Imágenes de páginas


nate in words, so as to distinguish a thing from every other; as, to specify the uses of a plant; to specify the articles one wants to purchase.

He has there given us an exact geography of Greece, where the countries and the uses of their soils are specified. Pope.

Specimen (spes'i-men), n. [L. specimen, lit. that by which a thing is seen and recognized, a mark or token, an example or specimen, from specio, to look, to behold. See SPECIES.] A part or small portion of anything intended to exhibit the kind of the whole, or of something not exhibited; a sample; as, a specimen of painting or composition; a specimen of one's art or skill-Specimen, Sample. A specimen is a portion of a larger whole employed to exhibit the nature or kind of that of which it forms a part, without reference to the relative quality of individual portions; thus a cabinet of mineralogical specimens exhibits the nature of the rocks from which they are broken. A sample is a portion taken out of a quantity, and implies that the quality of the whole is to be judged by it, and not rarely that it is to be used as a standard for testing the goodness, genuineness, purity of the whole, and the like. In many cases, however, the words are used indifferently.

Speciology (spe-shi-ol'o-ji), n. The doctrine of species.

Speciosity (spē-shi-os'i-ti), n. The state of being specious; a specious show; a specious person or thing. 'Professions built so largely on speciosity instead of performance.' Carlyle.

Specious (spē'shus), a. [Fr. spécieux; L. speciosus, showy, beautiful, plausible, from species, look, show, appearance. See SPECIES.] 1. Pleasing to the eye; outwardly pleasing; showy; beautiful; fair. 'A virgine ful specious, and semely of stature." Metrieul Romance of fourteenth century. 'As sweet to the smell as specious to the sight.' Fuller.

The rest, far greater part, Will deem in outward rites and specious forms Religion satisfied. Milton. 2. Apparently right; superficially fair, just, or correct; plausible; appearing well at first view; as, specious reasoning; a specious argument; a specious objection. And count

thy specious gifts no gifts, but guiles.' Mil


A man's acts are slavish, not true but specious; his very thoughts are false, he thinks too as a slave and coward, till he have got Fear under his feet. Carlyle. -Ostensible, Colourable, Specious, Plausible. See under OSTENSIBLE.-SYN. Showy, plausible, ostensible, colourable, feasible. Speciously (spě'shus-li), adv. In a specious manner; with a fair appearance; with show of right; as, to reason speciously. That personated devotion under which any kind of impiety is wont to be disguised and put off more speciously.' Hammond. Speciousness (spē'shus-nes), n. The quafity of being specious; plausible appearance; fair external show; as, the speciousness of an argument.

Speck (spek), n. [A. Sax. specca, L.G. spaak, a speck; perhaps from root of spew; comp. spot and spit.] 1. A spot; a stain; a blemish; a small place in anything that is discoloured by foreign matter, or is of a colour different from that of the main substance; as, a speck on paper or cloth.

The little rift within the lover's lute, Or little pitted speck in garner'd fruit, That rotting inward slowly moulders all. Tennyson. 2. A small particle or patch; as, a speck of snow on a hill. 'The bottom consisting of gray sand with black specks.' Anson's Voyages-SYN. Spot, stain, flaw, blemish. Speck (spek), v.t. To spot; to mark or stain in spots or drops. Speck'd with gold.' Mil


Speck (spek), n. [D. spek, fat; A. Sax. spic. bacon.] 1. Blubber, the fat of whales and other mammalia. In South Africa, the fat flesh of the hippopotamus is so called by the Dutch.-2. Bacon-Speck falls, in whalefishing, falls or ropes rove through blocks for hoisting the blubber and bone off the whale.

Speckle (spek), n. [Dim. of speck.] A little spot in anything, of a different substance or colour from that of the thing itself; a speck. Speckle (spekl), v. t. pret. & pp. speckled; ppr speckling. To mark with small spots of a different colour from the ground or



Speckled (spek'ld), p. and a. 1. Marked with specks or speckles; variegated with spots of a different colour from the ground or surface of the object; as, the speckled breast of a bird; a speckled serpent. Dryden. 2. In her. spotted over with another tincture. Speckledness (spek'ld-nes), n. The state of being speckled.

Specksioneer (spek-shon-er), n. [See SPECK, blubber.] In whale-fishing, the chief harpooner; he also directs the cutting operations in clearing the whale of its blubber and bones.

Speckt (spekt), n. [See SPECHT.] A woodpecker. Written also Speight. [Obsolete or local.]

Specs, Specks (speks), n. pl. A vulgar abbreviation for Spectacles.

Spectacle (spek'ta-kl), n. [Fr. from L. spectaculum,from specto, to behold, freq. of specio, to see. See SPECIES.] 1. A show; a gazingstock; something exhibited to view; usually, something presented to view as extraordinary, or something that is beheld as unusual and worthy of special notice; specifically, a pageant; a gorgeous or splendid show; an exhibition which is mainly attractive to the eye; as, a dramatic spectacle.

We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men. 1 Cor. iv. 9.

In open market-place produced they me,
To be a public spectacle to all.

2. Anything seen; a sight. The dreadful spectacle of that sad house of pride. Spenser.-3. pl. A well-known and invaluable optical instrument used to assist or correct some defect in the organs of vision. Spectacles consist of two oval or circular lenses mounted in a light metal frame which is made up of the 'bows,' 'bridge,' and 'sides' or 'temples. The frame is so constructed as to adhere to the nose and temples, and keep the lenses in the proper position. Spectacles which are merely fixed on the nose are usually called eye-glasses. Spectacles with convex lenses are used to aid the sight of the aged, or those who are termed long or far sighted; and spectacles with concave lenses are used to assist the vision of those who are near-sighted. In long-sighted persons the refractive powers of the eye are too feeble, or the cornea is too much flattened; hence, the rays of light coming from an object after entering the eye do not converge sufficiently soon to be brought to a focus, and form a perfect image of the object on the retina. The convex lens counteracts this defect by increasing the convergence of the rays, and causing them to meet at the retina. Short-sightedness is a defect the very reverse of that which has been stated, and hence must be corrected by opposite means, namely, by concave lenses. In both cases the value of spectacles depends upon their being accurately adapted to the state of the eye. Spectacles with coloured lenses, as green, blue, neutral-tint, smoke-colour, &c., are used to protect the eyes from a glare of light. Divided spectacles have each lens composed of two semicircles of different foci neatly united; one half for looking at distant objects, and the other for examining things near the eye. Another kind, called periscopic spectacles, has been contrived in order to allow considerable latitude of motion to the eyes without fatigue. The lenses employed in this case are either of a meniscus or concavo-convex form, the concave side being turned to the eye. Spectacles with glazed wings or frames partly filled with crape or wire-gauze are used to shield the eyes from dust, &c. Spectacles, as they form an instrument of binocular power, are usually designated a pair of spectacles.-4. † The eye; the organ of vision.

