Imágenes de páginas


Abranchiata (a-brang'ki-ä”ta),n, pl. 1. Same as Abranchia (which see)-2. The name applied to those vertebrates-mammals, birds, and reptiles-whose young have at no time gills such as batrachia and fish possess. Abranchiate (a-brangʻki-ât), a. Devoid of gilla

Abrasax (ab-ra-saks), n. Same as Abraxas. Abrase (a-braz), a. [See ABRADE.] Made clean by rubbing. A nymph as pure and smple as the soule or as an abrase table.' B. Jonson

Abrasion (ab-rä'zhon), n. [L abrasio-ab and rado. See ABRADE.] 1. The act of abrading; the act of wearing or rubbing off or down, as by friction or attrition; specifically, in geol the wearing or rubbing away of rocks by icebergs or glaciers, by currents of water laden with sand, shingle, &c., by blown sand, or other means.-2. The substance worn off by attrition. Berkeley. 3 In surg. (a) a superficial lesion of the skin by the partial removal of the cuticle. (b) A very superficial ulcer or excoriation of the intestinal mucous membrane. Abraum (ab'ram), n. [G] Red ochre, used by cabinet-makers to give a red colour to new mahogany.

Abraxas (ab-raks'as), n. [The Greek letters a, b,r,a,z, a, s (x, B, e. a. E. a, s) as numerals express 365.] 1. A word denoting a power which presides over 365 others, the number of days in a year; and used as a mystical term to express the supreme God, under whom the Basilidians supposed 365 dependent deities. It was the principle of the Gnostic hierarchy, whence sprang their multitude of æons-2. In antiq. a gem or stone, with the word abrazas engraven on it. 3 A genus of lepidopterous insects, containing the large magpie-moth (Abraxas grossulariata), the larvae of which are very destructive to our gooseberry and currant bushes, consuming their leaves as soon as they appear.

Abray (ab-ra), v.i. [As a present tense or infinitive this is a corrupt form. See ABBAID.] To awake.

But when as I did out of sleep abray,

I found her not where I left her whyleare. Spenser. Abrazite (ab'ra-zīt), n. [Gr. a, neg., and brazo, to bubble.] A mineral that does not effervesce when melted before the blowpipe.

Abrazitic (ab-ra-zit′ik), a. In mineral. not effervescing when melted before the blowpipe.

Abread, Abreed (a-bred'), adv. Abroad. Burns. [Scotch.] Spelled also Abraid. Abreast (a-brest'), adv. [Prefix a, on or at, and breast.] 1. Side by side, with the breasts in a line. The riders rode abreast.' Dryden-2. Naut. lying side by side with stems equally advanced; also, when used to mark the situation of vessels in regard to other objects, opposite, over against, lying so that the objects are on a line with the beam: with of.

The Bellina kept too close to the starboard shoal, and grounded abreast of the outer ship of the enemy Southey.

1 Fig up to a certain degree or pitch; up to a certain level; as, to keep abreast of the present state of science.-4. At the same time; simultaneously.

Abreast therewith began a convocation. Fuller. Abrede, adv. Abroad. Chaucer. Abrenouncet (ab'rē-nouns), v. t. [Prefix ab, and renounce. To renounce absolutely. Under pain of the pope's curse nounce their wives or their livings.

either to abreFoxe, Book of Martyrs. Abrenunciation (ab'ré-nun-si-a❝shon), n. Renunciation; absolute denial. 'An ab

renunciation of that truth which he so long

had professed.' Fuller.

Abreption (ab-rep'shon), n. [L. abripio, abreptum, to snatch away from-ab, from, and rapio, raptum, to snatch. See RAVISH.] A carrying away, or state of being seized and carried away.

Abreuvoir (a-brü-vwor), n. [Fr. abreuvoir, a watering place, from abreuver, O. Fr. abeuerer, to water; It. abbeverare; L. L. aberare, abebrare, from L. ad, indicating direction, and bibo, to drink.] 1. A receptacle for water.-2 In masonry, the joint between stones to be filled with mortar. Gwilt

Abricock (ab'ri-kok), n. Same as Apricot (which see)

Abricot + (abʼri-kot), n. Same as Apricot. Abridge (a-brij), vt pret. & pp. abridged; ppr abridging [Fr. abréger, from L. abbre


viare, to shorten; abbreviare, according to a principle seen in the change of many words from Latin to French, becoming abbrevjare, abbrejare, and finally abréger. Comp. L. Hierosolyma, Hieronymus, simia, diurnus, vindemia, alleviare, pipionem, rabies, with Fr. Jérusalem, Jérôme, singe, jour, vendange, alléger, pigeon, rage.] 1. To make shorter; to curtail Abridged cloaks.' Sir W. Scott.-2. To epitomize; to shorten by using fewer words, yet retaining the sense in substance; to condense: used of writings; as, Justin abridged the history of Trogus Pompeius.-3. To lessen; to diminish; as, to abridge labour; to abridge power or rights.-4. To deprive; to cut off from: followed by of and formerly by from; as, to abridge one of his rights or enjoyments.

Nor do I now make moan to be abridged
From such a noble rate.


5. In alg. to reduce, as a compound quantity or equation, to its more simple form. SYN. To shorten, abbreviate, contract, epitomize, condense, compress, retrench, reduce, curtail, diminish, cut short. Abridger (a-brij'er), n. One who or that which abridges.

Abridgment (a-brij'ment), n. 1. The act of abridging or state of being abridged; diminution; contraction; reduction; curtailment; restriction; as, an abridgement of expenses. 'Abridgment of liberty." Locke.

It was his sin and folly which brought him under that abridgment. South.

2. An epitome; a summary, as of a book; an

abstract or condensation.

An abridgment or abstract of anything is the whole in little. Locke.

Here lies David Garrick, describe him who can, An abridgment of all that was pleasant in man. Goldsmith.

3. That which abridges or cuts short. [Rare.]

Look, where my abridgment comes [namely, that which cuts me short in my speech: compare, however, meaning 4). Shak.

4. That which shortens anything, as time, or makes it appear short; hence, a pastime. [Rare.]

Say what abridgment have you for this evening?
What mask? What music?

-Abridgment, Compendium, Epitome, Abstract. An abridgment is a work shortened or abridged by being briefly expressed, or by having the less essential parts omitted; a compendium is a condensed view of a particular subject regarded as complete in itself; as, a compendium of literature, of the laws of commerce, &c.; an epitome is also a condensed view, but not necessarily of a whole subject, and has more reference to the selection of essential facts than an abridgment; every epitome is an abridg ment, but every abridgment is not an epitome; an abstract is a bare statement of facts contained in, or of the leading features of a work. SYN. Diminution, reduction, curtailment, contraction, deprivation, restraint, restriction, compendium, epitome, abstract.

Abroach (a-brōch'), a. or adv. [Prefix a for on, and broach (which see).] Broached; letting out or yielding liquor, or in a position for letting out; as, the cask is abroach.-To set abroach, (a) to set running; to cause to flow.

Hogsheads of ale were set abroach. Sir W. Scott. (b) Fig. to give rise to; to spread abroad; to disseminate; to propagate. 'Set mischief abroach.' Shak.

Abroacht (a-broch), v.t. To open, as a cask, for the purpose of taking out liquor; to tap; to broach.

