Imágenes de páginas

J. M. Jan. 2, 1865, 12-7 a. m.


Akron, O.

in in X; in 1; h in Y; 2 in ; ♂ in 1: 9 in in 1.

In your nature more depends upon the rising sign than is the case with most people, and, as we have not the exact hour of birth, we can only approximate with uncertainty your real characteristics. You are a man of good, practical, business thought and ideas. Have a very orderly brain and excellent language; but you have a restless and combative nature which greatly militates against your success. An irritable disposition, quick to take offense and to act upon it. In so far as you have an idea of the occult, it would be very apt to take the form of magic.—the production of phenomena. This you should most strenuously guard against, for there is nothing that will sooner bring disaster to life, health, and happiness, than to seek the invisible powers for phenomena and for selfish purposes. Your especial endowment is in the direction of oratory. If you would reach the high goal, you must turn your whole mind, desires, and sympathies toward knowing and doing the will of God, and bringing your entire nature into harmony with his purpose. The times of greatest danger in the regenerate life are when the moon enters Capricorn or Pisces, and when these signs rise. The period governed by the sign rising at birth you must find out by experience.

N. M.


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in m You were born when the earth was in that restless, dissatisfied sign Pisces. This characteristic finds expression through your love life. Saturn and Jupiter in Aries cause in you a looking for and desiring the realization of an ideal-a —an ideal which does not exist upon the earth as it is to-day. Your Sagittarius body is one of activity and energy. Have a very orderly brain, but you must study the practical, both in your daily life and in your musings; for if you should yield to the strong tendency to idealism and restless anxiety, it will endanger mental poise. The only way in which you can find harmonious adjustment of your peculiar nature will be by dedicating your life to God, turning all hopes and ideals from earthly conditions, and finding your entire satisfaction in God and the cause world. Even then keep in mind that spiritual thoughts and ideas must also be practical in order to be good. Remember that your body was made for usefulness on earth, therefore turn your attention toward fitting it for that sphere of use. All your study and thought should be given to practical methods for preparing the body to become the temple of God. The times of especial danger of vital loss are when the moon is in Sagittarius, Pisces, or Leo, and when either of these signs rises.

Be especially on your guard when Mercury passes through the sign Taurus.

H. M. Aug. 6, 1872, 4 a. m.



D in m; 0, &;in ; h in ; in win ; 9 in ; in II.

You were born into the basic principles of love and emotion,- -a love which is well characterized by Paul's description of charity (I. Cor. XIII). The polarization into the expression of your own trinity. gives you an analytical and critical mind, with an interior but subtle positiveness that is capable of accomplishing almost anything when "pushed to the wall." You need adversity to rouse you to do your best; remember your nature is a combination of the lamb and the lion. There is a deep interior sadness in your composition, which is really the link that binds you to God and the spirit world. All the emotions and the mental conditions of the world touch you, therefore, in order to keep your mental vision clear, you must close, as it were, your eyes to the world, to its interests, and to everything around you, and keep your inner consciousness open toward God, the uses of knowledge, and to the guiding voice of the Spirit that speaks to your mental perception. Have a strong body and vital temperament, with. perchance, liability to stomach trouble. The times of especial danger of loss are when the moon is in Leo, Virgo, or Cancer, and when these signs rise-although different influences may act upon you through other minds and change these periods.

Mrs. H. M. July 13, 1873, 4 p. m. Le Roy, N. Y.


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in X: 0, 1: in w; h in : in X: ♂ in II: in 8.

If you

Born into the maternal sign, you have unusually strong motherly instincts, careful and anxious about the little things that make up life; physically very active, positive, and restless, and subject to periods of melancholy. You are inclined to abnormal visions of death, either of yourself or of others; this, however, may be greatly obviated by harmonious conditions. If you allow yourself to be anxious and to "over do,” and so strain the body, as your inclinations lead you to do, you will be apt to suffer with prolapsus or other female troubles; this will be greatly increased by anxiety and worriment. would reach the high goal of attainment, all these restless tendencies must be overcome, undue care for the little things of life must be conquered, and those strong motherly instincts must be expanded to take in the world of mankind; hasty and harsh words must be carefully guarded against, and every hope and aspiration must be surrendered to God-and it will require the centralization of all the powers within you to do all this and to live the regenerate life (See Woman's Circular); but your efforts in this direction will bring you health, vitality, and happiness.

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You are

a man governed very largely by your ideals, but those ideals are very much colored by your love nature. Have a peculiarly stubborn will, which arises from an inability to follow out another's ideas-you must go your own way or get into mental confusion. If you live in harmony with your own nature, you will be a very fortunate man. Your appetites and passions, however, are your weakness; or, in other words, they are very strong-sufficiently so to cause you to yield to them. From your childhood, life has been to you an ideal dream, and is still so in so far as hard experience has failed to awaken you. If you would reach attainments of any kind in this life, it will be necessary for you to take as your motto, "Use determines all qualities, whether good or evil.” Formulate and establish a well-defined purpose, then do nothing and say nothing that does not tend to the accomplishment of that purpose. The sensuous influence of the feminine has so strong a hold upon you that you are in danger of vital loss at almost any time; but when you have succeeded in overcoming such influences, which by diligence you can do, then the times of greatest danger will be when the moon is passing through the signs Aries, Taurus, or Leo, perhaps Cancer, and when these signs rise.

