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Allenor (al'yen-or), n. One who transfers property to another.


ment to the receiver. If not unreasonable for the rank of the receiver it is not arrestable by creditors.

Alimentation (al'i-ment-a"shon), n. 1. The act or power of affording nutriment.-2. The state of being nourished.

Alife (8-lif'), ade. [Prefix a, on, and life.]| Alimentiveness (al-i-ment'iv-nes), n. In
On my life.

Beau. & Fl

A clean instep, And that I love, alife! Aliferous (a-lifèr-us), a. [L. ala, wing, and fero to bear Having wings. Áliform (all-form), a. [L. ala, wing, and forma, shape.) Having the shape of a wing or wings; in anat. a term applied to the pterygoid processes and the muscles associated with them. See PTERYGOID. Aliganti (ali-gant), n. Wine of Alicante in Spain Three pottles of Aligant.' Dekker. Aligerous (a lij'er-us), a. [L. ala, wing, and gero, to carry] Having wings. Alight (a-lit'),ví (A. Sax alihtan, gelihtan, to alight or light. See the verb LIGHT in this sense.] 1. To get down or descend, as from horseback or from a carriage. -2. To fall or descend and settle or lodge; as, a bird alights on a tree; snow alights on a roof

Bit storms of stones from the proud temple's height Pour down, and on our batter'd helms alight.

Dryden. Alight (a-lit'), a or adv. [Prefix a, on, in, or into, and light (which see)] 1. Lighted up The lamps were alight.' Dickens.2 Into light. He pretended to be blowing it alight again.' Dickens.

Align (a-lin), v.t. [Fr._aligner, to align-a
for ad, to, and ligne, L. linea, a line.] To
adjust to a line; to lay out or regulate by a
line; to form in line, as troops.
Alignment (a-lin'ment), n. [Fr.] 1. The
act of aligning; the act of laying out or re-
gulating by a line; an adjusting to a line;
the state of being so adjusted; the line of
adjustment; the line on which troops are
formed in battle order.-2. In engin. the
ground-plan of a railway or other road, in
distinction from the gradients or profile.
Alike (a-lik'), a [Prefix a, and like; A. Sax.
gelic, alike. See LIKE] Having resem-
blance or similitude; similar; without dif-

In birth, in acts, in arms alike the rest. Fairfax.
The darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
Ps. cxxxix. 12.

[This adjective never precedes the noun which it qualifies.] Alike (a-lik), adv.

In the same manner, form, or degree; in common.

He fashioneth their hearts alike. Ps. xxxiii. 15. However true it may be that all alike have sinned, it is far from true that all have sinned alike. Contemporary Review.


Alike-minded (a-likʼmind-ed), a. the same mind; like-minded. Bp. Hall. Aliment (al'i-ment), v.t. In Scots law, to maintain or support, as a person unable to support himself: used especially in reference to the mutual obligation of parents and children to support each other. Aliment (al'i-ment), n. [Lalimentum, nourishment-alo, to nourish, a verbal stem seen also in Icel. ala, to nourish; Goth. alan, to grow, aljan, to nourish; Gael. al, food, nurture] That which nourishes; food; nutriment; anything which feeds or adds to a substance, animal or vegetable, in natural growth; specifically (Scots law), the sum paid for support to any one entitled to claim it, as the dole paid to a pauper by his parish.

The aliment was appointed to continue till the majority of marriage of the daughters. Erskine's Inst.

Alimental (al-i-mental), a. Of or pertaining to aliment; supplying food; having the quality of nourishing; furnishing the materials for natural growth; as, chyle is ali inental; alimental sap.

Alimentally (al-i-mental-li), ade. In an aliinental manner; so as to serve for nourishfuent or food.

Alimentariness (al-i-ment'a-ri-nes), n. The quility of being alimentary, or of supplying nutrument

Alimentary (al-i-ment'a-ri), a. Pertaining to aliment or food; having the quality of nourishing; as, alimentary particles.-Alimentary canal, in anat the great duct or intestine in an animal body, from which the alimentary portion of the food is absorbed into the system, the useless parts being carried off by it-Alimentary debt, in Scots Lar, a debt incurred for necessaries or maintenance --Alimentary fund, a fund set apart by the destination of the giver for an ali

phren. the organ that is said to communicate the pleasure which arises from eating and drinking, and which prompts us to take nourishment. Its supposed seat is in the zygomatic fossa.

Alimonious (al-i-mō'ni-us), a. [See ALIMONY.] Affording food; nourishing; nutritive. Alimonious humours.' Harvey. [Rare.] Alimony (al'i-mo-ni), n. [L. alimonia, from alo, to feed. See ALIMENT.] In law, (a) an allowance out of her husband's estate made for the support of a woman legally separated from him when she is not charged with adultery or wilful desertion. (b) In Scots law, aliment. Erskine. Alineation (a-lin'ē-a"shon), n. [L. a, by or from, and linea, a line.] The determination or ready recognition of the position of a more remote object, by following a line drawn through one or more intermediate and more easily recognizable objects, and imagined to be produced.

A method of determining the positions of the stars, susceptible of a little more exactness than the former, is the use of alineations, already noticed in speaking of Hipparchus' catalogue. Thus a straight line passing through two stars of the Great Bear passes also through the pole-star. Whewell.

Alloth (al'i-oth), n. [The Arabic name.] A star in the tail of the Great Bear (Ursa), much used in finding the latitude. Also the very bright star Capella (a Auriga), in the constellation Auriga, or charioteer. Aliped (a'li-ped or al'i-ped), a. (L. ala, wing, and pes, pedis, a foot.] 1. Wing-footed; having the toes connected by a membrane, which serves as a wing, as the bats.-2. † Swift of foot.

Aliped (a'li-pēd or al'i-ped), n. An animal


whose toes are connected by a membrane, serving for a wing; a cheiropter, as the bat. Aliquant (al'i-kwant), a. [L. aliquantum, somewhat.] In arith. applied to a number which does not measure another without a remainder. Thus 5 is an aliquant part of 16, for 3 times 5 are 15, leaving a remainder 1.

Aliquot (al'i-kwot), a. [L. aliquot, some, several.] In arith. applied to a part of a number or quantity which will measure it without a remainder. Thus 5 is an aliquot part of 15.

Alisander (a-li-san'dér), n. Same as Alexanders.


interested in and watchful after; having lively feelings; easily impressed; sensitive to; susceptible; as, he is sufficiently alive to the beauties of nature, but yet more alive to his own interests.-5. Exhibiting motion or moving bodies in great numbers; as, the city was all alive when the general entered. 6. Of all living, by way of emphasis.

The Earl of Northumberland was the proudest inan alive. Clarendon, [Alive always follows the noun which it qualifies.]

Alizarine (al'i-za-rin), n. [Fr. alizarine, from alizari, the commercial name of madder in the Levant, from the (Ar.) root of azure, with the article prefixed.] (C14H2O4.) A peculiar red colouring matter obtained from madder. It has been prepared artificially from coal-tar residues, which contain a substance called anthracene (C14H10). The elimination of hydrogen from, and addition of oxygen to, this body gives rise to the formation of alizarine.

