Imágenes de páginas


Seelt (sel), n. [A. Sax. sel, a good time or opportunity, luck, prosperity.] Time; opportunity; season: used frequently as the second element in a compound; as, hay-seel, hay-time; barley-seel, wheat-seel, &c. [Provincial English ]

Seelily+ (sel'i-li), adv. In a silly manner. Seely (séli), a. (A. Sax. salig, lucky, prosperous. See SEEL, time, SILLY.] 1. Lucky; fortunate; happy. To get some seely home I had desire. Fairfax-2. Silly; foolish; simple; artless. Spenser.

Seem (sēm), r.i. [A. Sax. séman, gesêman, to compose, to conciliate, to adjust, to judge, to seem, to appear, from root of same (which

see)) 1. To appear; to look like; to present the appearance of being; to be only in appearance and not really. That we were all as some would seem to be.' Shak. shall the day seem night.' Shak.


Thou art not what thou seem'st.



All arm'd well pleas'd; all seem'd, but were not Milton.

2 To appear; to be seen; to show one's self or itself; hence, to assume an air; to pretend. My lord, that so confidently seems to undertake this business.' Shak.

There did seem in him a kind of joy to hear it. Shak

3. To appear to one's opinion or judgment; to be thought: generally with a following clause as nominative.

It seems to me that the true reason why we have so few versions which are tolerable, is because there are so few who have all the talents requisite for translation. Dryden.

[Hence, it seems to me'=I think, I am inclined to believe.]-4. To appear to one's self, to imagine; to feel as if; as, I still seem to hear his voice; he still seemed to feel the motion of the vessel. -It seems, it would appear; it appears: used parenthetically, (a) nearly equivalent to, as the story goes; as is said; as we are told.

A prince of Italy, it seems, entertained his mistress upon a great lake. Addison.

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If power change purpose, what our seemers be. Shak.

Seeming (sem'ing), p. and a. 1. Appearing; having the appearance or semblance, whether real or not. 'Showed him a seem ing warrant for it.' Shak. "The father of this seeming lady.' Shak.-2. Specious or plausible in appearance; as, seeming friendship. That little seeming substance.' Shak

Seeming (sem'ing), n. 1. Appearance; show; semblance, especially a false appearance. 'She that, so young, could give out such a seeming. Shak.

He is a thing made up of seemings. 2. Fair appearance.

These keep

F. Baillie.

Seeming and savour all the winter long. Shak.

3 Opinion; judgment; estimate; apprehension. Nothing more clear unto their seeming.' Hooker.


His persuasive words impregn'd With reason to her seeming. Seeming+ (sem'ing), adv. In a becoming or seemly manner; seemly.

Bear your body more seeming, Audrey. Shak. Seemingly (sem'ing-li), adv. In a seeming manner; apparently; ostensibly; in appearance; in show; in semblance.

This the father seemingly complied with. Addison. They depend often on remote and seemingly disproportioned causes. Atterbury.

Seemingness (sém'ing-nes), n. Fair appearance; plausibility; semblance. Sir K. Digby

Seemless (sém'les), a. Unseemly; unfit; indecorous. Chapman

Seemlihead, Seemlihedt (sēm'li-hed), n. Seemliness; comely or decent appearance. Seemlily+ (sem'li-li), adv. Decently; comelily.

Seemliness (sēmli-nes), n. The state or quality of being seemly; comeliness; grace; fitness; propriety; decency; decorum. Camden

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Seg (seg), n. Sedge; also, the yellow flowerde-luce (Iris Pseudacorus). [Provincial.]

Seemly (sem'li), a. [Icel. sæmiligr, sæmr, becoming, fit, seemly. See SEEM.] Becoming; fit; suited to the object, occasion, pur-Seg, Segg (seg), n. A castrated bull; a bull pose, or character; suitable; decent; pro'Not rustic as before, but seemlier Milton.

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Seepy (sep'i), a. Oozing; full of moisture;
specifically, applied to land not properly
drained. [Scotch and United States.]
Seer (se'er or sẽr), n. 1. One who sees.
dreamer of dreams, and a seer of visions.'
Addison.-2. A prophet; a person who fore-
sees future events. 1 Sam. ix. 9. "Thou
death-telling seer.' Campbell.

She call'd him lord and liege,
Her seer, her bard, her silver star of eve.


Seer (ser), n. A weight which varies all over India; in Bengal there are forty seers to a maund, which is about 74 pounds avoirdupois.

Seerhand (ser hand), n. A kind of East InIdian muslin, which, from its retaining its clearness after washing, is particularly adapted for dresses.

Seership (se'er-ship or ser'ship), n. The office or quality of a seer. Seer-sucker (ser'suk-ér), n. A blue and white striped linen, imported from India. Seer-wood (ser'wud), n. Dry wood. See-saw (se'są), n. [A reduplicated form of saw, the motion resembling the act of sawing.] 1. A child's game, in which one sits on each end of a board or long piece of timber balanced on some support, and thus the two move alternately up and down.-2. A board adjusted for this purpose.-3. Motion or action resembling that in see-saw; a vibratory or reciprocating motion. 'A see-saw between the hypothesis and fact.' Sir W. Hamilton. 4. In whist, the playing of two partners, so that each alternately assists the other to win the trick; a double ruff.

See-saw (se'są), a. Moving up and down or to and fro; undulating with reciprocal motion. His wit all see-saw, between that and this.' Pope.

See-saw (se'są), v.i. To move as in the game see-saw; to move backward and forward, or upward and downward.

So they went see-sawing up and down from one end of the room to the other. Arbuthnot.

See-saw(se'sa). v. t. To cause to move in a see-saw manner.

'Tis a poor idiot boy,
Who sits in the sun and twirls a bough about,
And, staring at his bough from morn to sunset,
See-saws his voice in inarticulate noises.

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Seethe (seTH), v.t. pret. seethed, (sod, obsolete); pp. seethed, sodden (sod, obsolete); ppr. seething. [A. Sax. seóthan, siothan, to seethe; Icel. sjótha, G. sieden, to boil.] 1. To boil; to decoct or prepare for food in hot liquor; as, to seethe flesh. 'Sodden water.' Shak.

Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
Ex. xxiii. 19.

'Cheeks mottled and sodden.' W. Collins.

castrated when full grown; a bull-segg. [Scotch.]

Segart (se-gär). See CIGAR.
Sege,t n. A siege. Chaucer,

Seggar (seg'gar), n. [Prov. E. saggard, saggar,
contr. for safeguard. Comp. seggard, a rid-
ing surtout.] The case of fire-clay in which
fine stoneware is inclosed while being baked
in the kiln. Written also Sagger.
Seghol (se-gōl'), n. A Hebrew vowel-point,
or short vowel, thus-indicating the
sound of the English e in men.

