Imágenes de páginas


fula. There are about fifty other species, all coarse plants. Cynography (sin-og'ra-fi), n. [Gr. kyon, kynos, a dog, and grapho, to write.] A history of the dog.

Cynomoriaceae (sin-o-mo'ri-a'sē-ē), n. pl. An obscure order of rhizanths, distinguished from Balanophoraceae by their distinct stamens and the imperfect perianth of the male flower. The order is represented by Cynomorium coccineum, the Fungus melitensis of the old herbalists. See CYNOMORIUM.

Cynomorium (si-no-mo'ri-um), n. [Gr. kynomorion, a kind of broom-rape.] A genus of plants, nat. order Cynomoriaceæ. C. coccineum is a small plant which grows in Sicily, Malta, and Gozo, but most abundantly on a rock in the last island, valued by the old herbalists as an astringent and styptic in cases of dysentery and hæmorrhage. It was held in such esteem by the Knights of Malta that it was carefully deposited in stores, from which the grandmaster sent it in presents to sovereigns, hospitals, &c.

Cynorexia (sin-o-reks'i-a), n. [Gr. kyōn, kynos, a dog, and orexis, appetite.] An insatiable, voracious appetite, like that of a dog.

Cynosure (sin'o-zhör), n. [Gr. kynosoura, a dog's tail, the constellation of the Little Bear-kyon, kynos, a dog, and oura, tail.] Ursa Minor, the Little Bear; the constellation near the north pole, consisting of seven stars, four of which are disposed like the four wheels of a chariot, and three lengthwise, like the beam; hence called the Chariot or Charles's Wain. As this constellation contains the pole-star, the eyes of mariners were, in ancient times, frequently directed to it. Hence-2. Anything that strongly attracts attention; a centre of attraction.


Where perhaps some beauty lies, The cynosure of neighb'ring eyes. Cynosurus (sin-o-sü'rus), n. Dog's-tail grass, a genus of grasses with the flower spikelets forming a unilateral spike. A small number of species belong to the genus, natives of the northern temperate regions. C. cristatus and C. echinatus are British species. See DOG'S-TAIL GRASS. Cynthia (sin' thi-a), n. 1. In myth. one of the names given to Diana.-2. In zool. a subgenus of Ascididae, and a genus of lepidopterous insects, containing the painted ladybutterfly (Cynthia cardui). -3. A genus of


Cyont (si'on). See CION and SCION.

Cyophoria (si'o-fo'ri-a), n. [Gr. kyos, fœtus, and phoreo, to carry, to bear.] In med. the time of gestation or carrying the foetus. Cyperaceae (si-per-a'sē-e), n. pl. [See CYPERUS.] The sedge family, a nat. order of monocotyledonous plants nearly allied to the grasses. The plants of this order are grassy or rush-like generally perennial herbs, with solid often triangular stems, and leaves with closed sheaths. The small flowers are borne in the axil of each glumaceous bract. The fruit is a small coriaceous achene. The plants are found in all climates, and form a large proportion of our coarser pastures, but are little eaten by cattle. Some clubrushes are used for making mats, chair-bottoms, &c. The papyrus of Egypt was made from the stems of Cyperus Papyrus. Cyperaceous (si-per-a'shus), a. Belonging to or resembling plants of the family Cyperaceæ or sedges and their congeners. Cyperus (si'pér-us), n. [Gr. kyperos, an aromatic plant.] A genus of plants, nat. order Cyperaceæ. They are herbs with compressed spikelets of many flowers, found in cold climates, and represented in our British flora by two very rare marsh plants which occur in the south of England-C. longus, the galingale, and C. fuscus. Cyphelia (si-fe'li-a), n. pl. [Apparently from Gr. kyphella, the hollows of the ears.] In bot. collections of gonidia in the form of cups: used only in speaking of lichens. Cyphella (si-fel'la), n. pl. [Gr. kyphella, the hollows of the ears. 1 Pale tubercle-like spots on the under surface of the thallus of lichens.

Cypher (si'fer), n. Same as Cipher. Cyphonidæ (si-fon'i-de), n. pl. [Gr. kyphon, a crooked piece of wood, and eidos, resemblance.] A group of beetles detached from the Cebrionidae on account of their small size, hemispheric, depressed, or ovate, and rather soft bodies, and furcate labial palpi.


They are of dull colours, and are found attached to plants in damp situations. They fly and run with agility. In some species the hind legs are formed for leaping. Cyphonism (si'fon-izm), n. [Gr. kyphon, a kind of pillory in which slaves or criminals were fastened by the neck.] A species of punishment frequently resorted to by the ancients, which is supposed by some to have consisted in besmearing the criminal with honey, and then exposing him to insects; while others think that it means the kind of punishment still used in China, known to Englishmen as the 'wooden collar,' whereby the neck is bent or weighed down. Cypræa (si-pre'a), n. The cowry, a genus of molluscs, the type of the family Cypræida.


Cypræidæ (si-pre'i-de),n. The cowry family, a family of marine gasteropodous molluscs, well known in commerce from one of the species being used in some parts of the East as a circulating medium. See COWRY. Cy près (se pra). [O. Fr., as near to.] In law, an equitable doctrine thus applied:-When there is an excess in an appointment under a power executed by will, affecting real estate, the court will carry the power out as near to (cy près) the testator's intention as practicable, and prevent such excess disappointing the general design. This doctrine is not applicable to personalty, but is confined to wills. In regard to charitable legacies, where a literal execution becomes inexpedient or impracticable, the court will execute it as nearly as it can according to the original purpose, or, as the technical expression is, cy près.

Cypress (si'pres), n. [O. Fr. cypres, Gr. kyparissos.] 1. The popular name of Cupressus, a genus of coniferous trees. Among the most remarkable are C. sempervirens or common cypress, the evergreen American cypress or white cedar, and C. disticha or deciduous American cypress. Two Californian species, C. Lawsoniana and C. macrocarpa, have attained much favour in our shrubberies and gardens as ornamental evergreen trees. The wood of various species of cypress is remarkable for its durability. The coffins in which the Athenian

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens, var. fastigiata).

heroes were deposited are said to have been made of the first species, and some authorities are inclined to believe that the gopherwood of which Noah's ark was built was also of this species, the similarity of the names somewhat strengthening the supposition.-2. The emblem of mourning for the dead, cypress branches having been anciently used at funerals.

