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consequently be careful not to generalize too hastily. We must not imagine that what is present in a few cases will necessarily be present in all. Each case must be studied by itself.

We are thus able to understand why an action, voluntary at first, may become automatic later, by repetition. We must remember that the voluntary brain uses the basal ganglia and cord to realize ideas in action. As the ganglia and cord react to some one idea repeatedly, they become more apt and ready and finally a point is reached where the added impulse from the cerebrum is not needed, the impulse from the sense organs to ganglia being sufficient, or a degree of cerebral action not at the time conscious, may be present, while other cerebral centers are for the time dominant and consequently conscious.

It may be claimed truly that we cannot thus explain the socalled spirit phenomena. True, but neither will any other hypothesis. To say that our subconscious mind is a spiritual entity with powers to move tables, write messages, etc., does not explain or give an inkling as to how it is done. We know no more how a spirit can do these things than we do how brain powers, akin to other physical power, can do so.

Let us frankly acknowledge that we so far know nothing of these things and keep searching. Let us keep in mind that the something back of all phenomena is so far unknown; use whatever hypothesis, will throw light on our work, but remember that they are all guesses.

While there is nothing new in the above, we hope that it will aid in clearing up some obscure points. We simply think it a different, and, we hope, clearer statement of facts showing the unity of methods of cure.-S. F. MEACHAM, M. D., in Suggestions.

It is probably as hard to learn to be gentle always as it is to learn always to be contented. It will take time, and close, unwearying application. We must set ourselves resolutely to the task: for the lesson is one that we must not fail to learn, unless we would fail in growing into Christliness. It is not a matter of small importance-something merely that is desirable but not essential. Gentleness is not a mere ornament of life, that one may have or may not have, as one may or may not, wear jewels or precious stones. It is not a mere frill of character which adds to its beauty, but is not part of it. Gentleness is essential in every true Christian life. It is part of its very warp and woof. Not to be gentle is not to be a Christian.

Therefore the lesson must be learned. The golden threads must be woven into the texture. Nothing less than the gentleness of Christ himself must be accepted as the pattern after which we are to fashion our life and character.-Herald of the Golden Age.


This column is exclusively intended to aid in their attainments those who are studying Esoteric methods. We receive a great many letters from parties who are not subscribers, and who, we have reason to believe, are not especially interested in the Esoteric work; and, as our space is too limited to give more than a small number of the delineations asked for, we must exclude all but those whose names are found upon our subscription list, and members of their families who are striv ing for the attainments. This is our only means of discerning who is entitled to our time and to space in this column.

In writing for Delineation of Character from Solar Biology, always send hour and place of birth, also state sex.

We have introduced the Greek letter O as the character indicating "the rising sign."

C. M. Oct. 9, 1870, 6 a. m.



in V; 0,; in ; h in ; 2 in 1; 8 in V

in ; in m. You have a good, clear mind, but are apt to be contemplative and unpractical. Your lack of success is attributable to your Aries polarity, which gives a continual feeling of opposition from people and from everything that you undertake. You should bear in mind that this is not really the case, but only a mental state in yourself. You have a love of travel and a desire for change; this should be overcome, as persistent effort in one place or direction is the only method of success. You have a good body and prodigious vitality. Have the quali fications for literary pursuits, wherein you would make a success. Would be very successful in the acquisition of languages or as a teacher. Your mind is very strongly inclined to materialism; bear in mind that knowledge and attainment in the regenerate life come from a discernment of causes, and need a fine discrimination and a great deal of the spirit of wisdom,-the discreet, proper, careful use of knowledge. It should be the effort of your life to acquire this wisdom. Your tendency is to work by rules, literally as laid down by others; learn to make rules for yourself, and to make them wisely. The times of danger of loss are when the moon is in Libra or Aries. and when these signs are rising.

J. R. L. Aug. 11, 1849. Perry Co., Alabama.

in D in 8; in; in: 2 in ; & in; in in VS.

You are under the arbitrary control of love, sensation, and emotion. While you have a good clear mind, yet you are always looking too high, too far away, and for something too big; in other words, you


need especial culture and drill in the practical and useful. should always have a well-defined object in everything that you do and say, and be very careful not to do or say anything not in consonance with that object. In order to succeed in the regenerate life, your law must be made like the laws of the Medes and Persians,unalterable. Make for yourself a rule of life in regard to eating and drinking, sleeping, and speaking, and never deviate from that rule. Again, you should remember that it is the little things that make up the great things; therefore give special attention to the little things of life. Overcome restless dissatisfaction; try to be content with what is. Refuse to give attention to things that would disturb and annoy you. Keep your mind fixed on your objects and the methods for accomplishing them. Suppress a love of travel and desire for change; be satisfied with what you have and with your surroundings, and settle into the harness and try to make life a success. In the absence of the data for finding the sign that rules the body we can only point out two periods of danger,-when the moon is in Leo or Taurus. W. H. N. Oct. 20, 1863, 2 a. m. Davenport, Iowa.


