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An Iowa

Farm Paper

That is what you get when you use the Iowa State Register and Farmer. Our paper is the oldest exclusive farm paper in Iowa, having been printed at Des Moines since 1856. Our readers are the most prosperous farmers and stock breeders to be found in the state. We guarantee a circulation of 32,000 and every subscriber's name is taken off when his time is out. Any advertiser wishing to reach the best class of farm readers in Iowa can do so by using our columns. Our rates are low for the quantity and quality of circulation we are giving. Remember it is purely an Iowa farm circulation we are offering and there is no better agricultural state in the Union.

Write for advertising rates and sample copies to the IOWA FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Des Moines, Ia.

paper to Dallas there has been a steady increase in the amount of business and the number of subscribers, and the plant we have is not adequate. The two papers are kindred in aim and the readers of both will be pleased at the enlargement and improvement of the papers. For the present the offices will continue at 365 and 367 Commerce Street.

"We mean to erect in the down-town section shortly a building which, with the equipment, will cost us about $40,000. It will be an up-todate newspaper building. We shall install a large press that will print on book paper from rolls with as great perfection and greater speed than the flat presses we are now using." -Dallas News.

The friends of Mr. J. C. Billingslea will be pleased to know that he is again at his desk and as good as new, after a siege of typhoid lasting about two months.

The annual session of the National Agricultural Press League was held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, December 5th. The report of the Secretary and Executive Committee showed that the active membership of the League had been trebled during the year, and the report of the Treasurer that all bills, including the expenses of the committee sent by the League to appear before the Postal Commission, had been paid, and there was yet money in the treasury.

The following officers were elected to serve for the next year: President, James M. Pierce, Homestead, Des Moines, Iowa; Vice-president, M. W. Lawrence, Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio; Treasurer, B. F. Biliter, Farmers' Guide, Huntington, Ind.; Secretary, John M. Stahl, Farmer's Call, Quincy, Ill.; Executive Committee, A. C. Halliwell, Live Stock world, Chicago, Ill.; J. H. Neff, Drovers' Telegram, Kansas City, Mo.; W. D. Hoard, Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wis.; Norman J. Colman, Colman's Rural World, St. Louis, Mo.; William J. Thompson, Metropolitan & Rural Home, New York City; H. L. Simmons, American Farm News, Springfield, Ohio; and ex-officio, the President and Secretary.


A resolution was adopted opposing the present free seed distribution of the National Department of Agriculture. A committee, consisting of Pierce of the Homestead, Kennedy of the Metropolitan & Rural Home, and Simmons, of the American Farm News, was lected to submit to the League a plan to secure for farm papers the advertising of those not now using farm papers, but whose announcements should appear in the columns of farm and kindred papers.

The initiation fee was abolished, and the annual dues were fixed at $10.

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No Classified Advertisement in the Three Papers for Less Than $1.20.


HE farmer is an eager reader of classified advertising which appeals to his self-interest. The Pierce publications, the foremost group of farm papers in the world, have inaugurated a department of classified advertising at a special bargain rate. Every classified advertisement is inserted in The Iowa Homestead, Des Moines, Ia., The Farmer and Stockman, Kansas City, Mo., and The Wisconsin Farmer, Madison, Wis., the three papers having a total weekly circulation of 190,000, covering the states of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. A rate of five cents a word is made for each insertion in the three papers, no insertion being accepted for less thon $1.20. The advertisements are set in uniform type, without illustrations or display. Copy must be received on or before Saturday of the week preceding publication and cash must accompany the order. The department is given a prominent position in the paper. It affords a fine and effective means of placing a great variety of business propositions before the farmers of ten great states at a minimum cost.

The Pierce Publications include The Iowa Homestead, Des Moines, Ia., The Farmer and Stockman, Kansas City, Mo., and The Wisconsin Farmer, Madison, Wis., published weekly; The Homemaker, Des Moines, Ia., a monthly for farmers' wives, and The Farm Gazette, Des Moines, Ia., a beautiful monthly magazine. Total circulation, 370,000. Advertising space in the five publications, $1 a line, flat. Space in the three weeklies, 60 cents a line, flat.



Homestead Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa

You are missing not only a large volume of business, but business of the most satisfactory kind, by not making friends with the 70,000 subscribers to



Garten= bau

German farmers are good farmers and therefore have plenty of money to spend.


