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ployed in expressing it. The desire causes the body to act; its energies are released, follow the attention through the thought, and the thought becomes expressed in an act. The energy expended returns to the individual in the result, or effect of his actions, and thus the circuit is completed; and were it possible for him ever to keep his attention and his desires isolated from everything but the truth, and to dwell upon it continually, allowing it to express itself through him, a continuous circuit would be formed, through which the currents of the Divine Mind would flow and lead him upward, into the "All-truth." But, alas! like the simple battery to which he is likened, as soon as the current begins to flow complications arise and various difficulties present themselves, which must be all overcome before that current can be established and maintained indefinitely.

When the elements composing the battery are first put together they are all new and fresh; the copper presents a clean surface to the water, and the zine a free surface to the acid. But if we place the compass under the wire connecting them, and observe it closely, we will find that after a time its deflection lessens slowly, showing a gradual enfeeblement of the current until eventually it rests at zero, indicating that the current has ceased to flow. The battery is now said to be "polarized." This is a term used in electrical nomenclature to denominate those opposite or dissimilar properties or powers simultaneously developed by an electric current in opposite, or contrasted parts of a battery, and which tend to set up local, or counter currents that, unless counteracted, gradually increase in strength until they entirely destroy the force of the direct current, thus rendering the battery useless as a working force.

Upon examination, the cause that produces these countercurrents is readily seen. When the connection was first made, if we had been looking at the negative pole of the battery (the copper plate) with a microscope, we would have seen a white coating form upon its surface, closely resembling frost. The frost would soon after change into myriads of small bubbles, these into larger ones, and these again would unite to form still larger, and so on until they were of sufficient size to

be seen with the naked eye, when they would overcome the adhesive force of the plate, rise to the surface of the liquid and burst in the air. These are hydrogen bubbles, resulting from decomposition of the water: they always gather on the negative surface of the copper, while the oxygen goes to the positive pole, the zinc. The oxygen unites with the alloys of the zinc (the iron carbon, etc.), sets up local currents with the zinc itself, and deposits a thick coat of sediment that rapidly hardens and shuts off the acid from the zinc molecules. The hydrogen bubbles form counter-currents at the negative pole, and these two causes combine to destroy the direct current, which they eventually do.

Likewise, as soon as the current begins to flow from the individual to the truth with which he is united, small bubblesso small that at first they cannot be perceived-appear upon the surface of the negative pole, the truth. These bubbles are the microscopic desires and hopes of self-aggrandizement, selfish interests, aims, ambitions, that arise within. They are so small that they escape our attention-in fact, they are a part of our attention, and we do not know how great a part until they are separated by the life currents and deposited upon the surface of the truth. Then when they have become so large that we can see ourselves reflected from their surfaces, and recognize the fact that they stand between us and that which we seek to be, then we realize that they are only bubbles and let them go and watch them rise and burst in the air. Oh these bubbles! how beautiful they appear! How many we follow! how many our hearts ache to possess! and when at last we reach out our hands to take them, lo, they burst at our finger tips and we are mocked by the knowledge that they were only bubbles.

There must be no selfish end, aim, or hope in the mind of him who seeks the truth. The fruit of all action must be abandoned; "Right for right's sake," is the law. If he expects a reward, a recognition of his worthiness, praise or even appreciation from the hand of man, he is forming bubbles; and these bubbles will form counter-currents and polarization is sure to follow.

But the bubbles are not the only difficulty arising as the current begins to flow. While the hydrogen is forming into bubbles, the oxygen is settling upon the surface of the zinc and uniting with its impurities, forming counter-currents and depositing sediment that separates the acid from the surface of the zinc. In the case of the individual, at first he forgets the self and allows the purest, highest and best surface of his being to be acted upon by the "right desires," which, like the acid, are in the attention (water), but not of it. But as the current continues to flow, the impurities of his being begin to manifest themselves and a portion of his attention (corresponding to the oxygen) unites with these impurities and forms counter-currents. The oxygen is the destroying element in the atmosphere, the destroyer of the old and unfit; it is the principle symbolized by Mars, the aggressor, the warrior, the destroyer, and it is this principle that the individual brings against the evils of his nature in order to destroy them. Thus his attention becomes divided, and the energies, following the attention, are divided also. A house divided against itself cannot stand, neither can a battery nor an individual; and it is only a question of time until the individual discovers that, between chasing the bubbles and fighting the evils of his own nature, he has altogether lost sight of the truth.

