Imágenes de páginas


hazard; to put in the power of unforeseen events; as, to adventure one's life.

My father fought for you, and adventured his life far. Judg. ix. 17. 2. To venture on; to attempt. Leander would adventure it.' Shak. Adventure (ad-ven'tür), v.i. and t. 1. To run all hazards; to take any risk.

I would adventure for such merchandize. Shak. 2. To run the hazard of; to risk: with an infinitive.

Shak. Given

I will adventure to be banished myself. Adventureful (ad-ven'tür-ful), a. to adventure; full of enterprise. Adventurer (ad-ven'tür-ér), n. 1. One who attempts or takes part in bold, novel, or extraordinary enterprises; thus the volunteers who went out in the reign of Queen Elizabeth to prey on the Spanish treasureships returning from America were adventurers; Sir Francis Drake had under him 2000 such adventurers. The Young Adventurer was an epithet applied to Prince Charles Edward Stuart. In modern times the word has almost lost this honourable signification, usually meaning-2. One who tries to keep up a certain status in society, and advance his fortune by expedients of a more or less discreditable, if not dishonest character; one who tries to push his fortunes by underhand or equivocal means; one who lives by a system of imposition. 3. One who engages in an adventure or speculation; a speculator; a shareholder in working a mine.

Adventuresome (ad-ven'tūr-sum), a. Bold; daring; incurring hazard. See VENTURE

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Adventuress (ad-ven'tūr-es), n. A female adventurer; a female capable of bold enterprises, especially enterprises of equivocal character.

It might be very well for Lady Bareacres ... and other ladies. . . to cry fie at the idea of the odious adventuress making her curtsey before the sovereign. Thackeray. Adventurous (ad-ven'tūr-us), a. 1. Inclined or willing to incur hazard or engage in adventures; bold to encounter danger; daring; courageous; enterprising.

In many a doubtful fight, Was never known a more advent'rous knight. Dryden.

2. Full of hazard; attended with risk; exposing to danger; requiring courage; as, an adventurous undertaking.

And followed freedom on the adventurous tide.
See under




in front of, opposite ad, to, and verto, versum, to turn. See VERSION.] A miscellaneous collection of notes, remarks, or selections; a commonplace book.

These parchments are supposed to have been St. Paul's adversaria. Bp. Hall. Adversarious (ad-vèr-sa'ri-us), a. Adversary. Southey. [I [Rare.] Adversary (ad'vér-sa-ri), n. [L adversarius, opposite, opposing, an antagonist, an adversary. See ADVERSE.] 1. An enemy; a foe; an antagonist; an opponent. The Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries. Nah. i. 2. Specifically-2. An opponent or antagonist in a suit at law; an opposing litigant. Mat. v. 25; Luke xii. 58.-Adversary, Antagonist, Enemy. Adversary, one who is opposed to another, without necessarily having hostile feelings, one who takes an opposite side; it does not necessarily involve so close and personal a relation as that which exists between antagonists, an antagonist being one who strives personally against another for victory, the two being directly pitted against each other; an enemy is one who entertains feelings of personal hostility, and thus attempts, or at least desires, to injure a person. SYN. Antagonist, opponent, opposer, foe, enemy.

Adversary (ad'ver-sa-ri), a. 1. Opposed; opposite to; adverse. Adversary forces." Bp. King. [Rare or obsolete.]-2. In law, having an opposing party, in contradistinction to unopposed; as, an adversary suit. Adversation (ad-ver-sa'shon), n. The state of being adverse; adverseness; opposition. Adversative (ad-vèrs'at-iv), a. Expressing difference, contrariety, or opposition; as, an adversative conjunction; thus, in the sentence, John is an honest man, but a fanatic, but has an adversative force, and is called an adversative conjunction. Adversative (ad-vèrs'at-iv), n. A word denoting contrariety or opposition. Adverse (ad'vèrs), a. [L. adversus, opposite -ad, to, and versus, turned, from verto, to turn.] 1. Acting in a contrary direction; conflicting; counteracting; opposing; as, adverse winds.

With adverse blast up-turns them from the south.


2. Opposed to; hostile; inimical; as, an adverse party; adverse criticism.-3. Opposing desire; contrary to the wishes or to supposed good; hence, unfortunate; calamitous; pernicious; unprosperous; as, adverse fate or circumstances.

He lived, we are told, to experience sport of ad. verse fortune. Merivale.

-Adverse leaf, in bot. a leaf which has its margin turned towards the stem. -Adverse possession, in law, occupancy of realty without molestation which may at length ripen into an unimpeachable title.-SYN. Opposite, opposing, contrary, inimical, hostile, unfortunate, calamitous, unprosperous. Adverse (ad-vèrs'), v.t. To oppose. 'Fortune should him adverse.' Gower. Adversely (ad'vèrs-li), adv. In an adverse manner; oppositely; inimically; offensively; unfortunately; unprosperously; in a manner contrary to desire or success.

If the drink you give me touch my palate adversely, I make a crooked face at it. Shak.

-Rash, Reckless, Adventurous. RASH. SYN. Bold, enterprising, daring, courageous, rash, foolhardy. Adventurously (ad-ven'túr-us-li), adv. an adventurous manner; boldly; daringly. They are both hanged, and so would this be, if he durst steal anything adventurously. Adventurousness (ad-ven'tür-us-nes), n. The quality of being adventurous. Adverb (ad'vèrb), n. [L. adverbium-ad, to, and verbum, a word, a verb.] In gram. one of the indeclinable parts of speech, so called from being frequently joined to verbs for the purpose of limiting or extending their signification; as, I fear greatly; I readily Adverseness (ad'vèrs-nes), n. 1. Opposition; admit. They may also qualify adjectives; as, very cold; naturally brave; and other adverbs; as, very generally acknowledged; much more clearly. Adverbs may be placed either before or after the words they qualify. They may be classified as follows:1. Adverbs of time, as now, then, never, &c. 2. Of place, as here, there, where, &c. 3. Of degree, as very, much, nearly, almost, &c. 4. Of affirmation, negation, or doubt, as yes, no, perhaps, &c. 5. Of manner, as well, badly, clearly, &c.

Adverbial (ad-vèrb'i-al), a. 1. Pertaining to or having the character or structure of an adverb.-2. Much inclined to use adverbs.

He is also wonderfully adverbial in his expressions, and breaks off with a 'Perhaps and a nod of the head upon matters of the most indifferent nature. Tatier.

Adverbially (ad-verb'i-al-li), adv. In the manner or with the force or character of an adverb.

Adversable † (ad-vèrs'a-bl), a. Contrary to; opposite to. Bailey. Adversaria (ad-vèr-sâ'ri-a), n. [L. adversaria (scripta), lit. (writings) opposite each other, a note-book, journal, from adversus,


This would account for an adverseness to all our overtures for peace. Hailam.

2. Adversity; unprosperousness; as, adverseness of circumstances.

Adversifoliate, Adversifolious (ad-vers'. i-foli-at, ad-vers'i-fo"li-us), a. [L. adversus, opposite, and folium, a leaf.] In bot. having opposite leaves: applied to plants where the leaves are arranged opposite to each other on the stem. 1. An event, or Adversity (ad-vers'i-ti), n. series of events, which oppose success or desire; misfortune; calamity; affliction; distress; state of unhappiness.

