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The Bishop of Worcester sent a circular of questions to churchwardens inquiring, among other things, whether the vicar used incense or wafer bread; whether any other books were used in the offices of the church than the Book of Common Prayer; whether the services were conducted strictly in accordance with the Prayer Book, without addition, diminution, or alteration; whether water was mixed with wine during the service; and whether any additions or alterations had been made in the ornaments of the church or in the fabric itself since 1895, and if so, by whose authority.

The Bishop of Winchester requested his clergy to give him the opportunity of inspecting all forms and offices used in their churches in addition to those prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer, saying that "in times of anxiety, whether reasonable or unreasonable, our security seems to be in falling back upon the definite terms of the prescribed rule and system of our Church. The result must be to strengthen our mutual confidence, to allay fears if they are groundless, and to restrain irregularities where such there are."

Charge of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Archbishop of Canterbury, in his address to the Diocesan Conference of Canterbury, said that he did not think it worth while to deny that there were a few men who did very much desire to carry the Church of England back under the domination of the Church of Rome. There were also some men, probably quite as many, who would very much desire to get rid of the present constitution of the Church of England in such a way as to join with it the nonconformist bodies on their own terms. But to say that the great body of the clergy of the Church of England had the smallest desire to submit themselves to the domination of the Church of Rome he was certain was not the fact. The archbishop acknowledged the existence of a great many irregularities that had grown out of a good deal of mistaken zeal, which it would be necessary that the bishops generally should look to. A simple way to settle the matter would be for the clergy, in compliance with their ordination vows, to abandon all services that did not find a place in the Prayer Book.

The archbishop delivered in October a series of visitation charges, in the course of which he interpreted the doctrinal teachings of the Church on a number of points. Concerning the sacraments, having shown that the spiritual reception by the communicant of the flesh and blood is taught, he said, respecting the question of the real presence, that the Church certainly teaches Hooker's doctrine that the presence should be looked for in the receivers of the consecrated elements, but that it "nowhere forbids the further doctrine that there is a real presence in some way attached to the elements at the time of consecration," the Supreme Court of Appeal in matters ecclesiastical, he asserted, having declared in the case of Mr. Bennet that this is open to all to believe if they think fit. The Church condemned the Roman doctrine of transubstantiation, but permitted the teaching of the doctrine of Luther, or consubstantiation. As to objects of worship, the Church allowed none except God himself. The ecclesiastical courts had decided that prayer for the dead was not forbidden in the New Testament or by the Church of England, but the Church did not authorize the introduction of such prayers into public worship, except in the most cautious and guarded manner. The archbishop condemned habitual and compulsory confession, and explained the law of the Church of England on the subject to be that confession should be always free and voluntary. While the Church tolerated a large diversity of opinion, it was strict in the enforcement of unity

in ceremonial. "It is the rule of strict ceremonial," the archbishop continued, "that makes it unlawful by the Church's law to elevate the consecrated elements in the communion office; to reserve them after the office is over; to carry them out of the church for any purpose whatever; to use incense ceremonially by carrying it in procession, or by censing persons or things; to mix water with wine ceremonially by doing it visibly during the office; to introduce additional prayers; to introduce psalms or hymns or anthems at any point during the services, except where there is special order permitting it or where the service is for any reason illegitimately interrupted." The lawful authority who could authorize any modifications was the bishop. Coercive jurisdiction was exercised through the courts, but the bishop had very little power of that kind. The one power he possessed was the power not to enforce, but to empower other people to abstain from enforcing. The archbishop deprecated recourse to the courts, because it presented the Church to the world in an aspect of strife.

