Imágenes de páginas
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The French exclaim'd the devil was in arms; All the whole army stood agazed on him. Shak. Age (aj), n. [Fr. age; O. Fr. eage, and edage, age, through rustic or L.L. ætaticum, from L. ætas, ætatis, an abbrev. of ævitas, from ævum, life-tine, age, which word is really the same as the Gr. ai(f)ōn, life-time, eternity, and allied to aei, ever; Skr. ay, in ayus, life, and also to E. aye. Eternal is also from ævum.] 1. A period of time representing the whole or a part of the duration of any individual thing or being; the time during which an individual has existed or may exist; as, the age of a man; the age of a plant; the age of the world, or of a rock; my age is twenty years.

Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age.
Luke iii. 23.
2. The latter part of life or long-continued
duration; the lapse of time, especially as
affecting a person's physical powers; the
state of being old; oldness.

The eyes of Israel were dim for age. Gen. xlviii. 1o.
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety.

3. One of those periods or stages of development into which human life may be divided, as marked by certain characteristics; time

of life; as, life is divided into four ages,

infancy, youth, manhood, and old age.

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5. Specifically, the completion of the first twenty-one years of one's life, at which time one is legally master of his actions; as, he is of age; to come of age; to be under age: also called full age, before which time a person is called an infant.

A male at twelve years old may take the oath of allegiance, at fourteen is at years of discretion, so far, at least, that he may enter into a binding marriage, or consent or disagree to one contracted before, and at twenty-one he is at his own disposal, and may alien his lands, goods, and chattels. Full age in male or female is twenty-one years, which age is completed on the day preceding the twenty-first anniversary of a person's birth. Wharton.

6. A particular period of history, as distinguished from others; a historical epoch; as, the golden age; the age of heroes or of chivalry.

The age of chivalry is gone. Burke. Intent on her, who rapt in glorious dreams, The second-sight of some Astræan age, Sat compass'd with professors.


The Homeric poems may be regarded by the student of history as great pictures of political and social life, illustrating the whole variety of Greek experience down to the close of that age which saw the tides of Æolic, Ionic, and Doric migration flow from the west to the east of the Ægean. Prof. Febb. The age is often used of the present as a historical period; the times we live in; as, to fully understand the spirit of the age. As regards the periods fancifully spoken of as the golden, the silver, and the iron age, see under these adjectives.-7. The people who live at a particular period; hence, a generation and a succession of generations; as, ages yet unborn. The mystery hid from ages. Col. i. 26.-8. A century; the period of one hundred years.

Henry... justly and candidly apologizes for these five ages. Hallam.


9. Great length of time; protracted period; as, I haven't seen you for an age. morrow, and that's an age away.' Tennyson. 10. Old people generally.

The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade, For talking age and whispering lovers made.


-Age of the moon, the time elapsed since her last conjunction with the sun. - Geologic age, or period, one of those divisions or periods into which geologic time has been classified according to the prevalence of certain animal or vegetable forms, and the comparative antiquity or recentness of organic remains in the strata; as, the mesozoic age, the age of reptiles, &c.-The Archaeological Ages or Periods are three- the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age, these names being given in accordance with the materials employed for weapons, implements, &c., during the particular period. The Stone Age has been subdivided into


two-the Palæolithic and Neolithic. (See these words.) The word age in this sense has no reference to the lapse of time, but simply denotes the stage at which a people has arrived in its progress towards civilization. There are tribes yet in their stone age. Neither do the more primitive implements necessarily disappear on the appearance of those of a more advanced stage, stone implements being yet to some extent employed in Britain. The phrase Stone Age, therefore, merely marks the period before the use of bronze, and Bronze Age that before the employment of iron, among any specific people. SYN. Time, period, generation, date, era, epoch, maturity, ripe


Age (āj), v.i. To grow old; to assume the appearance of old age; as, he ages rapidly.

I am aging; that is, I have a whitish, or rather a Landor. light-coloured hair here and there.

Age (aj), v.t. To leave to the influence of time; to bring to maturity, or to a state fit for use; to give the character of age or ripeness to; as, to age wine; to age clay, &c. Aged (aj'ed), a. 1. Old; having lived long; having lived almost the usual time allotted to that species of being: applied to animals or plants; as, an aged man, or an aged oak. 2. Having a certain age; having lived; as, a man aged forty years.

Agedly (aj'ed-li), adv. Like an aged person.
Agedness (aj'ed-nes), n.
The state or con-

dition of being old; oldness.

Custom without truth is but agedness of error. Milton. Agee (a-je), adv. Same as Ajee. Ageless (aj'les), a. Without age; without definite limits of existence.

Agen † (a-gen'), adv. Again.

Borne far asunder by the tides of men, Like adamant and steel they meet agen. Dryden. Agency (a'jen-si), n. [L.L. agentia, from L. agens, ppr. of ago, to act. See ACT.] 1. The state of being in action or of exerting power; action; operation; instrumentality. The agency of providence in the natural world.' Woodward.-2. The office of an agent or factor; business of an agent intrusted with the concerns of another; as, the principal pays the charges of agency.

Agend (a'jend), n. [Contr. for L. agendum.] Something that is to be done; specifically in theol. a thing to be done, in contradistinction to a thing to be believed. See AGENDUM, 1.

For the matter of our worship, our credends, our agends are all according to the rule. Wilcock. Agendum (a-jen'dum), n. pl. Agenda (ajen'da). [L., something to be done.] 1. In theol. something which a man is bound to perform, in opposition to credendum, or something which he is bound to believe. 'The moral and religious credenda and agenda of any good man.' Coleridge.-2. pl. (a) Memoranda; a memorandum-book. (b) A church service; a ritual or liturgy. Agenesis (a-jen'e-sis), n. [Gr. a, priv., and genesis, generation.] In physiol. any anomaly of organization, consisting in absence or imperfect development of parts. Agent (a'jent), a. [L. agens, agentis, acting. See ACT] Acting: opposed to patient, or sustaining action. The body agent.' Bacon. [Rare.]

Agent (ä'jent), n. [See the adjective.] 1. An actor; one that exerts power, or has the power to act; as, a moral agent.-2. An active power or cause; that which has the power to produce an effect; as, heat is a powerful agent. In physics, anything which has power to act upon something else is an agent; in chem. substances which occasion the decomposition of others, or produce a chemical change on other bodies, are called agents; in med. anything which affects or tends to affect the human body is called an agent.-3. A substitute, deputy, or factor; one intrusted with the business of another; an attorney, solicitor, or other representative of a person, the person represented being called the principal in relation to his agent-Morbific agents, in med. causes of disease; therapeutic agents, the means of treating disease.-A voluntary or free agent is one that may do or not do any action, and has the conscious perception that his actions result from the exercise of his own will.-Agent and patient, in law, a person who is both the doer of a thing and the party to whom it is done; thus when a person who owes money to another dies and makes the creditor his executor the latter may retain out of the


estate as much as satisfies his claim, and is thus said to be agent and patient. Agential (a-jen'shal), a. Pertaining to an agent or agency.

