Imágenes de páginas


denomination, as pounds to pounds, shillings to shillings, &c. Compound addition is the adding of sums of different denominations, as pounds, shillings, and pence to pounds, shillings, and pence.-2. Anything added, whether material or immaterial. Specifically, (a) in law, a title annexed to a man's name to show his rank, occupation, or place of residence; as, John Doe, Esq.; Richard Roe, Gent.; Robert Dale, Mason; Thomas Way, of Glasgow. In Scots law the term designation has the same signification. By 14 and 15 Vict. c. no indictment shall be held insufficient for want of or imperfection in the addition of any defendant. Hence, (b) Any epithet applied to a person, or any added designation. [A use frequent in Shakspere, but now obsolete.]

They clepe us drunkards, and with swinish phrase Soil our addition. Shak.

This man, lady, hath robbed many beasts of their particular additions; he is as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear, slow as the elephant. Shak. (c) + In music, a dot at the side of a note to lengthen its sound one-half. (d) In her. something added to a coat of arms as a mark of honour: opposed to abatement, as bordure, quarter, canton, gyron, pile, &c. See these terms. (e) In distilling, anything added to the wash or liquor in a state of fermentation. -SYN. Increase, accession, augmentation, annexation, superaddition, additament, increment, appendage, adjunct.

Addition † (ad-di'shon), v. t. To furnish with an addition, or designation additional to one's name.

Some are additioned with the title of laureate.


Additional (ad-di'shon-al), a. Added; supplementary.

Additional (ad-diʼshon-al), n. Something added; an addition. [Rare.]

Many thanks for the additionals you are pleased to communicate to me, in continuance of Sir Philip Howell. Sidney's Arcadia,

Additionally (ad-di’shon-al-li), adv. By way of addition.

Additionary (ad-diʼshon-a-ri), a. Additional. What is necessary and what is additionary.' Herbert.

Addititious (ad-di-ti'shus), a. Added without good authority. Goodrich. [Rare.] Additive (ad'it-iv), a. Falling to be added; additional; helping to increase.

The general sum of such work is great; for all of it, as genuine, tends towards one goal; all of it is addi tive, none of it subtractive. Carlyle. Additory (ad'i-to-ri), a. Adding or capable of adding; making some addition. Arbuthnot. [Rare.]

Addle (ad'l), a. [A. Sax. adl, corrupted, putrid; adela, filth; Sw. adel (seen in ko-adel, cow urine), urine; Sc. addle, putrid water, urine; allied to W. hadl, corrupt.] Having lost the power of development and become rotten; putrid: applied to eggs; hence, barren; producing nothing.


His brains grow addle. Addle (ad'l), n. 1. The dry lees of wine. Ash.-2. Urine; the drainage from a dunghill.

Addle (ad'l), v. t. pret. & pp. addled; ppr. addling. 1. To make corrupt or putrid; to make rotten as eggs.

Themselves were chilled, their eggs were addled. Cowper.

2. To manure with liquid. [Scotch.] Addle (ad), v.t. [Same word as Icel, ödlask, ódlask, to earn, to gain, from ódal, A. Sax. ethel, a property or patrimony.] To earn; to accumulate gradually, as money. [Provincial.]

Addle (ad'l), n. Labourer's wages. Halliwell. (Provincial.]


Addle + (ad'l), v.i. To grow; to thrive. Where ivy embraceth the tree very sore, Kill ivy, else tree will addle no more. Addle-headed, Addle-pated (ad'l-hed-ed, adl-pät-ed), a. Stupid; muddled. Addle-plot (ad'l-plot), n. A person who spoils any amusement; a mar-sport. Addling (ad'l-ing), n. 1. The act of earning by labour.-2. pl. That which is earned; earnings. [Provincial.]

Addoom + (ad-döm'), v.t. [Prefix ad, to, and doom, equivalent to deem; comp. addeem.] To adjudge. Unto me addoom that is my due.' Spenser.

Addorsed (ad-dorst), a. [L. ad, to, and dorsum, the back.] In her. having the backs turned to each other, as beasts. See ADORSED.

Address (ad-dres'), v. t. [Fr. adresser; It.


addirizare-ad, to, and a hypothetical L. verb drictiare, directiare, to direct, to put one on the right way, from L. dirigo, directum, to keep straight-di or dis, intens., and rego, rectum, to lead straight. DRESS.] 1. To aim or direct; to throw or hurl.


Imbrasides addrest his javelins at him. Chapman. Good youth, address thy gait unto her. Shak. 2. Fig. To direct or aim words; to pronounce, as a discourse: with the thing spoken as the object of the verb, and the preposition to before the person or persons to whom the speech is directed.

The young hero had addressed his prayers to him for his assistance. Dryden. Rarely without any indication of the persons addressed.

should address the A popular preacher who most orthodox Mohammedan discourse in a mosque of Constantinople would have been viewed with extreme jealousy by his superiors. Brougham.

3. To direct speech to or towards; to apply to by words or writings; to accost; to speak to: with the person spoken to as the object; as, he addressed the judges.

The representatives of the nation addressed the king. Swift. Often with the reflexive pronoun as the object, followed by the preposition to, the meaning remaining the same; as, he addressed himself to the speaker.-4. To direct in writing; to write an address on, as a letter intended for transmission by post or otherwise.-5.† To prepare; to make ready: often with to or for.

The five foolish virgins addressed themselves at the noise of the bridegroom's coming. Fer. Taylor. Turnus addressed his men to single fight. Dryden. To-morrow for the march we are addrest. Shak. Hence-6. To clothe or array; to dress.

Other writers and recorders of fables could have told you that Tecla sometime addressed herself in man's apparel. Bp. Fewel.

7. To court or make suit to, as a lover.

To prevent the confusion that might arise from our both addressing the same lady, I shall expect the honour of your company to settle our pretensions in King's-Mead-Fields. Sheridan.

8. In com. to consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore. Address (ad-dres'), v. i. 1. To address one's self; to direct speech.

My lord of Burgundy, We first address towards you. Shak. Young Turnus to the beauteous maid addrest. Dryden. 2. To make an address or appeal.

The Earl of Shaftesbury having addressed in vain for his majesty's favour resorted by habeas corpus Marvell. to the King's Bench.

3. To prepare one's self; to get one's self ready.

Let us address to tend on Hector's heels. Shak. They ended parle, and both address'd for fight. Milton. Address (ad-dres'), n. [Fr. adresse. See the verb.] 1. The act of addressing one's self to a person; a speaking to; as, Sir is a term of address. 2. Any speech or writing in which one person or set of persons makes a communication to another person or set of persons on some special occasion in which both parties are specially interested; as, Parliament presents addresses to the queen in reply to the queen's speech; a corporation presents an address of thanks, congratulation, &c., to some distinguished person; a member of parliament delivers an address to his constituents, the lord rector of a Scotch university to the students, and the like.-3. Manner of speaking to another; a person's bearing in conversation; as, a man of pleasing address.-4. Courtship: more generally in the plural, addresses; as, he makes or pays his addresses to a lady. Tell me whose address thou favour'st most.'