Alk (alk), n. A resin obtained from Pistacia terebinthus.

Alkahest (al'ka-hest), n. [Etym. unknown.] The pretended universal solvent or menstruum of the alchemists.

Alkahestic (al-ka-hest'ik), a. Pertaining to the alkahest.

Alkalescency (al-ka-les'en-si), n. [See ALKALI.] A tendency to become alkaline; a tendency to the properties of an alkali; the state of a substance in which alkaline properties begin to be developed or to be predominant. Ure.

Alkalescent (al-ka-les'ent), a. Tending to the properties of an alkali; slightly alka


Alkali (al'ka-li), n. pl. Alkalies or Alkalis (al'ka-liz). [Sp. Fr. alcali, Ar. al-qali, the ashes of the plant from which soda was first obtained, or the plant itself-Ar. al, the, and qalaj, to roast.] A term first used to designate the soluble part of the ashes of plants, especially of sea-weed. Now applied to various classes of bodies having the following properties in common:-(1) solubility in water; (2) the power of neutralizing acids, and forming salts with them; (3) the property of corroding animal and vegetable substances; (4) the property of altering the tint of many colouring matters-thus, they turn litmus, reddened by an acid, into blue: turmeric, brown; and syrup of violets and infusion of red cabbages, green. The alkalies are hydrates, or water in which half the hydrogen is replaced by a metal or compound radical. In its restricted and common sense the term is applied to four substances only: hydrate of potassium (potash), hydrate of sodium (soda), hydrate of lithium (lithia), and hydrate of ammonium (an aqueous solution of ammonia). In a more general sense it is applied to the hydrates of the so-called alkaline earths (baryta, strontia, and lime), and to a large number of organic substances, both natural and artificial, described under ALKALOID.

Alkalifiable (al'ka-li-fi-a-bl or al-kal'i-fi-abl), a. Capable of being alkalified or converted into an alkali.

Alkalify (al'ka-li-fi or al-kal'i-fi), v. t. pret. & pp. alkalified; ppr. alkalifying. [Alkali, and L. facio, to make.] To form or to convert into an alkali; to alkalize.

Alish (al'ish), a. Like ale; having the qua-
lities of ale. 'A sweet alish taste.' Morti-Alkalify (al'ka-li-fi or al-kal'i-fi), v.i. To be-


Alisma (a-liz'ma), n. [Gr. alisma, waterplantain.] A genus of plants belonging to the nat. order Alismace; water-plantain. All the species are aquatic; one, A. Plantago, the common water-plantain, is common in ditches in Britain. See WATERPLANTAIN.

Alismaceæ (al-iz-mā'sē-ē),n. pl. A nat. order of endogenous plants, growing in water or in marshes.

Alitrunk (à'li-trungk or al'i-trungk), n. [L. ala, a wing, and truncus, a trunk.] The segment of the posterior thorax of an insect to which the wings and two posterior pairs of legs are attached.

Alive (a-liv'), a. [Prefix a for on, and life; in Old English it was written on live, on lyve, where live, lyve is a dat. form of life.] 1. Having life, in opposition to dead; being in a state in which the organs perform their functions; living; as, the man or plant is alive. 2. In a state of action; in force or operation; unextinguished; undestroyed; unexpired; as, keep the process alive. 3. Full of alacrity; cheerful; sprightly; lively; as, the company were all alive.-4. Keenly

come an alkali.

Alkaligenous (al-ka-lij'en-us), a. [Alkali, and Gr. gennao, to generate.] Producing or generating alkali.

Alkalimeter (al-ka-lim'et-ér), n. [Alkali, and Gr. metron, measure.] An instrument for ascertaining the strength of alkalies, or the quantity of alkali in caustic potash and soda, by the quantity of dilute sulphuric acid, of a known strength, which a certain weight of them would neutralize. Ure. Alkalimetric, Alkalimetrical (al'ka-limet"rik, al'ka-li-met"rik-al), a. Relating to alkalimetry. Alkalimetry (al-ka-lim'et-ri), n. The finding of the amount of real alkali in an alkaline mixture or liquid. This may be done by volumetric analysis, that is, by estimating the amount of a standard acid solution which the alkaline mixture will saturate; or by gravimetric analysis, that is, by decomposing the substance and finding the weight of the alkali contained in it. Ure. Alkalimide (al-kal'i-mid), n. [Alkali and amide.] Ammonia in which two or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by acid and base radicals. See AMIDE, AMINE.


Alkaline (al'ka-lin), a. Having the properties of an alkali. Alkaline earths, lime, magnesia, baryta, strontia. See ALKALI.Alkaline development, in photog, the development of collodionized sensitive plates by an alkali, or an alkaline salt, combined with pyrogallic acid. To insure success all salts of silver soluble in water must be absent, otherwise the picture is foggy. Alkalinity (al-ka-lin'i-ti), n. The state of being alkaline; the quality which constitutes an alkali.

Alkalious (al-kā'li-us), a. Having the properties of alkali. [Rare.]

Alkalizate (al'kal-iz-āt or al-kal'iz-āt), v.t. To make bodies alkaline. [Rare.] See ALKALIZE.

Alkalization (al'ka-liz-ā"shon), n. The act or process of rendering alkaline by impregnating with an alkali.

Alkalize (al'ka-līz), v. t. pret. & pp. alkalized; ppr. alkalizing. To make alkaline; to communicate the properties of an alkali to; to alkalify.

Alkaloid (al'ka-loid), n. [From alkali, and Gr. eidos, likeness.] A term applied to a class of nitrogenized compounds found in living plants, and containing their active principles, usually in combination with organic acids. They generally end in in or ine, as morphine, quinine, aconitine, caffeine, &c. Most alkaloids occur in plants, but some are formed by decomposition. Their alkaline character depends on the nitrogen they contain. Most natural alkaloids contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, but the greater number of artificial ones want the oxygen. The only property common to all alkaloids is that of combining with acids to form salts, and some exhibit an alkaline reaction with colours. Alkaloids form what is termed the organic bases of plants. Although formed originally within the plant, it has been found possible to prepare several of these alkaloids by purely artificial means.

Alkaloid (al'ka-loid), a. Relating to or containing alkali.


Alkanet (al'ka-net), n. [Sp. alcaneta, dim. of alcana, alcanna, from Ar. al-hinna, henna.] A boraginaceous plant, Alkanna (Anchusa of some writers) tinctoria. root is used to impart a deep red colour to oily substances, ointments, plasters, &c. It is sometimes employed in the adulteration of port-wine.

Alkanna (al-kan'na), n. [Ar. al-hinna, henna.] 1. A genus of Mediterranean and oriental plants, nat. order Boraginaceæ, closely allied to Lithospermum and Anchusa, in which latter genus it is included by some botanists. It differs from Lithospermum only in having the four small nuts which form its fruit contracted at the base, and from Anchusa in not having the nuts excavated at the base, and in having no scales closing the mouth of the corolla. Alkanet (which see) belongs to this genus.

