Imágenes de páginas



157. plstrip'pl'st, peo'pl'st, tram'pl'st, dim'pl'st. 158. plz:- ripples, pur'ples, sim'ples, dim'ples. 159. pr:-pray, prow, ap-prove, prim, profit. 160. ps-nips, sips, hopes, slopes, taps, naps, gaps. 161. pst:sipp'st, lapsed, napp'st, hopp'st, tapp'st. 162. pt: crypt, wept, nipped, sapped, napped, hopped. 163. pth:-depth; — bepth, hepth, apth, sapth, sopth. 164. pths-depths;-bepths, hepths, apths, sapths. 165. pts-crypts, in-ter-cepts', ac-cepts'.

166. ptst: — ac-cept'st, in-ter-cept'st', wept'st, napp'dst. 167. bd:— nabbed, stabbed, robbed, sobbed, ribbed, fibbed. 168. bdst-nabb'dst, stabb'dst, robb'dst, sobb'dst, fibb dst. 169. bl-blame, trouble, black, bub'ble, blue, bab'ble. 170. bld: - troubled, bub'bled, tremb'led, hum'bled. 171. bldst:- troub l'dst, hum'bl'dst, trem'bl'dst. 172. blst troub'l'st, hum'b''st, bab'bl'st, gab'bl'st. 173. blz:- bubbles, troub'les, no'bles, trem'bles, bab'bles. 174. br: brink, brow, bridge, breathe, breach, break. 175. bst-prōb'st, rōb'st, rõbb'st, sobb'st, nibb'st, jobb'st. 176. bz-jibes, sobs, robs, stabs, webs, knobs, tribes.

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177. fl:-flag, ruffle, flim'sy, tri'fle, flood, flow, flew. 178. fld: trifled, bat' fled, sti'fled, rifled, shuffled. 179. fldst:-trifl'dst, ri'fl'dst, shuf'f'dst, baffl'dst. 180. flst-trifl'st, ri'fl'st, shuffl'st, baffl'st, ruffl'st. 181. fz-trifles, rifles, shuffles, baffles, ruffles. 182. fr:-frown, fresh, frenzy, phre-net'ic, frill, fruit. 183. fs:puffs, laughs, soughs, fifes, scoffs, coughs. 184. fst-laugh'st, puff'st, fif'st, scoff'st, cough'st. 185. ft-lift, sift, drift, haft, draught, soft, puffed. 186. fth-fifth; - dafth, difth, dofth, sefth, sifth. 187. fths-fifths;-dafths, difths, dofths, sefths. 188. fts-drifts, draughts, lifts, gifts, tufts, rafts. 189. ftst:-liftst, drift'st, sift'st, puff'dst, scoff'dst. 190. vd-loved, lived, proved, waved, served, craved. 191. vdst: · liv'dst, serv'dst, crav'dst, wav'dst, brav’dst. 192. vl:- · driv'el, e'vil, weevil, shriv'el, shov'el, rav'el. 193. vld driv'elled, shriv'elled, shov'elled, rav'elled.

194. vldst: driv'el'dst, shriv'el'dst, shov'el'dst. 195. vlst: -driv'el'st, shriv'el'st, shov'el'st, rav'el'st. 196. vlz:e'vils, shov'els, driv'els, rav'els, wee'vils. 197. vn: – driv'en, heav'en, e-lev'en, sha'ven, haʼven. 198. vnth: sev'enth, e-lev'enth; e-lev'enth, sev'enth. 199. vnz:-heav'ens, sev'ens, ov'ens, ra'vens, cra'vens. 200. vst: · liv'st, giv❜st, serv'st, hav'st, prov'st, crav❜st. 201. vz: - hives, groves; paves, waves, heaves, caves.

202. thn


streng'then, leng'then.

203. thnd-strengthened, lengthened. 204. thndst:

leng'then'dst, strengthen'dst. 205. thnz:-streng'thens, leng'thens.

206. thr: — throb, thrill, thrall, throw, thrash three. 207. ths: truths, youths, betroths, fifths, fourths. 208. tht-be-trothed, frothed; frothed, betrothed. 209. thd-wreathed, smoothed, bathed, be-queathed. 210. thst :- wreath'st smooth'st, bath'st, sooth'st. 211. thz-wreaths, be-queaths, smooths, bathes, soothes.

