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ci We have to close our avowal of the pleasure, with which we have read this excellent work, (the Grammar,) by expressing our entire approbation of the author's appendix ; which will enable the student to make a proper use, in composition of the instructions dispersed through the Grammar. It concludes with a serious and affectionate exbortation to youth; which manifests the purity and dignity of the author's principles, as the general execution of his work demonstrates his talent and research. We rejoice that it has attained to so extensive a circulaiion: and we earnestly recommend it to all, who are desirous of acquiring a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the English language; but more especially to those who are engaged in the grammatical instruction of youth ; as we have no doubt that they will derive from it the most valuable assistance to their labours." Eclectic Review, September, 1805.

6. INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH READER. « Our pages bear ample testimony, both to the ability and the diligence of Mr. Murray. His different publications evince much sound judgment and good sense ; and his selections are very well calculated to answer the intended purpose. What Mr. Murray observes in his system of rules for assisting children to read with propriety, is worth attention : the precept with which he concludes, is particularly so : ' Find out, and imitate a good example.'

British Critic, November, 1801. 7. THE ENGLISH READER. " This selection reflects much credit on the taste of the Compiler; and the arrangement of the various pieces is judicious. The preliminary rules for enunciation are useful and clearly delivered. We therefore recommend this small volume to those who wish to attain, without the help of instructers, the important advantages of thinking and speaking with propriety.”

Monthly Review, August, 1799. 8. THE POWER OF RELIGION ON THE MIND. « This work, which has been long and justly admired, bas, in the last edition, received many alterations and improvements; and, in its present enlarged state, forms, in our opinion, one of the best books that can be put into the hands of young people. The subject is grave and important : but Mr. Murray has rendered it highly interesting and engaging, by a judicious selection of anecdotes and examples; which, by the intermixture of pious reflections, he teaches the reader to apply to his own benefit.”

Guardian of Education, Aug; 1803. “ That 'examples draw where precepts fail,' is a truth which has been acknowledged in all ages and nations: and on the strength of this principle, Mr. Murray has had recourse to experience, in evincing the power and importance of religion. He has thus furnished an interesting collection of testimonies; and we wonder not, that a work so instructive and amusing, as well as impressive, should have been generally patronised. It is a book which may be read with profit, by persons in all situations : and with the rising generation, it may answer the double purpose, of improving them in biography and in virtue.”

Monthly Review, August, 1801. 9. INTRODUCTION AU LECTEUR FRANCOIS. “ This little Volume, which is designed for the use of persons who have just begun to learn the French language, is composed of extracts from French writers of reputation, who are distinguished by the propriety and usefulness of their sentiments. Mr. Murray has exercised his usual caution and judgment in these selections; and bis explanations, in the Appendix, of the idiomatical expressions and difficult phrases, which occur in the extracts, are well calculated to simplify, and consequently to facilitate the study of the language.”

Anti-Jacobin Review, April, 1807.

The second edition of this work has received the Author's particular attention. Many of the pieces in the former edition, are omitted, and others inserted which are of superior importance, or more interesting to young persons. The new edition contains also, in an Appendix, Biographical Sketches of the authors mentioned in the “ Introduction to the Eoglish Reader," the “ English Reader” itself, and the " Sequel to the Reader," with occasional strictures on their writings, and references to the particular works by which they have been most distinguished.* The strictures are derived from authors of taste and celebrity.

By these Biographical Sketches, it is the Compiler’s intention, not only to gratify the young reader's curiosity, respecting the authors of the pieces he has perused; but also to present to him such facts and sentiments as are peculiarlyinstructive and interesting, and calculated to make durable impressions on his mind. The language too of these sketches has been studiously regarded ; that no want of accuracy or perspicuity in the composition, might prevent this part of the book from forming an additional number of occasional exercises in reading.

In the THIRD edition, several Biographical Sketches will be found, of authors who died since the publication of the work.

* From the difficulty of obtainiog accurate and impartial information, and from motives of delicacy, do account is given of living authors.



The following is a list of COLLINS & CO'S editions of Murray's works, with their prices at retail, and by the dozen.

Wholesale. Retail. per. Dos.

Cents. Dols. Cts. 1. First Book for Children,

50 2. An English Spelling-Book, Stereotype Edition.

50 3. An English Grammar together with the Exercises and Key, 2 vols. 8vo.

4 00 4. An English Grammar, Stereotype Edition,

7 50 5. English Exercises to the Grammar,


00 6. A Key to the English Exercises,

62, 6 00 7. An Abridgment of the Grammar, Stereotype Edition, 20 2 00 8. Introduction to the English Reader, Stereotype Edition.

3 75 9. The English Reader, Stereotype Edition.

7 50 10. Sequel to the English Reader. Stereotype Elition

" 50 11. Introduction au Lecteur François,

9 00 12. Lecteur François,

1 25 12 00 13. The Power of Religion on the Mind,

1 00 10 00 *** The Proprietors of Lindley Murray's works, think it is no small recommendation of them, that the whole of these valuable publications, from “ The First Book for Children,” to “ The Power of Religion on the Mind," may be properly considered, as forming a little code of important elementary instruction. They are strictly subservient to one another, and most intimately connected. Their peculiar and acknowledged excellence is, that in every part of them, the purest principles of piety and virtue, are happily blended with the elements of literature. They may, therefore, with the greatest confidence, be put into the bands of young persons, as books which (to use the language of a Reviewer respecting them)" will eminently conduce to pure religion and morality, and to the acquisition of a correct and elegant style."

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88888 8888 INTRODUCTION.

THE « English Reader ' has been so favourably received by the pub: lic, as to encourage the Compiler to hope, that the present volume will not be deemed unworthy of attention. It pursues the same objects as the former work; it preserves the same chaste attention to the morals of youth ; its materials are taken from the most correct and elegant writers: and as the pieces are generally more extended, and contain a greater variety of style and composition, it is presumed that it forms a proper " Sequel to the Reader,” and is calculated to improve, both in schools and in private families, the highest class of young readers.

In selecting materials for the poetical part of his work, the Compiler met with few authors, the whole of whose writings were unexceptionable. Some of them have had unguarded moments, in which they have written what is not proper to come under the notice of youth. He must not therefore be understood as recommending every production of all the poets who have contributed to his selection.* Judicious parents and tutors, who feel the importance of a guarded education, will find it incumbent upon them to select for their children and pupils, such writings, both in prose and poetry, as are proper for their perusal; and young persons will evince their virtue and good sense, by cordially acquiescing in the judgment of those who are deeply interested in their welfare. Perhaps the best reason that can be offered, in favour of poetical selections for the use of young and innocent minds, is, the tendency which they have, when properly made, to preserve the chastity of their sentiments, and the purity of their morals.

In “ The Sequel," as well as in “ The English Reader," several pieces are introduced, which in a striking manner display the beauty and excellence of the Christian religion. Extracts of this kind, if frequently diffused amongst the elements of literature, would doubtless produce happy effects on the minds of youth ; and contribute very materially to counteract, both the open and the secret labours of Infidelity. With these views, the Compiler derived particular satisfaction, in selecting those pieces which are calculated to attach the young mind to a religion perfectly adapted to the condition of man; and which not only furnishes the most rational and sublime enjoyments in this life, but secures complete and permanent felicity hereafter.

* Justice to the authors from whose writings the extracts were made, and regard to the credit of the present work, rendered the insertion of names




Sect. 1. Rome saved by female virtue,

2. Execution of Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury,

3. Christianity furnishes the best consolation under the evils

of life,

4. Benefits to be derived from scenes of distress,





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