But more than this, they make loyal customers. get their trade, and they are yours as long as you take care of them properly.

That's part of the German temperament.

And it is not only the head of the family that will heed your appeal in the Acker und Gartenbau - you'll interest every member.

Advertisements translated free of charge.

The Herold Co. Milwaukee, Wis.


No campaign of education is ever entirely barren of results. Even in those cases where

the public refuses to be enlightened, the advertiser himself is apt to learn something.Printers' Ink.

Denatured Alcohol

Small Distilleries Can be Established for $200 Internal Revenue Commissioner Yerkes, answering an inquiry recently as to how many gallons of denatured alcohol will approximately be needed in the industries for 1907, says:

"Having absolutely nothing to base an estimate upon, it is not possible for me to make an estimate as to the quantity of denatured alcohol that will be consumed in that way. No formal applications have as yet been made by distilleries for approval of denaturing bonded warehouses. Such applications could not be filed for the reason that the proper blanks have not as yet been placed in the hands of collectors. At present there are forty distilleries in the United States manufacturing what might be termed commercial alcohol."

In reply to a criticism of the law on the ground that regular distilleries only can engage in the manufacture of denatured alcohol, enabling the whiskey trust to secure practically a monopoly, Mr. Yerkes said:

"This office knows of no process by which alcohol can be manufactured except by distillation, and as regular distilleries are the only kind recognized by the law, alcohol manufactured under the supervision of this department must be manufactured at regular distilleries. There are absolutely no limitations as to the size of a distillery that can be operated under the law. There are over 1,000 distilleries in operation now, at each of which the daily spirit producing capacity is less than 30 gallons. Many of these were set up on an outlay of less than $200. So far as the internalrevenue laws are concerned, either in theory or practice, the smallest and crudest distillery can produce alcohol, if, as a business proposition, it is deemed advisable to do so. The small distilleries have always been treated by this department with the same consideration as the larger ones.

How a Farmer May Produce Denatured

"If a farmer or other person desires to go into the business of manufacturing denatured alcohol, at a plant however small, he will be required to construct his plant in the manner prescribed by the general laws and regulations.

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New Trade For A. D. 1907

New Trade is what pleases
the Advertiser.

If you have not been using
space in the Weekly

Haus Und Bauernfreund

(Home and Farm Companion)

begin now, and sce how quickly you will begin to book orders" from the

He will be required to give a bond, the effect of which is to prevent him from defrauding the Government of the tax on any distilled spirits produced by him. He will be required to establish a distillery warehouse; to deposit the spirits produced by him in this warehouse; to establish a denaturing bonded warehouse, and to tax pay or denature, just as he may wish, the alcohol produced by him. All of this will be done under governmental supervision, but the Government pays for this supervision. The manufacturer of alcohol does not bear one cent of it. There is no objection to a farmer manufacturing his alcohol in his back yard' provided he wants to establish a distillery there. If you will take the trouble to investigate you will find, in my opinion, that the laws and regulations relating to the manufacture of alcohol in Germany do not differ to any great extent from the laws and regulations in this country."

As in a game ov cards, so in the game ov life, we must play what iz dealt tew us, and the glory consists, not so much in winning as in playing a poor hand well.-Josh Billings.

Of what use to select strong, high-priced publications and then leave the preparation of copy--the selling argument in inexperienced hands?-Metz Magazine.

104,000 Good German Farmers

who subscribe for this leader
of the German Farm Weeklies.
Get next to these German
Farmers and you get TRADE
that sticks by you.

The Rate is Low

25 cents per line flat. That is certainly low enough for 104,000 circulation reaching money-making farmers.

Just give us a chance to tell you how we know that this publication would pay you well.

Germania Publishing Co.,

Milwaukee, Wis.

Speaking of Illinois

Did you know that the total value
of Illinois farms was more than
that of any other state; that
Illinois farmers were the best
and wealthiest in the country?
It's a fact. And you can cover
Illinois by using the Farmers'

Farmers' Review

Just the kind of a farm paper
that the farmers like. Easily
read, neat in appearance and
filled with practical information
for the farmer. Keeps its ad-
vertising columns clean, none
but reliable advertisers allowed
to use it. Its readers are buyers.

Farmers' Review

355 Dearborn Street, Chicago

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