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Affeerment (af-fer'ment), n. The act of affeering, or assessing an amercement according to the circumstances of the case. Affeeror, Affeerer (af-fer'èr), ". One who affeers; a person sworn to assess arbitrary fines to what seems a reasonable amount. Afferent (af'fer-ent), a. [L. afferens, afferentis, ppr. of affero-af for ad, to, and fero, to carry.) Carrying to, or inwards: used especially in physiol; as, afferent vessels; afferent nerves.

Affermed, pp Confirmed. Chaucer. Affettuoso (af-fet-ty-o'zō). [It.] In music, a direction to sing or play a movement softly and affectingly. Written also Con affetto

Amance (af-fi'ans), n. [Norm, and O. Fr. afaunce, aflance-af for ad, to, and fiancer, to betroth, from LL. fidantiare, derived through fidantia from L. fidans, fidantis, the ppr. of fido, to pledge one's faith, fides, faith] 1 Marriage contract or promise; faith pledged.

Accord of friends, consent of parents sought, Afiance made, my happiness begins. Spenser. 2 Trust in general; confidence; reliance. The Christian looks to God with implicit affiance. Hammond.

Lancelot, my Lancelot, thou in whom I have Most love and most affiance. Tennyson. Amance (af-fi'ans), v. t. pret. & pp. affianced; ppr. aflancing. 1. To betroth; to bind by promise of marriage; to pledge one's faith or fidelity in marriage; as, to affiance a daughter; to affiance one's self.

To me, sad maid, he was affianced. 2 To give confidence to. [Rare.]


Stranger! whoe'er thou art, securely rest Afianced in my faith, a friendly guest. Pope. Affianced (af-fi'anst), n. One bound by a promise of marriage; a future husband or wife. 'With Melissa Florian, I with my afanced Tennyson.

Affiancer (af-fi'ans-èr),n. One who affiances; one who makes a contract of marriage between parties

Affant (af-fi'ant), n. In law, one who makes an affidavit.

Affiche (af-fesh), n. [Fr.] A paper of any kind or bill pasted or affixed to a wall with the view of being seen or read; a poster. Affidation, Affidaturet (af-fi-da'shon, af'fidat-ür),n [From L. affido. See AFFIDAVIT.] A mutual contract of fidelity. Affidavit (af-fi-da'vit), n. [L. L. third pers. sing pres. ind. of affido, to pledge one's faith -L af for ad, to, and fides, faith.] A written declaration upon oath; a statement of facts in writing signed by the party, and sworn to or confirmed by a declaration before an authorized magistrate. In England amdavits are often required when evidence is to be laid before a judge or court. dence brought before a jury is given orally. Affet (af-fi), v. t. and i. Same as Affy (which


Affle, Affyle,tv.t. [Fr. affiler, to sharpen -af for ad, to, and fil, a thread, an edge; L Alum, a thread. ] To polish.

He moste preche and well affyle his tunge. Chaucer. Afiliable (af-fil'i-a-bl), a. Capable of being affiliated, or referred to as the origin or


The distribution of sediment and other geological processes which these marine currents effect, are hable upon the force which the sun radiates. Herbert Spencer.

Affiliate (af-fil'i-at), v. t. pret & pp. affiliated; ppr aliating. [LL adfiliare, to adopt as a son-L. ad, to, and filius, a son; Fr. affilier, to adopt, to initiate into the mysteries of a religious order] 1. To adopt; to receive into a family as a son: hence, to bring into intimate association or close connection.

Is the soul aftitated to God, or is it estranged and
I. Taylor.

m rebelion!

2 To establish the paternity of: generally used in speaking of establishing the paternity of bastard children; a woman is said to agiate a child upon a man. Hence-3. To connect in the way of descent. How do these facts tend to affiliate the faculty of hearing upon the abriginal vegetative processes? H. Spencer.

4 To receive into a society as a member, and initiate in its mysteries, plans, &c.Afiliated societies, local societies connected with a central society or with each other. Afiliation (af-fill-a"shon), n. 1. Adoption; association in the same family or society.

In law, the assignment of a child, as a hastard, to its father, and the fixing upon him of the obligation to maintain it. Hence


-3. The assignment of anything to its origin; connection by way of descent.

The relationship of the sense of smell to the fundamental organic actions is traceable, not only through its affiliation upon the sense of taste, but is traceable directly. H. Spencer.

Affinage (af'fin-aj), n. [Fr., from affiner, to refine. See FINE, a.] The act or process of refining metals. Bailey.

Affinet (af-fin'), v. t. To refine. Holland. Affined (af-find'), a. [0. Fr. affiner, to unite, from affin, L. affinis, neighbouring, related to-L. ad, to, and finis, a boundary.] 1. Joined in affinity; akin.

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Affinitatively (af-fin'i-tät-iv-li), adv. means of affinity. Affinity (af-fin'i-ti), n. [L. affinitas, from affinis, adjacent, related by marriage-af for ad, to, and finis, boundary.] 1. The relation contracted by marriage between a husband and his wife's kindred, and between a wife and her husband's kindred; in contradistinction from consanguinity, or relation by blood.

Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh. 1 Ki. iii. 1. 2. Agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colours, or of languages.

The art of painting hath wonderful affinity with that of poetry. Dryden.

3. Intercourse; acquaintance.

About forty years past, I began a happy affinity with William Cranmer. Burton.

4. In chem. that force by which bodies of dissimilar nature unite in certain definite proportions to form a compound, different in its nature from any of its constituentscalled chemical or elective affinity. See under CHEMICAL.-5. In biol, a resemblance in general plan or structure, or in the essential structural parts, existing between two organisms or groups of organisms. Affirm (af-fèrm'), v. t. [L. affirmo-af for ad, to, and firmo, to make firm.] 1. To assert positively; to tell with confidence; to aver; to declare the existence of something; to maintain as true: opposed to deny. 'Affirming each his own philosophy.' Tennyson. Of one Jesus, which was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. Acts xxv. 19.

2. To make firm; to establish, confirm, or ratify; as, the supreme court affirmed the judgment. SYN. To assert, aver, declare, asseverate, assure, pronounce, protest, avouch, confirm, establish, ratify. Affirm (af-férm'), v. i. 1. To declare or assert positively or solemnly.

Not that I so affirm, though so it seem
To thee, who hast thy dwelling here on earth.


2. To declare solemnly before a court or magistrate; to make a legal affirmation. See AFFIRMATION.

Affirmable (af-férm'a-bl), a. That may be affirmed, asserted, or declared: followed by of; as, an attribute affirmable of every just

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All sentences are liable to the king's affirmance or reversal. Brougham.