Ye have rejected God, who saved you out of all 1 Sam. x. 19. your adversities.

Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head.


2. Applied to a crabbed, cross-grained person. 'Well said, adversity.' Shak. - SYN. Calamity, misfortune, affliction, distress, misery.

Advert (ad-věrt'), v. i. [L. adverto-ad, to, and verto, to turn.] To turn the mind or attention; to regard, observe, or notice; to refer

[blocks in formation]

-Advert, Allude, Refer. Advert, to turn to directly, and it may be abruptly; allude. lit. to play upon to refer to a thing slightly and without making any direct mention of it, it may be in a very vague and uncertain manner; refer, lit. to carry back-to bring a thing already well known into notice; to mention or speak of directly.

He adverted to the king's well-known disinclination to and inaptitude for business, the supineness of the nation, and the lethargy of parliament.

Smollett. These speeches of Jerome and Chrysostom do seem to allude unto such ministerial garments as were then in use. Hooker.

To do good is the great duty to which Solomon refers in the text. Sharp. Advert† (ad-vért), v.t. To advise, warn, or counsel.

I can no more, but in my name advert All earthly powers beware of tyrant's heart. Mir. for Mags. Advertence, Advertency (ad-věrt'ens, advèrt'en-si), n. A turning or directing of the mind; attention; notice; regard; consideration; heedfulness.

To this difference it is right that advertence should be had in regulating taxation. F. S. Mill Advertent (ad-vert'ent), a. Attentive; heedful. Advertent lest he should be deceived." Sir M. Hale.

Advertently (ad-vèrt'ent-li), adv. In an advertent manner.

Advertise (ad-vér-tiz', formerly pronounced ad-ver'tiz), v. t. pret. & pp. advertised; ppr. advertising. [Fr. avertir, avertissant, to warn, to inform, from L. adverto, to turn, or direct towards-ad, to, and verto, to turn. See VERSION.] 1. To inform; to give notice, advice, or intelligence to, whether of a past or present event, or of something future. I will advertise thee what this people will do to thy people in the latter day. Num. xxiv. 14.

I thought to advertise thee, saying, Buy it before the inhabitants and elders of my people. Ruth iv. 4 In this sense it has of before the subject of information when the subject is a noun; as, to advertise a man of his losses. -2. To give information to the public concerning; to make public intimation of, as of anything for sale, lost or found, a meeting or entertainment, or the like; as, to advertise goods for sale, a house to let, a meeting of shareholders, a Christmas pantomime. - 3.1 To instruct; to assist with counsel; to advise.

Wherein he might the king his lord advertise Whether our daughter were legitimate. Shat. SYN. To apprise, inform, make known, announce, proclaim, promulgate, publish. Advertise (ad-ver-tiz), v.i. To make public announcement of goods for sale or of anything of which it is desired to inform the public; to announce one's wishes or intentions by advertisement; as, if you wish to succeed in business, advertise.

We have witnessed in later times scenes of blood enacted under his successors, and torments as cruel as the torture which he had abolished, inflicted on the very spot where he had advertised for a free statement of all the grievances of which his Italian subjects could complain. Brougham.

Advertisement (ad-vér'tiz-ment), n. 1. The giving of notice; information; intelligence. An advertisement of danger.' Bp. Burnet. "This advertisement is five days old.' Shak. 2. Instruction; advice; moral admonition. "That is an advertisement to a proper maid to take heed.' Shak.-3. A written or printed notice intended to make something known to the public; especially a printed and paid notice in a newspaper or other public print.

The best evidence of the enormous increase of advertising since that year (1853), will be found in the increase of newspapers, the advertisements in which are one of the main sources of their profits.

McCulloch Advertiser (ad-vér-tiz'ér), n. One who or that which advertises: a title often given to newspapers.

Advertising (ad-ver-tiz'ing, formerly pronounced ad-věrtiz-ing), a. 1. Fond of using advertisements; furnishing many advertisements to newspapers; as, an advertising


arm-2 Monitory, or active in giving advice or intelligence.

As I was then


Afvertising and holy to your business, Not changing heart with habit, I am still Attorney'd at your service. Advesperatet (ad-ves'pér-at), v.i. [L. advesperascit, it grows towards evening-ad, to, and vesper, evening.] To draw towards evening. Bailey.

Advice (ad-vis'), n. [O. Fr. advis, opinion; hence, expressed opinion, counsel L. ad, to, and visum, seen or judged proper, as in the expression visum est, it has seemed good to me, I think. See VISION.] 1. An opinion recommended, or offered, as worthy to be followed, counsel; suggestion. 'What adrice give ye?' 2 Chr. x. 9.-2. Deliberate consideration; reflection; cogitation.

That's not suddenly to be performed, but with avar and silent secrecy. Shak.

& Information; notice; intelligence; as, we have late advice from Paris of the outbreak of a revolution. Specifically-4. In com. a notification by one person to another in respect of a business transaction in which they are mutually engaged, as information given by one party to another, by letter, as to the bills or drafts drawn upon him.To take advice, to consult with others; specifically, to consult one who has a special knowledge of a subject; to take the opinion of a professional or skilful man, as a physician, lawyer, and the like-SYN. Counsel, admonition, recommendation, exhortation, persuasion, information, notice, intelligence. Advice-boat (ad-vis'bōt), n. A small, swiftsailing vessel employed to carry despatches or information.

Advigilate (ad-vij'il-āt), v. t. [L. advigilo, advigilare-ad, to, and vigilo, to watch, from rugil, watchful.] To watch diligently. Bailey. Advisability (ad-viz'a-bil′′i-ti), n. Quality of being advisable or expedient; advisableness; expediency.

Mr. Benjamin Allen was holding a hurried consultation with Mr. Bob Sawyer on the advisability of bleeding the company generally. Dickens. Advisable (ad-viz'a-bl), a. [See ADVISE.] 1 Proper to be advised; prudent; expedient; proper to be done or practised.

Some judge it advisable for a man to account with his heart every day, and this, no doubt, is the best and surest course.

2 Open to advice.


He was so strangely advisable that he would advert unto the judgement of the meanest person. Bp. Fell. STS. Prudent, expedient, proper, desirable. Advisableness (ad-viz'a-bl-nes), n. The quality of being advisable or expedient. Advisably (ad-viz'a-bli), adv. With advice. Advise (ad-viz), v. t. pret. & pp. advised; ppr. advising (Fr. aviser. See ADVICE.] 1. To give counsel to; to offer an opinion to, as worthy or expedient to be followed; as, I advise you to be cautious of speculation.— 2. To give information to; to communicate notice to; to make acquainted with: followed by of before the thing communicated; as, the merchants were advised of the risk. STN To counsel, admonish, inform, apprise, acquaint, make known. Advise (ad-viz), v. 1. To deliberate, weigh well, or consider; to reflect.

Now, reader, close thy book, and then advise, Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise. Quarles. Advice, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me. 2 Sam. xxiv. 13. Sometimes followed by a kind of reflexive or complementary pronoun; as, 'advise thyself of what word I shall bring again to him that sent me.' 1 Chr. xxi. 12.

Advise you what you say: the minister is here. Shak. There's for thy labour, Montjoy, Go, bid thy master well advise himself. Shak. 2 To take counsel; to join others in deliberating; to seek the advice of another or others. followed by with; as, I shall advise with my friends as to what is to be done. Advised (ad-vizd'), p. and a. 1. Cautious; prudent, acting with deliberation.

