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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $1

Printing Office

The primary purpose of this publication is to meet a dema general information respecting the Railway Labor Act and the zation and function of, and procedure before, the National Med Board. It is intended to serve as an answer to the numerous re from other Government agencies, labor and business groups, schoo colleges, students and libraries seeking information regarding the R Labor Act and the National Mediation Board.

The secondary purpose is to present a recapitulation of the oper of the National Mediation Board from July 21, 1934, the date it to function, to June 30, 1970, which marks the end of its thirt fiscal year.

The principal duty of the National Mediation Board is to as the creation and maintenance of a sound mutual understanding be carriers and their employees covered by the Railway Labor Act first purpose of the act as stated therein is "to avoid interruption t merce or to the operation of any carrier engaged therein." A n understanding of each other's problems is necessary before a suc solution can be reached in any dispute. It is, therefore, the duty National Mediation Board, through its members and staff of med to bring about such an understanding and to promote and ma peace and order in labor relations, as a means of avoiding interru to interstate commerce.

It is the desire of the National Mediation Board that this publi convey, to all those interested in the Railway Labor Act, a better standing of the purposes of the act and of the functions of the created by the act.

Compiled and prepared under the supervision and direction Robert Roadley, Assistant Executive Secretary.

Fiscal year ended June 30, 1970

Francis A.. O'Neill, Jr., Chairman
Leverett Edwards

George S. Ives

Thomas A. Tracy, Executive Secretary

C. Robert Roadley, Assistant Executive Secretary

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