2. Declaration; affirmation. [Rare.] They swear it till affirmance breeds a doubt. Cowper. 3. In law, confirmation of a voidable act. Affirmant (af-fèrm'ant), n. 1. One who affirms or asserts.-2. One who makes affirmation instead of an oath. Affirmation (af-fèr-ma'shon), n. 1. The act of affirming or asserting as true: opposed to negation or denial.-2. That which is asserted; position declared as true; averment. That he shall receive no benefit from Christ, is the affirmation whereon his despair is founded. Hammond.

3. Confirmation; ratification; an establishment of what has been before done or decreed.

Our statutes sometimes are only the affirmation or ratification of that which by common law was held before. Hooker.

4. In law, the solemn declaration made by Quakers, Moravians, and any others who

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2. Confirmative; ratifying; as, an act affirmative of common law.-3. In alg. positive: a term applied to numbers which have the sign+(plus), denoting addition, and opposed to negative, or such as have the sign(minus), denoting subtraction. -4. Positive; dogmatic.


Be not confident and affirmative in an uncertain Fer. Taylor. Affirmative (af-fèrm'at-iv), n. 1. A statement in which anything is affirmed; an affir'The mative proposition; an affirmation. affirmatives are indemonstrable.' Stillingfleet.-2. A word or phrase expressing assent to an affirmation expressed or implied, or answering a question affirmatively; as, yes, yea, that is so. If your four negatives make your two affirmatives.' Shak.

A government is perfect of which the affirmative can be truly stated in answering these questions. Brougham.

3. That side of a debated question which maintains the truth of the affirmation or affirmative proposition: opposed to the negative; as, seventy-five voted in the affirmative, and thirty-five in the negative.4. Naut. the signal flag or pendant by which a request or order is answered. Affirmatively (af-ferm'at-iv-li), adv. In an affirmative manner; positively; on the affirmative side of a question: opposed to negatively.

I believe in God. First, in God affirmatively, I be lieve he is; against atheism. Secondly, in God ex: clusively, not in gods; as against polytheism and idolatry. Bp. Pearson. Affirmer (af-fèrm'èr), n. One who affirms. The burthen of the proof in law resteth upon the affirmer. Bp. Bramhall. Affix (af-fiks'), v.t. [L. affigo, affixum-af for ad, to, and figo, fixum, to fix.] 1. To subjoin, annex, unite, or add at the close or end; to append; as, to affix a syllable to a word; to affix a seal to an instrument.-2. To fasten in any manner; to attach physically.

Should they (butterflies) affix them (eggs) to the leaves of a plant improper for their food, such caterpillars must needs be lost. Ray.

3. To attach, unite, or connect, as in the mind; as, 'ideas with names affixed to them." Locke. SYN. To attach, subjoin, append, fasten, connect, annex, unite. Affix (af'fiks), n. A syllable or letter added to the end of a word; a suffix; a post-fix; as, -ness, hood, fy, -ize, in goodness, manhood, verify, civilize.

Affixal (af-fiks'al), a. Pertaining to an affix: having the character of an affix. Affixion (af-flk'shon), n. The act of affixing or state of being affixed. 'In his scourging, in his affixion, in his transfixion.' Bp. Hall. [Rare.]

Affixture (af-fiks'tür), n. That which is affixed. [Rare.]

Afflation (af-fla'shon), n. [L. aflo, aflatum, -af for ad, to, and flo, to blow. See BLOW.] A blowing or breathing on.

Afflatus (af-fla'tus), n. [L. See AFFLATION.] 1. A breath or blast of wind.-2. Inspiration; communication of divine knowledge or the power of prophecy; specifically, the inspiration of the poet.

The poet writing against his genius will be like a prophet without his afflatus. Fos. Spence.

3. In med. a current of air which strikes the body and produces disease.

Afflict (af-flikt'), v.t. [L. aflicto, to trouble, harass or annoy, intens. of afligo, to dash down-af for ad, to, and fligo, to strike.] 1. To strike down; to prostrate; to overthrow; to rout.

And, reassembling our afflicted powers,
Consult how we may henceforth most offend
Our enemy.

2. To give to the body or mind pain which
is continued or of some permanence; to
trouble, grieve, harass, or distress; as, one
is afflicted with the gout, or with melancholy,
or with losses and misfortunes. 3. To
place in a low or inferior position; to humi-
liate; to regard with disfavour; to persecute.
Men are apt to prefer a prosperous error before an
afflicted truth.
Fer. Taylor.


SYN. To trouble, grieve, pain, distress, harass, torment, wound, hurt. Afflictedness (af-flikt'ed-nes), n. The state of being afflicted: superseded by Affliction.

Thou art deceived if thou thinkest that God delights in the afflictedness of his creatures. Bp. Hall. Afflicter (af-flikt'èr), n. One who afflicts, or causes pain of body or of mind. Afflicting (af-flikt'ing), a. Grievous; distressing; as, an afflicting event.

Afflictingly (af-flikt'ing-li), adv. In an afflicting manner.

Affliction (af-flik'shon), n. 1. The state of being afflicted; a state of pain, distress, or grief. To visit the fatherless and widows in affliction.' Jam. i. 27.

Some virtues are only seen in affliction, and some in prosperity. Addison.

2. The cause of continued pain of body or mind, as sickness, losses, calamity, adversity, persecution.

Ps. xxxiv. 19.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous. - Affliction, Grief, Sorrow. Affliction is stronger than grief, and grief than sorrow. Affliction is acute mental suffering caused by the loss of something cherished, as friends, health, or fortune, and is personal; grief is suffering caused by something recently past, and may be sympathetic; sorrow is a feeling of suffering or regret milder than grief, and may arise from present as well as from past trouble.-SYN. Calamity, trouble, distress, grief, pain, sorrow, adversity, misery, wretchedness, misfortune. Afflictive (af-flikt'iv), a. Giving pain; causing continued or repeated pain or grief; painful; distressing. Spreads slow disease, and darts afflictive pain.' Prior.-SYN. Painful, distressing, grievous, calamitous, adverse, oppressive.

Afflictively (af-flikt'iv-li), adv. In a manner to give pain or grief. Sir T. Browne. Affluence (af'flū-ens), n. [L. afluentia, from afluo, to flow to-af for ad, to, and fluo, to flow.] 1. A flowing to or concourse.

There is an unusual affluence of strangers this year. Carlyle.

2. Fig. an abundant supply, as of thoughts, words, but specifically, of riches; hence, great plenty of worldly goods;. wealth.

Many old and honourable families disappeared, and many new men rose rapidly to affluence. Macaulay. SYN. Abundance, exuberance, plenty, wealth, opulence. Afluency (af'flù-en-si), n. Same as Afluence, but rarer.

There may be certain channels running from the head to this little instrument of loquacity (a woman's tongue), and conveying into it a perpetual affluency of animal spirits. Addison.

