Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

This pronunciation was used, on the stage at least, even in the present century, being required by the metre in such passages as the following.

I'll rack thee with old cramps;

Fill all thy bones with aches; make thee roar.

Ache (ak), v.i. [See the noun.] To suffer
pain; to have or be in pain, or in continued
pain; to be distressed. 'The sense aches at
thee. Shak. See under noun.
Achean (a-ke'an), a. Pertaining to Achaia
in Greece, and a celebrated league or con-
federacy established there. This state lay
on the Gulf of Corinth, within Peloponnesus.
Written also Achæan, Achaian.

Achean (a-ke'an), n. A native or inhabitant of Achaia.

Acheenese (ach'en-êz), a.

Pertaining to

Acheen in the island of Sumatra. Acheenese (ach'en-ez), n. sing. and pl. A native or inhabitant of Acheen.

Acheilary (a-ki'la-ri), a. [Gr. a, priv., and cheilos, the lip.] Without a lip; specifically, in bot. a term denoting the absence of the labellum or lip in monstrous flowers of Orchidaceæ.

Acheked,t pp. Choked. Chaucer.
Achelor. Ashlar.


Achene-Lettuce and Ranunculus.

Achene, Achenium (a-ken', a-kē'ni-um), n. [Gr.a, priv., and chaino, to yawn, to gape.] In bot. a small dry carpel, containing a single seed, which does not open or dehisce when ripe. It is exemplified in the common buttercup and other members of the nat. order Ranunculaceæ, as well as in the orders Boraginaceae, Compositæ, &c. Achernar (a-ker'när), n. Same as Acarnar. Acherontia (ak-ér-on'shi-a), n. A genus of nocturnal lepidopterous insects, family Sphingidæ. A. atropos is the death's-head moth, or death's-head hawk-moth. under DEATH'S-HEAD. Acherset (ak'ér-set), n. An ancient measure of corn, supposed to be about 8 bushels. Acheta (ak'e-ta), n. [L. acheta, the male cicada, Dor. achetas, lit. the chirper, from Gr. écheō, to sound.] A generic name sometimes used as equivalent to Gryllus. See GRYLLIDE.


Achetidæ (a-ket'i-dē), n. pl. [Acheta, and Gr. eidos, resemblance.] A name given by some naturalists to the Gryllidæ, or cricket family. See GRYLLIDE. Ache-weed (ak'wed), n.

See GOUTWORT. Achia, Achiar (a'cha, ach'ar), n. An Indian name for the pickled shoots of the young bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea), used as a condiment.

Achievable (a-chev'a-bl), a. [See ACHIEVE.] Capable of being achieved or performed.

To raise a dead man to life doth not involve contradiction, and is therefore, at least, achievable by Omnipotence. Barrow.

Achievance (a-chev'ans), n. Performance;

achievement. 'His noble acts and achievances.' Sir T. Elyot. [Rare.] Achieve (a-chev'), v. t. pret. and pp. achieved; ppr. achieving. [Fr. achever, to finish; O. Fr. chever, to come to the end, from O. Fr. cheve, Fr. chef, the head or end, from L. caput, the head. See CHIEF.] 1. To perform or execute; to accomplish, as some great enterprise; to finish or carry on to a final and prosperous close.

And now great deeds had been achieved. Milton. 2. To gain or obtain, as the result of exertion; to bring about, as by effort. Show all the spoils by valiant kings achieved. Prior. I have achieved that reputation, I suppose. Dickens. Achieve (a-chev), v.i. To accomplish some enterprise; to bring about a result intended. Fights dragon-like, and does achieve as soon As draw his sword. Shak. Achievement (a-chev'ment), n. 1. The act of achieving or performing; an obtaining by exertion; accomplishment; as, the achievement of one's object.-2. That which is achieved; a great or heroic deed; something accomplished by valour or boldness.

The imagination of Xerxes was inflamed with the prospect of rivalling or surpassing the achievements of his glorious predecessors. Bp. Thirlwall.

3. In her. an escutcheon or ensign armorial: a term now generally applied to the funeral


shield or hatchment affixed to the dwellinghouse of a deceased person or in a church.

Funeral Achievement or Hatchment.

One who achieves

Achiever (a-chev'èr), n. or accomplishes. Achillea (a-kil-lē'a), n. [From a belief that Achilles used a plant of this genus to cure Telephus.] A genus of plants; the milfoil genus. See MILFOIL. Achilleid (a-kil'lē-id), n. A name (rendered familiar by Grote, the historian of Greece) given to those books (i. viii. and xi.-xxii.) of the Iliad in which Achilles is prominent. They are supposed to have formed a separate and original poem, afterwards enlarged and expanded by additions, descriptive of various episodes in the Trojan war, in which other heroes than Achilles figure conspicuously, the whole forming an epic of the Trojan war, and called the Iliad. Those critics who recognize a personal Homer as the author of the Iliad and Odyssey suppose that the Achilleid was an earlier effort, afterwards developed, or that he found the Achilleid and made it the nucleus of a more extended epic.

Achillis tendo (a-kil'lis ten'do), n. [L.] In anat. the tendon of Achilles; the strong tendon of the gastro-cnemius and soleus muscles, which is inserted in the heel: so called because the heel was said to have been the only vulnerable part of the hero. Achimenes (a-kim'e-nez), n. [Perhaps from L. achæmenis, name of an Indian plant.] A genus of tropical and sub-tropical American plants, nat. order Gesneraceae, much cultivated in our hothouses on account of their ornamental character. Many new forms, developing greater variety and attractiveness than are to be found in the original kinds, have been obtained in the cultivated state. They grow to from 1 to 2 feet high.

Aching (aking), p. and a. Enduring or

causing pain; painful.

What peaceful hours I once enjoy'd,
How sweet their memory still;
But they have left an aching void
The world can never fill.


Achiote (a-chi-o'ta), n. [Sp., from achiolt, the original Indian name of the tree.] The arnotto-tree, and the dye obtained from it. See ARNOTTO.

Achira (a-che'ra), n. A plant of the genus Canna (C. edulis), with a large esculent root, yielding tous-les-mois, a starch superior to the ordinary arrow-root. Its tubers are eaten as food in Chili and Peru. Achirite (ak'i-rit), n. [After Achir Maned, who first brought it from Siberia, and tried to dispose of it for emerald.] Emerald malachite.

Achirus (a-ki'rus), n. [Gr. a, priv., and cheir, a hand.] A genus of fishes, family Pleuronectidæ (flat-fishes), distinguished from all the other genera by the total want of pectoral fins: hence their name. They abound mostly in the East and West Indies, keeping near the shores and furnishing a plentiful supply of wholesome food to the inhabitants. They resemble the common sole in appearance.

Achlamydate (a-klam'id-at), a. [Gr. a, priv., and chlamys, chlamydos, a cloak. J In zool. not possessing a mantle; as, achlamydate Branchiogasteropoda.