Had success attended the Americans, the death of

Warren would have been sufficient to damp the joys of victory, and the cypress would have been united with the laurel. Eliot's Biog. Belonging to or made

Cypress (si'pres), a. of cypress. Cyprian (si'pri-an), a. 1. Belonging to the island of Cyprus.-2. A term applied to a lewd woman.

Cyprian (si'pri-an), n. 1. A Cypriot.-2. A lewd woman; a courtesan; a strumpet. Cypridæ, Cypridida (si'pri-dē, si-prid'ide), n. pl. (Gr. Kypris, one of the names of Venus, and eidos, likeness.] A family of minute crustaceans, of which the genus Cypris is the type. See CYPRIS.


Cypridina (si-pri-di'na), n. [Gr. Kypris, one of the names of Venus.] A genus of marine crustaceans. See under CYPRIDINIDE Cypridinidæ (si-pri-din'i-de), n. pl. [From Cypridina, the typical genus, and Gr. eidos, likeness.] A family of marine crustaceans consisting of one genus, Cypridina, having two compound eyes wide apart and two pairs of feet, one pair being always within the shell. The shell is oval, sharply pointed at each end, and the front edge is deeply notched. The pair of feet retained within the shell are modified to form a single organ, which seems to be intended to support the eggs. Several species are found in British seas.

Cyprine (si'prin), a. Pertaining to a fish of the genus Cyprinus, of which the carp is a species.

Cyprine (si'prin), a. Of or belonging to the

[blocks in formation]

of teleostean fishes of the section Malacopterygii Abdominales, the species of which are distinguished by having the mouth small and generally devoid of teeth, the pharyngeal bones furnished with strong teeth, the branchiostegal rays few in number, and the scales generally of large size. The genus Cyprinus is the type of the family, which, besides the carp, contains the gold-fish, tench, roach, loach, bleak, barbel, &c.

Cyprinodontidae (si-prin'o-dont"i-de), n. pl. [Gr. kyprinos, a carp, odous, odontos, a tooth, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of malacopterygious fishes, allied to Cyprinidæ, with which they were formerly ranked, but differing from them in having the jaws more protractile and toothed. It includes the Anableps, peculiar for the conformation of its eyes, and some species inhabiting lakes at a great elevation on the Andes. These are greatly esteemed for the table. Cyprinus (si-prin'us), n. A genus of fishes, including the carp, forming the type of the family Cyprinidae. The genus is thus characterized: head naked; branchiostegal rays flat and broad; anal fin short; inhabit fresh waters. See CYPRINIDE. Cypriot (si'pri-ot), n. An inhabitant of Cyprus.

Cypripedium (si-pri-ped'i-um), n. [Gr Kypris, Venus, and a Latinized form of pedi on, a slipper.] Lady's slipper, a genus of plants of the nat. order Orchidaceae, consisting of numerous species of large-flowered terrestrial herbs, many of which are in cultivation. Only one species (C. Calceolus) is a native of Britain. Its conspicuous flower consists of large spreading red-brown sepals and petals, and an obovoid pale yellow lip It is a very rare, if not almost extinct, plant in limestone woods in the north of England..

Cypris (si'pris), n. [Gr. Kypris, Venus.] A genus of minute fresh-water crustacea, which have the body inclosed in a delicate shell, and which swim by means of cilia, they swarm in stagnant water. Fossil shells under the generic term Cypris occur in all rocks from the coal measures upwards Cyprust (si'prus), n. A thin transparent black stuff; a kind of crape.



Lawn as white as driven snow, Cyprus black as e'er was crow. Cyprus-lawn (si'prus-lan), n. Same as Cyprus. Milton. Cypsela (sip'se-la), n. [Gr. kypsele, any hollow vessel.] In bot. a one-celled, oneseeded, indehiscent, inferior fruit, with the integuments of the seed not cohering with the endocarp, and of which the ovary was compound, or furnished with two or more styles or stigmas, as the fruit of the Composite; it only differs from an achenium in being inferior, and having had more than


one style or stigma, and is seldom distinguished.

Cypselidæ (sip-sel'i-de), n. pl. A family of insessorial birds, sub-order Fissirostres, including the swifts and their congeners. The main peculiarity in this family is that the hind toe is turned forward along with the three anterior toes. Besides the genus Cypselus the family includes also Acanthy: lis (North American chimney-swallow) and Collocalia (esculent swallow).

Cypselus (sip'se-lus), n. The name of the genus of birds to which the swift (C. apus) belongs. See SWIFT.

Cyrenaic (si-re-na'ik), a. 1. Pertaining to Cyrene, a Greek colony on the north coast of Africa.-2. Pertaining or belonging to the school of Epicurean philosophers founded by Aristippus, a disciple of Socrates, at Cyrene.

Cyrenian (si-re'ni-an), n. A native or inhabitant of Cyrene

Cyrillacea (si-ril-la'se-e), n. pl. A nat. order of small evergreen, dicotyledonous trees or shrubs, nearly allied to the Ericaceae. There are about six known species, constituting four genera, all natives of North or Tropical America.

Cyrillic (si-ril'ik), a. [From St. Cyril, its reputed inventor.] The term applied to an alphabet adopted by all the Slavonic peoples belonging to the Eastern Church. It is believed to have superseded the Glagolitic as being easier both for the copyist to write and the foreigner to acquire. Some of its signs are modified from the Glagolitic, but those which Greek and Slavonic have in common are taken from the Greek. It was brought into general use by St. Cyril's pupil, Clement, first bishop of Bulgaria. Cyriologic (si'ri-o-loj"ik), a. [Gr. kyrios, chief, and logos, discourse.] Relating or pertaining to capital letters.

Cyrtostyle (ser'to-stil), n. [Gr. kyrtos, bent, curved, and stylos, a pillar.] A circular portico projecting from the front of a building.

Cyst (sist), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder.] 1. In physiol. a hollow organ with thin walls, as the urinary bladder or the gall bladder.2. In pathol. a bladder-like bag or vesicle which includes morbid matter in animal bodies.

