Imágenes de páginas


2. A thing not discovered or explained; a mystery. The secrets of nature.' Shak. 'All secrets of the deep, all nature's works." Milton.-3. Secrecy. [Rare.]

Letters under strict secret were at once written to bishops selected from various parts of Europe. Cardinal Manning.

4. In the R. Cath. Ch. one of the prayers of the mass, which is recited by the priest in so low a voice as not to be heard by the people.-5. pl. The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed.-In secret, in privacy or secrecy; privately. 'Bread eaten in secret is pleasant.' Prov. ix. 17.-Discipline of the secret, in the early Christian church, the reserve practised concerning certain doctrines or ceremonies, founded on Christ's words, 'Give not that which is holy unto the dogs.' Secrett (se'kret), v.t. To keep private; to secrete. Bacon.

Secretage (se'kret-aj), n. In furriery, a process in preparing or dressing furs, in which mercury or some of its salts is employed to impart to the fur the property of felting, which it did not previously possess. Secretarial (sek-re-ta'ri-al), a. Pertaining to a secretary. Some secretarial, diplomatic, or official training.' Carlyle. Secretariat, Secretariate (sek-re-ta'ri-at, sek-re-ta'ri-át), n. 1. The office of a secretary. 2. The place or office where a secretary transacts business, preserves records, &c.

Secretary (sek're-ta-ri), n. [L. L. secretarius, Fr. secrétaire, from L. secretus, secret; originally a confidant, one intrusted with secrets.] 1. One who is intrusted with or who

keeps secrets. A faithful secretary to her sex's foibles. Sir W. Scott. [Rare.]-2. A person employed by a public body, by a company, or by an individual, to write letters, draw up reports, records, and the like; one who carries on another's business correspondence or other matters requiring writing.-3. A piece of furniture with conveniences for writing and for the arrangement of papers; an escritoire.-4. An officer whose business is to superintend and manage the affairs of a particular department of government; a secretary of state. There are connected with the British government five secretaries of state, viz. those for the home, foreign, colonial, war, and Indian departments. The secretary of state for the home department has charge of the privy signet office; he is responsible for the internal administration of justice, the maintenance of peace in the country, the supervision of prisons, police, sanitary affairs, &c. The secretary for foreign affairs conducts all correspondence with foreign states, negotiates treaties, appoints ambassadors, &c. The colonial secretary performs for the colonial dependencies similar functions to those of the home secretary for the United Kingdom. The secretary for war, assisted by the commander-in-chief, has the whole control of the army. The secretary for India governs the affairs of that country with the assistance of a council. Each secretary of state is assisted by two under-secretaries, one permanent and the other connected with the administration. The chief secretary for Ireland is not a secretary of state, though his office entails the performance of similar duties to those performed by the secretaries of state.-Secretary of embassy, or of legation, the principal assistant of an ambassador or envoy.-5. In printing, a kind of script type in imitation of an engrossing hand.-6. The secretary-bird. Secretary-bird (sek're-ta-ri-berd), n. An

Secretary-bird (Gypogeranus serpentarius). African bird of prey (order Raptores), of the genus Gypogeranus, the G. serpentarius,


called also the Snake-eater or Serpent-eater.
It is about 3 feet in length; the legs are
remarkably long, the beak is hooked, and
the eyelids projecting. It has an occipital
crest of feathers, which can be raised or
depressed at pleasure, and which has been
fancied to resemble quill pens stuck behind
a person's ear; hence the name. It inhabits
the dry and open grounds in the vicinity of
the Cape, where it hunts serpents and other
reptiles on foot, and thus renders valuable

Secretaryship (sek're-ta-ri-ship), n. The
office of a secretary.
Secrete (se-kret'), v. t. pret. & pp. secreted;
ppr. secreting. [L. secerno, secretum.
SECRET, a.] 1. To hide; to conceal; to re-
move from observation or the knowledge of
others; as, to secrete stolen goods; to secrete
one's self.

Folded in the mystic mantle of tradition, or secreted
in the forms of picturesque ceremony, or visible
through the glow of affectionate fiction, the essential
truths of Christianity found a living access to the
heart and conscience of mankind. F. Martineau.
2. In physiol. to separate from the circulat-
ing fluid, as the blood, sap, &c., and elabo-
rate into a new product, differing in accord-
ance with the particular structure of the
secreting organs, which are chiefly the

Why one set of cells should secrete bile, another
urea, and so on, we do not know. Carpenter.
-Conceal, Hide, Disguise, Secrete. See un-

Secret-false (sekret-fals), a. Faithless in
secret; undetected in unfaithfulness or false-
hood. Shak.

Secreting (se-kret'ing), p. and a. Separating
and elaborating from the blood substances
different from the blood itself or from any of
its constituents; as, secreting glands; secret-
ing surfaces.

Secretion (se-kre'shon), n. 1. The act or pro-
cess of secreting: (a) in animal physiol. the
act or process by which substances are sepa-
rated from the blood, differing from the
blood itself or from any of its constituents,
as bile, saliva, mucus, urine, &c. The organs
of secretion are of very various form and
structure, but the most general are those
called glands. The animal secretions are
arranged by Bostock under the heads aque-
ous, albuminous, mucous, gelatinous, fibrin-
ous, oleaginous, resinous, and saline. Ma-
gendie arranges them into three sorts: (1)
Exhalations, which are either external, as
those from the skin and mucous membrane,
and internal, as those from the surfaces of
the closed cavities of the body, and the
lungs; (2) Follicular secretions, which are
divided into mucous and cutaneous; and
(3) Glandular secretions, such as milk, bile,
urine, saliva, tears, &c. Every organ and
part of the body secretes for itself the nutri-
ment which it requires. (b) In vegetable
physiol. the process by which substances are
separated from the sap of vegetables. The
descending sap of plants is not merely subser-
vient to nutrition, but furnishes various mat-
ters which are secreted or separated from its
mass, and afterwards elaborated by particu-
lar organs. These secretions are exceed-
ingly numerous, and constitute the great
bulk of the solid parts of plants. They have
been divided into-(1) General or nutritious
secretions, the component parts of which
are gum, sugar, starch, lignin, albumen,
and gluten; and (2) Special or non-assimil-
able secretions, which may be arranged un-
der the heads of acids, alkalies, neuter prin-
ciples, resinous principles, colouring mat-
ters, milks, oils, resins, &c.-2. The matter
secreted, as mucus, perspirable matter, &c.
Secretist (se'kret-ist), n. A dealer in secrets.
'Those secretists, that will not part with one
secret but in exchange for another.' Boyle.
Secretitious (se-kre-tish'us), a. Parted by
secretion. 'Secretitious humours.' Floyer.
Secretive (se-krē'tiv), a. 1. Causing or pro-
moting secretion.-2. Given to secrecy or to
keep secrets; as, he is very secretive; of a
secretive disposition.