Achlamydeæ (a-kla-mid'e-e), n. pl. A group of dicotyledonous plants which want both calyx and corolla, as the willows, oaks, and birches.

Achlamydeous (a-kla-mid'ē-us), a. [Gr. a,


priv., and chlamys, a mantle.] A term applied to plants which have neither calyx nor corolla, and whose flowers are consequently destitute of a covering, or naked; without floral envelope.

Achlya (ak'li-a), n. pl. [Gr. achlys, gloom, obscurity-from the doubt regarding their affinities.] A remarkable group of water plants referred by some botanists to the algæ, but by others supposed to be aquatic forms of some fungi. They grow parasitically on dead flies lying in water, on fish, frogs, or decaying plants. They look like little gelatinous tufts, and are composed of colourless filaments.

Achmite (ak'mit), n. Same as Acmite. Achor (a'kor), n. [Gr. achor, dandruff.] Scald-head, a disease of infants, the face, and often the neck and breast, becoming incrusted with thin yellowish or greenish scabs. It arises in minute whitish pustules which discharge a viscid fluid, which dries into a scab, and is believed to be due to the growth of a fungus.

Achorion (a-kori-on), n. [See ACHOR.] A name sometimes given to the fungus which produces the disease achor.

Achras (ak'ras), n. [Gr. achras, the wild pear-tree.] A genus of tropical trees, nat. order Sapotaceae, with entire leathery leaves, and yielding a copious milky fluid when wounded. One species, A. Sapota (called also Sapota Achras), is the sapodilla plum. See SAPODILLA.

Achromatic (ak-ro-mat'ik), a. [Gr. a, priv., and chroma, chromatos, colour.] Destitute of colour; transmitting light without decomposing it into its primary colours; as, an achromatic lens or telescope. - Achromatic lens, a lense usually composed of two separate lenses, a concave and a convex one, made from substances, as crown-glass and flint-glass, having different refractive and dispersive powers, with the curvatures so adjusted that the chromatic aberration produced by the one is corrected by the other, and light emerges from the compound lens undecomposed.-Achromatic telescope, microscope, a telescope or microscope in which the chromatic aberration is corrected, usually by means of an achromatic objectglass. Achromaticity (ak'ro-ma-tis"i-ti), n. State of being achromatic.

Achromatism (ak-ro'ma-tizm), n. The state of being achromatic; want of colour. See ACHROMATIC.

Achromatize (a-kro'ma-tiz), v.t. To deprive of colour.

Achromatopsy (a-kro'ma-top-si), n. [Gr. a, priv., chroma, colour, and opsis, sight] Colour blindness, or inability to see or distinguish colours.

Achronic, Achronical (a-kron'ik, a-kron'ik-al), a. See ACRONYC.

Acicula (a-sik'u-la), n. pl. Aciculæ (a-sik'ùle). [L. acicula, a needle.] A name given by naturalists to a spine or prickle of an animal or plant.

Acicular (a-sik'ü-lér), a. [L. acicula, dim. of acus, a needle; allied to L. acies, Gr. aké, a point. See ACID.] Having the shape of a needle; having sharp points like needles; needle-shaped; as, an acicular prism is one with the crystals long, slender, and straight, as actinolite.

Acicularly (a-sik'u-lér-li), adv. In an acicular manner; in the manner of needles or prickles.

Aciculate, Aciculated (a-sik'ü-lāt, a-sik'ülat-ed), a. Needle-shaped; acicular. Aciculiform (a-sik'ü-li-form), a. [L. acicula, a needle, and forma, shape.] Having the form of a needle or needles. Aciculus (a-sik'ü-lus), n. [Dim. of acus, a needle.] In bot. a strong bristle. Acid (as'id), a. [L. acidus, sour, from root ac, ak, a point, seen in acus, a needle; acuo, to sharpen; acies, the point or edge of a sword; acer, sharp; aceo, to be sour; acetum, vinegar, and in Gr. ake, akron, a point. The Greek ok, seen in oxys, sharp.okys, swift, L. oculus, the eye, is a modified form of the same root. The A. Sax. aced, eced, vinegar, is one of the few non-ecclesiastical words borrowed bythe Anglo-Saxons from the Romans This root appears in many English words (mostly from the Latin), as acrid, acrimony, acumen, acute, ague, axe, edge, &c.] Sour. sharp, or biting to the taste; having the taste of vinegar; as, acid fruits or liquors Acid (as'id), n. A sour substance: specifically, in chem. a compound having all or most of the following properties:-(1) A



sour taste. [Strong acids require large dilution with water to make this perceptible.] (2) Solubility in water. (3) The power of changing most organic blue and violet colours into red, and of restoring original colours altered by an alkali. (4) The power of decomposing most carbonates, causing effervescence. (5) The power of uniting in definite proportions with the metals, called bases, forming salts, the metal replacing the hydrogen of the acid. (6) The power of exchanging the whole or part of their hydrogen for an alkaline metal presented to them in the form of a hydrate: this last is the only essential property of acids. Acidiferous (as-id-if'èr-us), a. [E. acid, and L fero, to bear.] Bearing, producing, or containing acids, or an acid.-Acidiferous minerals, minerals which consist of an earth combined with an acid, as carbonate of lime, aluminite, &c.

Acidifiable (a-sid'i-fi-a-bl), a. [From ACIDIFY] Capable of being acidified or converted into an acid.

Acidification (a-sid'i-fi-ka" shon), n. The act or process of acidifying or changing into an acid.

Acidifier (a-sid'i-fi-ér), n. One who or that which acidifies; an acetifier; specifically, in chem that which has the property of converting a substance into an acid.

Acidify (a-sid'i-fi), v.t. pret. & pp. acidified; ppr. acidifying. [E. acid, and L. facio, to make.] To make acid; to convert into an acid.

Acidimeter (as-id-im'et-ér), n. [E. acid, and Gr. metron, measure.] An instrument for determining the purity or strength of acids, founded on the principle mentioned under ACIDIMETRY.

Acidimetry (as-id-im'et-ri), n. The measurement of the strength of acids; especially the process of estimating the amount of acid in any liquid by finding how much of a standard alkaline solution is required to exactly neutralize a measured quantity of the given solution.

Acidity, Acidness (a-sid'i-ti, as'id-nes), n. The quality of being acid or sour; sourness; tartness; sharpness to the taste. Acidulate (a-sid'u-lat), v. t. pret. & pp. acidulated; ppr. acidulating. [Fr. aciduler, to make slightly sour; L. acidulus, slightly sour. See ACID.] To tinc

ture with an acid; to make acid in a moderate degree.