Cysted (sist'ed), a. Inclosed in a cyst. Cystic (sist'ik), a. 1. Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; specifically, pertaining to, or contained in, the urinary or gall bladders; as, cystic remedies; cystic bile; cystic calculi.-2. Having cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma.-3. Formed in, or shaped like, a cyst; as, cystic Entozoa.-Cystic duct, the membranous canal that conveys the bile from the hepatic duct into the gall-bladder. -Cystic artery, a branch of the hepatic.Cystic worm See TAPE-WORM. Cystica (sis'ti-ka), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder.] A term applied to immature Entozoa, in which the body is terminated by a cyst peculiar to one individual, or common to many. The hydatid in the brain of sheep is an example.

Cysticercus (sis-ti-sér kus), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and kerkos, the tail.] An immature form of tape-worm found in various mammals. The cysticercus of the mouse, swallowed by the cat, becomes the tape-worm of the latter animal. Cysticle (sist'i-kl), n. In physiol. a small cyst.

In some Acalephæ the cysticles are not complicated with pigment cells. Prof. Owen.

Cystideæ (sist-id'e-e), n. pl. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of fossil echinoderms, with feebly developed


arms, occurring in the Silurian and carboniferous strata.

Cystidean (sist-id'e-an), n. A member of the fossil family Cystides.

Cystidia (sist-id'i-a), n. pl. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and eidos, resemblance.] In bot. salient cells, accompanying the asci of fungi; by some regarded as antheridian cells. Cystine (sis'tin), n. (C,H,NSO.) A yellowishcoloured mass occurring in a rare kind of urinary calculus.

Inflammation of the

Cystirrhoea (sis-tir-re'a), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and rheo, to flow.] Discharge of mucus from the bladder; vesical catarrh. Cystis (sist'is), n. Same as Cyst. Cystitis (sis-ti'tis), n. bladder. Cystitome (sist'i-tom), n. [Gr. kystis, and tomos, cutting, from temno, to cut.] An instrument for opening the capsule of the crystalline lens.

Cystocarp (sist'o-kärp), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and karpos, fruit.] A capsule, containing many spores, found among the algæ; a conceptacle.

Cystocele (sist'o-sel), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and kele, a tumour.] A hernia or rupture formed by the protrusion of the urinary bladder.

Cystolith (sist'o-lith), n. [Gr. kystis, a bag, a cell, and lithos, a stone.] In bot. a name given to certain bodies consisting of a matrix of cellulose with carbonate of lime crystallized in a kind of efflorescence on the surface. They occur most frequently beneath the epidermis of the leaf, but are found also in deep-seated organs. They are most abundant in the families of the Urticaceae and Acanthaceae.

Cystolithic (sist-o-lith'ik), a. In med. relating to stone in the bladder.

Cystopteris (sist-op'ter-is), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and pteris, a fern-from its bladderlike indusium.] Bladder-fern, a genus of polypodiaceous delicate flaccid ferns, having the sori borne on the back of the leaf on the middle of a vein and covered with a membranaceous indusium attached only by the base. They are found in cool damp localities. Two are natives of Britain, C. fragilis (the brittle fern), found in suitable localities everywhere, and C. montana, a very rare species found on the alpine mountains of the centre of Scotland.

Cystose (sist'os), a. Containing or resembling a cyst; cystic.

Cystotome (sist'o-tom), n. [Gr. kystis, the bladder, and tomos, cutting.] In surg. an instrument for cutting the bladder, sometimes but improperly called a Lithotome. Cystotomy (sist-ot'o-mi), n. [Gr. kystis, a bladder, and tomos, cutting, from temno, to cut.] The act or practice of opening encysted tumours, for the discharge of morbid matter; specifically, the operation of cutting into the bladder for the extraction of a stone or other extraneous matter. Cystula (sist'u-la), n. [L. dim. of cyst.] In bot. a round closed apothecium in lichens.

The term is also applied to the little open cups on the upper surface of the fronds in Marchantia.

Cythere (si-the'rë), n. A genus of minute entomostracous bivalve crustaceans, of marine habit, and found fossil in many formations, but most abundantly in the chalk and older tertiaries. Cytherean (si-the-re'an), a. [Gr. Kythera, Cerigo, an island in the Egean Sea, near the coast of which Venus was fabled to have risen from the sea, and where she was specially worshipped.] Pertaining to Venus. Cytinacea (si-tin-a'se-e), n. A small nat. order of rhizanths, the type of which is


Cytinus Hypocistis, a rich yellow or orangered scaly parasite growing on the roots of species of Cistus in the Mediterranean region.

Cytisine (si'ti-sin), n. A bitter principle detected in the seeds of the Cytisus Laburnum and other plants. It is of a nauseous taste, emetic, and poisonous.

Cytisus (si'ti-sus), n. [L., the laburnum.] A genus of hardy, leguminous, papilionaceous shrubs, natives almost exclusively of the countries bordering on the Mediterra

nean. The leaves

are usually composed of three leaflets, some species are leafless. The large flowers are yellow, purple, or white. One species, C. Scoparius (broom), is an extremely common shrub on uncultivated grounds, heaths, &c., of most parts of Britain. Some exotic species

are common garden and shrubbery


Broom (Cytisus Scoparius). plants, as C. Labur

num (the laburnum), C. purpureus, an elegant procumbent shrub used in rock-work, C. alpinus, &c. See BROOM.

Cytoblast (si'to-blast), n. [Gr. kytos, a cavity, and blastano, to sprout.] In physiol. the nucleus, cellule, or centre of assimilative force, from which the organic cell is developed.

The ducts, vessels, woody fibre, &c., of all vegetables are formed originally from cells; these cells are formed from what are called cytoblasts. In the interior of a cell may be seen, by the aid of highpower magnifiers, small granular-looking globules, and amongst these are to be found two or three larger bodies termed nuclei; and these contain within them smaller yet granular substances, the nucleoli; these nuclei and their contained nucleoli are the rudiments of the future new cell, and constitute the cytoblast. Chambers' Miscell.

Cytoblastema (si'to-blas-tē"ma), n. [See CYTOBLAST.] The amorphous protein-substance by which animal and vegetable cells are formed, or of which they are wholly composed. Called also Protoplasm. Cytogenesis (si-to-jen'e-sis), n. [Gr. kytos, a cell, and genesis, origin.] In physiol. the development of cells in animal and vegetable structures.

Cytogenetic (si'to-jen-et"ik), a. In physiol. relating or pertaining to cell formation. Cytogeny (si-to'je-ni), n. Cytogenesis (which see).

Cytryne, a. Of a pale yellow or citron colour. Chaucer.

