Imágenes de páginas
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needle-case. Chaucer.

and nomos, a rule) The art of cultivating Aguiler, n. [Fr. aiguille, a needle.] A the ground, agriculture. Agrose, pret, of agrise.

Agrostemma (ag-ró-stem'ma), n. [Gr. agros, a field, and stemmna, a wreath.] A Linnæan genus of plants, nat. order Caryophyllaceae. It is now generally regarded as a section of the genus Lychnis, from which it only differs in the elongated segments of the calyx limb, in the petals being without a prominent scale at the base of the expanded portion, and in the capsule opening by valves alternate with and not opposite to the calyx segments. A. (Luchnis) Githago (the common corn-cockle), with large entire purple petals, is the only species belonging to the section as now limited.

Agrostis (a-grosʼtis), n. [Gr. agrostis, the name of several grasses.] A genus of grasses, consisting of many species found in the temprate and cold climates of the world. They are valuable as pasture-grasses. The genus is distinguished from other grasses by having membranous and awnless empty glumes. The bent-grasses belong to this genus. Agrostography (a-gros-togʻra-fi), n. A description of grasses.

Agrostology (a-gros-tol'o-ji), n. [Gr. agrōstis, a grass, and logos, speech.] That part of botany which relates to grasses. Aground (a-ground'), adv. or a. [Prefix a at or on, and ground] 1. On the ground-a nautical term signifying that the bottom of a ship rests on the ground for want of sufficient depth of water-2 Fig. brought to a stop for want of resources, matter, and the like; as, the speaker is aground. Agroupment (a-grop'ment), n. [Fr. agrouper to group. See GROUP.] The arrangement of a group in a picture or in statuary; grouping. Aguardiente (a'gwar-de-ent"à),n. [Sp. contr. for agua ardiente, burning water.] 1. A second-class brandy made from the red wines of Spain and Portugal, as also from the refuse of the grapes left in the wine-press, the scrapings of casks and vats, and deposits in bottles, generally flavoured with anise. It is the popular spirituous beverage in these countries-2 A Mexican alcoholic drink distilled from the fermented juice of the agave. Called also Pulque (which see). Agua-toad (a'gwa-tod), n. The Bufo agua, family Bufonidae, a gigantic species of toad found in intertropical America and the West Indies. It is one of the noisiest of its tribe, uttering a loud snoring kind of bellow, chiefly during night. It is very voracious, and being believed to devour rats, has been largely imported from Barbadoes into Jamaica to keep down the swarms of rats that destroy the plantations.

Ague (à gù), n. [Fr. aigu, acute; fièvre aigue (LL febris acuta), acute fever; L. acutus, sharp See ACUTE, ACID.] 1. The cold fit or rigor which precedes a fever or a paroxysm of fever in intermittents-2. A periodical fever, an intermittent, whether quotidian, tertian, or quartan, the paroxysm leaving the patient in apparent health, and returning daily, or every second or third day. It arises from marsh miasmata, a temperature above 60° being however apparently required to produce it-3. Chilliness; a chill or state of shaking not resulting from disease. Ague (à ́gú), v. To cause a shivering in; to strike with a cold fit. Heywood. [Rare.] Ague-cake (a'gü-kák), n. The tumour caused by enlargement and hardening of the spleen. It is often the consequence of intermittent fever or ague.

Agued (a gud), a. Chilly; having a fit of ague; shivering with cold or fear; characterized by shivering. With flight and agued fear.' Shak Ague-drop (à ́gú-drop), n. A solution of the arsenite of potassium, or the liquor arsenialis of the Pharmacopoeia. It is also known as Feler's Solution." Ague-fit (a'gu fit), n. A paroxysm of cold or aluvering; chilliness.

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Aguise, Aguize † (a-gēz), v.t. [See GUISE.] To dress; to adorn. Wherewith above all knights ye bravely seem aguised.' Spenser. Aguiset (a-gez'), n. Dress. Their fashions and brave aguise.' Dr. H. More. Aguish (a'gu-ish), a. 1. Chilly; somewhat cold or shivering; also, having the qualities of an ague; as, an aguish fever.

Her aguish love now glows and burns. Granville.

2. Productive of agues; as, an aguish locality. Aguishness (a'gu-ish-nes), n. The quality of being aguish; chilliness.

Agynous (a'jin-us), a. [Gr. a, without, and gyne, a female.] In bot. applied to plants having no female organs.

Ah (a) [A natural cry expressive of sudden emotion; comp. G. ach, L. ah, Gr. a, â, Skr. á, ah, ah.] An exclamation expressive of pain, surprise, pity, compassion, complaint, contempt, dislike, joy, exultation, &c., according to the manner of utterance. Aha (a-hä). [A lengthened form of ah, or formed of ah and ha; comp. G. aha, Skr. ahó, ahaha.] An exclamation expressing triumph, contempt, or simple surprise; but the senses are distinguished by very different modes of utterance, and different modifications of features. Ps. xxxv. 21. Aha (ä'ha), n. [See HA-HA.] A sunk fence, not visible without near approach. More commonly spelled Ha-ha or Hah-hah. Ahead (a-hed'), adv. [Prefix a, on, at, and head.] 1. Headlong; without restraint; head foremost.

It is mightily the fault of parents, guardians, tutors, and governors, that so many men miscarry. They suffer them at first to run ahead, and when perverse inclinations are advanced into habits, there is no dealing with them. Sir R. L'Estrange.

2. In or to the front; in advance; before; as, they walked ahead of us all the way; he soon ran ahead of us; specifically (naut.), before or in front of a vessel, or in the direction to which a vessel's head is directed; farther forward: in opposition to astern; as, to lie ahead; to move ahead.


The east end of the island bore but a little ahead of us. Fielding. -To run ahead of one's reckoning (naut.), to sail beyond the places erroneously estimated in the dead-reckoning as the ship's station.-To ahead, a phrase originating in the United States, but now common in Britain, signifying to push forward; to be enterprising or speculative: generally used, as an admonition, in the imperative mood, 'go ahead;' and not rarely as an adjective; as, a go-ahead person.

Aheap (a-hep'), a. or adv. [Apparently from prefix a, on or in, and heap; but possibly the word, in first extract at any rate, is really another form of the O. E. awhape, to astonish. See AWHAPE.] 1. In a quiver or tremble with terror; having received a shock of fear.

When some fresh bruit
Startled me all aheap! and soon I saw
The horridest shape that ever raised my awe.

2. Huddled together through fear; in a crowd.

So did that sudden Apparition scare

All close aheap those small affrighted things (fairies). Hood. Aheight (a-hit), adv. [Prefix a, on or at, and height.] Aloft; on high. Look up aheight.' Shak.

Ahight (a-hi), adv. [Prefix a, on, and high.] On high. One heav'd ahigh, to be hurled down below.' Shak.

