Imágenes de páginas

198* 199

....Lond. 1844 3196 Gilly's Vigilantius and his times, 8vo....... 197 Gilman's (Jas.) Life of S. T. Coleridge, vol. 1, 8vo............ib. 1840 198 Gilpin's (Rev. W.) Lives of Reformers, (Wickliff, Lord Cobham, Huss, Jerome of Prague, Zisca, Bishop Latimer, Archbishop Cranmer, and Bernard Gilpin,) new edit. 2 vols. 8vo......ib. 1809 8vo............. . ib. 1768 Essay upon Prints, 2nd edit. sm. Remarks on Forest Scenery, with additions by Sir T. D. Lauder, 2 vols. cr. 8vo .....Edin. 1834 3200 Ginguené, (P. L.) Histoire Littéraire d' Italie, 9 tom. avec Continuation par Salfi, 5 tom.-14 tom. 8vo...................Par. 1809-35 201 Giovanni Fiorentino, (Ser) Il Pecorone, o Cinquanta Novelle Antiche, 2 vols. in 1, 18mo. .......Milano, 1815 Giraldi Cambrensis Topographia Hiberniæ, in Anglica Normannica,&c. -Expugnatio Hiberniæ, in ditto.

202 203


-Itinerarium et Descriptio Cambriæ, cum not. Poveli in ditto. Idem, editio nova, curante R. C. Hoare, Baronetto, .Lond. 1806 -De Instructione Principum Libri III. edited by Brewer. (Anglia Christiana) 8vo...............


..ib. 1846

204 Giraldus's Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, A.D. 1188, translated, with hist. and topog. illustrations, by Hoare, 2 vols. 4to........

.......ib. 1806

205 Girardin, (St. Marc) Notices, &c. sur l' Allemagne, 2 tom. en 1, ........ Brux. 1836

18me. 206 Girault de St. Fargeau, (A.) Bibliographie Historique et Topographique de la France, 8vo.


Paris, 1845

207 Gisquet, (Prefet de Police) Mémoires de, écrits par lui-meme, 4 tom.

211 212


........ib. 1840

208 Gladstone's (Rt. Hon. W. E.) State in its relations with the Church, 4th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. ...........Lond. 1843 209 Church Principles considered in their results, 8vo. ib. 1841 210 Glanvill's (Rev. Jos.) Vanity of Dogmatizing, &c. Discourse of the shortness and uncertainty of our knowledge, &c. sm. 8vo. ib. 1661 Plus Ultra, &c. Account of the most remarkable late improvements of practical useful learning, sm. 8vo. ..........ib. 1668 Lux Orientalis; Enquiry into the opinion of Eastern Sages concerning the pre-existence of Souls; Bp. Rust's Discourse of Truth; with Annotations by Dr. H. More, 8vo.............ib. 1682 Essays on several important subjects in Philosophy and ........ib. 1676 Religion, 4to. Sadducismus Triumphatus: or a full and plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, 4th edit. with additions, ..ib. 1726





215 Gleig's (Rev. G. R.) Narrative of British Campaigns at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-15, &c. 2nd edit. 8vo...............ib. 1826 Subaltern, 4th edit. 12mo........ .Edin. 1840





220 3221

Life of Sir Thomas Munro, 3 vols. 8vo....... Lond. 1830 Life of Warren Hastings, 3 vols. 8vo..................ib. 1840 Lives of British Generals, Lard. Cyc. 3 vols. 12mo. ib. 1831-2 Chelsea College and its Traditions, 12mo...............ib. 1839 (Rev. G. R.) Travels in Germany, Hungary, &c. 3 vols. sm. Svo........ .........ib. 1840

3222 Gleig's Light Dragoon, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. 223


.Lond. 1844

Siege of Jellalabad, Sale's Brigade in Affghanistan, post

....ib. 1846

224 Glossaire Génevois, ou Recueil Etymologique des termes dont se compose le dialecte de Genève, 2de édit. 8vo............ Gen. 1827 225 Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture, 4th edition, 2 vols. 8vo........ Oxford, 1845 Companion to ditto, containing 400 additional examples, Chronological Table, and General Index, 8vo..................... ..ib. 1846 of Terms used in British Heraldry, 8vo........ .ib. 1847 227 Glover's (R.) Leonidas, a Poem, 5th edit. 2 vols. 12mo...Lond. 1770 228 The Athenaid, 3 vols. 12mo. Memoirs. See Duppa.