Czar (zär or tsär), n. [O. Pol. czar, now car (pron tsar), perhaps a corruption of L. Cæsar.] A king; a chief; a title of the Emperor of Russia. The title was first adopted in 1579 by Ivan II., who styled himself Czar of Moscow.

Czarevna (za-rev'na), n. The wife of the czarowitz.

Czarina (za-rē'na), n. A title of the Empress of Russia. Czarinian (za-rin'i-an), a. Pertaining to the Czar, or Czarina, of Russia Czarish (zar'ish), a. Pertaining to the Czar of Russia. [Rare.]

His czarish majesty despatched an express to General Goltz with an account of these particulars. Tatler.

Czarowitz, Czarevitch, Czarewitch, &c. (zaro-vits, zäre-vich), n. The title of the eldest son of the Czar of Russia.

D, in the English alphabet, is the fourth letter and the third consonant. D represents a dental sound, formed by placing the tip of the tongue against the root of the upper teeth, and then forcing up vocalized breath, or voice, into the mouth, the soft palate being raised to prevent its escape through the nose. T is formed in the same way except that it is uttered with breath merely, and not with voice. (See T.) When d

ch, chain; ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j, job;


follows a whispered, non-vocal, or surd consonant in the same syllable it takes the sound of t, as after k, p, f, 8. This is especially seen in past tenses in -ed, the e not being sounded; as, picked (= pikt), wrapped (=rapt), hoped (=hopt), snuffed (=snuft), kissed (=kist), &c. It is never silent in English words, except in a rapid utterance of such words as handkerchief. D has crept into some English words to which it does

fi, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;

not properly belong, as in thunder, gender, sound (L. sonus), lend, hind (a servant), round (to whisper); it has disappeared from gospel and answer. According to Grimm's law in words common to English and to Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and German, where d appears in English we find dh in Sanskrit, th in Greek, f in Latin, and t in German; thus E. doorSkr. dhvara, Gr. thyra, L. fores, G. tor. As a numeral, D represents

w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


500, and when a dash or stroke is placed over it thus, D, it denotes 5000.-In music, D is the second note of the natural scale, answering to the French and Italian re. Dab (dab), v.t. pret. & pp. dabbed; ppr. dabbing. [Allied to O.D. dabben, to dabble, probably also to dub; comp. Fr. dauber, to cuff. See DAUB.] 1. To strike gently with the hand; to slap; to box.-2. To strike gently with some soft or moist substance.

A sore should be wiped by dabbing it with fine


3. To prick. [Old English and Scotch.] There was given hym the aungell of Sathan, the pricke of the flesh, to dabbe him in the necke.

Sir T. More.

Dab (dab), v.i. 1. To prick.-2. To peck, as birds do. [Scotch.

Dab (dab), n. 1. A gentle blow with the hand or some soft substance.-2. A quick or sudden blow.-3. A small lump or mass of anything soft or moist.-4. A name common to all the species of fish of the genus Pleuronectes, but especially applied to the Pleuronectes limanda, called also the saltwater flounder or fluke. It is common on

Dab (Pleuronectes limanda).

all sandy parts of the British coast, inhabits deeper water than the flounder, and does not, like it, enter the mouths of streams. It seldom exceeds 12 inches in length, and is preferred to the flounder for the table.

Dab (dab), n. [Said to be from adept, which might become a dep, a dap, then a dab. See ADEPT.] An expert; a skilful man; a dabster. [Colloq.]

A third is a dab at an index.


Dab (dab), a. [See last art.] Clever; skilled; as, a dab hand at a thing. [Colloq.] Dabble (dab'bl), v.t. pret. & pp. dabbled; ppr. dabbling. [A dim. and freq. from dab.] Lit. to dip a little and often; hence, to wet, to moisten; to spatter; to sprinkle. 'Hair dabbled in blood.' Shak. Dabble (dab'bl), v.i. 1. To play in water,

as with the hands; to splash in mud or water. 2. To do anything in a slight or superficial manner; to tamper; to touch here and there; to meddle; to dip into a concern; as, to dabble in railway shares.

You have, I think, been dabbling with the text. Atterbury.

The old painter... dabbled in poetry too.

Walpole. Dabbler (dab'blér), n. 1. One who plays in water or mud.-2. One who dips slightly into anything; one who meddles without going to the bottom; a superficial meddler. Our dabblers in politics.' Swift. Dabblingly (dab'bling-li), adv. In a dabbling manner.

Dabby (dab'bi), a. Moist; adhesive. [Local.] Dabchick (dab'chik), n. [Dab or dip, and chick, from its habit of dipping or diving below the water.] 1. The little grebe (Podiceps minor), a small water-fowl of the family Colymbidæ.-2. A babyish person. Dabeocia (da-be-o'si-a), n. [Named from St. Dabeoc.] A genus of plants, nat. order Ericaceæ. There is but one species, D. polyfolia, a native of the west of Ireland, the west of France, and Spain. It is a small shrub from 1 to 2 feet high, with bright green leaves, and crimson, purple, or white flowers. It is found on boggy heaths. Dabster (dab'stér), n. [See DAB, a.] One who is skilled; one who is expert; a master of his business. [Colloq.]

Da capo (dä kä'po). [It.] In music, a direction to repeat from the beginning of a passage or section.

Dace (das), n. [Probably the same as the latter part of Fr. vandoise or vaudoise, the dace; of unknown origin.] Leuciscus vulgaris, family Cyprinidæ, a small river fish resembling the roach. It chiefly inhabits the deep and clear waters of quiet streams. It is found in Italy, France, Germany, &c., and in some of the rivers of England. The


dace is gregarious and swims in shoals, It seldom exceeds a pound in weight, but from

Dace (Leuciscus vulgaris).

its activity affords the angler good sport. Named also Dar, Dare, and Dart. Dacelo (da-se'lo), n. [A transposition of L. alcedo, the king-fisher.] An Australian genus of king-fishers. See KING-FISHER. Dacker, Daiker (dak'èr, dak'ér), v.t. To search, as for stolen or smuggled goods; as, Dacoit (da-koit'), n. to dacker a house. [Scotch.]