Segholate (se-göl'at), a. Marked with a



Segment (segment), n. [L. segmentum,' from seco, to cut.] 1. A part cut off or marked as separate from others; one of the parts into which a body naturally divides itself; a section; as, the segments of a calyx; the segments of an orange; the segments or transverse rings of which the body of an articulate animal or annelid is composed.-2. In geom. a part cut off from any figure by a line or plane. A segment of a circle is a part of the area contained by an arc and its chord, as AC B. The chord is sometimes called the base of the segment. An angle in a segment is the angle contained by two straight lines drawn from any point in its arc, and terminating in the extremities of its chord or base. Similar segments of circles are those which contain equal angles, or whose ares contain the same number of degrees.Segment of a sphere, any part of it cut off by a plane, not passing through the

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Segment (seg-ment), v. i. To divide or become divided or split up into segments: specifically, in physiol. applied to a mode of reproduction by semi-fission or budding. See extract.

Before this occurs, however, if it does not divide, the vegetal unit segments or buds, the bud grows into a unit similar to its parent, and this in its turn also segments or buds. Bastian. Segmental (seg-ment'al), a. Pertaining to, consisting of, or like a segment.-Segmental organs, certain organs placed at the sides of the body in Annelides, and connected with excretion.

Segmentation (seg-men-ta'shon), n. The act of cutting into segments; a division into segments; the state of being divided into segments.

Segment-gear (seg'ment-gēr), n. In mech. a curved cogged surface occupying but an arc of a circle.

Segment - saw (seg'ment-sa), n. 1. A saw which cuts stuff into segmental shapes.2. A veneer saw whose active perimeter consists of a number of segments attached to a disc.-3. In surg. a nearly circular plate of steel serrated on the edge, and fastened to a handle; used in operations on the bones of the cranium, &c.

In arSegment-shell (segment-shel), n. tillery, an elongated shell consisting of a body of iron coated with lead and built up internally with segment-shaped pieces of iron, which, offering the resistance of an arch against pressure from without, are easily separated by the very slight bursting charge within, thereby retaining most of their original direction and velocity after explosion.


2. To soak; to steep and soften in liquor. Segment-wheel (seg'ment-whel), n. wheel a part of whose periphery only is utilized.

There was a man-sleeping-still alive; though seethed in drink, and looking like death. D. Ferrold. Seethe (sēTH), v i. pret. seethed; ppr. seething. To be in a state of ebullition; to boil, to be hot.

Lovers and madmen have such seething brains. Shak. Thus over all that shore, Save for some whisper of the seething seas, A dead hush fell. Tennyson. Seether (seтH'èг), n. One who or that which seethes; a boiler; a pot for boiling things.

She sets the kettle on: Like burnished gold the little seether shone. Dryden. Sefatian (se-fā'shi-an), n. One of a sect of Mohammedans who hold peculiar views with regard to the essential attributes of God. They are opposed to the Motazilites.

Segnitude, Segnityt (seg'ni-tud, seg'ni-ti), n. [From L. segnis, sluggish.] Sluggishness; dulness; inactivity.

Segno (sen'yō), n. [It., sign.] In music, a sign or mark used in notation in connection with repetition, abbreviated .-Al segno, to the sign, is a direction to return to the sign. Dal segno, from the sign, is a direction to repeat from the sign. Segreant (së'grê-ant), a. In her. a term applied to a griffin when standing upon its hind-legs, with the wings elevated and endorsed.

Segregate (sē'grē-gāt), v.t. pret. & pp. segregated; ppr. segregating. [L. segrego, segregatum-se, apart, and grego, to gather into a flock or herd, from grex, gregis, a

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flock or herd.] To separate from others; to Seinde, † pp. of senge (singe). Singed. Chauset apart.

They are segregated, Christians from Christians, under odious designations. Is. Taylor.

Segregate (se'gre-gat), v.i. To separate or go apart; specifically, in crystal. to separate

from a mass and collect about centres or lines of fracture.

Segregate (se'gre-gát), a. Separate; select.

A kind of segregate or cabinet senate.' Wotton.-Segregate polygamy (Polygamia segregata, Linn.), in bot. a mode of inflorescence, when several florets comprehended within an anthodium, or a common calyx, are furnished also with proper perianths, as in the dandelion.

Segregation (se-gre-ga'shon), n. 1. The act of segregating, or the state of being segregated; separation from others; a parting; a dispersion. A segregation of the Turkish fleet. Shak.-2. In crystal. separation from a mass and gathering about centres through cohesive attraction or the crystallizing process.


Segue (seg'wa). [It., it follows; L. sequor, to follow.] In music, a word which, prefixed to a part, denotes that it is immediately to follow the last note of the preceding movement.

Seguidilla (seg-i-del'ya), n. A Spanish form of versification; a merry Spanish tune.

The common people still sung their lively segui dillas. Prescott.


Seid (sed), n. [Ar., prince.] One of the descendants of Mohammed through his daughter Fatima and his nephew Ali. Seidlitz-powder (sid'lits-pou-der), n. powder intended to produce the same effect as seidlitz-water; composed of tartrate of potassa and soda (Rochelle-salt) with bicarbonate of soda in one paper, and tartaric acid in another paper, to be dissolved separately in water, then mixed, and taken while effervescing.

Seidlitz-water (sid'lits-wa-ter), n.


mineral water of Seidlitz, a village of Bohemia. Sulphate of magnesia, sulphate of soda, and carbonic acid are its active ingredients.

Seie,t Sey,t pret. & pp. of see. Saw; seen. Chaucer.

Seigneurial (sen-yö'ri-al), a. [See SEIGNIOR.] 1. Pertaining to the lord of a manor; manorial. Sir W. Temple.-2. Vested with large powers; independent.

Seignior (sen'yér), n. [Fr. seigneur, It. signore, Sp. señor, Pg. senhor; from L. senior, elder, senex, old.] 1. In the south of Europe, a title of honour. See SIGNIOR.Grand Seignior, a title sometimes given to the Sultan of Turkey.-2. In feudal law, the lord of a fee or manor.-Seignior in gross, a lord without a manor, simply enjoying superiority and services.

Seigniorage, Seignorage (sen'yer-āj), n. 1. Something claimed by the sovereign or by a superior as a prerogative; specifically, an ancient royalty or prerogative of the crown, whereby it claimed a percentage upon bullion brought to the mint to be coined or to be exchanged for coin; the profit derived from issuing coins at a rate above their intrinsic value.

If government, however, throws the expense of coinage, as is reasonable, upon the holders, by making a charge to cover the expense (which is done by giving back rather less in coin than is received in Bullion, and is called 'levying a seigniorage), the coin will rise to the extent of the seigniorage above the value of the bullion. F. S. Mill.

2. A royalty; a share of profit; especially, the money received by an author from his publisher for copyright of his works. Seigniorial (sen-yo'ri-al). The same as Seigneurial.

