Managerial Ethics: Moral Management of People and ProcessesMarshall Schminke Taylor & Francis, 1998 M09 12 - 248 páginas One of the greatest strengths of business ethics research lies in the diversity of backgrounds of those interested in knowing more about it. Where else could we find moral philosophers, industrial psychologists, political scientists, and organizational sociologists hard at work exploring the same issues? These scholars bring to the table an intriguing mix of skills and viewpoints, many of which may be quite different from--and complementary to--those trained in functional areas of business-like management. However, this diversity also reflects a weakness. Researchers from such different backgrounds may be either unable or unwilling to talk to and work with each other in understanding more about these issues. This book bridges the gap and provides a basic reference volume for current business ethics researchers. Second, it stimulates new ways of thinking about, and creating interest in, linking management and ethics among those researchers. Third, it triggers management and ethics researchers who do not currently study business ethics problems to consider the implications of each to their current interests. The central theme of the book is that efforts must be made to better integrate management and ethical theory. Although the market contains a number of good business ethics books, none combines management theory with ethical theory on a chapter-by-chapter, topic-by-topic basis. This book bridges the theoretical, empirical, and at times practical gap between management and ethical scholars. |