Dacoity (da-koit'i), n. See DAKOITY. Dacrydium (da-krid'i-um), n. [Gr. dakry, a tear, from the resinous drops exuded by the plants.] A genus of plants belonging to the Taxace or yew tribe. Their fleshy fruit is borne on the face of a boat-shaped bract. The species vary in appearance, some being great trees, like D. Franklinii (the Huon pine), and others low-growing shrubs, like D. taxifolium. They are natives of New Zealand and the East Indies. D. taxifolium is the kakaterro of the natives of New Zealand, the young branches of which, like those of Norway spruce, make excellent beer.

Dacryolite (da'kri-ō-lit), n. [Gr. dakryō, to weep, and lithos, a stone.] In med. a name given to a calculous concretion in the lachrymal passage.

Dacryoma (da-kri-o'ma), n. [Gr. dakryō, to weep.] A name given to the stoppage or obstruction in one or both of the puncta lacrymalia, by which the tears are prevented from passing into the nose, and in consequence run down over the lower eyelid. Dactyl, Dactyle (dak'til), n. [Gr. daktylos, a finger, also a dactyl, which, like a finger, consists of one long and two short members.] 1. A poetical foot consisting of three syllables, the first long and the others short, like the joints of a finger; as, tegmině, happily. 2. A name of the razor-fish.

Dactylt (dak'til), v.i. To run nimbly; to bound. B. Jonson. Dactylar (dak'til-ér), a. Pertaining to a dactyl; dactylic.

Dactylett (dak'til-et), n. A dactyl. Dactylethrida (dak-ti-leth'ri-dē), n. pl. [Gr. daktylethra, a finger-sheath, and eidos, likeness.] A small South African family of amphibian vertebrata, comprising only one genus, and, so far as known, two species, remarkable for having nails on their feet, the inner three toes being tipped with a sharplypointed claw or nail.

Dactyli (dak'ti-li), n. pl. In class. antiq, a name given to certain fabulous beings inhabiting Mount Ida in Phrygia, to whom the discovery of iron and the art of working it is ascribed. They were servants or priests of Rhea, and are sometimes confounded with the Corybantes.

Dactylic (dak-til'ik), a. Pertaining to or consisting chiefly or wholly of dactyls; as, dactylic verses.-Dactylic flute, a flute consisting of unequal intervals. Dactylic (dak-til'ik), n. 1. A line consisting chiefly or wholly of dactyls.-2. pl. Metres which consist of a repetition of dactyls or equivalent feet.

Dactylioglyph (dak-til'i-o-glif), n. [Gr. daktylios, a finger-ring, and glyphố, to engrave.] 1. An engraver of stones.-2. The inscription of the name of the artist on a finger-ring or gem.

Dactylioglyphy (dak-til'i-og'li-fi), n. [See DACTYLIOGLYPH.] The art or process of engraving precious stones. Dactyliography (dak-til'i-og"ra-fi), n. [Gr. daktylios, a ring, and grapho, to write.] 1. The art of gem engraving.-2. A description of engraved finger-rings and precious stones. Dactyliology (dak-til'i-ol''o-ji), n. [Gr. daktylios, a ring, and logos, discourse.] The science which treats of the history and qualities of finger-rings. Dactyliomancy (dak-til"i-o-man'si), n. [Gr. daktylios, a ring, and manteia, divination.] The pretended art of divining by rings. Dactylion (dak-til'i-on), n. [Gr. daktylos, a finger.] In surg. a term for cohesion between two fingers, either congenital or a consequence of burning.


Dactylis (dak'til-is), n. [L. dactylis, dog's tooth grass.] Cock's-foot grass, a genus of grasses consisting of about a dozen species found in cold and temperate regions. The flowers are in crowded compressed spikelets at the end of a one-sided panicle. The fruit is loosely enveloped in the glume. The common cock's-foot grass (D. glomerata) is often met with in fields and waste places. It is a coarse grass little relished by cattle, but said to improve greatly by culture. Dactylist (dak'til-ist), n. One who writes dactylic verse.

Dactylology (dak-til-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. daktylos, finger, and logos, discourse.] The act or the art of communicating ideas or thoughts by the fingers; the language of the deaf and dumb.

Dactylonomy (dak-til-on'o-mi), n. [Gr. daktylos, a finger, and nomos, rule, law.] The art of counting or numbering by the fingers. Dactylopterous (dak-til-op tér-us), a. [Gr. daktylos, the finger, and pteron, a wing or fin; finger-finned.] Having the inferior rays of its pectoral fin partially or entirely free: said of a fish. Dactylopterus (dak-til-op'tér-us), n. [See DACTYLOPTEROUS.] A genus of fishes of the order Acanthopterygii, family Cataphracti. It contains but two species, the flying gurnard or flying fish (D. volitans), and the D. orientalis of Cuvier, the former found in the Mediterranean, the latter in the Indian Ocean.

Dactylorhiza (dak-ti-lo-ri'za), n. [Gr. daktylos, a finger, and rhiza, a root.] In agri and hort. finger-and-toe, a disease of the bulbs of turnips, which divide and becomes hard and useless, believed to be due to the nature of the soil, and distinct from ambury, which is due to the attacks of insects.

Dad, Dada, Daddy (dad, da'da, dad'di), n. [In allied forms this word is very widely spread. Comp. W. tad, Skr. tata, Hind. dada, Gypsy dad, dada, L. tata, Gr. tata, Lapp dadda-father.] A childish or pet name for father. Spelled also Daddie. Daddle (dad'dl), vi. [A freq. of dade.] To walk with tottering steps, like a child or an old man. [Rare.]


Daddockt (dad'dok), n. The heart or body of a tree thoroughly rotten. Daddy-long-legs (dad'di-long-legz), n. name given to species of the crane-fly (Tipuli oleracea, &c.) Called also Father-longlegs.

Dade (dad), v.t. To hold up by leading strings. [Rare.]

The little children when they learn to go, By painful mothers daded to and fro. Drayton. Dade (dad), v.i. To walk slowly and hesitatingly, like a child in leading-strings; hence, to flow gently. [Rare.]


Pedestal.-b. Dado or die. a, Surbase. c, Base.

But eas'ly from her source as Isis gently dades Drayton Dado (dā'do), n. [It., a die, a dado, L. datum, given.] 1. In arch. that part of a pedestal between the base and the cornice. 2. The finishing of the lower part of the walls in rooms, made somewhat to represent a continuous pedestal, and consisting frequently of a skirting of wood about 3 feet high, or of a special wall paper. Dadoxylon (da-doks'i-lon), n. [Gr. dais, daidos, contr. das, dados, a resinous torch, and xylon, wood.] Lit. pine or torch wood Endlicher's generic name for fossil coniferous wood, the cells of which have many series of alternating discs, as in Araucaria, found in the palæozoic and secondary strata Dædal, Dædalian (de'dal, de-dali-an), a [L. Daedalus, Gr. Daidalos, an ingenions artist.] Formed with art; showing artistic skill; ingenious.