Acidulous (a-sid'úIns), a. [L. acidulus, slightly sour. See ACID.] Slightly sour; sub-acid; as cream of tartar,oranges,gooseberries, &c. Aciform (as'i-form),a. [Lacus, a needle, and forma, form.] Shaped like a needle. Acinaceous (as-in-a'shus), a. [L. acinus, a grape-stone or kernel] Full of kernels. Acinaces (a-sin'asez), n [L, from Gr. akinakes, a Persian sword; Per. ahenek, a short sword-ahen, a sword, and ek, a diminutive termination JA short, straight dagger, worn on the right side, peculiar to the Scythians, Medes, and Persians. Acinaciform (as-in-as'i-form), a. [L. acinaces, a scimetar, Gr. akinakes, and L. forma, form.] Formed like or resembling a scimetar, as, an acinaciform leaf, that is, one which has one edge convex and sharp and the other straight and thick, as in Mesembryanthemum.

Figure wearing the Acinaces.

Acinarious (as-in-a'ri-us), a. In bot covered with little spherical stalked vesicles resembling grape-seeds as in some algæ. Acineta (a-sin-e'ta), n. A genus of noble epiphytal orchids, from Central America, much prized in our hothouses. Aciniform (a-sin'i-form), a. [L Leaf. acinus, a grape-stone, and forma, shape. Having the form of grapes, or being in clusters like grapes; in anat. applied to many glands.



Acinose, Acinous (as'in-os, as'in-us), a. [L. acinus, a grape-stone.] Consisting of minute granular concretions.

Acinus (as'in-us), n. pl. Acini (as'in-1). [L., a grape-stone.] 1. In anat. a name sometimes given to certain glands or glandular bodies, as the pancreas.-2. In bot. one of the small grains which make up some kinds of fruit, as the blackberry, raspberry, &c.; also, a grape-stone.

Acipenser (as-i-pen'sèr), a. [L] A genus

Acipenser-Head of Sturgeon.

of cartilaginous ganoid fishes, family Acipenserida or Sturionidæ, distinguished by the bony scales or plates arranged at intervals along the body in five longitudinal rows. The gills are free as in osseous fishes, the snout long and conical, and the mouth retractile, toothless, and projecting from the under surface of the head. The genus includes the sturgeon, sterlet, huso, &c. Acipenserida (as'i-pen-se"ri-dē), n. pl. The sturgeon family, otherwise called the Sturionida.

Aciurgy (as-i-ér'ji), n. [Gr. akis, a point or
something sharp, and ergon, operation.]
Operative surgery. [Rare.]
Ackele,t v. t. See AKELE.
Acketon (ak'ton), n.
Ack-man (ak'man), n.

Same as Acton.

A sailor's term for a fresh-water thief, or one who steals on navigable rivers. Called also an Ack-pirate. Sailor's Word-book.

Acknow (ak-no), v.t. [A. Sax. onenawan, to acknowledge.] To recognize; to acknowledge; to confess.

You will not be acknown, sir, why, 'tis wise: Thus do all gamesters, at all games dissemble. B. Jonson. Acknowledge (ak-nol'ej), v. t. pret. & pp. acknowledged; ppr. acknowledging. [Verbal prefix a, and knowledge, O.E. cnawlece, knawlage, knowleche, to acknowledge; from the noun (which see).] 1. To own or recognize by avowal as possessing a particular character, or as having certain claims; to recognize or admit as justly represented in a certain light; to assent to the truth of; as, to acknowledge the existence of a God; to acknowledge the inspiration of the Scriptures; to acknowledge a child.

He that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. 1 Jn. ii. 23. The influence attributed to Cecrops. . indicates that Athens was acknowledged as the head of this confederacy. Bp. Thirlwall.

The ambassador was acknowledged at the court of St. James. Macaulay.

2. To own or confess, as implying a consciousness of guilt.

I acknowledged my sin unto thee. I said, I will confess my transgressions. Ps. xxxii. 5.

3. To own with gratitude; to own as a benefit.

They his gifts acknowledge not.


4. To own or avow receiving; as, please to acknowledge this letter.-5. To show recognition by some act, as by a bow, nod, smile, lifting the hat, &c., as a mark of friendship or respect; to salute; as, she met him in the street, but barely acknowledged him.Acknowledge, Confess. Acknowledge, as contrasted with confess, and applied to things, is usually to admit that we ourselves see and know that we are at fault in acting in a certain way, to allow the truth or justice of some stricture to which we are directly or tacitly subjected, as to acknowledge a fault, to acknowledge our ignorance; confess, on the other hand, is to make known, whether referring to anything alleged against us or not; to confess sins is to make them known, to acknowledge them is to admit that they are sins. Confess is generally applied to actions of more moment than acknowledge. We confess sins and crimes; we acknowledge errors, mistakes, and faults.

All that was required of him to insure forgiveness was to acknowledge that he was in fault. Miss Braddon. And both confess'd Humbly their faults and pardon begg'd. Milton. Acknowledged (ak-nol'ejd), p. and a. Well known; recognized; admitted; as, an acknowledged rascal; an acknowledged fact.


Acknowledger (ak-nol'ej-ér), n. One who acknowledges.

Acknowledgment (ak-nol'ej-ment), n. 1. The act of acknowledging; as, (a) confession; avowal; as, the acknowledgment of a fault. (b) The act of recognizing the existence, authority, truth, or genuineness of; as, the acknowledgment of a God or of a public minister; the acknowledgment of a deed.

Immediately upon the acknowledgment of the Christian faith, the eunuch was baptized by Philip. Hooker.

(e) The owning of a benefit received, accompanied with gratitude; an expression of thanks; as, to render one's acknowledgments for a kindness.-2. Something given or done in return for a favour. Smollett.Acknowledgment money, in law, money paid according to the customs of some manors by copyhold tenants on the death of a lord. Ack-pirate (ak'pi-rat), n. See ACK-MAN. Aclide (ak'lid), n. [L. aclis, aclidis, a small javelin.] A heavy missive weapon formerly used. It was formed of a short thick club studded with sharp points, and was attached to a cord which enabled the soldier

Aclide.-From Chesnel.

having launched it

to draw it back after against an enemy. Aclinic (a-klin'ik), a. (Gr. neg. prefix a, and klino, to incline.] Having no inclination. A clinic line, the name given by Professor August to an irregular curve in the neighbourhood of the terrestrial equator, where the magnetic needle balances itself horizontally, having no dip. It has been also termed the Magnetic Equator.

Acme (ak-me), n. [Gr. akme, a point. Root ak. See ACID.] 1. The top or highest point; the furthest point attained; the utmost reach. Its acme of human prosperity and greatness.' Burke.-2. The maturity or perfection of an animal.-3. In med. the height or crisis of a disease.-4. People of mature age collectively. [Rare.]

