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ton, seen Girzy dexterously slice out a piece horizontally and by a layer of dusted-in flour, and frequent basting, and holding to the fire, raise a fictitious appearance of skin. that deceived even the keen-eyed minister. It was of this trick, the unhappy Davy, now, in an evil hour, made use He could no longer resist. He hastily seized a knife, an

sent an errand in the worst weather, wind and rain, and bad roads, if he staid a few minutes beyond the time which Girzy and the minister, fixed for his return by the cuckoo clock, or the watch, "he is diverting himself with his blackguard companions," Girzy would cry maliciously; and a slap in the face would welcome his return, while the minister considered it his duty to chastise him with the horse-cut off a morsel of crisp skin, which tasted so deliciously whip.

that he returned to the charge, again and again, in a king of frenzy of appetite, till the whole crackling was devoured and then-vain attempt to conceal the fraud, he had re course to Girzy's device, which ended in the skinless p being scorched black in many places.—“ What shall I do what shall I do !” cried Davy; « the minister will kill me and I deserve it." And for the first time, Davy felt that he had merited the punishment, which he often received for no fault at all. He was too candid and conscientious to blame the evil example of Girzy, which had led him into this snare. "Oh, I deserve all that he can do to me—and he will kill me! he will kill me! Lord have mercy upon me!" In this extremity Davy turned his eyes on the two small bottles standing in the window, which, as was mentioned in his hurry, the minister had left there, hastily charging the boy, for his life, not to touch them, as they contained poison. Davy had not hitherto thought of this injunction, bu now it darted on his mind-" As good be poisoned, as kil ed with the horse-whip," he cried; and 'abandoning the pig to burn to a cinder at its leisure, he eagerly wa

The minister had no roasting jack in his kitchen, and one of Davy's most frequent jobs was to turn on the spit, meat of which he was never to have nearer knowledge than by smell. Nothing made his master more angry than the roast not being nicely done. A good beating was always promised for this offence, of often falsely imputed negligence; and the minister never forfeited his word. If Davy was promised half a dozen lashes, he was generally paid with a round dozen; and in short, no minister's little man had ever been so wretched as poor Davy. It happened one Saturday, that the lady who recommended the orphan to this service, sent the minister a present of a sucking-pig, a favourite morsel with him; and informed him at the same time that an old friend of theirs was to come to sermon at his church next day, and would afterwards take pot-luck with him. His chops watered at sight of the pig, for he was naturally gluttonous, and by long habit, good eating was become his favourite solitary enjoyment ;-he would have gone a day's journey at any time for a bit of the stuffing, and the nice crisp skin, well basted with a faggot of sage, dipped in but-lowed the contents of one of the bottles at a draught ter, salt, and water. The church was almost adjoining the It was marked Maraschino, which Davy took for granted manse; and Girzy, having made every preparation for din- was, as well as the Curaçoa written on the label of the other, ner, put the pig to the fire, believing Davy had now expe- some potent, deadly poison. He now sat down on his little rience enough to turn the spit, and baste the roast by him- stool to die. "I will soon die," thought Davy;" self, without her superintendence. She was just gone, when the minister and Girzy come from the kirk I will be when the servant who attended his guest, brought the min- lying there dead, and he wont kick me then." But death ister two small bottles from the same lady who had sent the approached very slowly. Davy heard the church clock pig. He had only time to place them on the kitchen win- strike three, and knew the minister would return in a few dow shelf, as the bell for church was just ringing in. He minutes more. In a frenzy of despair, he rushed upcast a last anxious look on the pig, which was now making on the other bottle, and despatched it also; and now le slow revolutions round and round, under the steady guid- was sure death could not be far off. In the meantime, ing hand of Davy, and already beginning to exhale a sa- waiting its arrival, Davy fell into a deep sleep, and sunk on voury odour. “It will just be ready when sermon is over," the kitchen floor. It was Girzy who entered first, as the thought the minister; and he said aloud, "If you roast it minister had to put off his gown. well, I will not forget it to you; but if you dare to burn burnt pig met her outside the door. "Come here, minis it, you had as good be sleeping: I'll certainly kill you." ter, and see your bonny Davy," cried the malicious jade Davy, who had never known his master fail in fulfilling his and the minister entered in a fury. Where is my whip! threats of punishment, promised to be careful to keep up where is my whip?-rascal, I will kill you!” cried he the fire, and to baste diligently; and thanks to the sage and Davy roused himself at this threat. He crawled to the feel onions, and Girzy's odoriferous stuffing, a most tempting fla- of the minister, who had returned with the lash, and cried vour to a hungry boy was soon spread through the kitchen for mercy, though he was hardly able to articulate, for thi from the pig; which became as golden brown as a chestnut. poison had now begun to operate. Davy exhibited every It has often been said, and the maxim is still as true as ever, symptom of a drunk man a boy can shew, except a drunk that nothing is worse for young persons than evil example. man's gaiety. "Do not kill me, minister," he cried This was the first pig ever Davy had roasted. Neither "There's no need, I have swallowed the two little bottle ken, nor goose, nor lamb, hare, nor turkey, had ever smelt of poison you left in the window. I must soon die now so temptingly; and he was all alone. He manfully re- Imagine the rage of the minister, when, turning to the sisted the first stirrings of temptation. "No," said he, window, he saw the two liqueur bottles empty! He brough "though I am certain if I managed like Girzy, that the min- the lash several times about the boy's shoulders; but, per ister could not find it out, I won't taste it." But the more ceiving that he was nearly dead drunk, he delayed his pun turns of the spit Davy made, and the nearer his nose ap- ishment till next day, and ordered Girzy to throw the youn proached the savour that arose from his frequent bastings, vagabond on his bed in the stable, resolving that Dav the more powerful the temptation grew; and now the bad should get his dues with interest. The sight of the empty consequences of evil example were seen. He had often, place on the table, which the sucking-pig should have occu when turning the spit, laden with pork, veal, beef, or mut-pied-one of the finest, fat, delicate, sucking-pigs he ha