Here ancient art her dadal fancies played. Warton Our bodies decked in our dadalian arms. Chapman. Dædalenchyma (de-dal-en'ki-ma), n. [Gr. daidalos, cunningly wrought, and enchyma, infusion.] In bot. a name applied to entangled cells, as in some fungi. Dædalous (de'dal-us), a. Having a margin with various windings; of a beautiful and delicate texture: said of the leaves of plants. Dæmonism, Dæmonist (de'mon-izm, de mon-ist), n. Same as Demonism, Demonist.

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I shall be holden a daffe or a cokenay. Chaucer. Daff (daf), v.i. To be foolish; to make sport; to toy. [Scotch.]

Dafft (daf), v. t. [A form of dof.] To toss aside; to put off; to doff.

There my white stole of chastity I daft. Shak. Daffin, Daffing (daf'fin, daf'fing), n. Thoughtless gaiety; foolish playfulness; foolery. [Scotch.]

Until wi' daffin weary grown,

Upon a knowe they sat them down. Burns. Daffodil (daf'fo-dil), n. [Fr. (fleur) d'asphodèle, Gr. asphodelos. See ASPHODEL.] The popular name of a British plant which is one of the earliest ornaments of our cottage gardens, as well as of many of our woods and meadows. It is Narcissus pseudo-narcissus, nat. order Amaryllidaceae. Many varieties of the daffodil are in cultivation, differing from each other chiefly in bulk and in the form of the flower, which is of a bright primrose-yellow colour. There are other forms of the name in local or partial use, as Daffadowndilly, Daffodowndilly, Daffydowndilly, Daffadilly, Daffodilly, and Affodilly. 'Clad her like an April daffodilly.' Tennyson.

Strew me the green ground with daffadowndillies, And cowslips, and kingcups, and loved lilies. Spenser Daft (däft), a. [See DAFF, n. and v..] Delirious; insane; stupid; blockish; foolish; playful; frolicsome; wanton: applied to persons or things. [Scotch.]

You are the daftest donnet I ever saw on two legs. Cornhill Mag.

Let us think no more of this daft business. Sir W. Scott. Daftness (daft'nes), n. The quality of being daft.

Can you tell us of any instance of his daftness! Galt. Dag,t Dagget (dag), n. [Fr. dague. The syllable dag primarily represents, says Wedg wood, the noise of a blow with something sharp, and then the instrument with which the blow is given. See DAGGER.] 1. A dagger; Johnson.-2. A hand-gun; a pistol.

Neither was anything taken from them but these dags, which the German horsemen, after a new fashion, carried at their saddle-bows; these the Turks greatly desired, delighted with the noveltie of the invention, to see them shot off with a firelock, with out a match.


Powder! no, sir, my dagge shall be my dagger. Decker. Dagt (dag), n. [Icel.

dögg, Sw. dagg, dew.] Dew.

Dagt (dag), v. t. To

bedew; to daggle; to bemire.

Dag (dag), n. [Probably from same root as dagger,from being long and pointed.] 1. A loose end, as of a lock of wool; a dag-lock. 2. A leathern latchet. Written also Dagge Dagt (dag), v.t. To cut into slips. Dagge,

n. [See

DAG, a loose end. ] An ornamental cut in the edge of garments, in use as early as the reign of Henry L. The fashion of ornamenting with dagges was carried

to such excess that

Dagges, from Harleian MS.

in 1188 sumptuary laws were enacted forbidding it.

Dagger (dager), n. [From the Celtic: W. dagr, Ir. daigear, Armor. dager, dag, a dagger or poniard; Gael. daga, a dagger, a pistol; Fr. dague, a dagger. See DAG, a dagger or pistol] 1. A weapon resembling a short sword, with usually a twoedged, sometimes a three-edged, sharppointed blade, used for stabbing at close quarters. In feudal times it was carried by knights in addition to the sword; and in single combat it was wielded in the left hand, being used by them to parry the blows of their adversaries, and also to des


patch a vanquished enemy, unless he begged for quarter, whence it was called the dagger

Various forms of Daggers.

of mercy.-2. In fencing, a blunt blade of iron with a basket hilt, used for defence.3. In printing, an obelisk; a mark of reference in the form of a dagger, thus t. It is the second mark of reference used when more than one occurs on a page. - Dagger of lath, the weapon given to the Vice in the old moralities, and supposed to be alluded to by Falstaff in the following quotation.

If I do not beat thee out of thy kingdom with a dagger of lath, and drive all thy subjects afore thee like a flock of wild geese, I'll never wear hair on my face more. Shak.

-To look or speak daggers, to look or speak fiercely, savagely.

As you have spoke daggers to him, you may justly dread the use of them against your own breast. Funius.

Dagger (dag'ger), v.t. To pierce with a dag

ger; to stab. Dagger (dager), n. [Supposed to be a corruption of diagonal.] In ship-building, a piece of timber that crosses all the puppets of the bulgeway to keep them together. The plank that secures the heads of the puppets is called the dagger-plank.-Daggerknees, in ship-building, certain pieces whose sides are cast down and bolted through the cramp.


Dagger-moneyt (dag'gér-mun-ni), n. sum of money formerly paid to the justices of assize on the northern circuit to provide arms against marauders. Daggers-drawing (dag'gérz-dra-ing), n. The act of drawing daggers; approach to open attack or to violence; a quarrel.


They've always been at daggers-drawing, And one another clapper-clawing. Daggle (dag gl), v. t. pret. & pp. daggled; ppr. daggling. (A freq. form of the obsolete verb dag, to bedew.] To make limp by passing through water; to trail in mud or wet grass; to befoul; to dirty, as the lower end of a garment; to draggle.

The warrior's very plume, I say,

Was daggled by the dashing spray. Sir W. Scott. Daggle (dag'gl), v.i. To run through mud and water. Pope.

Daggle-tail (dag'gl-tal), a. Having the lower ends of garments defiled with mud.

The gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to be choaked at the sight of so many daggle-tail parsons that happen to fall in their way. Swift.

