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cess of anything that pertains to minutia, unless it be in the literary pursuits. Newspaper work would probably suit you better than any other sphere of service. Beware of the sensational system of both mind and body, for therein resides your enemy; in order to make life a success in any department you must live above the senses and in the realm of mind. Your life is undoubtedly destined to be an unusually checkered one. You naturally love the mystic, but the strongest attractions are towards magic, which you should by all means avoid. Could you know the real facts behind such a career, you would fear it more than anything in this world or the other; there is safety, however, in a life of true devotion to God and to the highest standard of morality: the powers obtained through reaching a conscious unity with God are always safe. But to gain the highest. attainments your determination must be unchangeable, for there is a good solid struggle before you. The times of especial danger of losses are when the moon is in Capricorn, Libra, or Aries, and the hours when these signs are rising. Watch the position of Mercuryit will give you trouble.

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in m; in : in 1; h in Y; 2 in 8; in V; in 1; in Y.

Are very sensitive as to offense when it would be It is hard for you to adapt

Your nature is one of unusual order and executive ability. We do not know the rising sign, but, from the date we have, you seem to be constituted for a naval or military man. your honor or dignity, frequently taking greatly to your advantage not to do so. yourself to the circumstances of the day, and if they are not what it seems to you they should be, you become antagonistic and irritable. This will be a source of much difficulty and annoyance to you, and of many failures and disappointments. You are naturally a lucky man, and should be in touch with high politicians and governmental officials, where you would receive position and promotion. In your efforts toward attainments you are in too much of a hurry; attainment is not altogether by conquest, but is largely by growth as well as conquest. In seeking these attainments you must overcome anger, irritability, and restlessness, jealousy, and imaginings of evil. You will have many struggles on the high road-more than many others. Be on guard when the moon is in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Aries, and when these signs are rising.


HEALING: CAUSES AND EFFECTS. By W. P. Phelon, M. D., author of "Three Sev

ens, Esoteric Vibrations," etc. Paper, 99 pp, 50 cents. Hermetic Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill.

A unique and interesting work dealing with the occult forces of man's nature, and application of the same in overcoming disease. In this booklet we have, in coneise form, lucid explanations of much of the spiritual phenomena that have been left unexplained by those writers who were not able to penetrate the veil. The bsaic principles of Mental Healing and their relation to Vibration are ably presented, a knowledge of which is essential to the correct treatment of disease. We quote a portion of Chapter XIII., which contains some suggestions for thoughtful musings:

"Whatever plane we stand upon, we draw to ourselves, from the surroundings, a constantly incoming stream of vibrations pertaining to that plane. We choose the plane for our footing. Should we select the lower plane, making the lowest of all, our purpose and place, we will draw to ourselves the action and vibration of that plane. At the same time, we will not be able to draw from the planes above us, so we can receive the same benefit and perfect unfolding of whatever we bring down to ourselves from the upper. Thus by transmutation of the low

est, by the increase of vitality, by the new vigor and strength that must come, and is intended should come from the lower planes; the transmutation of all these into realms of the higher, obtains for us the best effects. Redounding the most to advancement and progress are these results."

A SQUARE TALK TO YOUNG MEN ABOUT THE INSPIRATION of the BIBLE. Third Million. By H. L. Hastings, No. 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.

This work is a valuable contribution to the Christian literature of the times. It is an effort, as are all of Mr Hasting's writings, to lead the people out of the old superstitions and errors that have gathered around the Scriptures, and at the same time to present such facts concerning the Bible as prove it to be unmistakably a book of inspiration, a book of holy thought, under the especial care of a Divine Providence. We quote a portion of what he has to say concerning the Inspiration of the Bible:

"The question as to the inspiration of the Bible is not a question raised by me, It is a question that is already up for discussion thronghout the length and breadth of the land. What are we to do with the Bible? How are we to regard it? Is it the best book in the world, or the worst? Is it a true book, or is it a false book? Is it God's book, or is it man's book? "We find men on all sides of the question. There are persons who tell us this book is a good book-but then there are others just as good. The Bible is ininspired, and so was Plato inspired, so was Socrates, and so is the almanac inspired; in fact, everything is inspired-the book of Mormon, the Koran of Mahomet, the sacred books of the Hindoos and the Chinese:-they have their Bibles, you have yours; all are good, and one is about as good as the other. Shakespeare was inspired, Milton was inspired, Thomas Paine was inspired, and .everything and everybody is inspired..