Let him be... advised in his answers. Bacon, With the well advised is wisdom. Prov. xiii. 10. 2 Done formed, or taken with advice or deliberation; intended; as, an advised act or scheme.

We have no express purpose... nor any advised determination Hooker.

Advisedly (ad-viz'ed-li), adv. With deliberation or advice; heedfully; purposely; by


design; as, I speak advisedly; an enterprise advisedly undertaken.

Advisedness (ad-viz'ed-nes), n. The state of being advised; deliberate consideration; prudent procedure.

Advisement (ad-viz'ment), n. 1. Counsel; advice.

I will, according to your advisement, declare the evils which seem most hurtful. Spenser.

2. Deliberation; circumspection; consultation.

Among those that do all things with advisement there is wisdom. Prov. xiii. 10 (Trans. 1539).

Adviser (ad-viz'ér), n. 1. One who gives ad

vice or admonition; also, in a bad sense, one who instigates or persuades. Specifically-2. In politics, one of the royal counsellors or ministers, who are legally responsible for the sovereign's acts in his or her official capacity.

The advisers whom necessity had compelled Charles to call around him were by no means men after his own heart. Macaulay. The office

Advisership (ad-vīz'èr-ship), n.
of an adviser. [Rare.]
Advising (ad-viz'ing), n. Advice; counsel.
Fasten your ear on my advisings.


Advisot (ad-vīz'ō), n. Advice; consideration. 'Counsels and advisos.' Whitlock. 1. Having power Advisory (ad-viz'o-ri), a.

to advise.

The general association has a general advisory superintendence over all the ministers and churches. B. Trumbull.

2. Containing advice; as, their opinion is merely advisory.

Advizet (ad-viz), v. t. and i. Same as Advise. Spenser.

Advocacy (ad'vō-ka-si), n. 1. The act of pleading for; intercession. 2.† Judicial pleading; lawsuit. Chaucer. Advocate (ad'võ-kāt), n. [L. advocatus, one summoned to aid, counsel, or plead forad, to, and voco, vocatum, to call. See VOICE, VOCAL. ] 1. One who pleads the cause of another in a court of law. Specifically, (a) the title given to the counsel who practised in the ecclesiastical and admiralty courts in England, which, as separate courts, are now extinct. (b) The title given in Scotland, first, to the counsel practising before the supreme court, and, second,, to those procurators or solicitors who act before the inferior courts at Aberdeen, and are members of the society there.-2. One who defends, vindicates, or espouses a cause by argument; a pleader in favour of; an upholder; a defender; as, an advocate for peace or for the oppressed.

That cause seems commonly the better that has the better advocate. Sir W. Temple.

In Scrip. Christ is called an advocate for his people. We have an advocate with the father.' 1 Jn. ii. 1.-3. Eccles. (a) a person appointed to defend the rights and revenues of a church or monastery. (b) Formerly, the patron of a church or owner of an advowson. See ADVOWSON.-Faculty of advocates, in Scotland, a society of lawyers, who practise in the highest courts, and who are admitted members after following a certain course of study, undergoing the prescribed examinations, and paying the requisite fees. It consists of about 400 members, and from this body vacancies on the bench are supplied.-Lord advocate, in Scotland, the principal crown counsel in civil cases, the public prosecutor of crimes, and an important political functionary in the management of Scottish affairs. His tenure of office ceases with that of the administration with which he is connected. He is assisted in the discharge of his duties by the solicitor-general and four advocates-depute, appointed by himself. The lord advocate has usually a seat in parliament, and before the Union he had his seat ex officio. He is called also Crown Advocate, Queen's (or King's) Advocate. Judge advocate, in courtsmartial, a person who manages the prosecution.-Devil's advocate, (a) in R. Cath. Ch. a person appointed to act as accuser of any one proposed for canonization at the examination preceding this rite, and to state all possible objections to its consummation. Hence, (b) a scandal-monger; one given to bring forward malicious accusations.-God's advocate, in R. Cath. Ch. the defender of the character of the person proposed for canonization at the examination preceding this rite. Advocate (ad'vō-kāt), v.t. pret. & pp. advocated; ppr. advocating. 1. To plead in


favour of; to defend by argument before a tribunal; to support or vindicate.

This is the only thing distinct and sensible which has been advocated. Burke. The most eminent orators were engaged to advo cate his cause. Milford. 2. In Scots law, formerly to transfer from an inferior court to the Court of Session, as an action while still pending, or after judgment had been given, in order that the judgment might be reviewed. See ADVO


Advocate (ad'vo-kát), v.i. To act as an advocate; to plead. To advocate in my own child's behalf.' Dawbeny. [Rare.] Advocateship (ad'vō-kat-ship), n. The office or duty of an advocate. Advocatesst (ad'vō-kat-es), n. A female advocate. [Rare.]

God hath provided us with an advocatess. Fer. Taylor. Advocation (ad-võ kāshon), n. 1. The act of advocating; a pleading for; plea; apology. My advocation is not now in time.


2. In Scots law, a form of process, the object of which was to remove a cause from an inferior to the Supreme Court, in order that a judgment might be reviewed, or that future procedure might be conducted in the Court of Session. Abolished in 1868, a simple appeal being substituted. Advocatus Dei (ad-vo-ka'tus de'i), n. [L.] Same as God's Advocate. See under ADVOCATE.

Advocatus Diaboli (ad-võ-kā'tus di-a'bō-li), n. [L.] Same as Devil's Advocate. See under ADVOCATE.

Advoke (ad-võk'), v.t. [L. advoco, to summon-ad, to, and voco, to call.] To transfer to a higher court. [Rare and obsolete.]

(He) had privately prevailed with the pope to advoke the cause to Rome. Fuller.

Advolation (ad-vo-la'shon), n. [L. ad, to, and volo, volatum, to fly.] Act of flying to something. Bailey.

Advolutiont (ad-vo-lu'shon), n. [L. ad, to, and volvo, volutum, to roll.] A rolling towards something. Bailey.

Advoutrert (ad-vou'trer), n. [O. Fr. advoutre, advoultre, from L. adulter, an adulterer. See ADULTERATE.] An adulterer. Advoutresst (ad-vou'tres), n. An adulteress. Advoutroust (ad-vou'trus), a. Adulterous. Advoutry (ad-vou'tri), n. [See ADVOUTRER.] Adultery. A marriage compounded between an advoutry and a rape.' Bacon. Advowee (ad-vou-ē'), n. One who has the right of advowson. Advowson (ad-vou'sn), n. [0. Fr. advoesin, right of presentation to a church living, from L. advocatio, advocationis, a calling to one for help. In the early ages of the church ecclesiastics could not appear before lay tribunals. They therefore had recourse to the aid of laymen to plead their cause, and these persons receive the name of advocates, Fr. advoués. In the decline of the Roman Empire, when defence from violence was more necessary than legal skill, the church selected as their advocates powerful nobles able to defend her property from rapine and plunder or enrich her by donations, and in return conferred on them the right of presentation to livings. Advocatio thus came to mean not only defence in a court, and protection, aid, and support generally, but also the right of presentation to a living, to which last meaning advowson is now restricted. Patronus, the Latin name for an advocate in the court, a protector, benefactor, has undergone a similar change of meaning, and now signifies the person in whom such a right vests.] The right of presentation to a vacant benefice. Advowsons are of three kinds, presentative, collative, and donative; presentative when the patron presents his clerk to the bishop of the diocese to be instituted; collative when the bishop is the patron, and institutes or collates his clerk by a single act; donative when a church is founded by the king, and assigned to the patron, without being subject to the ordinary, so that the patron confers the benefice on his clerk without presentation, institution, or induction. Advowsons are also appendant, that is, annexed to a manor; or in gross, that is, annexed to the person of the patron. Advoyer, Avoyer (ad-voi'èr, a-voi'èr), n. [Fr. avoyer.] A chief magistrate of a town or canton in Switzerland.