Daggle-tail (dag gl-tál), n. A slattern.
Dag-lock (daglok), n. A lock of wool on a
sheep that hangs and drags in the wet.
Dagoba (da-go'ba), n. The name given, in

Ceylonese Dagoba.

Buddhist countries and in those which at one time held the Buddhist faith, to monu


mental structures containing relics of Buddha or of some Buddhist saint. The dagoba is of brick or stone, circular in form, and erected on a natural or artificial mound, the structure itself sometimes rising to a great height. The dagoba is usually included under the generic term Stupa or Tope, but in its specific application the term stupa is restricted to monuments which commemorate some event or mark some spot sacred to the followers of Buddha

Dagon (da'gon), n. [Heb. dag, a fish.] The national god of the Philistines, represented with the upper part of a man and the tail of a fish. His most famous temples were at Gaza and Ashdod. He had a female correlative among the Syrians. In Babylonian

mythology, the name Dagon is given to a fish-like being who rose from the waters of the Red Sea as one of the great benefactors of men.

Dagon his name, sea-monster, upward man,

And downward fish.


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Daguerrean, Daguerreian (da-ger'ē-an), a. Pertaining to Daguerre, or to his invention of the daguerreotype. Daguerreotype(da-ger'o-tip), n. 1. The name given to an invention of M. Daguerre, of Paris, first published in 1839, by which the lights and shadows of a landscape or figure are fixed on a metallic plate solely by the action of the sun's actinic or chemical rays. A plate of copper, thinly coated with silver, is exposed in a close box to the action of the vapour of iodine; and when it assumes a yellow colour it is placed in the chamber of a camera obscura, where it receives an image of the object to be represented. It is then withdrawn and exposed to the vapour of mercury to bring out the impression distinctly; after which it is plunged into a solution of hypo-sulphite of soda, and lastly washed in distilled water. The process is then complete, and the sketch produced is in appearance something similar to aquatint but greatly superior in delicacy; and such is the precision of the detail, that the most powerful microscope serves but to display the perfection of the copy. See PHOTOGRAPHY.-2. A picture produced by the above process. Daguerreotype (da-gér'o-tip), v.t. 1. To produce by the photographic process, as a picture.-2. To impress with great distinctness; to imitate exactly. Daguerreotyper, Daguerreotypist (dagero-tip-ér, da-ger'o-tip-ist), n. One who takes pictures by means of daguerreotype. Daguerreotypic, Daguerreotypical (da

gero-tip ik, da-ger'o-tip'ik-al), a. Of or pertaining to daguerreotype. Daguerreotypy (da-ger'o-tip-i), n." The art of producing photographic pictures on the plan introduced by M. Daguerre.

Dahabieh (da-ha-be'a), n. A kind of boat in use on the Nile for the conveyance of travellers, and having one or two masts with a long yard supporting a triangular sail. It is of considerable breadth at the stern, which is rounded, but narrow towards the prow, which terminates in a sharp, gracefully curving cutwater. Dahabiehs are of various sizes, and afford good accommodation for from two to six or eight passengers. There is a deck fore and aft, on the centre of which are the seats for the rowers, when oars are needed to propel the boat. On the fore part of the deck is the kitchen, and on

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top of this cabin affords an open-air promenade, and has often an awning stretched above it.

Dahlgren Gun (däl'gren gun), n. A gun introduced into the United States service by an officer named Dahlgren, of that navy. Its chief peculiarity is that it presents a small quantity of metal in front of the trunnions and a comparatively large quantity behind. Dahlia (da'li-a), n. [From Dahl, a Swedish botanist.] A genus of plants, nat. order Compositæ, of which several species are known, all natives of Mexico and Central America. The D. variabilis sports into such endless varieties in stature, leaves, and flowers, that it has become one of the most extensively cultivated florist's plants. Its innumerable sorts are the glory of our gardens in the autumn. As the plants do not bear frost, the roots are taken up during winter. The dahlia was introduced into England in the end of last century, but was not a general favourite in our gardens till about 1814.

Dahlin, Dahline (da'lin), n. (C6H1005.)
Inuline (which see).

Daidle (da'dl), v. t. [A corruption of daggle.]
To draggle; to bemire. [Scotch.]
Daidle (da'dl), v.i. [See DADDLE.] To be slow
in motion or action. [Scotch.]
Daidling (da'dling), p. and a. [Scotch. ]
Feeble; silly; mean-spirited; pusillanimous.

He's but a coward body after a',-he's but a daidling coward body. Sir W. Scott. Daiker (da'ker), v.i. [Scotch; comp. Gael. deacair, difficult, grieving, sad, gloomy, surly.] 1. To toil, as in job-work.-2. To loiter; to saunter.

I'll pay your thousand punds Scots... gin ye'll ... just daiker up the gate wi' this Sassenach. Sir W. Scott.

3. To continue serving in a place irresolutely; to delay making up one's mind.

I e'en daiker on wi' the family frae year's end to year's end. Sir W. Scott. Daiker (da'kér), v. t. [From Fr. décorer, to decorate, adorn.] To arrange in an orderly manner. [Scotch.] Daiker (da'kér), n. Same as Daker. Daikoku (di-ko-kö), n. The god specially worshipped by the artisans of Japan. He is represented as sitting on a ball of rice, with a hammer in his hand, before a sack. Every time he strikes the sack it becomes full of silver, rice, cloth, and other things useful.

Dailiness (dā'li-nes), n. The quality of being daily or happening every day; daily occurrence. [Rare.]

Daily (da'li), a. [A. Sax. daglic, from dæg. See DAY.] Happening or being every day; done day by day; bestowed or enjoyed every day; appearing every day; as, daily labour; a daily allowance.

Give us this day our daily bread. Lord's Prayer. Daily (da'li), adv. Every day; day by day; as, a thing happens daily.

Daily (dā'li), n. A newspaper which appears daily.


Daimen (da'men), a. Rare; here-and-there; now-and-then; occasional. [Scotch.] A daimen icker in a thrave 'S a sma' request. Daimio (di'mi-o), n. [Japanese.] The title of a class of feudal lords in Japan. Of 264 daimios, the greater number exercised the


authority of petty princes in their domains, possessing the power of inflicting capital punishment, and owing only a nominal

allegiance to the mikado. Eighteen were virtually independent sovereigns. In accordance with a decree issued in 1871, the daimios surrendered not only their exclusive privileges but also to a great extent their private property, their districts being incorporated with the imperial territories, and their troops handed over to the imperial government. The daimios were made official governors of the districts which they formerly held as feudal rulers, and draw as hereditary salaries sums equal to only one-tenth of their former incomes. Daintt (dant), a. Dainty; delicate; exquisite. To cherish him with diets daint.' Spenser. Daintt (dant),n. Something delicate or nice; a dainty.