"It is not worth while to waste time on false issues. When I open Shakespeare's plays I do not read at the commencement, 'Thus saith the Lord God of hosts;' when I turn to Plato's writings I do not read, 'Hear ye the word of the Lord:" when I peruse the almanac I do not read, "The word of the Lord came unto me."

Hence, you see that this book must be judged by a standard different from all other books. Over and over again this book says, 'Hear ye the word of the Lord.' Now, the message is the word of the Lord, or it is a lie. It is the word of the Lord, as it professes to be, or it is a cheat, a swindle, a humbug, a fraud.

"Now, do not be fooled by this soft talk about the Bible being 'a good book,' and yet just like many other good books. There is not another like it in the world. Let us look at some of its peculiarities:—

Here is one: The Bible is a book which has been refuted, demolished, overthrown, and exploded, more times than any other book you ever heard of. Every little while somebody starts up and upsets this book; and it is like upsetting a solid cube of granite. It is just as big one way as the other: and when you have upset it, it is right side up, and when you overturn it again, it is right side up still. Every little while somebody blows up the Bible: but when it comes down it always lights on its feet, and runs faster than ever through the world. They overthrew the Bible a century ago, in Voltaire's time-entirely demolished the whole thing. In less than a hundred years, said Voltaire, Christianity will have been swept from existence, and will have passed into history. Infidelity ran riot through France, red-handed and impious. A century has passed away. Voltaire has 'passed into history,' and not a very respectable history either; but his old printing press, it is said, has since been used to print the Word of God; and the very house where he lived is packed with Bibles, a depot for the Geneva Bible Society. Thomas Paine demolished the Bible, and finished it off finally; but after he had crawled despairingly into a drunkard's grave in 1809, the book took such a leap that since that time more than twenty times as many Bibles have been made and scattered through the world as ever were made before since the creation of man. Up to the year 1800, from four to six million copies of the Scriptures, in some thirty different languages, comprised all that had been produced since the world began. Eighty years later, in 1880, the statistics of eighty different Bible societies which are now in existence, with their unnumbered agencies and auxiliaries, report more than 165,000,000 Bibles, Testaments, and portions of Scripture, with two hundred and six new translations, distributed by Bible societies alone since 1804; to say nothing of the unknown millions of Bibles and Testaments which have been issued and circulated by private publishers throughout the world. For a book that has been exploded so many times, this book still shows signs of considerable life.

Part II. of this work is entitled "Are there Corruptions in the New Testament?" A condensed statement of the facts regarding the preservation and transmission of the New Testament Writings. Those interested in Bible study will find this little work a veritable search light on Bible History, and it will help to clear away the debris of old superstitions and beliefs concerning this much venerated as well as much defamed word of God.



By Charles W. Close, Ph. D., 124 Birch St., Bangor, Maine.

A work of decided merit. It deals in a practical manner with the various causes of mental and physical inharmonies, and will be found exceedingly helpful to those seeking relief from distressed physical and mental conditions. A theory of the relatedness of the different functions of the body is clearly given, and how any part may be affected by our thought for good or evil. The following is a quotation from Part II., Lesson I., on the Relation of Body to Mind.

"The mind exists in every part of the organic structure of man by means of the brain and its nerve extensions.

"The brain and nervous matter is composed of two animal substances, the one white, the other grey or ash-colored. In the brain proper the grey or ash-colored substance forms the outer covering, the white substance lying beneath it. In the nerves this order is reversed, the white substance forming a kind of sheath which contains the grey matter.

"The brain is the organ of the mind, and is composed of numerous organs, corresponding to certain mental faculties.

"The mind, acting upon and into the brain through the various organs, sends a mental influence through the nervous system to every part of the physical organism. "By means of the nervous system there is a sympathetic connection between the vital bodily organs and certain portions of the brain, thus uniting them with the conscious mind.

"The grey brain matter corresponds to the love and will, the white corresponding to intellect.

"Love being the substance of intellect, if the brain is to express great intellect it must be well supplied with grey matter, for as potential intellect is derived from its substance-potential Love-so is the actualized intelligence of the human brain derived from the correspondent of Love-the grey matter-which thus becomes the substance of the intelligence expressed through the white brain matter.

"When the mind acts through the brain into its nerve extensions it acts upon the grey matter of the nerves, and the reaction produces the physical expression. "The brain is divided into three parts, the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, corresponding to the three mental degrees, the cerebellum answering to the animal soul and mind, the cerebrum to the intellectual soul and mind, and the medulla oblongata to the SPIRIT and SPIRITUAL MIND.