Affluent (af'flù-ent), a. [L. affluens, affluentis, ppr. of affluo. See AFFLUENCE. ] 1. Flowing to. Affluent blood.' Harvey.-2. Wealthy; abounding in goods or riches;

abundant. Loaded and blest with all the afluent store.' Prior.

State of

Affluent (af'flu-ent), n. A tributary stream; a small stream or river flowing into a larger one, or into a lake, and the like. Affluently (af'flü-ent-li), adv. In an affluent manner; in abundance; abundantly. Affluentness (af'flu-ent-nes), n. being affluent. Aflux (af'fluks), n. [From L. afluo, afluxum. See AFFLUENCE.] The act of flowing to; a flowing to, or that which flows to; as, an aflux of blood to the head. Locke. Affluxion (af-fluk'shon), n. The act of flowing to; that which flows to. Sir T. Browne. See AFFLUX.

Afforcement, Afforciament + (af-fōrs'ment, af-förs'i-a-ment), n. [O. Fr. afforcement, from afforcer, to fortify; L.L. afforciareaf for ad, to, and fortis, strong.] A fortress; a fortification for defence. Bailey. Afford (af-förd'), v.t. [O.E. aforth, to afford (Piers Plowman), from prefix a, and forth; comp. A. Sax. forthian, geforthian, to further, aid, advance; Sc. forder, to further.] 1. To give forth; to yield or produce, as fruit, profit, issues, or results; as, the earth affords grain; trade affords profit; distilled liquors afford spirit.-2. To yield, grant, or confer; as, a good life affords consolation in old age.

The quiet lanes of Surrey... afford calmer retreat on every side. Gilpin.

3. To buy, grant, sell, expend, and the like, without loss or injury to one's estate; as, a man can afford a sum yearly in charity; one man can afford more expensive wines than another; A can afford his wares at a lower


price than B.-4. To be sufficiently confirmed or established to be able to stand or bear what might otherwise prove injurious: said of character, social position, and the like; as, his character could afford this escapade; his constitution could afford such a severe strain. [In the two last senses this verb is generally used with an auxiliary, as may, might, can, could; and may take an infinitive or infinitive clause for the object instead of a noun; as, I cannot afford to give my son an expensive education; a man convinced of his integrity can afford to despise

such insinuations.

He could afford to suffer With those whom he saw suffer. Wordsworth.] Affordment (af-ford'ment), n. A donation; a grant. Your forward helps and affordments.' H. Lord.

Afforest (af-for'est), v. t. [L.L. afforestare, to convert into a forest-af for ad, to, and foresta, a forest.] To convert ground into forest, as was done by the first Norman kings in England, for the purpose of affording themselves the pleasures of the chase. Sir J. Davies. The Afforestation (af-for'es-ta"shon), n. act of turning ground into forest or wood land.

Richard I. and Henry II. . . . had made new af forestations, and much extended the rigour of the forest laws. Sir M. Hale.

Afformative (af-form'a-tiv), n. [Prefix af for ad, to, and formative.] In philol. an affix. Examples of afformatives are -ly as in kingly, -en as in wooden, -ous in virtuous. Affranchise (af-fran'chiz), v. t. [Fr. affranchir, affranchissant, to make free-af for ad, and franc, free. See FRANK, FRANCHISE.] To make free.

Affranchisement (af-fran'chiz-ment), n. The act of making free, or liberating from dependence or servitude.

Affrapt (af-frap'), v.t. and i. [Prefix af for ad, to, and Fr. frapper, to strike.] To strike.

They bene ymett, both ready to affrap. Spenser. Affray (af-fra'), n. [O. Fr. affrai, esfroi, Mod. Fr. effroi, Pr. esfrei, terror, and formerly also outcry, disturbance, from Pr. esfreyar, esfreidar, to frighten, from L. L. exfrigidare-L. ex, intens., and frigidus, cold. Wedgwood and others, however, derive the word from L. fragor, a crushing, from frag, root of frango, to break (and allied to E. break). Fray is an abbreviated form.] 1. Fear.


SYN. To terrify, frighten, alarm, dismay, daunt, intimidate, appal, shock, confound, dishearten, dispirit.

Affright (af-frit'), n. 1. Sudden or great fear; terror: it expresses a stronger impression than fear or apprehension, and perhaps less than terror.


He looks behind him with affright, and before him with despair. 2. The cause of terror; a frightful object. The gods upbraid our suff'rings, By sending these affrights. B. Fonson. Affrightedly (af-frit'ed-li), adv. In an affrighted manner; with fright. Affrighten (af-frit'n), v.t. affright. Affrightfult (af-frit'ful), a. Terrifying; terrible; that may excite great fear; dreadful. 'Affrightful accidents." Bp. Hall. Affrightment (af-frit'ment), n. 1. The act of terrifying.

To terrify; to

Since your affrightment (you) could not make her open unto you. Brome.

2. The state of being frightened; affright; terror. 'With as much affrightment as if an enemy were near.' Jer. Taylor. Passionate words or blows. . . fill the child's mind with terror and affrightment. Locke. Affront (af-frunt'), v.t. [Fr. affronter, to encounter face to face-af for ad, to, and L. frons, frontis, front, face.] 1. Lit. to meet or encounter face to face; to confront; to front; to face.

That he, as 'twere by accident, might here
Affront Ophelia.


The seditious affronted the king's forces. Hayward. 2. To offend by an open manifestation of disrespect; to insult; to offend by insolence; as, to affront one by giving him the lie. Only our foe, Tempting, affronts us with his foul esteem Of our integrity. Millon. 3. To put to shame or confusion; to put out of countenance: it may be unintentionally. Affront (af-frunt'), n. 1. Opposition to the face; open defiance; encounter.

This day thou shalt have ingots; and, to-morrow, give lords th' affront. B. Fenson.

I walk'd about admired of all and dreaded
On hostile ground, noi e daring my affront.


2. An act of an insulting or disrespectful character; an open manifestation of disrespect or contumely; an outrage; an insult. 'An affront to our understanding.' Addi


Oft have they violated The temple, oft the law with foul affronts. Milton. 3. Shame; disgrace; anything producing a feeling of shame or disgrace. [A

Full of ghastly fright, and cold affray. Spenser. 2. A public fight; a noisy quarrel; a brawl; a tumult; disturbance; specifically, in law, the fighting of two or more persons in a public place to the terror of others. fighting in private is not in a legal sense an affray.]-SYN. Quarrel, brawl, scuffle, encounter, fight, contest, feud, tumult, disturbance.

Affray (af-fra'), v.t. [Fr. effrayer, O. or Prov. Fr. affraier, effroyer, Pr. esfreyar, esfreidar, to frighten. See the noun.] To frighten; to terrify; to give a shock to.

The kettle-drum and far-heard clarionet
Affray his ears.


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Affreight (af-frāt'), v.t. [Prefix af for ad, to, and freight.] To hire a ship for the transportation of goods or freight. Smart. Affreighter (af-frat'èr), n. The person who hires or charters a ship or other vessel to Crabb. convey goods.