Seigniorize (sen'yêr-iz), v. t. To lord it over. Fairfax. [Rare.]

Seigniory, Seignory (sen'yèr-i), n. [Fr. seigneurie. See SEIGNIOR.] A lordship; power or authority as sovereign lord. See SIGNIORY.

O'Neal never had any seignory over that country, but what he got by encroachment upon the English. Spenser Seil (sel), v.t. [Sw. sila, to strain.] To strain through a cloth or sieve. [Scotch.] Sein,t pp. of see. Seen. Chaucer. Sein, Seine (sen), n. [Fr. seine, from L. sagena, Gr. sagene, a seine.] A large net for catching fish. Also written Sean.

The seine is a net of about forty fathoms in length, with which they encompass a part of the sea, and draw the same on land by two ropes fastened at his ends, together with such fish as lighteth within his precinct. Carew.


Seine-boat (sēn'bōt), n. A fishing-boat, of about 15 tons burden, used in the fisheries on the west coast of England to carry the Seine-fisher (sen'fish-ér), n. large seine or casting-net.

A seiner. Seiner (sen'ér), n. A fisher with a seine or net. Carew.

Seint, n. A cincture; a girdle. Chaucer. Seintuarie,t n. Sanctuary. Chaucer. [See SIPE.] To ooze; to Seip (sep), v.i. leak. [Scotch.] Seir-fish (ser'fish), n. A fish of the genus Cybium (C. guttatum), family Scomberidæ, bearing a close resemblance to the salmon in size and form as well as in the flavour of its flesh. It is one of the most valuable fishes of the East Indian seas.

Seise (sez), v. t. In law, see SEIZE Seismic, Seismal (sis'mik, sis'mal), a. (Gr. Seisin (se'zin), n. See SEIZIN. seismos, an earthquake, from seio, to shake.] Of or pertaining to an earthquake. - The seismic area, the tract on the earth's surface within which an earthquake is felt-Seismic vertical, the point upon the earth's surface vertically over the centre of effort or focal point, whence the earthquake's impulse proceeds, or the vertical line connecting these two points. Goodrich. Seismograph (sis'mō-graf), n. [Gr. seismos, an earthquake, and graphō, to write.] An electro-magnetic instrument for registering the shocks and concussions of earthquakes. See also SEISMOMETER.

Seismographic (sis-mo-graf'ik), a. Pertain ing to seismography; indicated by a seismograph.

Maps or charts constructed so as to indicate the centres of convulsion, lines of direction, areas of disturbance, and the like, are termed seismographic. Page. Seismography (sis-mog'ra-fi), n. A description or account of earthquakes. Seismologist, Seismologue (sis-mol'o-jist, sis'mo-log), n. A student of, or one versed in, seismology.

The labour of future seismologues will be in a great degree thrown away, unless the cultivators of science in all countries... shall unite in agreeing to some one uniform system of seismic observation. R. Mallet.

Seismology (sis-mol'o-ji), n. [Gr. seismos, an earthquake, and logos, discourse.] The science of earthquakes; that department of science which treats of volcanoes and earthquakes.

Seismometer (sis-mom'et-ér), n. [Gr. seismos, a shaking, an earthquake, and metron, a measure.] An instrument for measuring the direction and force of earthquakes and similar concussions. There are various contrivances for this purpose, the most perfect of which is perhaps the form used in the observatory on Mount Vesuvius. It consists of a delicate electric apparatus, which is set to work by the agitation or change of level of a mercurial column, which records the time of the first shock, the interval between the shocks, and the duration of each; their nature, whether vertical or horizontal, the maximum intensity; and in the case of horizontal shocks the direction is also given.

Seismoscope (sis'mo-skop), n. [Gr. seismos, an earthquake, and skopeo, to see.] A seismometer (which see).

Seisura (se-zhü'ra), n. [Gr. seio, to shake, oura, tail.] A genus of Australian birds belonging to the family Muscicapidae or fly

Seisura inquieta (Restless Seisura).

catchers. The S. volitans is the dish-washer of the colonists of New South Wales. Seity (se'i-ti), n. [L. se, one's self.] Something peculiar to a man's self. Tatler. [Rare.]


Capable of being

Seizable (sez'a-bl), a. seized; liable to be taken. Seize (sez), v. t. pret. & pp. seized; ppr. seiz. ing. [Fr. saisir, to seize; Pr. sazir, to take possession of; It. sagire, to put in possession of according to Diez, from O.H.G. sazjan, to set, bisazjan, to occupy.] 1. To fall or rush upon suddenly and lay hold on; to gripe or grasp suddenly.

Then as a tiger, who by chance hath spy'd In some purlieu two gentle fawns at play, Straight couches close, then rising changes oft His couchant watch, as one who chose his ground, Whence rushing, he might surest seize them both. Milton. 2. To take possession by force, with or without right.

At last they seize

The sceptre, and regard not David's son. Milton. 3. To have a sudden and powerful effect on; to take hold of; to come upon suddenly; to attack; as, a fever seizes a patient.

And hope and doubt alternate seize her soul. Pope. 4. To take possession of, as an estate or goods, by virtue of a warrant or legal authority.

It was judged by the highest kind of judgment, that he should be banished, and his whole estate conBacon. fiscated and seized.

5. To fasten; to fix.

So down he fell before the cruell beast,
Who on his neck his bloody claws did seize.

6. Naut. to fasten two ropes, or different parts of one rope, together with a cord.7. To make possessed; to put in possession of: with of before the thing possessed; as, A B was seized and possessed of the manor. All those his lands which he stood seized of. Shak. Whom age might see seized of what youth made prize.' Chapman.

If his father died seized, the infant being noble, could not be called on to defend a real action. Brougham. [In this, what may be called its legal sense, often written Seise.]-8. To lay hold of by the mind; to comprehend.

The most penetrating sagacity in seizing great principles of polity are to be constantly found in the Brougham. writings of the philosophers.

Seize (sez), v.i. To grasp; to take into possession: with on, or upon, to fall on and grasp to take hold of; to take possession of. Thee and thy virtues here I seize upon.' Shak.

Even Jezebel projects not to seize on Naboth's vineyard without a precedent charge. Dr. H. More. Seizer (sez'èr), n. One who or that which seizes.

Seizin (sez'in), n. [Fr. saisine, seizin, from saisir, to seize. See SEIZE.] In law, (a) possession. Seizin is of two sorts- seizin in deed or fact and seizin in law. Seizin in fact or deed is actual or corporal possession; seizin in law is when something is done which the law accounts possession or seizin, as enrolment, or when lands descend to an heir but he has not yet entered on them. In this case the law considers the heir as seized of the estate, and the person who wrongfully enters on the land is accounted a disseizor. (b) The act of taking possession. (c) The thing possessed; possession.-Livery of seizin. See LIVERY.-Seizin-ox, in Scots law, a perquisite formerly due to the sheriff when he gave infeftment to an heir holding crown-lands. Spelled also Seisin. Seizing (sez'ing), n. Naut. the operation of fastening together ropes with a cord; also, the cord or cords used for such fastening.