Abroachment (a-broch'ment), n.


as Abbroachment. Abroad (a-brąd'), adv. [A. Sax. onbræde, that is, on breadth, from on, and brád, broad. See BROAD.] At large; widely; without being confined to narrow limits; with expansion; as, a tree spreads its branches abroad.

The angry northern wind Will blow these sands, like Sibyl's leaves, abroad. Shak Specifically, (a) beyond or out of the walls of a house, camp, or other inclosure; as, to walk abroad. (b) Beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries; as, to go abroad for an education; we have broils at home and enemies abroad. (c) Extensively; before the public at large.

He... began... to blaze abroad the matter. Mark i. 45. -To be all abroad, (a) to be wide of the


mark, in a figurative sense; to be far wrong in one's guess or estimate. (b) To be at a loss; to be puzzled, perplexed, bewildered, non-plussed; to be all or quite at sea-The schoolmaster is abroad, education is diffused among the people. See under SCHOOL


Abrocoma (ab-ro'ko-ma), n. [Gr. habros, delicate, and kome, hair.] A genus of small rodent, rat-like animals, natives of South America, remarkable for the fineness of their fur. More properly Habrocoma. Abrogable (ab'rō-ga-bl), a. Capable of being abrogated.

Abrogate (ab'rō-gāt), v.t. pret. & pp. abrogated; ppr. abrogating. [L. abrogo, to repeal-ab, from, and rogo, to ask or propose, as a law.] 1. To repeal; to annul by an authoritative act; to abolish by the authority of the maker or his successor: applied to the repeal of laws, decrees, ordinances, the abolition of established customs, &c.-2. To keep clear of; to avoid: so used by a pedant in Love's Labour's Lost.

Perge, good Holofernes, perge; so it shall please you to abregate scurrility. Shak

-Abolish, Repeal, Abrogate. See under ABOLISH.-SYN. To repeal, annul, set aside, rescind, revoke, abolish, cancel. Abrogate† (ab'rō-gát), a. Annulled; abolished.

Abrogation (ab-rō-gā'shon), n.

The act of

abrogating; repeal by authority of the legislative power, or any competent authority. Abroma (ab-ro'ma), n. [Gr. a, neg., and broma, food.] A genus of plants, nat. order Sterculiaceæ, tribe Buttnerieæ. A. augusta is a native of the East Indies, and A. fastuosa of New South Wales. Some of the species are evergreen stove shrubs. Abroodt (a-bröd'), adv. [Prefix a, on, and brood.] In the act, or as in the act of brooding.


The Spirit of God sat abrood upon the whole rude Abp. Sancroft. Abrooding+ (a-bröd′ing), n. The act of brooding over. Abrookt (a-bruk), v. t. To brook; to endure. See BROOK.

Ill can thy noble mind abrook

The abject people gazing in thy face. Shak. Abrotanoid (a-brot'an-oid), n. [Gr. abrotonon, a plant, southernwood, and eidos, form.] A species of sclerodermatous corals, the Madrepora abrotanoida, an East Indian

reef coral.

Abrotanum (a-brot'an-um), n. [Gr. abrotonon; L. abrotonum; L.L. abrotanum.] An evergreen plant, of the genus Artemisia, called also southernwood. See SOUTHERNWOOD.

Abrupt (ab-rupt'), a. [L. abruptus, from abrumpo, to break off-ab, off, from, and rumpo, ruptum, to break. See RUPTURE. ] 1. Steep; craggy: applied to rocks, precipices, and the like.-2. Fig. sudden; without

notice to prepare the mind for the event; as, an ab. rupt entrance dress.

Abrupt death,


A period puts and stops his impious breath.



Unconnected; having sudden transitions from one subject to another; as, an abrupt style. 4. In bot. suddenly terminating.-Abrupt leaf, one that has its extremity cut off as it were by a transverse line. Abrupt-pinnate leaf, a leaf which has neither leaflet nor tendril at the end. Abrupt root, one terminating abruptly, as if part had been cut off.-SYN. Sudden, unexpected, hasty, rough, blunt, disconnected, broken.

1, Abrupt Root. 2, Abrupt Leaf. 3. Abrupt-pinnate.

Abrupt (ab-rupt'), n. An abrupt place; a vast chasm. [Rare and poetical.]

Or spread his aery flight,
Upborne with undefatigable wings
Over the vast abrupt.


Abrupt† (ab-rupt'), v. t. To break off; to interrupt; to disturb. 'Insecurity abrupteth our tranquillities. Sir T. Browne Abrupted (ab-rupt'ed), a. Torn off; torn



Abruption (ab-rup'shon), n. [See ABRUPT.] A sudden breaking off; a sudden termination; a violent separation of bodies.

By this abruption posterity lost more instruction than delight. Johnson. Abruptly (ab-rupt'li), adv. 1. Precipitously; as, the rocks rise abruptly from the water's edge. 2. Suddenly, without giving notice, or without the usual forms; as, the minister left France abruptly. 3. In bot. with an abrupt termination; as, an abruptly pinnate leaf. See under ABRUPT.

Abruptness (ab-rupt'nes), n. 1. The state or quality of being abrupt; as, (a) the state or quality of being steep or craggy; precipitousness. (b) Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence.-2. Harshness or roughness in sound.

Some other languages, for their soft and melting fluency, as having no abruptness of consonants, have some advantage of the English. Howell. Abrus (ab'rus), n. [Gr. habros, elegant.] A genus of leguminous plants. A. precatorius, or wild liquorice, is a West Indian evergreen climber. Its polished and parti-coloured seeds, called jumble beads, were formerly strung and employed as beads for rosaries, necklaces, &c. Its root is used in the West Indies as liquorice is with us. Abscess (ab'ses), n. [L. abscessus, a going away, and in medical language an abscess, from abscedere, to depart, to separate, to gather into an abscess-abs, away, and cedo, cessum, to go, whence cession, cede, &c.] In med. a collection of purulent matter, formed or deposited in the structure of an organ or part; an imposthume. An abscess is never an original disease, but the effect of inflammatory action however excited.

Abscessiont (ab-se'shon), n. [See ABSCESS.] An abscess.

Abscind (ab-sind), v.t. [L. abscindo, to cut off-ab, from, and scindo, to cut. ] To cut off. [Rare.] 'Two syllables abscinded from the rest.' Johnson.