Addison. 'A gentleman. ... made his addresses to me." Addison.-5. Skill; dexterity; skilful management; adroitness; as, the envoy conducted the negotiation with address.-6. Direction of a letter, including the name, title, and place of residence of the person for whom it is intended. Hence these particulars are called a person's address. SYN. Speech, lecture, oration, skill, dexterity, tact, management, adroitness, readiness, direction, superscription. Addressee (ad-dres'ē), n. One who is addressed; specifically, one to whom a letter is addressed.

Addresser (ad-dres'èr), n. One who addresses or petitions; specifically, one of the


opponents of the court party or Abhorrers, in the time of Charles II., so called from their address to the king praying for an immediate assembly of the Parliament, which was delayed on account of its being adverse to the court. They received also the name of Petitioners, and afterwards that of Whigs. See ABHORRER. Addressful (ad-dres'ful), a. Skilful; dexterous. Mallet.

Addression † (ad-dre'shon), n. The act of addressing or directing one's course.

To Pylos first be thy addression then. Chapman. Adduce (ad-düs'), v. t. pret. & pp. adduced; ppr. adducing. [L. adduco, to lead or bring to-ad, to, and duco, to lead. See DUKE.] To bring forward, present, or offer; to advance; to cite; to name or instance as authority or evidence for what one ad


Celsus adduces neither oral nor written testimony against Christ's miracles. Bp. Cumberland.

SYN. To offer, present, allege, advance, cite, name, mention, quote. Adducent (ad-düs'ent), a. Bringing forward or together; as, an adducent muscle. See ADDUCTOR.

Adducer (ad-düs'èr), n. One that adduces. Adducible (ad-dūs'i-bl), a. That may be adduced. "Proofs innumerable adducible.' Is. Taylor.

.. are

Adduct (ad-dukt), v.t. [L. adduco, adductum. See ADDUCE.] To draw on; to induce; to allure.

Either impelled by lewd disposition or adducted by hope of rewarde. Time's Storehouse. Adduction (ad-duk'shon), n. 1. The act of adducing or bringing forward in support of a contention or argument. An adduction of facts gathered from various quarters." Is. Taylor.-2. In anat. the action by which a part of the body is drawn towards the bodily axis; the action of the adducent


Adductive (ad-duktʼiv), a. Adducing or bringing forward.

Adductor (ad-dukt'êr), n. [L.] 1. In anat. a muscle which draws one part of the body toward another; as, the adductor of the eye, which turns the eye toward the nose; the adductor of the thumb, which draws the thumb toward the fingers.-2. In zool. one of the muscles which bring together the valves of the shell of the bivalve molluscs.

Addulcet (ad-duls), v.t. [O. Fr. adulcir, addolcir, to sweeten-L. ad, to, and dulcis, sweet.] To sweeten. 'Some mirth t' addulce man's miseries.' Herrick. Adelantadillo (ad-a-lan-tä-dēl'yō), n. [Sp.] A Spanish red wine made of the earliest ripe grapes.

Adelantado (ad-ā-lan-tä'do), n. [Sp. pp. of adelantar, to advance.] A name formerly given to the governor of a province; a lieutenant-governor; a commander. Invincible adelantado over the army of pimpledfaces.' Massinger.

The president desired the Marquis of Los Velez, who held the office of adelantado of the adjoining province of Murcia, to muster a force and provide for the defence of the frontier. Prescott.

Adelaster (ad-ê-las'tër), n. [Gr. a, priv., dēlos, apparent, and term. aster, as in poetaster.] In bot. a name proposed for those garden plants which have come into cultivation without their flowers being known, and have not therefore been referred to their genera.

Adelite (ad'é-lit), n. One of a class of Moorish conjurors in Spain, who predicted the fortunes of individuals by the flight and singing of birds, and other accidental circumstances.

Adelopod, Adelopode (a-děl'ō-pod, a-dēl’

Adelphia. therhoods. &c.

ō-pōd), n. [Gr. a, priv., delos, apparent, and pous, foot.] An animal whose feet are not apparent. Adelphia (a-del'fi-a), n. [Gr. adelphos, a brother. In bot. a collection of stamens into a bundle; a term employed by Linnæus for those plants in which the stamens, instead of growing singly, combine by the filaments into one or more parcels, or broSee MONADELPH, DIADELPH,

Adelphous (a-del'fus), a. In bot. forming an adelphia or adelphias; uniting by the


filaments into one or more parcels: said of


Adempt (a-demt), a [L adimo, ademptum, hit to buy or take to one's self, hence to take away-ad, to, and emo, to buy.] Taken away Without any sinister suspicion of any thing being added or adempt. Latimer. Ademption (a-dem'shon), n. [L. ademptio, a taking away, from adimo. See ADEMPT.] In civil law, the revocation of a grant, donation, or the like.

Adenalgy (ad-en-al′ji), n. [Gr. adën, a gland, and algos, pain] In pathol. pain in a gland. Adenanthera (ad'en-an-the ́ra),n. [Gr.adèn, a gland, and anthèra, an anther.] A genus of trees and shrubs, natives of the East Indies and Ceylon, nat order Leguminosa, sub-order Mimose; the gland flowers. 4. pavonina is one of the largest and handsomest trees of India, and yields hard solid timber called red sandal-wood. The bright scarlet seeds, from their equality in weight (each = 4 grains), are used by goldsmiths in the East as weights.

Adeniform (a-den'i-form), a. (Gr. adèn, a gland, and E form. ]. Of a gland-like shape. Adenitis (ad-en-i'tis), n. [Gr. aden, a gland, and term itis, denoting inflammation.] Inflammation of a gland.

Adenochirapsology† (ad'en-ō-kīrʼap-sol"oji), n. [Gr adén, a gland, cheirapsia, touching by the hand, and logos, discourse.] The doctrine of the reputed power of English kings to cure diseases, as scrofula or king's evil, by touching the patient. A book bearing this title was published in 1684. Adenography (ad-en-og'ra-fi), n. [Gr. aden, a gland, and graphs, to describe.] That part of anatomy which treats of the glands. Adenoid (aden-oid), a. [Gr. aden, a gland, and eidos, form.] In the form of a gland; glandiform.

Adenological (ad'en-o-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to the doctrine of the glands.

Adenology (ad-en-ol ́o-ji), n. [Gr. aden, a gland, and logos, discourse.] In anat. the doctrine of the glands, their nature, and

their uses.

Adenoncus (ad-en-ong'kus), n. [Gr. adën, a gland, and ongkos, a mass, a tumour.] A swelling of a gland. See ADENOPHYMA. Adenophyllous (ad'en-o-fil"lus or ad-en-ofil-us), a (Gr. aden, a gland, and phyllon, a leaf. In bot having leaves bearing glands, or studded with them.

Adenophyma (ad-en-ô-fï'ma), n. {Gr. adèn, a gland, and phyma, a suppurating tumour.] In med. a swelling of a gland: sometimes used to signify a soft swelling, as distinguished from adenoncus, one of a harder character. Dunglison

Adenose, Adenous (ad'en-os, ad'en-us), a. [Gr aden, a gland] Like or appertaining to a gland. Adenotomy (ad-en-ot'o-mi), n. [Gr. adën, a gland, and tome, a cutting.] In anat. and urg a cutting or incision of a gland. Adephaga (a-defa-ga), n. [See ADEPHAGIA.] A family or group of carnivorous and very voracious coleopterous insects divided into the sub-families Carabidæ and Cicindelidæ (which see)

Adephagia (ad-é-fā'ji-a), n. [Gr. adën, abundantly, and phago, to eat.] Voracious appetite, bulimia.