Seizor (sez-or), n. In law, one who seizes or takes possession.

Seizure (sez'ür), n. 1. The act of seizing or taking sudden hold; sudden or violent grasp or gripe; a taking into possession by force or illegally, or legally a taking by warrant; as, the seizure of a thief; the seizure of an enemy's town; the seizure of a throne by a usurper; the seizure of goods for debt.

All things that thou dost call thine Worth seizure do we seize into our hands. Shak. 2. Retention within one's grasp or power; possession; hold.

Make o'er thy honour by a deed of trust,
And give me seizure of the mighty wealth.

3. The thing seized, taken hold or possession of.-4. A sudden attack of some disease. Sejant, Sejeant (se'jant), a. [Norm.; Fr. seant, ppr. of seoir, from L. sedeo, to sit.] In her. sitting, like a cat, with the fore-legs

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There is a season when God, and nature, sejoins man and wife in this respect. W. Whately. Sejugous (sé-ju'gus), a. [L sejugis-sex, six, and jugum, a yoke.] In bot. having six pairs of leaflets.

Sejunction (sé-jungk'shon), n. [L sejunctio. sejunctionis-se, from, and jungo, to join] The act of disjoining; a dísuniting; separation. A sejunction and separation of them from all other nations on the earth.' Bp. Pearson.

Capable of beBp. Pearson.

Sejungible (sé-jun'ji-bl), a. ing disjoined or separated. Seke, Sick. Chaucer. Sekos (se kos), n. [Gr., sēkos, a pen, a sacred inclosure, a shrine.] A place in an ancient temple in which were inclosed the images of deities.

Selachian (sé-là'shi-an), n A fish belonging to the section Selachii.

Selachii (se-la'shi-i), n. pl. [Gr. selachos, a cartilaginous fish, probably a shark.] A section of elasmobranchiate fishes, which includes the sharks and dog-fishes. Selaginaceae (sé-lä'ji-nä"sé-é), n. pl. A small nat order of perigynous exogens, consisting of herbs or small shrubs chiefly from South Africa, and allied to Verbenacea and Myoperaceæ, but differing from them in their anther being always one-celled only. They are herbs or small shrubs, with alternate leaves and blue or white (rarely yellow) flowers in heads or spikes.

Selbite (sel'bit), n. An ash-gray or black ore of silver, consisting chiefly of silver carbonate, found at Wolfach in Baden, and the Mexican mines, where it is called plata azul.

Selcouth+ (sel'köth), a. [A. Sax. seleûth, seldenth-sel, seld, rare, and cûth, known.] Rarely known; unusual; uncommon; strange. Yet nathemore his meaning she ared

But wondred much at his so selcouth case. Spenser. Seld+ (seld), adv. Rarely; seldom. Shak. Seld (seld), a. Scarce. Selden, tade. Seldom. Chaucer. Seldom (sel'dom), adv. [A. Sax. seldan, seldon, seldum, Icel. sjaldan, Dan. sielden, D. zelden, G. selten; from A. Sax. seld, O. G. elt, Goth. sild, rare, whence sildaleiks, strange, odd.] Rarely; not often; not frequently.

Wisdom and youth are seldom joined in one. Hooker.

Seldom or never, very rarely, if ever. Seldom or never changed.' Brougham. Seldom (sel'dom), a. Rare; unfrequent. The seldom discharge of a higher and more noble office." Milton. Seldomness (sel'dom-nes), n. Rareness; infrequency; uncommonness.

The seldomness of the sight increased the more inquiet longing. Sir P. Sidney. Seld-shownt (seld'shōn), a. Rarely shown or exhibited. Shak. Select (sé-lekt), vt. [L. seligo, selectumse, from, and lego, to pick, cull, or gather.] To choose and take from a number; to take by preference from among others; to pick out: to cull; as, to select the best authors for perusal; to select the most interesting and virtuous men for associates. A certain number,

Though thanks to all, must I select from all. Shak. Select (se-lekt), a. Taken from a number by preference; culled out by reason of excellence; nicely chosen; choice; whence, preferable; more valuable or excellent than others; as, a body of select troops.

And happy constellations on that hour
Shed their selectest influence.


A few select spirits had separated from the crowd, and formed a fit audience round a far greater teacher. Macaulay.

Selectedly (se-lekt'ed-li), adv. With care in selection. Prime workmen . . selectedly employed.' Heywood. Selection (se-lek'shon), n. [L. selectio, selectionis. See SELECT.] 1. The act of selecting or choosing and taking from among


a number; a taking by preference of one or more from a number.-2. A number of things selected or taken from others by preference. Natural selection, that process in nature by which plants and animals best fitted for the conditions in which they are placed survive, propagate, and spread, while the less fitted die out and disappear; survival of the fittest; the preservation by their descendants of useful variations arising in animals or plants.

This preservation of favourable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those which are injurious, I have called Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest. Several writers have misapprehended or objected to the term natural selection. Some have even imagined that natural se lection induces variability, whereas it implies only the preservation of such variations as arise and are beneficial to the being under its conditions in life. Darwin. Selective (se-lek'tiv), a. Selecting; tending to select. 'Selective providence of the Almighty. Bp. Hall.

Selectman (sé-lekt'man), n. In New England, a town officer chosen annually to manage the concerns of the town, provide for the poor, &c. Their number is usually from three to seven in each town, and these constitute a kind of executive authority. Selectness (se-lekt'nes), n. The state or quality of being select or well chosen. Selector (se-lekt'èr), n. [L] One that selects or chooses from among a number. 'Inventors and selectors of their own systems.' Dr. Knox.

Selenate (sel'en-at), n. A compound of selenic acid with a base; as, selenate of soda.

Selene (se-lē'nē), n. [Gr., from selas, light, brightness.] In Greek myth, the goddess of the moon, called in Latin Luna. She is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, and sister of Helios (the sun) and Eos (the dawn).

Called also Phabe.

Selenic (se-len'ik), a. Pertaining to selenium; as, selenic acid (H2 Se O1). This acid is formed when selenium is oxidized by fusion with nitre. It is very acid and corrosive, and resembles sulphuric acid very much. It has a great affinity for bases, forming with them salts called selenates.

Selenide (sel'en-id), n. A compound of selenium with one other element or radical. Seleniferous (sel-e-nif'er-us), a. [Selenium, and L. fero, to produce.] Containing selenium; yielding selenium; as, selenif

erous ores.