In England the power of the Newspaper stands in
antagonism with the feudal institutions, and it is all
the more beneficent succour against the secretive
tendencies of a monarchy.
Secretiveness (se-krê'tiv-nes), n. The qua-
lity of being secretive; tendency or disposi-
tion to conceal; specifically, in phren. that
quality the organ of which, when largely
developed, is said to impel the individual
towards secrecy or concealment. It is situ-
ated at the inferior edge of the parietal


Secretly (sekret-li), adv. 1. Privately; privily; not openly; underhand; without the knowledge of others; as, to despatch a messenger secretly.

Let her awhile be secretly kept in,

And publish it that she is dead indeed. Shak. 2. Inwardly; not apparently or visibly; latently.

Now secretly with inward grief she pin'd. Addison. Secretness (sekret-nes), n. 1. The state of being secret, hid, or concealed. - 2. The quality of keeping a secret; secretiveness. Donne.

Secretory (se-krē'to-ri), a. Performing the
office of secretion; as, secretory vessels.
Sect (sekt), n. [Fr. secte; L. secta, from seco,
sectum, to cut.] 1. A body or number of
persons who follow some teacher or leader,
or are united in some settled tenets, chiefly
in philosophy or religion, but constituting
a distinct party by holding sentiments dif-
ferent from those of other men; a school; a
denomination; especially, any body which
separates from the established religion of a
country; a religious denomination.
of old philosophers.' Dryden.

Slave to no sect, who takes a private road,
But looks through nature up to nature's God.
2. † Section of the community; party; faction;
class; rank; order. 'Packs and sects of
great ones. Shak.

All sects, all ages smack of this vice. 3. A cutting or scion.


But we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted lusts, whereof I take Shak. this, that you call love, to be a sect or scion.

Sect (sekt), n. Sex: an incorrect usage met with in some of our early writers, and among the uneducated of our own day.

So is all her sect; an they be once in a calm they Shak. are sick.

Sectarian (sek-tá'ri-an). a. [L. sectarius,
from secta. See SECT.] Pertaining to a sect
or sects; peculiar to a sect; strongly or big-
otedly attached to the tenets and interests
of a sect or religious denomination; as, sec-
tarian principles or prejudices. Men of
sectarian and factious spirits.' Barrow.
Sectarian (sek-ta'ri-an), n. One of a sect; a
member or adherent of a special school, de-
nomination, or philosophical or religious
party; especially, one of a party in religion
which has separated itself from the estab-
lished church, or which holds tenets differ-
ent from those of the prevailing denomina-
tion in a kingdom or state.
Sectarianism (sek-ta'ri-an-izm), n. The
state or quality of being sectarian; the prin-
ciples of sectarians; adherence to a separate
religious sect or party; devotion to the in-
terests of a party; excessive partisan or de-
nominational zeal.

Sectarianize (sek-ta'ri-an-iz), v. t pret. & pp.
sectarianized; ppr. sectarianizing. To im-
bue with sectarian principles or feelings.
Sectarism (sek'ta-rizm), n. Sectarianism.

Sectarist (sek'ta-rist), n. A sectary. [Rare.] Milton was certainly of that profession or general principle in which all sectarists agree: a departure from establishment.

T. Warton.

Sectary (sek'ta-ri), n. [Fr. sectaire. See SECT.] 1. A person who separates from an established church, or from the prevailing denomination of Christians; one that belongs to a sect; a schismatic; a sectarian.

I never knew that time in England when men of Milton. truest religion were not called sectaries. 2. A follower; a pupil.

Galen, and all his sectaries affirm that fear and sadness are the true characters, and inseparable acciChilmead. dents of melancholy.

Sectatort (sek-ta'ter), n. [L] A follower; a disciple; an adherent to a sect, school, or party. Aristotle and his sectators.' Sir W. Raleigh.

The philosopher busies himself in accommodating all her (nature's) appearances to the principles of a school of which he has sworn himself the sectator. Warburton.

Sectile (sek'til), a. [L. sectilis, from seco,
sectum, to cut.] Capable of being cut; in
mineral. a term applied to minerals, as tale,
mica, and steatite, which can be cut smoothly
by a knife without the particles breaking,
crumbling, or flying about. Page.
Section (sek'shon), n. [L. sectio, from seco,
sectum, to cut.] 1. The act of cutting or divid-
ing; separation by cutting. The section of
bodies. Wotton.-2. A part cut or separated
from the rest; a division; a portion; as, spe-
cifically, (a) a distinct part or portion of a
book or writing; the subdivision of a chap



ter; the division of a law or other writing; a paragraph; hence, the character §, often used to denote such a division. (b) A distinct part of a country or people, community, class, or the like; a part of territory separated by geographical lines or of a people considered as distinct.

The extreme section of one class consists of bigoted dotards, the extreme section of the other consists of Macaulay. shallow and reckless empirics.

(e) In the United States, one of the portions of one square mile each into which the public lands are divided; one thirty-sixth part of a township.-3. In geom. the intersection of two superficies, or of a superficies and a solid: in the former case it is a line, in the latter a surface.-4. A representation of a building or other object as it would appear if cut through by any intersecting plane, showing the internal structure; a diagram or picture showing what would appear were a part cut off by a plane passing through or supposed to pass through an object, as a building, a machine, a succession of strata, or the like. Thus, in mechanical drawing, a longitudinal section usually presents the object as cut through its centre lengthwise and vertically; a cross or transverse section, as cut crosswise and vertically; and a hori zontal section as cut through its centre horizontally-Oblique sections are made at various angles-5. In music, a part of a movement consisting of one or more phrases.— Conic sections. See under CONIC. Sectional (sek'shon-al), a. 1. Pertaining to a section or distinct part of a larger body or territory.

All sectional interests and party feelings, it is hoped, will hereafter yield to schemes of ambition. Story. 2. Composed of or made up in several independent sections; as, a sectional boat; a sectional steam-boiler; a sectional dock, and the like.

Sectionalism (sek'shon-al-izm), n. A feeling of peculiar interest in and affection for some particular section of a country, &c. [United States.]

Sectionality (sek-shon-al'i-ti), n. Quality of being sectional; sectionalism. Sectionally (sek'shon-al-li), adv. In a sectional manner.