Adeps (ad'eps), n (L, fat, whence adipose, adipic, &c.] Fat; animal oil; the contents of the cells of the adipose tissue. Adept (a-dept'), n. [L adeptus, pp. of adi picor, to obtain -ad, and apiscor, to reach after, allied to Skr. áp, to arrive at Alchemists who claimed or were reputed to have obtained the philosopher's stone, or the panacea, were termed adepts; hence adept, a proficient.] One fully skilled or well versed in any art; a proficient; a master. Easy to all true adepts.' Pope. Adept (a dept'), a Well skilled; completely versed or acquainted with. Adept in every. thing profound.' Couper. Adeption (a-dep'shon), n. [L. adeptio. See ADEPT] An obtaining; acquirement; gainIng.

In the wit and policy of the captain consisteth the chief adeption of the victory. Grafton.

Adeptist (a-dept'ist), n. An adept. [Rare.] Adequacy (ade kwa-si), n. The state of being adequate; the condition of being proportionate or sufficient; a sufficiency for a particular purpose; as, the adequacy of supply to expenditure; an adequacy of


Adequate (ad'é-kwit), a. [L adæquatus, made equal, pp. of adæquoad, to, and


æquus, equal.] Equal; proportionate; exactly correspondent; fully sufficient; as, means adequate to the object. In those days Ireland had no adequate champion.' De Quincey.

Adequate (ad'e-kwāt), v.t. 1. To make equal or adequate.

Let me give you one instance more of a truly intellectual object, exactly adequated and proportioned unto the intellectual appetite; and that is, learning and knowledge. Fotherby.

2. To equal.

Though it be an impossibility for any creature to adequate God in his eternity, yet he hath ordained all his sons in Christ to partake of it by living with him eternally. Shelford.

Adequately (ad'e-kwat-li), adv. In an adequate manner; in exact proportion; with just correspondence, representation, or proportion; sufficiently.

Adequateness (ad'e-kwat-nes), n. The state of being adequate; justness of proportion or representation; sufficiency. Adequation (ad-e-kwa'shon), n. 1. Adequateness. [Rare.]

The principles of logic and natural reason tell us, that there must be a just proportion and adequation between the medium by which we prove, and the conclusion to be proved." Bp. Barlow.

2. That which is equal to something else. [Rare.]

It was the arme (not of King Henry) but King Edward the First, which is notoriously known to have been the adequation of a yard. Fuller.

Adessenarian (a-des'se-nā"ri-an), n. [L. adesse, to be present-ad, to, esse, to be.] In eccles. hist. one of a sect who hold the real presence of Christ's body in the eucharist, but not by transubstantiation. The members of the sect differ, however, as to this presence, some holding the body of Christ to be in the bread, others about the bread, Adfected (ad-fekt'ed), a. [L. adfectus or affectus, pp. of afficio, affectum, to affect, endow-ad, to, and facio, to do.] In alg. compounded; consisting of different powers of the unknown quantity.-An adfected or affected equation, one in which the unknown quantity is found in two or more different degrees or powers; thus, x3-px2+qx=a, is an adfected equation, as it contains three different powers of the unknown quantity x. Adfiliated † (ad-fil'i-at-ed), a. Adopted as a son; affiliated.

Adfiliation t (ad-fil'i-a"shon), n. Affiliation. Adfluxion (ad-fluk'shon), n. [L. ad, to, and fluo, fluxum, to flow.] A flow, as of sap, from a drawing not a propelling force. Adhatoda (ad-hat'o-da), n. [A Latinized form of the Ceylonese or Malabar name.] A genus of herbs or shrubs, nat. order Acanthacer. A. vasica is used in India to expel the dead fetus in abortion. Adhere (ad-her'), v.i. pret. & pp. adhered; ppr. adhering. [L. adhæreo- ad, to, and hareo, to stick, whence hesitate.] 1. To stick fast; to cleave; to become joined or united so as not to be easily separated without tearing; as, glutinous substances adhere together; the lungs sometimes adhere to the pleura. 2. To belong intimately; to be closely connected. 'A shepherd's daughter, and what to her adheres." Shak.-3. To be fixed in attachment or devotion; to be devoted; to be attached, as a follower or upholder; as, men adhere to a party, a leader, a church, or creed; rarely, to be attached, as a friend. Two men there are not living to whom he more adheres. Shak.

4. To be consistent; to hold together; to be in accordance or agreement, as the parts of a system; to cohere. [Rare or obsolete.] Everything adheres together.


5. Specifically, in Scots law, (a) to affirm a judgment; to agree with the opinion of a judge pronounced previously. (b) To return to a husband or wife who has been deserted. See ADHERENCE, 3.-6. In logic and metaph. to be accidentally connected. See ADHERENT, 3.

Adherence (ad-her'ens), n. 1. The quality or state of sticking or adhering: rare in a physical sense, adhesion being commonly used.-2. Fig. state of being fixed in attachment; fidelity; steady attachment; as, an adherence to a party or opinions.

The firm adherence of the Jews to their religion is no less remarkable than their dispersion. Addison. 3. In Scots law, the return of a husband or wife who has deserted for some time the party to whom he or she is married; an action of adherence is competent either for a husband or wife who has been deserted by the other party to compel the latter to re


turn.-4. In painting, the effect of those parts of a picture which, wanting relief, are not detached, and hence appear adhering to the canvas or surface. Fairholt.-5. In logic and metaph. the state of being adherent. See ADHERENT, 3. Adherency (ad-hēr′en-si), n. 1. The state of being adherent. Adherencies and admirations of men's persons.' Jer. Taylor2. That which is adherent. Vices have a native adherency of vexation.' Dr. H. More. Adherent (ad-her'ent), a. 1. Sticking; clinging; adherent.

Close to the cliff with both his hands he clung,

And stuck adherent, and suspended hung. Pope. 2. In bot. attached: used, like adnate, of parts that are nominally separate; as, an adherent (or adnate) ovary, an ovary attached or united by its whole surface to the tube of the calyx.-3. In logic and metaph, accidentally connected with; not belonging to the nature of a thing; not inherent in; as, if a cloth is wet, its wetness is a quality adherent to, not inherent in it.

Adherent (ad-her'ent), n. 1. The person who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower or partisan; a believer in a particular faith or church. 'Partisans and adherents.' Swift.-2. ↑ Anything outwardly belonging to a person; an appendage. His humour, his carriage, and his extrinsic adherents.' Dr. H. More. SYN. Follower, partisan, upholder, disciple, supporter, dependent.

Adherently (ad-hérent-li), adv. In an adherent manner.

Adherer (ad-her'ėr), n. One that adheres; an adherent.

Adhesion (ad-hë'zhon), n. [L. adhæsio, from adhæreo, adhæsum. See ADHERE.] 1. The act or state of adhering, or being united and attached; close connection or association; intimate union: said either of material or immaterial objects; as, the adhesion of parts united by growth, cement, or the like.