Selenious (se-lē'ni-us), a. Of, pertaining to, or produced from selenium.-Selenious acid (H2SeO3), an acid derived from selenium. It forms salts called selenites. Selenite (sel'en-it), n. [From Gr. seléně, the moon.] 1. Foliated or crystallized sulphate of lime. Selenite is a sub-species of sulphate of lime, of two varieties, massive and acicular.-2. One of the supposed inhabitants of the moon.

Selenitic (sel-e-nit'ik), a. 1. Pertaining to selenite; resembling it or partaking of its nature and properties.-2. Pertaining to the


Selenium (sẽ-lẽ’ni-um), n [From Gr. selené, the moon, so named by Professor Berzelius from its being associated with tellurium, from L. tellus, the earth.] Sym. Se. At. wt. 79.5. A non-metallic element extracted from the pyrite of Fahlun in Sweden, and discovered in 1818 by Berzelius. In its general chemical analogies it is related to sulphur and tellurium. It generally occurs in very small quantity in some of the varieties of iron pyrites and as an impurity in native sulphur. When precipitated it appears as a red powder, which, when heated, melts, and on cooling forms a brittle mass, nearly black, but transmitting red light when in thin plates. When heated in the air it takes fire, burns with a blue flame, and produces a gaseous compound, oxide of selenium, which has a most penetrating and characteristic odour of putrid horse-radish.

Seleniuret, Selenuret (se-lēn'ū-ret), n. See SELENIDE.

ConSeleniuretted (sẽ lēn'û-ret-ed), a. taining selenium; combined or impregnated with selenium. -Seleniuretted hydrogen (H,Se), a gaseous compound of hydrogen and selenium obtained by the action of acids on metallic selenides. It has a smell resembling that of sulphuretted hydrogen, and when respired is even more Seleniuretted poisonous than that gas. hydrogen is absorbed by water, and precipitates most metallic solutions, yielding selen


ides, corresponding to the respective sulphides.

Selenocentric (se-le'no-sen"trik), a. Having relation to the centre of the moon; as seen or estimated from the centre of the moon. Selenograph (se-lē'nō-graf), n. (See SELENOGRAPHY.] A delineation or picture of the surface of the moon or part of it. Selenographer, Selenographist (sel-enog'ra-fér, sel-e-nog'ra-fist), n. One versed in selenography. Selenographic, Selenographical (se-leno-grafik, se-lé'no-graf"ik-al), a. Belonging to selenography. Selenography (sel-e-nog'ra-fi), n. [Gr. selene, the moon, and graphō, to describe.] A description of the moon and its phenomena; the art of picturing the face of the moon.

Selenological (se-le'no-loj"ik-al), a. Of or

pertaining to selenology.

Selenology (sel-e-nol'o-ji), n. [Gr. selēnē, the moon, and logos, description] That branch of astronomical science which treats of the moon.

Self (self). [A.Sax. self, selfa, a pronominal word common to the Teutonic tongues; 0. Sax. self, D. zelf, Dan. selv, Icel. sjálfr, G. selb, selbst, Goth. silba; probably formed by compounding the reflexive pronoun se, si (L. se), seen in Icel. sér, to himself, sik, self, G. sich, with some other word. In the oldest English (A. Sax.) as well as later self was a kind of pronominal adjective, most commonly used after the personal pronouns, but also, in the sense of same, standing before nouns, quite like an adjective. Thus the following forms occur: ie self, or ic selfa, I myself; min selfes, of myself; me selfum, to myself; me selfne (acc.), myself; thú selfa, thyself; he selfa, himself; we silfe, we ourselves; on thám sylfan geare, in that same year, &c. The dative of the personal pronoun was also prefixed to self. the latter being undeclined, as ic me self, I myself; he him self, he himself; and these forms gradually led to the forms myself,thyself, ourself, yourself, &c., in which the genitive or possessive form is prefixed to self. After this it was not unnatural for self to be often regarded as a noun with the plural selves, like other nouns ending in f. In himself, themselves, the old dative is still retained.] A pronominal element affixed to certain personal pronouns and pronominal adjectives to express emphasis or distinction; also when the pronoun is used reflexively. Thus for emphasis, I myself will write; I will examine for myself. Thou thyself shalt go; thou shalt see for thyself. The child itself shall be carried; it shall be present itself. Reciprocally, I abhor myself; he loves himself; it pleases itself; we value ourselves. Except when added to pronouns used reflexively, self serves to give emphasis to the pronoun, or to render the distinction expressed by it more emphatical 'I myself will decide,' not only expresses my determination to decide, but the determination that no other shall decide. Himself, herself, themselves, are used in the nominative case, as well as in the objective. Jesus himself baptized not, but his disciples. Jn. iv. 2. Sometimes self is separated from my, thy, &c., as, my wretched self; "To our gross selves' (Shak.); and this leads to the similar use of self with the possessive case of a noun; as, Tarquin's self' (Shak.), giving self almost the character of a noun, which it fully takes in such cases as are illustrated in next article.

Self (self), n. 1. The individual as an object to his own reflective consciousness; the man viewed by his own cognition as the subject of all his mental phenomena, the agent in his own activities, the subject of his own feelings, and the possessor of faculties and character; a person as a distinct individual; one's individual person; the ego of metaphysicians.

A man's self may be the worst fellow to converse with in the world. Pope.

The self, the I, is recognized in every act of intelligence as the subject to which that act belongs. It is I that perceive, I that imagine, I that remember, I that attend, I that compare, I that feel, I that will, I that am conscious. Sir W. Hamilton.

2. Personal interest; one's own private interest.

The fondness we have for self.. other long rank of prejudices.

furnishes anWatts.

Love took up the harp of life, and smote on all the chords with might;

Smote the chord of self, that, trembling, passed in music out of sight. Tennyson.


3. A flower or blossom of a uniform colour, especially one without an edging or border distinct from the ground colour.-Self is the first element in innumerable compounds, generally of obvious meaning, in most of which it denotes either the agent or the object of the action expressed by the word with which it is joined, or the person on behalf of whom it is performed, or the person or thing to, for, or towards whom or which a quality, attribute, or feeling expressed by the following word, belongs, is directed, or is exerted, or from which it proceeds; or it denotes the subject of, or object affected by, such action, quality, attribute, feeling, and the like. Goodrich. Selft (self), a. Same; identical; very same; very. Self still has this sense when followed by same. See SELF-SAME.

Shoot another arrow that self way
Which you did shoot the first.


I am made of that self metal as my sister. Shak.
At that self moment enters Palamon. Dryden.

Self-abased (self'a-bast), a. Humbled by
conscious guilt or shame.
Self-abasement (self-a-bás'ment),n. 1. Hu-
miliation or abasement proceeding from
consciousness of inferiority, guilt, or shame.
2. Degradation of one's self by one's own

Enough! no foreign foe could quell
Thy soul, till from itself it fell,
Yes! self-abasement paved the way
To villain-bonds and despot sway.