And bid mine eyes be packing with my heart And called them blind and dusky spectacles. For losing ken of Albion's wished coast. Shak. 5. pl. Fig. something which aids the intellectual sight.

Shakespeare... needed not the spectacles of books to read nature. Dryden.

SYN. Show, sight, exhibition, representation, pageant. Spectacled (spek'ta-kld), a. Furnished with or wearing spectacles. As spectacled she sits in chimney nook.' Keats.--Spectacled bear, a bear of the genus Tremarctos, the sole representative of the Ursidæ in South America. So called from the light-coloured rings round the eyes having exactly the appearance of a pair of spectacles; the rest of the face and body being black.


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Spectacular (spek-tak'u-lèr), a. 1. Pertaining to or of the nature of a show or spectacle; as, a spectacular drama. Spectacular sports.' Hickes.-2. Pertaining to spectacles or glasses for assisting vision. Spectant (spek'tant), ppr. [L. spectans, spectantis, ppr. of specto, to behold.] In her. a term applied to an animal at gaze, or looking forward; sometimes termed in full aspect. The term is likewise applied to any animal looking upwards with the nose bendwise.

Spectationt (spek-tā'shon), n. [L. spectatio, spectationis, from specto. See SPECTACLE.] Regard; look; aspect; appearance.

This simple spectation of the lungs is differenced from that which concomitates a pleurisy. Harvey. Spectator (spek-ta'tor), n. [L., from specto, freq. of specio, to look, to behold. See SPECIES.] One who looks on; one that sees or beholds; a beholder; one who is present at a play or spectacle; as, the spectators of a show; the spectators were numerous.

There be of them that will themselves laugh to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too. Shak. SYN. Looker-on, beholder, observer, witness. Spectatorial (spek-ta-to'ri-al), a. Pertaining to a spectator. Addison. Spectatorship (spek-ta'tor-ship), n. 1. The act of beholding. Some death more long in spectatorship.' Shak. 2. The office or quality of a spectator. Spectator. [Rare.] Spectatress, Spectatrix (spek-ta'tres, spekta'triks), n. [L. spectatrix. See SPECTATOR.] A female beholder or looker on. Rowe; Jeffrey.

1. Pertaining to a Spectral (spek'tral), a. spectre; ghostlike; ghostly.

Some of the spectral appearances which he had been told of in a winter's evening. Sir W. Scott.

2. Pertaining to ocular spectra; pertaining to the solar or prismatic spectrum; exhibiting the hues of the prismatic spectrum; produced by the aid of the spectrum; as, spectral colours; spectral analysis. Spectrally (spek'tral-li), adv. In a spectral manner; like a ghost or spectre. Whittier. Spectre (spek'tér), n. [Fr. spectre; from L spectrum, an appearance, an apparition, from specto, to behold. See SPECIES.] 1. An apparition; the appearance of a person who is dead; a ghost; a spirit; a phantom. The ghosts of traitors from the bridge descend, With bold fanatic spectres to rejoice. Dryden.

Lest the spectre of indefeasible right should stand once more in arms on the tomb of the house of York, the two houses of parliament showed an earnest desire for the king's marriage with the daughter of Ed. Hallam. ward IV.

2. In zool. (a) one of a family of orthopterous insects. See PHASMIDE. (b) A species of quadrumanous mammal (Lemur spectrum, Linn.), so called on account of its nocturnal habits, attenuated frame, long and skeletonlike limbs, and the gliding, stealthy, noiseless motion by which it surprises a sleeping prey. Owen.

Spectre-bat (spek'ter-bat), n. See PHYLLO


Spectrological (spek-trō-loj'ik-al), a. Of or pertaining to spectrology; performed or determined by spectrology; as, spectrological analysis.

Spectrology (spek-trol'o-ji), n. [Spectrum, and Gr. logos, discourse.] That branch of science which determines the constituent elements and other conditions of bodies by examination of their spectra. Spectrometer (spek-trom'et-ér), n. [Spectrum, and Gr. metron, a measure.] An apparatus attached to a spectroscope for purposes of measurement, consisting of a tube containing an engraved or photographed scale, the image of which is transmitted so as to appear side by side with the spectrum. Spectroscope (spek'tro-skop), n. [Spectrum, and Gr. skopeō, to look at.] The instrument employed in spectrum analysis. It usually consists of a tube with a slit at one end, and a convex lens called a collimator at the other, from which parallel rays of light proceed; a prism, or train of prisms, to separate the differently refrangible rays; and a telescope to view a magnified image of the spectrum produced. Spectroscopic, Spectroscopical (spek-trōskop'ik, spek-tro-skop'ik-al), a. Of or pertaining to the spectroscope or spectroscopy. Spectroscopically (spek-tro-skop'ik-al-li), adv. In a spectroscopic manner; by the use of the spectroscope. Spectroscopist (spek'trō-skop-ist), n. One who uses the spectroscope; one skilled in spectroscopy.


Spectroscopy (spek'trō-skōp-i), n. That branch of science, more particularly of chemical science, which is concerned with the use of the spectroscope and with spectrum analysis.

Spectrum (spek'trum), n. pl. Spectra (spek'tra). 1. A spectre; an apparition.

Lavater puts solitariness a main cause of such spec'rums or apparitions. Burton.

2. An image of something seen, continuing after the eyes are closed, covered, or turned away. If, for example, we look intensely with one eye upon any coloured object, such as a wafer placed on a sheet of white paper, and immediately afterwards turn the same eye to another part of the paper, we shall see a similar spot, but of a different colour. Thus, if the wafer be red, the seeming spot will be green; if black, it will be changed into white. These images are also termed ocular spectra. 3. The oblong figure or stripe formed on a wall or screen by a beam of light, as of the sun, received through a small hole or slit and refracted by being passed through a prism. This stripe is coloured throughout its length, the colours shading insensibly into one another from red at the one end, through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, to violet at the other. This analysis is due to the different refrangibilities of the component rays, the violet being the most refrangible and red the least. Besides the coloured rays, the spectrum contains thermal or heating rays, and chemical rays. The heating effect of the solar spectrum increases in going from the violet to the red, and still continues to increase for a certain distance beyond the visible spectrum at the red end, while the chemical action is very faint in the red, strong in the blue and violet, and sensible to a considerable distance beyond the violet end. The actinic rays, or those beyond the violet, may be rendered visible by throwing them upon a surface treated with some fluorescent substance. (See AcTINISM.) A pure spectrum of solar light is crossed at right angles by numerous dark lines, called Fraunhofer's lines (which see), each dark line marking the absorption of a particular elementary ray. By means of these dark lines and certain bright lines analogous to them, to be referred to, facts of the highest importance, especially in chemistry, have been ascertained. For the proper understanding of the import of these lines, five principles require to be kept in view. First, an incandescent solid or liquid body gives out a continuous spectrum. Second, an incandescent gaseous body gives out a discontinuous spectrum, consisting of bright lines. Third, each element when in the state of an incandescent gas gives out lines peculiar to itself. Fourth, if the light of an incandescent solid or liquid passes through a gaseous body, certain of its rays are absorbed, and black lines in the spectrum indicate the nature of the substance which absorbed the ray. Fifth, each element, when gaseous and incandescent, emits bright rays identical in colour and position on the spectrum with those which it absorbs from light transmitted through it. Now, applying these principles to the solar spectrum, we find, from the nature and position of the rays absorbed, that its light passes through hydrogen, potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, magnesium, zinc, iron, chromium,cobalt, nickel, copper, and manganese, all in a state of gas, and constituting part of the solar envelope, whence we conclude that these bodies are present in the substance of the sun itself, from which they have been volatilized by heat. The moon and planets have spectra like that of the sun, because they shine by its reflected light, while, on the other hand, each fixed star has a spectrum peculiar to itself. It has been already said that the incandescent vapour of each elementary substance has a characteristic spectrum, consisting of fixed lines, which never changes. This furnishes the chemist with a test of an exquisitely delicate nature for the detection of the presence of very minute quantities of elementary bodies. Thus, by heating any substance till it becomes gaseous and incandescent and then taking its spectrum, he is able by the lines to read off, as it were, from the spectrum the various elements present in the vapour. Four new elements, viz. rubidium, cæsium, indium, and thallium, have thus been detected. The employment of the spectrum for the detection of the presence of elementary bodies, whether by observing the