2. Henna.

Alkarsine (al-kär'sin), n. An extremely poisonous liquid containing kakodyle, together with oxidation products of this substance, and formerly known as Cadet's fuming liquor, characterized by its insupportable smell and high degree of spontaneous combustibility when exposed to air. From this latter quality and the poisonous fumes which it evolves it has been proposed to employ it as a deadly agent in war. A shell filled with it would, in bursting, it is said, involve a ship in fire and destroy the crew by its vapour. See KAKODYLE. Alkekengi (al-ké-ken'ji), n. [Ar. al-kákenj, a kind of resin obtained near Herat.] The winter-cherry, a solanaceous plant called Physalis Alkekengi. The scarlet fruit inclosed in the enlarged red calyx makes the plant very ornamental in the beginning of winter. The fruit is edible, and has a slightly acid taste.

Alkenna, Alhenna (al-ken'na, al-hen'na), Same as Henna.


Alkermes (al-kér'mēz),n. [Ar. See KERMES.] The name of a once celebrated compound cordial, to which a fine red colour was given by kermes. Its ingredients are said to have been cider, rose-water, sugar, and various fragrant flavouring matters. Alkohol (al'kō-hol). Same as Alcohol. Alkoholic (al-kō-hol'ik), a. Same as Alco


nence, as we say the Bible (Gr. biblos, a book).] The book which contains the religious and moral code of the Mohammedans, and by which indeed all their transactions, civil, legal, military, &c., are regulated; the Koran. It was written by Mohammed, and is considered to present the purest specimen of the classical Arabic, which, however, is very different from the spoken Arabic of modern times.

Alkoran, Alcoran (al'kō-ran), n. A high tower on Persian buildings. Alkoranish (al-kō-ran'ish or al-kō-ran'ish), a. Pertaining to the Koran or Alkoran, or to Mohammedanism.

Alkoranist (al-kō-ran'ist or al-kō-ran'ist), n. One who adheres strictly to the letter of the Koran, rejecting all comments. The Persians are generally Alkoranists; the Turks, Arabs, and Tartars admit a multitude of traditions.

All (al), a. [A. Sax. eal, eall, al, Icel. allr, Goth. alls, G. all, all. Common to all the Teutonic tongues. Grimm is inclined to regard all as identical with W. oll, Armor. holl, Gr. holos, Oscan sollus, L. salvus, Skr. sarva, all, whole. In this view all would be the same word as E. safe, from Fr. sauf, and that from L. salvus.] 1. Every one of; the whole number of, with reference to individuals or particulars, taken collectively; as, all men, all the men. 2. The whole quantity of, with reference to extent, duration, amount, quality, or degree; as, all the wheat; all the land; all the year; all the strength; in all probability; to all appearance.-3. It was sometimes used formerly for any. Without all doubt' (that is, without any particle of doubt). Shak.

In like manner shalt thou do with his ass; and so shalt thou do with his raiment; and with all lost thing of thy brother's. Deut. xxii. 3.

4. Only; alone. Thou art all my child' (my only child). Shak. This, however, may be the use of the word in the extract quoted after ALL, adv., 3. When joined to nouns accompanied by the definite article or a possessive or demonstrative pronoun, the article or pronoun comes between it and the noun; as, all my labour; all his goods; all these things. In all day, all night, all the summer, &c., all means during the whole, and the phrases are a kind of adverbial accusatives. The article is generally omitted before day and night, though sometimes inserted as more emphatic.

We will sing to you all the day. Tennyson. [The definite article is for the most part omitted in Shakspere both before day and night; in the authorized version of the Bible it is in the great majority of cases supplied before day and omitted before night.]-Such phrases as two (or twos) all, three all, six all, are used in certain games to signify that all the players are equal, and they are used even when there are no more than two persons or sides engaged in the game. For all, an elliptical expression, meaning (a) for all times; for all occasions in the future. 'Learn now for all I care

not for you.' Shak. [Now used only in the phrase once for all. See FOR, 1.] (b) For all the fact that; notwithstanding; although. 'For all you are my man.' Shak. See FOR, 21. All is sometimes found redundantly in the phrase all the whole.

But all the whole inheritance I give. Shak. See another example in extract under AGAZED.

All (al), adv. 1. Wholly; completely; entirely; altogether; quite; as, all bedewed; my friend is all for amusement; it is all gone.


He rode all unarmed, and he rode all alone. In such antique uses (chiefly ballad) as, 'he thought them sixpence all too dear,' all appears to retain its appropriate sense, though in some cases it is nearly pleonastic, or serves only to add a little force to the expression. 'When all aloud the wind doth blow.' Shak.

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holic. Alkoran (al'ko-ran or al-kō-ran'), n. [Ar. al, the, and korún, reading, book, from gard, to read, to teach; the Book by way of emi

And a certain woman cast a piece of a millstone upon Abimelech's head and all to brake his skull. Judg. ix. 53. all is an adverb equivalent to altogether,


while the to belongs to the verb following. being commonly used as an intensive prefix to verbs by writers of the fourteenth, tifteenth, and sixteenth centuries; thus, he to-brac the rock.' Wickliffe. Ps. cv 41, which in the common version stands he opened the rock.'-2. Although; as, 'all were it as the rest. Spenser.-3. † Only; exclusively. 'I shall never marry like my sisters to love my father all.' Shak. All as, (a) when; as; just when. 'All as his straying flocks he fed.' Spenser. [Obsolete or poetical.] He their courtesy to requite, Gave them a chain of twelve marks weight, All as he lighted down. Sir W. Scott.

(b) As if.

The kene cold blowes through my beaten hide,
All as I were through the body gryde. Spenser,

All but, nearly; almost; not quite; as, she is all but nine years of age. All one, the same thing in effect; quite the same.

Yet I have the wit to think that my master is a kind of a knave; but that's all one if he be but one knave. Shak.

-All over, thoroughly; entirely; as, 'Dombey and Son' is Dickens all over. [Colloq.] -All out (O.E. and slang), entirely; quite. "Then come these wykkade Jewes and slewe them all out.' Old MS. quoted by Halliwell. -All the, to all that extent; as, all the better; all the fitter; all the sooner. See THE -All there [Slang], up to the mark; wideawake; in strict fashion; first-rate. All (al), n. 1. The whole number; as, all have not the same disposition; that is, all men, or all of a certain number in the mind of the speaker.-2. The whole; the entire thing; the aggregate; the total.