The office of

Agentshipt (a'jent-ship), n. an agent; agency. Beau. & Fl. Ageratum (a-jėr'a-tum), n. [Gr. a, without, free from, and geras, geratos, old age.] A genus of plants, nat. order Compositæ. 4. mexicanum is a well-known flower-border annual, 1 foot high, with dense lavenderblue heads, which keep their colour long. Ageustia (a-gus'ti-a), n. [Gr. a, priv., and geuomai, to taste.] In med. a defect or loss of taste, often seen in colds and fevers, or from palsy of the tongue. Aggelation (a-jel-a'shon),n. [L.L. aggelatio, aggelationis-L. ag for ad, to, and gelo, gelatum, to freeze, from gelu, ice.] Concretion of a fluid into ice. Sir T. Browne. Aggeneration t (a-jen'êr-a"shon), n. [L. ag for ad, to, and E. generation.] The state of becoming absorbed in and so as to form part of another substance. Sir T. Browne. Agger (aj'ér), n. [L., from ad, to, and gero, to carry.] A Latin term signifying an earthwork or any artificial mound or rampart made use of in the attack and defence of a military position.

Aggerate (aj'ér-at), v.t. [L. aggero, aggeratum, to form a heap.] To heap up. Bailey. Aggeration (aj-ér-a'shon), n. A heaping; accumulation. Aggerations of sand.' Ray. [Rare.] Aggerose (aj'ér-os), a. In heaps, or formed in heaps. Dana.

Aggest (ad-jest'), v. t. [L. aggero, aggestum -ag for ad, to, and gero, to carry.] To heap


The violence of the waters aggested the earth. Fuller. Agglomerate (ag-glom'èr-at), v. t. pret. & pp. agglomerated; ppr. agglomerating. [L. agglo mero-ad, and glomero, to wind into a ball, from glomus, a ball of yarn, kindred with globus, a globe.] To collect or gather into a mass. In one agglomerated cluster hung.' Young. Agglomerate (ag-glom'èr-at), v. i. To gather, grow, or collect into a ball or mass. Hard, Thomson. agglomerating salts." Agglomerate (ag-glom'èr-át), n. In geol a collective name for masses consisting of angular fragments ejected from volcanoes: when the mass consists of fragments worn and rounded by water it is called a conglomerate. Called also Coarse Ash. Agglomerate, Agglomerated (ag-glom'èrat, ag-glom'èr-at-ed), a. Gathered into a ball or mass; specifically, in bot. collected into a head, as the stamens in Anona or Magnolia, or the male flowers in a pine-tree. Agglomeration (ag-glom'èr-a" shon), n. 1. The act of agglomerating or state of being agglomerated; the state of being gathered into a ball or mass.-2. That which is agglomerated; a collection; a heap. Agglomerative (ag-glom'èr-at-iv), a. posed or having a tendency to gather together or collect.


Taylor is eminently discursive, accumulative, and (to use one of his own words) agglomerative. Coleridge. Agglutinant (ag-glu'tin-ant),n. Any viscous substance which agglutinates or unites other substances by causing an adhesion; any application which tends to unite parts which have too little adhesion. Agglutinant (ag-glü'tin-ant), a. Uniting as glue; tending to cause adhesion. 'Something strengthening and agglutinant.' Gray Agglutinate (ag-glu'tin-at), v. t. pret. & pp. agglutinated; ppr. agglutinating. [L. agilutino-ad, and glutino, from gluten, glue. See GLUE] To unite or cause to adhere, as with glue or other viscous substance; to unite by causing an adhesion of substances, Agglutinate (ag-glu'tin-at), a. United as by glue; joined.-Agglutinate languages, languages in the second stage of development, or that midway between the monosyllabic and inflectional stages. The suffixes for inflection are glued to the root, but retain a kind of independence, and are felt to be distinct from the body of the word; the root stands at the head of the word and undergoes no modification, while the suffixes often undergo vowel modification by what has been called the law of harmony, every such ending having two forms, one with a heavy vowel and another with a light, these forms being employed in conformity with the character of the vowel in the root, thus, from Turk. baba, father, we have babalar-um-dan, from our fathers, but from


dedeh, grandfather, dede-ler-in-den, from their grandfathers. Called also Agglutinatire, Agglutinating, Polysynthetic, or Terminational Languages

Agglutinating (ag-glù'tin-at-ing), a. In philol characterized by agglutination; agglutinate See AGGLUTINATE, a. Agglutination (ag-glù'tin-a"shon), n. 1. The act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance; the state of being thus united; adhesion of parts. 2. In philol. the most characteristic feature of the Turanian languages, consisting in a union of formative elements with roots in such a way that both retain a kind of semi-independence and the root is never obscured. See AGGLUTINATE, a. In the Aryan languages the modifications of words, comprised under declension and conjugation, were likewise orginally expressed by agglutination. But the component parts began soon to coalesce, so as to form one integral word, liable in its turn to phonetic corruption to such an extent that it became imposwole after a time to decide which was the root and which the modificatory element. Max Müller. Agglutinative (ag-glû'tin-at-iv), a. 1. Tending or having power to agglutinate or unite; having power to cause adhesion; as, an agglutinative substance-2. In philol. exhibiting or characterized by the formative process known as agglutination; agglutinate; as, an agglutinative language.

There was a very good reason why the Turanian languages should have remained in this second or agglutinative stage It was felt essential that the radical portion of each word should stand out in distnct relief and never be obscured or absorbed, as happens in the third or inflectional stage.

Max Müller.

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And that which all faire workes doth most aggrace, The art which all that wrought appeared in no place. Spenser. Aggrace (ag-grås'), n. Kindness; favour. Courteous aggrace. Spenser. Aggrandizable (ag'gran-diz-a-bl), a. Capable of being aggrandized.

Aggrandization (ag'gran-diz-ā "shon), n. The act of aggrandizing.

No part of the body will consume by the aggran disation of the other, but all motions will be orderly, and a just distribution be to all parts. Waterhouse. Aggrandize (ag'gran-diz), v.t. pret. & pp. aggrandized, ppr aggrandizing. [Fr. agrandir-L prefix ag for ad, to, and grandis, grand ] 1. To make great or greater in power, wealth, rank, or honour; to exalt; as, to aggrandize a family. His scheme for aggrandizing his son.' Prescott. -2. ↑ To magnify or exaggerate.

If we trust to fame and reports these may proceed from small matters aggrandized. Wollaston. To widen the scope of; to enlarge, extend, or elevate.

These furnish us with glorious springs and medrums to raise and aggrandize our conceptions.


4 To increase. Aggrandize their tortures Sir T. Herbert.-SYN. To augment, exalt, promote, prefer, advance, enlarge,


Aggrandize (agʼgran-diz), v.i. To grow or become greater Follies, continued till old age, do aggrandize and become horrid.' Bp. Hall [Rare.]