Ahint, Ahin (a-hint', a-hin'), prep. or adv. Behind. [Scotch.]

Aholdt (a-hold), adv. Near the wind, so as to hold or keep to it; as, to lay a ship ahold. Shak.

Ahouai (a-hö′ï), n. The native name of a Brazilian tree, the Cerbera Ahouai, nat. order Apocynaceae. It is 20 feet high, its leaves thick and succulent, the wood stinks abominably, and the kernels of the nuts are very poisonous. Written also Ahovai. Ahoy (a-hoi'), exclam. [Longer form of hoy!] A word used chiefly at sea in hailing. Ahriman (a'ri-man), n. [Per. ahriman, Zend, angro-mainyus, the malignant destroying spirit.] The evil genius or demon according to the dualistic doctrine of Zoroaster. riman is the personification of malignity, the original source of all moral and physical evil, the chief of the devils and malignant spirits, the king of darkness and of death, and the eternal foe of Ormuzd and his kingdom of light and life.



Ahu (a'hu), n. One of the native names of the common gazelle of Asia. See GAZELLE. A-hull (a-hul), a. or adv. [Prefix a, and hull.] Naut. a word used with regard to a ship when all her sails are furled, and her helm lashed on the lee-side on account of the violence of a storm; she then lies nearly with her side to the wind and sea, her head somewhat turned toward the direction of the wind: applied also to a ship deserted and exposed to tempestuous winds.

A-hungered + (a-hung'gerd), a. (Prefix a (for of), intens., and hungered; it is the same word as Piers Plowman's afyngered, from A. Sax. of-hyngrian, to be very hungry. Anhungered is a form of this word.] Pinched with hunger; hungry.

A-hungryt (a-hung'gri), a. [Prefix a, intens., and hungry. See A-HUNGERED.] Hungry. Ai (a'ë), n. 'I am not a-hungry.' Shak. The three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus or torquatus), so called from having a feeble plaintive cry somewhat like its name. See SLOTH.

Aiblins (ab'linz), adv. [Probably from able, and adv. term. lins-ling in darkling; comp. Sc. backlins, backwards; or from if, Goth. ibai, G. ob, and same termination.] Perhaps; peradventure; possibly. [Scotch.]

But fare-ye-weel, auld Nickie-ben!
Oh wad ye tak' a thought and men',
Ye aiblins might-I dinna ken-
Still hae a stake.


Aich's Metal (ichs met'al), n. An alloy of iron, copper, and zinc, said to be more tenacious and ductile than gun-metal, named from the patentee Johann Aich. Called also Sterro-metal.

Aid (ad), v.t. [Fr. aider, O. Fr. ajuder, to
help; Pr. aidar, ajudar, adjudar; L. adju-
tare, freq. of adjuvo, adjutum, to help-ad,
to, and juvo, jutum, to help.] To help; to
assist; to come to the support or relief of;
to succour, either by furnishing strength or
means to effect a purpose, or by preventing
or removing obstacles.-SYN. To help, assist,
support, sustain, succour, relieve.
Aid (ad), n. [Fr. aide, O.Fr. aïde, ajude. See
the verb.] 1. Help; succour; support; as-

Sweet father, I behold him in my dreams
Gaunt, as it were the skeleton of himself,
Death-pale, for lack of gentle maiden's aid.

2. The person or thing that aids or yields assistance; a helper; an auxiliary; an assistant.

It is not good that man should be alone; let us make unto him an aid, like unto himself. Tobit viii. 6.

3. In law, a subsidy or tax granted by parliament to the crown for various purposes. 4. In feudal law, a tax paid by a tenant to his lord; originally a gift, which afterward became a legal right. The aids of this kind were chiefly three: (a) to ransom the lord when a prisoner; (b) to make the lord's eldest son a knight; (c) to marry the lord's eldest daughter. Aids were abolished by 12 Car. II. xxiv.-5. An aide-de-camp, so called by abbreviation.

Aid (ad), n. A Staffordshire mining term for a vein of ore going downwards out of the perpendicular line.

Aidance (ad'ans), n. Aid; help; assistance. "The means and aidances supplied by the Supreme Reason.' Coleridge. [Rare.] Aidantt (ad'ant), a. Helping; helpful; supplying aid.


Be aidant and immediate In the good man's distress. Aide-de-camp (ad-de-kon), n. pl. Aidesde-camp (ad-de-kon). [Fr.] Milit, an officer whose duty is to receive and communicate the orders of a general officer, to act as his secretary, and the like. Written also Aidde-camp.

Aider (ad'ér), n. One who helps; an assistant or auxiliary; an abettor; an accessory.

All along as he went, were punished the adherents and aiders of the late rebels. Burnet.

Aidful (ad'ful), a. Giving aid; helpful.
Aidful to the distresses of God's people.'
Bp. Hall. [Rare.]
Aidless (ād'les), a. Without aid; helpless;
without succour; unsupported.
Aid-majort (ād'mā-jer), n. The former title
of the adjutant of a regiment.
Aiglet (ägʻlet), n. In her. an eaglet or young

Aiglet (aglet), n. See AGLET.
Aigre (a'ger), n. The flowing of the sea.
Aigret (ā'gèr), a. [Fr., from L. acrem, sharp.
See ACRID, ACID.] Sharp; sour. 'Like aigre
droppings into milk.' Shak.



Aigremore (a'gėr-mōr), n. [Fr.; origin unknown.] A name given to charcoal when in that state of preparation for the making of gunpowder which renders it fit for the admixture of the other constituent materials. Aigret, Aigrette (a'gret, a-gret), n. [See EGRET.] 1. A name of the small white heron. See EGRET.-2. In bot. same as Egret.-3. A plume or ornament for the head composed of feathers or precious stones. Aiguille (a'gwil), n. [Fr., a needle. AGLET.] 1. An instrument used by military engineers and others for piercing a rock, for the lodgment of gunpowder in a mine or blast-hole.-2. A name given to the needlelike points or tops of granite, gneiss, quartz, and other crystalline rocks and mountain masses; also applied to sharp-pointed masses! of ice on glaciers and elsewhere. Aiguillette (a'gwil-et), n. [Fr., a dim. of aiguille, a needle. See AGLET.] 1. A point or tag at the end of a fringe or lace. 2. Milit. a tagged point hanging down from the shoulder; also, a braid or cord worn from shoulder to shoulder in some military uniforms.

Aiguisé (a-gwēz-à), a. [Fr. aiguiser, to sharpen.] In her. applied to a cross with its four ends sharpened, but so as to terminate in obtuse angles. Written also Eguisé. Aigulet (a'gu-let), n. [See AGLET.] A tag or point. Golden aigulets.' Spenser. Ail (äl), v. t. [O. E. eylen, A. Sax. eglian, to feel pain, to ail; eglan, to give pain; egle, trouble, grief; egl, egel, that which pricks, a thistle, an 'ail' or beard of barley (Prov. E); allied to Goth. aglo, affliction; aglus, troublesome; perhaps to Sw. agg, a prick; E. to egg on, and perhaps ache, A. Sax. ace, ache, pain, and therefore to widely-spread root ak. See ACID.] To affect with pain or uneasiness, either of body or mind; to trouble; to be the matter with: used to express some uneasiness or affection whose cause is unknown; as, what ails the man? I know not what ails him.

