Imágenes de páginas

Stendhal, De (Marie Henri Beyle). "Racine et Shakspere." Paris, 1854.

Stevenson, R. L. B. "Familiar Studies of Men and Books.” London, 1882.

Swinburne, A. C.


"Essays and Studies." London, 1875. Poems and Ballads." London, 1866.

Series, 1878. Third Series, 1889.


"Studies in Prose and Poetry." New York, 1894. "The Tale of Balen.' New York, 1896.


"Tristram of Lyonesse.'

London, 1882. "Victor Hugo.' New York, 1886.

[ocr errors]

Tennyson, Alfred. Works. London, 1892. (Globe ed.)
Thorpe, Benjamin. "Northern Mythology."

52. 3 vols.

London, 1851

"Yuletide Stories." London, 1875. Ticknor, George. "History of Spanish Literature." York, 1849. 3 vols.

Tieck, J. Ludwig. “Phantasus." Berlin, 1844-45.


2 vols.

"Tales" (trans.) in the works of Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols. London, 1869-72.

Tighe, Mary. "Psyche, with Other Poems." London, 1812. Uhland, J. Ludwig. Gedichte. Stuttgart, 1875.

Vere, Aubrey Thomas de. "Recollections." London, 1897. Ward, Wilfrid. "William George Ward and the Oxford Movement." London, 1889.

[ocr errors]

Watts, Theodore. "Rossetti." Encyclopædia Britannica. Wood, Esther. 'Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement." New York, 1894.


Wordsworth, William. Poetical Works. (Centenary ed.) London, 1870. 6 vols.

Yonge, Charlotte M. "The Heir of Redcliffe." New York, 1871. 2 vols.


Abbot, The, 42
Aben-Humeya, 246
Addison, Jos., 95
Adonais, 120

Age of Wordsworth, The, 12,
24. 34, 87, 88

Ahnung und Gegenwart, 147
Alhambra, The, 239

Allemagne, L', 139, 141-45.
192, 208

Allingham, Wm., 258, 300,
304. 324

Alonzo the Brave, 77, 83
Alton Locke, 383

Amadis of Gaul, 236, 241
Amber Witch, The, 42, 280
Ancient Mariner, The, 48, 49,
54. 74-80

Ancient Poetry and Romance
of Spain, 248

Ancient Spanish Ballads, 239,


Anima Poetæ, 78

Annales Romantiques, 201
Anthony, 198

Antiquary, The, 31, 33, 178
Appreciations, 42

Ariosto, Lodovico, 91, 104,
107, 109, 122

Arme Heinrich, Der, 297
Arnim, Achim von, 134, 138,

155, 167, 192, 400
Arnold, Matthew, 255, 256,
263, 274-76, 278, 280, 356,
378, 398-400, 402
Arthur's Tomb, 305

[ocr errors]

Aslauga's Knight, 168
Aspects of Poetry, 18
At Eleusis, 342

Athenæum, The, 134
Aucassin et Nicolete, 330
Aue, Hartmann von, 297
Aulnoy, Comtesse d', 194
Austin, Sarah, 162, 170
Ave atque Vale. 349

Bagehot, Walter, 39
Balin and Balan, 347, 348
Ballad of a Nun, 263, 264
Ballad of Dead Ladies, 298
Ballad of Judas Iscariot, 263
Ballade à la Lune, 189
Ballads and Sonnets (Ros-
setti), 310

Ballads of Irish Chivalry, 260
Balzac, Honoré de, 42
Bande Noire, La, 216

Banshee and Other Poems,
The, 261

Banville, Théodore F. de, 388
Barante, P. A. P. B., 226
Bards of the Gael and the
Gall, 260

Basso, Andrea de, 110
Baudelaire, Chas., 388, 389
Bax, E. B., 386

Beata Beatrix, 291, 303, 310
Beckford, Wm., 367

Belle Dame sans Merci, La,
86, 118, 119, 127, 262, 279,
303. 307

Berlioz, Hector, 180, 181

Bertrand, A., 175, 388
Beyle, Henrí. See Stendhal.
Biographia Literaria, 48, 55,
63, 88, 89
Bisclaveret, 393

Blackmore, Sir Richard, 269,

Blake, Wm., 99

Blessed Damozel, The, 285,
301, 308, 311, 343
Blue Closet, The, 305
Blüthenstaub, 167
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 92, 123,


Bowles, W. L., 55-73
Bowring, Sir Jno., 248
Boyd, Henry, 96, 97
Boyesen, H. H., 139, 159, 160,