The bad smell of the

kill me.

I am tired!"

ever seen!-did not soften the minister's resentment. The stroke of good fortune awaited him, for at day-dawn, he pig run in his head all day and all night. joyfully beheld the farm of which he was in search, and On Monday morning, Davy awoke, after a sleep of which he well knew, though he was a stranger to the road eighteen hours, with a dreadful headach, and a consuming to it. "The gudewife will give me my breakfast," cried thirst. "It is the effect of the poison," thought he. "Ihe; "and then I'll get a good sleep in Pate's bed. O! but thought I would die sooner; and my master would not then It will be hard to be poisoned and killed too. It was a great sin to poison myself—Lord pardon me for it." He again fell asleep, and when the minister saw him still deprived of sense and motion, he left him without striking “I'm surprised at your patience with the young rascal," cried Girzy, "that you have not thrashed him within an inch of his life."—" No," said her master; "he could not feel what he gets now; I'll give him such a flogging as he will have cause to remember for the rest of his life. He'll be seeking his breakfast by and by, and before he get that he shall have all his dues, quod justum, as he richly de



In the afternoon, Davy awoke once more-not yet dead! His headach was, indeed, rather better, and he was famishing of hunger, having tasted nothing save the pilfered crackling, from breakfast time on Sunday. But he durst not venture into the house to ask for food. All the horror of his crimes, theft and self-murder, now appeared before bin. But the dread of punishment was yet more appalling. ~What will become of me?" cried the miserable Davy; and they must be cruel and inconsiderate persons, indeed, who rashly drive a boy, at his thoughtless years, to such Jainful extremity. They may be the authors of all his future misfortunes; and of crimes he never would otherwise have committed. He thought of running to sea, which he had heard of boys doing; of going to a cotton-mill, and of a coal pit. For a soldier he was far too little. Happily le wanted courage for any of these exploits; and he finally olved to run back to the GUDEMAN'S. "I do not know the way," thought Davy; "but the Lord will guide me. l'ate is not so well off as me-the minister's little man-but Pate is not scolded and cuffed by Girzy, and thrashed by the minister, every day, whether he be a good boy or a bad boy, all the same. Yes, when night comes, I will bolt the stable-door, and creep out by the loft-window. I will ask the road first to Tillicoultry; I have a gude Scotch tongue in my head, as the gudeman used to say. If I e get to Tillicoultry, I'll soon find the road to the gudewan's" Davy wore a sort of clerical livery that Girzy and tailor of the village had provided for him, out of an old st of the minister's. He knew the clothes did not belong thim; so he dressed himself in his old harren shirt, and tattered breeches, and without shoes, stockings, or bonnet, made his escape, in a terrible fright, repeating the Lord's Prayer as he ran, and in mortal dread of the minister pursing, overtaking, and killing him. This was not very nely; but Davy was not yet the close, acute reasoner he afwards became. The effects of deadly fear which impeis breathing, prevented him from making much way; dat last he began to think,-"The minister will never Pak open the door, and Girzy cannot climb to the winThey'll just wait till the morn, thinking me poited; and then Davy Dibble will come to bury me." With th thoughts for his companions, Davy marched the whole of the long, dark night; but luckily, as his sensible moher had never told him of fairies, nor let him hear of ts, he had no fear of them. And now an unexpected

