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called? What is the first sound in "vexed"? [The pupil should utter the sound only]-the last sound? What letter represents its first sound? [v] What letter represents its last sound? [t] What two letters are here used instead of t? Do e and d have the sound of t in the word showed ? What sound do they have in that word? What letter usually represents that sound? [d] How is it in the words inquired, watched, matured, contented, expected? Spell "vexed" by the names of its letters. Spell it by its sound. [v-e-k-s-t] The sounds of what two letters does a represent in this word? Give these sounds. Give the sound of k; of 8. How many sounds in vexed? How many letters? [The last e in vexed is silent, the d alone taking the t sound. tented and expected the c and d are both sounded.]

In the words con

NOTE. The teacher should carefully and thoroughly examine the whole Lesson, in a manner somewhat similar to the one indicated by the questions and remarks on the first four paragraphs. Let the examination bring out clearly the true and full meaning of each sentence, and so fill up the "skeleton of words" as to form in the pupil's mind a beautiful reality. Such a filling up, and only such, will give proper meaning to words and invest this meaning with life and animation. It will surely break up the dead monotony so often found. Let THOROUGHNESS be the motto. Let whatever is done be WELL DONE.

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1. There were two little boys named James and William. One day their father gave

them each a five-cent piece, to spend as they wished.

2. The boys said, "Thank you, father," and were very much pleased. As happy as crickets, they very soon started for the store to spend it.


3. "What shall you buy with your money?" said James, as they walked along.

4. "I do not know," replied William; "I have not thought yet. What shall you buy with yours?"

5. "I believe I will buy an orange for mother. She is sick, you know, and an orange will taste good to her."

6. "You can do as you please with your money, James, but I am going to buy some

thing for myself," said William. "Father gave me the money to spend for myself, and I mean to do it. Mother has money, and if she wants an orange she can send for it any day."

7. "I know that," said James, "but then to see mother eating an orange that I had bought for her with my own money, would make me feel so happy.

8. "She is always doing something for us, or getting us some nice thing, and I want to let her see that I do not forget it."

9. "Do as you please," said William, "but I am going to get the candy, and have the good of it myself."

10. Presently they came to the store. William spent his money for cream-candy, but James bought a nice orange.

11. As soon as they were at home again, James went into his mother's chamber, and said: "See, ma, what a nice orange I have brought for you!"

12. "It is nice, my son, very nice indeed, and it will taste good to me. I have been wishing, all the morning, that I had an orange. But, tell me, me, who gave it to you?"

13. "O, nobody gave it to me; I bought it with my own money. Father gave me five

cents this morning to spend as I pleased, and I bought this orange with it."

14. "And you would not spend your money for candy, but denied yourself that you might get an orange for me. Mother loves you very much, my dear boy, for this act of self-denial."

15. And James thought, as his mother told him this and kissed him, that he was never so happy in his life.

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1. My darling, darling little girl,
And what's the matter now?
Why wear your lips that angry curl?
What clouds your open brow?

2. Because mamma won't let you do
Exactly as you please?

And so you think 'twill help you through,
To pout and fret and tease.

3. Ma loves you dearly-that you know;
And if she thinks not best

To let you with the others go,
Why, let the matter rest.

4. Come, clear your troubled brow, my dear,
Put off that sullen look,

And we will read together here

A leaf from nature's book.

5. What say the gentle, gentle flowers?
In meekness bending down,

All pale beneath the chilling showers,
They never, never frown.

6. And when the warm and cheerful sun
Gives place to clouds and rain,
Ile waits until his foes are gone,
Then shineth out again.

7. Did you ever hear a nestling bird
Teasing its tender mother?

Would you not wonder if you heard
Them fret and scold each other?

8. And now, good-by. I must depart.
Ere you the leaf turn down,
Pray, get the lesson well by heart,
And never sulk or frown.

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