There grows up in course of time an adhesion between the tension of the rotator muscles and the several movements of walking. Prof. Bain.

2. Steady attachment of the mind or feelings; firmness in opinion; adherence; as, an adhesion to vice. 'Obstinate adhesion to false rules of belief.' Whitlock.-3. Assent; concurrence.

To that treaty Spain and England gave in their adhesion. Macaulay.

4. In physics, the tendency which heterogeneous bodies have to remain attached to each other when their surfaces are brought into contact. In some instances, however, it seems little, if at all, different from cohesion, which serves to unite the particles of the same kind of matter. Adhesion may take place between two solids, as two plates of glass, or between a solid and a fluid, or between two fluids. The force of adhesion is measured by the weight required to separate the bodies.-5. In bot, and pathol. the union of parts normally separate. 6. In surg. the re-union of divided parts by a particular kind of inflammation, called the adhesive.

Adhesive (ad-he'siv), a. 1. Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances.-2. Fig. remaining in; not deviating from.

If slow, yet sure, adhesive to the track. Thomson. -Adhesive plaster, in surg. a plaster made of common litharge plaster and resin.-Adhesive inflammation, in med. and surg, that kind of inflammation which causes union by adhesion, or union by the first intention, without suppuration. - Adhesive slate, a variety of slaty clay adhering strongly to the tongue, and rapidly absorbing water. Adhesively (ad-he'siv-li), adv. In an ad

hesive manner.

Adhesiveness (ad-he'siv-nes),n. 1.The state or quality of being adhesive, or of sticking or adhering; stickiness; tenacity. 2. In phren. an organ, or supposed organ, whose function it is to promote attachment to objects, animate or inanimate, lasting friendships, social intercourse, &c. It is said to be strongest in women. Adhibit (ad-hib'it), v. t. [L. adhibeo, adhibitum, to apply to-ad, to, and habeo, to hold.] 1. To use or apply; to exhibit. [Rare.] Wine also that is dilute may safely and properly be adhibited. Tob. Whitaker.

2. To attach obsolete, except in sense of attaching one's signature; as, he adhibited his name to the address.

The greatest lords adhibited. . . faith to his words. Hall.


Adhibition (ad-hi-biʼshon), n. Application; use; exhibition. 'The adhibition of dilute wine. Tob. Whitaker. [Rare.] Ad hominem (ad hom'i-nem). [L. ad, to, and homo, man.] To the man; to the interests or passions of the man.-An argumentum ad hominem, in logic, an argument which presses a man with consequences drawn from his own principles and concessions, or from his conduct.

Adhort (ad-hort'), v.t. To exhort; to advise.

That eight times martyred mother in the Maccabees, when she would adhort her son to a passive fortitude, . desires him to look upon the heavens, Feltham. the earth, all in them contained. Adhortation (ad-hor-tä'shon), n. [L. adhortatio, an encouragement.] Advice; exhortation. 'The sweet adhortations, the high and assured promises.' Peacham. [Rare.]

Adhortatory (ad-hor'ta-to-ri), a. [L. adhortor, to advise-ad and hortor.] Advisory; conveying counsel, warning, or encouragement. Abp. Potter.

Adiabatic (a-di-a-bat'ik), a. [Gr. a, priv., dia, through, and baino, to go.] In thermodynamics, the term applied to a line which exhibits the variations of pressure and volume of a fluid when it expands without either receiving or giving out heat. Macquorn Rankine.

Adiactinic (a'di-ak-tin"ik), a. [Gr. a, priv., dia, through, and E. actinic.] Refusing a passage, or impervious to the actinic or chemical rays of light.

Adiantites (ad'i-an-ti"tēz), n. [From the resemblance of the species to Adiantum, maiden-hair fern.] A genus of fossil ferns, found in the coal-measures.

Adiantum (ad-i-an'tum), n. [Gr. adianton,

maiden-hair fern, from adiantos, unwetted, dry-a, priv., and diaino, to wet: so called because, according to Pliny, it remains dry even though plunged into water.] An extensive genus of ferns, great favourites in hothouses on account of their beautiful forms. The maiden-hair fern (A. capillus-veneris) is the only native species. It is an elegant plant, found in the south of England and Ireland.

Adiaphoracy (a-di-af'or-a-si), n. Indifference. [Rare and obsolete.]

Adiaphorist, Adiaphorite (a-di-af'or-ist, a-di-af'or-it),n. [Gr. adiaphoros, indifferent. See ADIAPHOROUS.] A moderate or indifferent person; specifically, a name given in the sixteenth century to certain followers of Melanchthon, who held some opinions and ceremonies to be indifferent, which Luther condemned as sinful or heretical.

He (Lord Burleigh) may have been of the same mind with those German Protestants who were called Adiaphorists, and who considered the popish rites as matters indifferent. Macaulay.

Adiaphorous (a-di-af'or-us), a. [Gr. adiaphoros, not different, indifferent-a, priv., and diaphoros, different, from diapherō, to carry across, to differ-dia, through, across, and phero, to carry.] 1. Indifferent; neutral; neither right nor wrong morally.

Why does the Church of Rome charge upon others the shame of novelty for leaving of some rites and ceremonies which by her own practice we are taught to have no obligation in them, but to be adiaphorFer. Taylor.


2. An epithet applied by Boyle to a spirit neither acid nor alkaline. 3. In med. a term applied to medicines which do neither good nor harm.

Adiaphory (a-di-af'o-ri), n. Neutrality; indifference.

Adiathermic (a'di-a-ther'mik), a. [Gr. a, priv., dia, through, and therme, heat.] Impervious to heat.

Adieu (a-du). [Fr. d, to, and Dieu, God, It. addio, Sp. a dios, all forms of L. ad, to, and Deus, God.] Lit. to God: an ellipsis for I commend you to God; farewell; an expression of kind wishes at the parting of friends. Adieu, adieu! my native shore Fades o'er the waters blue.


Adieu (a-dü'), n. pl. Adieus or Adieux (adüz). A farewell or commendation to the care of God; as, an everlasting adieu.

While now I take my last adieu,

Heave thou no sigh, nor shed a tear. Prior. Adightt (a-dit'), v.t. To set in order. See DIGHT.

Adight (a-dit'), p. and a. Set in order; arrayed.

Ad infinitum (ad in-fin-i'tum). [L] To endless extent.

Ad inquirendum (ad in-qui'ren-dum). [L. for the purpose of inquiring.] In law, a


judicial writ commanding inquiry to be made of any matter relating to a cause depending in a superior court.

Ad interim (ad in'tér-im). [L.] In the mean time; for the present.

Adipate (ad'i-pât), n. A salt of adipic acid. Adipic (a-dip'ik), a. [L. adeps, adipis, fat.] Of or belonging to fat.-Adipic acid, an acid got by treating oleic acid or fatty bodies with nitric acid. It consists of C6H10 04, and forms soft, white, opaque, hemispherical, nodular crusts, which seem to be aggregates of small crystals.

Adipocerate (ad-i-pos'èr-āt), v.t. To convert into adipocere.

Adipoceration (ad-i-pos'èr-a"shon), n. The act of changing or state of being changed into adipocere.