Adwardt (ad-ward). Same as Award. Spen


Adynamic, Adynamical (a-di-nam'ik, a-dinam'ik-al), a. [See ADYNAMY.] Weak; destitute of strength.-Adynamic fevers, a term employed by Pinel to denote malignant or putrid fevers, attended with great muscular debility.

Adynamon (a-din'a-mon), n. [See ADYNAMY.] A factitious wine made of must boiled down with water, or of new white wine and water, often given to the sick when pure wine would be injurious.

Adynamy (a-din'a-mi), n. [Fr. adynamie, Gr. adynamia, a, priv., and dynamis, power.] In med. weakness; want of strength occasioned by disease; a deficiency of vital power.

Adytt (ad'it), n. Same as Adytum.

Adytum (ad'i-tum), n. pl. Adyta (ad′i-ta). [L. adytum, Gr. adyton, an adytum, a shrine, a place not to be entered-a, priv., and dyō, to go into, to enter.] 1. A secret place of retirement in the ancient temples, esteemed the most sacred; the innermost sanctuary or shrine. From this place the oracles were given, and none but the priests were permitted to enter into it. The Jewish sanctum sanctorum or Holy of Holies was a similar part of the temple of Jerusalem.2. The chancel or altar-end of a church. Adze, Adz (adz), n. [O.E. addice, A. Sax. adese, an adze.] A cutting instrument used for chipping the surface of timber. It consists of a blade of iron forming a portion of a cylindrical surface, ground to an edge from the concave side outwards at one end, and having a hole or socket at the other end for the handle. Adze (adz), v.t. To chip or shape with an adze; as, to adze logs of timber.

E. The symbol used to denote the third class of wooden and composite ships in Lloyd's register. See A1. Echmodus (ek'mo-dus), n. [L., from Gr. aichmě, a point,


and odous, a tooth.] A genus of fossil ganoid fishes, family Lepidoidei, remarkable for their small, sharp-pointed teeth, found in

the lias.

Aedilis (ē-di'lis), n. [L] Same as Edile. North.

Aefauld (a-fald), a. [Sc. ae, one, and fald, fold.] [Scotch.] 1. Honest; upright; without duplicity.-2. Rarely used to denote the unity of the divine essence in a trinity of persons. Barbour.

Aefauldness (a-fald'nes), n. Honesty; uprightness; straightforwardness; singleness of heart; freedom from duplicity. [Scotch.] Ægagrus (e-gagʻrus), n. [Gr. aigagros-aix, aigos, a goat, and agros, a field.] A wild species of ibex (Capra ægagrus), found in troops on the Caucasus, and many Asiatic mountains. It is believed to be the original source of at least one variety of the domestic goat. In its stomach and intestines, as in those of other artiodactyles, are found the concretions called bezoar-stones. Ægean (e-jé'an), a. See EGEAN. Egeriidæ (e-jèr-i'i-dē), [From the typical genus Aegeria, which name again is taken from that of the Roman nymph Egeria.] A family of Lepidoptera, section Heterocera, comprising a moderate number of interesting insects. The larvæ live in the interior of the branches or roots of trees. Some of them feed upon the apple. One species (Egeria tipuliformis) is destructive to currant-bushes, feeding on the pith. Ægiceras (e-jis'èr-as), n. [Gr. aix, aigos, a goat, and keras, a horn.] A genus of small trees, nat. order Myrsinaceæ, natives of the swampy shores of India and Australia. Their seeds germinate while still on the trees, and send down perpendicular roots into the mud, and thus form impenetrable thickets, constituting the only vegetation for miles along some coasts, particularly of Sumatra. Ægilopical, a. Same as Egilopical. Ægilops, n. Same as Egilops. Ægis (e'jis), n. [Gr. aigis, a goat skin, the ægis, from aix, a goat.] 1. In Greek myth. originally the skin of the goat Amalthea which suckled Zeus, and which skin was afterwards worn by him as part of his armour or as a covering of his shield; also the shield itself. In later times the ægis was represented as part of the armour of Pallas Athena, and appears as a kind of


breastplate covered with metal scales, and made terrible by the head of the Gorgon Medusa, being also fringed with serpents.

Pallas wearing the Ægis.-From an antique statue.

Hence-2. Anything that protects. Under the imperial ægis.' Gretton. Egle (e'gle), n. [Gr. aigle, splendour, a female name in Greek mythology.] A genus of plants, nat. order Aurantiaceæ, with separate stamens. A. Marmelos (the Bengal quince, golden apple, or bhel) has a delicious aperient fruit, somewhat like an orange. A perfume and a yellow dye are got from the rind, and a cement from the mucus of the seed.

Ægophonic, a. Same as Egophonic. Egophony, n. Same as Egophony. Ægrotat (e-gro'tat), n. [L., he is sick.] In Eng. universities, a medical certificate given to a student showing that he has been prevented by sickness from attending to his duties.

Æneid (ē-ne'id), n. [L. Æneis, genit. Eneidis or Eneidos.] An epic poem written by Virgil, of which Æneas, a Trojan, is the hero. It describes the taking of Troy by the Greeks, the subsequent wanderings of Æneas, and the final settlement of himself and companions in Italy.

Folian (e-o'li-an), a. Same as Eolian.
Eolic, n. and a. See EOLIC.
Æolidæ (e-ol'i-dē), n. pl. A family of
nudibranchiate gasteropod molluscs. See

Eolina (e-ō-li'na), n. [From Eolus, the god of the winds.] A modification of the accordion invented by Wheatstone before the concertina.

Eolipile. Same as Eolipile.

Æolist (e'ol-ist), n. [From Eolus, the god of
the winds.] A pretender to inspiration. Swift.
Æolophon (ē-ol'ō-fon), n. [From Eolus,
the god of the winds, and Gr. phōnē, voice.]
Another name for the Seraphine.
Eolus (e'ō-lus), n. [L., the god of the winds.]
An apparatus for renewing the air in rooms.
Æon, n. Same as Eon.

Epyornis (e-pi-or'nis), n. [Gr. aipys, aipyos, high, and ornis, a bird.] A genus of gigantic birds found fossil in Madagascar. It had three toes like Dinornis, but it is not certain whether it ought to be classed with the cursorial birds or with the raptorial. Its eggs measured 14 inches in length: the bird which laid them may well have been the roc of eastern tradition. Written also Epiornis.

Equisonant, a. Same as Equisonant. Ærarian (ē-ra'ri-an), n. [L. ærarius, from as, æris, bronze, bronze money.] A Roman citizen of the lowest class of free-men, who paid only a poll-tax, and had not the suffrage.