rays they absorb or those they emit, is called spectrum or spectral analysis, and the instrument employed a spectroscope (which see).

Specular (spek'ü-lêr), a. [L. specularis, from speculum, a mirror, from specio, to see. See SPECIES] 1. Having the qualities of a mirror or looking-glass; having a smooth, reflecting surface; as, a specular metal; a specular surface. The skill of specular stone.' Donne.-2. † Assisting sight by means of optical properties.

Thy specular orb Apply to well-dissected kernels. F. Philips. 3. Affording view.

Look once more ere we leave this specular mount. Milton.

-Specular iron ore, a hard, crystallized variety of hæmatite, consisting of anhydrous ferric oxide of a dark-red colour, inclining to black. Specularia (spek-û-lñ'ri-a), n. A genus of plants, nat. order Campanulacea. The species are small annual plants, with alternate, entire, or toothed leaves, and sessile, axillary, or shortly-stalked blue, white, or violet flowers. S. hybrida is a native of the cornfields of Great Britain. S. speculum is a pretty annual, commonly cultivated under the name of Venus's looking-glass. Speculate (spek'u-lat), v.i. pret. & pp. specu lated; ppr. speculating. [L speculor, specu latus, to view, to contemplate, from specula, a lookout, from specio, to see. See SPECIES, &c.] 1. To meditate; to revolve in the mind; to consider a subject by turning it in the mind and viewing it in its different aspects and relations; to theorize; as, to speculate on political events; to speculate on the probable results of a discovery.-2. In com. to purchase goods, stock, or other things with the expectation of an advance in price and of selling the articles with a profit by means of such advance; to engage in speculation: frequently applied to unsound business transactions; as, to speculate in coffee, or in sugar, or in bank stock.

Speculate (spek'u-lat), v.t. To consider attentively; to examine; as, to speculate the nature of a thing. [Rare.]

We conceit ourselves that we contemplate absolute existence when we only speculate absolute privation. Sir W, Hamilton. Speculation (spek-u-la'shon), n. 1. The act of looking on; examination by the eye; view. Though we upon this mountain's basis by Took stand for idle speculation.


2. Mental view of anything in its various aspects and relations; contemplation; intellectual examination; as, the events of the day afford matter of serious speculation to the friends of Christianity.

Thenceforth to speculations high or deep
I turn'd my thoughts.

3. Train of thoughts formed by meditation; a theory or theoretical view.

From him Socrates derived the principles of morality and most part of his natural speculations. Sir W. Temple. 4. That part of philosophy which is neither practical nor experimental. Fleming. 5. Power of sight; vision.

Thou hast no speculation in those eyes
Which thou dost glare with.


6. In com. (a) the act or practice of laying out money or of incurring extensive risks with a view to more than the usual success in trade; the buying of articles of merchandise, shares, stocks, or any purchasable commodities whatever in expectation of a rise of price, and thereupon a gain to the buyer; an anticipation on the part of a trader that demand will be excessive or that supply will be deficient: the term is generally used with some slight meaning of disapprobation. () A single act of speculation; a hazardous commercial or other business transaction entered into in the hope of large_profits. speculation had failed.' Tennyson.

'A vast

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Speculative (spek'ü-lāt-iv), a. [Fr. spécu latif. See SPECULATE.] 1. Given to speculation; contemplative. The mind of man being by nature speculative.' Hooker. 2. Pertaining to, involving, or formed by speculation; theoretical; ideal; not verified by fact, experiment, or practice; as, a scheme merely speculative.

The speculative part of philosophy is metaphysics. The speculative part of mathematics is that which has no application to the arts. Fleming.

For they were discussing not a speculative matter, but a matter which had a direct and practical connec tion with the most momentous and exciting disputes of their own day. Macaulay,

3. Pertaining to or affording sight. Posted on his speculative height. Couper. 4. Watching; prying. My speculative and officed instruments." Shak

Counsellors should not be too speculative into their sovereign's person. Bacon.

5. Pertaining to, or given to, speculation in trade; engaged in speculation or precarious ventures for the chance of large profits.

The speculative merchant exercises no one regular, established, or well-known branch of business. Adam Smith. Speculatively (spek'ū-lät-iv-li), ade. In a speculative manner; as, (a) contemplatively; with meditation. (b) Ideally; theoretically; in theory only, not in practice; as, propositions seem often to be speculatively true which experience does not verify.

It is possible that a man may speculatively prefer the constitution of another country... before that of the nation where he is born and lives. Swift.

(c) In the way of speculation in trade, &c. Speculativeness (spek ́u-lat-iv-nes), n. The state of being speculative, or of consisting in speculation only.

Speculator (spek'ū-lāt-ér), n. 1. One who speculates or forms theories; a theorizer.— 2. An observer; a contemplator; a spy; a watcher. Sir T. Browne.

All the boats had one speculator to give notice when the fish approached. Broome.

3. In com. one who speculates in trade; one who buys goods or other things with the expectation of a rise of price and of deriving profit from such advance. Speculatorial† (spek'ü-lä-tō”ri-al),a. Speculatory.

Speculatory (spek'ū-lā-to-ri), a. 1. Exercising speculation; speculative. Carew. 2. Intended or adapted for viewing or espying. Both these were nothing more than speculatory outposts to the Akeman-street. T. Warton.