Adipocere (ad'i-pō-sēr), n. [L. adeps, fat, and cera, Fr. cire, wax.] A soft, unctuous, or waxy substance, of a light brown colour, into which the muscular fibres of dead animal bodies are converted when protected from atmospheric air, and under certain circumstances of temperature and humidity. Adipocere is speedily produced when the body is immersed in running water. It consists of margarates of ammonia, potassium, and calcium. Adipocere mineral, a fatty matter found in some peat-mosses, and in the argillaceous iron-ore of Merthyr; adipocerite. It is inodorous when cold, but when heated it emits a slightly bituminous odour. Adipocerite (ad-i-pos'èr-it), n. Adipocere mineral. See under ADIPOCERE. Adipocerous (ad-i-pos'èr-us), a. Relating Adipocire (ad'i-po-ser), n. to adipocere; containing adipocere. Same as Adipo


Adipose (ad'i-pos), a. [From L. adeps, fat.] Fatty; consisting of, partaking of the character of, or resembling fat.-Adipose tissue, an aggregation of minute cells (adipose cells or vesicles), which draw fat or oily matter from the blood, dispersed in the interstices of common areolar tissue, or forming distinct masses. The cells are th to both

of a line in diameter, and contain the fat within a transparent membrane th of

a line thick. Adipose tissue underlies the skin, surrounds the large vessels and nerves, invests the kidneys, &c. It sometimes accumulates in large quantities, and forms swellings, which are called in pathology adipose tumours.-Adipose substance, animal fat.-Adipose arteries, the branches of the diaphragmatic, capsular, and renal arteries which nourish the fat around the kidneys.

Adipose (ad'i-pōs), n. Fat in general; specifically, the fat on the kidneys. Adipous (ad'i-pus), a. Fat; of the nature of fat; adipose.

Adipsia, Adipsy (a-dip'si-a, a-dip'si), n. [Gr. a, priv., and dipsa, thirst.] In med. the total absence of thirst.

Adit (ad'it), n. [L. aditus, an approach, from adeo, aditum, to approach-ad, to, and eo, itum, to go; Skr. L. Gr. root i, to go.] 1. An entrance or passage; specifically, in mining, the more or less horizontal opening giving access to the shaft of a mine, or by which

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Adive (a-div'), n. Another name for the Corsak (which see).

Adjacence (ad-ja'sens), n. The state of being adjacent; proximity; nearness. Adjacency (ad-jā'sen-si), n. 1. The state of being adjacent, or lying close or contiguous; a bordering upon, or lying next to; as, the adjacency of lands or buildings.2. That which is adjacent. Distracted by the vicinity of adjacencies.' Sir T. Browne. Adjacent (ad-ja'sent), a. [L. adjacens, adjacentis, pp. of adjaceo, to lie contiguousad, to, and jaceo, to lie.] Lying near, close, or contiguous; bordering upon; neighbouring; as, a field adjacent to the highway. -Adjacent angles. See ANGLE.-Adjacent, Adjoining, Contiguous. Adjacent, lying near to, but not necessarily in actual contact; adjoining, properly lying near to so as to touch in some part; contiguous, lying near to so as to touch on the whole or a considerable part of one side.

It may corrupt within itself, though no part of it issue into the body adjacent. Bacon. He happens to have no estate adjoining equal to his own. Johnson. Joining the contiguous objects by the participation of their colours. Dryden.

Adjacent (ad-jä'sent), n. That which is next to or contiguous. No adjacent, no equal, no co-rival.' Shelford. [Rare.] Adjacently (ad-ja'sent-li), adv. So as to be adjacent.

Adject (ad-jekt), v.t. [L. adjicio, adjectum -ad, to, and jacio, to throw.] To add or put, as one thing to another. [Rare.]

Lanstufan castel and lordship by the new act is adjected to Pembrokeshire. Leland. Adjection (ad-jek'shon), n. The act of adjecting or adding, or the thing added. [Rare.]

This is added to complete our happiness, by the adjection of eternity. Bp. Pearson.

Adjectitious (ad-jek-ti'shus), a. [See ADJECT.] Added. Ajectitious work. Maundrell. [Rare.] Adjectival (ad-jek-tiv'al or ad'jek-tiv-al), a. Belonging to or like an adjective; having the import of an adjective. Adjectivally (ad-jek-tiv'al-li or adʼjek-tival-li), adv. By way of, or as, an adjective; as, a noun or participle adjectivally used. Adjective (ad'jek-tiv), n. [L. adjectivum, from adjectivus, being added. See ADJECT.] In gram. a word used with a noun to express a quality of the thing named, or something attributed to it, or to specify or describe a thing as distinct from something else, and so to limit and define it. called also an attributive or attribute. in the phrase, A wise ruler, wise is the adjective or attribute, expressing a particular property of ruler, while by excluding all rulers who are not wise it very greatly limits the application of the noun, and so tends to define it.

It is Thus

Adjective (ad'jek-tiv), a. 1. Pertaining to an adjective; as, the adjective use of a noun. 2. Added or adjected; additional. [Rare ] -Adjective colours, in dyeing, colours which, having but slight attraction, require to be fixed by some base or mordant in order to render them permanent.

Adjective (ad'jek-tiv), v.t. pret. & pp. adjectived; ppr. adjectiving. To make an adjective of; to form into an adjective; to give the character of an adjective to.

In English, instead of adjectiving our own nouns, we have borrowed in immense numbers adjectived signs from other languages, without borrowing the unadjectived signs of these ideas. Horne Tooke. Adjectively (ad'jek-tiv-li), adv. In the manner of an adjective; as, a word is used adjectively.

Adjoin (ad-join'), v.t. [Fr. adjoindre; L adjungo-ad, to, and jungo, to join. See JOIN.] To join or add; to put in addition; to unite; to annex or append.

Corrections and improvements should be as remarks adjoined, by way of note or commentary. Watts.

Adjoin (ad-join'), v. i. 1. To lie or be next or in contact; to be contiguous: with to. 'A farm adjoining to the highway.' Blackstone. [To is now almost always omitted; as, a field adjoining the lawn.-2. To approach; to join.

She lightly unto him adjoined side to side.

sense called also Adit-level.-2. Admission; Adjoinant† (ad-joinʼant), a. Contiguous. access; approach. [Rare.]

Yourself and yours shall have
Free adit.
Adition (a-dish'on), n. [See ADIT.] Act of
going to. Bailey.

To the town there is adjoinant in site ancient castle.



Adjoining (ad-join'ing), p. and a. Adjacent; contiguous; neighbouring. The adjoining


fane Dryden. —Adjacent, Adjoining, ConFour. See under ADJACENT. Adjoint (ad joint), n. One joined to another in company, or in an enterprise. Daniel. [Rare ]

Adjourn (ad-jèrn'), v.t [Fr. ajourner, O. Fr. ajorner, adjorner-prefix a for ad, to, and 6. Fr. jorn (now jour), a day, from L. diurnus, belonging to a day, from dies, a day. For change similar to that of L. di into Fr. j see ABRIDGE) 1. To put off or defer to another day or till a later period.

It is a common practice to adjourn the reformation of their lives to a further time.