226 226*

.....ib. 1778 229 Glyce (M.) Annales, Gr. Lat., Bekkeri, in Byz. Script.8vo. Bonn. 1836 230 Gobat's (Bp. S.) Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia, 8vo.Lond. 1834 230*Godefroy, (Th.) Le Cérémonial François, 2 tom. fol. ....... Par. 1649

Godefroy de Paris, Chronique de, in Buchon Chroniques, tom. 9. 231 Gödeke's (Karl) Deutschland's Dichter von 1813 bis 1843, Auswahl 872 charak. Gedichten aus 131 Dichtern, large 8vo. Hamb. 1844 232 Godley's (J. R.) Letters from America, 2 vols. sm. 8vo...Lond. 1844 Godwin's (Wm.) Caleb Williams, in Standard Novels.











Fleetwood, in ditto.

St. Leon, in ditto.

Enquiry concerning Political Justice, 2 vols. 8vo....ib. 1796
Enquirer, 8vo.........
.......ib. 1797
Inquiry on Population, answer to Malthus, Svo......ib. 1820
Life of Chaucer, with Sketches of the Manners, &c. of
England in the XIVth Century, 4 vols. 8vo.. .............ib. 1804
History of the Commonwealth of England, from its com-
mencement to the Restoration of Charles II. 4 vols. 8vo. ib.1824-8
Lives of the Necromancers, 8vo......
Mandeville, 3 vols. sm. 8vo......
Cloudesley, 3 vols. sm. 8vo........

...........ib. 1834

..Edin. 1817
Lond. 1830

(Mrs.) Posthumous Works, and Life, by Godwin, 4 vols.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

(Bp.) Life of Queen Mary I., translated by Hughes, in Kennett's Eng. vol. 2.

De Præsulibus Angliæ, cura Richardson, fol... Cant. 1731-2 242 Goeller, (F.) De Situ et Origine Syracusarum, &c. 8vo. ...Lips. 1818 3243 Goethe, (J. W. von) Werke. Vollstandige Ausgabe letzer hand.

[blocks in formation]

Stuttg. 1828-34 31,32. Tag-und Jahres-Hefte, 1749-1806

33. Recensionen, &c. 34,35. Benvenuto Cellini

36. Rameaus Neffe, &c.
37,38. Winckelmann, &c.
39,40. Reineke Fuchs

Hermann und Doro

41-55. Nachgelassene Werk

Nos. 3244-3258]


3244 Goethe, (J. W. von) und Zelter, Briefwechsel zwischen, 1776-1832, herausg. von Riemer, 6 vols. sm. 8vo..........










[ocr errors]

.Berl. 1833

und Schiller's Briefwechsel. See Schiller.
Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde, herausg. von Bettina Arnim,

2te Aufl. 3 vols. in 1, 12mo.........

...Berl. 1837

Briefe und Aufsätze von, 1766-1786, von Scholl, sm. ........... Weim, 1846 8vo........ Briefe von und an, &c., von Riemer, sm. 8vo...Leipz. 1846 trans. by Carlyle, 3 vols. Wilhelm Meister, ..Lond. 1839



Faust, translated by Hayward, 3rd edit. fcp. 8vo....ib. 1831
translated by Dr. Anster, sm. 8vo.............ib. 1840
Theory of Colours, translated by Eastlake, 8vo......ib. 1841
See Maller.
Characteristics of.

Conversations with. See Eckermann.

Faust, part 2d, translated by Macdonald, 12mo......ib. 1842
See Eckermann-Riemer-Merk-Schubarth.

Truth and Poetry from my life. The Autobiography of, transl. by Godwin, 2 vols. sq. 8vo................New York, 1847 254 Goettling, (K. W.) Geschichte der Römischen Staatsverfassung von Erbauung der Stadt bis zu C. Cæsar's Tod, 8vo... Halle, 1840 Funfzehn Römische Urkunden auf Erz und Stein, .......ib. 1845


4to......... Goguelat, (Baron de) Mémoire de, in Mém. sur l'aff. de Varennes. 256 Goguet, (President) Origine des Lois, des Arts, et des Sciences, 3 tom. 4to.....


.Par. 1758 ....ib. 1824

257 Golier, (J. J.) Mémoires de, 2 tom. 8vo........ 3258 Goldasti (Melch. Haim.) Alamannicarum Rerum Scriptores aliquot Vetusti, cum glossis et indicibus Rerum et Verborum, &c. 3 tom.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Goldasti, (M. H.) Alamannicarum Rerum Scriptores.

[blocks in formation]

3259 Goldoni, (Carlo) Opere complete, 50 tom. sm. 8vo...Prato, 1819-22


Tom. 1-30. Commedie

31-36. Drammi

37-47. Componimenti Diversi
48-50. Memorie della sua Vita

Mémoires de, dediées au Roi, 3 tom. 8vo........................Par. 1787 260* Goldsmith, (Dr. O.) Miscellaneous Works of, edited by Prior, 4 vols.

[blocks in formation]

..Lond. 1837

Vol. III. Vicar of Wakefield
Biographies of Voltaire,
Nash, Parnell, and Bo-

Miscellaneous Criticisms

IV. Poems and Plays

261 261*.