He must be one that can instruct your youth, And keep your acme in the state of truth. B. Jonson. Acmite (ak'mit), n. [Gr. akme, a sharp point.] A mineral of a brownish-black or reddish-brown colour, isomorphous with augite, consisting of bisilicate of iron, silicate of soda, and alumina: so called from the form of its crystals. It is, perhaps, an altered form of pyroxene (which see). Acne (ak'ne), n. [Gr. akne.] A small hard pimple or tubercle on the face, due to inflammation in a hair follicle or sebaceous gland. One variety occurs on the nose of drunkards. Called also Lycosis. Acnestis (ak-nes'tis), n. [Gr. aknēstis, from a, priv., and knao, to rub or gnaw.] That part of the spine in quadrupeds, extending from between the shoulder-blades to the loins, which the animal cannot reach to scratch. A-cock Bill (a-kok' bil), a. or adv. Naut. a term denoting (a) the position of an anchor when it hangs down by its ring from the

[graphic][merged small][merged small]


Acollé (a-kol-a), p. and a. See ACCOLLÉ Acology, Akology (ak-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. akos, a remedy, and logos, a discourse.] The doctrine of remedies or the materia medica. Acolyte (ak'o-lit), n. [Fr., from L.L. acolythus, an acolyte; Gr. akolouthos, a follower.] 1. One who waits on a person; an attendant. 'With such chiefs, and with James and John as acolytes.' Motley.-2. In the R. Cath. Ch.


the second of the inferior orders of clergy, whose office it is to follow and serve the superior orders in the ministry of the altar, light the candles, prepare the elements of the sacraments, &c.-3. In astron, an attendant or accompanying star or other heavenly body; a satellite.

Acolyth, Acolythe (ak'o-lith). See Aco


Acolythist, Acolothist (a-kol'i-thist, a-kol'o-thist), n. Same as Acolyte.

Acomber,t v.t. To encumber; to clog; to overwhelm.

And lette his sheep acombered in the mire.

Acondylous, Acondylose (a-kon'di-lus, a-
kon'di-lös), a. [Gr. neg. prefix a, and kon-
dylos, a joint.] In bot. jointless.
Aconite (ak'on-it), n. [L. aconitum, Gr.
akoniton.] The plant wolf's-bane or monk's-
hood, Aconitum Napellus. See ACONITUM.
Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis). See

Aconitic (ak-on-it'ik), a. Of or pertaining to aconite.-Aconitic acid, a tribasic acid (Ce HeO6) obtained from species of the genus Aconitum. It occurs as an amorphous mass, and forms three classes of salts. Aconitin, Aconitine (ak-on'it-in), n. [See ACONITUM.] (C0H47 NO7.) A highly poisonous narcotic alkaloid, got from the roots and leaves of several species of Aconitum. It forms white powdery grains, or a compact, vitreous, transparent mass; is bitter, acrid, and very soluble in alcohol. It is an important anodyne in neuralgia, and contracts the pupil of the eye. One-tenth of a grain is sufficient to kill a sparrow instantly.

Aconitum (ak-on-i'tum), n. [L.; Gr. akoniton, a poisonous plant, like monk's-hood.] A genus of poisonous plants, nat. order Ranunculaceae. The species are hardy, herbaceous plants, many of them of great beauty. The Bish or Bikh of Nepaul, used in poisoning arrows, &c., is derived from a plant of this genus, supposed to be a variety of A. Napellus. See WOLF'S-BANE. Acontiada (a-kon-ti'a-de), n. pl. A family of saurian reptiles, of which the genus Acontias is the type. It includes three genera. See ACONTIAS.

Acontias (a-kon'ti-as), n. [Gr. akontias, a dart, from akon, a dart.] 1. A genus of timid lacertian reptiles, group Scincoidei, which have rudiments only of the hind limbs, allied to the slow-worm of Britain. They occur in almost all regions, particularly the warm and dry. A. meleagris is sometimes called dart-snake, from its manner of darting on its prey. This snake-like animal is about 3 feet in length, of a light gray colour, with black spots resembling eyes; the belly perfectly white. It is a native of Africa and the Mediterranean isles. 2. In bot. a genus of Brazilian plants, nat. order Araceae, with spots on their stems like those of the reptiles so called. Acopt (a-kop'), adv. [Prefix a, on, and cope.] At the top. It stands acop.' B. Jonson.


Acopic (a-kop'ik), a. [Gr. akopos, removing weariness, from negative prefix a, and kopos, a striking, hence suffering, toil, weariness, from kopto, to strike.] In med. fitted to relieve weariness; restorative. Buchanan. Acoraceae (a-kor-a'sē-e), n. pl. Sweet-flags; a nat. order of herbaceous plants, of which the genus Acorus is the type. They are generally included in the Araceæ, from which they differ only in having hermaphrodite flowers. See ACORUS, SWEET-RUSH. Acorn (a'korn), n. [A. Sax. @ceren, æcern, an acorn; Goth. akran, fruit; Icel. akarn, Dan. agern, D. aker, L. G. ecker, O. H.G. ackeran, an acorn; the word seems originally to have meant simply fruit, as in Gothic, though in early English it seems to have been regarded as a compound of oak, A. Sax. ac, and corn. It is probably allied to acre (which see).] 1. The fruit of the oak; a onecelled, one-seeded, oval nut, which grows in a permanent cup. In bygone times acorns were used as human food, and are still eaten in different parts of the Continent in scarce years. They form an excellent food for swine.

The first settlers of Boston were reduced to the necessity of feeding on clams, mussels, ground-nuts, and acorns. B. Trumbull.

2. Naut. a small ornamental piece of wood, of a conical or globular shape, sometimes fixed on the point of the spindle above the vane, on the mast-head,

to keep the vane from being blown off.-3. See ACORN-SHELL.

Acorn-cup (a'korn-kup), n. The capsule of the The acorn-cups


of the Quercus Egilops, under the name valonia, have become an important article of commerce, large quantities being used in tanning. See VALONIA.

[blocks in formation]

An oil expressed

Acorn-oil (a'korn-oil), n. from acorns. Acorn-shell (a'korn-shel), n. 1. The shell of the acorn.-2. One of the cirripeds of the genus Balanus, allied to the barnacles, called by this name from a supposed resemblance of some of the species to acorns. See BALANUS, CIRRIPEDIA.

Acorus (ak'o-rus), n. [L., from Gr. akoros, the sweet-flag.] A genus of plants, nat. order Araceæ. A. Calamus, the Calamus aromaticus of druggists, is the sweet-flag or sweet-rush. See SWEET-RUSH. Acosmia (a-koz'mi-a), n. [Gr. a, priv., and kosmos, order or beauty.] Irregularity in disease, particularly in crises; also,ill-health, with loss of colour in the face. [Rare or obsolete.]

One who holds

Acosmism (a-koz'mizm), n. [Gr. neg. prefix a, and kosmos, the world in a state of order.] The denial of the existence of an eternal world. Dean Mansel. Acosmist (a-koz'mist), n. the doctrine of acosmism. Acosmistic (a-koz-mist'ik), a. to the doctrine of acosmism. Acosmium (a-koz'mi-um), n. A group of Brazilian plants belonging to the nat. order Leguminosae, now included in the genus Sweetia.