No one was yet stirring about the farm-house; and as Davy sat musing on the stile, till the ha' door would open, his heart began to fail. "They'll be angry at me. wish I had staid and been thrashed or killed, O! I But I must tell what I did-that I ate the pig's skin, and then let it burn, and then poisoned myself. That was a great sin. The gudewife will be angry. The gudeman will maybe thrash me- but I deserve that-I dinna ken what to do. Lord have mercy upon me!" And Davy again said the Lord's Prayer, and repeated every psalm he knew. The door was now opened, and he crept into a corner of the porch, but feared to enter, or let himself be seen. It was the gudewife herself saw him first, as she went out to the byre to milk the cows. "Is it you, Davy! where have ye been all night, my man? What for have ye left the manse, bairn ?". stay at the manse," sobbed Davy, "the minister was going "I durst not to kill me."—" What do you mean, my bairn ?" cried the compassionate gudewife," tell me Davy all has happened ye." And Davy told his whole story, most ingenuously, and with the strictest observance of truth; for he had not been long enough under the cruel discipline of Girzy and the Minister to have acquired the slave's vice of lying, and concealing a small fault by committing a greater. The gudewife laughed in her sleeve when Davy described his unfortunate imitation of Girzy's trick of making fresh skin to a roast; but when he gravely informed her that he had swallowed two bottles of poison under dread of the lash, the honest woman shrieked out, and her maid, half dressed, and her husband, came running to her help. Davy," she cried, "he is poisoned, gudeman :—for fear of "The poor bairn being lashed on Sabbath last, for spoiling the minister's roast pig, he has swallowed as much poison as would kill a horse.". "" Lord be about us !" cried the maid. how it's wi' you, Davy, my man," said the gudeman, hoping there was some mistake; as Davy, though ragged, dirty, and tired, did not look like one at the point of death. “Tell me about this poison ?"—" It was in two little bottles about the length of that," said Davy, shewing his hand, which was not a large one." The minister said to me, 'Davy, for your life, dinna touch these bottles; they are poison :' but when the pig was burnt, kennin' the minister would kill me when he came in from the kirk, I just swallowed first one, and then the other. The one was as red as blood and very sweet, and the other was as yellow as a gowan; I fell asleep after that; and I have done a great sin in trying to put hand to mysell, I ken that." The gudeman had a shrewd guess what the minister's bottles of poison, that had thrown Davy into so long a sleep, might be. He bade his wife compose herself. "You'll no die this time, Davy, my man; but ye must take better care how ye swallow poison again. Mary must gie ye some breakfast; and then you must go to bed." Davy did not require two invitations to breakfast; and the gudeman and the gudewife consulted about what was to be done with him. They had had chil. dren of their own, and did not like to hear of punishment, the terror of which drove little orphan boys to poison them. selves, and run off from their homes. The gudeman sat

"Tell me

down and wrote to the minister, to inquire, in the first place, into the truth of this extraordinary story, and how, in so short a period, Davy's character and conduct had changed so far for the worse, that it was necessary to punish him so harshly every day. The minister, whom conscience upbraided for severity to the poor little orphan lad, was, at the same time, exceedingly offended that the culprit had not been sent back to his tender mercies. Girzy was accordingly ordered to make up the few goods and chattels of our small hero into a bundle, which was sent to the gudeman with a message, saying, "The minister hoped never to see the wicked ungrateful little rascal's face again." "You never shall," said the angry gudeman.

there was a new trick found out to get more money; and after they had got it, another Parliament was called to set all right, &c. But now they have so outrun the Constable, &c. &c.