Speculist (spek'u-list), n. An observer; a speculator. Goldsmith. [Rare.] Speculum (spek'ū-lum), n. [L., a mirror, from specio, to look, to behold.] 1. A mirror or looking-glass.-2. In optics and astron, a reflecting surface, such as is used in reflecting telescopes, usually made of an alloy of copper and tin (see Speculum Metal below), but frequently now of glass. Those of glass are covered with a film of silver on the side turned toward the object, and must not be confounded with mirrors, which are coated with tin-amalgam on the posterior side.3. In surg. an instrument used for dilating any passage, as the ear, or parts about the uterus, with a reflecting body at the end. upon which a light being thrown the condition of the parts is shown.-4. In zool. a bright spot on animals, often iridescent, as upon the wing of a duck, tail of a peacock, &c.-Speculum metal, metal used for making the specula of reflecting telescopes. It is an alloy of two parts of copper and one of tin, its whiteness being improved by the addition of a little arsenic.

Sped (sped), pret. and pp. of speed. Spede, v.t. To speed; to despatch. Chaucer. Spedeful,ta. Effectual; successful. Chaucer. Speech (spech), n. [A. Sax. spæc, speech Speecet (spes), n. Kind; species. B. Jonson. See SPEAK.] 1. The faculty of uttering articulate sounds or words, as in human beings; the faculty of expressing thoughts by words or articulate sounds; the power of speaking. God's great gift of speech abused Makes thy memory confused.


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4. The act of speaking with another; conversation; talk.


I would by and by have some speech with you. Shak, Look to it that none have speech of her. Sir W. Scott. 5. Anything said or spoken; an observation expressed in words; talk; mention; common saying The duke did of me demand What was the strech among the Londoners Concerning the French journey. 6. Formal discourse in public; oration; harangue; as, the member has made his first speech in Parliament. - 7. Speaking; utterance of thoughts. I with leave of speech implor'd, replied.' Milton.-Reported or oblique speech. See OBLIQUE-Speech, Harangue, Oration. Speech is generic, and applies to any kind of address; it is the thing spoken without reference to the manner of speaking it. Harangue is a noisy speech, usually unstudied and unpolished, addressed to a large audience, and specially intended to rouse the passions. Oration is a formal, impressive, studied, and elaborately polished address.

Speech (spěch), v.i. To make a speech; to harangue.

Speech-crier (spěch'kri-er), n. One who hawks about printed accounts of the execution, and confessions, when any are made, of criminals, accounts of murders, &c. Speech-day (spēch'dā), n. The periodical examination day of a public school.

I have still the gold étui your papa gave me when he came to our speech-day at Kensington. Thackeray. Speechful (spěch'fyl), a. Full of talk; loqua



One who

Speechification (spěch'i-fi-kā"shon), n. The act of making speeches or of haranguing. [Humorous or contemptuous.] Speechifier (spěch ́i-fi-ér), n. speechifles; one who is fond of making speeches; a habitual speech-maker. George Eliot [Humorous or contemptuous.] Speechify (spěch ́i-fi), vi pret. & pp. speechified; ppr. speechifying. To make a speech; to harangue. Humorous or contemptuous ]

Speeching (spēch'ing), n. The act of making a speech.

Speechless (spěchles), a. 1. Destitute or deprived of the faculty of speech; dumb; mute. He that never hears a word spoken, it is no wonder he remain speechless.


2. Not speaking for a time; silent; tempor: arily dumb. Speechless with wonder, and half dead with fear.' Addison. Speechlessness (spěch ́les-nes),n. The state of being speechless; muteness. Speech-maker (spêch'mák-ér), n. One who makes speeches; one who speaks much in public assemblies.

Speed (sped), v.i. pret. & pp. sped, speeded;
(A. Sax. spêdan, to hasten,
ppr. speeding.
to prosper; LG. spoden, spuden, spöden,
D. spoeden, G. sputen, to hasten, to advance
quickly; from an older strong verb; A. Sax.
sphan, to succeed, to prosper, to thrive;
O.H.G. spuoan, spuôn, to succeed. See also
the noun) 1. To make haste; to move with

If prayers
Could alter high decrees, I to that place
Would speed before thee, and be louder heard.

2. To advance in one's enterprise; to have success; to prosper; to succeed.

An honest tale speeds best being plainly told. Shak,

3. To have any condition or fortune, good or ill; to fare.

Come you to me at night; you shall know how I speed. Shak.

Ships heretofore in seas like fishes sped, The mightiest still upon the smallest fed. Waller. Speed (sped), v. t. 1. To despatch; to send away quickly; to send away in haste.

He sped him thence home to his habitation. Fairfax. 2 To hasten; to hurry; to put in quick motion; to accelerate; to expedite. But sped his steps along the hoarse resounding shore.' Dryden.

It shall be speeded well.


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7. To make to be versed; to acquaint. In Chaucer I am sped.' Skelton.-8. To bring to destruction; to despatch; to kill; to ruin; to destroy.

A plague o' both your houses! I am sped. Shak A dire dilemma! either way I'm sped! If foes, they write, if friends, they read me dead. Pope. Note.-The phrase 'God-speed' is now generally considered as equivalent to 'may God give you success.' But probably it was originally good-speed,' good in Anglo-Saxon being written gód: I bid you or wish you good speed, that is, good success. SPEED, n. 1.


Speed (spēd), n. [A. Sax. spêd, haste, dili

gence, success, prosperity, wealth, from spówan, to succeed (see the verb); O.H.G. spuot, prosperity, haste.] 1. Success; fortune; prosperity in an undertaking. Happy be thy speed. Shak.

O Lord God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day. Gen. xxiv. 12.

The prince, your son, with mere conceit and fear
Of the queen's speed, is gone.

2. Swiftness; quickness; celerity; haste; despatch; rapid pace or rate; as, a man or a horse runs or travels with speed; a bird flies with speed; to execute an order with speed; the steamer went full speed. 'Rides at high speed. Shak.-3. Impetuosity; headlong violence.

I pray you, have a continent forbearance till the speed of his rage goes slower. Shak

4. A protecting and assisting power. 'Saint Nicholas be thy speed.' Shak.-SYN. Swiftness, celerity, quickness, haste, despatch, expedition, hurry, acceleration. 1. One who speeds.Speeder (spēd ́er), n. 2. A kind of machine for forwarding things in manufacture.

1. Full of speed; Speedful (sped'ful), a. hasty. 2. Successful; prosperous; advantageous.

And this thing he sayth shall be more speedful and effectual in the matter.

Sir T. More.

Speedfully (spēd'ful-li), adv. In a speedful manner; speedily; quickly; successfully. Speedily (spēd′i-li), adv. In a speedy manner; quickly; with haste; in a short time. 'Haste you speedily to Angelo.' Shak. Send speedily to Bertran.' Dryden. The quality of Speediness (spēd'i-nes), n. being speedy; quickness; celerity; haste; Speedless (sped'les), a. 1. Having no speed. despatch. Shak.