And Laban said, All that thou seest is mine.
Gen. xxxi. 43-

3. One's whole property; as, she has given her all. And all, and everything else, after an enumeration of particulars; as, the tree fell, nest, young, and all. [This phrase does not necessarily imply that there is anything else than what is mentioned. At all, a phrase used by way of enforcement in negative and interrogative and sometimes other sentences or clauses of a negative import, and meaning, in the least degree, to the least extent, under any circumstances; as, he had no time at all at his disposal; have you any friends at all? (the interrogator implying that he does not believe the person addressed has any). An if this be at all' (where the speaker implies a doubt that there is no truth in what he has heard). Shak -When all comes to all, in final result. All and some, (a) all and sundry, one and


Stop your noses, readers, all and some. Dryden. (b) Altogether; wholly. [Obsolete in both senses. All in all. See ALL-IN-ALL-All in the wind (naut.), a phrase implying that the vessel's head is too close to the wind, so that the sails are shivering. In all, everything reckoned or taken into account; all included; as, there were in all at least 400 persons present-All, in composition, enlarges the meaning or adds force to a word, and it is generally more emphatical than most. In some instances all is incorporated into words, as in almighty, already, always; but in most instances it is prefixed to other words, but separated by a hyphen. As a prefix it has sometimes the force of an adverb; as, all-powerful, all-perfect, all-important; sometimes of a noun in the objective case; as, all-seeing; sometimes perhaps of a noun in the instrumental case; as, 'alldisgraced,' 'all-dreaded' (Shak.) = disgraced, dreaded by all, or entirely, wholly, disgraced, dreaded.

Alla (alla). [It., dat. of the fem. art. la = Fr. à la] In music, after the manner of; in the style of; as, alla francese, in the French style or manner.

Alla-breve (alla-brēv or äl ́lä-brå-vā). [It] In music, a term signifying a quick time, in which the notes take much less than their usual length.

Alla-capella (ällä-ka-pella). [It., according to the chapel.] In music, in the ecclesiastical style.

Allagite (al'la-jit), n. A mineral, of a brown or green colour, massive, with a flat conchoidal fracture, and nearly opaque, found in the Hartz, near Elbingerode. Allah (alla), n. [Ar. allah, God-al, the, and ilah, a god; allied to Heb. el, God.] The Arabic name of the Supreme Being, which, through the Koran, has found its way into


the languages of all nations who have embraced the Mohammedan faith. All-along (al-a-long'), adv. Throughout; continuously; uninterruptedly; from the beginning onwards; as, I knew that all-along. All-amort (al-a-mort'), a. See A-LA-MORT,


Allanite (al'lan-it), n. [Named after Mr. Allan, of Edinburgh, the discoverer.] (R,081, 0+RO SiO2) An ore of the metals cerium and lanthanium, having a pitch-black or brownish colour.

Allantoic (al-lan-to'ik), a. Pertaining to or contained in the allantois-Allantoic acid, a white crystallizable acid of animal origin found in the liquor of the allantois of the fetal calf: formerly called Amniotic Acid. Allantoid, Allantoidal (al-lan'toid, al-lantoidal),a. Of or pertaining to the allantois; as, the allantoid membrane. Allantoin, Allantoine (al-lan'tō-in), n. (CH.NO) A crystalline substance found in the allantoic fluid of the cow. Allantois, Allantoid (al-lan 'tois, al-lan'toid), n [Gr. allas, allantos, a sausage, and eidos, form] A pyriform sac developed from the posterior end of the abdominal cavity in vertebrate embryos. In mammals, as man, it elongates and becomes the stalk of the placenta, or the umbilical cord along which vessels pass connecting the circulation of mother and offspring. The lower end of the allantoid sac remains through life as the urinary bladder. In birds and reptiles it comes to envelop the whole embryo within the shell, and acts as a respiratory organ. In amphibians and fishes its relations are imperfectly known, but it is probably present in all.

Allantotoxicum (al-lan'to-toks"i-kum), n. (Gr. allas, allantos, a sausage, and toxicon, poison] Sausage poison; a poison found in putrid sausages made of blood and liver. Alla prima (al'la pré'ma), n. [It.] A method of painting in which the pigments are applied all at once to the canvas, without impasting or retouching.

Allatrate (al'la-trat), v.t. [L allatro, allatratum, to bark at.] To bark out; to utter by barking.

Let Cerberus, the dog of hell, allatrate what he list to the contrary. Stubbes. Allaud (al-lad), v.t. [L. allaudo al for ad, to, and laudo, to praise.] To praise. Allay (al-la'), v.t. [Under this form two words seem to have become fused together; the one, which would more properly be spelled with one 1, from A. Sax. alecgan, to lay down, suppress, tranquillize, as to allay thirst, grief, &c., from prefix a, and lecgan, to lay (see LAY); the other from Fr. alleger, Pr.aleujar, alleviar, to lighten, assuage, from LL alleviare, L. allevare, to alleviate-al for ad, and levis, light. For change of L. vi into Fr g, see ABRIDGE. In Old English there are forms, such as alegge, allegge, alege, that might belong to either.] 1. To make quiet; to pacify or appease; as, to allay the tumult of the passions, or to allay civil commotions-2 To abate, mitigate, subdue, or destroy; to relieve or alleviate; as, to allay grief or pain; to allay the bitterness of affliction.

Yet leave me not! I would allay that grief
Which else might thy young virtue overpower.

SYN. To check, repress, assuage, appease, abate, subdue, destroy, compose, soothe, calm, quiet, alleviate.

Allay (al-la), v. To abate; to subside; to grow calm. When the rage allays.' Shak. Allay (al-la), n. That which allays, lightens, or alleviates

Friendship is the allay of our sorrow. Jer. Taylor. Allayt (al-la), v.t [See ALLOY.] To reduce the purity of; as, to allay metals: in this sense alloy is now exclusively used. See ALLOY.

Allayt (al-la), 1. Act or process of alloy


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on account of

I expect not to be excused youth, want of leisure, or any other idle allegations. Pope.

3. In law, the assertion or statement of a party to a suit or other proceeding, civil or criminal, which he undertakes to prove. The word is especially used in ecclesiastical suits, in which, if a defendant has any circumstances to offer in his defence, he must do so by way of defensive allegation. Allege (al-lej), v.t. pret. & pp. alleged; ppr. alleging. [Fr. alléguer, to allege; L. alleg are, to depute, to allege-ad, and legare, to depute, to announce.] 1. To pronounce with positiveness; to declare; to affirm; to assert; as, to allege a fact.-2. To produce as an argument, plea, or excuse; to cite or quote; as, to allege the authority of a judge.-SYN. To bring forward, adduce, advance, assign, produce, cite, quote, declare, affirm, assert.

Allege,t Allegget (al-leg), v. t. [See ALLAY.] To alleviate; to lighten; to mitigate; to allay.

Allegeable (al-lej'a-bl), a. Capable of being alleged or affirmed.