in ; 0, m; in ; h in Y; 2 in 8; 3 in V;

in min 1. You are an unusual sensitive. By a little patient experimentation, united with the regenerate life, you would be able to read correctly the thoughts of those around you; and you should give much attention to this subject, or you will be influenced and even controlled by other minds. You have an orderly brain, and capacity to make life a success; but unless you give attention to the sensitiveness of your nature, strong business minds will take control of yours and rob you of all you accumulate. You are quite fortunate, except in your association with woman, where you would be impoverished. Make a special effort to control your appetite, passions, and sensations generally, for in this direction is your adversary. Give careful study to the principles of control of the body by the mind, so that you may readily overcome stomach difficulties or any other diseased states. Bear in mind that all matters relating to attainment are not obtainable by some sudden, spontaneous action or method, but can only be acquired through quiet, steady, persistent effort. The times of danger in regeneration are when the moon is in Libra, Virgo, or Aquarius. Be watchful of Scorpio. The hours of danger are when these signs rise.

S. E. Dec. 13, 1841. Sweden.


D in 1; in me; h in ; 2 in ; in "; in ४ : ĕ in Y.

A person of unusual energy and activity, both of mind and body. The positions of Saturn and Jupiter give you a great ideal of home, such as you have never seen and which your imagination has never fully

pictured. This has been the source of a great deal of discomfort, discontent, and perhaps annoyance in your home life. Have much combativeness in your nature, well-tempered by a desire for love and tenderness, which, of course, would produce a disturbing element in your life. Have within you an intuitive perception of the mystic laws and powers; aided by them you should retire within and seek the quiet devotional attitude. Dedicate your life to God, then leave your troubles in his hands for adjustment, for you cannot adjust them yourself. Seek the quiet and the restful. Study methods for the control of the body; keep it in health and vigor through the governing power of the mind; for if you follow your inclinations, the mind currents will be turned into the energies of the body and you will get no time to develop the spiritual powers and faculties. You may be suffering somewhat with difficulties of the stomach and digestion; remember, however, that the digestive system responds to the mind sooner than any other part of the body, so that if you study methods for controlling the different functions of the body, you can very easily overcome troubles of that kind by the mind.

[blocks in formation]

You have a strong, positive nature with good foresight, perception of things that are to come; all serious events you foresee, and might be prepared for them. Have a very orderly mind, a natural love of the occult and the spiritual, good control of the senses, but a desire to travel and to change. You should always take plenty of physical exercise, in order to retain health and vigor. Should gratify the love of change somewhat; for we believe that you have suppressed it through an opposite tendency, which is to get yourself established in a routine of life; that is, the same thing repeated over and over every day. Make a special effort to break up all old habits, and not only to live the new life, but to get new conditions around you, a new routine. If you can accomplish this in the material surroundings, then break up the old habits in eating, drinking, and sleeping; that is to say, the time for sleep, qualities and kinds of food, and times of eating it. All these things will conduce to establishing new conditions, which will enable you to change the habit of mind and really to begin life anew. Try to establish within your mind new hopes, aspirations, and activities; this will open before you a new world and a new life, the life of regeneration.

B. M. B. Sept. 10, 1867, 4 p. m.

in min ; 0, vs;

9 in ; in X.


in V; h in 8; 2 in my; ♂ in 8;

A nervous sensitive, with a will of your own, governed largely by impulse, which takes the form of restless discontent and a desire for travel and change; there is also a strong inclination to gratify the sensations, appetites and passions. Your restless desire for change and your dissatisfaction with things around you, coupled with your passional emotions, will be very liable to destroy health and make your life miserable. If you would have health of mind and body and reach any degree of spiritual attainments, you must overcome these things and live in a quiet, calm, peaceful state of mind, which any one can maintain if they refuse to be anxious or worried. It would be very beneficial to take up music-harmonious sounds enter into and affect your whole life, and will do much to bring it into health and order; also harmonious colors and surroundings will aid you. Suppress all effort to control others; for when you unduly influence those around you, you bring upon yourself the responsibility of their lives and acts. Are inclined to control everything around you much more than you are aware of; this brings burdens upon you greater than you can bear.

E. C. N. July 4, 1864, 5
p. in.
in ; 0, 1 in


Mount Vernon, N. H.

; h in Y; 2 in 8: ♂ in mg;

9 in ; in m. You have a very clear, orderly mind, with a positive, executive naYour positiveness, however, is from the negative, or feminine side, which is a quiet, persistent purpose, relentless in its procedure, but always handling your opponents and antagonists with gloved fingers, and with such precision and determination that you are apt to succeed in your own purpose. If you would reach spiritual consciousness, you must discover and overcome selfishness; for that principle is so deeply lain and so subtle in its manifestations that you are not aware of its existence, but yet it is the main barrier to your hearing the voice of the Spirit. You have a vitativeness that is prodigious; might go down to death's door, but would rise again triumphant over power. This gives you great endurance, so that you should be able to accomplish a great deal. But if you accomplish much in a spiritual way you must forget self and merge all your interests, aims, hopes, and desires in God and in service to the world of humanity. Overcome love of applause and fear of reproach: this will be one of the most difficult things for you to do.


M. L. Z.

in II


[blocks in formation]


in ; 0, ; in 1; h in X: 2 in ; in; in Y.

You have a restless, fermentative nature, yet your mind is clear

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