Imágenes de páginas
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of Europe, and em- Senna (Cassia lanceolata). ployed to adulter

ate blunt-leaved senna-Scorpion senna, the Coronilla Emerus, a native of the south of Europe. The leaves are purgative and drastic, but are inconvenient on account of their griping effects.

Sennachy (sen'na-chi), n. Same as Seannachie.

Sennett (sen'net), n. [Probably from L. signum, a signal] A particular set of notes on a trumpet or cornet, different from a flourish. The word occurs chiefly in the stage directions of old plays. Variously written Sennit, Senet, Synnet, Cynet, Signet, and Signate.

Se'nnight (sen'nit), n. [Contr. from sevennight, as fortnight from fourteennight.] The space of seven nights and days; a week. If the interim be but a se'nnight, Time's pace is so hard

That it seems the length of seven year. Shak.
My love for Nature is as old as I;

But thirty moons, one honeymoon to that,
And three rich se'nnights more, my love for her.


Sennit (sen'nit), n. [From seven and knit.] Naut. a sort of flat braided cordage used for various purposes, and formed by plaiting rope-yarns or spun-yarn together. Senocular (se-nok'u-lér), a. [L. seni, six each, from sex, six, and oculus, the eye.] Having six eyes.

Most animals are binocular, spiders octonocular, and some senocular. Derham.

Señor (sen-yor'), n. A Spanish title or form
of address, corresponding to the English
Mr. or sir, a gentleman.
Señora (sen-yo'ra), n. The feminine of
Señor; madame or Mrs.; a lady.
Sensate, Sensatedt (sens'at, sens'at-ed), a.
Perceived by the senses.

Sensatet (sens'at), v.t. To have perception
of, as an object of the senses; to apprehend
by the senses or understanding.
Sensation (sen-sa'shon), n. [Fr. sensation,
from L. L sensatio, sensationis, from L. sen-
tio, sensum, to feel, hear, see, &c., to per-
ceive. See SENSE.] 1. The effect produced on
the sensorium by something acting on the
bodily organs; an impression made upon
the mind through the medium of one of the
organs of sense; feeling produced by exter-
nal objects, or by some change in the inter-
nal state of the body; a feeling; as, a sen-
sation of light, heat, heaviness, &c. Sensa-
tions are conveyed by means of nerves to
the brain or sensorium. An impression pro-
duced by something external to the body is
sometimes spoken of as an external sensa-
tion; when it proceeds from some change
taking place within the living system, and
arising from its own actions, it is termed an
internal sensation; thus the impression
communicated to the mind by the effect of
light on the retina, and the painful sensa-
tion produced by a blow, are external sen-
sations; the feeling of hunger and of rest-
lessness are internal sensations. The exter-
nal organs by which those impressions which
cause sensations are primarily received are
called the organs of the senses; these are
the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, pa-
late, &c., which constitute the organ of
taste, and the extremities of nerves, dis-
persed under the common integuments,
which give rise to the common sensation,
feeling or touch. In addition to these, ac-
cording to Professor Bain, 'the feelings con-
nected with the movements of body, or the
action of the muscles, have come to be re-


cognized as a distinct class, differing materially from the sensations of the five senses. They have been regarded by some metaphysicians as proceeding from a sense apart, a sixth or muscular sense, and have accordingly been enrolled under the general head of sensations. That they are to be dealt with as a class by themselves, as much so as sounds or sights, the feelings of affection, or the emotions of the ludicrous, is now pretty well admitted on all hands.-2. The power of feeling or receiving impressions through organs of sense; as, inorganic bodies are devoid of sensation.

This great source of most of the ideas we have, depending wholly upon our senses, and derived by them to the understanding, I call sensation. Locke. 3. Agreeable or disagreeable feelings occasioned by causes that are not corporeal or material; purely spiritual or psychical affections; as, sensations of awe, sublimity, ridicule, novelty, &c.-4. A state of excited interest or feeling; as, to create a sensation.

The sensation caused by the appearance of that work is still remembered by many Brougham. 5. That which produces sensation or excited interest or feeling. The greatest sensation of the day; the grand incantation scene of the Freischütz.' Times newspaper.-6. Only as much of anything as can be perceived by the senses; a very small quantity; as, a sensation of brandy. [Slang.]-The word is often used as an adjective in the sense of causing excited interest or feeling; as, sensation novels, drama, oratory, &c.-Sensation novels, novels that produce their effect by exciting and often improbable situations, by taking as their groundwork some dreadful secret, some atrocious crime, or the like, and painting scenes of extreme peril, high-wrought passion, &c. Sensational (sen-sa'shon-al), a. 1. Having sensation; serving to convey sensation; sentient. Dunglison.-2. Relating to or implying sensation or perception by the senses.