Allegeas, Allegias (al-lē'jē-as, al-lē'ji-as), n. A stuff manufactured in the East Indies, of two kinds, one of cotton, the other of various plants, which are spun like flax. Allegement (al-lej'ment), n. Allegation. Allegiance (al-le'jans), n. [0. Fr., from L. alligo-ad, and ligo, to bind. See LIEGE and LEAGUE.] The tie or obligation of a subject to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to a king, government, or state. Every native or citizen owes allegiance to the government under which he is born. This is called natural or implied allegiance, which arises from the connection of a person with the society in which he is born, and is independent of any express promise. Express allegiance is that obligation which proceeds from an express promise or oath of fidelity. Local or temporary allegiance is due from an alien to the government or state in which he resides. The bond of allegiance is mutual and reciprocal: for while the subject is bound to obey, the ruler is bound to protect. Quart. Rev.

Allegiant + (al-lē'ji-ant), a. Loyal.

. I

For your great graces Can nothing render but allegiant thanks. Shak. Allegoric, Allegorical (al-le-gor'ik, al-legor'ik-al), a. Pertaining to allegory; in the manner of allegory; figurative; describing by resemblances.-Allegorical pictures, pictures representing allegorical subjects.Allegorical interpretation, the drawing of a spiritual or figurative meaning from literal matter; thus St. Paul gives an allegorical interpretation of the history of free-born Isaac and slave-born Ishmael. Allegorically (al-le-gor'ik-al-li), adv. In an


allegorical or figurative manner; by way of allegory.

Allegoricalness (al-le-gor'ik-al-nes), n. The quality of being allegorical.

Allegorist (al'le-go-rist), n. One who allegorizes; a writer of allegory.

Allegorize (al'le-go-riz), v. t. pret. & pp. allegorized; ppr. allegorizing. 1. To turn into allegory; to narrate in allegory; to treat allegorically; as, to allegorize the history of a people.-2. To understand in an allegorical sense; as, when a passage in an author may be understood either literally or figuratively, he who gives it a figurative sense allegorizes it.

An alchemist shall... allegorize the scripture itself, and the sacred mysteries thereof, into the philosopher's stone. Locke. Allegorize (alle-go-riz), v.i. To use allegory; as, a man may allegorize to please his fancy. He allegorizeth upon the sacrifices." Fulke.

Allegorizer (al'le-go-riz-ér), n. One who allegorizes, or turns things into allegory. Allegory (allé-go-ri), n. [Gr. allegoriaallos, other, and agoreuo, to speak, from agora, a forum, an oration.] 1. A figurative sentence or discourse, in which the principal subject is described by another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances. The principal subject is thus kept out of view, and we are left to collect the intentions of the writer or speaker by the resemblance of the secondary to the primary subject.

This word nympha meant nothing else but, by allegory, the vegetative humour or moisture that quickeneth and giveth life to trees and flowers.



2. In painting and sculp. a figurative representation in which something else is intended than what is exhibited in the representation. It may be of three kinds: physical, moral, or historical.-Simile, Metaphor, Allegory, Parable. See under SIMILE. Allegoryt (al'le-go-ri), v.i. To employ allegory; to allegorize.

I am not ignorant that some do allegory on this place. Whitgift. Allegretto (al-le-gret'to). [From allegro.] In music, a movement or time quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro. Allegro (al-la'gro). [It., merry, cheerful.] In music, a word denoting a brisk movement; a sprightly part or strain; the quickest except presto.

Alleluia, Alleluiah (al-le-lu'ya), n. [Heb. halelû-yah, praise to Jah-halal, to praise, and Yah, contracted for Yahweh, Jehovah.] 1. Praise Jehovah: a word used to denote pious joy and exultation, chiefly in hymns and anthems.-2. A song or ascription of praise to God; as, loud alleluiahs.-3. A former name for Oxalis Acetosella, the common wood-sorrel, because it is plentiful about the high religious festival of Easter. 1. A slow air Allemande (al-le-mänd'), n. in duple time; or grave, solemn music, with a slow movement.-2. A moderately quick dance, written in two-fourth time.-3. A figure in dancing.

Allemannic (al-le-man'ik), a. Belonging to the Alemanni, or ancient Germans. See ALEMANNIC.

Allenarly (al-len'ar-li), adv. [The recognized legal form of Sc. alanerlie, only, which is used both as an adverb and an adjective; from alane, alone. See ALONE.] Only; merely a technical word used in Scotch conveyancing; thus, where lands are conveyed to a father, 'for his liferent use allenarly, the force of the expression is, that the father's right is restricted to a mere liferent, or at best to a fiduciary fee, even in circumstances where, but for the word allenarly, the father would have been unlimited fiar.

Aller, a. See ALDER. Allerion (al-lé'ri-on), n. In her. an eagle without beak or feet. Allette (al-let'), n. Same as Alette. Alleviate (al-lē'vi-at), v. t. pret. & pp. alleviated; ppr. alleviating. [L. L. alleviare, alleviatus, L. allevare, allevatus- ad, to, and levo, to make light, from levis, light.] 1. To make light, in a figurative sense; to remove in part; to lessen, mitigate, or make easier to be endured; as, to alleviate sorrow, pain, care, punishment, a burden, &c.: opposed to aggravate.-2. To make less by representa



tion; to lessen the magnitude or criminality of; to extenuate: applied to moral conduct; as, to alleviate an offence. 'He alleviates his fault by an excuse.' Johnson. [Rare.] -Alleviate, Mitigate, Assuage. Alleviate, to take weight off from, to lighten; mitigate, to make mild, to render less painful or severe; assuage, to appease, to pacify, to calm down: used of things in a state of violent unrest. SYN. To lessen, diminish, soften, mitigate, assuage, abate, relieve, allay. Alleviation (al-lē'vi-a"shon), n. 1. The act of alleviating: (a) the act of removing in part, lessening, mitigating, or making easier to be endured. (b) The act of making less by representation; extenuation. Allevia

tions of faults.' South. - 2. That which lessens, mitigates, or makes more tolerable; as, the sympathy of a friend is an alleviation of grief.

I have not wanted such alleviations of life as friendship could supply. Johnson. Alleviative (al-lē'vi-at-iv), n. That which alleviates or mitigates. 'Some cheering alleviative.' Corah's Doom. Alleviator (al-lē'vi-at-ér), n. that which alleviates.

He who or

Alley (al'li), n. [Fr. allée, a passage, from aller, to go; O.Fr. aler, aner, Merovingian L. anare, to arrive, a softened form of L. adnare, to arrive, properly by sea, but also by land-ad, to, and nare, to swim. For change of L. n into Fr. I compare orphelin from orphaninus, Boulogne from Bononia.] A passage; especially, a narrow passage; as, (a) an aisle, or any part of a church left open for access to another part. (b) An inclosed walk in a garden. Yonder alleys green.' Milton. (c) A narrow passage or way in a town, as distinct from a public street. (d) In persp. that which, in order to have a greater appearance of length, is made wider at the entrance than at the termina


Alley (al'li), n. [Said to be contracted from alabaster, from which it was formerly made.] A choice taw or large marble. Dickens.Alley-tor (for alley-taw), an alley; a marble.


After inquiring whether he had won any alley-tors or commoneys lately, he made use of this expression. All-fools'-day (al'fölz-da), n. The first day of April.