Aggrandizement (ag'gran-diz-ment), n. The act of aggrandizing; the state of being exalted in power, rank, or honour; exaltation; enlargement; as, the emperor seeks only the aggrandizement of his own family.

The chief movers and mainsprings were the papal and the imperial powers; the aggrandizement or 1 ma toon of which has been the drift of almost all the glitics, tatnigues, and wars which have employed and distracted Europe to this day. Burke.

STN Augmentation, exaltation, enlargement, advancement, promotion, preferment. Aggrandizer (ag'gran-diz-ér), n. One that Agrandizes or exalts in power, rank, or honour

Aggrappes (ag-graps), n. pl. [0. Fr.; Fr. arage a hook; OH.G. krapfo, a clasp; allied to E. grab, &c.] Hooks and eyes used in armour or in ordinary costume. Aggratet (ag gråt'), r.t. [It. aggratare-Lag for ad, to, and gratus, pleasing.] To please. Each one sought his lady to aggrate. Spenser. Aggravablet (ag'gra-va-bl), a. Calculated to aggravate; capable of aggravating.

The idolatry is the more discernible and aggra this in the unvocation of saints and idols. Dr. H. More.

Aggravate (ag'gra-våt), v. t. pret. & pp. agJravated, por aggravating. [L. aggravoed. and gracis, heavy, whence grave, grief, &c) 1 To add to; to increase.


Ford's a knave, and I will aggravate his style (that is, add to his titles): thou, Master Brook, shalt know him for a knave and cuckold. Shak.

Then, soul, live thou upon thy servant's loss, And let that pine to aggravate thy store. Shak. 2. To make worse, more severe, or less tolerable; to make more enormous, or less excusable; to intensify; as, to aggravate the evils of life; to aggravate pain or punishTo aggravate the horrors of the scene.' Prescott.-3. To exaggerate; to give colouring to in description; to give an exaggerated representation of; as, to aggravate circumstances.-4. To provoke; to irritate; to tease. [Colloq.]


I was so aggravated that I almost doubt if I did know. Dickens.

SYN. To heighten, raise, make worse, increase, magnify, exaggerate, tease, irritate. Aggravating (ag'gra-vat-ing), p. and a. 1. Provoking; annoying: colloquially applied to persons as well as things; as, he is an aggravating fellow. Which makes it only the more aggravating.' Thackeray.-2. In law, making worse or more heinous; as, aggravating circumstances.

Aggravatingly (ag'gra-vat-ing-li), adv. In an aggravating manner. Aggravation (ag-gra-va'shon), n. 1. The act of making worse: used of evils, physical or moral; hence, the act of increasing severity or heinousness; addition to that which is evil or improper; as, an aggravation of pain, grief, or crime.-2. Exaggeration in a representation; heightened description.

Accordingly they got a painter by the knight's directions to add a pair of whiskers to the face, and by a little aggravation of the features to change it into the Saracen's Head. Addison.

3. Provocation; irritation. Dickens. [Colloq.] Aggregate (ag'grē-gāt), v.t. pret. & pp. aggregated; ppr. aggregating. [L. aggrego, aggregatum, to collect in troops-ad, and grex, gregis, a herd or band, whence gregarious.] To bring together; to collect into a sum, mass, or body. The aggregated soil.' Milton.

Aggregate (ag'gre-gat), a. Formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; as, the aggregate amount of charges.

In making bread, for example, the labour employed about the thing itself is that of the baker; but the labour of the miller, though employed directly in the production, not of bread but of flour, is equally part of the aggregate sum of labour by which the bread is produced. J. S. Mill.

Specifically, (a) in geol. composed of several different mineral constituents capable of being separated by mechanical means; as, granite is an aggregate rock. (b) In anat. formed into clusters; as, aggregate glands, those which are clustered together, as the tonsils, the salivary, pancreatic, and mammary glands. (c) In bot. composed of many small florets having a common undivided receptacle, the anthers being distinct and separate, the florets commonly standing on stalks, and each having a partial calyx: said of flowers. Corporation aggregate, in law, see under CORPORATION. Aggregate (ag'gre-gat), n. A sum, mass, or assemblage of particulars; as, a house is an aggregate of stones, brick, timber, &c.: it differs from a compound in this, that the particulars of an aggregate are less intimately mixed than in a compound. 'Some aggregate whose units are partially independent.' H. Spencer.-In the aggregate, taken altogether; considered as a whole; collectively.

Our judgment of a man's character is derived from observing a number of successive acts, forming in the aggregate his general course of conduct. Sir G. C. Lewis.

Aggregately (ag'gre-gat-li), adv. Collectively; taken in a sum or mass.

Many little things, though separately they seem too insignificant to mention, yet aggregately are too material for me to omit. Chesterfield. Aggregation (ag-gre-ga'shon), n. 1. The act of aggregating; the state of being collected into a sum or mass.

Each genus is made up by the aggregation of spe-


2. An assemblage or conglomeration of particulars or units; an aggregate. Aggregative (ag'gre-gat-iv), a. 1. Taken together; collective. In the disjunctive not the aggregative sense.' Spelman. 2. Gregarious; social. [Rare.]

His (Mirabeau's) sociality, his aggregative nature ... will now be the quality of qualities for him. Carlyle. Aggregator (ag'grē-gāt-ér), n. One who collects into a whole or mass. Burton.


Aggress (ag-gres'), v. i. [L. aggredior, aggressus-ad, and gradior, to go, gradus, a step, whence grade, degree, &c.] To make a first attack; to commit the first act of hostility or offence; to begin a quarrel or controversy; to be first to assault or invade.

Tell aggressing France How Britain's sons and Britain's friends can fight. Prior. Aggress (ag-gres'), v.t. To attack. Quart. Rev. [Rare.] Aggresst (ag-gres), n. Aggression; attack. 'Military aggresses upon others.' Sir M. Hale.

Aggression (ag-gre'shon), n. The first attack or act of hostility; the first act of injury, or first act leading to a war or controversy; as, to make an aggression. Aggressions of power.' Hallam.-SYN. Attack, invasion, assault, encroachment, injury, offence. Aggressive (ag-gres'iv), a. Characterized by aggression; tending to aggress; prone to begin a quarrel; making the first attack; as, the minister pursued an aggressive foreign policy.

That which would be violent if aggressive, might be justified if defensive. Sir W. Scott. Aggressiveness (ag-gres'iv-nes), n. The quality of being aggressive. Aggressor (ag-gres'èr), n. The person who first attacks; he who first commences hostility or a quarrel; an assaulter; an invader.

The insolence of the aggressor is usually propor. tioned to the tameness of the sufferer. Ames.

Aggrievance, Agrievance (ag-grēv’ans), n. [See AGGRIEVE.] Oppression; hardship; injury; grievance. Agrievances late urged against you by your mother.' Beau. & Fl. [Rare.]

