Imágenes de páginas

BATS love the water. I observe them dipping their breasts like the swallow.

AN ash growing up for some four feet along a rock, so that the stem was half trunk, half root.1

On the way to Moreton Hamstead, we crossed a little bridge of one plank. The bough of a hazel had been broken and bent down to the post at the other end as a rail. It had recovered, and branched out, so that the rail grew.

MOONLIGHT. A sheep feeding on the edge of a bank. It was a strange sight.

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Talbot's sword. Camden.

Battle of Montargis. Lassels.

The love education of chivalry may be well given by Conrade, describing his devotion to Agnes.

Archery must be attended to. Scotch Encyc.

The nuns singing may affect the maid. B. 9.

Helplessness of men in complete armour when on the ground. Battle of Pavia. Gordon's Tacitus, v. 1, p. 219; v. 3, p. 100.

Hooks to pull the man from off the horse. Lyttleton's Henry II. v. 1, p. 297.

Peasantry building huts in churchyards, in hopes of protection from the place. Lyt. v. 2, p. 135.

The classical reader will call to mind a similar image in Sallust, "Et forte eo loco grandis ilex coaluerat inter saxa, paullulùm modò prona, dein flexa atque aucta in altitudinem, quo cuncta gignentium natura fert," &c.-Bell. Jug. xciii. J. W. W.

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"En esto es mi parecer

Que en cavallo no te fies;
Por lo qual has de entender

Que de ninguno confies
Tu lymosna, y bien hazer.

El Cavallero Determinado, written in French by OLIVER DE LA MARCHE; translated by HERNANDO DE ACUNA. Barcelona, 1565. It is the advice of Understanding to the knight before he enters upon his combat with Atropos.

Lambrequins, ribbands embroidered with silver and gold, which hung from the armets of the knights,-long enough to flow over the crupper. Sovereigns wore jewels in them.

White wand of capitulation. 231, t. 1. Du Guesclin.

The editors of the Memoires for French History say that it was common for towns to purchase from the nearest ruffian the privilege of collecting the harvest from the little land they durst cultivate. Even La Hire received £1200 from the people of Amiens for such a security.-Tom.5, p.323.

When Salisbury left England, the Duke of Orleans "pria ce Comte qu'il ne voulust faire aucune guerre en ses terres, ny a ses subjets, veu qu'il estoit prisonnier, et qu'il ne se pouvoit defendre, et dit-on qu'il luy promit et octroya sa requeste."-Mem. tom. 7, p. 73. Jeuville is spelt Yeuville.

IN an attack upon "le boulevart du bout du pont d'Orleans, les François les abbattoient des eschelles dedans les fossez, dont ils ne se pouvoient relever, attendu qu'on jettoit sur eux cercles liez et croisez, cendres vives, chaux, gresses fondues et eauës chaudes, que les femmes d'Orleans leur apportoient et pour rafraischer les François du grand travail qu'ils souffroient, les dites femmes leur bailloient vin, viandes, fruicts, vinaigre et toüailles blanches; et aussi leur portoient des pierres et tout ce qui pouvoit servir a la defense, dont aucunes furent veuës durant l'assaut, qui repoussoient a coups de lances les Anglois des entrées du boulevart, et les abbatoient es fossez."Mem. tom. 7, p. 80.

The Dukes of Burgundy and Luxembourg urged Bedford to leave the Orleannois in peace, at the request of the people themselves, who asserted that this had been promised their Duke, 90. His refusal offended Burgundy, and made him withdraw his troops.

"Il y eut un Carme docteur en theologie, bien aigre homme, qui luy dit, que la saincte-escriture defendoit d'ajouter foy à telles parolles, si on ne monstroit signe; et elle respondit pleinement, qu'elle ne vouloit pas tenter Dieu, et que le signe que Dieu luy avoit ordonné, c'estoit lever le siege de devant Orleans, et de mener le Roy sacrer a Reims. Il y eut un autre Docteur en theologie, de l'ordre des Freres Prescheurs qui luy va dire, Jeanne vous demandez des gens d'armes, et si vous dites, que c'est le plaisir de Dieu que les Anglois laissent le Royaume de France et s'en aillent en leur pays, si cela est, il ne faut point de gens d'armes; car le seul plaisir de Dieu les peut destruire, et faire aller en leur pays. A quoy elle respondit qu' elle desmandoit

des gens, non mie en grand nombre, lesquels combattroient et Dieu donneroit la victoire." 99.