C. D. W.

Dec. 22, 1840. Fitchburg, Mass.

in D in 1; in m: h in : 2 in ; & in X: 9 in in Y.

You were born with the general business idea predominant. Are very active and positive in your nature and in your expression. Have a clear, orderly mind, unusual command of language, and act very largely from the intuitions, which are excellent. If your inclinations were to lead you into polities, you would stand high as an orator in that sphere; or, as a clergyman, you would go to the head of your profession. You always make yourself felt in the community in which you happen to live. But all that is good is accompanied by its opposing quality—Mars in Pisces makes you restless, discontented, gives a love of change, liability to misunderstand the best intentions, thus often unnecessarily bringing contentions and difficulty into your life. Mercury in Aries, while it gives you a strong brain, is materialistic in its tendency, and is apt to give vidid sex imaginations. In order to reach high spiritual attainments, you should establish firmly and correctly your idea of God as the legitimate source and author of all that is good and ennobling within you; then emulate that ideal, and carry the creative power up into the realm of those ideals, that it may strengthen, refine, and intensify. Be especially on your guard when the moon enters Sagittarius or Capricorn, and when these signs are rising, particularly when Mercury is in Aries or Taurus.

F. K. Oct. 12, 1866. Ottawa, Ont.

in; in ; in V: h in 8; 2 in ; & in ; ? in m; in 8.

You are ruled more fully by the "rising sign" than most women, and, unfortunately for your delineation, we have not the hour of your birth. Born in the sign Libra and polarized into its normal expression, you have a very harmonious nature, and power over many of the weaknesses common to those born in the sign Libra. You are mentally strong, active, and orderly, governed entirely by the intuitions and inspirations. I judge that you have both literary and artistic ability. Ruled very largely by the impulse of the moment, yet you are strong and determined in carrying out what you have decided upon. It is quite necessary that you overcome combativeness,-the combative planet Mars is in a combative sign,-for irritability and even the approach of anger would poison your life currents more quickly than those of the ordinary person. You should, by all means, have a complete understanding of mental science methods by which you can control the body and keep it in perfect health. Should be very careful in your associations, for you "take on" the conditions of your associates, let them be diseased in mind or body; you will also take on the health conditions of your associates, mentally and physically. L. (. Nov. 28, 1855. Cincinnati, O.

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You have a peculiarly active, positive nature, yet, at the same time, you possess an interior love which takes the form of a longing desire that under ali circumstances throws a shadow of sadness into your life. The planetary positions give you artistic and musical abilities, and fit you for the stage, but it would take most favorable conditions and opportunities to lead you out in that direction, as you are reticent, and even inclined to retire from society-of course, the rising sign, whatever it may be, may change this greatly. If you would reach the high goal of attainment, it will be necessary that you conquer impulsiveness, that you turn that longing desire, or sadness, into an earnest spirit of devotion. Are apt to have too high an estimate of your psychic and intuitive knowledge, but that you have natural powers in that direction, there can be no doubt. Be positive and unwavering in your decisions. Cultivate an attitude of childlikeness, especially as it relates to your devotions. Avoid fortune-telling and everything that pertains to magic, and seek those powers that come directly from unity with God.


We frequently receive letters, from parties who contemplate coming to California and especially to this vicinity, inquiring about the price of land and its products, and about the opportunities that the country offers to families with small means, and we will now answer such questions in a general way. In the first place, it rains here, as a rule, but twice a year-that is, sufficiently to be effective. In September or October we usually have the early rains, which, in favorable seasons, are in such abundance as to soften the ground so that the farmers can plow the valleys, and sow their wheat. The most of the farmers in the foothills have no hay except wheat and barley, which they sow and cut green in order that it make good "feed" for their stock. They usually take advantage of the early rains to sow this hay crop.

It frequently rains at intervals from the time of the early rains to that of the latter rains, but since we have been here there have been several years in which there was almost no rainfall after the early rain-which usually lasts a week or ten days—until January, February, or sometimes March. The latter rain frequently continues for six weeks or two months, during which time from four to six feet of water falls. While the rainy season lasts this is the wettest place I ever knew; the very atmosphere seems to be water. As the rainy season closes the rain begins gradually to lessen, although sometimes as late as June it comes as occasional showers; then all rain ceases, the clouds pass away, and our foothills become one of the driest places in the world. During summer weather the thermometer goes up to 110 and 112, but in such weather men have no difficulty in working in the sun all day, and they never have sun strokes. One day last summer the thermometer reached 118, which was the hottest day we have had here. The average summer weather is about 100. In winter it seldom reaches freezing point, and then only during the time of the latter rain. In the winter season the thermometer vibrates between 75 and

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