Aggrieve (ag-grév), v. t. pret. & pp. aggrieved; ppr. aggrieving. [O.Fr. agrever, to weigh down, from grever, to oppress, from L. gravis, heavy, whence also grief, grave, aggravate, &c.] 1. To give pain or sorrow; to afflict; to grieve. Which yet aggrieves my heart. Spenser.-2. To bear hard upon; to oppress or injure in one's rights; to vex or harass by civil or political injustice.

The two races, so long hostile, soon found that they had common interests and common enemies. Both were alike aggrieved by the tyranny of a bad king. Macaulay Aggrievet (ag-grěv), v.i. To mourn; to la


My heart aggriev'd that such a wretch should reign. Mir. for Mags. Aggroup (ag-gröp), v. t. [Prefix ag for ad, to, and group. To bring together; to group; to collect many persons in a crowd, or many figures into a whole, in statuary, painting, or description.

Bodies of divers natures which are aggrouped (or combined) together are agreeable and pleasant to the sight. Dryden.

Agha (a'ga). See AGA. Aghanee (ag hä'ne), n. [Hind. aghani, the produce of the month Aghan, the eighth in the Hindu year, answering to the last half of November and the first half of December.] The name given to the chief rice crop in Hindustan. It is the middle of the three crops, being laid down along with the Bhadoee crop in April and May, and reaped in November and December. Called Amun in lower Bengal.

Aghast (a-gast), a. or p. [From prefix a, intens., and stem seen in Goth. gaisjan, usgaisjan, to terrify, us-geisnan, to be astonished, Icel. geiski, panic, Dan. gyse, to shudder; comp. also O. or Prov. E. gast, gaster, to terrify, gast, fear, gastness, gastful.] Struck with amazement; stupefied with sudden fright or horror. Written also agast, which is etymologically the better spelling. Aghast he waked, and starting from his bed, Cold sweat in clammy drops his limbs o'erspread. Dryden. [Formerly aghast might be used as a present, a preterite, or an infinitive. 'Or other grisly thing that him aghast.' Spenser. This hond, that Balthasar so sore agaste." Chaucer.

'Now dere suster myn, what may it be That me agasteth in my dream?' quod she. Chaucer. Followed by a reflexive pronoun it might have a passive meaning.

The rynges on the temple dore that honge, And eek the dores, clatereden ful faste, Of which Arcita somwhat kym agaste. Chaucer.] Agiblet (aj'i-bl), a. [L. ago, to do.] Capable of being done; doable. 'When they were fit for agible things.' Sir A. Shirley. Agile (aj'il), a. [Fr. agile; L. agilis, from ago. See ACT.] Nimble; having the faculty

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of quick motion in the limbs; apt or ready Agitating (aj'it-at-ing), a. to move; brisk; active.

And bending forward struck his agile heels. Shak.

SYN. Active, alert, nimble, brisk, lively, quick, sprightly, prompt, ready. Agilely (aj'il-li), adv. In an agile or nimble

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No wonder there be found men and women of strange and monstrous shapes considering the agility of the sun's fiery heat. Holland.

Agillochum (a-gil'lō-kum), n. Aloes-wood. See AGALLOCHUM.

Agio (à'ji-õ), n. [It. agio, aggio, exchange, discount.] 1. In com. the difference in value between one sort of money and another, especially between paper money and metallic coin: usually connected with continental rates of exchange.

It was wonderful to hear him talk about millions and agios, discounts, and what Rothschild was doing, and Baring Brothers. Thackeray.

2. Premium; sum given above the nominal value.

Agiosymandron, Agiosymandrum (ā'jiō-si-man'dron, a'ji-ō-si-man'drum), n. [Gr. hagios, holy, and semaino, to show.] An instrument of wood or metal to make a sound on being struck, used by Christians in place of bells, in countries subject to the Turks, who forbid their use. Agiotage (a'ji-ot-aj), n. The management or manoeuvres by which speculators in stocks or public funds contrive, by disseminating false rumours or otherwise, to lower or enhance their price; stock-jobbing.

Vanity and agiotage are, to a Parisian, the oxygen and hydrogen of life. Landor.

Agist (a-jist'), v. t. [O. Fr. agister, to give lodgings, to take in cattle to feed, from giste (mod. Fr. gite), a lodging, from L. jacitum, from jacere, to lie.] In law, to take the cattle of others to graze at a certain sum; to feed or pasture the cattle of others: used originally for the feeding of cattle in the king's forests.

Agistage, Agistment (a-jist'aj, a-jist'ment).


[See AGIST.] In law, (a) the taking and

feeding of other men's cattle in the king's

forest, or on one's own land. (b) The price paid for such feeding. (c) Generally, any burden, charge, or tax.

Agistator (a-jist'at-or), n. Same as Agister. Agister, Agistor (a-jist'ér), n. An officer of a royal forest, having the care of cattle agisted, and collecting the money for the


Agitable (aj'it-a-bl), a. [See AGITATE.] Capable of being agitated or shaken; capable of being debated or discussed. Agitate (aj'it-at), v.t. pret. & pp. agitated; ppr. agitating. [L. agito, agitatum, freq. from ago. See ACT.] 1. To move or force into violent irregular action; to shake or move briskly; as, the wind agitates the sea; to agitate water in a vessel.-2. To disturb, or excite into tumult; to perturb.

The mind of man is agitated by various passions. Johnson. 3. To discuss; to debate; to arouse public attention to, by speeches, articles, pamphlets, and the like; as, to agitate a question. This controversy hotly agitated among the moderns.' Boyle. -4. To consider on all sides; to revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects; to contrive by mental deliberation. 'When politicians most agitate desperate designs.' Eikon Basilike. - 5. To move or actuate.

Where dwells this sov'reign arbitrary soul,
Which does the human animal controul,
Inform each part, and agitate the whole!

SYN. To move, shake, excite, rouse, disturb, distract, revolve, consider, deliberate, discuss, debate, canvass, controvert, examine. Agitate (aj'it-at), v. i. To engage in agitation; to arouse or attempt to arouse public attention to some political or social question; as, he set out to agitate in the country. Agitated (aj'it-at-ed), a. Disturbed; excited; expressing agitation; as, in an agitated manner. 'An agitated countenance.' Thackeray.

Calculated to agitate, rouse, or excite; as, an agitating occurrence, discourse, &c. The act of agiAgitation (aj-it-a'shon), n. tating, or state of being agitated: (a) the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action; commotion; as, the sea after a storm is in agitation. (b) Disturbance of tranquillity in the mind; perturbation; excitement of passion. (c) Examination of a subject in controversy; deliberation; discussion; debate. 'Speculative questions, the agitation of which has ever been the chief aversion of English statesmen.' Froude.The project now in agitation for repealing the Test Act.' Swift. (d) The act of arousing public attention to a political or social question by speeches, &c.; as, he went on a tour of agitation.-SYN. Disturbance, commotion, excitement, emotion, trepidation, tremor.