The act of hiring a ship for the transportation of goods. Affrett (af-fret), n. [It. affrettare, to hasten. See FRET, to rub. ] A furious onset or

Affreightment (af-frat'ment), n.


With the terrour of their fierce affret They rudely bore to ground both man and horse. Spenser. Affriction (af-frik'shon), n. [Prefix af for ad, to, and friction.] The act of rubbing. See FRICTION. Boyle. Affriended, Affrended t (af-frend'ed), a. Made friends; reconciled. Deadly foes so faithfully affriended.' Spenser. Affright (af-frit), v. t. [A. Sax. afyrhtian, afyrhtan, to affright-prefix a, intens., and fyrhtan, to frighten. See FRIGHT.] To impress with sudden fear; to frighten; to terrify or alarm.

When in their naked, native force display'd,
Look answers look, affrighting and afraid. Crabbe.

Antonius was defeated, upon the sense of Arbuthnot. which affront he died of grief. -Afront, Insult, Outrage. Affront, an intentional act of disrespect, often rendered the more galling as being given in the presence of others; insult, a direct and personal attack intended to humiliate or degrade; outrage, an insult or affront of the grossest kind, implying an extreme breach of the laws of society. An insult aggravated by personal violence becomes an outrage.

Captious persons construe every innocent freedom into an affront. When people are in a state of animosity, they seek opportunities of offering each other insults. Intoxication or violent passion impels men to the commission of outrages. Crabb Affronté (af-frunt-e),a. [Fr.] In her (a) front to front; an epithet given to animals that face each other aspectant on an escutcheon, a kind of bearing which is otherwise called confronté, and stands opposed to adorsed. (b) Facing the spectator, as the lion in the crest of Scotland. (c) Applied to a savage's head that on a charge is full faced. Affrontedly (af-frunt'ed-li), adv. In a manner to affront; provokingly. Bacon Affronter (af-frunt'ér), n. One who affronts Affronting (af-frunt'ing), a. Contumelious; abusive. Words affronting and reproachful.' Watts.


Affrontingly (af-frunt'ing-li), adv. In an affronting manner.

Affrontivet (af-frunt’iv), a. Giving offence; 'How much tending to offend; abusive. more affrontive it is to despise mercy." South. Affrontiveness (aff unt'iv-nes), n. The quality that gives offence. Ash. [Rare.]


Affuse (af-füz), vt pret. & pp. affused; ppr. afusing. [L. afundo, affusum af for ad, to, and fundo, fusum, to pour out.] To pour upon; to sprinkle, as with a liquid.

I first affured water upon the compressed beans. Boyle. Affusion (af-fü'zhon), n. 1. The act of pouring upon, or sprinkling with a liquid, as water upon a child in baptism.

When the Jews baptized their children, in order to circumcision, it seems to have been indifferent whether it was done by immersion or affusion. Wheatley.

2 In med, the act of pouring water on the boly as a curative means, as by a showerbath, &c

Affy (af-fi'), v.t. [Fr. affier, It. affidare-L. af for ad, to, and fides, faith.] 1. To betroth; to affiance.

Wedded be thou to the hags of hell,
For daring to affy a mighty lord

Unto the daughter of a worthless king. Shak. 2 To bind; to join.

Personal respects rather seem to affy me unto that synod Montagu. Affy (af-fi'), v.i., To trust; to confide.


I do affy in thy uprightness. Afghan (af'gan), n. 1. A native or inhabitant of Afghanistan. 2. The language of the Afghans-3. A kind of carriage blanket. Afghan (af gan), a. Of or relating to Afghanistan or its people.

Afield (a-feld), adv. [Prefix a, on, and field.] 1. To the field, in the field. We drove afield." Milton

What keeps Gurth so long afield! Sir W. Scott. 2 Astray; off the right path.

Why should he wander afield at the age of fifty-five? Trollope.

Afilet (a-fil'), v.t. To file; to polish or refine See AFFILE.

Afire (a-fir), a. or adv. [Prefix a, on, and Jure.] On fire.

The match is left afire. Beau. & FI Aflame (a-flam), a. or adv. [Prefix a, on, and Aame.] Flaming; glowing. Aflame with a glory beyond that of amber and amethyst.' George Eliot

Aflat (a-flat), a. or adv. [Prefix a, on, and flat] On a level with the ground.

Lay all his branches aflat upon the ground. Bacon. Aflaunt (a-flant'), a. or adv. In a flaunting manner; with showy equipage or dress. His hat all aflaunt and befeathered with all kinds of coloured plumes.' Copley. Afight, ei. To be terrifled; alarmed. 'Her herte aflight' Gower. Aflight,t. To terrify; to alarm.

Julias .tooke a speciall pleasure to see them so aflighted Sir T. More. Afloat (a-flot), adv. or a. [Prefix a, on, and Boat (which see).] 1. Borne on the water; floating; swimming; as, the ship is afloat.2. Fig. moving; passing from place to place; in circulation; as, a rumour is afloat.-3. Unfixed; moving without guide or control; as, our affairs are all afloat.

Afoam (a-fom), adv. or a. [Prefix a, on, and Jeam] In a foaming state; foaming; as, the water was all afoam. Afoot (a fut), adv. or a. [Prefix a, on, and foot] 1. On foot; borne by the feet; in a condition to walk, especially after sickness. He distinguished himself as a sick-nurse, till his pour comrade got afoot again. Carlyle.

2 In action; in a state of being planned for execution; as, a design is afoot. Afore (a for), adv. [Prefix a, at, and fore; A Sax ætfore, atforan Except as a nautical word afore is now obsolete or provincial in all its senses It is almost uniformly employed in Scotland for before ] Before. (a) In front, in the fore part; specifically (naut.), in the fore part of a vessel.

Aproaching nigh, he reared high afore

His body, monstrous, horrible, and vast. Spenser. (3) In time foregone or past.

If he never drank wine afore, it will go near to

remove his t

(c) Before, in position.



Wul you go on afore! Afore (a-for'), conj. Rather than; before.

Afore I'll

Entre the tyranny of such a tongue, And such a pride. What will you do?Teltta B. Jonson. Afore (a for), prep 1. Before. (a) In time. If your digence be not speedy, I shall be there are you Shak.

(b) In position, station, or rank.

In the Trinity none is afore or after another.
Athanasian Creed.


(c) In or into the presence of; under the regard or notice of 'Afore God, I speak simply.' B. Jonson. Notwithstanding all the dangers I laid afore you.' B. Jonson.2. Naut. before; more toward the head of a ship than; further forward or nearer the stem than; as, afore the windlass.-Afore the mast, applied to a common sailor who does duty on the main deck, and has no special office on board the ship. Aforegoing (a-för'go-ing), a. Going before. See FOREGOING, which is chiefly used. Aforehand (a-förhand), adv. 1. In time previous; by previous provision; as, he is ready aforehand.