Self-abasing (self-a-bås'ing), a. Humbling by the consciousness of guilt or by shame. Self-abhorrence (self-ab-hor'ens), n. horrence of one's self. Self-abhorring (self-ab-hor'ing), a. Abhorring one's self.

Self-abuse (self-a-bús), n. 1. The abuse of one's own person or powers. Shak.-2. Onanism; masturbation.

Self-accused (self'ak-küzd), a. Accused by

one's own conscience.

Self-accusing (self ́ak-kūz-ing), a. Accusing one's self.

Then held down she her head and cast down a self-accusing look. Sir P. Sidney. Self-acting (self'akt-ing), a. Acting of or by itself: applied to any automatic contrivances for superseding the manipulation which would otherwise be required in the management of machines; as, the self-acting feed of a boring-mill, whereby the cutters are carried forward by the general motion of the machine.

Self-action (self-ak'shon), n. Action by or originating in one's self or itself. Self-activity (self-ak-tiv'i-ti), n. tion or the power of moving one's self or itself without foreign or external aid.


If it can intrinsically stir itself, it must have a principle of self-activity which is life and sense, Boyle.

Self-adjusting (self-ad-just'ing), a. Adjust-
ing by one's self or by itself.
Self-admiration (self'ad-mi-rā"shon), n.
Admiration of one's self.
Self-affairs (self'af-färz), n. pl. One's own
private business. Shak.
Self-affected (self-af-fekt'ed), a. Well-af-
fected towards one's self; self-loving. Shak.
Self-affrighted (self-af-frit'ed), a. Fright-
ened at one's self. Shak.
Self-aggrandizement (self- ag'gran-diz-
ment), n. The aggrandizement or exalta-
tion of one's self.
Self-annihilation (self'an-nī-hi-lā"shon), n.
Annihilation by one's own act. Addison.
Self-applause (self-ap-plaz), n. Applause
of one's self. Not void of righteous self-
applause. Tennyson.

Self-applying (self-ap-pli'ing), a. Apply
ing to or by one's self. Watts.
Self-approbation (self'ap-pro-bā”shon), n.
Approbation of one's self."

Self-approving (self-ap-pröv'ing), a. Approving one's self or one's conduct or character.

One self-approving hour whole years outweighs Of stupid starers and of loud huzzas. Pope. Self-asserting, Self-assertive (self-assért'ing, self-as-sèrt'iv), a. Forward in asserting one's self, or one's rights and claims; putting one's self forward in a confident way.

Self-assertion (self-as-sér'shon), n. The act of asserting one's self or one's own rights or claims; a putting one's self forward in an over-confident or assuming


Self-assumed (self'as-sümd), a. Assumed


by one's own act or by one's own authority; as, a self-assumed title. Self-assumption (self-as-sum'shon), n. Selfconceit. In self-assumption greater than in the note of judgment." Shak Self-assured (self'a-shörd), a. Assured by

one's self.

Self-banished (self'ban-isht), a. Exiled voluntarily. Pope.

Self-begotten (self-bē-got'n), a. Begotten by one's self or one's own powers. That self-begotten bird in the Arabian woods.' Milton.

Self-blinded (self-blind'ed), a. Blinded or led astray by one's own actions, means, or qualities. Self-blinded are you by your pride.' Tennyson.

Self-born (self'born), a. Born or begotten by one's self or itself; self-begotten. From himself the phoenix only springs, self-born.' Dryden.

Self-bounty (self-boun'ti), n. Inherent kindness and benevolence.

I would not have your free and noble nature,
Out of self-bounty, be abused.
One's own

Self-breath (self breth), n.
speech or words. 'Speaks not to himself
but with a pride that quarrels at self-
breath.' Shak.

Self-centration (self-sen-tra'shon), n. The act of centring or state of being centred on one's self.

Self-centred (self'sen-térd), a. Centred in


Self-charity (self'char-i-ti), n. Love of

one's self. Shak

Self-closing (self'klöz-ing), a. Closing of itself; closing or shutting automatically; as, a self-closing bridge or door. Self-coloured (self-kul'èrd), a. All of one colour: applied to textile fabrics in which the warp and weft are of the same colour. Self-command (self'kom-mand), a. steady equanimity which enables a man in every situation to exert his reasoning faculty with coolness, and to do what existing circumstances require; self-control. Hume.


Self-commitment (self-kom-mit'ment), n. A committing or binding one's self, as by a promise, statement, or conduct. Self-communicative (self-kom-mu'ni-kātiv), a. Imparting or communicating by its own powers.

Self-complacency (self-kom-plä'sen-si), n. The state of being self-complacent satisfaction with one's self or with one's own doings.

Self-complacent (self-kom-plă'sent), a. Pleased with one's self or one's own doings; self-satisfied. 'A self-complacent repose superior to accidents and ills.' Dr. Caird. Self-conceit (self-kon-set'), n. A high opinion of one's self; vanity.-Egotism, Self-conceit, Vanity. See under EGOTISM.

Thyself from flattering self-conceit defend. Sir F. Denham. Self-conceited (self-kon-set'ed), a. Having self-conceit; vain; having a high or overweening opinion of one's own person or merits.

A self-conceited fop will swallow anything. Sir R. L'Estrange. Self-conceitedness (self-kon-set ́ed-nes), n. The quality or state of being self-conceited; vanity; an overweening opinion of one's own person or accomplishments. Locke. Self-condemnation (self' kon-dem- nå"Condemnation by one's own conshon), n. science.

Self-condemning (self-kon-dem'ing), a. Condemning one's self. Self-condemning expressions." Boswell. Self-confidence (self-kon'fi-dens), n. Confidence in one's own judgment or ability; reliance on one's own opinion or powers without other aid.

Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. Johnson.


Self-confident (self-kon'fi-dent), a. dent of one's own strength or powers; rely. ing on the correctness of one's own judgment, or the competence of one's own powers, without other aid. Self-confiding (self-kon-fid'ing), a. Confiding in one's own judgment or powers; selfconfident. Pope.

Self-conscious (self-kon'shus), a. 1. Conscious of one's states or acts as belonging to one's self. 'Self-conscious thought.' Caird. 2. Conscious of one's self as an object of observation to others; apt to think much of how one's self appears to others.

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Self-consumed (self-kon-sümd′), a. sumed by one's self or itself. Self-consuming (self-kon-sum'ing), a. Consuming one's self or itself. 'A wandering, self-consuming fire.' Pope. Self-contained(self'kon-tänd) a. 1. Wrapped up in one's self; reserved; not expansive or communicative. Cold, high, self-contained, and passionless.' Tennyson-2. A term applied (especially in Scotland) to a house having an entrance for itself, and not approached by an entrance or stair common to others.-Self-contained engine, an engine and boiler attached together, complete for working, similar to a portable engine, but without the travelling gear. E. H. Knight. Self-contempt (self'kon-temt), n. Contempt for one's self. Tennyson. Self-contradiction (self'kon-tra-dik"shon),


The act of contradicting itself; repugnancy in terms. To be and not to be at the same time, is a self-contradiction; that is, a proposition consisting of two members, one of which contradicts the other. Addison. Self-contradictory (self'kon-tra-dik"to-ri), a. Contradicting itself. 'Doctrines which are self-contradictory. Spectator. Self-control (self-kon-tròl ́), n. Control exercised over one's self; self-restraint; selfcommand. Tennyson.