Aerate (a'èr-at), v.t. pret. & pp. aerated; ppr. aerating. [See AIR.] 1. To combine with carbonic acid or other gas, or with air.-2. In physiol. to change the circulating fluids of animals by the agency of the air; to arterialize. Aerated waters, a term applied to a variety of acidulous and alkaline beverages, more or less impregnated with carbonic acid. Aerated waters are brisk, sparkling, or effervescing beverages, of a pungent, and sometimes of a pleasantly acidulous taste. The most common, carbonic acid water, usually called soda-water, is made on a large scale by pouring dilute sulphuric acid on carbonate of lime, whiting, or chalk. Carbonic acid gas is evolved, which is received into a reservoir, and then by means of a pump or otherwise forced into water, which takes up five times its volume of gas. A small quantity of essence


of ginger or extract of capsicums mixed with sugar placed in the bottles before filling them converts this into gingerade; while essence of lemon, with citric acid and sugar, gives lemonade. All water from natural springs is more or less aerated; and the flat, mawkish taste of recently boiled water is due to the absence of carbonic acid gas and atmospheric air. Aerated waters are made on a small scale for domestic use by means of a gazogene, in which bicarbonate of soda and tartaric acid are used to evolve the carbonic acid.

Aeration (a-ér-a'shon), n. 1. The act or operation of combining or saturating with a gas, as carbonic acid or common air.-2. In physiol. the change in the circulating fluids of animals effected by the agency of air, as the arterialization of the venous blood by respiration in the higher animals and the corresponding changes in the lower animals.-Aeration of soils, the exposing of them to the action of air by means of ploughing, harrowing, &c. Aerator (a'èr-at-ér), n. [L. aer, the air.] 1. A blower; a contrivance for fumigating wheat and other corn, to bleach it and destroy fungi and insects.-2. An apparatus for making aerated waters.

Aerial (a-e'ri-al), a. [L. aërius. See AIR.] 1. Belonging or pertaining to the air or atmosphere; inhabiting or frequenting the air; growing, existing, or happening in the air; produced by or in the air; as, aerial regions; aerial perspective; aerial songsters; aerial roots; aerial ascents. The aerial blue.' Shak. 'Aerial honey and ambrosial dew.' Dryden.-2. Consisting of air; partaking of the nature of air; as, aerial particles.-3. Reaching far into the air; high; lofty; elevated; as, aerial spires; aerial flight.-4. Possessed of a light and graceful beauty.


Some music is above me; most music is beneath I like Beethoven and Mozart-or else some of the aerial compositions of the older Italians. Coleridge. -Aerial acid, an old name for carbonic acid, from a belief that it entered into the composition of atmospheric air. Aerial plants, those which absorb their food from the atmosphere, as lichens, epiphytal orchids, &c.-Aerial perspective. See under PERSPECTIVE.-Aerial tints, in painting, tints or modifications of colour by which the expression of distance is attained.- Aerial figures, those by which painters seek to represent the fabled inhabitants of the air, as demons, genii, gnomes, &c.-Aerial images, images which are caused by the convergence of rays of light reflected or refracted from objects through strata of air of different densities, the images appearing suspended in the air, as the different kinds of mirage; also those images perceived by looking into or towards a concave mirror.Aerial poisons. Same as Miasma.-Aerial railway, a railway supported in the air by posts, such as is to be seen in some of the towns of the United States.Aerial rocks, in geol. same as Eolian rocks (which see under EOLIAN).

Aerially (a-e'ri-al-li), adv. In an aerial manner; so as to resemble air or the atmosphere.

Your eyes

Touched with a somewhat darker hue, And less aerially blue. Tennyson. Aerian (a-ē'ri-an), n. Eccles. one of a branch of Arians, so called from Aerius, who maintained that there is no difference between bishops and priests.

Aerides (a-er'i-dēz), n. [L. aer, the air.] A genus of epiphytal plants, nat. order Orchidaceæ. These plants have distichous leaves, and large brightly-coloured and sweetscented flowers. They are natives of the warmer parts of Asia, and are extensively cultivated in hothouses.

Aerie (e're), n. [Fr. and Pr. aire, Norm. aery, aire. L.L. aeria, aerea, aria, area, an aerie. Littré, Mahn, and Fr. Müller refer all these forms to the L. area, an open space, an area, a plot or bed of ground, &c; in later times a waste uncultivated place, though the connection of meanings is not very clear; probably L. aer, air, may have had some influence on the form of the word, aeries being situated aloft in the air. Wedgwood considers aer to have been the origin of the word through the notions of air, climate, and hence residence.] 1. The nest of a bird of prey, as of an eagle or hawk.-2. A brood of eagles or hawks.-3. An eagle. [Rare.]

Your aerie buildeth in our aerie's nest. Shak


An elevated spot. [Rare and poetical.]
Wherever beauty dwell,

In galf or arrie, mountain or deep dell. Keats.
Written also Eyry, Eyrie.
Aeriferous (a-ér-if'ér-us), a. [L. aer, air,
and fero, to carry] Conveying air, as the
larynx and bronchial tubes, and the trachea

of insects.

Aerification (à'êr-i-fi-ka"shon), n. 1. The act of combining air with anything; the state of being filled with air.-2. The act of becoming air or of changing into an aeriform state, as substances which are converted from a liquid or solid form into gas or an elistic vapour; the state of being aeriform. Aeriform (aer-i-form), a. [L. aer, air, and Jurina, form] Having the form or nature of air, or of an elastic invisible fluid. The gases are aeriform fluids.

Aerify (aer-i-fi), v.t. pret. & pp. aerified; ppr. aerifying. [L. aer, air, and facio, to make 1. To infuse air into; to fill with air, or to combine air with.-2. To change into an aeriform state.

Aerocyst (a'er-o-sist), n. (Gr. aër, air, and kystis, a bladder.] In bot. the air-vessel, or bladder, by means of which many algæ, as Fucus vesiculosus, are supported in the water, and oceanic species, as the Gulf-weed, float on the surface.

Aerodynamics (a'èr-ō-di-nam"iks), n. [Gr. aer, air, and dynamis, power.] The science which treats of the motion of the air and other gases, or of their properties and mechanical effects when put in motion. Aerognosy, Aerography (a-ér-og'nō-si, a-er-og'ra-fi), n. (Gr. aer, air, and gnosis, knowledge, grapho, to describe.] Aerology (which see) [Rare.]

Aerohydrodynamic (a'èr-ō-hi'drō-di-nam"-
ik), a (Gr. aer, air, hydōr, water, and
dynamis, power.] Acting by the power of
air and water.-Aerohydrodynamic wheel,
an apparatus invented by M. Calles, a Bel-
gian engineer, for transmitting power to a
great distance. It consists of a wheel sub-
merged in water, under which air forcibly
driven through a tube is discharged so as
in ascending to make the wheel revolve.
EH Knight.