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And much he ails, and yet he is not sick. Ail (al), n. Indisposition or morbid affection; ailment. Pope.

Ailanthus, Ailantus (a-lan'thus, a-lan'tus), n. [From ailanto, the Malacca name for one species, signifying tree of heaven.] A genus of large timber-trees, nat. order Simarubaceæ. A. glandulosus is a handsome tree of India and China, attaining a height of 60 feet. It is planted in France and Germany to shade public walks, and has been called false varnish-tree. The Bombyx Cynthia, a species of silk-worms, feeds on its leaves. In Japan the produce of silkworms fed on this tree is very large, and the material, though wanting the fineness and gloss of mulberry silk, is produced at far less cost, and is more durable. Ailet (il), n.

Same as Aisle.

Aileron (al'èr-on), n. Same as Ailette (which see).

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One of the small square shields of arms worn upon the shoulders of knights during a part of the middle ages; the prototype of the modern epaulet. Called also Aileron. Ailment (äl'ment), n. Disease; indisposition; morbid affection of the body: but the word is not applied ordinarily to acute diseases. Ailurus (al-u'rus), n. [Gr. ailouros, a cat] A genus of carnivorous quadrupeds, family Ursidae. A. refulgens, the only known species, is the panda (which see).


Aim (am), v.i. [0. Fr. esmer, aesmer, to aim or level at, purpose, reckon; Pr. aymar, aesmar, adesmar, to reckon-L. ad, to, and æstimare, to value, consider, reckon. See ESTEEM.] 1. To direct a missile towards an object.-2. To point to in a figurative sense; to direct the mind to an object; specifically, (a) to guess; to conjecture.

In sadness, cousin, I do love a woman.-
I aimed so near, when I supposed you loved.



[Formerly common, but now rare in this sense. (b) To direct the intention or purpose; to attempt to reach or accomplish; to tend toward; to endeavour; as, a man aims at distinction, or aims to be rich: in all its senses followed by at before the object where the object is expressed.-To cry aim, in archery, to encourage the archers by crying out aim when they were about to shoot. Hence it came to mean to applaud or encourage in a general sense.

It ill beseems this presence to cry aim
To these ill-tuned repetitions.


Aim (am), v.t. To direct or point to a particular object; to level at; as, to aim a musket or an arrow, the fist or a blow; to aim a satire or a reflection at some person or vice.

Aim (ām), n. 1. The pointing or directing of a missile; the direction of anything to a particular point or object with a view to strike or affect it, as a spear, a blow, a discourse or remark.

Each at head levelled his deadly aim. Milton. 2. The direction in which a missile is pointed; the line of shot; hence, fig. the direction in which anything tends.

And when the cross blue lightning seem'd to open
The breast of heaven, I did present myself
Even in the aim and very flash of it.

3. The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be effected; the mark. To be the aim of every dangerous shot." Shak.4. A purpose; intention; design; scheme; as, men are often disappointed of their aim. But see, how oft ambitious aims are crost. Pope. 5. Conjecture; guess.

He that seeth no mark, must shoot by aim. Bp. Fewel. It is impossible by aim to tell it. Spenser.

-To give aim, in archery, to stand near the butts to tell the archers where their arrows alight. The terms are 'wide on the shaft (right) hand;' 'wide on the bow (left) hand;' short;' 'gone;' the distances being measured by bow-lengths. See Bow-HAND.SYN. End, object, scope, drift, design, purpose, intention, scheme.

Aim-criert (am'krī-ér), n. 1. One who encouraged an archer by crying aim when he was about to shoot. Hence-2. An encourager generally; an approving on-looker; an abettor. 'Thou smiling aim-crier at princes' fall.' Markham.

Aimer (am'èr), n. One that aims. Aim-frontlet (am'frunt-let), n. A piece of wood fitted to the muzzle of a gun so as to make it level with the breech, formerly in use among gunners. E. H. Knight. Aimless (am'les), a. Without aim; purposeless.

The Turks, half asleep, ran about in aimless confusion. Dryden. Without aim;

Aimlessly (am'les-li), adv. purposelessly.

Ain (an), a. [See OWN.] Own. [Scotch.] Aince, Aines (ans), adv. Once. [Scotch.] Ainent (a'nent), a. [O. Fr. aner (the Mod. Fr. aller), to go, from L. adnare, originally to swim to.] In her. running: applied to beasts. Ainsell (an'sel), n. Ownself. [Scotch.] Ain't, An't (ant). A vulgar corruption of are not; sometimes also used for is not and am not.


Air (ar), n. [Fr. air, Pr. air, aire, L. aër, Gr. aer,air.] 1. The fluid which we breathe. Air is inodorous, invisible, insipid, colourless, elastic, possessed of gravity, easily moved, rarefied, and condensed, essential to respiration and combustion, and the medium of sounds. Atmospheric air is composed by volume of 20 or 21 oxygen and 80 or 79 nitrogen; by weight, of 23 oxygen to 77 nitrogen. gases are not chemically united, but mixed mechanically. Air contains also of carbonic acid, aqueous vapour, and varying proportions of ammonia, nitric acid, ozone, and organic matter. The body of air surrounding the earth is called the atmosphere. The specific gravity of the air is to that of water nearly as 1 to 828, and 1000 cubic inches at mean temperature and pressure weigh 30 grains. Air is necessary to life; being inhaled into the lungs, the oxygen is separated from the nitrogen, and it is supposed to furnish the body with heat and animation. By the ancient philosophers air was considered one of the four elements. -2. In chem. same as Gas; thus oxygen was called dephlogisticated air.-3. Air in motion; a light breeze. 'The summer airs blow


cool.' Tennyson.-4.t Utterance abroad; publication; publicity.


You gave it air before me. Wind is used in like manner. Hence-5. † Intelligence; information; advice.

It grew from the airs which the princes and states abroad received from their ambassadors and agents here. Bacon.

6. In music, (a) a tune; a short song or piece of music adapted to words; also, the peculiar modulation of the notes which gives music its character; melody; as, a soft air. (b) A song or piece of poetry for sing. ing; as, the air, 'Sound an Alarm.' (c) The soprano part in a harmonized piece of music.-7. Any piece of poetry. The repeated air of sad Electra's poet.' Milton. [Rare.]-8. The peculiar look, appearance, and bearing of a person; as, the air of a youth; a graceful air; a lofty air.-9. The general character or complexion of anything; appearance; semblance.