2. Not prosperous; unfortunate; unsuccessful. Speedless wooers.' Chapman. Speedwell (spēd’wel), n. [Probably from growing on roadsides, and, as it were, pleasantly saluting travellers, or from cheering them on their way.] The common name of plants of the genus Veronica, nat. order Scrophulariacea. The species consist of herbs, under shrubs, or shrubs, with opposite, alter

Germander Speedwell (Veronica Chamædrys), nate, or verticillate leaves. The flowers are of a blue, white, or red colour, having two stamens, and are arranged in axillary or terminal spikes or racemes. The species are numerous, and many of them ornamen. tal; they are distributed over all parts of the world, and are especially abundant in the temperate climates. The number of British species is considerable. V.officinalis, or common speedwell, was once extensively used as a substitute for tea, and also as a tonic and diuretic. V. Teucrium, or germander-leaved speedwell, has much the same properties as common speedwell, and at one time entered into the composition of several esteemed


diet-drinks. V. Chamædrys, or germander speedwell, is a very general favourite, on account of its being among the very first that opens its flowers in the early spring. It is sometimes known by the name of bird'seye and forget-me-not. Speedy (sped'i), a. 1. Quick; swift; nimble; hasty; rapid in motion; as, a speedy flight. How near's the other army?Near, and on speedy foot. Shak.

2. Quick in performance; not dilatory or slow; as, a speedy despatch of business.3. Near; quickly approaching; soon to be expected.

I will wish her speedy strength.


Speel (spel), v.t. and i. [Etym. doubtful.] To climb; to clamber. [Scotch.] Written also Speil.

Speelken (spēl’ken), n. Same as Spellken. Speer (sper), v.t. To ask. See SPEIR. Speering, Speiring (sper'ing), n. [Scotch. See SPEIR.] Inquiry; investigation; information got by asking questions; as, to get speerings of a person's whereabouts." Speet (spet), v.t. To stab. Speeton-clay (spe'ton-kla), n. A dark blue laminated bed of clay, containing nodules of clay ironstone, found at Speeton, near Scarborough, and supposed from its fossils to represent the lower greensand. Speight (spät), n. [See SPECHT.] A woodpecker. [Obsolete or local.]

Speil (spěl), v. t. and i. Same as Speel. Speir (sper), v. t. and i. [A. Sax. spyrian, Icel. spyrja, to search out by the track or trace, to inquire, from spor, D. spoer, G. spur, a track.] To make diligent inquiry; to ask; to inquire. [Scotch.] Written also Speer, Spere, Spier.

Speiss (spis), n. [G.] A residue, consisting of nickel, arsenic, sulphur, with traces of cobalt, copper, and antimony, found in the bottoms of crucibles in which smalts or cobalt-glass has been melted. Speke-house (spēk ́hous), n. The room in

a convent in which the inmates were allowed to speak with their friends. Written also Speak-house.

Spektakel, n. An optical glass. Chaucer. Spelæan (spê-lē'an), a. [L. spelæum, Gr. spelaion, a cave.] Of or pertaining to a cave or caves; dwelling in a cave or caves. Those primitive spelaan people who contended against and trapped the mammoth.' Fraser's Mag

Spelding, Speldron (spel'ding, spel'dron), n. [Sc. speld, to spread out, to expand, from root of G. spalten; Sw. spjäla, to cleave, to divide. See SPALE, SPALL.] A small fish split and dried in the sun. [Scotch.] Spelearctos (spê-lē-ark'tos),n. (Gr. spēlaion, a cave, and arktos, a bear.] A genus of fossil mammalia belonging to the order Carnivora and family Ursidae or bears. Spelful (spel'ful),a. Having spells or charms. Spelk (spelk), n. [A. Sax. spele, from same root as spelding (which see)] A splinter; a small stick or rod used in thatching. [Provincial.]

Spell (spel), n. [A. Sax. spell, a saying, speech, tale, charm, incantation; Icel spjall, a saying, story, discourse; O.G. spel, a history, fable, incantation; Goth. spill, a saying, tradition. This word forms the latter part of gospel.] 1. A story; a tale. Chaucer.-2. A charm consisting of some words of occult power; any form of words, whether written or spoken, supposed to be endowed with magical virtues; an incantation; hence, any charm.

Never harm,


Nor spell, nor charm Come our lovely lady nigh. Spell (spel), v. t. pret. & pp. spelled or spelt; ppr. spelling. [A.Sax. spellian, to say, speak, tell, from spell, a saying, speech; D. spellen, to spell (a word); Goth. spillon, to declare, narrate, to relate; O. Fr. espeler, Mod. Fr. épeler, to spell, is from the Germanic.] 1. To tell; to relate; to teach; to disclose. Might I that holy legend find, By fairies spelt in mystic rhymes.


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creation,' South.-4. To act as a spell upon; to fascinate; to charm. 'Spell'd with words of power.' Dryden. Such tales as needs must with amazement spell you.' Keats.5. To make up; to constitute, as the letters constitute a word. [Rare.]

The Saxon heptarchy, when seven kings put together did spell but one in effect. Fuller. Spell (spel), v. i. 1. To form words with the proper letters, either in reading or writing. Read by rote and could not spell.' Shak.2. To read.


Where I may sit and rightly spell Of every star that heaven doth shew, And every herb that sips the dew. Spell (spel), v.t. [A. Sax. spelian, to supply the room of another; speling, spelung, a turn, a change. Connections doubtful.] To supply the place of; to take the turn of at work; to help; to relieve.

Spell (spel), n. [See the above verb.] 1. A piece of work done by one person in relief of another; a turn of work; a single period of labour.

Their toil is so extreme, that they can not endure it above four hours in a day, but are succeeded by spells. Carew.

2. A short period; a brief unbroken time; a while or season; as, we have had a long spell of wet weather.-3. Gratuitous helping forward of another's work; as, a wood-spell. [United States.]

Spell-bound (spel'bound), a. Bound as by a spell or charm; as, he stood as if spellbound.

Speller (spel'èr), n. 1. One that spells; one skilled in spelling.-2. A book containing exercises or instructions in spelling; a spelling-book.-3. In her, a branch shooting out from the flat part of a buck's horn at the top.

Spellful (spel'ful), a. Full of spells or charms. Each spellful mystery.' Hoole. [Rare.]

Spelling (spel'ing), n. The act of one who spells; the manner of forming words with letters; orthography.

False spelling is only excusable in a chamber-maid. Swift. Spelling-bee (spel'ing-bě), n. See under BEE, 2. Spelling-book (spel'ing-buk), n. A book for teaching children to spell and read. Spellken (spel'ken), n. [D. speel, G. spiel, a play, and E. ken.] A play-house; a theatre. [Low slang.]

Who in a row, like Tom, could lead the van, Booze in the ken, or at the spellken hustle? Byron. Spell-stopped (spel'stopt), a. Stopped by a spell or spells; spell-bound. Shak. Spell-work (spel'wèrk), n. That which is worked by spells or charms; power of magic; enchantment. Those Peri isles of light that hang by spell-work in the air.' Moore. Spelt (spelt). A preterite and past participial form of spell.