Specifically-2. To suspend the meeting of, as of a public or private body, to a future day; also, to defer or postpone to a future meeting of the same body; as, the court adjourned the consideration of the question.

The queen being absent, 'tis a needful fitness That we adjourn this court till further day. Shak. SYN To delay, postpone, defer, put off. Adjourn (ad-jern'), v. To cease sitting and carrying on business for a time, as from one day to another, or for a longer period; usually said of legislatures, courts, or other bodies; as, the House of Commons adjourned at four o'clock.

Adjournal (ad-jér'nal), n. In Scots law, the proceedings of a single day in, or of a single sitting of, the Court of Justiciary: equivalent to sederunt as applied to a civil court. -Act of adjournal, the record of a sentence in a criminal cause.-Book of adjournal, a book containing the records of the Court of Justiciary

Adjournment (ad-jêrn'ment), n. 1. The act of adjourning; the putting off till another day or time specified.

We run our lives out in adjournments from time to tire. L'Estrange.

2 The period during which a public body adjourns its sittings; as, during an adjourn ment of six weeks - Adjournment, Recess, Prorogation, Dissolution. An adjournment is the time or interval during which a public body defers business or suspends its meetings in virtue of authority inherent in itself. A recess is a customary suspension of business, as during the period of certain stated or recognized holidays; as, the Easter recess. A prorogation is the adjournment of the sittings of the body at the instance of the superior authority, as the sovereign, which called it together, during which the body can hold no sittings, but, in order to do so, must be again summoned; the close of a session of the British Parliament is called a prorogation. A dissolution is the act by which the body, as such, is broken up, and its members dismissed from their duties. During a dissolution the body has no existence, and has to be reconstituted by the authority to whom it owes its existence, as by a new election, when it may consist of the same or of new members. Adjudge (ad-juj), v. pret. & pp. adjudged; ppr adjudging. [Fr. adjuger, from L adjudicare-ad, to, and judicare, to judge, from juder, judge. See JUDGE.] 1. To award judicially in the case of a controverted question; to assign; as, the prize was adjudged to him who seemed most worthy. --2 To decide by a judicial opinion or sentence, to adjudicate upon; to determine; to settle, as, the case was adjudged in Hilary term -3. To pass sentence on; to sentence or condemn. Those rebel spirits adjudged to hell Milton.-4. To deem; to judge. [Rare ]


He ødrudged him unworthy of his friendship. SYN. To decree, award, assign, decide, determine, settle, adjudicate.


Adjudication (ad-jū'di-kā"shon), n. 1. The act of adjudicating; the act or process of trying and determining judicially; the passing of a judicial sentence; specifically, in law, the act of a court declaring a person bankrupt; as, a ship was taken and sent into port for adjudication.-2. A judicial sentence; judgment or decision of a court.-3. In Scots law, the diligence or process by which land is attached in security for or in payment of a debt. Adjudicator (ad-jū'di-kāt-ér), n. One who adjudicates.

Adjugatet (ad'jū-gāt), v.t. [L. adjugo, to yoke to, to join-ad, to, and jugum, a yoke.] To yoke to. Bailey.

Adjumentt (ad'jū-ment), n. [L. adjumentum, help-ad, to, and juvo, to help.] Help; support; that which supports or assists.

Nerves are adjuments to corporal activity.

Adjunct (ad'jungkt), n. [L. adjunctus, joined, from adjungo-ad, to, and jungo, junctum, to join. See JOIN.] 1. Something added to another, but not essentially a part of it; as, water is the adjunct of a cloth or sponge by which it is absorbed.

Learning is but an adjunct to ourself. Shak. Discretion in its several adjuncts and circumstances is nowhere so useful as to the clergy. Swift.

2. A person joined to another in some duty or service; a colleague. An adjunct of singular experience and trust. Sir H. Wotton.-3. In metaph. a quality of the body or the mind, whether natural or acquired, as colour in the body, thinking in the mind. 4. In gram. a word added to qualify or amplify the force of other words; as, the history of the American revolution: the words in italics are the adjuncts of history.-5. In music, a scale or key closely related to another; a relative scale or key. The relative minor or major scales; the scales founded on the dominant and the subdominant are adjuncts of the tonic. Adjunct (ad'jungkt), a. 1. United with in office or in action of any kind; as, an adjunct professor.-2. Added to or conjoined with, as a consequence; attending; accompanying.

Though that my death were adjunct to my act, By heaven, I would do it. Shak. -Adjunct notes, in music, unaccented auxiliary notes, not forming an essential part Adjunction (ad-jungk'shon), n. of the harmony. of joining.

1. The act

When a thing belonging to one is attached to that which belongs to another, whether by inclusion, soldering, sewing, construction, writing, or painting, the whole (by adjunction) generally becomes the property of the latter. Wharton.

One who or

2. The thing joined. Adjunctive (ad-jungk'tiv), a. Joining; having the quality of joining. Adjunctive (ad-jungk'tiv), n. that which is joined. Adjunctively (ad-jungk'tiv-li), adv. In an adjunctive manner. Adjunctly (ad-jungktli), adv.

In connec

tion with; by way of addition or adjunct. Adjuration (ad-jū-rā'shon), n. 1. The act of adjuring; a solemn charging on oath, or under the penalty of a curse.

To the adjuration of the high-priest, 'Art thou the Christ, the son of the blessed God?' our Saviour replies in St. Matthew, Thou hast said." Blackwall. 2. A solemn oath.

To restrain the significance too much, or too much to enlarge it, would make the adjuration either not so weighty or not so pertinent. Milton. Adjuratory (ad-júr'a-to-ri), a. Containing an adjuration, or characterized by earnest adjurations; as, an adjuratory appeal.

Adjudge (ad-juj), u.i. To decree; to decide; Adjure (ad-jur), v.t. pret. & pp. adjured;

to pass sentence.

There let him still victory sway As battel hath adjudged. Milton. Adjudgment (ad-juj'ment), n. The act of adjudging: adjudication; sentence. 'The adjudgment of the punishment.' Sir W. Temple.

Adjudicate (ad-jū'di-kāt), v.t. pret. & pp. adjudicated; ppr adjudicating. [L. adjudion, to give sentence-ad, to, and judico, to judge. See JUDGE] To adjudge; to award judicially.

Adjudicate (ad-jū′di-kāt), v.i. pret. & pp. adjudicated, ppr adjudicating. To sit in judgment; to give a judicial decision; as, the court adjudicated upon the case. He adjudicated that Aquitane was forfeited by Pepen Sir F. Palgrave.

ppr. adjuring. [L. adjuro, to swear solemnly, or compel one to swear-ad, to, and juro, to swear.] 1. To charge, bind, or command, earnestly and solemnly, often with an appeal to God or the invocation of a curse in case of disobedience. 'I adjure thee by the living God. Mat. xxvi. 63.

Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up and buildeth this city of Jericho, Josh. vi. 26.

The magistrates Adjured by all the bonds of civil duty. Milton. 2. To swear by; as, to adjure the holy name of God. [Rare.] Adjurer (ad jürer), n. One who adjures. Adjust (ad-just'), v. t. [Fr. ajuster, to fit or frame-L. ad, to, and justus, just, exact. See JUST.] 1. To fit; to make correspondent or conformable; to adapt; to accommodate:


generally with to before the remoter object; as, to adjust a garment to the body, or things to a standard. 'Adjust the event to the prediction.' Addison.

