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Why He Crows

"D' you want to know Why I crow

So loud you can hear me a mile or so? It's because of my pride

Of 'Birds Paroid,'

With which my house is roofed you know. Yes, roofed and lined,

And I never mind,

How fierce the rain, or how cold the wind; For My biddies and I

Keep warm and dry

And of eggs we furnish a steady supply."

Somebody must lead-somebody MUST be first-somebody must go into the wilderness and brave the unseen and the unknown, and that somebody should and will take the big reward that reward in which the followers can hope to share but a little portion-never the bounteous recompense that is the just due of INITIATIVE.

The man who DARES usually DOES, and to him only-and justly so--is extended the glad hand of the lookers-on and the silent admiration of the man who wished to DO, but feared to DARE!

Castles of our own making-few of us there be who live therein!

Initiative-quality supreme!

If it be mine to wish and to have, let it be THAT more than all else.-The Western Monthly.

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The fastest growing farm paper in the great southwest which has just turned its thirtieth year.

Technical departments for the farmer and breeder.

Bright pages for the home.

Artistic illustrationsconfidence of the readers.

Therefore, it is easy to understand why Advocate advertisements always bring results.

The Farmers Advocate

411 Jackson Street
Topeka, Kas.

Have you noted the Improvement

in the

Farmer's Voice

Do You Know that it is not only the best, but the Handsomest Farm Monthly Published?

Do You Know that the regular monthly issue now exceeds


and that the circulation is rapidly increasing?

Do You Know that the columns of Farmer's Voice is closed against all objectionable advertisements?

Do You Know that Farmer's Voice is one of the best paying mediums in the list of farm publications?

Don't You Believe that it would pay you to investigate these claims? If so, will you not write for a sample copy and information that every advertiser ought to have?

The Farmer's Voice
Publishing Co.,

315 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

[blocks in formation]

That ancient one about the world making a pathway to the door of the man who builds the top-notch mouse-trap, could be handed with good results to the embryo mail-order man, who imagines he is doing the wise act when he appropriates ninety per cent of his capital for mahogany fixings and an office on the first floor front. Me to the attic with a goods box for a desk and a grub stake of ten-and the ninety for the "incidentals," such as printing, advertising, and for quality in my product!--The Western Monthly.

Left with my parents at home, it became a problem how I might use idle time, with profit to myself. I devised this plan, which has developed far beyond my fondest dreams; in fact, it has become a very pleasant and remunerative employment during the past year and bids fair to remain so for years to come, if I wish to carry my work, which is advertising, beyond my own home city.

My idea was to go into the different wards of my home city and secure testimonials from housewives using a special brand of flour-beginning first with my own immediate neighborhood; getting names of people using this flour from our grocer on the corner. These testimonials were to be bound in booklet form, and one left at each house in the same ward where the testimonials were procured. I mailed my plan to a prominent firm, and it was accepted. I was to procure the testimonials and forward them to the firm and they would return the booklets for me to distribute. The booklet was of neat appearance, containing several pages of testimonials and matter setting forth the merits of the flour. On the cover was printed something like this-"What Your Friends and Neighbors Think of X-Ray Flour."

So great a success did this prove, that I have since added a breakfast food and a line of canned goods to my list of advertising. have now been working for the past year in my town, and have not yet covered the territory. In fact, it will take the greater part of this year to finish the city, for it requires a thorough canvass. This has been very pleasant and profitable work and a labor that any well-bred and fairly educated woman may perform.-G. B. S. in The Delineator.

"As Ye Sow"

Good advertising in a good medium

always pays.




Offers to careful advertisers a paid circulation of 65,000 subscribers at one dol

lar a year each


the best farm

ers and stockmen of the West. The rate of 22 cents per agate line, or $3.08 per inch is based on this guaranteed circulation.

A contract is not necessary to secure the lowest rate. Begin any time-stay as long as it pays. Nearly 400 ads in each issue indicates that this plan is a winner and that our advertisers get results.