Jean Dolon was her esquire. Her page un bien gentilhomme nommé Louis de Comtes, dit Imerguet."

When the heralds were detained and threatened to be burnt, Dunois sent to threaten reprisals on his prisoners: "Mais lesdits Anglois en renvoyerent seulement un, auquel elle demanda que dit Talbot? et le Heraut respondit, que luy et tous les autres Anglois disoient d'elle tous les maux qu'ils pouvoient, en l'injuriant, et que s'ils la tenoient, ils la feroient ardoir. Or t'en retourne luy dit-elle et ne fais doute que tu ameneras ton compagnon, et dis a Talbot, que s'il s'arme, je m'armeray aussi, et qu'il se trouve en place devant la ville, et s'il me peut prendre, qu'il me face ardoir, & si je le desconfis, qu'il face lever les sieges et s'en aillent en leur pays." 112.

When St. Loup was attacked, the English retired" au clocher de l'Eglise. Il y eut la des Anglois audit clocher qui se desguiserent, et qui prirent des habillemens de Prestres ou de gens d'Eglise, pour par ce moyen se sauver, lesquels neantmoins on voulat tuer, mais ladite Jeanne les garda et preserva, disant qu'on ne devoit rien demander aux gens d'Eglise. Duquel bon success furent a cette heure (de vespres) rendues graces et louanges a Dieu par toutes les Eglises, en hymnes et devotes oraisons, avec le son des cloches, que les Anglois pouvoient bien oüyr." 117.

At Patay." Le Duc d'Alençon dit a la Pucelle, Jeanne, voila les Anglois en bataille, combatrons nos? Et elle demanda audit Duc, avez-vous vos esperons? Lors le Duc luy dit comment da, nous en fautdrat-il retirer, ou fuir? et elle dit nenny; en nom Dieu allez sur eux, car ils s'enfuiront, et n'arresteront point et seront deconfits, sans guerres de perte de vos gens; et pour ce faut-il vos esperons pour les suivre." p.


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then immediately to the action. They find Cadwallon, with the remains of the colony among the hills. The priest had stimulated the Mexicans to attack them, some interference in rescuing a victim may be imagined. Coatel informs Lincoya in time of the meditated attack. The death of Cynetha must be told in this book, and perhaps the account how Lincoya escaped when destined to sacrifice by the aid of his Mexican mistress Coatel. I love to keep the story flowing on in one unbroken tide of time if possible; but this cannot here be done.

Madoc therefore proposes peace again to the Aztecas, by a prisoner, Tlalala; the fierce enthusiast promises to bear his proposal, and oppose it; this man is a savage Regulus. Tezozomoc, priest of Mexitli,

demands a white sacrifice. Tlalala and Ocelopan devote themselves to bring one. They go to the mountain settlements, and lie in wait. They find Caradoc, sleeping, but as they are about to seize him the wind sweeps over his harp, and they believe him divinely protected. Young Hoel approaches. Him they catch up. Madoc

beholds and follows-the alarm is given, and the Welsh hasten to his assistance; but an ambush was prepared, and Madoc and the child are both conveyed away. Hoel is caverned among the rocks that border the lake, a victim to Tlaloc; here he is left to perish, for the stone is never rolled from the mouth of the cavern, except when a vic

tim is thrust in. Coatel discovers another

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entrance, and preserves him. During the time of peace she may have learnt some Welsh, enough to be understood.