Agitative (aj'it-at-iv), a. Having a tendency to agitate.

Agitato (aj-e-tä'tō). [It.] In music, a broken, hurried, or restless style of performance, adapted to awaken surprise or pertur


Agitator (aj'it-at-ér), n. 1. One who or that which agitates; specifically, (a) one who engages in some kind of political agitation; one who stirs up, or excites others, with the view of strengthening his own cause or party.

History will prove Shakspere's aphorism, There's magic in a name,' especially for the working of evil. The political agitators who give nicknames are guided by this aphorism. Miss Strickland.

(b) In mach. a rotating beater for thoroughly mixing and agitating substances suspended mechanically in water, as the pulp in papermaking.-2. A name given to certain officers in the time of Cromwell appointed by the army to manage their concerns. There were two from each regiment. [In this sense the proper spelling is probably Adjutator, meaning not one who agitates but one who assists.]

They proceeded from those elective tribunes called agitators, who had been established in every regiment to superintend the interests of the army. Hallam.

Aglaia (ag-lā'i-a), n. 1. In class. myth, one of the three Graces.-2. A small planet or asteroid between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, discovered by M. Luther, 15th September, 1857.

Aglee, Agley (a-gle', a-gly), adv. [Scotch.] Off the right line; obliquely; wrong. Burns. Aglet, Aiglet (aglet, aglet), n. [Fr. aiguillette, a point, from aiguille, a needle; L. L. acucula for acicula, dim. of acus, a needle.] 1. A tag or metal sheathing of a lace or of the points or ribbons, generally used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to fasten or tie dresses. They were frequently formed of the precious metals, carved into small figures, and suspended from the ribbon, &c., as ornaments, and are still so used in the form of tagged points or braid hanging from the shoulder in some military uniforms. In this sense written also Aiguillette. 'His gown, addressed with aglets, esteemed worth 251.' Sir J. Hayward.2. In bot. a pendant at the ends of the stamens of flowers, as in the rose and tulip; an anther. Aglet-baby+ (aglet-ba-bi), n. A small image on the end of a lace. See AGLET.

Marry him to a puppet or an aglet-baby. Shak. Aglist † (a-glist'), a. Glistening; as, aglist with dew.

Aglow (a-glo), a. [Prefix a, on, and glow.] In a glow; glowing; as, her cheeks were all aglow.

The landscape was all aglow with the crimson of the setting sun. W. Collins. Aglutition (ag-glu-ti'shon), n. [L. a, priv., and glutio, to swallow.] Inability to swallow.

Agminalt (ag'min-al), a. [L. agmen, a troop or body of men arrayed, from ago, to drive.] Pertaining to an army or troop. Bailey. Agnail (ag'nāl), n. [A. Sax. angnæægl-ange, pain, and nagl, nail.] 1. A hangnail.2. A corn on the foot. Agnate (ag'nāt), n. [L. agnatus, adnascor— ad, and nascor, natus, to be born. See NATURE.] Any male relation by the father's side.

[See the noun.] 1. Refather's side.-2. Allied; Pownall. [Rare.] Pertaining to descent

Agnate (ag'nāt), a. lated or akin by the as, agnate words. Agnatic (ag-nat'ik), a.

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Agnation may be found amongst all the languages in the Northern Hemisphere. Agnel (ag'nel), n. [O.Fr. agnel, a lamb, from L. agnellus, dim. of agnus, a lamb, from the figure struck on the coin. ] An ancient French coin, value twelve sols, six deniers, bearing the figure of the paschal lamb. It was called also Mouton d'Or and Agnel d'Or. Agnition (ag-ni'shon), n. [L. agnitio, from agnosco, agnitum, to recognize-ad, and gnosco, nosco, to know.] Acknowledgment. Agnize † (ag-niz'), v.t. To acknowledge; to I do agnize


A natural and prompt alacrity,
I find in hardness, and do undertake

These present wars against the Ottomites. Shak. Agnotæ, Agnoitæ (ag-ne'te, ag-noi'tē), n. pl. [From Gr. agnoeo, not to perceive or know.] 1. A sect of the fourth century, followers of Theophronius the Cappadocian, who questioned the omniscience of God.2. A sect of the sixth century, followers of Themistius, deacon of Alexandria, who held that Christ, as man, was ignorant of many things, and specifically of the time of the day of judgment.

Agnoiology (ag-noi-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. agnoia, ignorance, and logos, discourse.] In metaph. the doctrine or theory of ignorance, in which it is determined what we are and can be ignorant of, and what we are necessarily ignorant of: a doctrine having an important place in the philosophy of Prof. Ferrier.

Agnomen (ag-no'men), n. [L ag for ad, to, and nomen, a name. See NAME] 1. An additional name given by the Romans to an individual in allusion to some quality, circumstance, or achievement by which he was distinguished, as Africanus added to P. Cornelius Scipio. Hence-2. Any additional name or epithet conferred on a per


Agnominatet (ag-nom'in-at), v.t. [L agnomino-ag for ad, and nomino, from nomen, name.] To name.

The flowing current's silver streams. ..

Shall be agnominated by our name. Locrine. Agnomination (ag-nom'in-à”shon), n. 1. An additional name or title; a name added to another, as expressive of some act, achievement, &c.; a surname.-2. Resemblance in sound between one word and another, especially by alliteration; also, the practice of using words so resembling in close proximity to one another (see ANNOMINATION); as, 'Scott of Scotstarvet's Staggering State of Scots Statesmen.'

Our bards hold agnominations and enforcing of consonant words or syllables one upon the other to be the greatest elegance. .. So have I seen divers old rhymes in Italian running so: . . . In selva salvo a me: Piu caro cuore.' Howell


Agnostic (ag-nos'tik or a-nos'tik), n. [Gr. a, priv., and gnostikos, good at knowing, from gignosko, to know.] One of a school of thinkers who disclaim any knowledge of God or of the origin of the universe. school holds that the mind of man is limited to an a posteriori knowledge of phenomena and the relative, and that, therefore, the infinite, the absolute, and the unconditioned are beyond all experience, and consequently beyond its range.


Agnostic (ag-nos'tik or a-nos'tik), a taining to the agnostics or their doctrines. Agnosticism (ag-nos' ti-sizm or a-nos'tisizm), n. 1. The doctrines of the agnostics. 2. The act of holding the doctrines of the agnostics.

Agnotherium (ag-no-the'ri-um), n. [Gr. agnoeó, not to know, and therion, a wild beast.] Same as Amphicyon. Agnus (ag'nus), n. [L.] An image or representation of a lamb as emblematical of our Saviour; an agnus Dei.

They will kiss a crucifix, salute a cross, carry most devoutly a scapulary, an agnus, or a set of beads about them.