Too great liberties taken (in translation) in varying either the expression or composition, in order to give a new air to the whole, will be apt to have a very bad effect. Bp. Louth As it was communicated with the air of a secret, it soon found its way into the world. Pope

10. pl. An affected manner; manifestation of pride or vanity; assumed haughtiness: chiefly in the phrase to give one's self airs.

Mrs. Crackenbury read the paragraph in bitterness of spirit, and discoursed to her followers about the airs which that woman was giving herself. Thackeray.

11. pl. The artificial motions or carriage of a horse.-12. In painting, (a) that which expresses action; manner; gesture; attitude. (b) The representation of the effect of the atmospheric medium, through which natural objects are viewed. To take the air, to go abroad; to walk or ride a little distance. -To take air,t to be divulged; to be made public; as, the story has taken air. Air is frequently found in composition, and as the compounds are in many cases words of obvious meaning, only those which have a peculiar or specific sense are entered below in alphabetical order.

Air (ar), v.t. 1. To expose to the air; to give access to the open air; to ventilate; as, to air clothes; to air a room. Hence-2. To expose ostentatiously; to display; to bring before public notice; as, to air one's views. 'Airing a snowy hand and signet ring.' Tennyson.-3. To expose to heat; to warm; as, to air linen; to air liquors.

Air, Ear (ar), a. and adv. Early. [Scotch] An air winter's a sair winter.' Scotch proverb.

Aira (ār'a), n. [Greek name of a kind of darnel.] Hair-grass, a genus belonging to the nat. order Gramine, characterized by two-flowered spikelets. The species are widely distributed in temperate regions, but few are of much value as fodder plants. A. caespitosa (the tufted hair-grass) is from 2 to 4 feet high, growing in meadows and boggy heaths, where its tufts are useful as stepping-places. It affords a fine cover for game, and constitutes the bulk of bog-hay on moors. Its long, narrow, rough leaves wound the skin if drawn smartly across it. Airable (ar'a-bl), a. Suitable to be sung

Howell. [Rare and obsolete.] Air-balloon (ar-bal-lön) n. See BALLOON. Air-bath (ar'bath), n. 1. The exposure of the person to the action of the air, recommended by Dr. Franklin.-2. An arrangement for drying substances by exposing them to air of any temperature desired. Air-bed (ar bed), n. A bed made by inflating an air-tight bed-shaped bag with air. Air-bladder (ar'blad-der), n. 1. A vesicle

filled with air.

The pulmonary artery and vein pass along the surfaces of these air-bladders in an infinite number of ramifications. Arbuthnot.

2. A bag situated under the back-bone of certain fishes, and which, being full of air. is supposed to assist in breathing, and in regulating the buoyancy of the animal Air-bone (arbōn), n. A bone with a large cavity filled with air, as in birds. Owen. Air-brake (arbrák), n. A railway brake applied by means of condensed atmospheric air.

Air-braving (arbråv-ing), a Defying the influence of the air. Air-braving towers. Shak.

Air-brick (ār'brik), n. An iron box, commonly made of the size and shape of a brick, and perforated with holes, placed in the


walls of houses so as to facilitate the transmission of air, and thus promote ventila


Air-built (ar'bilt), a. Erected in the air; having no solid foundation; chimerical; as, an air-built castle; air-built hopes. Air-cane (arkan), n. An air-gun fitted up in a walking-stick.

Air-casing (ar'kas-ing), n. An air-tight casing of sheet-iron around a pipe to prevent undue transmission of heat or cold; specifically, the casing round the base of the funnel of a steam-vessel, to prevent too great a transmission of heat to the deck. Air-cell (ar'sel), n. In bot. one of the cavities in the leaves, stems, or other parts of plants, containing air. They are well seen in the bladders of sea-weeds, and are found in other aquatic plants, which they serve to float Called also Airchambers.-2. In anat (a) the minute bronchial cells constituting the texture of the lungs, into which the air is conveyed by the ultimate ramifications of the windpipe, for the oxygena tion of the blood; (b) the dilatations of the trachea or air-tube in insects forming the respiratory appa- Air-cells in Gulfweed (Sargassum Air-chamber (ar'cham- vulgare). běr), n. 1. Air-cell (which seel-2 A cavity in a hydraulic machine, such as a fire-engine, the air in which, on being compressed by the admission of water into the chamber, by its elastic force acts as a spring, and equalizes the flow of the liquid. Air-condenser (ár-kon-dens'èr), n. An apparatus for condensing air. It consists of a close vessel with a syringe attached to it, which is used for injecting air into the vessel until the requisite degree of condensation be produced.


Air-cone (arkōn), n. A cone in a marineengine to receive the gases which enter the hot-well from the air-pump, whence, after ascending, they escape through a pipe at the top.

Air-course (ar kórs), n. A general name for the passages in a coal-mine intended for ventilation.

Air-cushion (árkush-on), n. A cushion made by inflating a bag with air. Air-dew (ardů), n. Manna. [Rare.] Air-drain (ar'dran), n. A cavity formed round the external walls of a building to prevent the earth from lying against them and causing dampness.

Air-drawn (ar'dran), a. Drawn or depicted in the air. The air-drawn dagger.' Shak. Atr-drill (ar'dril), n. A drill driven by the pressure of condensed air. E. H. Knight. Air-engine (áren-jin), n. An engine in which air, heated or compressed, is employed as the motive power. Condensed-air engines have been found to be the best and safest for working the rock-drill in mining operations, the waste air serving to ventilate the mine and reduce the oppressive heat. Airer (ár ér), n. 1. One who airs, or exposes to the air.-2. A screen for drying clothes, &c. Air-escape (ar'es-kap), n. A contrivance for permitting air which has collected in water-pipes to escape. Air-exhauster (ar egz-hast-ér), n. 1. An air-trap by which collected air may escape from water-mains, &c.-2. A contrivance for removing exhausted air from any place intended to be ventilated.

Air-filter (ar fil-ter), n. A contrivance for filtering or purifying air. The common method is to make the air pass through a wire screen, and then expose the current to the action of water.

Air-fountain (ar fount-an), n. An apparatus for producing a jet of water by the elastic force of air compressed in a close vessel, and made to act on the surface of the water to be raised.

Air-funnel (ár'fun-nel), n. Naut. a cavity formed by the omission of a timber in the upper works of a vessel, to promote the ventilation of the hold.

Air-furnace (arfer-nás), n. A term used to denote a furnace which has no blast, but only a natural draught. Air-gas (argas), n.

An inflammable illuminating gas made by charging ordinary atmospheric air with the vapours of petroleum, naphtha, or some similar substance. The substance so used is called gasolene, and must be such as to evaporate with great


readiness. It is placed in a vessel called a generator, where it is exposed to a current of air, and various contrivances are adopted to promote the evaporation, and prevent the too rapid cooling which the evaporation is liable to bring about.