Spelt (spelt), n. [A. Sax. spelt, L. G. and D. spelt, G. spelz, from root of split.] An inferior kind of wheat, Triticum Spelta. Called also German Wheat.

Speltt (spelt), v.t. [G. spalten; akin spelding, spelk.] To split; to break. Feed geese with oats, spelted beans.' Mortimer. Spelt (spelt), n. See SPALT. Spelter (spel'tér), n. [L.G. spialter, G. and D. spiauter, spelter, zinc; akin pewter. Kindred forms, the one with and the other without an initials, are not uncommon. Comp. spike, pike, sneeze, neeze.] A name often applied in commerce to zinc.

Spelunct (spe-lungk'), n. [L. spelunca.] A

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trysail. Spencer-mast, a small mast on which a spencer is hoisted.

Spend (spend), v. t. pret. & pp. spent; ppr. spending. [A. Sax. spendan, aspendan, borrowed from L. expendo or dispendo, to weigh out, to dispense.] 1. To lay out; to dispose of; to part with; as, to spend money for clothing.

Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? Is. lv. 2.

2. To consume; to exhaust: to waste; to squander; as, to spend an estate in gaming or other vices.-3. To bestow; to devote; to employ.

I.. am never loth

To spend my judgment. G. Herbert.

4. To pass, as time; to suffer to pass away. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. Job xxi. 13. was dressed to spend the Dickens.

The lamplighter.. evening somewhere.

5. To exhaust of force or strength; to waste; to wear away; as, a ball had spent its force. "Their bodies spent with long labour and thirst.' Knolles. The storm, its burst of passion spent.' Tennyson-To spend a mast, to break a mast in foul weather.

Spend (spend), v.i. 1. To make expense; to make disposition of money.

He spends as a person who knows that he must South. come to a reckoning,

2. To be lost or wasted; to vanish; to be dissipated; to be consumed; to dissipate or spread; as, candles spend fast in a current of air.

The vines they use for wine are so often cut that their sap spendeth into the grapes. Bacon.

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Spend-all (spend'al), n. A spendthrift; a prodigal, Old play (1609) quoted by Nares. Spender (spend'ér), n. 1. One that spends.

Let not your recreations be lavish spenders of your time; but healthful, short, and apt to refresh you. Fer. Taylor.

2. A prodigal; a lavisher. Bacon, Spendthrift (spend thrift), n. One who spends his means lavishly, profusely, or improvidently; an improvident person; a prodigal.

The son, bred in sloth, becomes a spendthrift, a profligate, and goes out of the world a beggar. South Often used as an adjective; as, spendthrift ways.

Spendthriftył (spend'thrift-i), a. Prodigal; lavish; extravagant.

Spenserian (spen-se'ri-an), a. Of or relating to the poet Spenser; specifically, applied to the style of versification adopted by Spenser in his Faery Queen. It consists of a strophe of eight decasyllabic lines, and an Alexandrine, and has a threefold rhyme, the first and third lines forming one, the second, fourth, fifth, and seventh another, and the sixth, eighth, and ninth the third. It is the stateliest of English measures, and was adopted by Byron in his Childe Harold. Spent (spent), pret. & pp. of spend. 1. Worn out; wearied; exhausted.-Spent ball, a cannon or rifle ball, which reaches an object without sufficient force to pass through it, or to wound otherwise than by a contusion. 2. Having deposited the spawn; specifically, said of a herring which has spawned. Sper, Sperrt (spèr), v. t. [Icel. sperra, Dan. sperre, G. sperren, A. Sax. sparrian (whence spar, v.t.] To shut in; to bolt in; to fasten

or secure.


With massy staples, And corresponding and fulfilling bolts, Sperrs up the sons of Troy. Sperablet (spē'ra-bl), a. [L. sperabilis, from spero, to hope. Capable of being hoped for;

within the bounds of hope. Bacon. Sperable, Sperrable (spèr'a-bl), n. Same as Sparable.

Cob clouts his shoes, and, as the story tells, His thumb-nailes paired afford him sperrables. Herrick. Sperage (sper'āj), n. Asparagus. 'The sperage and the rush.' Sylvester, Du BarSperatet (spē'rāt), a. [L. speratus.] Hoped



Spere (sper), v.t. and i. Same as Speir. Spere (sper), n. In arch. an old term for the screen across the lower end of a dininghall to shelter the entrance. Spere,t n. A sphere. Chaucer. Spere,t n. A spear. Chaucer. Spergula (spèr'gü-la), n. [From L. spargo, to scatter, because it expels its seeds.] A genus of plants, nat. order Caryophyllaceæ. The species are found in fields and culti

2. In Scotland, the apartment of a house where the family sit and eat. Spencer (spen'şer), n. One who has the care of the spence or buttery. Spencer (spen'sér), n. An outer coat or jacket without skirts, named from an Earl Spencer, who, it is said, cut in joke the tails from his coat, and declared a garment of the resulting shape would become fashionable. Spencer (spen'sèr), n. Naut. a fore-and-aft sail set abaft the fore and main masts; a


vated ground, especially on sandy soils, all over the world. They have slender stems, very narrow often whorled leaves, and small white fine petalled flowers. S. artens18 (corn-spurrey or yarr) is a well-known plant, growing in cornfields. In some parts of the Continent it is sown as fodder. Cattle and sheep are fond of it; hens also eat it, and are said to lay a greater number of eggs in consequence.

Sperm (sperm), n. [Fr. sperme, from L and Gr. sperma, a seed, from Gr. speiró, to sow.] 1. The seminal fluid of animals; semen. Bacon.-2. A common and colloquial contraction for Spermaceti.-3. Spawn of fishes or frogs.

Spermaceti (spèr-ma-sē'ti), n. [L. sperma, sperm, and cetus, a whale. ] A fatty material obtained chiefly from cavities in the skull of the Physeter or Catodon macrocephalus, a species of whale generally met with in the South Seas, but occasionally also on the coasts of Greenland. (See CACHALOT.) The spermaceti is also found diffused through the blubber. During the life of the animal the spermaceti is in a fluid state, and on the head being opened

Spermaceti Whale (Physeter macrocephalus).

has the appearance of an oily white liquid. On exposure to the air the spermaceti concretes, and deposits from the oil. They are then separated and put into different barrels. Some of the larger whales have been known to yield 24 barrels of spermaceti, and from 70 to 100 barrels of oil. After being purified by an elaborate process the spermaceti concretes into a white, crystallized, brittle, semitransparent unctuous substance nearly inodorous and insipid. It dissolves in boiling alcohol, and as the solution cools it is deposited in perfectly pure lamellated crystals. It is then called cetin. Spermaceti is a mixture of various fatty acids, and derivatives of the acids. It is bland and demulcent, with considerable nutritive qualities when taken internally. It is chiefly employed externally as an ingredient in ointments and cerates. It is also largely used to form candles.

Spermaceti (spér-ma-se'ti), a. Relating to or made of spermaceti. Spermaceti-oil (spèr-ma-se'ti-oil), n. Same as Sperm-oil.