[blocks in formation]

Abscissa (ab-sis'sa), n. pl. Abscissæ (ab-sis'se). [L. abscissus, pp. of abscindo, to cut off. See ABSCIND.] Any part of the diameter or transverse axis of

a conic section, intercepted between the vertex, or some other fixed point where all the abscissæ begin, and another line called the ordinate which is terminated in the curve. Thus, in the parabolic figure BCA, the part of




the axis DC intercepted between the semiordinate BD and the vertex c is an abscissa. Abscissio infiniti (ab-sis'si-ō in-fe-ni'tē). [L] A logical series of arguments in which we go on excluding, one by one, certain suppositions from the object whose real nature we are seeking to ascertain. Thus, we may say of a disease it cannot be small-pox, for, &c.; it cannot be scarlatina, for, &c.; and so go on gradually narrowing the range of possible suppositions. Abscission (ab-si'zhon), n. [L. abscissio, from abscindo, abscissum, to cut off.] 1. The act of cutting off; severance; removal. 'Not to be cured without the abscission of a member.' Jer. Taylor.-2. ↑ The act of putting an end to; the act of annulling or abolishing. Jer. Taylor; Sir T. Browne.-3. Retrenchment. [Rare. -4. † The sudden termination of a disease by death. Hooper.-5. In rhet. a figure of speech, when, having begun to say a thing, a speaker stops abruptly, as supposing the matter sufficiently understood. Thus, 'He is a man of so much honour and candour, and such generositybut I need say no more.' Abscond (ab-skond'), v. i. [L. abscondo, to hide

abs, from, and condo, to hide.] 1. To retire from public view, or from the place in which one resides or is ordinarily to be found; to withdraw or absent one's self in a private manner; to take one's self off; to decamp; especially used of persons who go out of the way in order to avoid a legal process.-2. To hide, withdraw, or lie concealed. The marmot absconds in winter.' Ray. Abscond† (ab-skond'), v.t. To conceal.

Nothing discoverable in the lunar surface is ever covered and absconded from us by the interposition of any clouds or mists but such as rise from our own globe. Bentley. Abscondedly+ (ab-skond'ed-li), adv. In concealment or hiding.

An old Roman priest that then lived abscondedly in Oxon. Wood.


Abscondence† (ab-skond'ens), n. Conceal


Absconder (ab-skond'ėr), n. One who absconds.

Absconsio (ab-skon'shi-o), n. [See ABSCOND.] In anat. and surg, a cavity or sinus. Absence (ab'sens), n. [L. absentia, absence, from absens, absentis, absent, pres. part. of absum, to be absent-ab or abs, away, and sum, esse, to be. From same base are present, entity, &c.] The state of being absent: (a) the state of being at a distance in place; state of being away: opposed to presence; as, speak no ill of one in his absence. (b) The state of being awanting; non-existence within a certain sphere; as, the absence of evidence. In the absence of conventional law.' Ch. Kent. (c) Inattention to things present; an example or instance of inattention. 'To conquer that abstraction which is called absence.' Landor. 'Reflecting on the little absences and distractions of mankind.' Addison. — Absence of mind, the result of the mind fixing its attention on a subject which does not occupy the rest of the company, and which draws it away from things or objects present, to others distant or foreign.-Decree in absence, in Scots law, a decree pronounced against a defender who has not appeared and pleaded on the merits of the cause. Absent (ab'sent), a. 1. Not present; not in a certain place or among certain people; at a distance; away; somewhere else. Absent from one another.' Gen. xxxi. 49.-2. Not existing somewhere; being awanting; not forming an attribute of something; as, among them refinement is absent; revenge is entirely absent from his character. 3. Inattentive to persons present, or to subjects of conversation or surrounding objects; having the mind withdrawn from what is passing; heedless; as, an absent man is uncivil to the company.

What is commonly called an absent man, is commonly either a very weak or a very affected man. Chesterfield.

-Absent, Abstracted. An absent man is one whose mind is so constituted that it unconsciously wanders from the scene or circumstances in which he is; but a man is abstracted from what is present by some overmastering emotion, or some weighty matter for reflection concentrating his attention on itself.

Absent (ab-sent'), v.t. 1. To withdraw to such a distance as to prevent intercourse; to keep away: used with reflexive pronouns; as, let a man absent himself from the company. 'If I should yet absent me from your bed.' Shak.-2. To make absent.

Go: for thy stay, not free, absents thee more. Milton. Absentt (ab'sent), n. One who is not present. Let us enjoy the right of Christian absents, to pray for one another. Bp. Morton. Absentaneous† (ab'sen-tā"nē-us), a. Relating to absence; absent. Bailey. Absentation (ab-sen-ta'shon), n. The act of absenting one's self; absence. His absentation at that juncture becomes significant. Sir W. Hamilton. Absentee (ab-sen-te'), n. [See ABSENCE.] One who is absent; more narrowly, one who withdraws from his country, office, estate, post, duty, or the like; one who removes to a distant place or to another country: it is a term specifically applied generally by way of reproach to landlords and capitalists, who, deriving their income from one country, reside in another, in which they spend their incomes. - Absentee tax, a tax of 48. in the pound, imposed in Ireland in 1715 on the incomes and pensions of absentees. It ceased in 1753. Unsuccessful attempts were made in 1773 and 1783 to reimpose it. Absenteeism (ab-sen-tē'izm), n.

The prac

tice or habit which gives the name of an absentee; the practice of absenting one's self from one's country, station, or estate. Absenter (ab-sent'èr), n. One who absents himself.

He (Judge Foster) has fined all the absenters £20 apiece. Ld. Thurlow.

Absently (ab'sent-li), adv. In an absent or inattentive manner; with absence of mind. Absentment (ab-sent'ment), n. The state of being absent. Barrow. [Rare.] Absinth (ab'sinth), n. Wormwood. See ABSINTHIUM.

Absinthe (ab-sant, ap-sait), n. [Fr.] A popular French liqueur or cordial consisting of brandy flavoured with wormwood. Absinthian (ab-sin'thi-an), «. [See ABSIN


THIUM.] Of the nature of wormwood. 'Tempering absinthian bitterness with sweets.' Randolph.

Absinthiate (ab-sin'thi-ät), v.t. To impregnate with wormwood.

Absinthin, Absinthine (ab-sin' thin), n. (C16H22O5.) The crystalline bitter principle of wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium). Absinthium (ab-sin'thi-um), n. [L. absinthium, Gr. absinthion, Per. and Chal. afsinthin.] The common wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium), a bitter plant, used as a tonic. It belongs to the nat. order Compositæ. Absis (ab'sis). In astron. see APSIS. Absistt (ab-sist'), v.i. [L. absisto, to withdraw.] To stand off; to leave off. Absistence + (ab-sis'tens), n. A standing off; a refraining or holding back from. Absit omen (ab'sit o'men). [L] May it not be ominous! May the omen be falsified! Absolute (ab'sō-lut), a. [L. absolutus. See ABSOLVE.] 1. Freed from limitation or condition; unconditional; as, an absolute promise; an absolute bond.-2. Unlimited by extraneous power or control; as, an absolute government or prince.-3. Complete in itself; finished; perfect; consummate; as, absolute beauty: now applied in this sense only to qualities, but formerly applied also to persons. 'As grave, as just, as absolute as Angelo.' Shak. So absolute she seems

And in herself complete.


4. Positive; decided; certain; not in doubt: frequent in Shakspere, but now rare.

The colour of my hair he cannot tell,

Or answers dark, at random: while, be sure,
He's absolute on the figure, five or ten,
Of my last subscription. Mrs. Browning.