All-fours (al-forz'), n. [From all and four.] A game at cards, which derives its name from the four chances of which it consists, for each of which a point is scored. These chances are high, or the ace of trumps, or next best trump out; low, or the deuce of trumps, or next lowest trump out; jack, or the knave of trumps; game, the majority of pips collected from the tricks taken by the respective players. The player who has all these is said to have all-fours-On all-fours, on four legs, or on two legs and two arms or hands; hence, even or evenly; consistent or consistently; parallel; square.

This example is on all fours with the other. Macaulay. All-good (al-gud'), n. The old English name for the plant Good Henry, or English mercury (Chenopodium bonus-Henricus). All-hail (al-hal), exclam. and n. [All, and hail, A. Sax. heel, health. ] All health: a phrase of salutation, expressing a wish of all health or safety to the persons addressed. All-hail (al-hal'), v. t. To salute, with a wish for health or happiness. Who allhailed me, Thane of Cawdor.' Shak. [Rare.] All-hallondt (al-hal'lond), n. All-saints'day. All-hallond eve.' Shak.

All-hallow, All-hallows (al-hal'lo, al-hal'lõz), n. All-saints'-day, the first of November; a feast dedicated to all the saints in general.

All-hallowmas (al-hal'lo-mas), n. All-hallow-tide.


All-hallownt (al-hal'lon), a. Relating to the time about All-saints'-day or 1st of November; hence, as applied to summer, late. Farewell, thou latter spring! farewell, All-hallown Shak. All-hallow-tide (al-hal'lō-tid), n. The time near All-saints, or November 1st. All-heal (al-hel'), n. The name of a plant, the cat's valerian (Valeriana officinalis). The clown's all-heal is Stachys palustris, or wound-wort.

Alliaceous (al-li-a'shus), a. [L. allium, garlic.] Pertaining to the plants of the genius Allium, including garlic; having the properties of garlic. See ALLIUM. Alliance (al-li'ans), n. [O.Fr. alliance-al for ad, to, and lier, L. ligare, to bind, whence


also liege, league, allegiance, ligament, &c.] 1. The state of being allied or connected. Specifically, (a) the relation or union between families, contracted by marriage.

A bloody Hymen shall the alliance join. Dryden. (b) Connection by kindred. For my father's sake and for alliance' sake.' Shak. [Rare.] (c) The union between nations, contracted by compact, treaty, or league. (d) Any union or connection of interests between persons, families, states, or corporations; as, an alliance between church and state. An intimate alliance was formed between the Arian kings and the Arian clergy. Buckle.

2. The compact or treaty which is the instrument of allying or confederating; as, to draw up an alliance.-3. The persons or parties allied.

Therefore let our alliance be combined. Shak. 4. In bot. the name given by Lindley to a group of natural orders of plants possessing affinities to one another.-Holy Alliance. See under HOLY.-SYN. Connection, affinity, union, confederacy, league, coalition. To unite by conAlliance (al-li'ans), v.t. federacy; to ally. It (sin) is allianced to none but wretched spirits." Cudworth. Alliant (al-li'ant), n. An ally. 'Alliants, electors, princes, and states." Wotton. Alliant (al-li'ant),_a. Akin to; united; confederated. Sir T. More.

Allice (al'lis), n. [Fr. alose, L. alosa, a shad.] Alliciate, Allicitet (al-li'shi-at, alli-sit), v. t. A species of shad. See SHAD. [L. allicio, allicitum, to allure.] To allure; to attract. Friction, irritation, and stimulation to allicite blood and spirits to the parts.' Dr. G. Cheyne.

Alliciency (al-li'shi-en-si), n. [See ALLICIENT, a.] The power of attracting anything; attraction; magnetism. "The magnetical alliciAllicient + (al-li'shi-ent), a. L. alliciens, ency of the earth.' Browne. [Rare.] allicientis, ppr. of allicio, to draw gently, to entice-al for ad, to, and lacio, to draw gently.] Enticing; attracting. Allicient (al-li'shi-ent), n. That which


Alligarta + (al-li-gär'ta), n. [Corrupted from Sp. el lagarto, lit. the lizard. See ALLIGATOR.] The alligator or crocodile. B. Jonson. Alligatet (al'li-gat), v. t. pret. & pp. alligated; ppr. alligating. [L. alligo-ad, and ligo, to bind.] To tie together; to unite by some tie. Instincts alligated to their nature.' Sir M. Hale.

Alligation (al-li-ga'shon), n. [From alligate.] 1. The act of tying together; the state of being tied. [Rare.]-2. A rule of arithmetic, chiefly found in the older books, relating to the solution of questions concerning the compounding or mixing together of different ingredients, or ingredients of different qualities or values. Thus if a quantity of sugar worth 8d. the lb. and another quantity worth 10d. are mixed, the question to be solved by alligation is, what is the value of the mixture by the pound? Alligator (al'li-ga-ter), n. [In Ben Jonson alligarta, a corruption of Sp. el lagarto, lit. the lizard-el, the, and Sp. and Pg. lagarto, a lizard; L. lacertus, lacerta, whence E. lizard. The Spanish name is lagarto de Indias or cayman.] A genus of saurian reptiles, of the

Alligator (Alligator Lucius).

family Crocodilidæ, sub-family Alligatorida. The alligators differ from the true crocodiles in having a shorter and flatter head, in having cavities or pits in the upper jaw, into which the long canine teeth of the under jaw fit, and in having the feet much less webbed. Their habits are less perfectly aquatic. They


frequent swamps and marshes, and may be seen basking on the dry ground during the day in the heat of the sun. They are most active during the night, when they make a loud bellowing. The largest of these animals grow to the length of 17 or 18 feet. They live on fish, and sometimes catch hogs on the shore, or dogs which are swimming. In winter they burrow in the mud of swamps and marshes, lying torpid till spring. The female lays a great number of eggs, which are deposited in the sand, and left to be hatched by the heat of the sun. The most fierce and dangerous species is that found in the southern parts of the United States, as far up the Mississippi as the Red River (4. Lucius), having the snout a little turned up, resembling that of the pike. The alligators of South America are there very often called Caymans, and some of them bear the name of Jacaré, particularly A. sclerops, called also the Spectacled Cayman, from the prominent bony rim surrounding the orbit of each eye. The alligators are distributed over tropical America, but are not known to exist in any other part of the world. Among the fossils of the south of England, however, are remains of a true alligator (A. Hantoniensis) in the Eocene beds of the Hampshire basin. The Alligator-apple (al'li-ga-ter-ap-1), n. fruit of Anona palustris, a West Indian tree. Alligatoride (alli-ga-tor'i-de), n. pl. See Alligator-pear (al'li-ga-tèr-pår), n. A West Indian fruit resembling a pear in shape. Called also Avocado-pear. See AVOCADO. Alligator-tortoise (al'li-ga-tér-tor'tois), n. A species of chelonian reptile (Chelydra serpentina), family Emydæ, with long tail and limbs, which cannot be entirely drawn within its bucklers. The alligator-tortoise is a native of the lakes, rivers, and morasses of Carolina, where it is very destructive to fish and water-fowl.