Sectionize (sek'shon-iz), v. t. pret. & pp. sectionized; ppr. sectionizing. To form into sections. [Rare.]

Sectio-planography (sek'shi-o-pla-nog'rafi), n. [L sectio, a section, planum, a plane surface, and Gr. graphō, to describe.] A method of laying down the sections of engineering work, as railways, and the like. It is performed by using the line of direction laid down on the plan as a datum-line, the cuttings being plotted on the upper part, and the embankments upon the lower part of the line.

Sectism (sekt'izm), n.

Sectarianism; devo

tion to a sect. [Rare.] Sectist (sekt'ist), n. One devoted to a sect; a sectarian. [Rare.]

Sectiuncle (sek-ti-ung'kl), n. A petty sect. 'Some new sect or sectiuncle.' J. Martineau. [Rare.]

Sective (sek'tiv), a. Same as Sectile.
Sect-master (sekt'mas-tér), n.

of a sect. [Rare.]

The leader


Sector (sek'tor), n. [L., a cutter, from seco, zeetum, to cut] 1. In geom. a part of a circle comprehended between two radii and the are; or a mixed triangle, formed by two radii and the arc of a circle. Thus CBD, contained within the radii CB, CD and the arc BD, is a sector of the circle of which the arc BD is a portion. - Sector of a sphere, the


solid generated by the revolution of the sector of a circle about one of its radii, which remains fixed; or, it is the conic solid whose vertex coincides with the centre of the sphere, and whose base is a segment of the same sphere.-2. A mathematical instrument so marked with lines of sines, tangents, secants, chords, &c., as to fit all radii and scales, and useful in making diagrams, laying down plans, &c. Its principal advantage consists in the facility with which it gives a graphical determination of proportional quantities. It becomes incorrect, comparatively, when the opening is great.

[blocks in formation]


It consists of two rulers (generally of brass
or ivory), representing the radii of a circular
arc, and movable round a joint, the middle
of which forms the centre of the circle.
From this centre there are drawn on the
faces of the rulers various scales, the choice
of which, and the order of their arrange-
ment, may be determined by a considera-
tion of the uses for which the instrument
is intended.-3. In astron. an instrument
constructed for the purpose of determining
with great accuracy the zenith distances of
stars, passing within a few degrees of the
zenith, where the effect of refraction is
small.-Dip sector, an instrument used for
measuring the dip of the horizon.
Sectoral (sek'tō-ral), a. Of or belonging to
a sector; as, a sectoral circle.-Sectoral bar-
ometer, an instrument in which the height
of the mercury is ascertained by observing
the angle at which it is necessary to incline
the tube in order to bring the mercury to a
certain mark on the instrument.
Sectorial (sek-to'ri-al), a. Adapted or in-
tended for cutting: said of the form of the
cutting teeth of certain animals, called also
scissor teeth, from their working against
each other like scissor-blades.
Secular (sek'ü-lér), a. [Fr. séculaire; L.
sæcularis, from sæculum, an age or genera-
tion, a century, the times, the world.]
1. Coming or observed once in an age or
century, or at long intervals; as, the secular
in ancient Rome.

The secular year was kept but once in a century.

2. Extending over, taking place in, or ac-
complished during a long period of time;
as, the secular inequality in the motion of a
heavenly body; the secular refrigeration of
the globe. 3, Living for an age or ages.
'A secular bird (the phoenix). Milton.-
4. Pertaining to this present world or to
things not spiritual or sacred; relating to or
connected with the objects of this life solely;
disassociated with religious teaching or
principles; not devoted to sacred or religious
use; temporal; profane; worldly; as, secular
education; secular music.

New foes arise

Threatening to bind our souls with secular chains.

This style (Arabesque) is almost exclusively secu lar. It was natural for the Venetians to imitate the beautiful details of the Arabian dwelling-house, while they would with reluctance adopt those of the Ruskin. mosque for Christian churches.

5. Not bound by monastic vows or rules; not confined to a monastery, or subject to the rules of a religious community; not regular; as, a secular priest. The clergy, both secular and regular.' Sir W. Temple.

He tried to enforce a stricter discipline and greater regard for morals both in the religious orders and Prescott. the secular clergy.

Secular (sek'ü-lêr), n. 1.† One not in holy orders; a layman.

The clergy thought that if it pleased the seculars it Hales. might be done.

2. An ecclesiastic not bound by monastic rules; a secular priest.-3. A church officer, whose functions are confined to the vocal department of the choir. Secularism (sek'ü-lér-izm), n. Supreme or exclusive attention to the affairs of this life; specifically, the opinions or doctrines of the secularists. See SECULARIST.

The aim of secularism is to aggrandize the present life. For eternity it substitutes time: for providence science; for fidelity to the Omniscient usefulness to man. Its great advocate is Mr. Holyoake. Fleming. Secularist (sek'ü-lèr-ist), n. One who theoretically rejects every form of religious faith and every kind of religious worship, and accepts only the facts and influences which are derived from the present life; one who refuses to believe, on the authority of revelation, in anything external to man's present state of existence; also, one who believes that education and other matters of civil policy should be conducted without the introduction of a religious element. Secularity (sek-u-lar'i-ti), n. Supreme attention to the things of the present life; worldliness; secularism.

Littleness and secularity of spirit is the greatest T. Burnet. enemy to contemplation. Secularization (sek'ū-lêr-iz-ā"shon), n. The act of rendering secular, or the state of being rendered secular; the conversion from sacred or religious to lay or secular possession, purposes, or uses; as, the secularization of a monk; the secularization of church property.


Secularize (sek'ů-lėr-iz), v.t. pret. & pp. secularized; ppr. secularizing. [Fr. sécu lariser. See SECULAR.] 1. To make secular; as, (a) to convert from regular or monastic into secular; as, to secularize a monk or priest. (b) To convert from religious or ecclesiastical appropriation to secular or common use; as, the ancient abbeys were secularized. 2. To make worldly or unspiritual. Secularly (sek'ü-lèr-li), adv. In a secular or worldly manner. The state Secularness (sek'u-lér-nes), n.

or quality of being secular; a secular disposition; worldliness; worldly-mindedness, Johnson.

Secund (sekund), a. [L. secundus. See SECOND.] In bot. arranged on one side only; unilateral, as the leaves and flowers of Convallaria majalis.