Air-grating (ar'grat-ing), n. A grating to admit air for ventilation. Air-gun (ar'gun), n. A kind of gun in which


highly-condensed air is used to project the ball. A common variety is shaped like a rifle or musket, a hollow spherical ball, into which air has been forced by a condensing syringe, being attached to it and serving as a reservoir for the condensed air. A por tion of this air escapes into the barrel, by the opening of a valve, each time the trigger is drawn, so that it presses against the ball precisely in the same way as gunpowder. Air condensed to th of its bulk gives about half the velocity of gunpowder. Air-holder (árhöld-ér), n. 1. A vessel for holding air for various purposes; as (a) for the purpose of counteracting the pressure of a decreasing column of mercury; (b) for the purpose of keeping up a moderate and steady current of air. In the latter case the air is contained in an inverted vessel which rises and falls in a tank of water, and has the air supplied to it by one pipe and carried off by another.-2. A gasometer. Air-hole (arhōl), n. 1. An opening to admit or discharge air. --2. In founding, a fault in a casting, caused by a bubble of air passing from a core outwards, and which is retained in the metal. Called also a Blow-hole. Airily (ar'i-li), adv. In an airy manner; gaily.

Fanny bade her father good-night, and whisked off airily. Dickens.

Airiness (ar'i-nes), n. 1. Exposure to a free current of air; openness to the air; as, the airiness of a country-seat.-2. Gaiety; levity; as, the airiness of young persons. 'A certain talkativeness and airiness in their (the French) tongue.' Sterne.

Airing (ar'ing), n. 1. An exposure to the air, or to a fire, for warming or drying.2. Exercise in the open air; a short excur


Airing-stage (aring-staj), n. A platform on which powder is dried by exposure to sun and air.

Air-jacket (ar'jak-et), n. A jacket inflated with air, or to which bladders filled with air are fastened to render persons buoyant in water.

Airless (arles), a. Not open to a free current of air; wanting fresh air or communication with open air.

Air-level (árlev-el), n. A name sometimes given to a spirit-level (which see). Airlingt (arling), n. A thoughtless, gay per


Slight airlings will be won with dogs and horses. B. Jonson. Air-lock (ar'lok), n. An air-tight chamber in a caisson in which operations are being carried on under water, communicating by one door with the outer air and the main entrance shaft of the caisson, and by another door with the chambers filled with condensed air in which the men are at work. Before entering the latter chambers one must pass through the air-lock, where one remains until the air within it has been brought to the same degree of compression as that in the working chambers. Air-machine (arma-shen), n. In mining, the apparatus by which pure air is forced into parts badly ventilated, and the foul air extracted.

Airn (arn), n. Iron. [Scotch.] Airo-hydrogen (ar-o-hi'dro-jen), a. Pertaining to a mixture of atmospheric air and hydrogen-Airo-hydrogen blowpipe, a blowpipe in which atmospheric air and hydrogen are burned together in order to produce an intense heat.

Airometer (ar-om'et-ér), n. [Air, and Gr. metron, a measure.] Same as Air-holder (b). Air-passage (ar pas-aj), n. 1. In anat. one of the tubes by which air is admitted to the lungs, comprising the larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes, and their minute ramifications. 2. In bot. a large intercellular space in the


stems and leaves of aquatic plants, and in the stems of endogens.

Air-pipe (ar'pip), n. A pipe used to draw foul air out of, or conduct fresh air into close places. Specifically, (a) a pipe used to draw foul air from a ship's hold by means of a communication with the furnace, and the rarefaction of the air by the fire. This pipe is intended to supply the combustion with the air of the hold, by preventing the access of other air to the fire. (b) In mining, a pipe or tube made of wood or iron, for conducting or conveying fresh air into levels having but one communication with the atmosphere.

Air-plant (ar plant), n. 1. A general name for the orchids belonging to the genus Aerides (which see).-2. A general term applied to epiphytes which derive all their food from the atmosphere. See EPIPHYTE Air-poise (ar'poiz), n. An instrument to measure the weight of the air. Air-port (ar port), n. A name given to large scuttles in ships' bows for the admission of air when the other ports are down. The Americans call their side-ports also by this


Air-pump (ar'pump), n. A most valuable pneumatic machine, for the purpose of exhausting the air from a closed vessel called a receiver, and thereby producing what is called a vacuum, which, however, is only partial. It was invented by Otto Guericke in 1654, but has since been much improved. The air-pump acts by the elastic force of air, and gradually exhausts the air from the receiver by means of a piston, with a proper valve, working in a cylindrical barrel or tube, somewhat after the manner of a common water-pump; each successive stroke rarefies the air more and more, a barometer gauge showing the extent of the rarefaction. The exhaustion is limited by the elasticity of the remaining air being no longer capable of opening the valves. Air-pumps are variously constructed; the most common forms

[graphic][merged small]

have two barrels and two pistons wrought by a toothed wheel, as that represented in the annexed cut. See VACUUM.-The airpump of a steam-engine is the pump by which the condensing water and condensed steam are drawn off from the condenser. It is an appendage of every condensing engine, but is not, of course, requisite in highpressure or non-condensing engines. See cut STEAM-ENGINE.-Air-pump bucket, an open piston with valves on the upper surface opening upwards so as to admit the air and water in the down-stroke, and lift it with the up-stroke of the pump. Air-sac (ár'sak), n. In physiol. one of the membranous bags or receptacles of air lodged in the hollow bones, the cavities of the body, and the quills of birds, and communicating with the lungs. They enlarge the respiratory surface, accelerate circulation, and thus increase muscular energy. They are also supposed to render the body specifically lighter, and to supply the place of a muscular diaphragm. Air-scuttle (ar'skut-1), n. Same as Air-port. Air-shaft (ar'shaft), n. A passage for air into a mine, usually opening in a perpendicular direction, and meeting the adits or horizontal passages, and so causing a free circulation of fresh air through the mine. Air-slacked (ar'slakt), a. Slacked or pulverized by the action of air, or of the moisture in the atmosphere; as, air-slacked lime. Air-stove (ar'stov), n. A stove which is employed to heat a current of air directed against its surface by means of pipes, which heated air is then admitted to the apartment requiring to be heated.

[blocks in formation]

Airt (art), v. t. To direct. [Scotch.] Air-thermometer (ar'ther-mom"et-ér), n. A thermometer in which air is employed as a substitute for mercury and spirit of wine. Of these there are several kinds, but the most important is Leslie's Differential Thermometer. They are well fitted for measuring high degrees of heat, but are difficult to manage, wherefore Regnault prefers vapour of mercury. See Differential Thermometer under DIFFERENTIAL.

Air-thread (ar'thred), n. A name given to the filaments attached by spiders to the tops or ends of branches of shrubs or trees, and serving to support the spider when in quest of prey.

Air-tight (artit), a. So tight or close as to be impermeable to air. A vessel or tube is said to be air-tight when it possesses that degree of closeness which prevents the passage of air under the circumstances in which it is placed.