National Protestant Congress.-The ninth annual Congress in connection with the National Protestant League met at Folkestone, Oct. 17. The chairman, Sir C. Robert Leighton, in his opening address, spoke of the plain statements of the Archbishop of Canterbury in his visitation addresses of the previous week as having, he hoped, not paralyzed, but electrified the Protestant people of England. The primate, he said, voicing almost the entire episcopate of the English Church, had declared that it was not unlawful to hold the Lutheran doctrine of consubstantiation, or to teach it in the Church of England. They knew now why Dr. Temple had, with the so-called wish of keeping the peace, vetoed them when they had endeavored to put down unlawful things in the Church of England, and they knew now why he had put off their appeals to him in their difficulties. It was useless to go on memorializing bishops, because they had practically avowed through their mouthpiece, the archbishops, that they were of the sacerdotal party. The duty of Protestants was to join together more firmly and unitedly than ever, and make a crusade against what they believed to be doctrine contrary to the Church of England, contrary to the teaching of the early infant Church, and dishonoring to the Lord. Besides addresses on a number of general topics relating to Christianity, discussions were had on subjects bearing upon the existing crisis, such as "The Encroachments of Priesteraft (a) in the Church and State; (b) in the Family and Society"; "The Imperial Protestant Federation"; "National Council of Evangelical Free Churches in its Relation to Protestantism"; "The Jesuits: (a) Their Tactics and Influence; (b) Notorious Secret Societies in the Church of England."

Resumption of the Protests.-Mr. Kensit gave notice, Aug. 3, that he had no intention of making any further protests till the first Sunday in November, by which time he hoped the bishops might have interfered. If not, he hoped to arrange for a thousand simultaneous protests in different parts of England, without, however, any disturbance. In the meantime he organized a body of young men as "Wycliffe preachers to co-operate with him and assist him. A meeting preparatory to the resumption of the protests was held in London, Oct. 28, amid some demonstrations of opposition. Mr. Kensit addressed this meeting respecting his movement, and said that the protests he had been compelled to make in the house of God against ritualism were distasteful to him, but he believed that God had directed him to make them, and had used them to work up the nation to the importance of the movement. He

read a letter he had received from the Bishop of London, warning him against persistence in his proceedings, and predicting their failure. Concerning his own course, the bishop wrote that he was endeavoring by private exhortation to deal with such irregularities or indiscretions as were brought before his notice in such a shape that he could deal with them.

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The Church Congress.-The Church Congress met at Bradford, Sept. 27. The Bishop of Ripon presided, and delivered an opening address on "The Opportunities, the Deeds, and the Characteristics of the Age, the Condition of the Church of England, and the Message of the Church." The regular proceedings of the Congress began with the reading of a paper on "The Share of Yorkshire and the Columban Mission in the Christianization of England," by the Bishop of Bristol. The subject of The Mutual Relations of Clergy and Laity" was treated under various aspects and as to various periods; historically by the Rev. Dr. Jessopp, and with reference to the question whether any alterations are needed in the relative positions to-day of the clergy and the laity by Mr. Justice Grantham, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. John Kensit, who rebuked the clergy and the bishops and archbishops for the prevalence of ritualism. Other subjects discussed were "Sunday Observance": "The Mission of the Church in Relation to Imperial Policy"; "The Church's Duty as regards Various Aspects of Internal Affairs," such as (1) the responsibilities of capital and labor: (a) for healthy con

ciety for the broadest toleration in ritual and sacerdotal doctrine, and by a meeting of the Church Congress Evangelical Union, at which Sir John Kennaway presided, and, maintaining exactly opposite views from Lord Halifax, spoke of the present tension of the crisis through which the Church was passing. Other addresses were made respecting the gravity of the situation and the character and persistency of the ritualistic movement; a resolution was adopted inviting all loyal Churchmen "prepared to uphold in their integrity the principles of the Church as received from apostolic times and authoritatively set forth at the Reformation to unite in furtherance of a memorial on the present crisis to be presented to the archbishops"; and a committee was appointed to promote the objects of the meeting, with authority to add to their number clergymen of other schools of thought who are loyal to the Reformation settlement. A united Christian meeting and conference of all denominations was held after the close of the Congress for the consideration of the subject "The Message of the Christian Church to the English Nation, and its Outlook." The Dean of Ripon presided. Addresses were made by the chairman, the Rev. Dr. Glover, of Bristol, the Rev. W. L. Watkinson (Wesleyan), Dean Farrar, the Rev. Dr. Horton, and Mr. George Harwood, M. P.