Secundate (se-kun'dát), v.t. [L. secundo, from secundus, second, prosperous.] To make prosperous; to give success to; to direct favourably. [Rare.] Secundation (sẽ-kun-dā'shon), n. above.] Prosperity. [Rare.] Secundine (se'kun-din), n. [Fr. secondine, from second, L. secundus, from sequor, to follow.] 1. In bot. the outermost but one of the inclosing sacs of the ovulum, immediately reposing upon the primine.-2. All that remains in the uterus or womb after the birth of the offspring, that is, the placenta, a portion of the umbilical cord, and the membranes of the ovum; the after-birth: generally in the plural.

Secundo-geniture (sē-kun'dō-jen”i-tür), n. [L. secundus, second, and genitura, a begetting, birth, or generation.] The right of inheritance belonging to a second son; the possessions so inherited.

The kingdom of Naples

was constituted Bancroft.

a secundo-geniture of Spain. Securable (se-kū'ra-bl), a. Capable of being secured.

Secure (se-kür'), a. [L. securus, without
care, unconcerned, free from danger, safe
-se, apart, and cura, care, cure. Sure is
this word in a more modified form.] 1. Free
from fear or apprehension; not alarmed or
disturbed by fear; confident of safety; dread-
ing no evil; easy in mind; careless; unsus-
pecting; hence, over-confident. Though
Page be a secure fool.' Shak.
foolhardy king.' Shak. 'But thou, secure
of soul, unbent with woes.' Dryden.
Gideon ... smote the host, for the host was secure.
Judg. viii. 3.
Confidence then bore thee on, secure
To meet no danger.
[In this sense formerly often used in opposi-
tion to safe. See also SAFE.

I was too bold; he never yet stood safe
That stands secure.


2. Confident; relying; depending; not distrustful: with of.

It concerns the most secure of his strength to pray to God not to expose him to an enemy. Daniel Rogers. 3. Free from or not exposed to danger; in a state of safety; safe: followed by against or from; as, secure against attack or from an enemy. Secure from Fortune's blows. Dryden. Formerly sometimes of. Secure of thunder's crack or lightning's flash.' Shak. Provision had been made for the frequent convocation and secure deliberations of parliament. Macaulay.

4. Such as to be depended on; in a stable condition; capable of resisting assault or attack; as, the fastening is now secure; Gibraltar is a secure fortress; to build on a secure foundation.-5. Certain; sure; confldent: with of; as, he is secure of a welcome reception. Of future life secure.' Dryden. 6. Resolved; determined; as, secure to die. Dryden.-7. In safe custody.


In iron walls they deem'd me not secure. -Safe, Secure. See SAFE. Secure (se-kür'), v.t. pret. & pp. secured; ppr. securing. 1. To make safe or secure; to guard effectually from danger; to protect; as, fortifications may secure a city; ships of war may secure a harbour.

We'll higher to the mountain;
There secure us.


I spread a cloud before the victor's sight, Sustain'd the vanquish'd and secured his flight. Dryden. 2. To make certain; to put beyond hazard; to assure; as, good government secures to every citizen due protection of person and property: sometimes with of.

He secures himself of a powerful advocate. W. Broome. 3. To inclose or confine effectually; to guard

[blocks in formation]


effectually from escape; sometimes, to seize and confine; as, to secure a prisoner.-4. To make certain of payment (as by a bond, surety, &c.); to warrant against loss; as, to secure a debt by mortgage; to secure a creditor.-5. To make fast or firm; as, to secure a door; to secure the hatches of a ship.-6. To obtain; to get possession of; to make one's self master of; as, to secure an estate. -To secure arms, to hold a rifle or musket with the muzzle down, and the lock well up under the arm, the object being to guard the weapon from the wet.

Securely (se-kür'li), adv. 1. In a secure manner; in security; safely; without danger; as, to dwell securely in a place; to pass a river on ice securely.-2. Without fear or apprehension; carelessly; in an unguarded state; in confidence of safety.

Devise not evil against thy neighbour, seeing he dwelleth securely by thee. Prov. iii. 29. Securement t (se-kür'ment), n. Security; protection. Sir T. Browne. Secureness (se-kür'nes), n. 1. The feeling of security; confidence of safety; exemption from fear; hence, want of vigilance or caution. 'A strange neglect and secureness." Bacon.-2. The state of being secure; safe; safety; security.

Securer (se- kür'ér), n. One who or that which secures or protects. Securifer (se-kü'ri-fér), n.

One of the


[blocks in formation]

of the section Terebrantia, comprehending those in which the females have a saw-shaped or hatchet shaped terebra or appendage to the posterior part of the abdomen, which not only serves for the purpose of depositing the eggs

[blocks in formation]

in the stems and Securifera-Tenthredo viridis. other parts of 2, Part of the abdomen, showplants, but for ing the saw a. 3, The saw expreparing a place tracted, showing the two for their recep- blades. tion.

Securiform (se-kü'ri-form), a. [L. securis, an axe or hatchet, and forma, form.] Haying the form of an axe or hatchet. Securitant (se-kü'ri-tan), n. One who lives in fancied security.

The sensual securitan pleases himself in the conceits of his own peace. Bp. Hall. Security (se-kū'ri-ti), n. [Fr. sécurité, L. securitas. See SECURE.] 1. The state or quality of being secure; as, (a) freedom from care, anxiety, or apprehension; confidence of safety; hence, carelessness; heedlessness; over-confidence; negligence.


And you all know, security Is mortals' chiefest enemy. He means, my lord, that we are too remiss; Whilst Bolingbroke, through our security, Grows strong and great in substance and in power. Shak.

(b) Freedom from danger or risk; safety. Some.. alleged that we should have no security for our trade while Spain was subject to a prince of the Bourbon family. Swift.

(c) Certainty; assuredness; confidence. His trembling hand had lost the ease Which marks security to please. Sir W. Scott. 2. That which secures or makes safe; protection; defence; guard; hence, specifically, (a) something given or deposited to make certain the fulfilment of a promise or obligation, the observance of a provision, the payment of a debt, or the like; surety; pledge. 'To lend money without security. Shak. Those who lent him money lent it on no security but his bare word. Macaulay.

(b) A person who engages himself for the performance of another's obligations; one who becomes surety for another.-3. An evidence of debt or of property, as a bond, a certificate of stock, or the like; as, government securi


Exchequer bills have been generally reckoned the surest and most sacred of all securities. Swift. Sedan, Sedan-chair (se-dan', se-dan'char), n. [From Sedan, a town in the north of France, where it is said to have been first


used.] A covered chair or vehicle for carrying one person, borne on poles by two men. They were introduced into this country about

Sedan-chair, time of George II.

the end of the sixteenth century, were largely used in the reigns of Anne and the first Georges, but are now seldom if ever employed. 'Close mewed in their sedans.' Dryden.