5. Peremptory; authoritative. Tapped her on the head with absolute forefinger.' Mrs. Browning.-6. Absolved; freed. Chaucer. 7. In metaph. (a) not relative; as, absolute knowledge, that is, immediate knowledge of things as they exist in themselves, as distinguished from relative knowledge, which is a knowledge of things as they appear to the percipient mind. (b) Existing independent of any other cause; self-existing; selfsufficing; existing without condition or relation; unconditioned; as, God is absolute. (c) In the philosophy of Sir W. Hamilton, unconditionally limited; having limits which belong unconditionally to the object: opposed to infinite.-8. In gram, applied to the case used to express certain circumstances adverbially when the case is not determined by any other word in the sentence; as, the genitive absolute in Greek, and the ablative absolute in Latin.-9. In chem. pure; unmixed; as, absolute alcohol. -Absolute equation, in astron. the sum of the optic and eccentric equations. The apparent inequality of a planet's motion in its orbit, arising from its unequal distances from the earth at different times, is called its optic equation; this would subsist if the planet's real motion was uniform. The eccentric inequality is caused by the planet's motion not being uniform.-Absolute term or number, in alg. that term which is completely known, and to which all the other part of an equation is made equal; thus, in the equation x2+12x=24, the absolute term is 24.-Absolute motion, the absolute change of place in a moving body, independent of the motion of any other body. Absolute magnitude of a force, the intensity of a force measured by weight, as by pounds, &c.-Absolute gravity, that by which a body descends freely and perpendicularly in a vacuum or non-resisting medium; or it may be considered as the whole force with which a body is impelled toward the centre of attraction, without regard to modifying circumstances.-SYN. Positive, peremptory, certain, unconditional, arbitrary, despotic, unconditioned, unrelated.

Absolute (ab'sō-lūt), n. In metaph. (a) that which exists independent of condition or relation; the self-existent unalterable original; the ultimate cause of all phenomena: always preceded by the definite articlethe absolute.

All philosophy aims at a knowledge of the absolute under different phases. Fleming.

(b) In the philosophy of Sir W. Hamilton, that which is unconditionally limited; that to which limits belong in the very nature of things.

The unconditionally unlimited, or the infinite, the unconditionally limited, or the absolute, cannot posi tively be construed by the mind. Sir W. Hamilton.


Absolutely (ab'só-lüt-li), adv. Completely; wholly, without restriction, limitation, or qualification, unconditionally; positively; peremptorily.

Abiciutely we cannot discommend, we cannot abremely approve, either willingness to live or forwar less to die.



Command me absolutely not to go. Absoluteness (ab'so-lût-nes), n. The state of being absolute; independence; completeness, the state of being subject to no extraneous restriction or control; positiveness. Absolution (ab-so-lu'shon), n. [L. absolutio. See ABSOLVE] 1. The act of absolving or state of being absolved; release from consequences, obligations, or penalties; specifically, in the Roman Catholic and some other churches, a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in favour of a penitent. Protestants ascribe a declarative, but not an efficient power to absolution. It announces and assures forgiveness, on the ground of repentance, but does not impart it 2 In the following passage the meaning is doubtful, perhaps finish; polish.

Some men are tall and big; so some language is high and great. Then the words are chosen, their sod ample, the composition full, the absolution plenteous, and poured out, all grave, sinewy, and strong B. Jonson, Discoveries. Absolutism (ab'sō-lût-izm), n. 1. State of being absolute, or principles of absolute government.

If the emperors cannot acquiesce in this, the other road is to complete absolutism. Times newspaper. 2 Doctrine of predestination or absolute decrees.

Absolutist (ab'sō-lût-ist), n. 1. An advocate for despotism, or for absolute government. 2 In metaph one who maintains that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the absolute.

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Absolvatory (ab-solv'a-to-ri), a. Conferring ausolution, pardon, or release; having power to absolve.

Absolve (ab-solv'), v. t. pret. & pp. absolved; ppr. absolving. (L. absolvo, to set free-ab, from, and soleo, to loose, to solve.] 1. To set free or release from some duty, obligation, or responsibility; as, to absolve a person from a promise. 2. To free from the consequences or penalties attaching to actions: to acquit; specifically, in eccles. lan. to forgive or grant remission of sins to; to pronounce forgiveness of sins to.-3. To accomplish; to finish. The work begun, how soon absolved.' Milton. -4.† To solve; to resolve; to explain. Absolve we this?' Young

We shall not absolve the doubt. Sir T. Browne.

SYN To free, release, exonerate, discharge, acquit, pardon Absolver (ab-solv'èr), n. One who absolves; one that pronounces sin to be remitted. Absolvitor (ab-solv'i-tor), n. In law, a decree of absolution.- Decree of absolvitor, in Scots law a decree in favour of the defender in an action. A decree in favour of the pursuer is called a decree condemnator. Absonant (ab'so-nant), a. [L. ab, from, and somans, ppr. of sonare, to sound. See ABSONots.) Wide from the purpose; contrary; discordant: opposed to consonant. Absonaut to nature Quarles. Absonatet (ab'so-nát), v.t. To avoid; to detest Ash

Absonous (ab'sō-nus), a. [L. absonus— 45, from, and sonus, sound.] 1. Unmusical. 2. Fig discordant; opposed; contrary. 'Absonous to our reason. Glanville. Absorb (ab-sorb'), r.t. [L.absorbeo-ab, from, and sorbeo, to suck in.] 1. To drink in; to suck up; to imbibe, as a sponge; to take in hy absorption, as the lacteals of the body. 2 To swallow up; to engulf, as a body in a whirlpool

An dark oblivion soon absorbs them all. Cowper. 3 To waste wholly or sink in expenses; to exhaust, as, to absorb an estate in luxury.4 To engross or engage wholly; as, these studies quite absorbed his attention.-5. To Lake up or receive in, as by chemical or molecular action, as when carbon absorbs gases.


6. In med. to counteract or neutralize; as, magnesia absorbs acidity in the stomach. -Absorb, Engross. Absorb rather refers to the occupation of one's mind or attention in anything so that the person is withdrawn from his external surroundings for the time being, a certain amount of passivity being attached to the use of the word; engross is rather to engage one's whole attention and energies, thus implying activity; thus one is absorbed in a novel, but engrossed in business: the words, however, are sometimes interchangeable. Absorbability (ab-sorb'a-bil'i-ti), n. state or quality of being absorbable. Absorbable (ab-sorb'a-bl), a. Capable of being absorbed or imbibed. Absorbed (ab-sorbd'), p. and a. Specifically, applied to pictures in which the oil has sunk into the canvas, leaving the colour flat and the touches dead or indistinct: nearly synonymous with chilled.


Absorbent (ab-sorb'ent), a. Capable of absorbing fluids; imbibing; swallowing; performing the function of absorption; as, absorbent vessels; absorbent system. See the noun.-Absorbent grounds, in painting, picture grounds prepared either in board or canvas, so as to have the power of imbibing the redundant oil from the colours, for the sake of expedition, or to increase the brilliancy of the colours.

Absorbent (ab-sorb'ent), n. Anything which absorbs; specifically, (a) in anat. and physiol. a vessel which imbibes or takes in nutritive matters into the system; specifically, in the vertebrate class of animals, one of a system of vessels ramifying through the body and forming a connecting link between the digestive and the circulatory systems, that is, acting as the media through which matters are absorbed from the alimentary canal on the one hand, and from the blood and tissues on the other. They are denominated, according to the liquids which they convey, lacteals or lymphatics, which both end in a common trunk called the thoracic duct. (b) In med. a medicine which neutralizes acidity in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, prepared chalk, &c. (c) In surg. a substance, as cobweb, sponge, &c., applied to a bleeding surface to arrest hemorrhage, by forming with the blood a solid adhesive compound. (d) In chem. anything that takes up into itself a gas or liquid, as a substance which withdraws moisture from the air; also a substance, such as magnesia, lime, &c., which neutralizes acids.