She is come aforehand to anoint my body. Mark xiv. 8. 2. Well advanced; not behindhand; hence, in satisfactory pecuniary circumstances; as, he is aforehand with the world. Aforehand in all matters of power.' Bacon. [Old English and Scotch.]

Aforementioned (a-för men-shond), a. Mentioned before in the same writing or dis

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Aforesaid (a-för'sed), a. Said, recited, or mentioned before, or in a preceding part. Aforethought (a-for'that), a. Thought of beforehand; premeditated; prepense; as, malice aforethought, which is required to constitute murder.

Aforetime (a-för'tim), adv. In time past; in a former time.

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning. Rom. xv. 4."

Aforne-caste,ta. [Aforne afore, and cast.] Premeditated. Chaucer.

A fortiori (a for-shi-o'ri). [L.] Fora stronger reason. In logic, a term employed in a chain of reasoning, to imply that what follows is a more powerful argument than what has been already adduced. It is also used by mathematicians in the same signification. Afoul (a-foul), adv. or a. [Prefix a, on, and foul.] Not free; in collision; entangled; as, the brig ran afoul of the steamer. Afraid (a-frad'), a. [O.E. affrayd, afrayde, &c., pp. of the obsolete verb affray, to frighten. See AFFRAY.] Impressed with fear or apprehension; fearful: followed by of before the object of fear; as, to be afraid of death.

Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid. Mat. xiv. 27. [Afraid expresses a less degree of fear than terrified or frightened. In colloquial language I am afraid is often nearly equivalent to I suspect, I am inclined to think, or the like, and is regularly used as a kind of polite introduction to a correction, objection, &c., or to make a statement sound less positive; as, I am afraid you are wrong; I am afraid that argument won't hold.] Afrancesado (a-fran-tha-sa'THO), n. [Sp.] A term given to the members of that party in Spain who, during the war of independence (1808 to 1814), allied themselves to the French.

Afreet. See AFRIT.

Afresh (a-fresh'), adv. [Prefix a, on, and fresh.] Anew; again; after intermission.

They crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh. Heb. vi. 6. Afric (af'rik), a. Same as African. 'Afric shore.' Milton.

African (af'rik-an), a. Pertaining to Africa. -African hemp, or African bowstring hemp, one of the names of the fibre obtained from the leaves of the Sanseviera guineensis, nat. order Liliaceæ. -African oak or teak, a valuable wood for some ship-building purposes, obtained from Oldfieldia africana, nat. order Euphorbiaceæ.

African (af'rik-an), n. 1. A native of Africa. 2. The African marigold (Tagetes erecta). [Rare.]

Africanism (af'rik-an-izm), n. A word, phrase, or custom peculiar to Africa. Africanize (af'rik-an-iz), v. t. 1. To give an African character to. 2. To place under negro domination. Bartlett. [American.] Afright, a. In fear; terrified.

Myn herte is sore afright.


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Goth. af, E. of. See AFTER.] Naut. a word used to denote position at or near, or direction towards the stern of a ship; as, the aft part of the ship; haul aft the main sheet, that is, further towards the stern.-Fore and aft, the whole length of a ship.-Right aft, in a direct line with the stern. Aft, Aften (aft, af'n), adv. Oft; often. [Scotch.]

Aftcastle (aft'kas-l), n. Naut. an elevation on the after-part of ships of war, for the purpose of fighting: opposed to forecastle. After (after), a. [A. Sax. after, a compar. from af, E. of, -ter being the compar. syllable, seen as ther in whether, hither, as der in under. See OF. 1. Later in time; subsequent; succeeding; as, an after period of life in this sense often combined with the following noun; as, after-ages.-2. Naut. more aft, or towards the stern of the ship; as, the after sails; after hatchway. After (after), prep. 1. Behind in place; as, men placed in a line one after another.2. Later in time; as, after supper. [This word often precedes a sentence, as a governing preposition.

After I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee, Mat. xxvi. 32.) 3. In pursuit of; in search of; engaged about; with or in desire for.

After whom is the king of Israel come out? 1 Sam. xxiv. 14. Ye shall not go after other gods. Deut. vi. 14. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Ps. xlii. 1.

4. In imitation of, or in imitation of the style of; as, to make a thing after a model; after the antique; after Raphael.-5. According to; in proportion to; in accordance with. After its intrinsic value.' Bacon.

O Lord deal not with us after our sins... Neither reward us after our iniquities. Common Prayer.

6. According to the direction and influence of; according to the demands or appetites of.

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die. Rom. viii. 13. 7. Below in rank or excellence; next to; as, after Shakspere I class Milton as our greatest poet.-8. Concerning; as, to inquire after a person. After all, when all has been taken into view, and there remains nothing more to be added; at last; in fine; upon the whole; at the most; notwithstanding; as, after all, things are not so bad as they looked.

After (aft'ér), adv. 1. Later in time; afterwards; as, it was about the space of three hours after.

First, let her show her face, and after speak. Shak. 2. Behind; in pursuit; as, to follow after. 'I'll after.' Shak. [Though apparently an adverb the word is often, however, really a preposition, the object being understood.] After-age (aft'èr-aj), n. A later age or time; posterity. For all succeeding time and after-age.' Oldham,

To after-age thou shalt be writ the man,
That with smooth air couldst humour best our

Most commonly used in the plural.

What an opinion will after-ages entertain of their religion? Addison. After-birth (aft'èr-bèrth), n. That which is excluded from the uterus after the birth of a child; it includes the placenta, part of umbilical cord, and the membranes of the ovum. Called also Secundines. After-body (aft'er-bo-di), n.

That part of

a ship's hull which is abaft the midships or dead-flat, as seen from the stern. The term is, however, more particularly used in expressing the figure or shape of that part of the ship.

After-burthen† (aft'èr-bér-THеn), n. The after birth: a terni frequently employed in the depositions relating to the birth of the Prince of Wales in 1688.

After-cabin (aft'èr-kab-in), n. The best or stern cabin of a vessel. Sometimes called the Saloon.

After-clap (aft'êr-klap), n. An unexpected subsequent event: something happening after an affair is supposed to be at an end. After-come (aft'er-kum), n. 'Those dreadful after-claps.' South. What comes after; consequence. And how are you to stand the after-come?' Hogg. [Scotch.] After-cost (aft'èr-kost), n. Later cost; expense after the execution of the main design. After-crop (aft'ér-krop), n. The second crop in the same year.


After-damp (aft'èr-damp), n. Choke-damp or carbonic acid, found in coal-mines after an explosion of 'fire-damp' or light carbur etted hydrogen.

After-designed (aft'èr-de-sind), a. In law, designed or specified afterwards. After-eye (aft-ér-i'), v.t. To keep one in view.