ARCHEOLOGY. Scotland. A Crannog on the Clyde.-A crannog, or ancient lake dwelling, of a very remarkable type discovered by Mr. W. A. Donnelly on the Dumbrook foreshores of the ancient Colquhoun County, on the banks of the river Clyde,

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ditions of labor, (b) moral and religious; (2) co-operation: (a) general, (b) its rules and prospects; "Church Music: In Cathedral, Town, and Country"; "The Unrest of the Age, General, Intellectual, Social, and Moral"; "Gains from Recent Criticism: Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and New Testament Apocrypha"; "How can the Church Congress be made more practically useful?" The Message of the Church to the Heart of Man"; "The Devotional and Practical Use of Holy Scriptures"; "The Church and the World: 1, Interchange between Home and Foreign Missionary Service; 2, Evangelization of the World in this Generation; 3, Aboriginal Races; 4, Revival of the Missionary Spirit."

The meeting of the Congress was preceded by a meeting of the English Church Union, where Lord Halifax presented the claims maintained by that so

has received much attention from British archaologists on account of its being the first instance recorded of such a structure on tidal waters. On the advice of the eminent archæologist Dr. Munro, author of the book "Historic Problems," who recog nized the importance of the discovery at once, careful and thorough excavations were undertaken, with siftings of the refuse mound of the former settlement, by Mr. Donnelly, with the help of the Helensburgh Naturalist and Antiquarian Society. The result of the work has made it plain that there were design and execution in the building, with occupation and habitation over a long period. Positive evidence of fire is afforded in the shape of numerous firestones and calcined embers, and excellent indications of the condition of life at the period in the implements, ornaments, and tools


recovered. The crannog, situated 1,600 yards east of the castle rock of Dumbarton, and about 2,000 yards from Dunglass Castle, below high-water mark, is about 50 yards from the river at low tide, but is

village at Glastonbury, for example, yielded specimens of bronze fibula and other articles. The largest article found in the Dumbarton crannog was a canoe, 37 feet long and 40 inches beam, dug out of a single

oak tree, which lay in what has proved to have been a dock. A curious ladder was also found here, the rungs of which were cut out of the solid wood, and which has somewhat the general appearance of a post of a post-and-rail fence. The exploration of the site is much impeded by the rising of the tide, which covers the crannog for a considerable time every day. All the relics found, consisting chiefly of objects of bone, staghorn, jet, chert, and cannel coal, with some querns, the canoe, ladder, etc., have been placed in the museum at Glasgow.

submerged when the tide is in to a depth of from 3 to 12 feet of water. The approach to the dwelling is from the north. The circuit of the crannog is 184 feet. The piles in the outer circle are of oak, which below the mud surface is still quite fresh. The transverse beams and pavements inside are of wood of the consistence of cheese (willow, alder, and oak), while the smaller branches are of fir, birch, and hazel, with bracken, moss, and chips. The stones in the outer circle and along the causeway leading to the dwelling place seem to have been set in methodical order, most of the boulders being about a lift for a man. The refuse mound extends for about 12 feet outside for the greater part of the circuit, and in this most of the bone and flint implements have been discovered. While this crannog does not differ in construction (of stones, wooden piles, and pavements) and shape from other well-known sites of the kind in Ireland and elsewhere, it is absolutely unique in two respects; first, in being situated on the shores of a tidal river; and, second, in that so far none but imple



ments of flint and bone have been discovered. This would throw its occupation back to the Neolithic period, whereas crannogs are usually associated with the bronze age. The British lake

France. The Ancient Walls of Paris.-At Paris, behind the Church of Notre Dame, excavations made for the construction of a private house have brought to light extensive remains of the ancient wall of the city. They were found at a depth of about 16 feet below the actual level of the ground, running on a line of 195 feet between the Quai aux Fleurs, the Rue Chenimesse, and the Cloître Notre Dame, in the face of the Ile St. Louis. The wall was a strong construction, nearly 10 feet thick. The material of which it was composed consisted of large stones taken from older Roman buildings. Several blocks, cut in the shape of steps and covered with inscriptions, are supposed to come, like the pieces found several years ago on the Parvis de Notre Dame, from the ancient amphitheater known as the Arènes of the Rue Monge. The inscriptions contain certain names of the citizens of the ancient Lutetia for whom those seats were reserved.

A Phoenician Inscription at Avignon.-A Phoenician inscription discovered at Avignon in 1897 is the first of the kind found in France, the origin of which is beyond dispute. A translation of it which has been published by M. Mayer Lambert in the "Journal Asiatique," shows it to be the epitaph of a married priestess of a divinity whose name has been unfortunately mutilated. It ends with an injunction against opening the tomb. The fact that it was not found at a port, but a considerable distance in the interior is to be remarked.