No man is the wiser for his learning. It may admi. nister matter to work upon; but wit and wisdom are born Most men's learning is nothing but history, with a man. duly taken up. JEWS.-Talk what we will of the Jews, they thrive wherever they come; they are able to oblige the Prince of the country by lending him money; none of them beg; they keep together, and for their being hated, my life for yours, Christians hate one another as much.


THE intent of punishments is not to torment a sensible Good fortune often springs from the darkest sources-being, nor to undo a crime already committed. Is it possi Davy's poisoning and thrashings were the beginning of his. The lady who had sent him to the manse now put him to school, where in two years, he was able to assist the master. From thence he went to Edinburgh, and to the office of the agent of his patroness; where he made such good use of his time and talents, that, in ten years afterwards, he was a partner in the business, and his brother Peter one of the clerks. In after life, as often as Mr. David heard of little boys rebelling, playing truant, or running away from home, he remembered his poisoning, and said there were probably more persons in fault than the runaway; and he would inquire into the affair, and see justice done to the offender.

+++ As soon as the SCHOOLMASTER can find space, he will give the Sequel to the TALE OF LITTLE DAVY, in MEMOIRS OF MR DAVID BROWN, W. S.


KINGS, THEIR USE.-A King is a thing men have made for their own sakes, for quietness' sake. Just as in a family one man is appointed to buy the meat; if every man should buy, or if there were many buyers, they would never agree; one would buy what the other liked not, or what the other had already bought, and so there would be a confusion. But that charge being committed to one, he, according to his discretion, pleases all: the word King diverts our eyes. Suppose it had been Consul or Dictator. To think all Kings alike, is the same folly as if a Consul of

Aleppo or Smyrna should claim to himself the same power with a Consul of Rome. Kings are all individuals: this, or that King; there is no species of Kings: A King that claims privileges in his own country, because they have them in another, is just as a cook that claims fees in one lord's house because such are allowed in another. If the

master of the house will yield them, well and good. The text, "render unto Cesar the things that are Cesar's," makes as much against King's as for them; for it says plainly, some things are not Cesar's. But divines make choice of it, first in flattery, and then because of the other part adjoined to it," render unto God the things that are God's," whereby they bring in the Church.Selden.


ble that torments and useless cruelty, the instruments of furious fanaticism, or of the impotency of tyrants, can be authorized by a political body; which, so far from being influenced by passion, should be the cool moderator of the passions of individuals. Can the groans of a tortured wretch recal the time past, or reverse the crime he commi ted ?-the end of punishment, therefore, is no other than to prevent the criminal from doing farther injury to society, and to prevent others from committing the like offence Such punishments therefore should be chosen, and such modes of inflicting them, as will make the strongest, and most lasting impression on the minds of others, with the leas torment to the body of the criminal.-Beccaria.


The frequency of executions is always a sign of the weakness or indolence of governments. There is no malefactor who might not be made good for something; nor ought any to be put to death, even by way of example, unless such as could not be preserved without endangering the community. When a state is on the decline, the multiplicity of crime. occasions their impunity. Under the Roman republic, neither the senate nor the councils ever attempted to grant pardons; even the people never did this, though they some times recalled their own sentences.-Rousseau.

If punishments be very severe, men are naturally led to the perpetration of other crimes to conceal the first. A murder conceals a theft. In proportion also, as punishments became more cruel, the minds of men, as a fluid rises to the same height with that which surrounds it, grow hardene or insensible; and the force of the passions still continuing in the space of an hundred years, the wheel terrifies no more than formerly the prison. That a punishment may produce the effect required, it is sufficient that the evil it occa sions should exceed the good expected from the crime; chid the privation of the expected advantage. All severity cluding in the calculation the certainty of the punishment, beyond this is superfluous, and therefore tyrannical Severe punishments also occasion impunity. Human noture is limited, no less in evil than in good. Excessive barbarity can never be more than temporary. Beccaria.