Thou shouldst have made him As little as a crow, or less, ere let To after-eye him. After-feed (aft'èr-fēd), n. The grass that grows after the first crop has been mown, and not cut a second time as after-math, but fed off. [Provincial.]

Aftergame (aft'èr-gām), n. A subsequent game or expedient; a plan laid after the original scheme has failed.

Our first design, my friend, has proved abortive; Still there remains an aftergame to play. Addison.

After-grass (aft'èr-gras), n. The second crop of grass from lands which have been previously mowed the same year. After-grief (aft'èr-gref), n. on the first outburst.

Grief following

There are after-griefs... which leave behind them scars never to be effaced. Southey. After-growth (aft'èr-grōth), n. A second growth or crop springing up after a previous one has been removed; hence, any form or development naturally arising after any change, social or moral. The after-growths which would have to be torn up or broken through.' J. S. Mill.

After-guard (aft'ér-gärd), n. In the navy, the seamen who are stationed on the poop and quarter-deck of vessels to attend and work the after-sails, &c.

After-help (aft'èr-help), n. Secondary help; subsidiary cause. Sir E. Sandys. Afterhind (eft'èr-hind), adv. [After, and hind, as in behind.] Afterwards. Written also Afterhin, Afterhint. [Scotch.] After-hold (aft'èr-hold), n. Naut. that portion of the hold lying behind the mainmast. The Glasgow was in flames, the steward having set fire to her while stealing rum out of the after-hold. Southey.

After-hope (aft'èr-hōp), n. Future hope.

B. Jonson. After-hours (aft'èr-ourz), n. pl. Hours that follow; time following. That after-hours with sorrow chide us not.' Shak. Afterings (aft'èr-ingz), n. pl. 1. The last milk drawn in milking; strokings.-2. Latter part of a series of events.

These are the afterings of Christ's sufferings. Br. Hall. After-leavings (aft'èr-lē-vingz), n. pl. ReWeale.


After-life (aft'èr-lif), n. 1. Future life; remainder of life.

My dead face would vex her after-life. Tennyson. 2. The life after death.

After-love (aft'ér-luv), n. Second or future love.

Aftermath (aft'èr-math), n. [After and math. See MATH.] A second mowing of grass from the same land in the same season. Also called Lattermath, Rowen, or Rowett, and in some places, when left long on the ground, Fog.

After-mentioned (aft-ér- men'shond), a. Mentioned or to be mentioned afterwards; as, the after-mentioned persons. Aftermost (aft'èr-most), a. superl. [A. Sax. æftemest, æftermest, a double superlative, mest being from ma+st, two superlative suffixes. The termination has become falsely assimilated to most. See HINDMOST.] Hindmost; naut. nearest the stern: opposed to foremost.

Afterness (aft'êr-nes), n. The state of being or coming after. [Rare.] Afternoon (aft'èr-non), n. The part of the day which follows noon, between noon and evening.

Afternoon (aft'èr-nön), a. Relating to the after part of the day; as, the afternoon watch.

After-note (aft'èr-nõt), n. In music, the second or unaccented note, the first of every two being naturally accented; one or more small notes that are not appoggiaturas, but belong to the preceding instead of the succeeding note.

After-pains (aft'èr-pănz), n. pl. The pains which succeed childbirth.

After-part (aft'èr-part), n. 1. The latter part-2. Naut. the part of a ship towards the stern.

After-peak (aft'èr-pēk), n. Naut. the contracted part of a vessel's hold, which lies in


the run or aftermost portion of the hold: in contradistinction to the fore-peak. After-piece (aft'èr-pes), n. A short dramatic entertainment performed after the principal performance.

After-proof (aft'èr-pröf), n. Subsequent proof or evidence; a fact or piece of evidence subsequently becoming known. After-rake (aft'ér-rāk), n. Naut. that part of the hull of a vessel which overhangs the after-end of the keel. After-sail (aft'èr-sal), n. Naut. one of the sails on the main and mizzen masts. After-study (aft'èr-stu-di), n. A study subsequent to another, or that is undertaken at some future time.

As a slender introduction to the after-study of logic, it is not to be despised. Sir W. Hamilton. After-swarm (aft'èr-swarm), n. A swarm of bees which leaves the hive after the first. After-taste (aft'èr-tast), n. A taste which succeeds eating or drinking. After-thought (aft'èr-that), n.


after an act; some consideration that occurs to one's mind too late, or after the performance of the act to which it refers. After-thought, and idle care, And doubts of motley hue, and dark despair. Dryden. After-time (aft'er-tim), n. Succeeding time.

Wheresoever I am sung or told, In after-time, this also shall be known. Tennyson. More commonly used in the plural.

The mere possession of a fief, or even of a dignity, though originally a means of acquiring nobility, did not of itself confer it in after-times. Brougham. Afterward, Afterwards (aft'èr-werd, aft'ér-wêrdz), adv. [A. Sax. afterweard. See WARD.] In later or subsequent time. After-wise (aft'èr-wiz), a. Wise after the event; wise when it is too late; after-witted.

There are such as we may call the after-wise, who, when any project fails, foresaw all the inconveniences that would arise from it, though they kept their thoughts to themselves. Addison.

After-wit (aft'èr-wit), n. comes too late.


seminary of brave military people as in England, Bacon. Scotland, and Ireland.

[The general idea involved in this word is that of return or repetition; as in these phrases give it back again; give him as much again, that is, the same quantity once more or repeated, &c. There is an idiomatic use of the word in such phrases as, he struck it till it rung again, implying energy on the part of the subject or actor, and reciprocal action or return on that of the object.

He laughed till the glasses on the sideboard rang again. Dickens.] -Again and again, often; with frequent repetition.

This is not to be obtained by one or two hasty readings; it must be repeated again and again. Locke. Again (a-gan', a-gen'), prep. [O.E. and Sc.] 1. Against.

Through treason, again him wrought. Skelton. 2. Toward; in the direction to meet. And praide him for to ride again the quene. Chaucer. Againbuy † (a-găn ́bi), v.t. To redeem. We hopeden that he should have againbought Israel. Wickliffe. Againrising † (a-gănʼrīz-ing), n. Resurrection. The againrising of deede men.' Wickliffe.

Againsawt (a-gan'sa), n. Contradiction. Againsay (a-gen'sā), v.t. [Again for against, and say.] To gainsay. For extract see under AGAINSTAND. Against (a-genst'), prep. [O.E. agenes, ayens, agayns, ongaenes, A. Sax. tô-gegnes, against. The es is an adverbial or genit. termination and the t does not properly belong to the word, having been added, like that in amidst, betwixt. The A. Sax. gegn, again or against, is only used in compounds; it is the same as gain in gainsay, Icel. gegn, Sw. gen, G. gegen, against.] 1. Opposite in place; abreast; as, a ship is against the mouth of a river: in this sense it is often preceded by

over. Wisdom that

There is no recalling of what's gone and past; so that after-wit comes too late when the mischief is done. Sir R. L'Estrange.