Air-trap (ar'trap), n. A contrivance for excluding the effluvia arising from drains and sinks. Also, a recess at a knee of a water-main, for receiving and retaining air that may be liberated from the water. It is provided with a valve for taking off the air from time to time, as it accumulates. Air-trunk (ar'trungk), n. A contrivance to prevent the stagnation of putrid effluvia in jails or apartments where many people are collected. It is merely a square open tube, passing from the ceiling to the open air above the roof, by which the heated air escapes.

Air-tube (ar'tūb), n. 1. In zool. a name given to certain horny passages for air in the abdomen of some aquatic insects. 2. Naut. a small iron tube hung in a coal box from the deck, and filled with water, for the purpose of ascertaining the temperature of the coals by a thermometer as a precaution against spontaneous combustion. E. H. Knight.-3. The tube of an atmospheric railway (which see under ATMOSPHERIC).

Air-valve (ar'valv), n. A valve applied to steam-boilers to prevent a vacuum when the steam is condensing in the boiler; the safety-valve fixed at the top of the boiler of the steam-engine.

Air-vessel (arves-sel), n. In hydraulics, a vessel in which air is condensed by pressure, for the purpose of employing the reaction of its elasticity as a moving or as a regulating power. Such vessels are employed in fire-engines and force-pumps. Air-way (ar wā), n. A passage for air; specifically, a passage for the admission of air to a mine. To maliciously fill up, obstruct, or damage an air-way is, by 24 and 25 Vict. xcvii., a felony punishable by penal servitude or imprisonment at the discretion of the judge.

Airy (a'ri), a. 1. Consisting or having the
character of air; ethereal. The thinner
and more airy parts of bodies.' Bacon.-
2. Relating or belonging to the air; high in
air. Airy navies grappling in the central
blue.' Tennyson.-3. Open to a free current
of air; as, an airy situation. - 4. Light as
air; resembling air in being impalpable or
invisible; unsubstantial; hence, fig. without
reality or sincerity; trifling; empty; as, airy
ghosts; airy notions.

The poet's pen gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.


I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality that it is but a shadow's shadow. Shak.

5. Gay; sprightly; full of vivacity and levity; light of heart; lively.

His light airy brilliancy has suddenly become solemn, fixed in the earnest stillness of eternity. Carlyle.

6. In landscape-painting, showing that proper recession of all parts which expresses distance and atmosphere.

Airy (a'ri), n. Same as Aerie. Aisle (il), n. [0. Fr. aisle, Fr. aile, a wing, an aisle; L. ala, a wing; the s does not properly belong to the word.] The wing of a building: usually applied to the lateral divisions of a cathedral or other church, which are separated from the central part, called the nave and choir, by pillars or piers. The nave


is frequently, though incorrectly, termed the middle aisle, and the lateral divisions side aisles. Sometimes incorrectly written Isle. See figure showing ground plan of a cathedral under CATHEDRAL.

Aisle, Salisbury Cathedral.


Aisled (ild), a. Furnished with aisles. church which in its breadth is divided into three or five parts is sometimes called a three or five aisled church.

Ait (ät), n. [Another form of eyot, an islet.] A small island in a river or lake. Fog up the river, where it flows among green aits and meadows.' Dickens. Aitchbone (ach'bon), n. Edgebone (which see).


Aitch-piece, H-piece (ach'pes), n. part of a plunger-lift in which the clack or valve of a pump of any description is fixed. See PUMP.

Aith (ath), n. Oath. [Scotch.] Aitiology (i-ti-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. aitia, a cause, and logos, a discourse.] The doctrine of efficient, as opposed to final, causes. Aits (atz), n. Oats. [Scotch.] Aiver, Aver (a'ver), n. [Norm. and O. E., from L. L. averia, horses, cattle, pl. of averium, wealth, from Fr. avoir, L. habere, to Aix-beds (as'bedz), n. pl. have.] A work-horse. [Scotch.]

In geol. thick fresh-water tertiary strata, occurring near Aix, in Provence, in France, consisting of calcareous marls, calcareo-siliceous grits and gypsum, and full of fossil fishes, insects, and plants.

Aizle (yz'l), n. [A. Sax. ysela, ysla, a spark, an ember.] A hot cinder; an ember. [Scotch.]

Aizoon (a-zo'on), n. [L. aizoon, from Gr. aeizoon, ever-living-aei, ever, aye, and zoon, living.] A genus of prostrate herbaceous plants, nat. order Ficoidea, and containing about twenty species natives of subtropical regions. They are very tenacious of life. A. canariense and A. hispanicum abound in soda.

Ajar (a-jär), adv. [In O. E. also achar and onchar, lit. on the turn, from prefix a, on, at, and jar or char, A. Sax. cerre, a turn, seen also in char or chare, charwoman.] On the turn; neither quite open nor shut; partly opened: said of a door.

Ajee (a-je), adv. [Prefix a, on, at, and jee or gee, to move, to move to one side. ] Awry; off the right line; obliquely; wrong. [Scotch.]

His brain was a wee ajee, but he was a braw preacher for a' that. Sir W. Scott.

Ajuga (a-ju'ga), n. A genus of plants, nat. order Labiatae, containing about fifty species of annual or perennial herbs occurring in the temperate regions of the Old World. Four of the species are British, inhabiting pastures chiefly. A. reptans is the common bugle.

Ajuru (a-u'ru), n. The Brazilian generic name for parrot. Ajust,t v.t. To adjust; to apply. Chaucer. Ajutage (a'jūt-áj), n. [Fr. ajoutage, something added, from ajouter, to join, and this


from L.L. adjuxtare, to apply, fit, or fix to -L. ad, to, and juxta, nigh.] A sort of tube fitted to the aperture of a vessel through which water is played.

Akbeer (ak'ber),n. A red powder thrown on the clothes and person at Hindu festivals. Aket (ak), n. and v. Same as Ache.

His limbs must ake with daily toil opprest. Prior. Akee (a-ke'), n. The fruit of Blighia sapida, nat. order Sapindaceæ, a native of Guinea, whence it was carried by Captain Bligh to Jamaica in 1793, and thence disseminated over the West Indies and South America. It is much esteemed as a fruit. The plant is a tree 30 or 40 feet high; the leaves some


Akee Fruit.

what resemble those of the ash; the flowers are small and white; the fruit is oblong, ribbed, of a reddish-orange colour, and contains several large seeds partly imbedded in a white, succulent, and slightly acid aril, which is the part eaten, and is very grateful to the palate. Akehorn, n.



Akele, v.t. [Prefix a, and kele, A. Sax. celan, to cool.] To cool. Chaucer. Aker-staff (a'kér-staf), n. [Aker-acre,field.] In agri. an instrument for clearing the coulter of the plough.