Excess or daints my lowly roof main

tains not.

P. Fletcher.

Daintily (dan'ti-li), adv. 1. In a dainty manner; nicely; elegantly;

as, a hat daintily made.-2. Fastidiously; with nice regard to what is welltasted; as, to eat daintily.-3. Deliciously; as, to fare daintily. 4. Ceremonously; scrupulously.

Daintiness (dan'ti-nes), n. 1. Delicacy; softness; elegance; nicety; neatness.

The duke exceeded in the daintiness of his leg and foot. Wotton.

2. Delicacy; deliciousness: applied to food. More notorious for the daintiness of the provision ... than for the massiveness of the dish. Hakewill.

3. Nicety in taste; scrupulousness; ceremoniousness; squeamishness; fastidiousness; effeminacy; as, the daintiness of the taste, dress, manners, &c. 'The daintiness and niceness of our captains.' Hackluyt. Daintrelt (dan'trel), n. A delicacy Dainty (dan'ti), a. (Probably from W. dantaidd, dantaeth, a dainty, what is toothsome, from dant, a tooth. Compare Sc. daintith, a dainty. The same root appears in L. dens, dentis, Gr. odous, odontos, a tooth.] 1. Nice; pleasing to the palate; of exquisite taste; delicious; as, dainty food.

His life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat.
Job xxxiii. 20.

2. Delicate; of acute sensibility; nice in selecting what is tender and good; squeamish; soft; luxurious; as, a dainty taste or palate; a dainty people.

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3. Scrupulous in manners; ceremonious. 'Dainty of leave-taking.' Shak.-4. Elegant; tender; soft; pure; neat; effeminately beautiful; as, dainty hands or limbs.

I would be the girdle about her dainty, dainty waist. Tennyson.

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5. Nice; affectedly fine. Dainty speakers.' Prior. SYN. Nice, delicious, luxurious, delicate, squeamish, scrupulous. Dainty (dan'ti), n. 1. Something nice and delicate to the taste; that which is exquisitely delicious; a delicacy.

Be not desirous of his dainties; for they are deceit. ful meat. Prov. xxiii. 3. That precious nectar may the taste renew Of Eden's dainties, by our parents lost. Beau. & Fl. 2. A term of fondness. [Rare.]

There's a fortune coming Towards you, dainty. B. Fonson. Dairi, Dairi-soma (di're, di're-so-ma), n. An alternative name for the Japanese mikado. He is held to be descended from the sun-goddess, and as such unites in his person all the attributes of the deity. See MIKADO.

He is called the mikado, a name for the Deity, and sometimes the dairi-soma. Brougham.

Dairo (di-ro), n. The Japanese name for the court of the mikado or dairi-soma.

Education is everywhere much attended to, and especially at the dairo or court of the mikado. Brougham.

Dairy (da'ri), n. [O.E. and Sc. dey, a dairymaid; hence, deyry, dairy, the department assigned to her. The word dey is seen in Sw. deja, a dairymaid; Icel. deigja, a maidservant; a dairymaid. See also under LADY.] 1. That branch of farming connected with the production of milk, and its conversion into butter and cheese.


Grounds were turned much in England either to feeding or dairy; and this advanced the trade of English butter. Temple.

2. The house or room where milk is kept and made into butter and cheese.-3. În towns, a shop where milk, butter, &c., are sold.-4. A dairy-farm. [Rare in this sense.] Dairy (da'ri), a. Belonging to the business of the production of milk, and its conversion into butter and cheese.

Dairy-farm (da'ri-farm), n. A farm, the principal business of which consists in making butter and cheese, and supplying milk to a town.

Dairyhouse, Dairyroom (da'ri-hous, da'riröm), n. Same as Dairy, 2. Dairying (da'ri-ing), n. The business of conducting a dairy.

Dairymaid (da'ri-mad), n. A female servant whose business is to milk cows and work in the dairy.

Dairyman (da'ri-man), n. One who keeps cows for the sale of milk, or who attends to the sale of dairy produce.

Dais, Deis (da'is, de'is), n. [Fr. dais, a canopy; O. Fr. dais, deis, a dining-table, from L. discus, a dish, from dishes being quoitshaped; hence L. L. a table. As the tables at which great personages sat were elevated, the name was transferred to the raised platform, and thence to the canopy which ornamented it. Desk has the same origin. } 1. The high table at the upper end of an ancient dining-hall at which the chief persons sat.-2. A platform or raised floor at the upper end of an ancient dining-hall, on which the high table stood.-3. The chief


Dais in Presence Chamber, Hampton Court. seat at the high table, with hangings behind (see DOSER) and often with a canopy, for the chief person or persons who sat at table. With choice paintings of wise men I hung The royal dais round. Tennyson.

4. [Scotch.] A long board, seat, or settle erected against a wall, and sometimes so constructed as to serve both for a settee and a table; also, a seat on the outer side of a country-house or cottage, not unfrequently formed of turf.-5. A canopy or covering. Daisied (da'zid), a. [See DAISY.] Full of daisies; adorned with daisies. The daisied green.' Langhorne.

Daisy (da'zi), n. [A. Sax. dages-edge, day's eye, because it opens and closes its flower with the daylight.] The common name of Bellas perennis, nat. order Compositæ, one of the most common wild plants, found in all pastures and meadows, and ascending nearly to the summit of our highest mountains. The daisy is a great favourite, and several varieties are cultivated in gardens. The daisie or els the eye of the daie, The emprise and the floure of flouris alle. Chaucer. Fair-handed Spring unbosoms every grace; Thomson The daisy, primrose, violet. In Scotland the field-daisy is called the gowan, which name is frequently met with in native poetry. (See GoWAN.) The great, moon, ox-eye, or horse daisy is Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum; the name Christmas daisy is applied to several species of aster, and other species are called Michaelmas daisies; the blue daisy is Globularia vul garis.

Dak (dak), n. The mail-post of India. See DAWK.

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