Agnus Castus (ag'nus kas'tus), n. A species of Vitex (V. Agnus Castus), nat order Verbenaceae, called castus (L.), chaste, and hav ing attributed to it the imagined virtue of preserving chastity, from the resemblance of the Greek name agnos to Gr hagnos,

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Agnus Dei that belonged to Charlemagne.-From Aix-la-Chapelle Cathedral.

2 In R. Cath. Ch. (a) a medal, or more frequently a cake of wax, consecrated by the pope, stamped with the figure of a lamb supporting the banner of the cross; supposed to possess great virtues, such as preserving those who carry it in faith from accidents, &c. (b) A prayer in the office of the mass beginning with these words-3. In Greek Ch the cloth which covers the communion service, bearing the figure of a lamb. Agnus Scythicus (ag'nus sith'ik-us), n. [L] The Scythian lamb, a name applied to the rhizome of the fern Cibotium barometz, which is covered with silky fibrous hairs,

Agnus Scythicus (Cibotium barometz).

and when inverted and artificially trimmed somewhat resembles a small lamb. The plant is a native of Tartary, and was formerly reported to have a semi-animal semivegetable nature.

Ago (a-go), a or ade. (really a pp.). [Shortened form of agone.] Past; gone; as, a year ago.

Agog (a-gog), adv. [Prefix a, on, and gog, Wgogi, to shake, of which jog and Sc. shog seem to be forms: comp. Prov. E. gog, a bog, gog-mire, a quagmire] In a state of desire; highly excited by eagerness after an object. Six precious souls, and all agog To dash through thick and thin. Cowper. Agoggled (a-gogld), a. Having staring eyes. A little agoggled in his eyes. Lever. [Rare.] Agoing (a-going), adv. [Prefix a for on, and verbal noun going, lit on the going.] 1. In motion: used only with transitive verbs; as, to set a mill agoing.-2. On the point of going; about to go; ready to go; as, he is agoing immediately. [Vulgar.] Agon (a'gon), n. [Gr. See AGONY.] A contest for a prize. Abp. Sancroft. Agone (a-gon), pp. or adv. [A. Sax. agan, gone, past, from prefix a, away, and gan, ge-gán, gone. Wedgwood and others, however, regard this word as changed from O. E. ygone, in which the y represents the participial augment ge.] Ago; past; since.

My master left me, because three days agone I fell sick. 1 Sam. xxx. 13.

Agone (ag'on), n. An agonic line. See AGONIC.

Agonic (a-gon'ik), a. [Gr. a, priv., and gōnia, an angle.] Not forming an angle.-Agonic lines, the name given by Prof. August to two Hines on the earth's surface, on which the magnetic needle points to the true north, or where the magnetic meridian coincides with the geographical One of these lines, called


the American agone, is in the Western Hemisphere, and the other, or Asiatic, is in the Eastern Hemisphere. Although they extend from south to north, they do not coincide with the meridians, but intersect them under different angles.

Agonism (ag'ō-nizm), n. [Gr. agonismos. See AGONIZE.] Contention for a prize. [Rare.]

Agonist (ag'o-nist), n. [Gr. agonistes. See AGONY.] 1. One who contends for the prize in public games; a combatant; a champion. Milton has given the name 'Samson Agonistes' to his tragedy, from Samson's exploits in slaying the Philistines.-2. Eccles. a name given by Donatus to such of his disciples as he sent to contend for the truth by preaching at markets and fairs.

Agonistarch (ag-on-ist'ärk), n. [Gr. agonistes, a prize-fighter, and archos, a ruler.] One who trained persons to compete in public games.

Agonistert (ag'ō-nist-ér), n. One who contends in public games.

Agonistic, Agonistical (ag-o-nist'ik, ag-ōnist'ik-al), a. [See AGONIST.] Pertaining to contests of strength, or athletic combats, or to contests of any kind, as forensic or argumentative contests. [Rare.]


As a scholar he (Dr. Parr) was brilliant, but he consumed his power in agonistic displays. De Quincey. Agonistically (ag-o-nist'ik-al-li), adv. an agonistic manner. [Rare.] Agonistics (ag-o-nist'iks), n. The art or quasi-science of contending in public games or prize-fighting.

Agonize (ago-niz), v.i. pret. & pp. agonized; ppr. agonizing. [Gr. agonizomai, to contend for a prize. See AGONY.] To writhe with extreme pain; to suffer violent anguish.

To smart and agonize at every pore. Pope. Agonize (ag'ō-niz), v.t. To distress with extreme pain; to torture.


He agonized his mother by his behaviour. Agonizing (ag'ō-niz-ing), a. Giving extreme pain; causing great agony; as, agonizing pains.

Agonizingly (ag'o-niz-ing-li), adv. In an agonizing manner; with extreme anguish. Agonothete (a-go'no-thet), n. [Gr. agōnothetes-agon, contest, and tithemi, to appoint.] One of the officials who presided over the public games in Greece. Agonothetic (a-go'no-thet"ik), a. Pertaining to the office of an agonothete. Agonus (ag'on-us), n. Same as Aspidophorus.

Agony (ag'o-ni), n. [Gr. agonia, struggle, anguish, from agon, an assembly, specifically applied to the concourse of people at the athletic games of Greece, thence to the struggle for a prize, and then to a contest or struggle of any kind, from ago, to lead, to bring together.] 1. A violent contest or striving.

Till he have thus denudated himself of all these incumbrances, he is utterly unqualified for these agonies. Dr. H. More.

2. The struggle, frequently unconscions, that precedes natural death; as, the deathagony: in this sense often used in the plural; as, he is in the agonies of death.-3. The supreme struggle for life in the immediate presence of extreme danger or violent death, accompanied with excessive mental anguish or terror.

A solitary shriek, the bubbling cry

Of some strong swimmer in his agony. Byron. 4. Extreme bodily or mental pain; intense suffering.

That death were better than such agony As grief and fury unto me did bring. Spenser. Specifically-5. The sufferings of our Saviour in the garden of Gethsemane.-Agony, Anguish. Agony is pain so extreme as to cause writhing of the body, continued and excruciating general pain; anguish is now generally used of great mental distress, though in older English such expressions as 'the anguish of a wound' were commonSYN. Anguish, torment, throe, struggle, distress, pangs, suffering.

Agood (a-gud'), adv. In earnest. 'I made her weep agood." Shak.

Agora (ago-ra), n. The public square and market-place of a Greek town, answering to the forum of the Romans. Agouara (a-gö'a-ra), n. [Name in South America.] A species of racoon (Procyon cancrivorus), called also the crab-eating racoon, from its habit of eating all kinds of crustaceans and molluscs, marine and ter


restrial. It is a native of the warmer parts of America, and in size is equal to an average fox.