Sedate (se-dat'), a. [L. sedatus, from sedo, to calm or appease, to cause to subside, caus. of sedeo, to sit. See SIT.] Composed; calm; quiet; tranquil; serene; unruffled by passion; undisturbed. 'Countenance calm and soul sedate.' Dryden. "That calm and sedate temper which is so necessary to contemplate truth.' Watts.

Sedately (se-dat'li), adv. In a sedate manner; calmly; without agitation of mind. Locke.

Sedateness (se-dat'nes), n. The state or quality of being sedate; calmness of mind, manner, or countenance; freedom from agitation; a settled state; composure; serenity; tranquillity; as, sedateness of temper or soul; sedateness of countenance.

There isa particular sedateness in their conversation and behaviour that qualifies them for council. Addison. Sedation † (se-da'shon), n. The act of calming. Feltham.

Sedative (sed'a-tiv), a. [Fr. sédatif, from L. sedo, to calm. See SEDATE.] Tending to calm, moderate, or tranquillize; specifically, in med. allaying irritability and irritation; diminishing irritative activity; assuaging pain.

Sedative (sed'a-tiv), n. A medicine which allays irritability and irritation, and irritative activity, and which assuages pain. Sede,t v.i. To produce seed. Chaucer. Se defendendo (se de-fen-den'do). [L.] In law, in defending himself, the plea of a person charged with slaying another that he committed the act in his own defence. Sedent (se'dent), a. Sitting; inactive; quiet. Sedentarily (sed'en-ta-ri-li), adv. In a sedentary manner. Sedentariness (sed'en-ta-ri-nes), n. state of being sedentary.


Those that live in great towns ... are inclined to paleness, which may be imputed to their sedentariness or want of motion, for they seldom stir abroad. L. Addison. Sedentary (sed'en-ta-ri), a. [L. sedentarius, from sedens, sedentis, ppr. of sedeo, to sit; Fr. sédentaire.] 1. Accustomed to sit much or to pass most of the time in a sitting posture; as, a sedentary man. Sedentary, scholastic sophists. Warburton.-2. Requiring much sitting; as, a sedentary occupation or employment. 3. Passed for the most part in sitting; as, a sedentary life.-4. Inactive; motionless; sluggish. 'Till length of years and sedentary numbness craze my limbs.' Milton.

The soul, considered abstractly from its passions, is of a remiss, sedentary nature, slow in its resolves. Addison. Sedentary (sed'en-ta-ri), n. One of a section of spiders, which remain motionless till their prey is entangled in their web. Sederunt (se-de'runt). [Third pers. pl. perf. indic. of sedeo, to sit. Lit., they sat.] A term employed chiefly in minutes of the meetings of courts to indicate that such and such members were present and composed the meeting; thus, sederunt A. B., C. D., E. F., &c., signifies that these individuals were present and composed the meeting. The same term is also used as a noun to signify, specifically, a sitting or meeting of a court, but has been extended to signify a more or less formal meeting or sitting of any association, society, company, or body of men.

"Tis a pity we have not Burns's own account of that long sederunt. Prof Wilson.


An association... met at the Baron D'Holbach's; Carlyle. there had its blue-light sederunts. -Acts of Sederunt, ordinances of the Court of Session, under authority of the stat. 1540, xciii., by which the court is empowered to make such regulations as may be necessary for the ordering of processes and the expediting of justice. The Acts of Sederunt are recorded in books called Books of Sederunt.

Sedge (sej), n. [Softened form of A. Sax. secg, Sc. segg, LG. segge, a reed, sedge; comp. Ir. and Gael. seisg, W. hesg, sedge. The root is perhaps that of L. seco, to cut: the name would therefore signify originally a plant with sword-like leaves; comp. gladiolus.] The popular name of plants of the genus Carex, an extensive genus, containing about 1000 species of grass-like plants, mostly inhabiting the northern and temperate parts of the globe, nat. order Cyperaceae. They are easily distinguished from the grasses by having the stem destitute of joints. The culms are triangular, and the leaves rough upon the margins and keel. They grow mostly in marshes and swamps and on the banks of rivers. Upwards of sixty species are enumerated by British botanists.

Sedge-bird (sej'bérd), n. Same as Sedge



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insessorial bird of the warbler family, which visits this country about the middle of April and migrates in September. It frequents the sedgy banks of rivers.

Sedgy (sej'i), a. Overgrown with sedge. 'Gentle Severn's sedgy bank.' Shak. Sedigitated (se-dij'i-tat-ed), a. [L. sedigitus. having six fingers-sex, six, and digitus, a finger.] Having six fingers on one or on both hands. Darwin.

Sedilia (se-dil'i-a), n. pl. [L. sedile, a seat.] In arch. stone seats for the priests in the south wall of the chancel of many churches and cathedrals. They are usually three in number, for the use of the priest, the deacon,

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Sedimentary (sed-i-ment'a-ri), a. Containing sediment: consisting of sediment; formed by sediment; consisting of matter that has subsided. - Sedimentary rocks, rocks which have been formed by materials deposited from a state of suspension in water.

Sedimentation (sed'i-men-tà"shon), n. The deposition of sediment; the accumulation of earthy sediment to form strata.

There must have been a complete continuity of life, and a more or less complete continuity of sedi mentation, from the Laurentian period to the present day. H. A. Nicholson. Sedition (sé-di'shon), n. [L. seditio, seditionis, a dissension, discord, sedition-sed, for se, apart, and itio, itionis, a going, from eo, itum, to go-lit, a going apart. The word has nothing to do with sedeo, to sit.] A factious commotion in a state, not amounting to an insurrection; or the stirring up of such a commotion; a rousing of discontent against government and disturbance of public tranquillity, as by inflammatory speeches or writings; acts or language tending to breach of the public peace; as, to be guilty of sedition; to stir up a sedition; a document full of sedition. Sedition, which is not strictly a legal term, comprises such offences against the state as do not amount to treason. It is of the like tendency with treason, but without the overt acts which are essential to the latter. Thus there are seditious assemblies, seditious libels, &c., as well as direct and indirect threats and acts amounting to sedition; all of which are punishable as misdemeanours by fine and imprisonment.

And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison. Luke xxiii. 25. -Insurrection, Sedition, Rebellion, &c. See INSURRECTION.

