty as an employe.

And I also learned not to lay any great particular stress on my employer's duty to me. Because he really doesn't owe me any duty-unless my work and conduct are such as to impose an obligation upon him, in which event he'll be glad to "square up."

Is that a new one? It was to me-once. But I'm fixed in it now.

I have said that I am an employe. And yet I have spent the last eight years working for myself.

Just as surely as though I owned a busi

[blocks in formation]

Look at South Dakota

A public state debt of $50,000. (But there is plenty of
money in the treasury to pay it.)

In ten years the bank deposits of the farmers of South
Dakota have increased from $5,000,000 to $45,000,000.

1903 was the banner year for value of agricultural products. But 1906 came along and surpasses the former banner year to the tune of $9,688,831. South Dakota is helping to feed the world this year. After storing away what is needed for self, the railroads will carry to outside markets more than $87,000,000 worth of agricultural products.

The South Dakota Farmer

will put advertisers in touch with some of this South Dakota prosperity. The only paper of its class in the state issued every week. The only paper of its class printed on a perfecting press-its own press. One price to all advertisers.

South Dakota Farmer

Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Always a Good Investment.

Bloomington, Ill., Nov. 27, 1906. Drovers Journal,

Chicago, Ill.

Gentlemen: The results obtained
from advertising in the Drovers
Journal have been thoroughly sat-
isfactory in every way. We con-
sider that every advertisement
placed with you has been a good

Yours truly,
Funk Bros. Seed Co.


Guaranteed Circulation




For Seed Advertisers

There is nothing better than

The Farm


published at Omaha, Nebraska,

Now issued semi-monthly, on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Circulation 65,000.

This is the largest circulation of any farm
paper in the territory. Double the Nebraska
circulation of any farm paper.

Farm Magazine Co.,

Lincoln, Nebraska, June 26.
Gentlemen:-We have finally checked up adver-
tising for the season and find that you head our
list. We used some 20 farm papers this season
including all the best publications in the territory.
The total cost of advertising with you was 810.48.
This brought us orders amounting to 8107.90.
Cost per dollar's worth of business received, 10c.
Inquiries, 52; orders, 14. Average order, $7.71.
We wish to compliment you on your good show.
Very truly yours,

E. S. Gunn, Manager
Griswold Seed Co.

Omaha, Nebraska.




Poultry Review

Is Published at

St. Louis

Send for

Sample Copies


Rate Card

Also put us on

Your 1907 List

[blocks in formation]

To See the Man at the Top

"Did you see that man who just went out?" asked the secretary of one of the large corporations in New York of a visitor. "He has a wise head on his shoulders.

"You know one of the hardest things a man is up against is to get in to see the man at the top. The ability to talk well is all right in its place, but you must get inside the office before it is of any use.

"Nowadays when a man wants to see the president of a large business house he seldom sees even the secretary.

"His card is sent in by an office boy. Now, the secretary does not know what the man looks like; all he has to judge from is the card.

"Usually the card tells the whole story. Most of them are cheap affairs, 'Mr. Smith, with Brown-Green Paint Company,' or something like that. The chances are the secretary does not feel in the mood to see a paint man and passes out word to call again later.

"But that chap who just went out is different. He sent in a plain calling card of the proper size, engraved in old English script. It was the best that money could buy.

"When I got the card I had never heard the name before, but I did not dare turn him down. I sent for him and then it was all his.

"He started a flow of fine English and in a short time I had him in the president's room. He is pretty sure of landing a big order, 1 believe. It is an investment of a few dollars, but I tell you it pays high interest."-New York Sun.

United States Uses Most Paper

A French scientific paper publishes some interesting figures concerning the production and consumption of paper for printing purposes. The United States, it appears, makes and uses more paper than any other country. England, Germany, France, Austria follow in the order named.

Here's a

Fertile Field

For You Mr. Advertiser!


WHILE you've been getting after the residents of the cities and towns of the Province of Quebec, haven't you overlooked the French Canadian farmers? French Canadian farmers were never so prosperous as they are to-day. They have good farms, they live well and comfortably, and they want and can pay for what you have to sell. They form the backbone of the Province of Quebec, and they're a class of likely buyers of your commodity that are well worth cultivating. There are mighty few farmers in the Province of Quebec who do not keep posted on matters relating to agriculture and the general news of the day. And the medium by which these facts are made known to them is "THE WEEKLY LA PATRIE" (formerly "LE CULTIVATEUR," which has been published since 1871). Every article published in this paper is of the greatest interest to every French Canadian farmer and every feature which has made "LE CULTIVATEUR" so popular will be retained. When you consider that there are 130,158 families in the Province of Quebec, depending upon the soil for their living, and that "THE WEEKLY LA PATRIE" goes into 35,000 of these homes, you will appreciate its value as an advertising medium. It reaches the farmer who is constantly on the lookout to better his condition and add to the comforts of his home. Mr. Advertiser! are you going to assist him in this by telling him through "THE WEEKLY LA PATRIE" about the goods you have to sell? Because, Mr. Advertiser, you will find a ready sale for your commodity, in a paper that goes to people who are keenly anxious to possess your goods, if they only knew about them. Write us to-day for any further information that you may need about "THE WEEKLY LA PATRIE and LE CULTIVATEUR."



U.S. Representatives: La Coste & Maxwell, Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Nassau-Beekman Bldg., N. Y. City




Oxford, Pa.,

Is Valuable to Its Readers and Advertisers:

Its Contents Are of Great Import.


JANUARY-Milking Machines.

What they are; their development and what they will do for the dairyman. FEBRUARY-The Horse on the Farm.

How to make the most out of him--combining Work, Profit and Pleasure. MARCH-Farm Poultry.

What to Keep; How to Care For;
Its Place on the Farm,

APRIL-Silos and Ensilage.

Cost of Erecting; Advantages to be
Gained; Profit,

MAY-Separators on the Farm.

The Advantages to be Gained and Profit
Saved. What is Required.

JUNE The Model Dairy Cow-Form and

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