A great part of the intemperate and vindictive spirit of legislators acting upon some temporary excitement, or the English law, is to be ascribed to the practice of our Lord Bacon describes it, on " the spur of the occasion." will suffice to illustrate this by one or two examples, Ther was a statute passed in the reign of Henry VIII by which it was enacted, that persons convicted of poisoning should be boiled to death. It must be admitted that, atrocious and malignant as the crime of poisoning is, it does not become the character of justice, even if it be right to exterminate the offender, to take a fiend-like pleasure in protracting the It is agonies of death, and to display a horrid ingenuity in torsurely enough that he dies, without his death being mad the occasion of exhibiting the cruel and revengeful feeling of the legislator, by examples which teach cruelty to the Selden, «The Princes of England have done something eccentric barbarity of the statute, when we find that it w "In all times," says people. In the present instance, we cease, to wonder at the illegal' to get money; but then came a Parliament, and made under the impulse of strong public indignation, in all was well; the people and the Prince kissed, and were consequence of the atrocious crime of a person named

THE COMMON CENTRE. An old Radical.

Euclid was beaten in Boccaline, for teaching his scholars a mathematical figure, whereby he showed that all the lives both of Princes and private men tended to one centre, con gentilezza, handsomely to get money out of other men's pockets, and put it into their own.


by putting poison into a pot of broth, part of which was served up to the Bishop's family, and the remainder to the poor of the parish, destroyed several lives; though we by no means vouch for the cogency of the proof, on which the charge of so enormous a crime was sustained. We know thats ometimes families have been poisoned by accident; as, for instance, by an ill-cleaned copper vessel. However this may be, no doubt of the man's guilt was entertained. The novel and dreadful sort of punishment which he underwent, was inflicted by a special statute, passed for the occasion, and of course subsequently to the commission of the crime; and the boiling to death was intended to be a sort of retaliation, because the crime had been effected by boiling! He suffered the punishment by a retrospective operation of the act. This statute, however, did not long exist, to convert the proceedings of a court of justice into a sort of culinary process; for, in the first year of Edward VI., it was repealed. Only think of a British Parliament sitting in consultation upon a proposition of boiling a human being to death, and that by a law made after the crime had been committed! They could only have surpassed this by being actually present at the execution of their own sentence, and by taking care that the lingering torments of the diabolical cookery were not abridged by any merciful rapidity of operation on the part of the person whom the sheriff appointed to stir the fire, and preside over the horrors of the judicial cauldron. The sentence was executed in Smithfield. There was the fire lit the cauldron raised-and the man boiled, by act of Parliament, to the great edification of the people; who, if they learned nothing else from it, learned, at least, that atrocious cruelty was a legislative virtue, which the vulgar might not, therefore, be ashamed to practise. It is bad enough in a legislative body to become ridiculous by its fullies, but it is still worse to deserve the abhorrence of all enlightened minds by its inhumanity. If any thing could 4minish the public indignation against the culprit who was convicted of so heinous a crime, it was the greater enormity of having recourse to such a mode of punishing it. We may fairly infer, that the deliberate and shocking cruelty of the legislature excited disgust even in that rude time, when we find that one of the first acts of the popular reign of Edsard VI., a few years after, was to erase the monstrous penalty of "boiling to death" for ever from the criminal law of England.-Tail's Magazine.


[blocks in formation]

It appears to be a well-established fact, that the caloric of steam, at a given density, is a constant quantity when in contart with water. This is undoubtedly the case, if the steam is properly generated; but if any part of the boiler, which contars the steam, is suffered to get at a higher temperature than the water contained in it, from want of a sufficient supply of water, the steam will receive an excess of caloric, and become persaturated steam, without adding any available power thereto. In some recent experiments I have heated steam to a temperature (viz. 1200) that would have given to it all the per which steam is capable of exerting (viz. nearly 60,000lbs to the square inch), if it had had its full quantum of water. Yet the indicator showed a pressure of less that five atmospheres. Having satisfied myself, by repeated experiments, as to the certainty of this curious fact, the thought struck me, that if heated water was injected suddenly into this mass of persaturated steam, the effect would be instantly to form chly elastic steam the strength of which would depend upon e temperature of the supersaturated steam, and the temperaand quantity of water injected. To ascertain the truth of theory, I made the following experiments:-The generator was filled with water, and heated to about 500 degrees. The pressure valve being loaded at 70 atmospheres, it prevented the ter from expanding into steam. The receiver, which was destow of both water and steam, being heated to about 1200 deges a small quantity of water was injected into the generawith the forcing pump, which forced out from under a prese Talve of the generator, into the receiver, a corresponding 4-44ity; and this instantly flashed into steam, which, from its