Absorbing (ab-sorb'ing), p. and a.


ing; engrossing; as, the spectacle was most absorbing. Absorbing well, a shaft sunk through an impermeable bed or stratum into a permeable one so as to carry off water conveyed into it. Such wells are employed in mining and manufactures to carry off excess of drainage water or water defiled by noxious substances. Called also Dead Well.

Absorbition (ab'sor-bi"shon), n. Absorption. Absorptt (ab-sorpt'). Same as Absorbed. Absorptiometer (ab-sorp'shi-om"et-er), n. [L. absorptio, absorption, and Gr. metron, a measure.] An instrument invented by Professor Bunsen to determine the amount of gas absorbed by a unit volume of liquid. It is a graduated tube in which a certain quantity of the gas and liquid is agitated over mercury. The amount of absorption is measured on the scale by the height the mercury presses up the liquid in the tube. Absorption (ab-sorp'shon), n. [L. absorptio. See ABSORB.] The act or process of absorbing, or state of being absorbed in all the senses of the verb; as, (a) the act or process of imbibing, swallowing, engulfing mechanically. (b) The condition of having one's attention entirely occupied with something. (c) In chem. and physics, a taking in or reception by molecular or chemical action, as absorption of gases, light, heat; as, the ab. sorption of heat by surrounding bodies; absorption of electricity. (d) In physiol. one of the vital organic functions by which the materials of growth and nutrition are absorbed and conveyed to the organs of plants and animals. In vertebrate animals this is performed by the absorbent system, consisting of the lymphatics and lacteals and their connected glands. Plants absorb moisture and nutritive juices principally by their roots, but sometimes by their general surfaces, as in sea-weeds, and carbonic acid by their leaves. Interstitial absorption.


See under INTERSTITIAL. Cutaneous or external absorption, in med. the process by which certain substances, when placed in contact with a living surface, produce the same effects upon the system as when taken into the stomach or injected into the veins, only in a less degree. Thus, arsenic, when applied to an external wound, will sometimes affect the system as rapidly as when introduced into the stomach; and mercury, applied externally, has the effect of exciting salivation. - Absorption of colour, the phenomenon observed when certain colours are retained or prevented from passing through certain transparent bodies; thus pieces of coloured glass are almost opaque to some parts of the spectrum, while allowing other colours to pass through freely. The absorption of light is the same kind of phenomenon. - Absorption of light, that quality in an imperfectly transparent or opaque body by which some portion of an incident pencil of light is retained within the body, while the rest is either transmitted through it or reflected from it. It is owing to this that a certain thickness of pure water shows a greenish colour, glass a bluish-green colour.Absorption lines, in spectrum analysis, dark lines produced in a spectrum by the absorbing of a portion of the light by a vapour intervening between the source of light and the spectroscope.Absorption spectrum, a spectrum with absorption lines. -Absorption of heat, that quality in an imperfectly polished or opaque body by which the rays of heat impinging on its surface enter its body to be distributed afterwards by radiation: absorption is in inverse ratio to reflection. Absorptive (ab-sorp'tiv), a. [Fr. absorptif.] Having power to absorb or imbibe. Absorptivity (ab-sorp-tiv'i-ti), n. The power or capacity of absorption. The absorptivity inherent in organic beings.' Dana. [Rare.] Absquatulate (ab-skwot'u-lāt), v.i. To run away; to abscond; to make off. [An American vulgarism.]

Absque hoc (abz'kwe hok). [L.] Without this or that; specifically, in law, words used in traversing what has been alleged, and is repeated.

Abstain (ab-stán'), v.i. [Norm. absteigner, Fr. abstenir, to hold one's self back, to abstain; L. abstineo, to keep from-abs, from, and teneo, to hold. Contain, tenant, tenacious, &c., are from the same stem.] To forbear or refrain from voluntarily, especially to refrain from what gratifies the passions or appetites; to refrain; to forbear; to withhold; as, to abstain from the use of ardent spirits; to abstain from luxuries.

Abstain from meats offered to idols. Acts xv. 29. Abstainer (ab-stán'èr), n. One who abstains; specifically, one who abstains from the use of intoxicating liquors; a teetotaller. Abstemious (ab-ste'mi-us), a. [L. abstemius -abs, and root seen in temétum, strong drink. temulentus, drunken; Skr. tim, to be wet.] 1. Sparing in diet; refraining from a free use of food and strong drinks; temperate; abstinent.

Under his special eye Abstemious I grew up and thrived amain. Milton. Instances of longevity are chiefly among the abste Arbuthnot.


2. Characterized by great temperance; very moderate and plain; very sparing; spare; as, an abstemious diet: opposed to luxurious or rich.-3. Devoted to or spent in abstemiousness or abstinence; as, an abstemious life.

Till yonder sun descend, O let me pay

To grief and anguish one abstemious day. Pope. 4. Promoting or favouring abstemiousness; associated with abstemiousness. [Rare.] Such is the virtue of th' abstemious well. Dryden. Abstemiously (ab-ste'mi-us-li), adv. In an abstemious manner; temperately; with a Abstemiousness (ab-ste'mi-us-nes), n. The sparing use of meat or drink. quality or habit of being temperate or sparing in the use of food and strong drinks. [This word expresses a greater degree of abstinence than temperance.] Abstention (ab-sten'shon), n. [L. abstentio. See ABSTAIN] The act of holding off or abstaining; abstinence.

As may well be supposed, this abstention of our light cavalry was observed by the Russians with surprise and thankfulness, by the head-quarters stall of the English with surprise and vexation, by the French with surprise and curiosity. Kinglake.

Absterge (ab-stėrj'), v. t. pret. & pp. absterged; ppr. absterging. [L. abstergeo, to wipe off


abs, and tergeo, to wipe.] 1. To wipe, or make clean by wiping; to wash away. "To absterge, belike, that fulsomeness of sweat to which they are then subject.' Sir T. Browne.-2. In med. to cleanse by lotions, as a wound or ulcer; also, to purge. See DETERGE Abstergent (ab-stèrj'ent), a. Having cleansing or purgative properties. Abstergent (ab-stėrj'ent), n. 1. Whatever aids in scouring or cleansing, as soap or fuller's earth.-2. In med. a lotion or other application for cleansing a sore: in this sense nearly superseded by detergent. Absterse (ab-stèrs'), v.t. To absterge; to cleanse; to purify. Sir T. Browne. [Rare.] Abstersion (ab-ster'shon), n. [L. abstersio. See ABSTERGE.] 1. The act of wiping clean. 'Ablution and abstersion.' Sir W. Scott. 2. In med. a cleansing by medicines which remove foulness about sores, or humours or obstructions from the system.

Abstersion is plainly a scouring off or incision of the more viscous humours, and making the humours more fluid; and cutting between them and the part. Bacon.

Abstersive (ab-sters'iv), a. Cleansing; having the quality of removing foulness. See DETERSIVE.

The seats with purple clothe in order due, And let the abstersive sponge the board renew. Pope. Abstersive (ab-sters'iv), n. That which effects abstersion; that which purifies.