Acotyledon (a-kot-il-e"don), n. [Gr. a, priv., and kotyledon, any cup-shaped cavity, from kotyle, a hollow.] In bot. a plant whose seeds, called spores, are not furnished with


1, Spores of lichens, germinating; 2, Spores of horsetails (Equisetacea), germinating; 3, Spores of mosses, germinating.

cotyledons or seed-lobes. In the natural system of Jussieu the Acotyledones form a class which corresponds with the Cryptogamia of Linnæus. See COTYLEDON.


Acotyledonous (a-kot'il-e"don-us), a. Having no seed-lobes.

Acouchy (a-kösh'i), n. [Fr. acouchi, agouchi, name in Guiana.] An animal belonging to the Cavidæ or guinea-pig family, the olive cavy or Surinam rat, a small species of Agouti inhabiting Guiana. Acoumeter (a-koum'et-ér), n. [Gr. akouō, to hear, and metron, measure.] An instrument for measuring the acuteness of the sense of hearing.

Acousmatic (a-kous-mat'ik), n. See AcouSTIC, n. 2.

Acoustic (a-kous'tik), a. [Gr. akoustikos, from akouō, to hear.] Pertaining to the sense or organs of hearing, or to the doctrine of sounds. -Acoustic duct, in anat. the meatus auditorius, or external passage of the ear. See AUDITORY.-Acoustic vessels, in the anc. drama, brazen tubes or vessels, shaped like a bell, used to propel the voice of the actors, so as to render them audible to a great distance, in some theatres 400 feet.

Acoustic (a-kous'tik), n. 1. In med. a remedy for deafness or imperfect hearing. [Rare.] 2. A name given to such of the disciples of Pythagoras as had not completed their five years' probation. Called also Acousmatics. Acoustical (a-kous'tik-al), a. Of or belonging to the science of acoustics; acoustic.



This principle, which is important in many acousti cal problems, is, in the one now before us, unimportWhewell. Acoustician (a-kous-ti'shan), n. One skilled in the science of sound; a student of acoustics. The transverse vibrations were the only ones noticed by the earlier acousticians. Whewell. Acoustics (a-kous'tiks), n. [See ACOUSTIC, a.] The science of sound, teaching the cause, nature, and phenomena of the vibrations of elastic bodies which affect the organ of hearing. The manner in which sound is produced, its transmission through air and other media (sometimes called diacoustics), the doctrine of reflected sound, or echoes (sometimes called catacoustics), the properties and effects of different sounds, including musical sounds or notes, the structure and action of the organ of hearing, are all treated of under acoustics. Acquaint (ak-kwant), v.t. [O. Fr. accointer; Pr. accoindar; L.L. accognitare, to make known, from L. ad, to, and cognitus, known, from cognosco, cognitum, to know, same root as in know, can, ken, cunning, quaint, &c.] 1. To make known; to make fully or intimately known; to make familiar; as, to acquaint one's self with a subject; time and circumstances may acquaint a man with many a strange experience.

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Isa. liii. 3. 2. To inform; to communicate notice to; as, a friend in the country acquaints me with his success: with is used before the subject of information, if a noun; of was formerly used, but is now obsolete or considered improper.

But for some other reason, my grave sir,
Which is not fit you know, I not acquaint
My father of this business.


SYN. To inform, apprise, disclose, communicate, make known. Acquaintable (ak-kwant'a-bl), a. Easy to be acquainted with; affable. Chaucer. Acquaintance (ak-kwant'ans), n. 1. A state of being acquainted, or of having more or less intimate knowledge: used with reference both to persons and things.

If there be no great love in the beginning, yet heaven may decrease it upon better acquaintance, when we are married. Shak.

Such knowledge, however, and fitness for judg ment as springs from special skill, and from a familiar acquaintance with the mechanical processes of certain arts, trades, and manufactures, will often be found in this class. Sir G. C. Lewis.

2. A person known to one, especially a person with whom one is not on terms of great intimacy; as, he is not a friend, only an acquaintance.

[blocks in formation]


Acquaintance, Familiarity, Intimacy. Acquaintance, knowledge arising from occasional intercourse; familiarity, knowledge arising from frequent or daily intercourse; antinacy, unreserved intercourse, intercourse of the closest possible kind.

Nor was his acquaintance less with the famous poets of his age, than with the noblemen and ladies. Dryden.

That familiarity produces neglect has been long observe:1 Johnson.

The intimacy between the father of Eugenio and Agrestis produced a tender friendship between his uver and Amelia. Hawkesworth.

SYN. Familiarity, intimacy, knowledge, cog


Acquaintanceship (ak-kwant'ans-ship), n. State of being acquainted.

Acquaintant (ak-kwant'ant), n. A person with whom one is acquainted. See AcQUAINTANCE, 3.

He and his readers are become old acquaintants, Swift. Acquainted (ak-kwant'ed), p. and a. 1. Having acquaintance; informed; having personal knowledge. -2 Known; familiarly known; not new. Things acquainted and

familiar to us.' Shak.

Acquaintedness (ak-kwant'ed-nes),n. State
of being acquainted. [Rare.]
Acqua tofana (ak-wä tō-fa'na), n. [It.]

Acquest (ak-kwest), n. [Fr. acquêt, O. Fr. acquest, an acquisition. See ACQUIRE, ACQUISITION] 1. The act of acquiring; acquirement. Countries of new acquest. Bacon-2 The thing gained; an acquisition; a place acquired by force. 'New acquests and encroachments.' Woodward. 3. In law, property not descended by inheritance, but acquired by purchase or donation. Acquiesce (ak-kwi-es), v. i pret. & pp. acquiesced; ppr. acquiescing. [L. acquiesco, to rest, to acquiesce-ad, to, and quiesco, to be quiet; quies, rest; Fr. acquiescer.] 1. To rest satisfied, or apparently satisfied, or to rest without opposition and discontent; usually implying previous opposition, uneasiness, or dislike, but ultimate compliance or submission; as, to acquiesce in the dispensations of Providence.

They were compelled to acquiesce in a government which they did not regard as just. De Quincey.

2 To be satisfied of the truth or correctness of something; to rest convinced; as, to acquiesce in an opinion.

He that never compares his notions with those of others readily acquiesces in his first thoughts.

Spectator. STN To concur, assent, agree, submit, consent, accede. Acquiescence (ak-kwi-es'ens), n. The act of acquiescing or giving a quiet assent; a silent submission, or submission with apparent consent: distinguished from avowed consent on the one hand, and on the other from opposition or open discontent; as, an acquiescence in the decisions of a court, or in the allotments of Providence. 'Certain in listinct murmurs of acquiescence. Sir W. Scott

Acquiescency (ak-kwi-es'ens-si), n. Same as Acquiescence Acquiescent (ak-kwi-es'ent), a. Disposed to acquiesce; disposed to submit; submissive, easy, unresisting. 'A mind naturally acquiescent. Johnson.

Acquiescently (ak-kwi-es' ent-li), adv. In an acquiescent manner.

Acquiet (ak-kwi'et), v.t. [L.L. adquieto, to make quiet L. ad, to, and quietus, quiet. To render quiet; to compose; to set at peace. Acquiet his mind from stirring you Sir A. Shirley.