having ignited the hemp that covered the steam-pipe ten feet from the generator, must have been at a temperature of at least 800 degrees; but from want of water to give it its necessary density, the indicator shewed a pressure of only about five atmospheres. Whether the pressure of the steam which was atmospheres, the steam-pipe kept up at the high temperature rushing through the steam-pipe, was at five or one hundred before mentioned; undoubtedly, owing to the steam being supersaturated with caloric. The pump was now made to inject a much larger quantity of heated water; and the indicator, in an instant, showed a pressure of from 50 to 60 atmospheres. It soon expanded (the throttle-valve being partially opened) to the former pressure of about five atmospheres. The water was injected again; and again the indicator was observed to oscillate, at each stroke of the pump, from 4 to between 40 and clearly showing that, at the reduced pressure, there was a great 100 atmospheres, according to the quantity of water injected— redundance and loss of heat, with little elastic force. It soon occurred to me, that here may be traced the true cause of the tremendous explosions which suddenly take place, in low as well as high pressure boilers. There are many instances where an instant before one of these terrific explosions had taken place, the engine laboured-showing evidently a decrease of power in the steam. To illustrate the theory of sudden explosions, let us suppose the feed-pipe, or pump of a boiler, to be choked. In this case the water would soon get below some parts thus leaving them to become heated to a much higher tempera of the boiler, which should be constantly covered with water, ture than the water; te steam being now in contact with the heated metal, readily takes up the heat, and becomes supercharged with caloric. Since caloric will not descend in water it cannot be taken up by it when above its surface. The steam thus supersaturated, will heat the upper surface of the boiler, in some cases, red-hot; and ignite coals or any other combus tible matter which may be in contact with it. Now if steam, in this state, could be supplied with heated water, as was the readily anticipated. Let the same cause continue which cut off case in the experiment before-mentioned, the result may be the supply of water from the boiler, until it shall no longer be able, from its diminished quantity, to lay on the bottom of the boiler, then, all at once, like the boiling over of an over-heated pot, the heated water will rush up into, and be immediately taken up by, this mass of supersaturated steam. Thus, having suddenly acquired a sufficient density, by the addition of heated water, it will become steam of immense power, and will as sud denly explode-no safety-valve being calculated to guard against this rapid generation of high steam.

In converting cast into wrought iron, a mass of metal of about one hundred weight is heated almost to a white heat, and placed under a heavy hammer moved by water or steam power. This is raised by a projection on a revolving axis; and if the hammer derived its momentum only from the space through which it fell, it would require a considerable greater time to give a blow. But as it is important that the softened mass of red-hot iron should receive as many blows as possible before it cools, the form of the cam or projection on the axis is such, that the hammer, instead of being lifted to a small height, is thrown up with a jerk, and almost the instant after it strikes against a large beam, which acts as a powerful spring, and drives it down on the iron with such velocity that by these means about double the number of strokes can be made in a given time. In the smaller tilt-hammers, this is carried still further; by striking the tail of the tilt-hammer forcibly against a small steel anvil," it rebounds with such velocity, that from three to five hundred strokes are made in a minute. In the manufacture of scythes, the length of the blade renders it necessary that the workman should move readily, so as to bring every part on the anvil in quick succession. This is effected by placing him in a seat suspended by ropes from the ceiling; so that he is enabled, with little bodily exertion, by pressing his feet against the block which supports the anvil, to vary his distance to any required extent. In the manufacture of anchors, an art in which this contrivance is of still greater importance, it has only been recently applied. Babbage on Machinery and Manufactures.