History of Greece, 2 vols. 8vo.........

History of Rome, 2 vols. 8vo..........

...ib. 1821

..ib. 1812

History of England, 12th edit. with continuation to death

of George III., by Coote, 4 vols. 8vo............
Vicar of Wakefield in British Nov., vol. 23.
Life of. See Prior.

......ib. 1823

(Lewis) Recueil des Manifestes, Proclamations, Decréts, Ordonnances, Traités de Paix, Discours, &c., de Napoléon Bonaparte, &c., (1796-1814) 6 tom. 8vo...............ib. 1814-15 Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte, with two Appendixes, 2nd edit. 8vo.........

Statistics of France, 8vo......

.ib. 1810

...ib. 1832

264 Golovine, (J.) Esprit de l'Economie Politique, 8vo.........Par. 1843 264*. Russia under Nicholas, 2 vols. sm. 8vo.........Lond. 1846 265 Golownin's (Capt.) Memoirs of Captivity in Japan, 3 vols.


Good, (Dr. J. M.) Life of. See Gregory.

....ib. 1824

265* Memoirs, &c., of Rev. Dr. Alex. Geddes, 8vo.........ib. 1803 266 Goodall's (Walter) Examination of the Letters of Mary Q. of Scots ....Edin. 1754 to Bothwell, &c., 2 vols. sm. 8vo..........

3267 Goode's (Rev. W.) Divine Rule of Faith and Practice; Defence of the Catholic Doctrine, &c., against the Oxford Tractarians, 2 vols. Svo..........

..... Lond. 1842


3268 Goodman's (Bp.) Hist. of his own Times, ed. by Brewer, 2 vols. 8vo........ .......Lond. 1839 269 Gordon's (Alex.) Itinerarium Septentrionale; a Journey through Scotland and the North of England, with Supplement, 2 vols. in 1, folio........














[ocr errors][merged small]

(T.) Independent Whig, or Defence of Primitive Christianity, &c.. 4 vols. 12mo......

(Thos.) History of the Greek


........ib. 1743-7 Revolution, 2 vols.

.Edin. 1834

(Rev. Jas.) History of the Rebellion in Ireland, 8vo........

..Lond. 1803

History of Ireland, to the Union, 2 vols. 8vo.........ib 1806 (J.) History of Scots affairs, 1737 to 1741 (Spald. Club) 3 vols. 4to........ ......Aberd. 1841 (Patrick) Short Abridgement of Britane's Distemper, 1639 to 1649, (Spalding Club) 4to......


.........ib. 1844 (Lady Duff) French in Algiers, sm. 8vo............Lond. 1845 German Criminal Trials, selected and translated from the German of Feuerbach, 8vo........

Amber Witch.

See Meinhold.

........ib. 1846

(D.) History, &c. of Royal and Noble Personages who have suffered for high-treason and other crimes, from Henry VIII. to the present time, 3 vols. 8vo.....

Gore's (Mrs.) Soldier of Lyons,

Mothers and Daughters, in Standard Novels.

Agathonia, a romance, fcp. 8vo.........

.ib. 1760

.........ib. 1844

Sketches of English Character, 2 vols. sm. 8vo......ib. 1845 Snow Storm, a Christmas story, fep. 8vo............ib. 1845 New Year's Day, a Winter story, fep. 8vo............ib. 1846 283 Gorii (A. F.) Inscriptiones Antiquæ Græcæ et Romanæ quæ in Etruriæ urbibus extant, 3 tom. 4to............... Florent. 1727-43 284 Gorton's (John) Topographical Dictionary of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols. 8vo. .....Lond. 1833 285 Biographical Dictionary, new edit. 3 vols. 8vo.........ib. 1841 286 Gosselin, (Directeur au Séminaire de Saint Sulpice) Pouvoir du Pape au moyen âge, &c., nouv. édit. Svo....... ........Paris, 1845 287 Gossellin, (P. F. J.) Géographie des Grecs Analysée, &c. 4to...... .........ib. 1790 Recherches sur la Géographie systématique et positive des Anciens, 4 tom. rel. en 3, gr. in 4to...... ..........ib. 1798-1843 289 Gosson's (Stephen) School of Abuse, with Introd. (Shaksp. Soc.) .....Lond. 1841



290 Gottfried's von Strassburg Werke, &c., herausg. von F. H. von der Hagen, 2 vols. 8vo.........

291 Goubé, (J. J.) Histoire du Duché de


291*Gougenot Desmousseaux, Des Prolétaires.

d' ameliorer leur sort, 8vo........

................Breslau, 1823 Normandie, 3 tom. ........Rouen, 1815 Necessité et Moyens Par. 1846

3292 Gough's (R.) British Topography: Account of what has been done for illustrating the Topographical Antiquities of G. Britain and Ireland, 2 vols. 4to........

.....Lond. 1780

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