Imágenes de páginas

ing to be lepers, and exposing themselves to leprosy.

a conceited and barbarous attempt, Gifford calls it, to rectify the writing of the Eng

See this very curious passage in the Se- lish language, which seems to have fallen rées of BOUCHET, tom 3, p. 245-6.

THERE used to be a very considerable demand for Irish editions, from America.Irish Debates, vol. 16, p. 73.

THE roots of the couch grass (triticum repens) in Flanders, and in the south of Italy, are collected, washed, and sold in bundles for horses.-QUAYLE'S Survey of Jersey, Guernsey, &c. p. 255.

WHOEVER Would understand what reliance may be placed upon the Unitarian writers on the score of integrity, should consult Archbishop Magee's notes upon their improved version of the New Testament. They are to be found in the third volume of his most valuable discourse on the Atonement.

See also in the same volume, N. p. 810, the fraudulent manner in which they have used the names of Dr. Watts and Mrs. Trimmer.

HOBBES recommends the Whole Duty of Man, as (except a few passages that he misliked) very well worth reading; and as containing the then system of church morals. -ВЕНЕМОТН.

Ir has been said that "bugs were first brought into the country after the fire of London, in the fir timber imported for the rebuilding of the city." Gifford says, "unfortunately for them, however, they were the greatest sufferers by the fire, having been denizened in vast numbers long before that calamitous event took place."-B. J. vol. 6, p. 50, in a note upon

"Run away like cimici, Into the crannies of a rotten bedstead." This seems to be an Italian word.

DUELS.-B. JONSON, vol. 6, p. 69.

GILL, the master of St. Paul's school,

into the hands of the late James Elphinstone.-Ibid. vol. 6, N. p. 127.

"As just a carrier as my friend Tom Long was." Ibid. Tale of a Tub, p. 201. He was of that age then, and noted for his honesty.

"THE whirligig, the whibble, the carwidgen.
Hey day, what names are these?
New names of late."
MIDDLETON, Mayor of Queenborough,
Old Plays, vol, 11, p. 167.

VINDICATION of Alva's cruelty.

Adventures of Five Hours, Old
Plays, vol. 12, p. 41.

THE most curious stage direction I have seen is in Apius and Virginia. "Here let him make as he went out, and let conscience and justice come out of him; and let conscience hold in his hand a lamp burning, and let justice have a sword, and hold it before Apius's breast."-Ibid. p. 356.

French Memoirs.

Tom. 28.-VINCENT CARLOIX, Mem. du Vieillevilli.

Tom. 165.-Defence of spies, as men of principle.

Tom. 331.—Bull dogs, and bull baiting introduced from England into France.

Tom. 32.-Mem. de Tarannes. A Frenchman proposes to surprise Malta, as a sure step to Sicily, and to the conquest of Italy.

Ibid. tom. 30, p. 197. By the usage of war, the cannoneers had a right to all "les cloches d'une ville qu'ils ont battue, en quelque sorte qu'elle se sont rendue, ou par force ou composition."-VINCENT CARLOIX.

IN R. Greene's Looking Glass for London and England, Jonah is cast out of the

circiter A. D. 1600, published Logonomie, | Whale's belly upon the stage.

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WALLIUS, p. 106. Paulus Manutius Aldus, lib. 1, ep. 4, describes his way of borrowing from ancient authors, which is precisely the same as Ebenezer Elliot's. Wallius himself (p. 150) recommends it.

PARNASO Ital. Modern. vol. 13, Parini, p. 125-7. What men of rank learnt from Voltaire, and what they did not learn.

MR. DEVAY of Boston tells me, that madness is more common in America than in England; and that the most frequent cause is political excitement, the boundless ambition, and continual ferment of democracy.

He says also, that a small collection of good books is more generally to be found in an American house, than in an English one.-July, 1833.

UNCALCULATED and, quasi, uncalculable dangers, or consequences—

"It lately happened that an iron bridge fell in very curious circumstances, by the marching of a body of soldiers over it. Now, the bridge was calculated to sustain a greater weight than this body of men; and had they walked tumultuously over it, it would have withstood the pressure: but the soldiers marching to time, accumulated a motion, aided by the elasticity of the material, which broke it down."-BELL's Bridgwater Treatise, p. 234.

"Nous entrâmes dans un petit batteau rond qui avoit à chacun de ses flancs une roue attachée dont les aîles servoient de❘ rames, une manivelle double les faisoit tourner à la fois."-LAMEKIS, vol. 1, p. 93.

QUESTION de Amor. At a tournay, prizes both for knights and ladies who shall appear in the most gallant attire.-H. 2, I. 5.

"I Do not like that he names me so often, Especially on his death-bed: 'tis a sign I shall not live long."

WEBSTER, Vol. 1, p. 134.

[blocks in formation]

it break the first discharge, the workman is at the loss of it; if the second, the merchant and the workman jointly; if the third, the merchant.-Ibid. vol. 3, p. 185.

GENERATION of the winds as marked in the compass; a good satire on allegorical mythology. Ibid. vol. 3, p. 346.

FULLER, Church History, p. 146. Touching for the king's evil. He believed it, and relates a cure by Queen Elizabeth on a Papist, which converted him.