Abstersives are fuller's earth, soap, linseed oil, and ox-gall. Bp. Sprat. Abstersiveness (ab-sters'iv-nes), n. Quality of being abstersive or abstergent. A caustick or a healing faculty, abstersiveness, and the like. Boyle.

Abstinence (ab'sti-nens), n. [L. abstinentia. See ABSTAIN.] 1. In general, the act or practice of voluntarily refraining from the use of anything within our reach; forbearing any action; abnegation.

Since materials are destroyed as such by being once used, the whole of the labour required for their protection, as well as the abstinence of the persons who supplied the means for carrying it on, must be remunerated. F. S. Mill.

More specifically-2. The refraining from indulgence in the pleasures of the table, or from customary gratifications of any animal or sensual propensities. It denotes either a total forbearance, or a forbearance of the usual quantity.

Against diseases here the strongest fence

Is the defensive virtue abstinence. Herrick. Men flew to frivolous amusements and to criminal pleasures with greediness which long and enforced abstinence naturally produces. Macaulay.

3. In a still narrower sense: (a) forbearance from the use of ardent spirits: in this sense abstinence is usually preceded by the adjective total. (b) Eccles. the refraining from certain kinds of food on certain days, as flesh on Fridays.

Abstinency (ab'sti-nen-si), n. Same as Abstinence. [Rare.]

Abstinent (ab'sti-nent), a. [L. abstinens, abstinentis. See ABSTAIN.] Refraining from indulgence, especially in the use of food and drink.

Abstinent (ab'sti-nent), n. 1. One of a sect which appeared in France and Spain in the third century, who opposed marriage, condemned the use of flesh meat, and placed the Holy Spirit in the class of created beings. 2. A name sometimes given to a teetotaller. Abstinently (ab'sti-nent-li), adv.

In an

abstinent manner; with abstinence. Abstorted (ab-stort'ed), a. [L. abs, and tortus, pp. of torqueo, tortum, to wrench. See TORTURE] Forced away. Bailey. Abstract (ab-strakt'), v.t. [From L. abstraho, abstractum, to draw away-abs, and traho, tractum, to draw, which appears also in contract, detract, retract, &c., and is allied to E. drag.] 1. To draw away; to take away; to withdraw; as, to abstract the attention of any one. 2. To take away mentally; to separate, as the qualities or properties of an object in the mind; to consider separately; as, to abstract ideas.-3. To derive the idea of; to receive suggestions of; to deduce. And thus from divers accidents and acts Which do within her observation fall, The goddesses and powers divine abstracts, As Nature, Fortune, and the Virtues all. Sir F. Darnes. 4. To select or separate the substance of a book or writing; to epitomize or reduce to

a summary.

Let us abstract them into brief compends. Watts. 5. To take secretly for one's own use from the property of another when placed in one's power; to purloin; as, to abstract goods from a parcel or money from a bank.-6. To


separate, as the spirits or more volatile part from any substance by distillation: but in this sense extract is now more generally used. Having abstracted the whole spirit.' Boyle.

Abstract (ab-strakt), v.i. To form abstractions; to separate ideas; to distinguish between the attribute and the concrete in which it exists. Brutes abstract not.' Locke. -To abstract from, to separate our thoughts from; to leave out of consideration.

Could we abstract from these pernicious effects, and suppose this were innocent, it would be too light to be matter of praise. Dr. H. More. Abstract (ab'strakt), a. [L. abstractus, pp. of abstraho, abstractum. See ABSTRACT, v. t.] 1. Considered in itself; treated by itself; considered and treated apart from any application to a particular object; as, abstract mathematics; abstract logic. 2. Not concrete; very general; hence, abstruse, difficult; as, a very abstract subject of disquisition. In metaph. an abstract idea is an idea separated from a complex object, or from other ideas which naturally accompany it, as the solidity of marble contemplated apart from its colour or figure. In gram. and logic, abstract nouns or terms are names of qualities, in opposition to concrete, which are names of things. Some metaphysicians understand by abstract terms all names which are the result of abstraction or generalization. This latter usage is strongly condemned by J. S. Mill (Log. i. 2, § 4), who applies to such words the term general names.-Abstract or pure mathematics is that which treats of the properties of magnitude, figure, or quantity, absolutely and generally considered, without restriction to any particular object, such as arithmetic and geometry. Abstract mathematics is thus distinguished from mixed mathematics, in which simple and abstract quantities previously considered in the former are applied to particular sensible objects, as astronomy, mechanics, optics, &c.-Abstract numbers are assemblages of units considered independently of any thing or things that they might otherwise be supposed to represent. For example, 5 is an abstract number while it remains independent; but if we say 5 feet or 5 miles it is no longer an abstract but a concrete number.-3. Having the senses unemployed; insensible to outward objects; abstracted. Abstract as in a trance.' Milton. 4. Lacking a concrete object; refined; pure. [Rare.]

Love's not so pure and abstract, as they use
To say, which have no mistress but their muse.

Abstract (ab'strakt), n. 1. That which concentrates in itself the essential qualities of anything more extensive or more general, or of several things; the essence: now almost, if not quite exclusively applied to a summary or epitome containing the substance, a general view, or the principal heads of a treatise or writing.

You shall there find a man who is the abstract of all faults all men follow. Shak.

When Mnemon came to the end of a chapter he recollected the sentiments that he had remarked; so that he could give a tolerable analysis and abstract of every treatise he had read just after he had finished Watts.


Specifically-2. In arch. and engin. that portion of the bill of quantities, estimate, or account, which contains the summary of the various detailed articles: it is upon this abstract that the prices are applied.-3. A catalogue; an inventory. [Rare.]

He hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places, and goes to them by his note. Shak.

4. In gram. an abstract term or noun.

The concrete 'like' has its abstract likeness;' the concretes 'father and son have, or might have, the abstracts' paternity' and 'filiety' or 'filiation.' F. S. Mill. -In the abstract, in a state of separation; as, a subject considered in the abstract, i.e. without reference to particular applications. Abstract of title, in law, an epitome or short statement of the evidences of ownership.-Abridgment, Compendium, Epitome, Abstract. See under ABRIDGMENT. Abstracted (ab-strakt'ed), pp. and a. 1. Separated.

The evil one abstracted stood from his own evil. Milton.

2. Refined; exalted. 'Abstracted spiritual love.' Donne.-3. Difficult; abstruse; abstract. Johnson.-4. Absent in mind; inattentive.

And now no more the abstracted ear attends The water's murmuring lapse. T. Warton. -Absent, Abstracted. See under ABSENT.


Abstractedly (ab-strakt'ed-li), adv. 1. In a separate state, or in contemplation only. Deeming the exception to be rather a case abstractedly possible, than one which is frequently realized in fact. F. S. Mill.


2. In an abstracted or absent manner. Abstractedness (ab-strakt ́ed-nes), n. state of being abstracted; abstractness. The abstractedness of these speculations." Hume. Abstracter (ab-strakt'ér), n. One who abstracts; as, (a) one who makes an abstract or summary. (b) One who purloins. Abstraction (ab-strak'shon), n. [L. abstractio. See ABSTRACT, v.t.] 1. The act of abstracting or separating; the act of withdrawing: withdrawal; as, the abstraction of heat from the body. Specifically-2. The act of separating mentally the qualities or properties of an object; the act of considering separately what is united in a complex object. Thus, when the mind considers the branch of a tree by itself, or the colour of the leaves, as separate from their size or figure, the act is called abstraction. So also when it considers whiteness, softness, virtue, existence, as separate from any particular objects. Abstraction is the ground-work of classification, by which things are arranged in orders, genera, and species. We separate in idea the qualities of certain objects which are of the same kind, from others which are different in each, and arrange the objects having the same properties in a class or collected body.