Alligature (al-lig'a-tür), n. A ligature. Allignment (al-lin'ment), n. Same as Alignment.

All-in-all. A phrase used both as a noun and as an adverb. (a) As a noun, (1) everything to a person; all that he desires.

Her good Philip was her all-in-all. Tennyson. (2) Everything in all respects; as a whole. Take him for all-in-all, I shall not look upon his Shak like again.

(b) As an adverb, altogether.

Trust me not at all or all-in-all.


Allision (al-li'zhon), n. [L. allisio, allisionis, from allido, to dash or strike against-ad, and lado, læsum, to hurt by striking.] A striking against. 'Islands severed from it (the continent) by the boisterous allision of the sea.' Woodward. Alliteration (al-lit-ér-a'shon), n. [Al for L ad, to, and litera, a letter.] The repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; as, many men many minds; death defies the doctor. Apt alliteration's artful aid.' Churchill. Puffs, powders, patches, bibles, billet-doux.' Pope. In the ancient German and Scandinavian and in early English poetry alliteration took the place of terminal rhymes, the alliterative syllables being made to recur with a certain regularity in the same position in successive verses. In the vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman, for instance, it is regularly employed as in the following lines:Hire robe was ful riche of red scarlet engreyned, With ribanes of red gold and of riche stones; Hire arraye me ravysshed such ricchesse saw I



I had wondre what she was and whas wyf she were. Alliterative (al-lit'èr-at-iv), a. Pertaining to or consisting in alliteration; characterized by alliteration. Their alliterative versification, which consisted in using an aggregate of words beginning with the same letter.' T. Warton.

Alliterativeness (al-lit'er-at-iv-nes), n. Quality of being alliterative.

Alliterator (al-lit'èr-at-ér), n. One who uses alliteration.

The alliterator must be as busily employed to introduce his favourite vowel or consonant as the Greek poet to shut out the letter he had proscribed.


Allium (alli-um), n. [L. allium, alium, garlic.] A genus of bulbous plants, nat. order Liliacere, remarkable for their pungent odour, having grassy or fistular leaves, and starshaped, six-parted, hexandrous flowers grow. ing in an umbel at the top of the scape. To this genus belong the onion, leek, garlic,


chive, and shallot. They contain free phosphoric acid and sulphuretted oil. Allness (al'nes), n. Totality; entirety; completeness The allness of God, including his absolute spirituality, supremacy, and eternity Rich. Turnbull.

Allocate (allo-kät), v.t. pret. & pp. alloeated; ppr. allocating. [L ad, to, and loco, locatum, to place, from locus, a place.] To assign or allot; to set apart for a particular purpose: to distribute; as, to allocate shares in a public company.

The court is empowered to seize upon, and allocate, for the maintenance of such child, any sum not exceedLig a third of the whole fortune. Burke.

Allocation (al-lō-kä'shon), n. 1. The act of allocating, allotting, or assigning; allotment; assignment; apportionment; as, the allocation of shares in a public company.-2. An allowance made upon accounts in the exchequer.

Allocatur (allō-kāt-êr), n. [L., it is allowed.] In law, the allowance of something by a judge or court; specifically, the certificate of the allowance of costs of a proceeding by the master on taxation, equivalent to the report of the auditor in Scotch law.

Allochroite (al-lō-króʻit), n. [Gr. allos, other, and chroia, colour.] A massive, fine-grained variety of iron garnet. This name is said to be given to it as expressive of its changes of colour before the blowpipe.

Allocution (al-lo-kú'shon), n. [L. allocutio, -ad, to, and locutio, from loquor, to speak.] A speaking to; an address, especially a formal address, as that of a pope to his clergy.

Scarcely a year of his pontificate passed without his having to pronounce an allocution on the oppres sion of the church in some country or other. Cardinal Wiseman, Allod (allód), n. A freehold estate. Chambers's Inf See ALLODIUM.

Allodial (al-lo'di-al), a. Pertaining to allodium or freehold; free of rent or service; held independent of a lord paramount: opposed to feudal.

All over Norway the old patriarchal institutions, by which every freeman was prophet, priest, and king in his own family and in his own allodial freehold or odal, as it was called, had passed away into a aristocracy of chiefs of greater or lesser means and power, Edin. Rev.

Allodial (al-lo'di-al), n. Property held allodially.

The contested territory which lay between the Danube and the Naab, with the town of Neuburgh and the allodials, were adjudged, &c. Coxe. Allodially (al-lô'di-al-li), adv. In an allodial


Allodian (al-ló'di-an), a. Allodial. [Rare.] Allodium (al-lo'di-um), n. [L. L. allodium, a freehold estate, from root seen in E. old, Galt, and that in A. Sax. aethel, a country, Icel ódal, Dan. and Sw. odel, a patrimonial estate In the Old Norse there is a compound alda-odal, a property of ages, or held for ages or generations. L. fundus avitus, an ancient allodial inheritance... We believe the Mid L. allodium to be derived from this compound by way of assimilation; the old Teutonic form would be alth-odal (Goth. alth=ævum) whence all-odal, allodium, property held in absolute possession, opposed to such as is held in fee, or subject to certain conditions.' Vyfusson. Ihre had proposed the same etymology.] Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior. It is thus opposed to feud. In England there are no alial lands, all being held of the crown. Allograph (al'ló-graf),n. [Gr. allos, another, an graphỏ, to write.] In law, a deed not written by any of the parties thereto: oppd to autograph.

Allonge (al-lunj), n. [Fr. allonger, to lengthen, as the arm, hence, to thrust-al for ad, and long, long] 1 A pass or thrust with a sword or rapier; a lunge.-2. A long rein, when a horse is trotted in the hand. John

-3 (A French usage ] A paper annexed to a bill of exchange, to receive endorsements too numerous to be contained in the Will itself; a rider

Allonget (al-lunj). r. To make a pass or thrust with a rapier; to lunge. Alloot (al-lo), r.t. or i. To incite dogs by a call Alloo thy furious mastiff.' Philips. See HALLOO.

Allopathetic (al'ló-pa-thetik), a. Pertaining to allopathy [Rare.]


Allopathetically (al'lo-pa-thet "ik-al-li), adv. In a manner conformable to allopathy. Allopathic (al-lop'a-thik, al-lo-path'ik), a. Pertaining to allopathy.

There are only three imaginable methods of employing medicines against disease, and these are denominated antipathic, homeopathic, and allopathic. One who

Allopathist (al-lop'a-thist), n. Pereira,

practises medicine according to the prinAllopathy (al-lop'a-thi), n. [Gr.allos, other, ciples and rules of allopathy. and pathos, morbid condition. ] That method of treating disease by which it is endeavoured to produce a condition of the system either different from, opposite to, or incompatible with the condition essential to the disease: it is opposed to homœopathy. Allophane (allō-făn), n. [Gr. allos, other, and phaino, to appear.] A mineral of a pale blue, and sometimes of a green or brown colour. It is a hydro-silicate of aluminium, occurring in amorphous, botryoidal, or reniform masses.