Acquirability (ak-kwir a-bil'i-ti), n. State of being acquirable Paley. [Rare.] Acquirable (ak-kwir'a-bl), a. Capable of being acquired.

Acquire (ak-kwir), v. t. pret. & pp. acquired; ppr acquiring. [L. acquiro, to get-ad, to, and quiero, to look or search for: Fr. acyurr See QUEST] To get or gain, the obJect being something which is more or less permanent, or which becomes vested or inherent in the subject; as, to acquire a title, estate, learning, habits, skill, dominion, &c.; to acquire a stammer; sugar acquires a brown colour by being burned. A mere temporary possession is not expressed by acquire, but by obtain, procure, &c.; as, to elain (not acquire) a book on loan.

Descent is the title whereby a man, on the death of his arrester, acquires his estate by right of repretation, as his heir at law Blackstone. No virtue is acquired in a moment, but step by



SYN. To get, obtain, gain, attain, procure, win, earn, secure.

Acquired (ak-kwird'), p. and a. Gained; not originally conferred by nature; as, abilities natural and acquired; an acquired taste.

Acquirement (ak-kwir'ment), n. 1. The act of acquiring, or of making acquisition.

It is very difficult to lay down rules for the acquirement of a taste. Addison.

2. That which is acquired; attainment. [In this latter sense acquirement is used in opposition to natural gift or endowment; as, elocution and skill in music and painting are acquirements, genius a gift or endowment of nature. It denotes especially personal attainments, that is, attainments inherent in the possessor, in opposition to material or external things gained, which are more usually called acquisitions; but this distinction is not always observed.

His acquirements by industry were enriched and enlarged by many excellent endowments of nature Sir F. Hayward.]

SYN. Attainment, acquisition, gain. Acquirer (ak-kwir'ėr), n. A person who acquires. Acquiring + (ak-kwir'ing), n. Acquirement; acquisition. The acquirings of his father's profession. Sir R. Naunton. Acquiry + (ak-kwi'ri), n. Acquirement.

No art requireth more hard study and pain toward the acquiry of it than contentment. Barrow.

Acquisible (ak-kwiz'i-bl), a. Capable of being acquired. [Rare.]

Acquisite (ak'kwiz-it), a. Acquired; gained. Three (notions) being innate, and five acquisite.' Burton.

Acquisition (ak-kwi-zi'shon), n. [L. acquisitio, from acquiro, acquisitum. See ACQUIRE.] 1. The act of acquiring; as, a man takes pleasure in the acquisition of property as well as in the possession. The acquisition or loss of a province.' Macaulay.-2. The thing acquired or gained: generally, but not uniformly, applied to material gains. See ACQUIREMENT, 2.

The Cromwellians were induced to relinquish one. third of their acquisitions. Macaulay. Acquisitive (ak-kwiz'it-iv), a. 1. Acquired. [Rare.]

He died not in his acquisitive, but in his native soil. Wotton.

2. Disposed to make acquisitions; having a propensity to acquire property; as, an acquisitive disposition.

Acquisitively (ak-kwiz'it-iv-li), adv. In an acquisitive manner; by way of acquisition. Acquisitiveness (ak-kwiz'it-iv-nes), n. 1. State or quality of being acquisitive; a propensity to acquire property. 2. In phren. the organ to which is attributed the function of producing the desire to acquire and possess in general, apart from the uses of the objects. See cut PHREN


Acquisitor (ak-kwiz'it-ér), n. One who makes acquisitions. C. Richardson. [Rare.] Acquist (ak-kwist'), n. [See ACQUEST.] New acquist of true experience.' Milton. Acquit (ak-kwit'), v. t. pret. & pp. acquitted; ppr. acquitting. [Fr. acquitter, to discharge, to set at rest with respect to a claim-L. ad, to, and quietus, at rest, quiet.] 1. To release or discharge from an obligation, accusation, guilt, censure, suspicion, or whatever is laid against or upon a person as a charge or duty; to set free; specifically, in law, to pronounce not guilty; as, the jury acquitted the prisoner; we acquit a man of evil intentions: it is followed by of before the thing; to acquit from is obsolete.--2. To make full payment for; to atone for. [Rare.]

Till life to death acquit my forced offence. Shak. 3. With the reflexive pronoun, (a) to clear one's self.

Pray God he may acquit kim (himself) of suspicion!


(b) To behave; to bear or conduct one's self; as, the soldier acquitted himself well in battle: the orator acquitted himself indifferently. .--SYN. To clear, discharge, release, set free, absolve, pardon, forgive. Acquit (ak-kwit'), pp. Acquitted. Ne do I wish

To be acquit from my continual smart. Spenser. Acquite (ak-kwit), v.t. To requite.

Midst foes (as champion of the faith) he ment That palme or cypress should his paines acquite. Carew. Acquitment (ak-kwit'ment), n. The act of acquitting, or state of being acquitted; acquittal. [Rare.]



Acquittal (ak-kwit'al), n. The act of acquitting, or state of being acquitted; specifically, in law, (a) a judicial setting free or deliverance from the charge of an offence by pronouncing a verdict of not guilty. (b) Freedom from entries and molestations by a superior lord for services issuing out of lands. Cowell.

Acquittance (ak-kwit'ans), n. 1. The act of acquitting or discharging from a debt or any other liability; the state of being so discharged.

Now must your conscience my acquittance seal. Shak. 2. The writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in full, which bars a further demand.

You can produce acquittances for such a sum. Shak. 3. The act of clearing one's self. 'Being suspected and put for their acquittance to take the sacrament of the altar. Jer. Taylor. Acquittance † (ak-kwit'ans), v. t. To acquit. Your mere enforcement shall acquittance me

From all the impure blots and stains thereof. Shak. Acrase † (a-kráz'), v. t. [Fr. écraser, to break, to destroy. See CRAZE.] To impair; to destroy. My substance impaired, my credit acrased.' Gascoigne.

Acrasy, Acrasiat (ak'ra-si, a-krá'si-a), n. [Gr. akrasia, intemperateness-a, priv., and kratos, power.] Excess; surfeit; intemperance; incontinence.

Acrasies, whether of the body or mind, occasion Cornish. great uneasiness. Acraze (a-krāz'), v. t. [Prefix a, intens., and craze (which see).] To make crazy; to infatuate. 'I acrazed was.' Mir. for Mags. Acre (a'kêr), n. [A. Sax. acer, acer, a field; this is a widely-spread word, comp. D. akker, Icel. akr, Dan. ager, G. acker, Goth. akrs, arable land, a field; and the cog. L. ager, Gr. agros, Per. agar, Armenian agarah, Skr. ajra, a field. From root ag, ak, as in L. ago, Icel. aka, to drive, the word probably meaning originally the place to or over which cattle were driven; a pasture. Acorn is probably from this root, meaning originally fruit or produce.] 1. Originally, an open, ploughed, or sowed field. This signification was gradually lost after the acre was made a definite measure of surface, which was first done by an act passed in the thirty-first year of Edward III. My bosky acres and my unshrubbed down.' Shak 'Over whose acres walked those blessed feet.' Shak. 2. A quantity of land, containing 160 square rods or perches, or 4840 square yards. This is the English statute or imperial acre which is employed over the United Kingdom and its colonies and in the United States, though Scotland and Ireland have respectively an acre of their own, which is still to some extent used in measurements. The Scotch acre is larger than the English, as it contains 6104 128 square yards, 48 Scotch acres being equal to 61 English acres. The Irish acre is also larger than the English, inasmuch as 100 Irish acres are nearly equivalent to 162 English acres. -God's acre, God's field; the church-yard.

