Papers Presented to the House of Commons on the 7th May 1804, Respecting the Slave Trade; &c. &c


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Página 23 - Waterton, for the delivery, duty free, of some birds, quadrupeds, reptiles, and insects, collected by him in Guiana, and recently imported from Demerara, I have it in command to acquaint you that my Lords have informed Mr. Waterton that, if...
Página 20 - And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that it fhall and may be lawful, to and for the bifhop of the diocefe, or other proper ordinary, to re-cite any perfon or perfons...
Página 11 - Plantations to adopt such Measures as shall appear to them best calculated to obviate the Causes which have hitherto impeded the natural Increase of the Negroes already in the islands, gradually to diminish the necessity of the Slave Trade, and ultimately to lead to its complete termination...
Página 4 - Judgment, it shall be lawful for the Party or Parties so having obtained Judgment against such Public Officer for the Time being to issue Execution against any Person or Persons who was or were a Member or Members of such Corporation or Copartnership...
Página 9 - The result of all their inquiries on this most important part of the subject has brought before their eyes one grand and primary evil from which all the others are easily to be deduced ; namely, the facility of intercourse between the hostile colonies and Europe under the American neutral flag, by means of which not only the whole of their produce is carried to a market, but at charges little exceeding those of peace, while the British planter is burdened with all the inconvenience, risk, and expense...
Página 7 - By the right honourable the lords of the committee of council appointed for the confideration of all matters relating to trade and foreign plantations. Read — Letter from Mr. Alexander Champion, a principal merchant^ concerned in the Southern whale'-fifhery, to lord Hawkeibury. dated the za in.lant, acquainting hi...
Página 3 - An act for enabling his majesty to permit the importation and exportation of certain goods and commodities into, and from, the port of Road Harbour, in the island of Tortola.
Página 13 - Lord the King, his heirs and successors for and towards the support of the government of this...
Página 7 - Charities, pursuant to an Act of Parliament passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King William the Fourth...
Página 40 - ... shall appear to them best calculated to obviate the causes which have hitherto impeded the natural increase of the Negroes already in the islands, gradually to diminish the necessity of the slave trade, and ultimately to lead to its complete termination ; and particularly, with a view to the same effect, to employ such means as may conduce to the moral and religious improvement of the Negroes, and secure to them, throughout all the British West India islands, the certain, immediate, and active...

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