Allophylian (al-lō-fil'i-an), n. [Gr. allophylos, of another tribe or race, foreign-allos, other, and phyle, a tribe.] One of another tribe or race; specifically, a term used by some archæologists to designate a member of the primitive tribes or races who are supposed to have inhabited Europe previous to the earliest historic indications of the Aryan nations passing into it. Allophylian (al-lo-fil'i-an), a.

Of another race; foreign; strange; specifically, (a) pertaining to the allophylians or pre-Aryan inhabitants of Europe. (b) Pertaining to various outlying tribes of tongues which have not as yet been classified under any of the groups into which human speech has been divided. The native dialects of America, Australia, most of Africa, the Polynesian, Old Etruscan, Basque, &c., are allophylian. Allophylian tongues are mostly polysynthetic.

Alloquyt (allo-kwi), n. [L. alloquium, from ad, to, and loquor, to speak.] A speaking to another; an address.

Allot (al-lot'), v.t. pret. & pp. allotted; ppr. allotting. [O. Fr. allotir, alloter, to divide, part-al for ad, and lotir, to cast lots for, to apportion, from lot, a share, which itself is a Teutonic word=A. Sax. hlot. See LOT.] To divide or distribute as by lot; to distribute or parcel out in parts or portions; to grant; to assign; to appoint; to set apart; to destine.

Now, of what has been produced, a part only is allotted to the support of productive labour; and there will not, and cannot, be more of that labour than the portion so allotted (which is the capital of the country) can feed and provide with materials and instruments of production. F. S. Mill.

Allotable (al-lot'a-bl), a. Capable of being


Allotment (al-lot'ment), n. 1. The act of allotting; distribution as by lot.-2. That which is allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed; that which is assigned by lot or by the act of God. The allotments of God and nature.' L'Estrange. 3. A place or piece of ground appropriated. 'A vineyard and an allotment for olives.' Broome. Allotment of goods, in com. the dividing a ship's cargo into several parts, which are to be purchased by several persons, each person's share being assigned by lot.-Allotment of land, such portions of ground as are granted to claimants on the division and inclosure of commons and waste lands.-Allotment-note, a note signed by a seaman authorizing the periodical payment of a portion of his wages to another party, as to his wife.-Allotment system, the practice of dividing land into small portions for cultivation by agricultural labourers and other cottagers after they have performed Allotropic (al-lo-trop'ik), a. their ordinary day's work. Allotropy, Allotropism (al-lot'ro-pi, alpertaining to allotropy. lot'ro-pizm), n. [Gr. allos, another, and tropos, condition.] In chem. the capability or characteristic exhibited by some elements of existing in more than one form, and with different characteristics. Carbon is a good example, as it crystallizes perfectly in the diamond, imperfectly in graphite, and is amorphous, yet quite distinct, in anthracite, coal, and charcoal.

In chem. of or

Allottee (al'lot'tē), n. One to whom anything is allotted, as the holder of an allotment-note and the like.

The allotment of gardens, which yield a partial support to the allottee, is another means of cheap labour. Mayhew

[blocks in formation]

All-over, All-overish (al-ō'vèr, al-o'ver-ish), a. Giving a general sense of bodily uneasiness or slight indisposition; as, an all-overish sort of feeling. [Vulgar.]

Allow (al-lou), v.t. [Two words are in this confounded under one form, the E. allow being based partly on Fr. allouer, to allow, to grant, to settle, from L. L. allocare-ad, to, and locare (from locus, a place), to place or assign, to let or lease; and partly on an obs. Fr. allouer, to approve or praise, from L. ad, and laudare, to praise, from laus, laudis, praise. The French has still the two simple verbs louer, to let or hire, from L. locare, and louer, to praise or commend, from L. laudare.] 1. To grant, give, or yield; to assign; to afford; as, to allow a free passage.

He was allowed about three hundred pounds a year. Macaulay.

2. To admit; to own or acknowledge; as, to allow the right of the king to dismiss his ministers.

The power of music all our hearts allow. Pope. He would allow only of two kinds. Brougham. 3. To invest; to intrust. 'Thou shalt be allowed with absolute power.' Shak.-4. † To approve, justify, or sanction.

Ye allow the deeds of your fathers. Luke xi. 48. The hospitality and alms of abbeys is not altogether to be allowed or dispraised.

Quoted by Trench. 5. To abate or deduct; to take out of account; to set apart; as, to allow so much for loss; to allow a sum for tare or leakage. 6. To grant permission to; to permit; as, to allow a son to be absent.-7. To grant special license or indulgence to.

There is no slander in an allowed fool.



-Allow, Permit, Suffer, Tolerate. and permit are often used synonymously; but allow rather implies a formal sanction; permit, that we merely do not hinder; suffer is still more passive than permit, and may imply that we do not prevent something, though we feel it to be disagreeable, or know it to be wrong; tolerate is always used in the sense of permitting or bearing something unpleasant.

Allow (al-lou), v.i. 1. To concede; to make abatement, concession, or provision. Allowing still for the different ways of making it.' Addison.-2. To connive. Her allowing husband. Shak.-To allow of, to permit; to admit. Of this allow.' Shak. Ere I will allow of thy wits.' Shak. Allowable (al-lou'a-bl), a. Proper to be or capable of being allowed or permitted as lawful, true, or proper; not forbidden; not unlawful or improper; permissible; as, a certain degree of freedom is allowable among friends.

In actions of this sort, the light of nature alone may discover that which is in the sight of God allowable. Hooker.

Allowableness (al-lou 'a-bl-nes), n. The quality of being allowable; exemption from prohibition or impropriety; lawfulness.

Lots, as to their nature, use, and allowableness, in matters of recreation, are indeed impugned by some. South. In an allow

Allowably (al-lou'a-bli), adv. able manner; with propriety. Allowance (al-lou'ans), n. 1. Permission; license; sanction; as, my allowance of this course will depend on circumstances. 2. Assent to a fact or state of things; admission; a granting.-3.† Approval; approbation.

Humbly craving.. it may receive approbation and patronage from so learned and judicious a Prince as your Highness is, whose allowance and acceptance of our labours shall more honour and encourage us than all the calumniations and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay us.

Epistle Dedicatory to the Bible. 4. A stated quantity, as of money, or of food or drink, allowed for maintenance; a settled rate; quantity allowed or granted.

Though he drew a large allowance under pretence of keeping a public table, he never asked a minister to dinner. Macaulay.

5. Charitable overlooking of faults; relaxation of severity in censure; as, to make an allowance for the inexperience of youth.-6. Established character; reputation. 'His pilot of very expert and approved allowance.' Shak.-7. In com. a deduction or abatement from the gross weight of goods, according to the customs of particular coun

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