212. tl:- bat'tle, ti'tle, gen'tle, myr'tle, rat'tle, kir'tle.
213. tld: -bat'tled, ti'tled, rat'tled, scut'tled, net'tled.
214. tldst: star'tl'dst, net'tl'dst, rat'tl'dst, bat'tl'dst.
215. tlst: - star tl'st, en-ti'tl'st, rat'tl'st, scut'tl'st.
216. tlz:-rattles, bat'tles, myr'tles, kir'tles, set'tles.
- trim, trap, trem'ble, trea'son, trag'ic.

217. tr: 218. ts: 219. tst:

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hurts, as-serts, snorts, shirts, dates, states. -hurt'st, as-sert'st, snort'st, dat'st, stať'st. 220. dl-kin'dle, swin'dle, can'dle, han'dle, hur'dle. 221. dldst:kin'dl'dst, swin'dl'dst, han'dl'st, cur'dfdst. 222. dlst:-kin'dľ’st, swin'dľ'st, han'di̇'st, cur'dľ'st. 223. dlz:-hur'dles, la'dles, han'dles, can'dles, cur'dles. 224. dn:-ol'den, hol'den, bur'den, bid'den, red'den. 225. dnd: - har'dened, red'dened, mad'dened, sad'dened. 226. dndst:- har'den'dst, red'den'dst, mad'den'dst. 227. dnst:- har'den'st, red'den'st, mad'den'st, sad'den'st. 228. dnz:-bur'dens, har'dens, red'dens, mad'dens. 229. dr:- drill, dry, drove, dray, drench, drew, drop.

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230. dst-mendst, bidd'st, didst, midst, baďst, hadst. 231. dth: :- - breadth, width, hun'dredth, thou'sandth. 232. dths: - breadths, widths, hun'dredths. 233. dz:-heads, deeds, a-bodes, im-pedes, suc-ceeds.

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234. kl:— claim, truc'kle, click, climb, clam. 235. kld: truc'kled, buc'kled, spar'kled, twin'kled. 236. kldst:- truc'kl'ast, buc'kl dst, spar'kl'dst. 237. klst:- wrin'kl'st, tin'kl'st, truc'kl'st, buc'kl'st. 238. klz:-twin'kles, tin'kles, cir'cles, sparkles. 239. kn: sha'ken, ta'ken, bro'ken, li'ken, beck'on. 240. knd: - li'kened, beck'oned, wa'kened, reckoned. 241. kndst: dar'ken'dst, beck on'dst, wa'ken'dst. sick'en'st, darken'st, beck'on'st, wa'ken'st. 243. knz: · black'ens, beck'ons, bea'cons, sic'kens. 244. kr:— cru'el, crime, krem'lin, cru'et, cry, crude. 245. ks:- snakes, aches, kicks, six, arks, em-barks. 246. kt: - act, fact, racked, at-tacked, decked, flecked. 247. kts:pros'pects, in-fracts', sub'jects, en-acts, facts.

242. knst:

248. gd: - rigged, lagged, lugged, fagged, bagged, digged. 249. gdst:-rigg'dst, lagg'dst, fagg'dst, digg'dst. 250. gl:-glad, glow, ea'gle, bea'gle, glim'mer, sin'gle. 251. gld:an'gled, sin'gled, man'gled, min'gled, fan'gled. 252. gldst: shin'gl'dst, man'gl'dst, min'gl'dst, an'gl'dst. 253. glst: - sin'gl'st, an'gl'st, man'gl'st, min'gl'st. 254. glz:- man'gles, shin'gles, bun'gles, sin'gles. 255. gr:-grim, gray, grove, grieve, gran'ite, grant. 256. gst:wagg'st, digg'st, begg'st, rigg'st, lagg'st. 257. gz:- figs, wigs, bags, rogues, legs, kegs, fogs, logs.

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258. sf:-sphere, spher'ic, spher'i-cal, sphinc'ter, sphinx. 259. sk: – skate, ask, skill, frisk, scheme, sketch, skim. 260. skr: screw, scrawl, screen, scrib'ble, scrōll, scrub. 261. sks:- asks, basks, whisks, frisks, tusks, husks. - task'st, ask'st, bask'st, frisk'st, whisk'st. 263. sktrisked, frisked, tasked, asked, basked. 264. sl:- sled, hus'tle, slow, bus'tle, slunk, whis'tle, slat. hus'tled, whis'tled, bus'tled, nes'tled.

262. skst:

265. sld:

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266. sldst: - hus'tl'dst, whis'tl'dst, bus'tl'dst, nes'tl'dst. 267. slst-hus'tl'st, whis'tl'st, nes'tl'st, bus'tl'st. 268. slz: - this'tles, hus'tles, bus'tles, nes'tles, whis'tles. - small, smug, smooth, smoke, smart.