Self-convicted (self-kon-vik'ted), a. Convicted by one's own consciousness, knowledge, or avowal.

Guilt stands self-convicted when arraigned. Savage. Self-conviction (self-kon-vik'shon), n. Ĉonviction proceeding from one's own consciousness, knowledge, or confession.


No wonder such a spirit, in such a situation, is provoked beyond the regards of religion or self-conSwift. Self-covered (self-kuv'èrd), a. Covered, clothed, or dressed in one's native semblance. Shak.

Self-created (self-krē-at'ed), a. Created by one's self; not formed or constituted by another.

Self-culture (self-kul'tür), n. Culture, training, or education of one's self without the aid of teachers. Prof. Blackie. Self-danger (self-dän'jèr), n. Danger from one's self. Shak.

Self-deceit (self-de-sēt), n. Deception respecting one's self, or that originates from one's own mistake; self-deception.

This fatal hypocrisy and self-deceit is taken notice of in these words, Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Addison.

Self-deceived (self-de-sevd'), a. Deceived or misled respecting one's self by one's own mistake or error. De

Self-deception (self-de-sep'shon), n. ception concerning one's self, proceeding from one's own mistake.

Self-defence (self-de-fens′), n. The act of defending one's own person, property, or reputation.

I took not arms, till urged by self-defence,

The eldest law of nature.

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Self-delation (self-de-la'shon), n. [See DELATION.] Accusation of one's self. Bound to inform against himself to be the agent of the most rigid self-delation.' Milman. Self-delusion (self-de-lü'zhon), n. The delusion of one's self, or delusion respecting one's self. South Self-denial (self-de-ni'al), n. The denial of one's self; the forbearing to gratify one's own appetites or desires.

The religion of Jesus, with all its self-denials, virWatts. tues, and devotions, is very practicable. Self-denying (self-de-ni'ing), a. Denying one's self; forbearing to indulge one's own appetites or desires. A devout, humble, sin-abhorring, self-denying frame of spirit." South. Self-denying ordinance, in Eng. hist. a resolution passed by the Long Parliament in 1645, that no member of either House shall, during the war, enjoy or exe


cute any office or command, civil or military

Self-denyingly (self-de-ni'ing-li), adv. In a self-denying manner. Self-dependent, Self-depending (self-dependent, self-de-pend'ing), a. Depending on one's self. Self-dependent power.' Goldsmith.

Self-destroyer (self-de-stroi'èr), n. One who destroys himself.

Self-destruction (self-de-struk'shon), n. The destruction of one's self; voluntary destrucSir P. Sidney.


Self-destructive (self-de-struk'tiv), a. Tending to the destruction of one's self. Self-determination (self'dē - têr-min-ă”shon), n. Determination by one's own mind; or determination by its own powers, without extraneous impulse or influence. Locke. Self-determining (self-de-têr'min-ing), a. Capable of self-determination.

Every animal is conscious of some individual, selfmoving, self-determining principle.

Martinus Scriblerus.


Self-devoted (self-de-võt ́ed), a. in person, or voluntarily devoted. Self-devotement (self-de-vot'ment), n. The devoting of one's person and services voluntarily to any difficult or hazardous employment. The act

Self-devotion (self-dé-võ'shon), n. of devoting one's self; willingness to sacrifice one's own interests or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice. Self-devouring (self-de-vouring), a. Devouring one's self or itself. Self-devouring silence Sir J. Denham,

Self-diffusive (self-dif-füz’iv), a. Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself. Norris

Self-disparagement (self-dis-par'āj-ment), n. Disparagement of one's self.

Inward self-disparagement affords To meditative spleen a grateful feast. Wordsworth. Self-dispraise (self-dis-práz′), n. Dispraise, censure, or disapprobation of one's self.

There is a luxury in self-dispraise. Wordsworth. Self-distrust (self-dis-trust'), n. Distrust of or want of confidence in one's self or in one's own powers. It is my shyness, or my self-distrust.' Tennyson. Self-educated (self-ed'u-kát-ed), a. Educated by one's own efforts or without the aid of teachers.

Self-elective (self-e-lek ́tiv), a. Having the right to elect one's self, or, as a body, of electing its own members.

An of garchy on the self-elective principle was thus established. Brougham. Self-endeared (self-en-dérd).a. Enamoured of one's self; self-loving. Shak. Self-enjoyment (self-en-joi'ment), n. Internal satisfaction or pleasure. Self-esteem (self-es-tem'), n. The esteem or good opinion of one's self. Milton. Self-estimation (self'es-ti-mă"shon), n. The esteem or good opinion of one's self. Self-evidence (self-ev'i-dens), n. The quality of being self-evident. By the same self-evidence that one and two are equal to three. Locke.

Self-evident (self-ev'i-dent), a. Evident without proof or reasoning; producing certainty or clear conviction upon a bare presentation to the mind; as, a self-evident proposition or truth.

Many politicians of our time are in the habit of Laying it down as a self-evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. Macaulay.

Self-evidently (self-ev'i-dent-li), adv. By means of self-evidence; without extraneous proof or reasoning.


These two quantities were self-evidently equal. Whewell. Self-evolution (self'ev-ō-lü"shon), n. velopment by inherent power or quality. Self-exaltation (self'egz-al-ta"shon), n. The exaltation of one's self. Self-examinant (self-egz-am'in-ant), n. One who examines himself.

The humiliated self-examinant feels that there is evil in our nature as well as good. Coleridge. Self-examination (self'egz-am-i-nā"shon),

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being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause, an attribute peculiar to God.

Living and understanding substances do clearly demonstrate to philosophical enquirers the necessary self-existence, power, wisdom, and beneficence of their Maker. Bentley. Existing

Self-existent (self-egz-ist'ent), a.

by one's or its own nature or essence, independent of any other cause.

This self-existent Being hath the power of perfection, as well as of existence in himself. N. Grew. Self-explanatory (self-eks-plan'a-to-ri), a. Capable of explaining itself; bearing its meaning on its own face; obvious. Self-explication (self'eks-pli-kā"shon), n. The act or power of explaining one's self or itself. A thing perplexed beyond self-explication. Shak Self-faced (self'fast), a. A term applied to the natural face or surface of a flagstone, in contradistinction to dressed or hewn. Self-fed (self'fed), a. Fed by one's self or itself. Milton.