Agouta (a-gö'ta), n. [Native name.] An insectivorous mammal peculiar to Hayti, of the family Talpida, and the sole member of the genus Solenodon. It is so puzzling to naturalists that it has received the name of S. paradoxus. It has the fur, ears, and tail


Agouta (Solenodon paradoxus).

of the opossum, but the teeth and elongated nose of the shrews. All the feet terminate in five toes, and the long claws are curved and evidently adapted for scraping in the earth. The dentition is unique, the grooving of the second incisor of the lower jaw distinguishing this genus from all others whose dental system is known. It is of the size of a rat, and not unlike one. Agouti (a-go'ti), n. The Indian name of several species of rodent mammals, family Cavidæ, genus Dasyprocta or Chloromys. The common agouti, or yellow-rumped cavy (D. Agouti), is of the size of a rabbit. The upper part of the body is brownish, with a mixture of red and black; the belly yellowish. Three varieties are mentioned, all peculiar to South America and the West Indies. It burrows in the ground or in hollow trees, lives on vegetables, doing much injury to the sugar-cane, is as voracious as a pig, and makes a similar grunting noise. It holds its food in its fore-paws, like a squirrel. When scared or angry its hair is erect, and it strikes the ground with its hind-feet. Its flesh is white and well tasted, so that it is


Agouti (Dasyprocta Agouti).

pursued as game in Brazil. Spelled also Agouty. Agracet (a-gras), v.t. Same as Aggrace. Agrammatist (a-gram'mat-ist), n. [Gr. a, priv., and gramma, a letter.] An illiterate person. Bailey.

Agraphis (ag'ra-fis), n. [Gr. a, neg., and graphō, to write, from there being no markings on the petals.] A genus of plants belonging to the Liliacea, and nearly allied to the squills and hyacinths. A. nutans is the common wild hyacinth, the Hyacinthus non-scriptus of Linnæus.

Agrarian (a-gra'ri-an), a. [L. agrarius, from ager, a field. See ACRE.] 1. Relating to lands, especially public lands; pertaining to the equitable division of public lands; as, agrarian laws.

His grace's landed possessions are irresistibly inBurke. viting to an agrarian experiment.

2. Growing in fields; wild: said of plants. The charlock is only an agrarian form of Brassica. Prof. Buckman. -Agrarian laws, in ancient Rome, laws for regulating the distribution of the public lands among the citizens.-Agrarian murder, agrarian outrage, an outrage or murder brought about by some dispute as to the occupancy of land. Agrarian (a-gra'ri-an), n. 1. One in favour of an equal division of property, especially landed property, among the inhabitants of a country.-2. An agrarian law. 'An equal agrarian is a perpetual law.' Harrington. [Rare.]

Agrarianism (a-gra'ri-an-izm), n. The act of upholding an equal division of lands and


property in general; the principles of one who does so.

Agrarianize (a-grā'ri-an-iz), v.t. To distribute among the people, as land. Agre, Agree,t adv. In good part; kindly; in a friendly manner. "Took agree all my whole play.' Chaucer.

Agree (a-gre), v.i. pret. & pp. agreed; ppr. agreeing. [Fr. agréer, to give one's consent, to agreea, and gré, O.Fr. gret, Pr. grat, good-will, favour, from L. gratus, pleasant, whence also gratitude, grateful, &c.] 1. With a personal subject, in which case agree is either used absolutely or is followed by with before the person with whom the agreement subsists, and by upon, on, for, or to before the person or thing which is the subject or condition of the agreement. (a) To be of one mind; to harmonize in opinion; as, in the expediency of the law all the parties agree. (b) To live in concord or without contention; to live together in some manner as regards harmony.

How dost thou and thy master agree!


(c) To come to one opinion or mind; to determine unanimously; to come to an arrangement or understanding; to arrive at a settlement.

If men, skilled in chymical affairs, shall agree to write clearly, ... they will be reduced either to write nothing, or books that may teach us something. Boyle.

Make not a city feast of it, to let the meat cool ere we can agree upon the first place. Shak.

Didst thou not agree with me for a penny a day? Mat. xx. 13. Hence, to come to an agreement after a quarrel or dispute; to be reconciled.

Agree with thine adversary quickly. Mat. v. 25. (d) To yield assent; to consent; to express concurrence; as, he agreed to accompany the ambassador. Agree to any covenants. Shak. Followed by with before the thing agreed on.

Agree with his demands to the point.


2. With a thing or things for the subject, in which case agree now takes no preposition except with after it, though formerly to was also so used. (a) To be consistent; to harmonize; not to contradict or be repugnant; as, this story agrees with what has been related by others.

Their witness agreed not together. Mark xiv. 56. When we possess ourselves with the utmost security of the demonstration, that the three angles of a triangle are equal to two right ones, what do we more but perceive, that equality to two right ones does necessarily agree to, and is inseparable from the three angles of a triangle. Locke.

All these qualities agree just as well to the oak, against which he contends. Bp. Lowth.

(b) To resemble; to be similar; to be applicable or appropriate; to tally; to match; to correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original. (c) To suit; to be accommodated or adapted; as, the same food does not agree with every constitution. (d) In gram. to correspond in number, case, gender, or person; as, a verb must agree with its nominative. [In certain phrases the verb to agree is still conjugated, like some other intransitive verbs, with the auxiliary to be instead of have, which gives these phrases, to be agreed, all are agreed, and the like, the appearance of being in the passive. The traitors are agreed' (that is, the traitors have agreed, have or are come to an agreement). Shak.]

Agree (a-gre'), v. t. To settle; to determine; to arrange.

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It is thus agreed

That peaceful truce shall be proclaimed in France. Shak] Agreeability (a-gré'a-bil"i-ti), n. The quality of being agreeable; easiness of disposition. [Rare.]

Agreeable (a-grē'a-bl), a. 1. Suitable; conformable; correspondent; consistent with to; as, the practice of virtue is agreeable to the law of God and our own nature.-2. In pursuance of; in conformity with; as, agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report of the committee.

This was formerly the common usage, and is grammatically correct, agreeable being an adjective in concord with the latter clause of the sentence: the House took up the report


of the committee (which taking up was) agreeable to the order of the day. Agreeable has now, however, in this use, been almost superseded by agreeably.-3. Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; as, agreeable manners; fruit agreeable to the taste. My idea of an agreeable person, said Hugo Bohun, is a person who agrees with me. Disraeli.

4. Willing or ready to agree or consent. These Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais a great sum of money, so that he will be but content and agreeable that they may enter into the said town. Latimer.

I'll meet you there, and bring my wife that is to be.... You're agreeable! Dickens.

5 Concordant. These manifold and agreeable testimonies of the olde and new writers.' Author of 1596 quoted by Fitzedward Hall. Agreeablet (a-grē'a-bl), adv. In an agree

able or pleasing manner; agreeably.

To speak agreeable to him with whom we deal, is more than to speak in good words, or in good order. Bacon. Agreeableness (a-grē'a-bl-nes), n. The state or quality of being agreeable; as, (a) suitableness; conformity; consistency; as, the agreeableness of virtue to the laws of God. (b) The quality of pleasing; that quality which gives satisfaction or moderate pleasure to the mind or senses; as, an agreeableness of manners; there is an agreeableness in the taste of certain fruits. [This is the usual sense of the word.] (c) Concordance; harmony.