Seditionary (se-dishon-a-ri), n. An inciter or promoter of sedition. Bp. Hall. Seditious (sé-di ́shus), a. [Fr. séditieux, L. seditiosus.] 1. Pertaining to sedition; partaking of the nature of sedition; tending to excite sedition; as, seditious behaviour; seditious strife; seditious words or writings. 2. Exciting or aiding in sedition; guilty of sedition; as, seditious persons. Seditiously (se-di ́shus-li), adv. In a seditious manner; with tumultuous opposition to law; in a manner to violate the public peace. Such sectaries as ... do thus seditiously endeavour to disturb the land.' Bp. Bancroft.

Seditiousness (sé-di’shus-nes), n. The state or quality of being seditious; the disposition to excite popular commotion in opposition to law; or the act of exciting such commotion; factious turbulence.

Sedrat (sed'rat), n. In Mohammedan myth. the lotus-tree which stands on the right side of the invisible throne of Allah. Each seed of its fruit contains a houri, and two rivers issue from its roots. Innumerable birds carol in its branches, which exceed in width the distance between heaven and earth, and numberless angels rest in their shade. Seduce (sé-dús), v.t. pret. & pp. seduced; ppr, seducing. [L. seduco-se, apart, and duco, to lead] 1. To draw aside or entice from the path of rectitude and duty in any manner, as by promises, bribes, or otherwise; to tempt and lead to iniquity; to lead astray; to corrupt.

Me the gold of France did not seduce. Shak. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits. 1 Tim. iv. 1. Specifically-2. To entice to a surrender of chastity.

Seducement (se-düs'ment), n. 1. The act of seducing: seduction.--2. The means employed to seduce; the arts of flattery, falsehood, and deception.

Her hero's dangers touched the pitying power, The nymph's seducements, and the magic bower. Pope. Seducer (sé-dús′êr), n. 1. One that seduces; one that by temptation or arts entices another to depart from the path of rectitude and duty; pre-eminently, one that by flattery, promises, or falsehood, persuades a female to surrender her chastity.

Grant it me, O king; otherwise a seducer flourishes, And a poor maid is undone. Shak.

2. That which leads astray; that which entices to evil.

He whose firm faith no reason could remove, Will meit before that soft seducer, love. Dryden. Seducible (se-düs'i-bl), a. Capable of being seduced or drawn aside from the path of rectitude; corruptible. The power which


our affections have over our seducible understandings. Glanville. Seducingly (sé-düs'ing-li), adv. In a seducing manner.

Seductive. Ld.

Seducive (sē-dūs’iv), a. Lytton. [Rare.] Seduction (se-duk'shon), n. [L. seductio, seductionis. See SEDUCE] 1. The act of seducing, or of enticing from the path of duty; enticement to evil; as, the seductions of wealth.-2. The act or crime of persuading a female, by flattery or deception, to surrender her chastity.

A woman who is above flattery, and despises all praise but that which flows from the approbation of her own heart, is, morally speaking, out of reach of seduction. Richardson.

Seductive (se-duk'tiv), a. Tending to seduce or lead astray; apt to mislead by flattering appearances. 'Soft seductive arts.' Lang


Seductively (se-duk’tiv-li), adv. In a seductive manner.

Seductress (se-duk'tres), n. A female seducer; a female who leads astray. Sedulity (se-du'li-ti), n. [L. sedulitas. See SEDULOUS.] The quality or state of being sedulous; diligent and assiduous application; constant attention; unremitting industry.

Let there be but the same propensity and bent of will to religion, and there will be the same sedulity and indefatigable industry in men's inquiries into it. South.

Sedulous (sed'ū-lus), a. [L. sedulus, from the root of sedeo, to sit; as assiduous, from assideo.] Lit. sitting close to an employment; hence, assiduous; diligent in application or pursuit; constant, steady, and persevering in business, or in endeavours to effect an object; steadily industrious. The sedulous bee.' Prior.

What signifies the sound of words in prayer without the affection of the heart, and a sedulous application of the proper means that may lead us to such an end? Sir R. L'Estrange.

Sedulously (sed'u-lus-li), adv. In a sedulous manner; assiduously; industriously; diligently; with constant or continued application. 'Sedulously think to meliorate thy stock.' J. Philips.

Sedulousness (sed'u-lus-nes), n.

The state

or quality of being sedulous; assiduity; assiduousness; steady diligence; continued industry or effort.

By their sedulousness and their erudition they dis covered difficulties. Boyle. Sedum (se'dum), n. [From L. sedeo, to sit. The plants are found growing upon stones, rocks, walls, and roofs of houses.] A genus of plants, nat, order Crassulaceae. It comprises about 120 species of succulent herbs, erect or prostrate, with opposite, alternate, or whorled leaves, and usually cymose white, yellow, or pink flowers. They are inhabitants of the temperate and colder parts of the earth, and are often found in dry, barren, rocky, or arid situations, where nothing else will grow. Many of them are British, and a number of the foreign species are cultivated in our gardens. The British species are known by the common name of stonecrop. The leaves of S. Telephium were sometimes eaten as a salad, and the roots were formerly in request as a remedy in hæmorrhoids and other diseases. S. acre (acrid stonecrop or wall-pepper) was formerly much used as a remedy in scorbutic diseases. When applied to the skin it produces vesication, and when taken internally it causes vomiting. S. album, or white stonecrop, was also formerly used in medicine, and eaten cooked, or as a salad. See (se), n. [Formerly also se, sea, from O. Fr. se, sed, from L. sedes, a seat.] 1. The seat of episcopal power; the diocese or jurisdiction of a bishop or archbishop; as, the see of Durham; an archiepiscopal see.-2. The authority of the pope; the papal court; as, to appeal to the see of Rome.-3. A seat of power generally; a throne.


2. To perceive mentally; to form a conception or idea of; to observe; to distinguish; to understand; to comprehend.

All will come to nought,

When such bad dealing must be seen in thought. Shak

3. To regard or look to; to take care of; to give attention to; to attend, as to the execution of some order or to the performance of something. 'See the lists and all things fit.' Shak.

Lend me thy lantern, to see my gelding in the stable. Shak. See that ye fall not out by the way. Gen. xiv, 24. Give them first one simple idea, and see that they fully comprehend it before you go any further. Locke. 4. To wait upon; to attend; to escort; as, to see a lady home.-5. To have intercourse or communication with; to meet or associate


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6. To call on; to visit; to have an interview with; as, to go to see a friend.

Come, Casca, you and I will yet ere day
See Brutus at his house.

7. To feel; to suffer; to experience; to know by personal experience.

If a man keep my saying he shall never see death. Jn. viii. 51. When remedies are past the griefs are ended By seeing the worst." Shak. Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years in which we have seen Ps. xc. 15.