After-wits are dearly bought,

Let thy fore-wit guide thy thought. Southwell. After-witted (aft'èr-wit-ed), a. Characterized by after-wit; circumspect when it is too late; after-wise.

Our fashions of eating make us slothfull and unlusty to labour ... after-witted (as we call it), uncircumspect, inconsiderate, heady, rash. Tyndale. After-yard (aft'èr-yärd), n. Naut. a yard belonging to the mizzen-mast.

Aft-meal (aft'mel), n. A meal as an accessory to the main meal, as dessert to dinner; an after or late meal.

At aft-meals who shall pay for the wine? Thynne. Aftmost (aft'mōst), a. Naut. situated

nearest the stern.

Aft-ward (aft'werd), adv. Naut. towards the stern or hinder part of a vessel. Aga (a'ga), n. [Turk. agha, a great lord, commander.] In the Turkish dominions, a commander or chief officer. The title is

given to various chief officers, whether civil or military, also to great landholders, and to the higher officers of the sultan's seraglio. Spelled also Agha. Agabanee (ag-a-ba'nē), n. A cotton fabric embroidered with silk made in Aleppo. Again (a-gen'), adv. [O.E. agen; A. Sax. agen, agegn, ongegn, ongean, again; gen, gean, gegn, against. See AGAINST.] I. A second time; once more.

I will not again curse the ground. Gen. viii. 21. 2. On another occasion.

For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son? And again, . . . Let all the angels of God worship him. Heb. i. 5.

3. On the other hand; on the contrary. The one is my sovereign

the other again Is my kinsman, whom the king hath wronged. 4. Moreover; besides; further.


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Aaron lighted the lamps thereof over against the candlestick. Num. viii. 3.

2. In opposition to; in contrariety to; adverse or hostile to; as, twenty votes against ten; this change of measures is against us; against law, reason, or public opinion.

His hand will be against every man. Gen. xvi. 12. 3. Towards or upon; so as to meet; in an opposite direction to; as, to strike against a rock; the rain beats against the window; to ride against the wind.-4. Bearing or resting upon; as, to lean against a wall.5. In provision for; in preparation for. Against the day of my burying hath she kept this. Jn. xi 7 -Against time, as in the phrases, a match against time, a race against time, signifies that some specified things have to be done or distance run before the close of a given time.

I always felt as if I was riding a race against time. Dickens.

Againstand † (a-gen'stand), v. t. [Again for against, and stand.] To oppose; to withstand.

Agait (a-gat), adv. Same as Agate. Agalactia (a-ga-lak'ti-a), n. [Gr. a, priv, and gala, galactos, milk.] A deficiency of milk in a mother after child-birth. Same as Agar

Agal-agal (a'gal-a'gal), n.


Agalaxy (ag'a-lak-si), n. Same as Agalactia. Agallochum (a-gallok-um), n. (Gr. agai Agalloch (ag'al-ok), n. Same as Agallochum. lochon. Origin unknown.] A name given to two kinds of fragrant wood largely used by the orientals as supplying a perfume. The agallochum of Cochin-China is obtained from Aloexylon Agallochum, a leguminous tree growing in the mountainous regions of that country; while the Indian variety is the wood of Aquilaria Agallocha, a large tree inhabiting Silhet. Both woods abound in resin and an essential oil which yield the highly esteemed perfume used as incense in religious ceremonies. Agallochum is supposed by some to be the almug-tree of Scripture. Called also Agal-wood, Eagle-wood, Lign-aloes, and Calambac. Agalma (a-gal'ma), n. (Gr., an image.] In law, the impression or image of anything upon a seal.

Agalmatolite (a-gal-mat'ō-lit), n. [Gr. agalma, image, and lithos, stone] A name given to a soft stone found in China and resembling steatite. It is a clay-slate altered by heat, and by the addition of alka


lies from the decomposition of felspar. It contains no magnesia, but otherwise has the characters of steatite. It can be cut with the knife and polished; and in China is thus formed into works of art, as grotesque figures, pagodas, &c. Called also Figure-stone, Lard-stone, and Pagodite. Agal-wood (a'gal-wud), n. [Usually corrupted to Eagle-wood.] See AGALLOCHUM. Agama (ag'a-ma), n. [Native name in Guinea.] genus of small saurian reptiles, family Iguanidae. A. egyptiaca changes its colour like the chameleon.

Agama (ag'am-e), n. pl. [Gr. a, priv., and gamos, marriage.] A name given by some authors to the large division of flowerless or cryptogamic plants, which were supposed formerly to be without the sexes of the more perfect plants.

Agami (ag'a-mi), n. [Native name.] The

Agami (Psophia crepitans). Prophia crepitans, an interesting grallatorial bird, family Gruida, a native of South America, often called the golden-breasted trumpeter. It is of the size of a pheasant, runs with great speed, is easily tamed, and becomes as docile and attached to man as a dog.

Agamic (a-gam'ik),a. (Gr. a, priv., and gamos, marriage.] In zool. applied to reproduction without the congress of individuals of the opposite sex, as by fission, budding, encystment, or parthenogenesis.

Agamida (a-gam'i-de), n. pl. [Agama, the name of a lizard, and Gr. eidos, resemblance.] A family of lacertilian reptiles, allied to the Iguanide, characterized by the absence of palatal teeth, a depressed head, inflated akin, and by the caudal scales being imbricated There are many genera found both in the Old and in the New World. See IGUANIDE

Agamist (agam-ist), n. [Gr. a, priv., and gamos, marriage.] One who does not marry; one who refuses or rejects marriage. Agamists and wilful rejecters of matrimony.' Foxe, Book of Martyrs.

Agamogenesis (a-gam'o-jen"e-sis), n. [Gr. a, priv., gamos, marriage, and genesis, reproduction] In zool. the production of young without the congress of the sexes, one of the phenomena of alternate generation; parthenogenesis. See AGAMIC. Agamogenetic (a-gam'o-jen-et"ik), a. or pertaining to agamogenesis; produced without the congress of the sexes. Agamoid (ag'am-oid), a. Pertaining to the Agamidae.


Agamous (ag'am-us), a. [Gr. a, neg., and gamos, marriage.] In bot. of or pertaining to the Agame (which see). Agapanthus (ag-a-pan'thus), n. [Gr. agape, love, and anthos, a flower.] A small genus of ornamental plants belonging to the nat. order Liliaceae. The species are perennial herbs from South Africa, with large umbels of bright blue flowers. They have been long in cultivation.

Agape (a gap), adv. or a. [Prefix a, on, and gape.] Gaping, as with wonder, expectation, or eager attention; having the mouth wide open.