Rome. The Graffito of the House of Tiberius. A graffito discovered by Prof. Orazio Marucchi in the house of Tiberius on the Palatine Hill, in Rome, has attracted much attention because of a suggestion that was made at the time

that it might be a rude representation of the Crucifixion. It is drawn on the cement in one of the rooms that were used as cells for the soldiers and slaves, reaches to a man's height on the wall, and is marked by the style as of the first century, A. D. A confused group of many words is visible on the upper part of the drawing, and among them a name which in its damaged condition has been variously read Crestus, Cresus, Crescus, and Crescens. Following this are an instrument resembling a hammer, lines of verses, and disconnected fragments of lines. Below these writings is a design of posts or poles standing upright in the ground, with lateral supports at their feet, and a crossbar connecting them at the top. Below this crossbar are smaller individual crossbars, giving the erections the likeness of crosses, from the right arm of each of which hangs a rope held by a man standing on the ground, and on one of them is a figure seeming to hold a hammer. Other figures stand on ladders leaning against the uprights of the crosses. Names are written above the heads of some of the figures, of which Nostumus, Eulogus, and Terties have been made out, with another, which is variously read Pilatus, Piletus, and Filetus. The subject of the graffito is not explained. The suggestion uttered at the first sight of the figures-that it is a representation of the crucifixion is not insisted upon. Some persons have supposed that it represented a naval manœuvre or the preparation for the launching of a vessel; others regard it simply as a scaffolding on which men are at work.

Greece. The Jewish Synagogue at Corinth. -In the excavations at Corinth, in the valley east of the temple, under Prof. Rufus B. Richardson, a marble block about 34 feet long was found, one of the broad sides of which was elaborately and peculiarly carved, having a band of molding below it as well as above. This was, of course, the original face. On what was once its upper side or edge was cut an inscription, mutilated at both ends, in letters about two inches high, running thus:


After reflection the discoverer concluded that the letters represented and were all that was left of the words Sunagoge Ebraion, and that the stone probably "came from the very synagogue in which the apostle Paul reasoned every Sabbath and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks." It is not likely, however, that this block marked the site of the synagogue. It had probably been removed from there, and even when built into the synagogue in the first place had been taken from some structure in the old city. That the placing of it in the synagogue was not its first use is indicated by the existence of the original front of the stone with the molding.

Egypt. Relics of the Earliest Dynasties. A collection of antiquities from the excavations of the Egypt Exploration Fund at Dendereh and of the Egyptian Research Account, under Mr. Quibell, at Hierakonpolis, exhibited by Mr. W. M. Flinders Petrie at University College, London, in July, included objects from the earliest dynasties. The history of Dendereh as reflected in its cemetery was found to have had its beginning in the fourth dynasty, and to have included a flourishing age from the sixth to the eleventh dynasties, and then a later prosperity in the Ptolemaic or Roman times. While the remains of primitive kings hitherto found have been chiefly sepulchral, monuments of warfare and of history known to belong to the earliest dynasties have now, for the first time, been found at Hierakonpolis. The researches represented by these collections appear to fill a large intermediate space