If, in contemplating several objects, and finding that they agree in certain points, we abstract the circumstances of agreement, disregarding the differences, and give to all and each of these objects a name applicable to them in respect of this agreement, i.e. a common name, as 'rose; or again, if we give a name to some attribute wherein they agree, as fragrance' or 'redness,' we are then said to generalize. Abstraction, therefore, does not necessarily imply generalization, though generalization implies atWhately.


3. The act of ascending from what is concrete and particular to what is abstract and general; the act of refining or sublimating.

This was an age of vision and mystery; and every work was believed to contain a double or secondary meaning. Nothing escaped this eccentric spirit of refinement and abstraction. T. Warten.

4. Something abstract; an idea or notion of an abstract character; an idea or notion having no discoverable relation to fact or practice; a theoretical, impracticable notion.

What are metaphysics themselves but intricate subtilties and fruitless abstractions} Butler.

5. A separation from worldly objects; a recluse life; as, a hermit's abstraction. 6. Absence of mind; inattention to present objects; the state of being engrossed with any matter to the exclusion of everything else; as, a fit of abstraction.-7. The taking for one's own use part of the property of another.-8. In distillation, the separation of volatile parts from those which are fixed. It is chiefly used when a fluid is repeatedly poured upon any substance in a retort, and distilled off, to change its state, or the nature of its composition. Abstractitious (ab'strak-ti"shus), a. Abstracted or drawn from other substances, particularly from vegetables, without fermentation. Ash.

Abstractive (ab-strakt'iv), a. 1. Having the power or quality of abstracting. The abstractive faculty.' Is. Taylor.-2.† Abstractitious.

Abstractively (ab-strakt'iv-li), adv. In an abstractive manner; in or by itself; abstractly. [Rare or obsolete.]

The life which abstractively is good, by accidents and adherences may become unfortunate. Feltham, Abstractly (ab-strakt li), adv. In an abstract manner or state; absolutely; in a state or manner unconnected with anything else; in or by itself; as, matter abstractly considered. Abstractness (ab'strakt-nes), n.

The state

or quality of being abstract; a state of being in contemplation only, or not connected with any object. The abstractness of the ideas themselves.' Locke. Abstriction (ab-strik'shon), n. [L. ab, from, and stringo, strictum, to bind.] The act of unbinding. [Rare.] Abstringet (ab-strinj ́), v.t. [L. abstringoab, and stringo, to bind.] To unbind. Abstrude (ab-strod'), v.t. [L. abstrudo ab or abs, and trudo, trusum, to thrust.] To thrust away. Johnson

Abstruse (ab-strus'), a. [L. abstrusus, pp. of abstrudo, to thrust away.] 1. Withdrawn


from view: out of the way; concealed. Hidden in the most abstruse dungeons of Barbary. Shelton.-2. Remote from apprehension; difficult to be comprehended or understood; profound; opposed to what is obvious.

It must be still confessed that there are some mysteries in religion, both natural and revealed, as well as some abstruse points in philosophy, wherein the wise as well as the unwise must be content with obCure ideas. Watts.

Abstrusely (ab-strüs'li), adv. In an abstruse manner; in a manner not to be easily understood.

Abstruseness (ab-strüs'nes), n. The state or quality of being abstruse, or difficult to be understood.

Abstrusion (ab-strò'zhon), n. The act of thrusting away. [Rare.]

Abstrusity (ab-strus'i-ti), n. Abstruseness; that which is abstruse. 'Matters of difficulty and such which were not without abstrusities." Sir T. Browne.

Absumet (ab-sum'), v.t. [L. absumo-ab, and sumo, to take.] To bring to an end by a gradual waste; to consume; to destroy; to cause to disappear. Boyle.

Absumption (ab-sump'shon), n. [L. absumptio See ABSUME.] Destruction. The total defect or absumption of religion.' Bp.


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Specifically-2 In logic or philos. inconsistent with reason; logically contradictory; impossible; as, that the whole is less than the sum of its parts is an absurd hypothesis; an absurd proposition. —Absurd, Foolish, Irrational, Infatuated, Preposterous. Absurd, opposed to common sense, and hence often exciting ridicule or amusement; foolish, characterized by weakness of mind or silliness; foolish conduct is such as gives rise to a certain feeling of contempt; irrational, plainly and evidently opposed to reason; infatuated, driven on by fate, not under the control of reason, possessed or caused by some misleading but overmastering idea; preposterous is not used of persons, and when used of actions, modes of procedure, &c., expresses a very high degree of absurdity, as much as amounts to putting the cart before the horse.

Tis phrase absurd to call a villain great. Pope. I am a very foolish, fond old man. Shak. It seemed utterly irrational any longer to maintain Is. Taylor. The people are so infatuated that if a cow falls sick, it is ten to one but an old woman is clapt up in prison for it. Addison.

Though the error be easily fallen into, it is manifewly preposterous, Is. Taylor. SYN. Foolish, irrational, ridiculous, prepos terous, nonsensical, inconsistent, incongru


Absurd (ab-sérd'), n. An act of absurdity. [Kare]

This arch absurd that wit and fool delights. Pope. Absurdity (ab-sèrd'i-ti), n. [L. absurditas; Fr. absurdité.] 1. The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment; want of rationality or common sense; as, the absurdity of such an idea; the absurdity of his conduct. 2. That which is absurd; an absurd action: in this sense it has a plural; as, the absurdities of men. SYN. Folly, foolishness, inconsistency, preposterousness, self-contradiction, unreasonableness. Absurdly (ab-sèrd'li), adv. In an absurd manner; in a manner inconsistent with reason or obvious propriety. Absurdness (ab-serd'nes), n. Absurdity.

Abthane (ah thân), n

The same as

One of a lower kind of nobility existing in Scotland at a very early period The high-steward is said to have borne this title. Abuna (a-bo'na). n. The head of the Christian church in Abyssinia. Abundance (a-bun'dans), n. [L. abundantia, abundance, from abundo, to abound (which see)] A fulness or plenteousness great to overflowing; great plenty; ample sufficiency: strictly applicable to quantity only; as, abu, dance of corn; abundance of rain; but used also of number; as, an abundance of


peasants: when used absolutely, sometimes equivalent to abundant wealth or means; riches; affluence; as, to give of one's abun dance. SYN. Plenteousness, plentifulness, plenitude, plenty, copiousness, riches, affluence, wealth.

Abundant (a-bun'dant), a. 1. Plentiful; in great quantity; fully sufficient; as, an abundant supply.-2. Abounding; overflowing. The Lord... abundant in goodness and truth. Ex. xxxiv. 6. The history of our species is a history of the evils that have flowed from a source as tainted as it is abundant. Brougham.