(From the Journal of an American Society.) THERE is no difficulty in oiling axles continually, but to do it so as not to waste a drop of oil, has not been done, I believe, till the latest improvements in the friction-saving carriage of the Baltimore rail-road where very accurate experiments have been making by Mr. George Brown, one of the principal pro prietors of that work; the result of which, he informs me, is, that one quart of oil will be sufficient for 2000 miles' run of a


Continued from Number 10.

The aver

carriage, which, with its load, weighs 3 tons. He informs me, at the same time, that he has ascertained that the Lehigh railway carriages consume 4 quarts in running 321 miles with I ton. This, it will be perceived, is nearly 30 times as much.The manner of oiling the Winan's waggon is peculiar to its construction as now improved. The secondary wheels now run in a cast-iron case, the top of which is formed so as to affix to the under surface of the side timbers of the frame of the waggon. Its sides sustain the axle, and are supported or joined by an intermediate part or bottom, which forms a tight case, into which the oil is put, so that the friction wheel dips into it, and its rim carries up a little of it continually to the rubbing and rolling surfaces, returning it to the reservoir; thus oiling its own axle, where all the rubbing is situated, and the rolling-axle, and no more is consumed than evaporates, Its enclosure keeps clean. I need not remind the reader that the use of oil on axles is not only to keep the surfaces from actual con. tact, and grinding together, but to keep them cool, and this is better done by the successive application of new portions of oil than by keeping the same oil on the axle as long as it will last, partaking of the heat the axle requires, and therefore evaporat-tain, the average prices of wheat fell in 1814 to 73s. 11d., and ing the faster. This method must therefore be of consequence when great velocity is to be given to heavy loads.


We extract the following additional observations on the subject from the minutes of a monthly meeting of the Franklin In"Geo. W. Smith, Esq., to whom was referred the question, "What is the best unguent, and the most economical mode of its application, to diminish the friction of rail-way cars, locomotive engines, and other machinery of similar construction?" stated, that the result of several experiments which have recently been made, have led to the conclusion, that the finest quality of sperm oil most effectually relieves machinery from

the effects of friction.

Professor A. D. Bache_remarked, that Mr. Wood's experiments on the friction of railway carriages had shown the fact to be in that case, as stated by Mr. Smith; and that those of Rennie led to the conclusion, that the nature of the unguent should bear some relation to the weights to be supported, or resistances to be overcome, the more fluid unguents applying best to light


"After which Mr. J. MIlvaine stated, that in using the various kinds of unguents on this machinery, he had come to the same conclusion as that stated by Mr. S., that the best quality of sperm oil was the most beneficial; having considered it as a question of much importance, he had devoted a considerable time to the subject, and was very particular in making his observations. He further remarked, that the oil should be carefully cleansed, and deprived of those parts which water could ove. DR. HENRY'S DISINFECTING PROCESS.-An apparatus for the disinfection of clothes, bedding, &c., on the plan proposed by Dr. Henry, has been erected at Lancaster Castle (at an expense of only L.10;) and another is also about to be put up at the New Bailey, Manchester. The apparatus consists simply of two cast-iron pans-the inner one 3 feet 6 inches diameter, and 2 feet 2 inches deep; the outer one 3 feet 8 inches diameter, and 2 feet 4 inches deep. They are united at the flanches. The shape, however, is of no consequence, provided the clothes are only sufficiently heated. Neither has steam any advantages over hot air, except in so far as it may secure linen or woollen articles from being burned. A hot closet, so constructed as that the heat should not rise above from 212 to 220 degrees, would doubtless answer the purpose.

REMEDY FOR THE FOOT-ROT IN SHEEP.-The following remedy is suggested by a correspondent of the Essex Independent, for the prevention and cure of the foot-root in sheep, which disease has this season been more than usually prevalent. He recommends it from experience, having found it decidedly harmless as well as efficacious. His plan is this; about once a month, whether the sheep be affected or not, sprinkle some fresh lime on some dry place about an inch thick; and while sloaking, put the sheep upon it, making them walk over it some few minutes; this cauterising the foot renders it hard, and still less to be affected by the above baneful as well as highly contagious disease. Should the foot be previously diseased, the parts affected had better be removed by a sharp knife, and the above plan, without any other application, be adopted.