ST. AMBROSE'S, perhaps, the first hymn book ever published.-CLARKE, Ecc. Lit., vol. 1, p. 465.

Br St. Basil's canons, the same penance of ten years is appointed for him who opens a tomb, as for involuntary homicide.-Ibid. vol. 1, p. 356.

CURIOUS, considering "that Anarch old" of Milton, that "Avapxos should have been one of the names given by the early Christians to the Almighty.—Ibid. vol. 1, p. 112.

THE word Trinity, Tpias, first used at Antioch, and first found in Theophilus, A. D. 181.-Ibid. vol. 1, p. 113.

IN Gregorius Nyssensis, is a full account of the necessity of hands to a rational being. -Ibid. vol. 1, p. 422.

AUGUSTINE says that infants dying unbaptized, depart into a slight damnation, "in damnatione mitissimâ."— Ibid. vol. 2, p. 34.

ACCIDENTAL discovery of fire by Adam and Eve throwing a stone at a serpent, which struck a spark from a flinty rock, into the crevice of which the serpent escaped, and that spark kindling the dry vegetation around. This is related by Victor of Marseilles in his poetical commentary on Genesis. Ibid. vol. 2, p. 216.

COSMOS Indicopleustes writes to prove that the world is an universal plain, of the form of a parallelogram, shut in by walls, and surrounded by the ocean, which is again enclosed by another land, wherein the terrestrial paradise is situated.-Ibid. vol. 2, p. 310.

"THE master in the fable did not well to beat his maid for serving him with thin milk, when it was his own cow that gave it." -SANDERSON'S Preface.

"WHO knoweth not that as empty1 vessels give the loudest sound, and shallow brooks run with a fiercer current, and make a greater noise than deeper rivers do, so they that are the least able to judge are ever the most forward to pass sentence, and when they so do, the most rigid and peremptory

therein."-Ibid. to his Fourteen Sermons.

"SAYS the master of a booth at a fair to the fellow who managed affairs behind the curtain, Why don't you snow there?' 'Sir,' says the fellow aloud to him, 'all the white paper's gone.' 'Why, then, you blockhead,' cries the master,' snow in some brown paper.'"-T. BROWN's Dialogues, p. 294.

Ir is a just remark of CHARLEVOIX, that "il n'y a qu'au Tribunal de Dieu, que le témoignage de la Conscience rassure parfaitement."-N. France, tom. 1, p. 92.

OUR old lawyers were fond of rhymes, as witness John Doe and Richard Roe. So when two representative places are spoken of, the one is Dale and the other Sale; a beggar is to be whipped at Dale and passed

to Sale.-Statutes, tom. 3, p. 331.

'We may not readily forget the words of the Quaker in the Spectator," Thy drum is a type of thee; it soundeth because it is empty. Verily it is not from thy fulness, but thy emptiness that thou hast spoken this day." No. 132.-J.W.W.

66 Qui non s'ha d'uopo aver da Bonaparte Avuta lezion di cavalcare."

Cacasenno, xviii. p. 5.

If the date of this villainous poem were to be made out by internal testimony alone, who would suppose that it was older than the days of Napoleon.

"CUTTING down the sea weeds for kelp has injured the Scotch fisheries: there is no longer protection for the young fry, and therefore the old fish forsake those places." -Quarterly Review, No. 74, p. 348.

SPANISH Jews in the Levant are very numerous, and still speak Spanish as their mother tongue.—Ibid. vol. 3, p. 244.

A FRENCHMAN, for want of bark, cured ague by coffee in powder.-Ibid. p. 255.

TURKISH allowance of heads decapitanda. -Ibid. p. 400.

PROHIBITION of smoking is thought the hardest duty of Wahabism.—Ibid. p. 467.

"Es tan grande la fuerza de una batalla campal, que con mucha razon dizen los

WATER melons grow in the deserts of que professan la arte y disciplina militar. South Africa.-PHILIP, vol. 2, p. 121.

FLIES annually destroyed by fire at Florence."-GALIFFE, Italy, vol. 2, p. 408.

"REX NEMORENSIS, a priest of Diana at Nemi by the lake, who held his place by the tenure of having murdered his prede

cessor, and was never without a drawn sword to protect himself against his aspirant successor."-Mementoes of a Tour, vol. 2, p. 217.

Gas from a burning spring used for domestic purposes in America.-M'KENNEY'S Sketches, p. 84.

GALILEO's finger bit off by an antiquary. DUPPA's Travels, p. 13.

Dios me dè cient años de guerra, y no un dia de battalla."-GARIBAY, vol. 4, p. 1031.

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THE miscreant Burke was asked how he felt when pursuing his trade of murder, be A SAINTLY beard.-HEBER's Journal, vol. replied that "he had no feelings about it 2, p. 17.

THE modern Greeks use MT for B.TURNER'S Tour, vol. 1, p. 145.

STRANGE history of a Corsican who was like Prince Leopold of Naples.—Ibid. p.195.

when he was awake, but that when he slept he had frightful dreams, such as he had never had before."

Drink had something to do with this waking state, for the price of blood was chiefly expended in ardent spirits.

“SHALL I make spirits fetch me what I please?

RED sand fell with the rain at Zante.--I'll have them fly to India for gold,

Ibid. p. 204.

Ransack the ocean for orient pearl,

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