Madoc is reserved for the gladiatorian sacrifice. Ocelopan and Tlalala both claim the combat; the lot decides it in favour of Ocelopan, and he is killed. Tlalala then engages him. An attack is now made on the Aztecas. Tezozomoc is for instantly

killing the prisoner, but Tlalala insists on having him preserved to continue the combat. To this Huitziton lends his weight, in hopes of yet conciliating matters, and Coanocotzin, the king, from a noble spirit. Madoc is therefore bound. The battle is dreadful, but the Welsh are repelled by multitudes who throng though to certain death. They pass the night on the field, and on the morrow again renew the battle, when Madoc appears among them. During the confusion of the night Coatel had cut his bands, conveyed him to the cavern, and given him a canoe, in which he had escaped with Hoel over the lake.

Elen is wandering at midnight along the opposite shore, half deranged, when they


In this, the great engagement, Mervyn is captured and led away to immediately be fuses them; and Caradoc, who enters the sacrificed. The discovery of her sex contemple in the hope of rescuing Madoc, finds

his own Senena stretched on the altar.

The appearance of Madoc appeases the Welsh, and he makes them retire. His escape astonishes the Aztecas. Huitziton and Tajatzin the old priest, father of Coatel, argue that it is, if not a miracle, certainly a proof that the strangers' God is the superior one. Coanocotzin, who is somewhat of a Capaneus, and Tezozomoc, who is a thorough priest, suspect treachery. They assemble together all who had access to the temple, and propose a test similar to the water of jealousy. Coatel's fears betray her, and she is immediately sacrificed.

Lincoya is sitting with an old Peruvian among the mountains, when the tidings reach him; he sits stunned with the grief.

His companion, to employ or divert his sorrow, relates to him a legend like that to the Land of Souls, he listens with deep attention, and enquires if the journey be long? many moons he is told. There is a shorter path, the youth exclaimed, and leapt down the precipice.

The Aztecas assemble their whole force to crush their enemies. An earthquake destroys many of them, and whilst Tezozomoc and the inferior priests are performing certain rites upon a mountain, a volcanic eruption kills them; intimidated by this, the Aztecas take counsel together, and the advice of Huitziton prevails. Tlalala opposes it violently and vainly; he then bears the tidings to the Welsh, and challenges Madoc first, and on his refusal, any of his followers, but the challenge is every where refused. At the moment the Aztecas begin their emigration, in the presence of them all, he destroys himself on the grave of his friend Ocelopan. So Madoc is left in possession of the land, without an enemy.

In the Eighth Book, the Aztecas attempt to burn the ships of Madoc. The attack is made by night. Tlalala is then taken prisoner.

The beavers to be described, where Madoc walks alone along the Towys' winding banks.

The fidelity of the dog, ought not to be forgotten. I love dogs, and would willingly take this to Peru, if I could make him of any use there.

Something may be made out of the Eagle of Gâr, and the Eagle of Snowdon.

The story of Elidore may be alluded to, perhaps in a simile between its sunless light and the clouds of Peru.

In the Third Book, the scurvy should perhaps be described; there is room for a powerful description.

Recollection of a dead friend, when pleasant and useful, though painful even to tears. Cadwallon and Gnetha.

The scurvy must not be introduced. One

might tilt with Lucretius, but the voyage

is too short, and then it were not an inviting circumstance.

Coatel faints when led to the altar, and is sacrificed senseless; in that dreadful hour Nature was kind.

Place of shelter among the mountains, compared to that where Manuel was defeated. From Knolles's very interesting


Burning the ships. The alarmed eagle from his mountain-nest gazed on the midnight splendour.

Will it lessen the fitness of the poem to suppose a marriage between Madoc and Elen? Her meeting him on the shore of the lake after his escape affords a fine opportunity for discovering affection.

At Merthyr, I saw the furnace fires reflected upon the clouds at night. This is a good image for the burning the ships.

In the engagement by the ships the coracles and water pilgrimages may be mentioned.

The probation of a savage on the banks of the Oronoco can be briefly told by Tlalala. Relating how his father slew one in the gladiatorian sacrifice, after having himself taken him prisoner.

The traditions respecting the Mammuth, and the race of strangers mentioned in that Spanish account of Peru.