Spermaceti-whale (spèr-ma-sẽ'ti-whål), m. The Physeter macrocephalus. See SPERMACETI.

Spermacoce (spèr-ma-kō'sē), n. [From Gr. sperma, seed, and akōke, a point-in allusion to the capsule being crowned by the calycine points.] A genus of plants, the buttonweed, nat. order Rubiace. They are usually annual herbs, sometimes undershrubs, with opposite sessile or sub-sessile leaves, and usually small densely-whorled or capitate hermaphrodite flowers in terminal and axillary clusters. The species are abundant in tropical parts of the world. The roots of S. Poaya and ferruginea form substitutes Spermagone (spèr'ma-gōn), n. [Gr. sperma, for ipecacuanha. a seed, gone, generation.] In bot one of the thalline capsules or cysts in lichens containing spermatia. Cooke. Spermagonium (spèr-ma-gō'ni-um), n. pl. Spermagonia (sper-ma-go'ni-a) [See SPERMAGONE. In bot. a spermagone. Spermarium, Spermary (sper-mäʼri-um, sperma-ri), n. The organ in male animals in which spermatozoa are produced; the spermatic gland or glands (testes) of the male.

Spermatheca (spèr' ma-the-ka), n. [Gr. sperma, seed, and theke, case.] A cavity in certain female insects (e.g. queen-bees) in which the sperm of the male is received. Spermatia (spêr-mat'i-a), n. pl. [A dim. from Gr. sperma, spermatos, a seed.] In bot. linear bodies found in the spermagones of lichens, supposed to be possessed of a fertilizing power.


Spermatic (spêr-mat'ik), a. 1. Consisting
of seed; seminal-2. Pertaining to the semen,
or conveying it; as, spermatic vessels; sper-
matic artery, cord, and veins.
Spermatical (sper-mat'ik-al), a. Spermatic.

Spermatism (sper'ma-tizm), n. [Gr. sper-
matizo, to bear or produce seed.] 1. The
emission of sperm or seed.-2. The theory
that the germ in animals is produced by
spermatic animalcules.

Spermatizet (spèr'ma-tiz), v.i. To yield seed; to emit seed or sperm. Sir T. Browne. Spermatoblast (spér'ma-to-blast), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and blastos, a germ.] Certain stalk-like filaments in the seminal ducts upon which the spermatozoa are developed.

Spermatocele (spèr'ma-to-sel), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and kēlē, a tumour.] A swelling of the spermatic vessels, or vessels of the testicles.

Spermato-cystidium (spèr'ma-to-sis-tid'ium), n. (Gr. sperma, a seed, and kystis, a bladder.] A name given to the supposed male organ of mosses.

Spermatogenous (spêr-ma-toj'en-us), a. (Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and gennao, to produce.] Sperm-producing, Spermatoid (sper'ma-toid), a. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and eidos, form.] Spermlike; resembling sperm or semen. Spermatology (spèr-ma-tol'o-ji), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and logos, discourse.j Scientific facts regarding sperm. Spermatoon (spèr'ma-tō-on), n. pl. Spermatoa (sperma-to-a). [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and oon, egg.] A cell constituting a nucleus of a sperm-cell. Spermatophore (sper'ma-to-för), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and phoreo, to bear.] One of the cylindrical capsules or tabular sheaths which in some animals carry or surround the spermatozoa. Sometimes called the Moving Filaments of Needham.

Spermatophorous (spèr-ma-tof'ō-rus), a. Bearing or producing sperm or seed; seminiferous

Spermatorrhea (spér ́ma-tō-rē”a), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, and rheo, to flow.] Emission of the semen without copulation. Spermatozoid (spêr'ma-to-zō"id), n. [Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed, zoon, a living creature, and eidos, resemblance] A minute ciliated thread-like body, exhibiting very active spontaneous motion, found in the antheridia of cryptogamic plants, and regarded as analogous to the spermatozoon of animals, as possessing fecundative power. Spermatozoon (sper'ma-to-zo"on), n. pl. Spermatozoa (sper'ma-to-zo"a). [Gr. sperma,spermatos, seed, and zoon, a living being.1 One of the microscopic animalcular-like bodies developed in the semen of animals, each consisting of a body and a vibratile filamentary tail, exhibiting active movements comparable to those of the ciliated zoospores of the algae, or the ciliated epithelial cells of animals. Spermatozoa are essential to impregnation.

Sperm-cell (sperm'sel), n. A cell contained in the liquor seminis, in which are developed the spermatoa or nuclei from which the spermatozoa originate.

Spermic (sper mik), a. Of or pertaining to sperm or seed.

Spermidium (spèr-mid'i-um), n. [From Gr. sperma, seed, and eidos, resemblance.] In bot a small seed-vessel, more commonly called an Achene.

Spermoderm (spèr'mo-dèrm), n. [Gr. sperma, seed, and derma, skin.] In bot. the whole integuments of a seed in the aggregate: properly, the testa, primine, or external membrane of the seed of plants. Spermogonia (sper-mo-go'ni-a), n. pl. Same as Spermagania. Treas. of Bot. Sperm-oil (sperm'oil), n. The oil of the spermaceti-whale, which is separated from the spermaceti and the blubber. This kind of oil is much purer than train-oil, and burns away without leaving any charcoal on the wicks of lamps. In composition it differs but slightly from common whale-oil. Spermologist (sper-mol'o-jist), n. [See SPERMATOLOGY.] One who treats of sperm or seeds.

Spermology (spèr-mol'o-ji), n. [Gr. sperma, seed, logos, discourse.] That branch of science which investigates sperm or seeds; a treatise on sperm or seeds. Spermophilus (spér-mof'i-lus), n. [Gr. sperRa, seed, and phileo, to love.] Cuvier's


name for a genus of Rodentia, that of the marmots that have cheek-pouches. The superior lightness of their structure has caused them to be called Ground-squirrels. Eastern Europe produces one species, S. citillus, called also the suslik or zizel. Several species are found in North America. Spermophorum (spér-mof'o-rum), n. In bot. a cord which bears the seeds of some plants; also, the placenta itself. Spermotheca (sper'mo-the-ka), n. [Gr. sperma, seed, and theke, case.] In bot. the seedvessel; the case in which seeds are contained.

Sperm-whale (sperm'whāl), n. See SPER

MACETI and CACHALOT. Sperr, v.t. See SPER.

Sperset (spèrs), v.t. To disperse. Spenser. Sperver (sper ver), n. 1. In arch, an old name for the wooden frame at the top of a bed or canopy. Sometimes the term includes the tester or head-piece.-2. In her. a tent. Written also Sparver. Spett (spet), v.t. To spit; to throw out. When the dragon womb of Stygian darkness spets her thickest gloom.' Milton. Spett (spet), n. Spittle. Lovelace. Spetches (spech'ez), n. pl. A name for the offal of skin and hides, from which glue is made.