Aerolite (a'er-o-lit), n. [Gr. aer, air, and
lithos, a stone.] A stone falling from the air
or atmospheric regions; a meteoric stone;
a meteorite. There have been many conjec-
tures as to the source of aerolites. By some
they have been supposed to be projected by
lunar volcanoes to a distance beyond the
sphere of the moon's attraction; by others
they have been thought to be formed in the
air by the union of simpler forms of matter
volatilized from the earth's surface; but
they are, most probably, cosmical bodies of
the same nature as shooting-stars, revolving
round the earth, and falling into it when
they come within the sphere of its attrac-
tion Some of them are large, weighing
15 tons They are all found to agree in
their constituent parts, and are covered
with a thin, slag-like crust of a deep black
colour, probably produced by strong, tran-
stent heating in their rapid passage through
the air. Their exterior is roughened with
small projections, and they are destitute of
gloss Internally their texture is granu-
lated, and of a grayish colour; they appear
composed of a number of small spherical
bodies and metallic grains imbedded in a
softer matter. When analyzed they are
found to consist of twenty-two of the ele-
ments found in terrestrial minerals, the
most prominent components being malle-
able metallic iron and nickel.
Aerolith (aer-o-lith), n. Same as Aerolite.
Aerolithology (a'ér-o-lith-ol"o-ji), n.
ar, air, lithos, a stone, and logos, discourse.]
The science of aerolites. Dana.
Aerolitic (a'er-ó-lit”ik), a. Relating to



Aerologic, Aerological (a'èr-o-loj"ik, á'êr6 lokal), a Pertaining to aerology. Aerologist (a-er-ol'o-jist), n. One who is versed in aerology.

Aerology (a-er-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. aër, aeros, air. and logos, description.] That branch of physics which treats of the air, its constituent parts, properties, and phenomena. Aeromancy (a'er-o-man"si), n. [Gr. aër, air, and manteia, divination.] Divination by means of the air and winds or atmospheric Substances: now sometimes used to denote the practice of forecasting changes in the weather

Aerometer (a-ér-om'et-ér), n. [Gr. aer, air, and metron, measure.] An instrument for


weighing air, or for ascertaining the density
of air and gases.

Aerometric (a'èr-ō-met"rik), a. Pertaining
to aerometry; measuring air.

Aerometry (á-ér-om'et-ri), n. The science
of measuring the weight or density of air
and gases, including the doctrine of its
pressure, elasticity, rarefaction, and con-

Aeronaut (ã'êr-ō-nat), n. [Gr. aër, air, and
nautés, a sailor, from naus, a ship.] One
who sails or floats in the air; an aerial
navigator; a balloonist.

Aeronautic, Aeronautical (a'ér-o-nat"ik,
a'er-o-nat"ik-al), a. Pertaining to aeronau-
tics or aerial sailing.

Aeronautics (a'èr-o-nat”iks), n. The doc-
trine, science, or art of floating in the air,
as by means of a balloon.

Aeronautism (a'èr-o-nat-izm), n. The prac-
tice of ascending and floating in the atmo-
sphere, as in balloons.

Aerophane (a'êr-o-fan), n. [Gr. aer, air, and
phanos, light, bright.] A light kind of gauze
or imitation crape. E. H. Knight.
Aerophobia (a'èr-ō-fō"bi-a), n. [Gr. aër, air,
and phobos, fear.] A dread of air, that is, of
a current of air: a symptom common in cases
of hydrophobia, and occasionally observed
in other diseases.

Aerophyte (à'èr-ō-fit), n. [Gr. aer, air,
and phyton, a plant.] A plant which lives
exclusively in air, absorbing all its food from
it alone, as some orchids and bromelias; an
aerial plant. See EPIPHYTE.
Aeroscepsy, Aeroscopy (ã'èr-ō-skep"si, ā-
ér-os'ko-pi), n. [Gr. aer, air, and skopeo, to
explore.] 1. The investigation or observa-
tion of the state and variations of the atmo-
sphere. 2. The faculty of perception by
the medium of the air, supposed to reside
in the antennæ of insects.

Aerosite (á'èr-ō-sit), n. Dark red silver ore;

Aerosphere (ã'èr-ō-sfer), n. Same as Atmo-

Aerostat (a'èr-o-stat), n. [Gr. aër, air, and
statos, sustaining, from histēmi, to stand.]
A machine or vessel sustaining weights in
the air; a name given to air-balloons.
Aerostatic, Aerostatical (a'êr-o-stat"ik,
a'êr-o-statik-al), a. 1. Pertaining to aero-
statics.-2. Pertaining to aerostation, or the
art of aerial navigation.-Aerostatic press,
a machine for extracting the colouring mat-
ter from dye-stuffs. It consists of a box
divided in the centre by a perforated plate.
On this the dye-stuff is placed, and a second
plate similarly pierced is placed above it.
The extracting liquor is poured on the top,
and on the air being exhausted from the
under part of the vessel the liquor is forced
through the substance by atmospheric pres-
sure. Aerostatic balance, an instrument,
on the principle of the barometer, for as-
certaining the weight of the air.
Aerostatics (a'èr-ō-stat"iks), n. 1. The
science which treats of the weight, pressure,
and equilibrium of air and other elastic
fluids, and of the equilibrium of bodies sus-
tained in them.-2. Aerostation (which see).
Aerostation (a'èr-ō-stā"shon), n. 1. Aerial
navigation; the science of raising, suspend-
ing, and guiding machines in the air, or of
ascending in air-balloons.-2. The science
of aerostatics. [Rare.]
Aero-steam Engine (a'ér-o-stēm" en-jin), n.
[Gr. aer, air, and E. steam-engine.] An en-
gine in which the expansive power of com-
bined heated air and steam is used in driving
a piston. E. H. Knight.
Æruginous, Ærugineous (ē-rö'jin-us, ē-rö-
jin'e-us), a. [L. aeruginosus, from ærugo,
rust of copper.] 1. Partaking of verdigris
or the rust of copper, or pertaining to that
substance.-2. Resembling verdigris in ap-

Ærugo (ē-rỡ'go), n. [L.] Verdigris (which
see)-Erugo nobilis, a greenish crust found
on antique bronzes, of the same composition
as the mineral atacamite (which see).
Aery (à'èr-i), a. Airy; breezy; exposed to
the air; elevated; lofty. [Rare and poetical.]

[blocks in formation]

ch, chain; ch, Sc. loch; g. go; j, job; b, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;


Eschynite. Same as Eschynite. Esculaceae (és-kū-la'sē-ē), n. [L. æsculus, the winter or Italian oak.] A group of plants, also called Hippocastanea, included in the Sapindaceae. The species are handsome trees or small bushes, chiefly remarkable for their large seeds, with an extensive hilum. The seeds are bitter, and contain a large quantity of starch and a considerable proportion of potash. They are used as food, and also as cosmetics. The horsechestnut belongs to this group. See HIPPOCASTANEA.

Esculus (és'kü-lus), n. [L] The horsechestnut, a genus of trees. See HORSECHESTNUT.

Esir (e'sér), n. [Nom. pl. of Icel. dss, a god.] In Scand. myth. the general name for the heathen gods of Scandinavia. See As. Esthesia (es-the si-a), n. [Gr. aisthesis, sensibility.] Perception; feeling; sensibility. See ANESTHESIA.

Esthesiometer (es-the'si-om"et-ér), n. [Gr. aisthesis, perception, from aisthanomai, to perceive, and metron, a measure.] In med. an instrument for testing the tactile sensibility of the human body in health and disease, by ascertaining, through the application of the points of the instrument to the skin, the shortest distance at which two points can be perceived as distinctly separate.

Esthetic, Esthetical (es-thet'ik, es-thet'ik-al), a. [Gr. aisthetikos, from aisthanomai, to perceive by the senses.] 1. Pertaining to the science of taste or beauty; pertaining to the sense of the beautiful.-2. In metaph. pertaining to sensation.

