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Show that you distinguish between the words above by your

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Yea, let all good things await

Him who cares not to be great,

But as he saves or serves the state.

Not once or twice in our rough island story,
The path of duty was the path to glory;
He that walks it, only thirsting

For the right, and learns to deaden

Love of self, before his journey closes,

He shall find the stubborn thistle bursting
Into glossy purples, which outredden

All voluptuous garden roses.

-ALFRED TENNYSON: Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington.

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Describe a visit you have made to an Art Gallery, using from

memory not fewer than eight of the words above.

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Consult your dictionary and give diacritical markings of each

word. Review the lists on pages 133, 140, and 170.

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Ichabod was a suitable figure for such a steed. He rode with short stirrups, which brought his knees nearly up to the pommel of the saddle; his sharp elbows stuck out like grasshoppers; he carried his whip perpendicularly in his hand like a scepter, and as his horse jogged on, the motion of his arms was not unlike the flapping of a pair of wings. A small wool hat rested on the top of his nose, for so his scanty strip of forehead might be called, and the skirts of his black coat fluttered out almost to the horse's tail.

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