I like that ancient Saxon phrase, which calls The burial-ground God's acre! It is just; It consecrates each grave within its walls, And breathes a benison o'er the sleeping dust. Long fellow. Acreable ('kér-a-bl), a. According to the acre; measured or estimated in acres or by the acre.

Acreage (à ́kèr-ãƒ), n.

The acreable produce of the two methods was nearly the same. Complete Farmer. The number of acres in a piece of land; acres taken collectively; as, the acreage of Britain.

No coarse and blockish God of acreage Stands at thy gate for thee to grovel to. Tennyson, Acred (a kérd), a. Possessing acres or landed property: used chiefly in composition; as, Large-acred men.' Pope. Many-acred men. Sir W. Jones. Acre-dale (a kér-dal), n. [A. Sax. œcer, a fleld, and doel, a division. See DEAL.] Land in a common field, different parts of which are held by different proprietors. [Provincial English.]

Acre-fight (aker-fit), n. [Acre, a field, and fight.] A kind of duel in the open field formerly fought by single combatants, English and Scotch, on the debatable land between the frontiers of their respective kingdoms.

Acre-shot (a'kêr-shot), n. [Acre, a field, and shot, proportion, reckoning. See SCOT.] A local land-tax or charge. Dugdale.


Acrid (akʼrid), a. [L. acer, acris, acre, sharp; Fr. acre; root ac. (See ACID.) The termination in this word may have arisen from a spurious form acridus perhaps used in modern scientific Latin.] 1. Sharp or biting to the taste; pungent; bitter; as, acrid salts. 2. Severe; virulent; violent; stinging. 'Acrid temper. Cowper. Acrid substances are those which excite in the organs of taste a sensation of pungency and heat, and when applied to the skin irritate and inflame it.— Acrid poisons, including those also called corrosive and escharotic, are those which irritate, corrode, or burn the parts to which they are applied, producing intense burning sensation, and acute pain in the alimentary canal. They include concentrated acids and alkalies, compounds of mercury, arsenic, copper, &c.

Acrid (ak'rid), n. An acrid poison. 'A powerful acrid.' Pereira.

Acridia, Acridii (a-krid'i-a, a-krid′i-i), n. pl. See ACRIDIDE.

Acridian (a-krid'i-an), n. One of the Acrididæ.

Acrididæ (a-krid'i-dē), n. A family of orthopterous insects containing the grasshoppers. All the species of this family can leap. Acridity (a-krid'i-ti), n. Same as Acridness. Acridness (ak'rid-nes), n. The quality of being acrid or pungent.

Acrimonious (ak-ri-mo'ni-us), a. 1. Abounding in acrimony or acridness; acrid; bitter; corrosive. 'If gall cannot be rendered acrimonious and bitter of itself.' Harvey.2. Fig. severe; bitter; virulent; caustic; stinging: applied to language, temper, and the like. 'Acrimonious contempt.' Johnson. An acrimonious conflict.' Macaulay. [The latter is now the commoner sense.] Acrimoniously (ak-ri-mō'ni-us-li), adv. In an acrimonious manner; sharply; bitterly; pungently.

Acrimoniousness (ak-ri-mo'ni-us-nes), n. The state or quality of being acrimonious. Acrimony (ak'ri-mo-ni), n. [L. acrimonia, sharpness, from acris, sharp (see ACID), and affix monia.] 1. A quality of bodies which corrodes, dissolves, or destroys others; also, harshness or extreme bitterness of taste; pungency.

Those milks (in certain plants) have all an acrimony, though one would think they should be leniBacon.


2. Fig. sharpness or severity of temper; bitterness of expression proceeding from anger, ill-nature, or petulance; pungency; virulence. 'Acrimony and indignation.' South. 'Acrimony of voice and gesture.' Bp. Hacket. --Acrimony, Asperity, Harshness, Tartness. Acrimony expresses a high degree of bitterness of language proceeding from a soured or malignant temper; asperity refers rather to the manner than the disposition, and does not necessarily imply any malignity of temper, but may be due to a feeling of just indignation; harshness generally implies an undue measure of asperity; tartness expresses a comparatively slight degree of bitterness, and usually implies also a certain amount of wit.

No order of men have an enmity of more acrimony. Fohnson. The orators of the opposition declared against him with great animation and asperity. Macaulay. My needful seeming harshness, pardon it. Tennyson. The popular harangue, the tart reply. Cowper. Acrisia (a-kris'i-a), n. [Gr. neg. prefix a, and krisis, judgment.] A condition of disease in which no judgment can be formed, or in which an unfavourable judgment must be given. Dunglison.

Acrisy (ak'ri-si), n. [See ACRISIA.] [Rare.] 1. Same as Acrisia.-2. Injudiciousness. Acrita (ak'ri-ta), n. pl. [Gr. akritos, indiscernible.] A name of the lower Radiata, now called Trotozoa, having no distinct discernible nervous system, as sponges. Acritan, Acrite (ak'ri-tan, akʼrīt), n. One of the Acrita.

Acritical (a-krit'ik-al), a. In med. (a) having no crisis; as, an acritical abscess. (b) Giving no indications of a crisis; as, acritical symptoms.


taining to deep learning, and opposed to exoteric. Aristotle's lectures were of two kinds: acroatic,acroamatic,or esoteric, which were intended for hearing only and were not committed to writing, and were delivered to a class of select disciples, who had been previously instructed in the elements of learning; and exoteric, which were delivered in public. The former respected being, God, and nature; the principal subjects of the latter were logic, rhetoric, and policy.


We read no achroamatic lectures. Aristotle was wont to divide his lectures and readings into acroamatical and exoterical. Hales.

Acroamatics (ak'rō-a-mat"iks), n. pl. Aristotle's lectures on the more subtle parts of philosophy. See ACROAMATIC. Acroatic (ak-ro-at'ik), a. [Gr. akroatikos, pertaining to hearing, from akroaomai, to hear.] Abstruse. Same as Acroamatic (which see).

Acroatics (ak-ro-at′iks), n. pl. Same as Ac


Acrobat (ak'rō-bat), n. [Gr. akrobateō, to go on tip-toe, to climb upwards-akros, high, on the tip of anything, and baino, to go.] A rope-dancer; also, one who practises high vaulting, or similar feats of personal agility, as tumbling, throwing somersaults, &c.