Aketon (ak'ton), n. The acton (which see) Akimbo (a-kim'bo), a. [Prefix a, on, and kimbo (which see).] Arched; crooked. The arms are akimbo when the hands are on the hips and the elbows arched outwards. With one arm akimbo.' Irving.

Akin (a-kin'), a. or adv. [Prefix a, of, and kin. See KIN.] 1. Related by blood: used of persons; as, the two families are near akin.-2. Allied by nature; partaking of the same properties; as, envy and jealousy are near akin. Pity's akin to love.' Southern. Aknee (a-në'), adv. On the knee. [Rare.]

Aknee they fell before the prince. Southey. Akrokeraunian (ak'ro-ke-ra"ni-an), a. Same as Acroceraunian. 'The vast Akrokeraunian walls.' Tennyson. All. Al,ta. adv. n.

Ala (a'la), n. pl. Alæ (ale). [L., a wing.] 1. In bot. one of the two side petals of a papilionaceous blossom, or the membranous expansion of an organ, as of a fruit, seed, stem, &c. See WING.-2. In anat, a term applied to many parts; as, ala auris, the upper and outer part of the external ear; ale nasi, the lateral cartilages of the nose, &c. Alabandine (al-a-ban'din), n. Manganese glance or blende. It is a sulphide of manganese.

Alabarches (al-a-bärkez), n. In ancient times, the chief magistrate of the Jews in Alexandria, whose duty lay chiefly in raising and paying taxes. Written also Arabarches. Alabaster (al'a-bas-tér), n. [L. alabaster, from Gr. alabastros, from Alabastron, a village in Egypt where there were quarries of this mineral.] 1. A marble-like mineral of which there are two well-known varietiesthe gypseous and the calcareous. The former is a crystalline granular variety of sulphate of calcium or gypsum (Ca So42H2O). It is of various colours, as yellow, red, and gray, but is most esteemed when pure white. Being soft it can be formed by the lathe or knife into small works of art, as vases, statuettes, &c. For this purpose the snowwhite, fine-grained variety found near Florence is especially used. Calcareous alabaster is a variety of carbonate of lime occurring as a stalactite or stalagmite in caverns of limestone rocks.-2. A vessel for holding odoriferous liquors or ointments, originally so called because made of alabaster, but the name was applied also to similar vessels of other materials, as gold. Alabaster (al'a-bas-tér), a. Made of alabaster, or resembling it. 'An alabaster column. Addison.

Alabastrian (al-a-bas'tri-an), a. Pertaining to or like alabaster.

Alabastrine (al-a-bas'trin), a. Of, or pertaining to, or resembling alabaster.-Ala


bastrine positive, in photog. the name given to a collodion positive in which the film, after being coloured with dry pigments, is rendered permeable to varnish, and thus shows the colour in the collodion itself. Alabastrite (al-a-bas'trit), n. [L. alabastrites, alabaster. See ALABASTER.] 1. A name sometimes given to alabaster. Hence2 A vase, box, or other vessel formed of alabaster.

Alabastron (al-a-bas'tron), n. Same as Alabaster.

Alabastrus (al-a-bas'trus), n. [L.L., from alabaster.] A name given to a flower-bud. It was originally applied to the rose-bud. Written also Alabastrum. Alack (a-lak), interj. [Probably a form of alas] An exclamation expressive of sorrow. Alack when once our grace we have forgot, Nothing goes right. Shak. Alackaday (a-lak'a-da), interj. [Alas-theday! Comp. Well-a-day!] An exclamation uttered to express regret or sorrow. Written also Alack-the-day. [Obsolescent.]

Alack the day... I pray you tell me is my boy alive or dead Shak.

Alacrify (a-lak'ri-fi), v. t. (L. alacer, alacris, cheerful, and facio, to make.] To make cheerful; to rouse to action; to excite. Alacrious (a-lak'ri-us), a. Cheerful; lively.

Twere well if we were a little more alacrious and exact in the performance of the duty. Hammond. Alacriously (a-lak'ri-us-li), adv. Cheerfully. Alacriousness (a-lak'ri-us-nes), n. Brisk

nesa. To infuse some life, some alacriousness into you.' Hammond. Alacrity (a-lak'ri-ti), n. [L. alacritas, from alacer, alacris, cheerful.] Cheerfulness; gaiety; sprightliness; more usually, a cheerful readiness or promptitude to do some act; cheerful willingness; as, the soldiers advanced with alacrity to meet the enemy. I have not that alacrity of spirits

Nor cheer of mind that I was wont to have. Shak.

Alactaga (a-lak-ta'ga), n. The jumping rabbit of Siberia, a rodent of the family Dipodidae or jerboas.

Aladinist (a-lad'in-ist), n. [From Aladdin, a learned divine under Mohammed II. and Bajazed II] A free-thinker among the Mohammedans

A-la-grecque, A-la-grec (a-lä-grek). [Fr., after the Greek fashion.] In arch. a name for one of the varieties of the fret ornament, used for running freizes, borders, &c., and


frequently seen in ancient Roman pave


Alameda (a-la-me'da), n. [Sp.] A public walk planted with trees.

A-la-mi-re (a-la-me'ra), n. [A, la, mi, re, notes on the musical scale.] In music, the name of the note A in the acute and superacute hexachords of Guido Aretino's system of notation.

Alamodality (al'a-mo-dal"i-ti), n. Conformity to the prevailing mode or fashion of the times. [Rare.]

Alamode (a-la-môd), ado. [Fr. à la mode, after the fashion.] According to the fashion or prevailing mode: sometimes used as an adjective; as, 'alamode beef-chops.' Macaulay.

Alamode (á-la-mod), n. A thin glossy silk for hoods, scarfs, &c.

A-la-mort (a-la-mort), a. [Fr., to, at, or after the manner of death, formed on the type of a-la-mode; or a corruption of all amort. The corresponding phrase all alive gives probability to the latter suggestion. See AMORT] In a half-dead or die-away condition; depressed; melancholy.

Tis wrong to bring into a mixed resort, What makes some sick and others a-la-mort. Cowper. Aland (a-land), adv. [Prefix a, at or on, and land.] At or on land.

And in mud ocean left them moored aland. Dryden. Aland, Alaun, n. [Sp. alano.] A kind of mastiff chiefly used for hunting the boar.

Around his char there wenten white alauns
Twenty and mo, as gret as any stere,
To unten at the leon or the dere. Chaucer.

Alane (a lán), adv. Alone. [Scotch] Alant (al'ant), n. (See ALAND.] In her. a mastiff dog with short ears.

[blocks in formation]

Alantin, Alantine (a-lan'tin), n. [G. alant, elecampane.] An amylaceous or starchy substance obtained from elecampane; inulin (which see).

Alar (a'lär), a. [L. ala, a wing.] Pertaining to or having wings or alæ. Alarged t (a-lärjd), pp. 1. Given largely.2. Enlarged. Wickliffe.