Nothing is more difficult than to adjust the marvellous with the probable. Blair.

2. To put in order; to regulate or reduce to system; to bring to a proper state or position; as, to adjust a scheme; to adjust affairs. Adjusting the orthography.' Johnson. To adjust the focal distance of his optical instruments.' J. S. Mill.-3. To settle or bring to a satisfactory state, so that parties are agreed in the result; as, to adjust accounts; the differences are adjusted.-4. In painting, to arrange the draperies in, as a picture. SYN. To adapt, suit, arrange, regulate, accommodate, set right, rectify, settle. Adjustable (ad-just'a-bl), a. Capable of being adjusted.

Adjustage (ad-just'āj), n. Adjustment. Sylvester. [Rare.] Adjuster (ad-just'èr), n. A person who adjusts; that which regulates. Adjustive (ad-just'iv), a. Tending or serving to adjust.

Adjustment (ad-just'ment), n. 1. The act of adjusting; regulation; a reducing to just form or order; a making fit or conformable; settlement.-2. The state of being adjusted; as, the microscope is out of adjustment.-3. In marine insurance, the settling and ascertaining the amount of indemnity which the party insured is entitled to receive under the policy after all proper allowances and deductions have been made, and fixing the proportion of that indemnity which each underwriter is liable to bear.-4. In painting, the manner in which draperies are chosen, arranged, and disposed; proper disposition. SYN. Arrangement, regulation, settlement, adaptation, disposal.

Adjutage (ad'ju-taj). See AJUTAGE. Adjutancy (adju-tan-si), n. [See ADJUTANT.] 1. The office of an adjutant.-2. Assistance. It was, no doubt, disposed with all the adjutancy of definition and division.


Adjutant (ad'jū-tant), n. [L. adjutans, ppr. of adjuto, to assist-ad, and juvo, jutum, to help.] 1. Milit. an officer whose business is to assist the commanding officer of a regiment or garrison by receiving and communicating orders. Each battalion of foot and each regiment of horse has generally one adjutant, the officer in command of larger bodies may have one or more as required. The adjutant has to make known the orders of his chief, to receive reports intended for him, to see that proper discipline is kept up, to regulate the rotation of duty among the different portions of the body of troops with which he is connected, &c. 2. A helper; an assistant; an aid. [Rare.]

A fine violin must be the best adjutant to a fine voice. W. Mason.

3. The adjutant-bird (which see). Adjutant-bird (ad'ju-tant-berd), n. A very large grallatorial bird allied to the storks (Ciconia or Leptoptilus Argala), and in

Adjutant-bird (Ciconia Argala).

Icluded in the family Ardeidæ, a native of the warmer parts of India. It is 5, or often 6 feet high, and its expanded wings measure 14 feet from tip to tip. It has an enormous bill, nearly bare head and neck, and a sausage-like pouch hanging from the under part of the neck. It is one of the most voracious carnivorous birds known, and in India, from its devouring all sorts of carrion and noxious animals, is protected by law.


It is said to be able to swallow a cat, a leg of mutton, or a large bone with the utmost facility. It is easily tamed. From the under side of the wings and tail are obtained the fine feathers known as marabou feathers, which are also obtained from an allied West African species, the marabou stork (Ciconia or Leptoptilus marabou). The native Indian name is Argala. Adjutant-crane (ad'jū-tant-krān), n. Same as Adjutant-bird.

Adjutant-general (ad'jū-tant-jen'èr-al), n. 1. Milit. a staff-officer, one of those next in rank to the commander-in-chief. He superintends the details of all the dispositions ordered by the commander-in-chief, communicates general orders to the different brigades, and receives and registers the reports of the state of each as to numbers, discipline, equipments, &c.-2. Eccles. the title formerly given to one of a select number of Jesuit fathers, who resided with the general of the order, each of whom had a province or country assigned to his care. His business was to communicate with his province by his delegates, emissaries, or visitors, and give information to the fathergeneral. Adjutant-general of the forces, an officer of high rank at the Horse Guards, to whom all communications are addressed regarding leave of absence, discharging, recruiting, &c.

Adjutant-stork (ad'jū-tant-stork), n. The same as Adjutant-bird. Adjutator (ad’jū-tát-ér), n. [Freq. of adjutor.] An adjutor or helper. [Rare.] Adjute † (ad-jūt'), v.i. [See ADJUTANT.] To give help.

There be

Six bachelors as bold as he, adjuting to his company. B. Jonson. Adjutor (ad-jūt ́ér), n. A helper. 'He and such as his adjutors were.' Drayton. [Rare; its compound coadjutor is in common use.]

Adjutory † (ad'jū-to-ri), a. Serving to help or aid. Bailey.

Adjutrix (ad-ju'triks), n. A female assistant. Adjuvant (ad'jū-vant or ad-jū'vant), a. Helping; assisting. Adjuvant causes.' Howell.

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Adjuvant (ad'jū-vant or ad-jūʼvant), n. 1. An assistant. A careful adjuvant.' Sir H. Yelverton. - 2. In med. whatever aids in removing or preventing disease; specifically, a substance added to a prescription to aid the operation of the principal ingredient or basis.

Adlegation (ad-le-ga'shon), n. [L. ad, and legatio, an embassy, from lego, to send, whence legate, legacy, legation.] A right claimed by the states of the old German Empire of joining their own ministers with those of the emperor in public treaties and negotiations relating to the common interest of the empire.

Ad libitum (ad lib'i-tum), n. [L] At pleasure; to the extent of one's wishes. Specifically, in music, a term denoting that the performer is at liberty to pause, or to perform or omit a cadence of the composer, or even to introduce any cadence or addition of his own, as his judgment directs. An accompaniment is said to be ad libitum when it is not essential, and may be either used or omitted as circumstances may require.

Adlocution (ad-lō-ku'shon). See ALLOCU


Admarginate (ad-mär'jin-āt), v. t. To note or write on the margin. [Rare.]

Receive candidly the few hints which I have admarginated. Coleridge. Admeasure (ad-me'zhūr), v. t. pret. & pp. admeasured; ppr. admeasuring. [L. ad, to, and E. measure. See MEASURE.] 1. To ascertain dimensions, size, or capacity; to measure.-2. In law, to restrict to due proportions; as, to admeasure dower or common of pasture; also, to apportion shares among.

Upon this suit all the commoners shall be admeasured. Blackstone.

Admeasurement (ad-me'zhür-ment), n. 1. The measuring of dimensions by a rule, as of a ship, cask, and the like.-2. The measure of a thing, or dimensions ascertained.-3. In law, formerly the adjustment of proportion or ascertainment of shares, as of dower or pasture held in common. This was done by writ of admeasurement directed to the sheriff.

Admeasurer (ad-meʼzhūr-ér), n. One that admeasures.


Admensuration (ad-men'sūr-a"shon), n. [See MENSURATION.] Same as Admeasurement. [Rare.]