between the aboriginal and the historical period, and extend our knowledge far back of any period it had distinctly reached before. Many of the most ancient objects are remarkable for their beauty and finish and their free and unconventional character. Some of Mr. Quibell's finds at Hierakonpolis are believed to date from before the fourth dynasty, or about 4000 B. C. The cemetery upon the desert yielded pottery of the types of the graves of Negada, of the "new race "described by Mr. Petrie in 1895, which go even behind the earliest kings. The later types are similar to those found in the tomb of Menes, and are assigned to the first dynasty. Among the objects found are slate palettes, mostly of the late square type, but one in the form of a scorpion, others with gazelles and giraffes and other animals, real or mythical, delineated with wonderful vigor and freedom. A trench found within the temple area was filled with ivory carvings, buried as offerings, much rotted and incrusted with lime, and believed to represent the second dynasty. The male figures have for the most part scanty pointed beards and sharp features, like the heads of the new race of prehistoric times, and are supposed probably to represent the Libyans, who then inhabited Egypt. Nearly all wear girdles, and most of them have a dagger sheath in front, while only one has the usual Egyptian kilt. The female figures are nearly all nude, with long wavy hair to the waist and two locks hanging in front over the breasts, and one of a dwarf bandylegged type, familiar in figures of Ptah. Other figures are outlined upon ivory cylinders and plaques, one with the Ka name of King Nat-Met, holding a wand. Models of boats, bowls, and stone vases, maces, alabaster dishes and porphyry bowls, green glazed ware of very early date representing monkeys, pigs, calves, oryxes, pelicans, scorpions, and other animals, were also among the objects. The great limestone masses with relief sculptures are described as being of extraordinary interest and beauty. On one of them are several male figures, the king among them, beautifully wrought, and at the base hieroglyphics mentioning "oxen 400,000, goats 1.422.500, captives 120,000." A great palette in the part of the collection that went to the museum in Gizeh was represented in the exhibition in London. The figures upon it exhibit a curious diversity of human types, only one of which is of the later Egyptians. Two are bearded men with long hair, like some men shown in the tomb of Paheri at El-Kab. The design is very elaborate, with many figures of men and animals, and the tablet is regarded as an important historical monument of the early kings. Among the fruits, extending over a vast period, of Mr. Petrie's researches at Dendereh, is a stele of the third or fourth dynasty of a prophet of Hathor Suten-abu, which stood over an elaborately carved false door, the only sculpture found in the group of great brick mastabas of the earliest style. Large numbers of worked flints, mostly of paleolithic types, were picked up on the surface of the desert, but statues such as are common in the cemetery of the old kingdom at Memphis are rare at Dendereh, and only one large one-of Prince Adu I-was found. The great mastabas of the princes of the sixth dynasty proved the most important in the cemetery. The series included Princes Mena and Adu under Pepi II, Prince Adu II, one nameless, Prince Merra, and Prince Beb. The catacombs for sacred animals, consisting of brickwork tunnels branching from main galleries, extended over a large area. A considerable quantity of blue glazed objects of temple furniture appeared, by the names, to belong to the eighteenth dynasty. In sculptures of Prince Merra, with his wife Beba and his daughter Duduerchetsa, of the late sixth or early seventh dynasty,

the style, though becoming degraded and clumsy, retains the character of the old kingdom. Besides many minor objects of the old and middle kingdoms, a beautifully carved group of Mentuhotep, son of Beba, and his wife Nefermeant, daughter of Hepy, probably of the eleventh dynasty, is mentioned. The man's head is lost, but the woman's is equal to the best work of the old kingdom.

The Tomb of Osiris.-In excavations begun in 1896 at Abydos in search of relics of the worship of Osiris, of which he had already found some traces, M. E. Amélineau reached a point within three or four metres of a large tomb. His work there was then suspended in consequence of his occupation at other points. The hill under which the tomb was hidden, 180 metres long by 160 metres wide, and between 7 and 8 metres high, was composed of "millions upon millions" of small jars and earthen vases, along with some large ones mixed up with sand and a few rare pieces of stone. From the first days of the new excavations, begun in December, 1897, pieces of pottery of all shapes, entire or broken, were found, bearing inscriptions written in hieroglyphic or hieratic signs. Large numbers of pieces mentioned the name of Osiris, and a smaller number bore the name of Amon-Ra. A few of them mentioned the House of Osiris. These discoveries impressed M. Amélineau so strongly, he says, that as early as Dec. 2 he recorded in the diary he kept of his excavations the belief that he was going to come across the tomb of Osiris. The tomb was a large rectangle in shape, and surrounded on its four sides by series of tombs numbering about 200 in all. Moreover, the necropolis, known in the country as Om-el-Gaab-el-Gharby, contained the sepulchres of persons of very high rank, among them kings whose steles had been discovered by M. Amélineau two years previously. On the 1st day of January the "fortunate staircase mentioned in the text concerning the House of Osiris was discovered, and the next day a granite monolith in the shape of a bud decorated with the head and legs of a lion, on which was lying a mummy bearing what is known as the white crown, and holding in its hands, which came out of the case, a flagellum and a pastoral cane. Near the head were two hawks, and two more were at the feet. The head was designated by the inscription, "Osiris the Good Being." The hawks were labeled "Horus, avenger of his father"; and the goddess Isis was also designated by her name. The monument was 1.70 metre, or 54 feet, in width, and about a metre (3 feet 3 inches) in height. The tomb itself had the shape of a dwelling, with a courtyard in front. It contained 14 rooms and the staircase, 5 rooms to the north, 5 to the south, and 4 to the east, while the western face was open. There were evidences of fire in the tomb, and it seemed to have suffered from spoliators; and for these reasons the results of the excavations are not so complete as was desirable.