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Sir James Melvil was too well seen in courts to have used this language. Bp. Hurd. -To see out, to see or hear to the end; to stay or endure longer than.

I had a mind to see him out, and therefore did not care to contradict him. Addison.

I have heard him say that he could see the Dundee people out any day, and walk home afterwards without staggering. Dickens. -God you see or God him see, may God keep you or him in his sight-See, Perceive, Observe. Simply to see is often an involuntary, and always a mechanical act; to perceive implies generally or always the intelligence of a prepared mind. Observe implies to look at for the purpose of noticing facts connected with the object or its properties.

See (se), v. i. 1. To have the power of perceiving by the proper organs, or the power of sight; as, some animals are able to see best in the night.

Though neither eyes nor ears, to hear nor see, Yet should I be in love by touching thee. Shak. 2. To have intellectual sight or apprehension; to perceive mentally; to penetrate; to discern; to understand: often with through or into; as, to see through the plans or policy of another; to see into artful schemes and pretensions.

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3. To examine or inquire; to distinguish; to consider.

See 'now whether pure fear and entire cowardice doth not make thee wrong this virtuous gentlewoman to close with us. Shak

4. To be attentive; to pay attention; to take
heed; to take care. 'Be silent, let's see fur-
ther.' Shak

Mark and perform it, see'st thou; for the fail
Of any point in't shall not only be

Death to thyself but to thy lewd-tongued wife.

'An -To see to, (a) to look at; to behold. Spenser. altar by Jordan, a great altar to see to.' Josh. xxii. 10. [Obsolete in this sense.] (b) To be attentive to; to look after; to take care of. She herself had seen to that.' Tennyson.

Jove laugh'd on Venus from his soverayne see. See (se), v.t. pret. saw; pp. seen. [A. Sax. seón, contr. for seahan, to see; pret. seah, I saw, sáwon, we saw, pp. gesewen; cog. Icel. sjá, to see, sé, I see; Dan. see, D. zien, Goth. saihwan, G. sehen--to see. The root evidently had a final guttural, and some connect see with L. sequor, to follow, or with seco, secure, to cut.] 1. To perceive by the eye; to have knowledge of the existence and apparent qualities of objects by the organs of sight; to behold.

I will now turn aside and see this great sight.

Ex. iii. 3.

I will go and purse the ducats straight, See to my house, left in the fearful guard Shak. Of an unthrifty knave. -To see about a thing, to pay some attention to it; to consider it.-See to it, look well to it; attend; consider; take care. - Let me see, let us see, are used to express consideration, or to introduce the particular consideration


of a subject. See is used imperatively, or as an interjection, to call the attention of others to an object or a subject, signifying lo! look! behold! as, See, see, how the balloon ascends!

See what it is to have a poet in your house! Pope. See (se), interj. Lo! look! observe! behold! See the verb intransitive. See t (së), n.

The sea. Chaucer.

Seed (sed), n. [A. Sax. sæd, from sawan, to sow: common to all the Teutonic tongues. See Sow.] 1. The impregnated and matured ovule of a plant, which may be defined as a body within the pericarp, and containing an organized embryo, which on being placed in favourable circumstances is developed, and converted into an individual similar to that from which it derived its

origin. The reproductive bodies of flowerless plants, such as sea-weeds and mushrooms, differ in structure and in their mode of germination, and are not considered as true seeds, but are named sporules. The seed is attached to the placenta by a small pedicel or umbilical cord. In some plants


Various forms of Seeds.

1, Eschscholtzia californica. 2, Corn Blue-bottle (Centaurea Cyanus). 3, Oxalis rosea. 4. Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum). 5, Stellaria media. 6, Sweetwilliam (Dianthus barbatus). 7, Foxglove (Digita lis purpurea). 8, Saponaria calabrica.

this pedicel is usually expanded, and rising round the seed forms a partial covering to it, named the arillus, as in the nutmeg, in which it constitutes the part called mace. The point of attachment of the cord or podosperm is named the hilum. The seed is composed of an external skin, the testa or perisperm, and a kernel or nucleus. In some cases the seeds constitute the fruit or valuable part of plants, as in the case of wheat and other esculent grain; sometimes the seeds are inclosed in the fruit, as in apples and melons. 2. The fecundating fluid of male animals; semen; sperm: in this sense it has no plural.-3. That from which anything springs; first principle; original; as, the seeds of virtue or vice. 'The seeds and roots of shame and iniquity.' Shak.— 4. Principle of production.

Praise of great acts he scatters as a seed. Waller. 5. Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David. In this sense the word is applied to one person or to any number collectively, and is rarely used in the plural. 'We, the latest seed of time.' Tennyson. The seeds of Banquo kings!' Shak.-6. Race; generation; birth.


Of mortal seed they were not held. To run to seed. See under RUN, v.i. Seed (sed), v.i. 1. To grow to maturity, so as to produce seed; as, maize will not seed in a cool climate.-2. To shed the seed. Mortimer.

Seed (sed), v.t. To sow; to sprinkle or supply, as with seed; to cover with something thinly scattered; to ornament with seed-like decorations. A sable mantle seeded with waking eyes.' B. Jonson.-To seed down, to sow with grass-seed.

Seed - basket (sed'bas-ket), n. In agri. a basket for holding the seed to be sown. Seed-bed (sed'bed), n. A piece of ground prepared for receiving seed.

Seed-bud (sed'bud), n. The germ, germen, or rudiment of the fruit in embryo; the ovule.

In bot. the aril or

Seed-cake (sēd’kāk), n. A sweet cake containing aromatic seeds. Seed-coat (sēd kōt), n. exterior coat of a seed. Seed-cod (sēd'kod), n. A basket or vessel for holding seed while the husbandman is sowing it; a seed-lip. (Provincial] Seed-corn (sēd'korn), n. Corn or grain for seed; seed-grain.


Seed-crusher (sēd'krush-ér), n. An instrument for crushing seed for the purpose of expressing oil.

Seed-down (sēd'doun), n. The down on vegetable seeds.

Seeded (sēd'ed), p. and a. 1. Bearing seed; hence, matured; full-grown. 'Seeded pride.' Shak. The silent seeded meadow-grass." Tennyson.-2. Sown; sprinkled with seed.3. In her. represented with seeds of such or such a colour: said of roses, lilies, &c., when bearing seeds of a tincture different to the flower itself.

Seeder (sed'èr), n. One who or that which sows or plants seeds. A field for raising Seed-field (sëd'fëld), n. seed. The seed-field of Time.' Carlyle. Seed-garden (sed'gär-den), n. A garden for raising seed.