The Bee Publishing Co.,

Omaha, Neb.

An Advertiser

has just written HOME AND FARM that his orders from the South are so heavy that he is compelled to discontinue his advertisement for the present. This strikes the keynote of prosperity in the great territory south of the Ohio River.

Other Advertisers

are writing us that the present season is proving the most prosperous they have ever enjoyed from our territory. The reasons are plain. The financial condition of HOME AND FARM readers was never better. The great strides the South is making in commerce, manufactures and agriculture command capital and labor as never before.


is plentiful in the South and the wide-awake advertiser is rapidly turning his attention to this field. A few pointers given in our "Blue Book" which is sent free on application to any address will prove of value to the advertiser considering the HOME AND FARM field. Write us for the book, sample copies, etc., and address

HOME AND FARM Louisville, Ky.

Western Office:

1736 First National Bank Building,


Eastern Office:

725 Temple Court, New York City

[blocks in formation]

It has been suggested that art, literature and psychology are being commercialized and put to base uses when exploited in the industrial arena for the sale of goods and the winning of dollars. So far from this being true to the point of causing apprehension to the sentimental and romantic, why may we not venture the confidence that business will eventually be refined and elevated through the leav ening influences of these great forces? True art ought to have an ennobling influence on the mind of man in whatever circumstances it comes to his notice. Good literature ought to interest, please and instruct, even when its subject matter is commercial product. The study of psychology, like the study of any other science, ought to appeal to man's intellectual nature, and bring him into closer touch with truth and the meaning of life. All these ought to exert a wholesome influence upon the busy world of affairs, as hitherto they have upon the world of retirement and contemplation.-Arthur Bumstead in Western Monthly.


The art of selling is to make a man have confidence in you and in himself.-Star Solicitor.

Many a man would be saved hundreds of dollars by knowing how to say "no" at the right time-and mean it. All sorts of schemes are presented to advertisers, which on the very face of them are not prontable, and which have no sort of argument which shows them to be desirable for the purpose of creating business.

There is no substitute for the ability to say no. It need not be said in a discourteous way, but it should be none the less sincere and final and it will save time, trouble, disappointment, loss of money, and ofttimes friends.Our Silent Partner.

Working is putting your Own ideas into action, while labor is the drudgery of carrying out the directions of another man.-Fame.

Don't worry because of the great number of your competitors. If you feel that you are in the right line keep plugging along and you will find before long that the field that is giving you a race has narrowed down to a few pluggers.-The Star Monthly.

One of the commercial effects of the Carnegie reform in spelling came to my attention yesterday. An inquiry had been made of a firm in Kalamazoo for some kitchen ware, and a catalogue was sent. While the inquirer was selecting his goods a letter came from the firm, urging him to hasten his purchase, as the stock was being rapidly reduced. Having read this letter (a mere circular) Our would-be purchaser replied as follows:


The Opportunity of a Lifetime for Building

Business in the South

Forty years, Mr. Advertiser, have not seen a time so favorable for pushing trade among Southern farmers and forty years more may not see another opportunity so rich with promise.

Two billion dollars or in other words, two thousand million dollars - that in round numbers is the sum which the South has received for her last seven cotton crops in excess of what the preceding seven brought us-nearly two billion dollars, extra, or more than twice the capital of all our national banks-this much surplus turned loose in the Cotton States in these seven fat years, and the Southern farmers' pockets now bulging with $650,000,000, paid for the crop just picked.

There has never been a time like this for getting Southern trade, and the best way to get your share of it is to advertise in



The Biggest, Brightest and Best Southern Farm Weekly and the Livest Proposition in Southern Agricultural Journalism -a High-Grade Dollar Paper not to be Confounded with the Cheap and Fakish Sort.

Circulation, 1904, 10,509; 1905, 13,583; First Half 1906, 16,823; Last Half, 20,960- and We Have Just Begun to Grow.

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