Self-feeder (self-fēd'èr), n. One who or that which feeds himself or itself; specifically, a self-feeding apparatus or machine. Self-feeding (self-fed'ing), a. Capable of feeding one's self or itself; keeping up automatically a supply of anything of which there is a constant consumption, waste, use, or application for some purpose; as, a selffeeding boiler, furnace, printing-press, &c. Self-fertilization (self'fer-til-iz-a ̋shon), n. In bot. the fertilization of a flower by pollen from the same flower. 'The evil effects of close interbreeding or self-fertilization.


Self-fertilized (self'fèr-til-izd"), p. and a. In bot. fertilized by its own pollen. See extract.

A self-fertilized plant means one of self. fertilized parentage, that is, one derived from a flower fertilized with pollen from the same flower, .. or from another flower on the same plant. Darwin, Self-flattering (self-flat'ter-ing),a. Flattering one's self. Self-flattering delusions.' Watts.

Self-flattery (self-flat'tèr-i), n. Flattery of

one's self.

Self-gathered (self-gaTH'érd), a. Gathered, wrapped up, or concentrated in one's self or itself.


There in her place she did rejoice, Self-gather'd in her prophet-mind. Self-glorious (self-glo'ri-us), a. Springing from vainglory or vanity; vain; boastful. Free from vainness and self-glorious pride.' Shak. Self-governed (self-gu'vèrnd), a. Governed by one's self or itself; as, a self-governed state.

Self-government (self-gu'vern-ment), n. 1. The government of one's self; self-control. 2. A system of government by which the mass of a nation or people appoint the rulers; democratic or republican government; democracy.

It is to self-government, the great principle of popular representation and administration-the sys. tem that lets in all to participate in the counsels that are to assign the good or evil to all-that we may owe what we are and what we hope to be. D. Webster. Self-gratulation (self'grat-ū-la”shon), n. Gratulation of one's self. Shak. Self-harming (self'harm-ing), a. Injuring or hurting one's self or itself. Self-heal (self'hel), n. A British plant of the genus Prunella, the P. vulgaris. See PRUNELLA. Also, a plant of the genus Sanicula (which see).

Self-healing (self'hel-ing), a. Having the power or property of healing itself; as, the self-healing power of living animals and vegetables.

Self-help (self'help), n. Assistance of or by one's self; the use of one's own powers to attain one's ends. S. Smiles.

Self- homicide (self-hom'i-sid), n. Act of killing one's self; suicide. Hakewill. Selfhood (self 'hud), n. Individual or independent existence; separate personality; individuality. All that had been manly in him, all that had been youth and selfhood in him, flaming up for one brief moment.' Harper's Monthly Mag. [Rare.] Self-idolized (self'i-dol-izd), a. Idolized by one's self. Cowper.

Self-ignorance (self-ig'nō-rans), n. Ignorance of one's own character or nature. Self-ignorant (self-ig'no-rant), a. Ignorant of one's self.

Self-imparting (self-im-pärtʼing), a. Imparting by its own powers and will. Norris.


Self-importance (self-im-port'ans), n. High opinion of one's self; pride. Cowper. Self-important (self-im-port'ant), a. Important in one's own esteem; pompous. Self-imposed (self'im-põzd), a. Imposed or voluntarily taken on one's self; as, a selfimposed task.

Self-imposture (self-im-pos'tūr), n. Imposture practised on one's self. South. Self-indignation (self'in-dig-ná"shon), n. Indignation at one's own character or actions. Opposite and more mixed affections, such as .. self-indignation.' Baxter. Self-indulgence (self-in-dul'jens), n. Free indulgence of one's passions or appetites. 'Love of ease and self-indulgence." Sir J.


Self-indulgent (self-in-dul'jent), a. Indulg ing one's self; apt or inclined to gratify one's own passions, desires, or the like. Self-inflicted (self-in-flik'ted), a. Inflicted by or on one's self; as, a self-inflicted punishment.

Self-insufficiency (self'in-suf-fi"shen-si), 22. Insufficiency of one's self. Clarke. Self-interest (self-in'tèr-est), n. Private interest; the interest or advantage of one's self. Self-interested (self-in'tér-est-ed), a. Having self-interest; particularly concerned for one's self; selfish. Addison. Self-invited (self-in-vit'ed), a. Come without being asked; as, a self-invited guest. Self-involution (self'in-vo-lu"shon), n. Involution in one's self; hence, mental abstraction; reverie.

Self-involved (self-in-volvd'), a. Wrapped up in one's self or in one's thoughts. Ten

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That sin of sins, the undue love of self, with the postponing of the interests of all others to our own, had for a long time no word to express it in Eng. lish. Help was sought from the Greek, and from the Latin. Philauty' had been more than once attempted by our scholars, but found no acceptance. This failing, men turned to the Latin; one writer trying to supply the want by calling the man a 'suist," as one seeking his own things (sua"), and the sin itself, 'suicism." The gap, however, was not really filled up, till some of the Puritan writers, drawing on our Saxon, devised 'selfish' and 'selfishness,' words which to us seem obvious enough, but which yet are Trench. not more than two hundred years old. Selfishly (self'ish-li), adv. In a selfish manner; with regard to private interest only or chiefly. Pope.

Selfishness (self'ish-nes), n. The quality of being selfish; the exclusive regard of a person to his own interest or happiness; the quality of being entirely self-interested, or proceeding from regard to self-interest alone, without regarding the interest of others; as, the selfishness of a person or of his conduct.

Selfishness (is) a vice utterly at variance with the happiness of him who harbours it, and as such, condemned by self-love. Mackintosh.

Selfishness and self-love are sometimes confounded, but are properly distinct. See also SELF-LOVE and extracts there.

Selfishness is not an excess of self-love, and consists not in an over-desire of happiness, but in placing your happiness in something which interferes with, or leaves you regardless of, that of others. Whately.

Selfism (self'izm), n. Devotedness to self; selfishness. [Rare.]

Selfist (self'ist), n. One devoted to self; a selfish person. The prompting of generous feeling, or of what the cold selfist calls quixotism.' Jer. Taylor. [Rare.] Self-justification (self'jus-ti-fi-kā"shon), n.

Justification of one's self.

Self-justifier (self-jus'ti-fi-ér), n. One who excuses or justifies himself. Self-killed (self'kild), a. Killed by one's self. Shak.

Self-kindled (self-kin'dld), a. Kindled of itself, or without extraneous aid or power. Dryden.

Self-knowing (self-nō'ing), a. Knowing of itself, or without communication from another. Milton.

Self-knowledge (self-nol'ej), n. The know-
ledge of one's own real character, abilities,
worth, or demerit.
Self-left (self'left), a. Left to one's self or
to itself.

His heart I know how variable and vain,


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