-Abundant number, in arith, a number the sum of whose aliquot parts exceeds the number itself. Thus, 12 is an abundant number, for the sum of its aliquot parts 1+2+3+4+6=16. It is thus distinguished from a perfect number, which is equal to the sum of all its aliquot parts, as 6=1+2+3; and from a deficient number, which is greater than the sum of all its aliquot parts, as 14, which is greater than 1+2+7.-SYN. Plentiful, copious, ample, plenteous, exuberant, overflowing, rich.

Abundantly (a-bun'dant-li), adv. In a plentiful or sufficient degree; fully; amply; plentifully.

Abune (a-bün), adv. and prep. [Contr. for aboven, abuven, A. Sax. abufan.] Above; beyond; in a greater or higher degree. Written also Aboon. [Scotch. ] A-burton (a-bêr'ton), adv. Naut. applied to casks when placed athwartships in the hold. Abusable (a- büz'a- bl), a. That may be abused.


Abusaget (a-būz'āj), n.
Abuse (a-buz), v. t. pret. & pp. abused; ppr.
abusing. [Fr. abuser; L. abutor, abusus-
ab, and utor, to use. See USE.] 1. To use ill;
to misuse; to put to a wrong or bad use; to
divert from the proper use; to misapply; as,
to abuse rights or privileges; to abuse words.
"They that use this world as not abusing it.'
1 Cor. vii. 31.-2. To do wrong to; to act in-
juriously towards; to injure; to disgrace; to
dishonour; to slander.

He shall not abuse Robert Shallow, esquire. Shak.
I swear 'tis better to be much abused
Than but to know't a little.

Poor soul, thy face is much abused with tears.

3. To violate; to ravish; to defile. 4. To treat with contumelious language; to revile.

He mocked them, and laughed at them, and abused them shamefully. 1 Mac. vii. 34.

5. To deceive; to impose on; to corrupt or seduce by cajolery. Shakspere has, 'You are a great deal abused,' in the sense of, You are much mistaken.

Nor be with all these tempting words abused. Pope. SYN. To misuse, maltreat, injure, deceive, revile, reproach, vilify.

Abuse (a-bus'), n. 1. Ill use; improper treatment or employment; application to a wrong purpose; improper use or application; as, an abuse of our natural powers; an abuse of civil rights, or of religious privileges; abuse of advantages; abuse of words, &c. 'Perverts best things to worst abuse, or to their meanest use." Milton.-2. A corrupt practice or custom; an offence; a crime; a fault; as, the abuses of government.

If abuses be not remedied they will certainly in


No, I am that I am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own. Shak.

3. Ill-treatment of a person; injury; insult; dishonour; especially ill-treatment in words; contumelious language. Exposed to daily fraud, contempt, abuse, and wrong.' Milton. 4. Violation of a female.

After the abuse he forsook me. Sir P. Sidney. 5. † Deception.

This is a strange abuse. Let's see thy face. Shak, Shak. Is it some abuse, and no such thing? -Abuse of distress, in law, using an animal or chattel distrained, which makes the distrainer liable, as for wrongful appropriation. Abuse, Invective. Abuse as compared with invective is more personal and coarse, being conveyed in harsh and unseemly terms, and dictated by angry feeling and bitter temper. Invective is more commonly aimed at character or conduct, and may be conveyed in writing and in refined language, and dictated by indignation against what is in itself blameworthy. It often, however, means public abuse under such restraints as are imposed by position and education.' C. J. Smith. Abuseful (a-bus'ful), a. Using or practising

[blocks in formation]

And it depends on the person much more than on the article whether its usefulness or abusefulness will be the quality developed in it. Ruskin. Abuser (a-büz'èr), n. One who abuses, in speech or behaviour; one that deceives; a ravisher. 'Next thou, th' abuser of thy prince's ear.' Sir J. Denham. That vile abuser of young maidens.' J. Fletcher. Abusio (a-bu'zi-o), n. [L] In rhet. a figure of speech by which words are used with Abusiont (a-bü'zhon), n. some deviation from their proper meaning. 1. Abuse; evil or corrupt usage; reproach. 'Redress the abusions and exactions.' 23 Hen. VIII. xxxiii.

Shame light on him, that through so false illusion
Doth turn the name of souldiers to abusion,

2. Deceit; illusion.

They speken of magic and abusion. Chaucer. Abusive (a-bus'iv), a. 1. Practising abuse; offering harsh words or ill-treatment; as, an abusive author; an abusive fellow.-2. Containing abuse, or serving as the instrument of abuse; rude; reproachful; as, abusive words.-3. Misleading or tending to mislead; employed by misuse; improper.

In describing these battles, I am, for distinction sake, necessitated to use the word Parliament improperly, according to the abusive acception thereof for these latter years. Fuller.

SYN. Reproachful, scurrilous, opprobrious, insolent, insulting, injurious, offensive, reviling.

Abusively (a-bus'iv-li), adv. 1. In an abusive manner; rudely; reproachfully.-2.+ Improperly; by misuse. Words being carelessly and abusively admitted, and as inconstantly retained.' Glanville. Abusiveness (a-bus'iv-nes), n. The qua

lity of being abusive; rudeness of language, or violence to the person; ill-usage. Abut (a-but'), v.i. [Fr. aboutir, to meet at the end, to border on-a, at, and bout, extremity. See BUTT.] To be contiguous; to join at a border or boundary; to form a point or line of contact; to terminate; to rest: with mm, upon, against; as, his land abuts upon mine; the building abuts on the highway; the bridge abuts against the solid rock.

Abutilon (ab-u'ti-lon), n. [Arabic name.] A genus of plants, nat. order Malvacea, of wide distribution; the Indian mallows. The large flowers of the A. esculentum are boiled and eaten in Brazil. Some species are favourite garden and greenhouse plants, of which A. vescillarium is an exuberant and showy climber.

1. The condiAbutment (a-but'ment), n. tion of abutting. 2. That which abuts or borders on anything else; the part abutting; specifically, that which receives the end of, and gives support to, anything having a tend ency to spread or thrust outwards, or in a horizontal direction, as the solid part of a pier or wall against which an arch abuts, or from which it springs. See BRIDGE. Abuttal (a-but'al), n. The abutting or boundary of a piece of land; a portion of land contiguous to another.

That which abuts.

Abuttal (a-but'al), v.i. To abut, as pieces of land. Spelman. Abutter (a-but'èr), n. Abutting (a-but'ting), p. and a. Approaching or advancing towards each other; contiguous.

Whose high upreared and abutting fronts The perilous, narrow ocean parts asunder. Shak. Abuy (a-bi'), v.t. [See ABY.] To pay the penalty of.

When a holy man abuys so dearly such a slight frailty, of a credulous mistaking, what shall become of our heinous and presumptuous sins? Bp. Hall. Abuzz (a-buz),a. or adv. Buzzing: filled with buzzing sounds: not used attributively.

The court was all astir and abuzz. Dickens. Abvacuation † (ab-vak'ū-ā”shon), n. [L. ab, from, and vacuo, vacuatum, to empty.] Same as Aberacuation.

Abvolate + (ab'vō-lāt), v.t. [L. ab, from, and volo, volatum, to fly.] To fly from. Abvolation (ab-vo-lä'shon), n. The act of flying from. [Rare.]

Abyt (a-bi'), v.i. [A softened form of abide, through influence of aby.] To hold out; to endure.

But nought that wanteth rest can long aby. Spenser.

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