Adminicle (ad-min'i-kl), n. [L. adminiculum, a prop, stay, or support.] 1. Help; support. Bailey.-2. In law, imperfect proof; specifically, in Scots and French law, a term used in the action of proving the tenor of a lost deed, and signifying any deed or document tending to establish the existence or terms of the deed in question.-3. In med. any aid to the action of a remedy.-4. In zool. one of the small teeth on the abdomen of the subterranean nymphæ of insects, by means of which they issue from the earth. Adminicular, Adminiculary (ad-min-ik'u-lèr, ad'min-ik"ū-la-ri), a. Supplying help; helpful.

The several structural arrangements adminicular to the integrity of the whole are thus co-ordinated. H. Spencer. -Adminicular evidence, in law, explanatory or completing evidence. Adminiculate (ad-min-ik'ū-lāt), v. i. To give adminicular evidence. Adminiculator (ad-min-ik'ū-lā-tèr), n. An assistant; specifically, an advocate for the poor.

Administer (ad-min'is-tėr), v.t. [L. administro-ad, to, and ministro, to serve or manage. See MINISTER.] 1. To manage or conduct as minister or administrator of public affairs; to manage or conduct as chief agent; to direct or superintend the execution of, as laws: although the word may be used of absolute monarchs, it is more appropriate to the officers of a constitutional government. For forms of government let fools contest, Whate'er is best administer'd is best. Pope.

2. To afford; to give or furnish; to supply; to dispense; as, to administer relief; to administer justice.

Let zephyrs bland

Administer their tepid genial airs. F. Philips. Have they not the old popish custom of adminis tering the blessed sacrament of the holy eucharist with wafer cakes? Hooker.

3. To give, as a dose; to direct or cause to be taken, as medicine.-4. To tender, as an oath.

Swear, by the duty that you owe to Heaven,
To keep the oath that we administer.

Shak. 5. In law, (a) to manage the estate of one who has died intestate, or without a competent executor, under a commission. (b) To manage the estate of a deceased person as an executor. See ADMINISTRATION, 7.SYN. To manage, conduct, minister, furnish, afford, supply, dispense, distribute. Administer (ad-min'is-ter), v.i. 1. To contribute assistance; to bring aid or supplies; to add something: with to; as, to administer to the necessities of the poor.

There is a fountain rising in the upper part of my garden, which administers to the pleasure as Spectator.

well as the plenty of the place.

2. To perform the office of administrator; as, A administers upon the estate of B. Administerial (ad-min'is-tē”ri-al), a. Pertaining to administration, or to the executive part of government. Administrable (ad-min'is-tra-bl), a. able of being administered. Administratet (ad-min'is-trāt), v.t. To administer; to dispense; to give; to supply. 'Administrated to animal bodies.' Wood



Administration (ad-min'is-trā" shon), n. 1. The act of administering; direction; management; government of public affairs; the conducting of any office or employment.

The energy of the Protector's administration in nowise relaxed. Macaulay.

2. The duty or duties of an administrator; specifically, the executive functions of government, consisting in the exercise of the constitutional and legal powers, the general superintendence of national affairs, and the enforcement of laws.

It may pass for a maxim in state, that the administration cannot be placed in too few hands, nor the legislature in too many. Swift.

3. The persons, collectively, who are intrusted with the execution of laws and the superintendence of public affairs; the chief magistrate and his council; or the council alone, as in Great Britain; the executive.

Did the administration . . . avail themselves of any one of those opportunities! Burke.

4. Dispensation; distribution; rendering; as, the administration of justice, of the sacrament, or of grace. 2 Cor. ix. 12.-5. The act of prescribing medically; exhibition.-6. The act of tendering, as an oath.-7. In law, (a)


the management of the estate of an intestate person, or of a testator having no competent executor, under a commission (called letters of administration) from the proper authority. This management consists in collecting debts, paying debts and legacies, and distributing the property among the heirs. (b) The management of the estate of a deceased person by an executor, the corresponding term execution not being in use. Administration of a deceased person's estate may be granted for general, special, or limited purposes; as, (a) Administration durante absentia, granted when the next person entitled to the grant is beyond sea. (b) Administration pendente lite, granted when a suit is commenced in the probate court regarding the validity of a will or the right to administration, lasting till the suit be determined. (c) Administration with the will annexed (cum testamento annexo), administration granted in cases where a testator makes a will without naming executors, or where the executors named in the will are incapable of acting or refuse to act. (d) Administration de bonis non, when the first administrator dies before he has fully administered. SYN. Conduct, management, direction, regulation, execution, dispensation, distribution. Administrative (ad-min'is-trät-iv), a. Pertaining to administration; administering. Administrative energy.' Goodrich. 'Administrative purposes. Merivale. Administrator (ad-min'is-trát-ér), n. 1. One who administers, or who directs, manages, distributes, or dispenses laws and rites, either in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs.-2. In law, (a) a man who, by virtue of a commission from the probate, divorce, and admiralty division of the High Court of Justice has the charge of the goods and estate of one dying without a will. (b) In Scots law, a tutor, curator, or guardian, having the care of one who is incapable of acting for himself. The term is usually applied to a father who has power over his children and their estate during their minority.

Administratorship(ad-min'is-trat-ér-ship), n. The office of an administrator. Administratrix (ad-min'is-trāt-riks), n. A female administrator. Admirability (ad'mi-ra-bil"i-ti), n. Admirableness. Bailey. [Rare.] Admirable (ad'mi-ra-bl), a. [L. admirabilis, wonderful, admirable, from admiror, to wonder at, to admire.] 1.† Fitted to excite wonder; wonderful; strange; astonishing; amazing.

It seemeth equally admirable to me that holy King Edward the Sixth should do any wrong, or harsh Edward the Fourth do any right to the Muses. Fuller. In man there is nothing admirable but his ignorance and weakness. Fer. Taylor.

2. Worthy of admiration; having qualities to excite wonder, with approbation, esteem, reverence, or affection; most excellent: used of persons or things.

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving, how express and admirable! Shak. Admirableness (ad' mi-ra-bl-nes), n. The quality of being admirable; the power of exciting admiration.

Admirably (adʼmi-ra-bli), adv. In an admirable manner; in a manner to excite wonder, mingled with approbation, esteem, or veneration.

Admiral (ad'mi-ral), n. [O.E. amiral, ammiral, amirail, admirald, Fr. amiral, It. amiraglio, L.L. amiralius, from Ar. amir, emir, a prince, chief, with the Ar. article suffixed, being supposed by Diez to be a contraction of such forms as amir-ul-mâ, ruler of the water, or amir-ul-ba'hr, ruler of the sea; Ar. amr, or amără, to command; Heb. amar, Chal. amăr, to say, to command. ] 1. A naval officer of the highest rank; a commander-in-chief of a fleet or navy. In the British navy admirals were formerly divided into three classes, named after the colours of their respective flags, admirals of the red, of the white, and of the blue, with vice-admirals and rear-admirals of each flag. In 1864, however, this distinction was given up, and now there is one flag common to all ships of war, namely, the white ensign divided into four quarters by the cross of St. George, and having the Union in the upper corner next the staff; while, instead of nine, there are now only three degrees of this rank, namely, admiral, vice-admiral. and rear-admiral. The admiral displays his flag at the maintop-gallant-mast head.

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