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The items charged to Construction account, during the year, have been :

Land: principally at Troy, Syracuse and Buf


17 engines, 18 passenger and 322 freight cars added to equipment,

$110, 718 18

659, 300 00

5.85 miles of second track on the Syracuse and Rochester direct road,...

52, 650 00

$822, 668 18

The entire main line is now double tracked, except as follows:

[blocks in formation]

All the other expenditures during the year (except as shown in the increased value of fuel and supplies) have been charged to transportation expenses, and include a very general and thorough overhauling and repairing of the motive power and rolling stock, and of the road-bed and superstructure, the rebuilding of the cattle sheds at Buffalo, and a portion of the car shops at West Albany, which had, respectively, been destroyed by fire, and the rebuilding of the bridge over the Genesee river at Rochester, which had been carried away by the flood in March. The uniformly extreme cold weather in January, February and March, and the unusual fall of snow and rain in the two months last named, caused great general damage and consequent additional expense for repairs, besides materially diminishing the traffic.

The stock of fuel and supplies (from the light supply of which during the winter of '64 and '65 some difficulty was experienced) has been increased to a proper standard. The enhanced price of the articles made the value of nearly simi

lar quantities much greater than formerly, and necessarily involved a larger investment of money to provide for the requirements of the line.

Owing mainly to the great increase in prices, the net result of the business of the year did not afford sufficient means to meet this investment, in order to provide for which, and for the amounts paid on construction account, and for account of Hudson River Bridge at Albany (the latter $330,000), there was issued, during the year, $2,000,000 in convertible seven per cent bonds, due in 1876. During the same period certain items of debt matured and were paid off, so that, at the close of the fiscal year, the capital stock and funded debt stood $1,621,000 more than at the close of last fiscal year. Statements showing the amount of capital stock and funded debt at close of each fiscal year, from 1856 to 1865, will be found on pages and

The iron bridge over the Erie canal at Schenectady, spoken of in last year's report, has been completed this year. The length of iron bridging now upon the line, reduced to single track, is 5,677 feet.


The renewal of iron rails, during the year, amounted to 15,708 tons, equal to 163.62 miles of single track. The number of ties renewed during the same period was 536,669.

* See pages 374 and 375 of this Report.

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JOHN WELLS, Secretary and Treasurer of the New York Northern Central Railroad Company, being sworn, deposes and says, that the statements in the annexed report, which has been signed by him, at the end thereof, are true and correct, according to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.


Subscribed and sworn to before me,

this 5th day of Dec., 1865,


J. M. DUDLEY, Notary Public.


Capital stock, as by charter,

Amount of stock subscribed,.

Total amount now paid in of capital stock,..

$500, 000 00

25, 200 00 2,520 00

[blocks in formation]

Communications intended for this Company should be addressed to JOHN WELLS, Johnstown, Fulton county, N. Y.

(No. 43.)



Queens County,



WM. J. PHELPS, Treasurer, and L. C. VOORHEES, acting Superintendent of operations of the New York and Flushing Railroad Company, being severally sworn, each for himself, deposes and says, that the statements in the annexed report, which has been signed by each of them, at the end thereof, are true and correct, according to the best of his knowledge, information and belief.

[blocks in formation]

Amount of stock subscribed,..

Amount paid in, as by last report,... -
Total amount now paid in of capital stock,
Funded debt, as by last report,.

Total amount now of funded debt,..

Total amount now of funded and floating debt,
Average rate, per annum, of interest on funded

$200, 000 00

200, 000 00

200, 000 00

200, 000 00

125, 000 00

125,000 00

125, 000 00


7 per cent.


Road sold under foreclosure of mortgage. Records not in possession of this Company.

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