Acrobates (a-krob'at-ēz), n. [Gr. akros, high, and baino, to go.] A sub-genus of Petaurus, a genus of marsupial animals, family Phalangistidæ, indigenous to Australia, con

Opossum Mouse (Acrobates pygmæus).

taining the opossum mouse (A. pygmæus), one of the smallest of the Marsupialia. It is hardly larger than a mouse, and has a parachute.

Acrocarpi (ak-rō-kärp'î), n. pl. [Gr. akros, highest, and karpos, fruit.] In bot. a division of the mosses containing the species in which the capsule terminates the growth of a primary axis.

Acrocarpous (ak-rō-kärp'us), a. In bot. ap

plied to mosses whose flower terminates the growth of a primary axis; of or pertaining to the Acrocarpi.

The flower of mosses either terminates the growth of a primary axis (acrocarpous), or the flower is placed at the end of an axis of the second or third order (pleurocarpous). Sachs.

Acrocephalic (ak'rō-se-fal"ik), a. [Gr. akros, high, and kephale, the head.] In ethn. a term applied to the pyramidal or high-skulled tribes of men, or to their skulls. Acroceraunian (ak'rō-se-ra"ni-an), a. [Gr. akron, a summit, and keraunos, thunder.] An epithet applied to certain mountains in the north of Epirus in Greece. They project into the Adriatic, and were so termed from being often struck with lightning. Written also Akrokeraunian.

The thunder-hills of fear, The acroceraunian mountains of old name. Byron. Acrochordon (ak-rō-kord'on), n. [Gr., from akros, high, extreme, and chorde, a string.] An excrescence on the skin, with a slender base.

Acrocinus (ak-rō-si'nus), n. [Gr. akron, point, kineō, I move.] A genus of longicorn coleopterous insects, family Cerambycidæ, so called from having the spine on each side of the thorax movable. A. longimanus, the harlequin beetle of South America, is the type. It is 24 inches long, with antennæ 5, and fore-legs alone 4 inches in length. Acrocomia (ak-rō-kō'mi-a), n. [Gr. akros, extreme, and köme, a tuft.] A genus of tropical American plants, nat. order Palmaceæ, allied to the cocoa-palm. The species include some of the most majestic palms, 30 or 40 feet high, and crowned with a tuft of gigantic leaves. A. aculeata has a stem as thick as a man's body, and yields a small round fruit, with a thin, sweetish, astringent pulp, and a nut with a white edible kernel. See MACAW-TREE. Acrodactylum (ak-rō-dak'til-um), n. [Gr. akros, high, uppermost, and daktylos, a digit.] The upper surface of each digit in a bird. Acrodont (ak'rō-dont), n. [Gr. akros, high,

Acritude (akʼri-tŭd), n. [See ACRID.] An acrid quality; bitterness to the taste; biting heat. [Rare ]

Acrity (ak'ri-ti), n. [L. acritas, sharpness. See ACRID, &c.] Sharpness; keen severity; strictness. 'The acrity of prudence, and severity of judgment.' Bacon. Acroamatic, Acroamatical (ak'rō-a-mat"ik, ak'ro-a-matik-al), a. [Gr. akroamatikos, from akroaomai, to hear.] Abstruse; per


on the top, and odous, odontos, a tooth.] A term common to those lacertian reptiles which have their teeth united at the top of the alveolar ridge.

Acrodont (ak'ro-dont), a. Pertaining to or resembling the acrodonts; characterized by an arrangement of the teeth like that of the acrodonts.

Acrodus (ak'rō-dus), n. [See ACRODONT.} A genus of placoid fossil fishes, vulgarly styled fossil leeches, with large enamelled striated teeth. The teeth especially are common in the chalk and oolite. Acrogen (ak'rō-jen), n. [Gr. akros, high, on the top, and gennao, to produce.] An acrogenous plant. In bot. the acrogens form a division of the Cryptogamia, distinguished by the habits of growth and the mode of impregnation from the Thallogens. They have true stems with leafy appendages (excepting the Riccias and Marchantias), and the embryonic sac is impregnated by the spermatozoids. They are divided into two groups: (a) Those composed wholly of cellular tissue, the charas, liverworts, and mosses; and (b) Those in which vascular tissue is present, the ferns, horsetails, pillworts, and club-mosses.-The age of acrogens, in geol. the carboniferous era, when acrogens were the characteristic vegetable forms.

Acrogenous (a-kroj'en-us), a.


by growth at the summit, as the tree-ferns; pertaining to the acrogens. Acrognathus (a-krog'na-thus), n. [Gr.akros, high, and gnathos, the jaw.] A genus of fossil fishes of the salmon family, occurring in the lower chalk.

The mat

Acrography (a-krogʻra-fi), n. [Gr. akros, high, and grapho, to write or engrave.] The art of producing designs in relief on metal or stone by etching, for the purpose of printing from them along with type, and thus superseding wood-engraving. Acroke, a. Crooked; awkward. ter is acroke.' Chaucer. Written also Acrooke. Acrolein, Acroleine (a-krōlē-in), n. [Gr. akros, high, on the top, and L. oleum, oil] (CHO.) A colourless limpid liquid obtained by distilling glycerine with acid potassium sulphate. This substance is produced by the destructive distillation of fatty bodies, such as an ordinary candle; it has a most intensely irritating odour. Acrolein is the aldehyde of the allyl series. See


Acrolith (ak'rō-lith), n. [Gr. akros, high, extreme, and lithos, a stone.] In arch. and sculp. a statue, of which only the extremities are stone.

Acrolithan (a-kro'lith-an), a. Pertaining to an acrolith; formed like an acrolith; as, an acrolithan statue.

Acromial (a-krō'mi-al), a. In anat. relating to the acromion.

Acromion (a-krō'mi-on), n. [Gr. akros, high, extreme, and ōmos, shoulder.] In anat. that process of the spine of the scapula which receives the extreme part of the clavicle, and gives attachment to part of the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

Acromonogrammatic (a-krom'o-no-grammatik), n. and a. (Gr. akros, extreme, monos, alone, and gramma, a letter.] A term applied to a poetical composition in which every verse begins with the same letter as that with which the preceding verse ends.

Acro-narcotics (ak'rō-när-kot"iks), n. pl. [Gr. akros, extreme, and E. narcotics.] A division of poisons, chiefly of vegetable origin, which irritate and inflame the alimentary canal, and act on the brain and spinal cord, producing stupor, coma, paralysis, and convulsions. Called also Narcoticoacrids or Narcotico-irritants. Acronyc, Acronycal (a-kron'ik, a-kron'ikal), a. [Gr. akros, extreme, and nyx, night.} In astron. culminating at midnight: said of a star which rises as the sun sets, and sets as the sun rises, and is, therefore, directly opposite the sun: opposed to cosmical. Spelled also, though improperly, Acronic, Acronical.

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