Spetum (spē'tum), n. A kind of spear used in the fifteenth century. See cut SPEAR. Spew (spu), v. t. [Spelled also Spue.] [A. Sax. spiwan, to spit, to spew; cog. D. spouwen, spuwen, to vomit; G. speien, O.G. spiwan, Icel. spýja, Goth. speiwan, to vomit, to spit; these Teutonic forms being cognate further with L. spuo, to vomit, which appears to have given rise to the spelling spue. Spit is from same root.] 1. To vomit; to puke; to eject from the stomach.-2. To eject; to cast forth. Hollow places spew their watery store.' Dryden.-3. To cast out with abhor


Spew (spũ), v.i. To vomit; to discharge the contents of the stomach. 'Better 'twas that they should sleep or spew.' B. Jonson. Spewer (spu'er), n. One who spews. Spewiness (spu'i-nes), n. The state of being spewy, moist, or damp. "The coldness and spewiness of the soil. Bp. Gauden. Spewy (spū'i), a. Wet; boggy; moist; damp.

The lower valleys in wet winters are so spewy, that they know not how to feed them. Mortimer.

Sphacel (sfas'el), n. Gangrene. See SPHA

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Sphacelate, Sphacelated (sfas'e-lat, sfas'e-lat-ed), a. In bot. decayed, withered, or dead.

Sphacelation (sfas-e-lā'shon), n. The process of becoming or making gangrenous; mortification.

Sphacelism, Sphacelismus (sfas'ĕ-lizm, sfas-e-liz'mus), n. A gangrene; an inflammation of the brain.

Sphacelus (sfas'ē-lus), n. [Gr. sphakelos, from sphazo, to kill.] In med. and surg. (a) gangrene; mortification of the flesh of a living animal. (b) Death or caries of a bone. Sphæralcea (ste-ral-se'a), n. [Gr. sphaira, a globe, and alkea, marsh-mallow. The carpels are disposed in a round head.] A genus of plants, nat. order Malvaceæ, much resembling Malva in habit. The species are trees or shrubs, with toothed or three to five lobed leaves, and flowers of a reddish or flesh colour. With the exception of one or two natives of the Cape of Good Hope, they are confined to tropical America. They are all of them elegant flowers, and thrive well in gardens in this country. S. cisplatina is used medicinally in Brazil as a demulcent, in the same manner as marsh-mallows are in Europe. Sphæranthus (sfe-ran'thus), n. [From Gr. sphaira, a globe, and anthos, a flower- in allusion to the globular heads of the flowers.] A genus of much-branched, glutinous, smooth, or downy annual weeds with winged stems,oblong or lanceolate decurrent leaves, and flower-heads in dense spherical clusters, nat. order Compositæ. They are common in tropical parts of the Old World. Some of them are bitter and aromatic. Sphæreda (sfé-ré'da), n. [Gr. sphaira, a sphere, and eidos, resemblance-in allusion to the globular berry-like bodies terminating the branchlets.] A name applied to certain vegetable organisms, consisting of a


striated stem with numerous small branches, occurring in the oolite. Page. Sphærenchyma (sfé-reng'ki-ma), n. [Gr. sphaira, a sphere, and enchyma, anything poured out.] A name given to spherical or spheroidal cellular tissue, such as is found in the pulp of fruits. Treas. of Bot. Sphæria (sfë'ri-a), n. [From Gr. sphaira, a globe-from their shape.] A genus of fungi, nat. order Sphæriacei, of very large extent and various habit. The species are generally found upon decaying vegetable matter, as on the bark of the stem and branches of decayed trees, and also on decaying leaves, on the stems of grasses, and on the surface of decaying wood. The species are very numerous. Sphæriacei (sfē-ri-ā'sē-i), n. pl. A large order of sporidiferous fungi, mostly of minute dimensions, abundant on decayed wood, herbaceous stems, marine algæ, dung, and sometimes parasitic on the bodies of insects.

Sphæridium (sfë-rid ́i-um), n. pl. Sphæridia (sfe-rid'ì-a). [Gr. sphaira, a sphere, and eidos, resemblance.] In zool. one of the curious stalked appendages with buttonlike heads, covered with cilia, carried on the tests of almost all sea-urchins (Echinoidea). These sphæridia are supposed to be organs of sense, probably of taste. H. A. Nicholson.

Sphæristerium (sfē-ris-tē'ri-um), n. [L, from Gr. sphairistërion, from sphairistes, a ball-player, from sphaira, a globe, a ball.] In anc. arch. a building for the exercise of the ball; a tennis-court.

Sphæroblastus (sfe-rō-blas'tus), n. [Gr. sphaira, a sphere, and blastos, a sprout.] In bot. a cotyledon which rises above-ground, bearing at its end a spheroid tumour. Sphærococcoidea (sfe'rō-ko-koi”dē-a), n. pl. (Gr. sphaira, a sphere, kokkos, a berry, and eidos, resemblance.] A natural order of rose-spored algae, with spores contained in necklace-like strings, comprising several of our most beautiful species belonging to the genera Delesseria and Nitophyllum. Its members are found in most parts of the world.

Sphærodus (sfē'ro-dus), n. [Gr. sphaira, a globe, and odous, a tooth.] A fossil genus of fishes from the oolitic and cretaceous strata.

Sphærogastra (sfé-rō-gas'tra), n. pl. [Gr. sphaira, sphere, and gaster, belly.] The true spiders. Called also Araneidae (which see). Sphærosiderite (sfë'rō-sid"èr-it). See SPHE


Sphærospore (sfē'rō-spōr), n. In bot. the quadruple spore of some algals. Sphærularia (sfē-rû-lâ'ri-a), n. A nematode or round parasitic worm existing in certain species of bees. The female is nearly an inch in length, and consists of little else than a mass of fatty tissue with reproductive organs, neither mouth, oesophagus, intestine, nor anus being present. The male is only about the 28,000th part the size of the female.

Sphærulite (sfe'rü-lit). See SPHERULITE. Sphagnel, Sphagnaceae (sfag'né-i, sfag-na'sé-ė), n. pl. A family of cladocarpous mosses, of peculiar habit, distinguished especially by the mode of branching, the structure of the leaves, sporanges, and antheridia, and by the absence of roots, except in the early stages of growth. See SPHAGNUM. Sphagnous (sfag'nus),a. [See below.] Pertaining to bogmoss; mossy. Sphagnum (sfag'num), n. [Gr.sphagnos, a kind of moss.] A genus of mosses, the only one of the nat, order Sphagnei. The plants of this genus are widely diffused over the surface of the earth in temperate climates, readily recognized by their pale tint, fasciculate branchlets, and apparently sessile globose capsules. They are aquatic plants, and constitute the great mass of our bogs in swampy and moory districts. The formation of peat in such situations is often owing, in a great measure, to these plants. Sphalero-carpium (sfal'èr-o-kär'pi-um), n. [Gr. sphaleros, delusive, and karpos, fruit.]


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