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The Journal Egyptien," in publishing M. Amélineau's letter, observes that M. Marriette spent much time and money at Abydos in searching for the conventional tomb of Osiris. The discovery of M. Amélineau, astonishing as it may appear, is a possibility and in accordance with the records of all the ancient authors and the belief of most Egyptologists. The tomb spoken of in connection with this discovery and with M. Marriette's search is a conventional tomb, supposed to have been instituted by the priests in very ancient times, and not any real tomb in which the god was actually buried. It is possible that the tomb discovered may be proved, after more complete examination of the epigraphic documents exhumed, to be a sanctuary to Osiris erected during one of the later dynasties.

Tombs of Amenophis II and other Kings. -It was announced in April that M. Lovet had discovered and opened the tomb of Amenophis II, of the eighteenth dynasty, and found the mummy of that king intact, and with it the mummies of Thothmes IV, Amenophis III, Set Nakht, Seti II, and Rameses IV, Rameses VI, and Rameses VIII. The discovery marks the first instance in which the body of an Egyptian king has been found actually in the tomb prepared for him, in other instances the tombs having been found without the bodies or the bodies found removed from their tombs. In this case the valuable objects had been taken away, but the tomb was in perfect preservation, with the paintings fresh and the sarcophagi and chaplets of flowers in excellent condition. In the first chamber of the tomb the body of a man was found bound on a richly painted boat, his arms and feet tied with cord, a gag in his mouth, and wounds in his breast and head; and in the next chamber three other bodies of persons who had been killed by violence. It is believed that these bodies represent human sacrifices offered at the time of the royal burial.

Among the relics discovered by Mr. Petrie in his explorations of 1896, and described in his book on "Six Temples of Thebes," was a wine jar dated in the twenty-sixth year of Amenophis II, vindicating the statement of Manetho that this king reigned twenty-five years and ten months, and refuting M. Maspero's theory that his reign was a short one. "It is indeed wonderful," Mr. Petrie remarks, "how constantly Manetho's statements, after a long period of discredit, are justified by the monuments, and how accurate his records have lately proved."

Early Remains at Deshasher.--In the explorations of Deshasher, nearly opposite Beni Suef and near the site of the ancient Heracleopolis Magna, by Prof. Petrie in 1897, an account of which is published in the fifteenth memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund, a portrait statue of Prince Neukheft-Ka, of the fifth dynasty, was recovered, the pleasing expression, European features, and execution of which bear witness to the high level attained by Egyptian art at that early age. Here also were found some of the oldest amulets in the world, differing somewhat from those in use in the twentysixth dynasty, which were considered the earliest known examples. Some excellent bas-reliefs of about a century later than the statue depict scenes in a war between the Egyptians and another people which are very spirited and dramatic, and so far the earliest of their kind. One of them represents the siege of a town defended almost entirely by women. A partly successful escalade headed by bearded archers has taken place, but the assailants are all disposed of by the women as they get over the ramparts, while outside a round-capped officer is seen leaning on his staff and directing the efforts of two soldiers who are mining the wall with pikes. Another discovery was that of many mutilated skeletons, the bodies having been dismembered before burial and each part wrapped separately in a linen cloth. Mr. Petrie suggests that this may be a "relic of cannibalism."

Development of Egyptian Funereal Art.-By a change in arrangement the mummies and coffins in the British Museum have been made more accessible, and may be seen to better advantage. The museum preserves about 44 mummies and 80 coffins, besides covers of coffins and various fragments, which, taken together, represent a period of about four thousand years. The oldest mummified human remains in the collection are those of Mycerinus, the builder of the third pyramid of Gizeh; and the most modern, those of a lady whose name is unknown, with her three children, who

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