Esthetic, Esthetick (es-thet'ik), n. In metaph. the doctrine of sensation.-Transcendental aesthetic, in the Kantian philosophy, the doctrine of pure sensation, or that part of the Kantian metaphysics which treats of what is given in sense independently of all experience, namely, of what Kant calls the forms of sensation, space, and time.

Esthetically (es-thet'ik-al-li), adv. Accord-
ing to the principles of aesthetics; with re-
ference to the sense of the beautiful.
Estheticism (es-thet'i-sizm), n. 1. The
principles or doctrines of aesthetics.-2. At-
tachment to aesthetics; a proneness to in-
dulge and cultivate the sense of the beauti-

Esthetics (es-thet'iks), n. The science of
deducing from nature and taste the rules
and principles of art; the theory of the fine
arts; the science or that branch of philoso-
phy which deals with the beautiful; the
doctrines of taste. Written also Esthetics.
Estho-physiology (es'tho-fiz'i-ol"o-ji), n.
[Gr. aisthanomai, to perceive, and E. phy-
siology.] The physiology of sensation; that
part of physiology which treats of the organs
of sense and the parts of the body which
exercise subsidiary functions. H. Spencer.
Estiferous (és-tif'ér-us), a. [L. æstus, heat,
and fero, to bear.] Producing heat.
Estival, a. Same as Estival.
Estivate, v.i. Same as Estivate.
Estivation. See ESTIVATION.
Aëtheogamous (a-e'the-og'a-mus), a. [Gr.
aethes, unusual, and gamos, marriage.] In
bot. a term applied to denote such plants as
propagate themselves in an unusual man-
ner; originally proposed as a substitute for
cryptogamic (which see); but restricted by
Decandolle to such plants as have vessels
as well as cellular tissue, such, namely, as
ferns, lycopodiums, and their allies.
Ether. Same as Ether.
Ethiops Mineral. See Ethiops Mineral.
Ethrioscope (eth'ri-o-skop), n. [Gr. aith-
rios, clear, pertaining to the open air, and
skopeō, to see.] An instrument for measur-
ing the minute variations of temperature
due to different conditions of the sky. It
consists of a differential thermometer, both
bulbs of which are within a cup-shaped
mirror, one of them in the focus of the
mirror, so as to be peculiarly affected on
being exposed to the sky. The cup is kept
covered with a lid, except when the instru-
ment is being used.

Ethusa (é-thu'sa), n. [Gr. aithō, to burn.]
A genus of poisonous plants, nat. order
Umbelliferæ. E. Cynapium is fool's pars-
ley (which see).
Etiology. See ETIOLOGY.
Aëtites (a-e-ti'těz), n. [Gr., from aetos, an
eagle.] Same as Eagle-stone.
Aface (a-fas'), adv. (Prefix a, in, and face.] In
face; in front. Right aface of him.' Lever.

[blocks in formation]


Afar (a-fär), adv. [Prefix a, in, at, and far; A. Sax. of feor. See FAR.] At a distance in place; to or from a distance: used absolutely, or with from preceding or off following or both; as, he was seen from afar, or from afar off; I saw him afar off.

The steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar. Beattie.

[Shakspere uses afar off in the sense of indirectly. 'A kind of tender, made afar off by Sir Hugh here.']

Afeard (a-ferd'), a. [O.E. afered, A. Sax. afæred, pp. of afæran, to frighten.] Afraid.

Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises. Shak. Afer (a'fèr), n. [L.] The south-west wind. Milton.

Aff (af), prep. or adv. [Scotch.] Off.-Affhands, hands off.-Af-loof, right off from memory; without premeditation. Burns.— Aff-han', without reserve; frankly.

Aye free affhan' your story tell, When wi' a bosom crony. Burns. Affa (af'fa), n. A weight used on the Guinea coast, equal to an ounce. Affability (af-fa-bil'i-ti), n. [See AFFABLE.] The quality of being affable; readiness to converse; civility and courteousness in receiving others, and in conversation; ready condescension; benignity; mildness.

Hearing of her beauty, and her wit,
Her affability and bashful modesty,

Her wondrous qualities, and mild behaviour.


SYN. Courtesy, courteousness, urbanity, civility, complaisance. Affable (af'fa-bl), a. [L. affabilis, affable-af for ad, to, fari, to speak.] 1. Easy of conversation; admitting others to free conversation without reserve; courteous; complaisant; of easy manners; condescending; kind or benevolent in manner: now usually applied to superiors; as, an affable prince. 'An affable and courteous gentleman.' Shak. 'Affable wolves, meek bears.' Shak.-2. Expressing or betokening affability; mild; benign; as, an affable countenance: opposed to forbidding.-SYN. Courteous, civil, complaisant, accessible, mild, benign, condescending.

Affableness (af'fa-bl-nes), n. Affability. Affably (af'fa-bli), adv. In an affable manner; courteously; invitingly. Affabrous (af'fa-brus), a. [L. affaber, skilful-ad, and faber, an artist.] Skilfully made. Bailey. Affabulationt (af-fab'u-lā"shon), n. [L. affabulatio-ad, to, and fabula, a fable.] The moral of a fable. Bailey.

Affained + (af-fänd'), p. and a. [Prefix a for ad, to, and feign.] Laid to one's charge falsely or feignedly.

Errors maliciously affained to him. Bp. Hall. Affair (af-fär), n. [Fr. affaire-à, to, and faire, from L. facere, to make, do. This word in formation is parallel to the E. ado.] 1. Business of any kind; that which is done, or is to be done; matter; concern: sometimes used by itself in the plural with the specific sense of public affairs; administration of the state. 'At the head of affairs.' Junius. 'A talent for affairs.' Prescott. Sometimes with the sense of pecuniary affairs; finances; as, his affairs are embarrassed.-2. Function; special business; duty. Oh generous youth! my counsel take, And warlike acts forbear;

Put on white gloves and lead folks out,

For that is your affair. Lady M. W. Montagu. 3. A partial engagement of troops; a rencontre; a skirmish.

In this little affair of the advanced posts, I am concerned to add that Lieut. B. was killed.

[blocks in formation]

Affamishment (af-fam'ish-ment), n. The act of starving, or state of being starved. 'Carried into the wilderness for the affamishment of his body.' Bp. Hall. Affatuatet (af-fat'ū-āt), v. t. [L. af for ad, and fatuus, foolish.] To infatuate. Milton. Affeart (af-fer'), v.t. [A. Sax. afæran, gefæran, to make afraid. See FEAR.] To frighten.

Affear (af-fer), v.t. [See AFFEER.] To con


Affect (af-fekt), v.t. [L. affecto, to desire, to strive after, freq. of afficio, affectum, to affect the mind or body-af for ad, to, and facio, to do.] 1. To act upon; to produce an


effect or change upon; to influence: with a personal object, to move or touch by exciting the feelings; as, cold affects the body; loss affects our interests; to affect a person with grief.-2. To urge; to incite. Joye.-3. † To be pleased with; to like; to take pleasure


'How doth your grace affect their motion.' Shak.-4. To love; to regard with the feelings of a lover. 'The lady whom I affect.' Shak.-5. To aim at; to aspire to; to endeavour after.