"The two hemispheres of the brain controlling opposite halves of the body represent the dual quality and action of the mind.

"Thus in the brain we have a perfect correspondent of the mind, sensitive to its every movement, and in the nervous system we have the means of recording in the physical organism the mandates of the mind.”


Patterson. Price 15 cents. Scriptural Tract Repository, 47 Cornhill, Boston. A work highly interesting to students of Egyptology, as well as to the general reader. The purpose of the book is to show the rise and fall of Egypt, as a corroboration of Biblical prophecy. The author's conclusions may, or may not, be correct. However, there is much to be gleaned from this work concerning the grandeur and towering majesty of Egypt-its past history, civilization, etc. The above work is divided into two parts: part I. presents “Pharaoh Proclaiming God;** part II. pictures "The Destiny of Egypt." According to the author, Pharaoh is not a man's name. It is a title the title of the sovereign of Egypt; as one would say, "the King," or the "Emperor," or the "Czar." When God said to Pharaoh by Moses (Ex. Ix. 16), “And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to show in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth." he meant, not merely that one man who filled the throne of Egypt at that time, but the great empire of Egypt, which he represented. And so Egypt still witnesses for God.

LATINIFER. A Latin Paper. Devoted to the utilization of the Latin language. Address Mr. J. Deady, Echo Office, High St., Thornton Heath, Surry, Eng. The object of this publication is to further the study of the Latin language. It contains many bright, crisp observations concerning the study of languages, and will be found helpful to those seeking knowledge in this particular direction. Just what will be the outcome of this new enterprise is difficult to determine. The publishers of the periodical are of the belief that if the new project were advertised and brought prominently before the minds of educators it would be an assured success. On condition of a favorable reception it will be continued monthly. SUNNY LIFE OF AN INVALID. Cloth, 291 pp. $1.00. Prof. C. Howard Young, 230 Asylum St., Hartford, Conn.

A book that has been aptly said to be "full of sunshine and helpful suggestions." The author points out how invalids may improve their time and at the same time lessen the intensity of pain by employing their mind in the pursuit of some congenial

thought. He believes that cheerfulness and a stout heart are props that will carry an invalid a long way toward recovery. In Chapter XII. he shows some of the effects of "Maternal Impressions," especially the danger to, and probable lamentable contion of, a child born of a mother who is angered during gestation. The author suggests treatment of disease through colors; music also will be found very helpful. The book is in many respects unique and is interesting, ann, as it is written by one who has been an invalid for 25 years,-14 of which were spent in bed,-suffers will doubtless find it encouraging and cheering.

IDOLS DETHRONED AND DOMINION OVER THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. By Flora Parris Howard. Price, 50 cents. Los Angeles, California.

This is perhaps one of the most practical compendiums of Mental Science that has come to our notice; a valuable treatise and well worth perusal. Its aim is to show how to obtain every good thing under the sun,-health, peace, happiness, a spiritual and mental poise, and a well established equilibrium. It contains something more than rhetorical embellishments and far-fetched conclusions. This little book has depth for those who can think, and yet its style is so simple and unpretentious that the merest child can grasp its truths.

PEARLS. A Classic Monthly for the Home Circle. Devoted to the Mental Forces. Edited by Elizabeth Francis Stephenson. Subscription, $1.00 a year. Single copies 10 cents. The Metaphysical Publishing Co., 465 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. This magazine is a new enterprise, and its first number evinces merit that should insure it a welcome into the homes of the thoughtful and intelligent reading public. No doubt there is an unfilled place for a classic periodical, dealing with the home phases of mental action and spiritual forces, and "Pearls" is a magazine that should meet this want, appealing, as it does, to the understanding as well as to the heart in its presentation of subjects of popular interest; good and sound in its teaching as the best scientific publications:-in a word, its teaching is practical for parent, teacher, and thinker, and a delight to the pure and innocent mind of the child.

Reviewed by PISCES.


To those contemplating becoming members of the Esoteric Fraternity we wish to say, that the intention of separating the sexes until after they have reached a degree of attainment in which they are master of self, will be carried out among us in the most rigid way. Temptations in the line of sex are so greatly increased as one advances in the regenerate life, and there are so many subtle forces, unknown to the world, to be met and conquered, that we are satisfied very few are capable of meeting such temptations until they have overcome themselves; and when men and women have the mastery of their own bodies, then they may become associate members of the same organization.

We believe, as do most people, that the ultimate destiny of man and woman is unity, that the apostle was right when he said, "Neither is the man without the woman, neither the wo

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