Thou art not come to see this courtly show, Which sets the young agape. Joanna Baillie. Agape (ag'a-pe), n. (Gr. agape, love.] Among the primitive Christians a love-feast or feast of charity, held before or after the communion, when contributions were made for the poor. Such feasts were held at first without scandal, but afterwards being abused, they were condemned at the Council of Carthage, A.D. 397.

Agapemone (ag-a-pem'o-né), n. [Gr. agape, love, and mone, abode, from meno, to remain. The abode of love; an association of men and


women living promiscuously on a common fund. Brewer.

Agaphite (ag'a-fit), n. [After a naturalist Agaphi] A name sometimes given to the turquoise, more especially the fine blue variety of that stone.

Agar-agar (a'gar-ä'gar), n. The native name of Ceylon moss or Bengal isinglass, a dried sea-weed, the Gracilaria lichenoides, much used in the East for soups and jellies. Agaric (a-gar'ik), n. [Gr. agarikon, a fungus used as tinder, from Agaria, according to Dioscorides, a town of Sarmatia, where this fungus abounded.] One of the fungi that form the genus Agaricus. By the old herbalists the name had a wider range, including the corky forms growing on trunks of trees, like the 'female agaric' (Polyporus officinalis), to which the word was originally applied. See AGARICUS and POLY PORUS.-Agaric mineral, mountain-milk, or mountainmeal, one of the purest of the native carbonates of lime, found chiefly in the clefts of rocks and at the bottom of some lakes in a loose or semi-indurated form resembling a fungus. The name is also applied to a stone of loose consistence found in Tuscany, of which bricks may be made so light as to float in water, and of which the ancients are supposed to have made their floating bricks. It is a hydrated silicate of magnesium, mixed with lime, alumina, and a small quantity of iron. Agaricia (a-ga-rish'i-a), n. [From Agaricus, a genus of fungi.] The mushroom madrepore, a genus of coral madrepores, so named from their resemblance to mushrooms. Agaricini (a-gar'i-si"ni), n. pl. A group of fungi having the fruit-bearing surface arranged in radiating gilis, as in the mushrooms and toad-stools.

Agaricus (a-gar'ik-us), n. [See AGARIC.] A large and important genus of fungi, characterized by having a fleshy cap or pileus, and a number of radiating plates or gills on

Agaricus disseminatus.

which are produced the naked spores. The majority of this species are furnished with stems, but some are attached to the objects on which they grow by their pileus. Over a thousand species are known, and are arranged in five sections according as the colour of their spores is white, pink, brown, purple, or black. Many of the species are edible like the common mushroom (A. campestris), and supply a delicious article of food, while others are deleterious and even poisonous. See MUSHROOM. Agast. See AGHAST.

Agastric (a-gas'trik), a. [Gr. a, without, and gaster, gastros, belly.] Without a stomach or proper intestinal canal, as the tape-worm. Agate (a-gat), adv. [Prefix a, on, and gate, a road, a way. See GATE.] On the way; going; agoing; in motion. Set him agate again. Old play. Set the bells agate." Cotgrave. [Old and Provincial English and Scotch.]

Agate (ag'at), n. [Fr. agate; L. achates, because found near a river of that name in Sicily.] 1. A siliceous semi-pellucid compound mineral, consisting of bands or layers of various colours blended together, the base generally being chalcedony, and this mixed with variable proportions of jasper, amethyst, quartz, opal, heliotrope, and carnelian. The varying manner in which these materials are arranged causes the agate when polished to assume some characteristic appearances, and thus certain varieties are distinguished, as the ribbon agate, the fortification agate, the zone agate, the star agate, the moss agate, the clouded agate, &c. In some agates vegetable or animal remains have been observed imbedded. Agate is chiefly found in trap-rocks and serpentine, often in the form of nodules, called geodes. Agates are esteemed the least valuable of the precious stones. They are cut and polished in large quantities at Oberstein in Saxony, where also artificial


means are used to produce striking varieties of colour in these stones. In Scotland also they are cut and polished, under the name of Scotch pebbles. They are used for rings, seals, cups, beads, boxes, handles of small utensils, &c. Agate is used by Shakspere as a symbol of littleness or smallness, from the little figures cut in these stones when set in rings.

I was never manned with an agate till now. 2 Henry IV. act 1, sc. 2. 2. An instrument used by gold wire-drawers, so called from the agate in the middle of it. 3. Naut. the cap for the pivots of the compass-cards, so named because formed of a hard siliceous stone, a chalcedony or carnelian, &c.-4. In printing, a kind of type, called also Ruby (which see). Agathis (ag'a-this), n. Same as Dammara. Agathodæmon (ag'ath-o-dé"mon), n. [Gr. agathos, good, and daimon, a spirit.] The good genius or spirit, a divinity to whom the ancient Greeks drank a cup of unmixed wine at the end of every repast. Agathosma (a-ga-thoz'ma), n. [Gr. agathos, pleasant, and osme, smell.] A genus of plants, nat. order Rutaceae, natives of the Cape of Good Hope. The Kaffirs mix the dried and powdered leaves of A. pulchella with the grease with which they smear their bodies, giving them a smell unbearable by Europeans.

Agathotes (a-gath'o-tez), n. [Gr. agathotes, excellence.] A genus of plants found in India, nat. order Gentianaceæ. The A. Chirayta is the officinal chiretta (which see). Agatiferous (ag-at-if'èr-us), a. [E. agate, and L. fero, to produce.] Containing or producing agates. Craig.

Agatine (agat-in), a. Pertaining to or resembling agate.

Agatize (ag'at-iz), v.t. To change into agate. -Agatized wood, a kind of hornstone formed by petrifaction.




Agaty (ag'at-i), a. Of the nature of agate. An agaty flint." Agave (a-ga've), n. [Gr. agauos, noble.] A genus of plants, nat. order Amaryllidaces, comprehending the American aloe. plants are generally large, and have a massive tuft of fleshy leaves with a spiny apex. They live for many years-ten to seventybefore flowering. When this takes place the tall flowering stem springs from the centre of the tuft of leaves, and grows very rapidly until it reaches a height of 15, 20, or even 40 feet, bearing towards the end a large number of flowers. The best-known species is A. americana, which was introduced into Europe in 1561. This yields many important products. The sap, obtained in abundance from the plant when the flowering stem is just ready to burst forth, produces, when fermented, a beverage resem


American Aloe (Agave americana).

bling cider, called by the Mexicans pulque. The fibres of the leaves are formed into thread and ropes, and an extract of the leaves is used as a substitute for soap; the flower-stem, when withered, is cut up into slices to form razor-strops. Agazed† (a-gazd), pp. or a. [This may be either a word independently formed from prefix a, on or at, and the noun gaze at gaze, or simply another form of agast, aghast,

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