In this point charge him home that he affects Tyrannical power. Shak. But this proud man affects imperial sway. Dryden. 6. To use or adopt by preference; to choose; to follow after.

Musing meditation most affects

The pensive secrecy of desart-cell. Milton. This method, as the most natural and simple, is the one most affected by the early writers. Prescott. 7. To tend to by natural affinity or disposition.

The drops of every fluid affect a round figure. Newton. 8. To make a show of; to put on a pretence of; to assume the appearance of; to pretend; as, to affect ignorance.

Lewis at first affected to receive these propositions coolly, and at length agreed to them with the air of a man who is conferring a great favour. Macaulay. 9. To imitate in a constrained and unnatural manner.

Spenser, in affecting the ancients, writ no language. B. Jonson. 10. To resemble; to smack of.

He hath a trick of Coeur-de-Lion's face; The accent of his tongue affecteth him. Shak. 11. To render liable to a charge of; to show to be chargeable with.

By the civil law, if a dowry with a wife be promised and not paid, the husband is not obliged to allow her alimony. But if her parents shall become insolvent by some misfortune, she shall have alimony, unless you can affect them with fraud. Ayliffe. 12. To appoint; to attach. [Rare.]

One of the domestics was affected to his especial service. Thackeray.

SYN. To influence, act on, concern, move, melt, soften, subdue, overcome, pretend, assume, put on.

Affect (af-fekt'), n. 1. Affection; passion; sensation; inclination. The affects and passions of the heart.' Bacon. -2. Quality; circumstance. Wiseman.

Affectatet (af-fek'tāt), a. Affected. Eliot. Affectation (af-fek-tá'shon), n. [L. affectatio.] 1. An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false pretence; artificial appearance or show; as, an affectation of wit or of virtue.

Affectation is an awkward and forced imitation of what should be genuine and easy, wanting the beauty that accompanies what is natural. Locke. 2. Fondness; affection. 'Bonds of affectation.. between man and wife.' Bp. Hall. Affected (af-fekt'ed), a. 1. Inclined or disposed: followed by to, sometimes by in; as, well affected to government.

It is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing. Gal. iv. 18.

2. Given to affectation; assuming or pretending to possess what is not natural or real; as, an affected lady.-3. Assumed artificially: not natural; as, affected airs.-4. Beloved; as, his affected Hercules.' Chapman.-5. In alg. same as Adfected.

Affectedly (af-fekt'ed-li), adv. 1. In an affected or assumed manner; with affectation; hypocritically; with more show than reality; as, to walk affectedly; affectedly civil. 2. With tender care; lovingly.

Letters sadly penn'd in blood
With sleided silk feat and affectedly

Shak. The qua

Affectedness (af-fekt'ed-nes), n. lity of being affected; affectation. Affecter (af-fekt'èr), n. One who affects, pretends, or assumes.

Affectibility (af-fekt'i-bil"i-ti), n. The state of being affectible. Affectible (af-fekt'i-bl), a. That may be affected.

Affecting (af-fekt'ing), a. 1. Having power to excite or move the passions; tending to move the affections; pathetic; as, an affecting spectacle; an affecting speech.-2. † Full of affectation. A drawling affecting rogue.' Shak.

Affectingly (af-fekt'ing-li), adv. In an affecting manner; in a manner to excite emotions. Affection (af-fek'shon), n. [L. affectio, affectionis, the being affected or touched.



AFFECT.] 1. The state of having one's feelings affected in some way; bent or disposition of mind; phase of mental disposition; feeling.

Affection is applicable to an unpleasant as well as a pleasant state of the mind when impressed by any object or quality. Cogan.

Specifically, (a) in ethics, one of those principles of action in man which have persons for their immediate object, as esteem, gratitude, friendship (benevolent affections), hatred, envy, jealousy, revenge (malevolent affections). (b) Desire; inclination; appetite; propensity, good or evil; as, virtuous or vile affections. Rom. i. 26; Gal. v. 24. (c)† One of the passions or violent emotions.

Most wretched man,

That to affections does the bridle lend. Spenser. 2. A settled good-will, love, or zealous attachment; as, the affection of a parent for his child generally followed by for, sometimes to or toward, before the object. 3. Characteristic susceptibility arising from idiosyncrasy or peculiarity of temperament; natural instinct or impulse; sympathy. Affection.

Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood Of what it likes or loathes. Shak 4. Prejudice; bias.

'Well,' he says, 'a woman may not reign in England.' 'Better in England than anywhere, as it shall well appear to him that without affection will consider the kind of regiment.' Bp. Ayimer.

5. An attribute, quality, or property which is inseparable from its object; as, figure, weight, &c., are affections of bodies.-6. A disease, or any particular morbid state of the body; as, a gouty affection; hysteric affection.-7. In painting, a lively representation of passion. Wotton. [Rare.]-8.† Affecta


Pleasant without scurrility, witty without affection. Shak

SYN. Passion, attachment, tenderness, fondness, kindness, love, good-will. Affectional (af-fek'shon-al), a. Relating to or implying affection.

Affectionate (af-fek'shon-at), a. 1. Having great love or affection; warmly attached; fond; kind; loving; as, an affectionate brother. 2. Warm in feeling; zealous. [Rare and obsolete.]

In their love of God, and desire to please him, men can never be too affectionate. Bp. Sprat.

3. Proceeding from affection; indicating love; tender; as, the affectionate care of a parent. An affectionate countenance.' Sir P. Sidney.

He (Lord Russell) had sent to Kettlewell an affectionate message from the scaffold. Macaulay 4. Strongly disposed or inclined: with to. 'Affectionate to the war with France." Bacon.-SYN. Tender, attached, loving, devoted, warm, fond, earnest. Affectionated † (af-fek'shon-at-ed), a. posed; inclined.




Be kindly affectionated one to another. xii. 10) New Testament, Cambridge, 1683. Affectionately (af-fek'shon-át-li), adv. an affectionate manner; with affection; fondly; tenderly; kindly. Being affectionately desirous of you.' 1 Thes. ii. 8. Affectionateness (af-fek'shon-at-nes), n The quality of being affectionate; fondness; good-will; affection. "The playfulness of a child, the affectionateness of a woman, and the strong sense of a man.' Quart. Rev. Affectioned (af-fek'shond), a. 1. Having a certain disposition of feeling; disposed.

Be kindly affectioned one to another. Rom. xii ro. 2. Affected; conceited. 'An affectioned ass.' Shak.

Affective (af-fekt'iv), a. That affects or excites emotion; suited to affect. 'A preacher more instructive than affective.' Bp. Burnet. [Rare.]

Affectively (af-fekt'iv-li), adv. In an affective or impressive manner.

Affector (af-fekt'èr), n. Same as Affecter. Affectuosity (af-fek'tü-os'i-ti), n. Passionateness. Bailey. Affectuous (af-fek'tu-us), a. Full of passion; earnest. Made such affectuous labour Fabian.


Affectuously (af-fek'tu-us-li), adv sionately; zealously. St. Remigius prayed so affectuously.' Fabian Affeer (af-fer), v.t. [0. Fr. afferer, affeurer, or afforer, to assess or value, from feur, market price, fixed rate, from L. forum, a market.] 1. To confirm. Thy title is affeered. Shak. Spelled also Affear.-2 In law, to assess or settle, as an arbitrary fine.

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