We must overcome evil with good. We must ignore the evils in our selves, refuse them audience or even recognition; combating them only gives them life. Whatever the attention is fixed upon is that to which the life-forces give energy; therefore, if we wish to energize the truth, our attention must be immovably fixed upon it and upon its laws must we meditate day and night.

I will not further trace the correspondence existing between these two planes of manifestation, which, although so far apart, yet give expression to the same laws in their activities and results. The fact and its utility are self-evident. If we but care to look, there are "books in trees, sermons in stones, and good in everything."


Knowledge is the birthright of man. It is through an understanding of law and method that he is able to rise above the condition of the brute. Only through knowledge can he obtain his freedom,-freedom from the petty evils, which are the little foxes that destroy the tender vines. The knowledge which sets man free cannot be gotten from books; books simply contain suggestive thought: if the student would solve the problem of salvation he must solve it for himself. Within the sacred depths of the soul is the fountain whence spring spiritual promptings, which, if followed with patience and with a right desire active in the heart, will assuredly lead man out from the labyrinth of untruth, into the narrow way of true righteousness.

In order to obtain true knowledge, in order to arrive at a true realization of his celestial powers, of his capacity as a conscious, thinking, spiritual, individualized entity, in order to comprehend the mind forces of the universe, man must arrive at an understanding of self. He must be able to analyze each thought, each emotion, each vibration of his being, which makes him a sensating creature. He must be able to do this perfectly; his brain organs must be under control of the master within. He must be able to determine whether the thoughts that pass through the brain are formed by his own volition, or whether they are reflections from other minds. No one can do this unless he be master in the broadest sense; yet this is the power that all must possess, if they would be free from the dominion of that spirit who has control of the affairs of earth, and to whom was given the power to compel all creatures to "increase and multiply and replenish the earth."

By his own powers, by his own individual effort, man cannot rise superior to the spirit of generation. It is true that, to a certain extent, he may gain control over the lower forces, and through the strength derived from such control manifest wonderful powers,-powers that almost deceive the elect. Such

powers are not eternal, however; eternal, spiritual powers can be gained only by the one who has allied his mind to the mind of the Infinite. It is impossible for an individual through his own efforts to hold back the currents which control our earth. The mind currents of the world are tainted with the germs of disease, inharmony and death, and he who is controlled by them is compelled to pass into the unseen through the gateway of the grave.

If man is to be an immortal in this age, he must become so through united effort. Because of this law God ordained that his kingdom should take form upon earth; and that kingdom is to be established, his divine unchangeable law-the law which enables man to rise superior to the grave-is to have a standing among the sons of men. God's kingdom is to be established in order that the ripe fruit of the earth may be spiritualized and brought from under the control of the spirit of generation, the old serpent that continually deceives and misleads. The harvest of the earth is ripe and stands ready for the reaper. The prayers of God's beloved children are ascending to his throne. Those prayers must be answered; and as God always works through individuals, it behooves all who feel the desire within the soul for the spiritual kingdom to be established, to do all in their power to hasten its coming. Remember, dear reader, that this thought is of vital importance to you. If you are content to accept the truth and use it wholly for the upliftment of self, you are an unprofitable servant in God's vineyard. A selfish man will never receive the reward that comes to the faithful son, or obtain the joys which the righteous children of Yahveh alone can enjoy.

God is no respecter of the personality of any man, therefore all who fit themselves by living a life of absolute purity, and who have honestly renounced the evils to which flesh is heir, will find themselves-let us hope in the near future-united into one great body, whose glad hosannas will cause the highest heaven to echo the glad refrain. No Jew will be barred from the celestial state because he is a Jew. No Gentile need fear to knock at the gates of pearl. The lowly sons and daughters of earth will find that all class prejudices have been removed,

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