Brandl, Alois, 50-55, 75, 77,
82, 86

Brentano, Clemens, 134, 138,
141, 147, 153, 155, 167, 192,
247, 400

Bridal of Triermain, The, 6,

13, 14

Bride's Prelude, The, 300,

Broad Stone of Honour, The,

Brooke, Stopford A., 261
Brown, F. M., 389

Brownie of Bodsbeck, The,

Browning, Elizabeth B., 277,

Browning, Robert, 190, 221,
276, 277

Buchanan, Robert, 263
Building of the Dream, The,
390, 391

Bürger, G. A., 83, 133, 144,

159, 192, 297
Burgraves, Les, 226, 299, 396
Burke, Edmund, 145
Burne-Jones, Edward, 285,
304, 305, 309, 318-20, 322,
324, 340

Byron, Geo. Gordon, Lord, 8,
9, 26, 53, 60, 65–73, 81, 84,
99-101, 106, 116–18, 171, 192,
195, 196, 203, 232-34, 246,
333, 396-98

Caine, T. Hall, 279, 296, 301,
302, 308

Calderon de la Barca, Pedro,
156, 192, 234, 247
Calidore, 129
Callista, 355, 357
Calverley, C. S., 249

Campbell, Thomas, 64-67, 71,


Cancionero, The, 246
Carlyle, Thos., 15, 35, 39, 92,
103, III, 137, 149, 151, 160,
162, 164, 168, 171, 335, 381,
382, 384, 398, 400

Cary, Henry F., 97-99, 102
Castle by the Sea, The, 170
Castle of Otranto, The, 4, IO
Cecil Dreeme, 367
Chaitivel, 390

Chartier, Alain, 118
Chasse du Burgrave, La, 189,
Chateaubriand, F. A. de, 90,

176, 191, 202-08, 225, 246, 363
Chatterton, Thos., 52, 54, 86,
119, 191, 300

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 93, 315-17,
328, 329

Cheap Clothes and Nasty, 383
Chevaliers de la Table

Ronde, Les, 225
Childe Harold, 70, 73. 91, 99.


Childe Roland, 276

Christabel, 14, 27, 49, 53, 54,
75, 80-85, 126, 296
Christian Year, The, 357, 361
Christmas Carol, A, 343
Chronicle of the Cid, 236
Cinq Mars, 191

Civil Wars of Granada, The,

[blocks in formation]

Dante, Alighieri, 40, 90-113,
122, 282, 290, 298-301, 310,
311, 362, 393

Dante and his Circle, 299, 303
Dante at Verona, 310
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

(Sharp), 291, 292, 306
Dante's Dream, 291
Dark Ladie, The, 49, 86
Dark Rosaleen, 259
Dasent, Sir Geo., 334
Davidson, Jno., 263. 264
Day Dream, The, 265-67
Death of Mlle. de Sombreuil,
The, 216

Decameron, The, 123, 124,
393, 400

Defence of Guenevere, The,
275, 296, 309, 321, 324-28
Defence of Poetry (Shelley),


Deirdrè, 260

Dejection: an Ode, 60, 86
Delacroix, Eugène, 177, 178
De Quincey. Thos., 38
Development of the English
Novel, The, 1, 31, 38
Devéria, Eugène, 178, 195
Dialogue to the Memory of
Mr. Alexander Pope, 402
Dies Iræ, 5, 153

Digby, Kenelm H., 319, 363-
66, 379

Discourse of the Three Uni-
ties, 133

Divine Comedy, The, 92-99,
102, 103, 105, 109, 111, 282,
290, 310, 362, 366
Djinns, The, 189
Dobell, Sydney, 262, 263
Dobson, Austin, 401, 402
Don Alvaro, 246

Dondey, Théophile, 185, 190
Don Quixote, 156, 241

Dream of Gerontius, The, 362
Dream of John Ball, The, 386
Dryden, Jno., 117, 124, 125,

Ducs de Bourgogne, Les, 226
Dumas, Alexandre, 198, 209
Dürer, Albrecht, 152, 153, 324,
373, 374

Earthly Paradise, The, 237,
238, 315, 321, 328-32, 334,
380, 390, 391

Ecclesiologist, The, 375
Edda, The, 334
Eden Bower, 315

Eichendorff, Joseph von, 146
Eighteenth Century Vig-

nettes, 401

Elfinland Wud, 254, 255
Elves, The, 163

Emerson, R. W., 165, 166, 307
Endymion, 121, 126, 128, 342
English Bards and Scotch Re-
viewers, 26, 60, 63, 69, 70,


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