Alaria (a-la'ri-a), n. [L. ala, a wing.] A genus of Algæ, inhabiting the colder parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The membranous frond is from 3 to 20 feet long and has a thick midrib. A. esculenta is variously called badderlocks, henware, or muslins. The nutritious midrib, stripped of the membranes on each side, is eaten. See BADDERLOCKS.

Alarm (a-lärm), n. [Fr. alarme, alarm, from It. all'arme, L. ad arma, to arms. The Dan. larm and G. lärm, noise, are from the same source.] 1. A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy; any sound, outcry, or information intended to give notice of approaching danger. Sound an alarm in my holy mountain.' Joel ii. 1.2. A hostile attack; a tumult; a broil; a disturbance.

Remove your siege from my unyielding heart; To love's alarms it will not ope the gate. Shak. Crowds of rivals for thy mother's charms Thy palace fill with insults and alarms. Pope. 3. A sudden fear or painful suspense excited by an apprehension of danger; apprehension; terror; as, there is nothing in his illness to cause alarm.-4. A mechanical contrivance, in the character of a clock or watch, for awakening persons from sleep or rousing their attention.-5. In fencing, an appeal or challenge.-Alarm, Terror, Consternation. Alarm is a sudden shock of fear agitating the feelings and especially arising from some danger to ourselves or others dear to us; terror, excessive fear, affecting the understanding and the will, though not necessarily accompanied by any apprehension of dangerit might be caused by some supposed supernatural appearance for instance; consternation, overwhelming fear accompanied with a certain amount of astonishment, caused by something both terrible and unexpected, completely paralyzing the mental faculties. SYN. Fright, affright, terror, consternation, dismay, agitation, disquiet, disquietude. Alarm (a-larm'), v.t. 1. To call to arms for defence; to give notice of danger; to rouse to vigilance and exertions for safety.-2. To surprise with apprehension of danger; to disturb with terror; to fill with anxiety by the prospect of evil. When rage misguides me, or when fear alarms.' Tickell.

Alarm-bell (a-lärm 'bel), n. A bell that gives notice of danger, as the approach of an enemy, fire, &c. On the gates alarmbells or watch-bells.' Milton. Alarm-clock (a-lärm'klok), n. A clock which can be so set as to ring loudly at a particular hour, to wake from sleep or excite attention.

Alarmed (a-lärmd), a. Indicating alarm; as, an alarmed look.

Alarm-gauge (a-lärm'gaj), n. An automatic contrivance in a steam-engine by which notice is given when the pressure of steam becomes too high, or the water too low in the boiler.

Alarm-gun (a-lärm'gun), n. A gun fired as a signal of alarm. Alarming (a-lärm'ing), a. Calculated to rouse alarm; of such a nature as to excite apprehension; as, on the fifth day alarming symptoms appeared. Alarmingly (a-larm'ing-li), adv. In an alarming manner; with alarm; in a manner to excite apprehension.

. seemed to our ances

alarmingly rapid.


This mode of travelling. tors wonderfully, and indeed, Alarmist (a-lärm'ist), n. One that excites alarm; one who is prone to take alarm, and to circulate and exaggerate any sort of bad news, particularly in regard to political matters.

He was frightened into a fanatical royalist, and became one of the most extravagant alarmists of those wretched times. Macaulay.

Alarm-post (a-lärm'post), n. A place to which troops are to repair in case of an alarm.

Alarm-watch (a-lärm'woch), n. A watch that can be so set as to strike rapidly at a pre-arranged hour, to awaken from sleep or rouse attention.

You shall have a gold alarm-watch, which, as there may be cause, shall awake you.

Sir T. Herbert.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Alarum'd by his sentinel the wolf
(Whose howl's his watch), thus with his stealthy pace
Moves like a ghost.

Alarum-bell (a-lär'um-bel), n.

Alarm-bell. Shak.

Same as

Alary (a'la-ri), a. [L. ala, a wing.] 1. Relating to the wings of birds and insects. The alary system of insects.' Wollaston.-2. In anat. and bot. wing-shaped. Alas (a-las'), exclam. [Fr. hélas, O. Fr. alas, ha las, hailas; Pr. ailas, fem. ai lassa; It. ahi lasso-ahi, ah, and lasso, weary, unfortunate, from L. lassus, weary.] An exclamation expressive of sorrow, grief, pity, concern, or apprehension of evil: in old writers sometimes followed by day or while; as, alas the day, alas the while. See ALACKShak. Alas the day! I never gave him cause. For pale and wan he was (alas the while!) Spenser. Alasmodon (a-las'mo-don), n. A genus of bivalve molluscs, the river pearl-mussels of North America. Alatet (a-lat), adv. [Prefix a, of, and late.] Of late; lately.


Where chilling frosts alate did nip, There flasheth now a fire.


Alated, Alate (a'lat-ed, a'lat), a. [L. ala, a wing; alatus, winged.] Winged; having membranous expansions like wings. Specifically, (a) in bot. applied to stems and leaf-stalks when the edges or angles are longitudinally expanded into leaf-like borders. (b) In conch. applied to shells having an expanded lip.

A latere (a lat'èr-e). [L.] From the side; from beside a person: used in the phrase Legate a latere. See under LEGATE. Alatern, Alaternus (al'a-tern, al-a-tér'nus), n. A species of Rhamnus or buckthorn often planted in English town gardens; Rhamnus Alaternus. See RHAMNUS.

Alauda (a-la'da), n. The genus of insessorial birds to which the lark belongs, containing many species, found in all parts of the globe, and distinguished everywhere for their vigilance and their singing on the wing when

soaring upward in

the air. See LARK. Alaudidae (a-la'dide), n. pl. The lark family. (See LARK.) The larks are sometimes classed as a sub-family (Alau dina) of the finches (Fringillida). Alb, Albe (alb), n. [L. alba, white (vestis, garment,understood).] A clerical vestment worn by Roman Catholic priests while officiating in the more solemn functions of the divine office. It is a long robe of white linen reaching to the feet, bound round the waist by a cincture, and fitting more closely to the body than the surplice. In front at the foot, embroidery or orphreywork, of a form usually square or oblong, is attached, and at the wrists several enrichments appear. These ornaments are called the apparels of the alb. It was originally the common dress of ecclesiastics.



Each priest adorn'd was in a surplice white, The bishops donn'd their albs and copes of state. Fairfax. Albacore (alba-kōr), n. [Sp. albacora, Pg. albacor, albacora, Fr. albicore, from Ar. bakr, a young camel, a young cow or heifer, and the article al.] A name given to several fishes of the tunny or mackerel kind, especially to the Pacific tunny (Thynnus Pacificus). Written also Albicore. Albadara (al-ba-dä'ra), n. The Arabian cabalistic name for the sesamoid joint of the great toe, to which extraordinary gifts were anciently ascribed.

w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure. See KEY.

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