Seed-grain (sed'gran), n. Seed-corn; that from which anything springs. The primary seed-grain of the Norse Religion.' Carlyle. Seediness (sēd'i-nes), n. State or quality of being seedy; shabbiness; state of being miserable, wretched, or exhausted. [Colloq.] A casual visitor might suppose this place to be a temple dedicated to the Genius of Seediness. Dickens. What is called seediness, after a debauch, is a plain proof that nature has been outraged, and will have her penalty. Prof. Blackie.

Seed-lac (sedlak). See LAC. Seed - leaf (séd'léf), n. In bot. the primary leaf, or leaf developed from a cotyledon. Seed-leap (sēd ́lēp), n. Same as Seed-lip. Seedling (sed'ling), n. A plant reared from the seed, as distinguished from one propagated by layers, buds, &c. Seedling (sed'ling), a. Produced from the seed; as, a seedling pansy.

Seed-lip, Seed-lop (sed'lip, sēd'lop), n. [A. Sax. sad-leap, a seed-basket-sæd, seed, and leap, a basket.] A vessel in which a sower carries the seed to be dispersed. [Provincial English.] Called also Seed-leap. Seed-lobe (séd'lōb), n. In bot. a seed-leaf; a cotyledon. Seedness t (sēd'nes), n

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tonic tongues: Icel. sækja, Dan. söge, Sw. söka, D. zoeken, G. suchen, Goth. sókjan. In English an original o has been changed to e by umlaut. (See RECK.) The root is probably the same as in L. sequor, to follow (whence consequence, &c.). Beseech is from seek, with prefix be-.] 1. To go in search or quest of; to look for; to search for; to take pains to find: often followed by out. 'To seek me out.' Shak.

The man asked nim, saying, What seekest thou? And he said, I seek my brethren. Gen. xxxvii. 15, 16, For 'tis a truth well known to most, That whatsoever thing is lost, We seek it, ere it come to light,

In every cranny but the right.


2. To inquire for; to ask for; to solicit; to try to gain. The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God. Ps. civ. 21. Others tempting him, sought of him a sign. Luke xi. 16.

3. To go to; to resort to; to have recourse to.

Seek not Beth-el, nor enter into Gilgal. Amos v. 5.
And hast thou sought thy heavenly home,
Our fond dear boy!
D. M. Moir.

4. To aim at; to attempt; to pursue as an object; to strive after; as, to seek a person's life or his ruin. 'What I seek, my weary travels' end.' Shak. Often governing an infinitive; as, to seek to do one harm.

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Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read. 1s. xxxiv. 16. 2. To endeavour; to make an effort or attempt; to try.-3. To use solicitation. Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find. Mat. vii. 7.

Seed-time. Blossoming time -To seek after, to make pursuit of; to atthe bare fallow brings 'How men of merit tempt to find or take. Shak. are sought after.' Shak.-To seek for, to endeavour to find.

That from the seedness To teeming foison. Seed oil (sed'oil), n. A general name for the various kinds of oil expressed from seeds. Seed-pearl (sed'pėrl), n. A small pearl resembling a grain or seed in size or form. Seed-plat, Seed-plot (sed plat, sēd'plot), n. A piece of ground on which seeds are sown to produce plants for transplanting; a piece of nursery ground.

Seed-sheet (sed'shet), n. The sheet containing the seed which a sower carries with him. Carlyle.

Seedsman (sēdz'man), n. 1. A person who deals in seeds.-2. A sower; one who scatters seed.

The seedsman Upon the slime and ooze scatters the grain, And shortly comes to harvest. Shak Seed-time (sed'tim), n. The season proper for sowing.

While the earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest. and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease. Gen. viii. 22. Seed-vessel (sēd'ves-el), n. In bot. the pericarp which contains the seeds. Seed - wool (sed'wul), n. A name given in the southern states of America to cottonwool not yet cleansed of its seeds. Seedy (sed'i), a. 1. Abounding with seeds; running to seed.-2. Having a peculiar flavour, supposed to be derived from the weeds growing among the vines: applied to French brandy.-3. Worn-out; shabby; poor and miserable-looking; as, he looked seedy; a seedy coat. [Said to be from the look of a plant whose petals have fallen off, thereby disclosing the naked ovary.] [Colloq.]

Little Flanigan here is a little seedy, as we say among us that practise the law. Goldsmith.

'Devilish cold,' he added pettishly, 'standing at that door, wasting one's time with such seedy vaga. bonds.' Dickens.

4. Feeling or appearing wretched, as after a debauch. [Colloq.] Seeing (se'ing), conj. as; since; considering; that.

Because; inasmuch taking into account

Wherefore come ye to me, seeing ye hate me? Gen. xxvi. 27. How shall they have any trial of his doctrine, learning and ability to preach, seeing that he may not publickly either teach or exhort? Abp. Whitgift. Seek (sek), v. t. pret. & pp. sought. [O.E. seke, also seche, A. Sax. secan, sécean, to seek, pret. sóhte, pp. sôht. Common to the Teu

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I do not think my sister so to seek,
Or so unprincipled in virtue's book.

Milton. (b) To require to be sought for; to be wanting or desiderated; as, the work is still to seek. [Scarcely used now in the former sense.] Seeker (sek'ér), n. 1. One that seeks; an inquirer; as, a seeker of truth.-2. ↑ One that makes application.

Cato is represented as a seeker to oracles.

Bentley. 3. One of a sect in the time of Cromwell that professed no determinate religion.

Sir Henry Vane ... set up a form of religion in a way of his own; yet it consisted rather in a withdrawing from all other forms than in any new or par ticular opinions or forms, from which he and his Burnet. party were called seekers.

Seek-sorrow (sek'sor-o), n. One that contrives to give himself vexation; a self-tormentor. Sir P. Sidney.

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Seel (sel), v.t. [Fr. ciller, siller, from cil, L. cilium, an eyelash.] 1. To close the eyes of with a thread: a term of falconry, it being a common practice to run a thread through the eyelids of a hawk, so as to keep them together, when first taken, to aid in making it tractable. A seeled dove that mounts and mounts. Bacon. Hence-2. To close, as a person's eyes; to blind; to hoodwink. She that so young could give out such a seeming, Shak To seel her father's eyes up, close as oak. Cold death... his sable eyes did seel. Chapman, Seelt (sel), v. i. [Comp. L.G. sielen, to lead off water.] To lean; to incline to one side; to roll, as a ship in a storm.

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