The Eighth Book had better begin thus: Tlalala is brought a prisoner from the ships, he had lain in wait to kill one of the Welsh, and had been taken. The ships should be burnt. Some books afterwards by Madoc himself after his release, to show his resolution of remaining in the country.

When Tlalala comes with offers of peace, he finds Aztlan in an uproar. It is the festival of the arrival of the gods, and no signs of their arrival are seen; all is consternation. Tezozomoc comes from his nine months' fast, and asks a white victim.

The fires are blazing, and the victims ready to be thrown in. The priests call on their gods, and gash themselves, and smear themselves with the unction of in

fants' blood; first with the insect ointment. | his example, and that the gods had heard The intoxication of joy succeeds. him. The priests think it will encourage

The unction must be reserved for the the people to see a stranger killed in single mountain sacrifice.

The pond Ezapan is made thick with blood.

The gods must not arrive till the white victims are taken.

Funeral of Ocelopan, and Coanocotzin. Night marked by the fire flies, the flames growing brighter, and the smoke unseen in the darker atmosphere. Tezozomoc has seen Mexitlis's mother, who tells him how to invite the gods. Ocelopan and Tlalala devote themselves, and drink each other's blood. Then Tezozomoc feels the passing Deity. The priests shout they come, and the victims are thrown into the fire.

The Flyers and the dance of Yucatan at the coronation of Huitziton.

The banner of the nation to be taken from Mexitlis' shield.

combat. Coanocotzin gives Madoc a sword. The combat and death of Ocelopan. Attack made by the whole Welsh force.

Book 5. Elen may ask to see Hoel's grave.

Book 6. The religious rites before their embarkation described. On such a departure both V. Flaccus and Camoens have written. That, however, matters not.

The harp heard by Tlalala compared to the music of the herb that sprung from the blood of Orpheus.

Could I not with some effect introduce the excommunication of Owen Cyveilioc?

Wherever Harold penetrated into Wales, he erected stone pillars, remaining in Giraldus's time, thus inscribed: HIC FUIT VICTOR HARALDUS. This should be noticed. Compared with the other Europeans, the Welsh were called unarmed. This should

be noted. And the wisdom of Madoc may borrow the armour of the Saxons.

Cornage1 tenure noticed.

Ocelopan seizes Hoel and runs away with him. Madoc follows, and is seized; but Ocelopan, without waiting for them, hastens on to Aztlan with the child. Procession to the sacred cavern by the lake, hymn to Taloc, and congratulations to the child who is destined to the joys of Talo- | can, the cool paradise. Hoel, tired of crying, is amused by the pomp. Coatel has been sent with the temple-girls to gather flowers for the shrine of Coatlantona; she has separated from them when she discovers the way into the cavern. From a rocking her brother's arms; ready to destroy she may see the procession; and she may be led to find out the secret entrance by the cries of the child.

After the escape of Madoc, the Peruvians perform the ceremony of driving away calamity.-Garcilaso, p. 258.

Ocelopan and Tlalala both insist that Madoc shall die by the gladiatorian sacrifice. Tlalala tells how his father took prisoner a chief who had passed the probation (Robertson), and who had made a drum of his enemies' skin (Garcilaso); that he killed him in the gladiatorian sacrifice, and besought the gods for a son who might follow

The ships were galleys.-Lyt. 3. 91. Coatel in passing to the temple of Coatlantona sees Madoc lying bound. That end of the town is deserted. She cuts his bonds, leads him to Hoel, and refuses to accompany their flight, thinking of her father. They cross the lake; and at landing find Elen on the bank. Gwenlhian is watch

herself with his sword, if danger should approach.

Perhaps the narrative of Madoc's escape should be an after relation by himself. In this case the eleventh book would open with Elen wandering along the water side.

Mervyn is with Gwenlhian. Madoc takes the boy to the battle-" I was a stripling such as thou art-at Corwen," The suffu

1 See DU CANGE in v. Cornagium, et Tenere per cornagium. In COWEL's words, "The service of which tenure is to blow a horn when any invasion of the northern enemy is perceived," in v.-J. W. W.

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