The agreeableness between man and other parts of creation.


Agreeably (a-grē'a-bli), adv. In an agreeable manner; as, (a) suitably; consistently; conformably.

The effect of which is, that marriages grow less frequent, agreeably to the maxim above laid down. Paley. See remark under AGREEABLE, 2. (b) Pleasingly; in an agreeable manner; in a manner to give pleasure; as, to be agreeably entertained with a discourse. (c) Alike; in the same or a similar manner; similarly. Armed both agreeably. Spenser. Agreeingly (a-grē'ing-li), adv. In conformity to. Sheldon. [Rare.] Agreement (a-grē'ment), n. 1. The state of agreeing or being agreed; as, (a) concord; harmony; conformity; resemblance.

What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? 2 Cor. vi. 16. Expansion and duration have this farther agreement. Locke.

(b) Union of opinions or sentiments; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council. (c) In gram. correspondence of words in respect of number, gender, &c. See AGREE, v. i., 2 (d). —2. The act of coming to a mutual arrangement; bargain; compact; contract; stipulation; as, he made an agreement for the purchase of a house.

Make an agreement with me by a present. 2 Ki. xviii. 31. Agrefe,t adv. [Prefix a, on or in, and grief.] In grief. Chaucer. Agrege,t Agregget (a-grej'), v.t.andi. [O. Fr. agreger, aggreger, from rustic L. aggraviare, classical L. aggravare, to aggravate, as abridge from abbreviare.] To aggravate; to exaggerate.

Agrestial (a-gres'ti-al), a. Rustic; countrified.


Agrestic, Agrestical (a-gres'tik, a-gres'tikal), a. [L. agrestis, from ager, a field.] Rural; rustic; pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; unpolished. [Rare.]

Agreve, v.t. To grieve. Chaucer. Agricolation (a-grik'o-la"shon), n. Cultivation of the soil. Bailey.

Agricolist (a-grik'ōl-ist), n. [L. agricola, a husbandman-ager, a field, and colo, to cultivate.] An agriculturist.

The pasture and the food of plants

First let the young agricolist be taught. Dodsley Agricolous (a-grik'ō-lus), a. Agricultural. S. Smith. Agricultor (agʻri-kult-or), n. [L., from ager, a field, and cultor, a cultivator.] One whose occupation is to till the ground; a farmer; a husbandman; one skilled in husbandry. [Rare.]


Agricultural (ag-ri-kul'túr-al), a. ing to, connected with, or engaged in agriculture. Agricultural societies, societies for promoting agricultural improvements, such as the improvement of land, of implements, of the breeds of cattle, &c.-Agricultural chemistry, a branch of chemistry treating of the composition and properties


of plants, soils, manures, feeding-stuffs for cattle, &c. It teaches how to improve barren soils and renew exhausted ones, as also what soils and manures are suitable for specific crops. Agricultural geology treats of the resources of a country in respect of soils, subsoils, subjacent strata, and mineral manures. Agriculturalist (ag-ri-kul'tür-al-ist), n. An agriculturist. A. J. Ellis.

Agriculture (agʻri-kul-tür), n. [L. ager, a fleld, and cultura, cultivation. See ACRE and CULTURE.] The cultivation of the ground, more especially with the plough and in large areas or fields in order to raise grain and other crops for man and beast, including the art of preparing the soil, sowing and planting seeds, removing the crops, and also the raising and feeding of cattle or other live stock; husbandry; tillage; farming. Agriculture has been divided into theoretical and practical. Theoretical agriculture, or the theory of agriculture, is a science, comprehending in its scope the nature and properties of soils, the different sorts of plants and seeds fitted for them, the composition and qualities of manures, and the rotation of crops, and involves a knowledge of chemistry, geology, and kindred sciences. Praetical agriculture, or husbandry, is an art, comprehending all the labours of the field and of the farm-yard, such as preparing the land for the reception of the seed or plants, committing the seed to the earth, rearing the crop, gathering in the fruits, cultivation and economy of animal and vegetable productions, &c.

Agriculturism (ag-ri-kul'tūr-izm), n. The art or science of agriculture. [Rare.] Agriculturist (ag-ri-kul'tür-ist). n. skilled in the art of cultivating the ground; a husbandman.


They preferred the produce of their flocks to that of their lands, and were shepherds instead of agriculturists. Buckle.

Agrievance.t See AGGRIEVANCE. Agrimonia (ag-ri-mo'ni-a), n. [L.L. agrimonia, L. argemonia, Gr. argemone, agrimony. Said to be from Gr. argema, a whitish speck on the eye arising from ulceration (which this plant was supposed to cure), from argos, white.] A genus of plants, nat, order Rosaceæ; agrimony. The species are slender perennial herbs found in temperate regions. The common agrimony (A. eupatoria) was formerly of much repute as a medicine. Its leaves and root-stock are astringent, and the latter yields a yellow dye. Agrimony (ag'ri-mon-i), n.

The common

name of the plants of the genus Agrimonia Hemp agrimony belongs to the genus Eupatorium (E. cannabinum), nat. order Compositæ.

Agriopes, Agriopus (a-gri'ō-pēs, a-gri'ō-pus),


A genus of acanthopterygious fishes, family Cataphracti, particularly distinguished from most other genera of fishes by having only nine rays in the pectoral fins. The A. torvus, or sea-horse, is upwards of 2 feet in length, and is common on the shores of the Cape of Good Hope.

Agrippinian (a-grip-pin'i-an), n. Eccles a follower of Agrippinus, bishop of Carthage in the third century, who first taught and defended the doctrine of rebaptism. Agrise,t Agryse, v.i. [A. Sax. agrisan, to dread. Allied to grislic, E. grisly] To shiver; to shudder, as from fear, disgust, or sympathy, and the like.

The kinges herte of pitee gan agrise. Chaucer Agrise, v.t. 1. To cause to shudder; to terrify; to disgust. 'Swiche peines that your hertes might agrise.' Chaucer.-2. To make frightful; to disfigure. Engrost with mud which did them fowle agrise. Spenser. Agrom (a'grom), n. The native name for a disease frequent in Bengal and other parts of the East Indies, in which the tongue chaps and becomes rough and sometimes covered with white spots.

Agronomic, Agronomical (ag-ro-nom'ik, ag-ro-nom'ik-al), a. [Gr. agros, a field, and nomos, a law.] Relating to agronomy, or the management of farms. [Rare.]

The experience of British agriculture has shown that the French agronomical division of the soil is infinitely less profitable . . . than that prevailing in this country. Edin. Rev

Agronomist (a-gron'ō-mist), n. One who studies the management of farms. · Au impartial foreign agronomist.' Edin. Rev. [Rare.] Agronomy (a-gron'ō-mi), n. [Fr. agronomie, from Gr. agronomos, rural, from agros, a field,

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