269. sm:

270. sn:

271. snz:

272. sp:

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sniffle, snow, les'sen, snap, has'ten, per'son. ·lis'tens, has'tens, les'sens, per'sons, ba'sins. clasp, spin, span, wisp, crisp, spark, spoil. 273. spl:- splash, splin'ter, split, splut'ter, splay. 274. spr:-spree, sprig, sprinkle, sprout, spruce. 275. sps clasps, crisps, wasps, lisps, grasps, hasps. 276. sptgrasped, clasped, crisped, lisped.

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277. st—hist, dust, traced, trust, spliced, braced. 278. str:- strive, strand, strap, strat'a-gem, string. 279. sts: - hastes, wastes, thrusts, lusts, costs. frosts. 280. stst: hast'st, wast'st, thrust'st, trust'st, lusest.

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281. zd: -a-mazed, grazed, mused, a-bused, dozed. 282. zl:- -daz'zle, guz'zle, miz'zle, nõz'zle, muz zle. 283. zld: - dazzled, guzzled, mizzled, puzzled. 284. zldst:—daz'zľ'dst, guz'zľ'dst, friz'zl'dst, puz'zl'dst. 285. zist: daz'zl'st, guz'zl'st, friz'zl'st, puzzl'st. 286. zlz:-daz'zles, noz'zles, muz'zles, puzzles, friz'zles. 287. zm: chasm, prism, spasm, schism (sizm). 288. zmz: chasms, prisms, spasms, schisms (sizms). pris'on, rea'son, trea'son, fro'zen, crim'son. 290. znd:-prisoned, rea'soned, crim'soned, bla'zoned. 291. zndst: pris'on'dst, rea'son'dst, crim'son'dst. 292. znst:-pris'on'st, rea'son'st, crim'son'st, blaʼzon'st.

289. zn:

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293. shr: shrank, shred, shrewd, shriek, shrill, shrink. 294. shthushed, flashed, crushed, dashed, flushed.

(Z, vocal, as in azure, sometimes expressed by zh, is the cognate sound of sh; but it does not occur in consonant combinations in English.)

295. cht:

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fetched, be-witched, hatched, smutched. 296. chtst:fetch'dst, be-witch'dst, smutch'dst.

297. jdjudged, e-merged, caged, fledged, forged. 298. jdst:-judg'dst, e-merg'dst, forg'dst, budg'dst.




Elementary instruction must be chiefly o'ral. We here merely give a summary of marks, rules, &c., which the teacher can explain at discretion, according to the pupil's capacity. For fuller explanations, the higher Readers of this series may be consulted.

The hyphen (-) is used to separate syllables; also to connect compound words; as, ap-pe-tite, spelling-book.

The acute accent (') may sometimes serve the double purpose of separating syllables and of pointing to the syllable on which the stress of the voice is laid; as in tem'pest, in'ter-est.

Spelling, or the anatomization of the language into its constituent syllables and letters, is usually practised under the following rules: 1. Never divide words of one syllable, strength, alms, farm. 2. Never separate letters of the same syllable, — un-speak-a-ble. 3. Divide generally according to pronunciation, — de-light, holy, ex'ist, un'der, de-throne, ab-stain, parchment, pref'er-a-ble, lam-en-ta'tion. 4. Divide compounds into their component parts, lamp-post, pen-knife. 5. Keep the root whole in derivatives, touch'ing, preach'er. 6. Divide words in tion, cious, cian, sion, thus: mo'tion, vi'cious, mu-si'cian, ex'ten-sion. 7. The termination ed, when the e is not sounded, is placed with the preceding syllable. See remarks on spelling, in the Preface.

The grammatical stops are the full stop (.), or that which marks the end of a sentence, and the stops subordinate to it, namely, the colon (:), the semicolon (;), and the comma (,). The rhetorical points are the interrogation point (?) and the exclamation point (!).

The dash (-) is used where the sentence breaks off abruptly, or where a significant pause is required. The marks of parenthesis ( ) are used to include words or marks which could be left out without injuring the sense of the sentence.

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The hyphen over a letter denotes that the quantity is long, as in fate; this mark (~) denotes that the quantity is short, as in făt. The di-ær'e-sis (") is placed over a vowel to show that it ought to commence or form part of a new syllable; as in Creätor, agëd.

The a-postro-phe (") denotes the possessive case; as, John's hat. It is also used to mark the omission of one or more letters as 'gan for began, e'er for ever. The asterisk (*), the dagger (†), and the double dagger (1) are marks of reference to notes.

The abbreviation etc., or the sign fc., is used in the place of the Latin words et cætera, meaning and others, and so forth.

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