A GENTLEMAN.-In St Constant's Sketches of London and English manners, it is asserted that the nurse of James I., having followed him from Edinburgh to London, entreated him to make her son a gentleman. "My good woman," said the King, "I might make him a laird, but I could never make him a gentleman."


With the return of peace in 1814, a severe depression took place in agriculture, and a fall in the price of produce of the soil of all kinds. The crop of 1811 was bad, but those of 1812 and 1813 had been very good in England. and 108s. 94. The great importations of foreign grain bega age prices of wheat for the two last years, were 125s. 51 in 1813. flour, &c. imported, was from foreign countries, L.2,306,654; In the years 1811 and 1812, the value of grain, the and from Ireland, L.2,478,509. In the next two years, grain, &c. to the value of L.5,007,911, was imported from foreiga countries, and to the amount of L.4,445,827, from Ireland. The quantities imported in the latter years are nearly one-third greater than the respective values would indicate, for the value was estimated at the average market prices, which were about one-third lower in 1813 and 1814, than in 1811 and 1812. In consequence of these large importations, and on account of th crop 1814 and 1815 being also abundant in most parts of Br in 1815 to 64s. Other grain fell in the same proportion. To of their wheat in 1815 and 1816, was very indifferent, so much add to the misfortunes of the Scotch agriculturists, the quality so, that it sold for a third less than English wheat, though the these years, Scotch wheat had been superior to English. Ia prices in the three prior years had differed little; and in some of 1815 the average price of wheat in Scotland was only 53s. 6 This state of matters produced great distress and alarm. It ap pears from a variety of evidence, that all parties had calculated that wheat would bring 80s. or 84s. a-quarter; and leases for several years preceding, had been entered into, with the mat perfect reliance on the permanence of a price of at least 50% isted. Mr. Turnbull, a very intelligent farmer, near Dunbar, Nor was this estimate at all exaggerated, as far as data then ex stated in his examination before the committee of the House Commons, on agricultural distress in 1814, that his sales of wheat for crops, 1805-1813, gave an average of 91s. per qu No reduction of rents was, however, given. The distres was considered merely temporary, and farms continued to la The Corn Law of 1815, by prohibiting all importation, t taken at high rents during the years 1814, 1815, and 1816 wheat reached 80s. it was very generally supposed, would have the effect of keeping that grain near that price, and landlords an tenants acted for several years on that supposition. This law proved most injurious to British agriculture, and the protectin it held out was a mere delusion. In the meanwhile, a cause misfortune, generally unexpected, though ultimately inevitable, cash payments by the Bank of England, without any pr appeared. The evils necessarily attending the restriction of vision to limit within proper bounds the issues of pa hitherto operated to defraud annuitants, stockholders, a per, shewed themselves in a new form. This proceeding ba other persons, living on the interest of capital, of a third, fourth of their property by raising the price of commodities t that extent, while their receipts remained unchanged. Be now the time had come when debtors were to be defrauded and creditors enriched. The over-issues of the Bank of E land had led to an equal over-issuing by the English country banks. Bills were discounted almost without limitation. I were their principal debtors; and as the fall in the value many counties the agriculturists, or those depending on them charge their engagements, the banks failed in great numbers agricultural produce rendered it impossible for them to It has been estimated, that of 699 country banks in Englun and Wales, in 1814, 240 either became utterly bankrupt stopped payment before the end of the year 1816; nor did t mischief cease here. The currency was not only diminish. by the sudden withdrawing of the notes of the insolvent barb but the issues of all the rest were very greatly, contract The Board of Agriculture estimated, that in the county Lincoln only, above three millions of bank paper had, in course of eighteen months, been withdrawn from circulatin and in a variety of other extensive districts in England, and the south of Ireland, no money was to be found in circulatio credit was totally annihilated; and so great was the panic, th even the notes of the Bank of England would hardly pass c rent except at a discount. These failures were the more d tressing and calamitous, as they chiefly affected the industri classes, and frequently swallowed up in an instant the fruits a long life of laborious and unremitting exertions. That port on which too many of the agriculturists and manufact ers rested, suddenly gave way at the moment when it was m necessary. Prices instantly fell; and thousande who, but a m

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