He whose eye is so refined by discipline that he can repose with pleasure upon the serene outline of beautiful form has reached the purest of the sensa tional raptures. F. W Robertson.

3. Producing sensation or excited interest or emotion; as, a sensational novel.-4. Pertaining to sensationalism.

Are we then obliged to give in our adherence to the sensational philosophy? Farrar. Sensationalism (sen-sa'shon-al-izm), n. In metaph. the theory or doctrine that all our ideas are solely derived through our senses or sensations; sensualism. Sensationalist (sen-sa'shon-al-ist), n. In metaph. a believer in or upholder of the doctrine of sensationalism or sensualism. Sometimes used adjectivally.

Accordingly we are not surprised to find that Locke was claimed as the founder of a sensationalist school, whose ultimate conclusions his calm and pious mind would have indignantly repudiated.... We con sider this on the whole a less objectionable term than 'sensualist' or 'sensuist;' the latter word is uncouth, and the former, from the things which it connotes, is hardly fair. Farrar

Sensationary (sen-sa'shon-a-ri), n. Possessing or relating to sensation; sensational. Sense (sens), n. [L. sensus, sensation, a sense, from sentio, sensum, to perceive by the senses (whence sentence, consent, dissent, assent, &c.).] 1. One of the faculties by which man and the higher animals perceive external objects by means of impressions made on certain organs of the body. The senses enable us to become acquainted with some of the conditions of our own bodies, and with certain properties and states of external things, such as their colour, taste, odour, size, form, density, motion, &c. A sense is exercised through a specialized portion of the nervous system, capable of receiving only one series or kind of impressions. The senses are usually spoken of as being five in number, namely, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch; and each of them is exercised in the recognition of an impression conveyed along some nerve to the brain. Some physiologists, however, recognize a sixth or muscular sense arising from the sensitive department of the fifth pair and the compound spinal nerves. (See under SENSATION.) Others again treat of a seventh or visceral sense, a term which they apply to the instinctive sensations arising from the ganglionic department of the nervous system-2. Perception by the senses or bodily organs; sensation; feeling. Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye.' Shak.

In a living creature, though never so great, the


sense and the affects of any one part of the body instantly make a transcursion throughout the whole. Bacon.

3. Perception by the mind; apprehension through the intellect; recognition; understanding; discernment; appreciation; feeling. Basilius, having the quick sense of a lover. Sir P. Sidney. Having sense of beauty.' Shak.

Have they any sense of what they sing? Tennyson, 4. Moral perception; consciousness; conviction; as, to have a sense of wrong, a sense of shame. Tennyson.

Some are so hardened in wickedness as to have no sense of the most friendly offices. Sir R. L'Estrange. 5. Sound perception and reasoning; correct reason; good mental capacity; understanding; as, a man of sense. 'Lost the sense that handles daily life.' Tennyson.

Immodest words admit of no defence,
For want of decency is want of sense. Roscommon.
Yet, if he has sense but to balance a straw,

He will sure take the hint from the picture I draw.

6. Perceptive faculties in the aggregate; faculty of thinking and feeling; mind. Did all confound her sense.' Tennyson.

Are you a man? have you a soul or sense! Shak. 7. That which is felt or is held as a sentiment, view, or opinion; judgment; notion; opinion.

The municipal council of the city had ceased to speak the sense of the citizens. Macaulay.

8. Meaning; import; signification; as, the true sense of a word or phrase; a literal or figurative sense.

When a word has been used in two or three senses, and has made a great inroad for error, drop one or two of those senses, and leave it only one remaining. Walls. -Common sense. See under COMMON. Senset (sens), v. t. To perceive by the senses. Is he sure that objects are not otherwise sensed by others than they are by him? Glanville. Sensefult (sens'ful), a. Reasonable; judicious. Hearkening to his senseful speech.' Spenser.

Senseless (sens'les), a. 1. Destitute of sense; having no power of sensation or perception; incapable of sensation or feeling; insensible; as, the body when dead is senseless; but a limb or other part of the body may be senseless when the rest of the body enjoys its usual sensibility.

The ears are senseless that should give us hearing. Shak. 2. Wanting feeling, sympathy, or appreciation; without sensibility.

The senseless grave feels not your pious sorrows.

3. Contrary to reason or sound judgment; ill-judged; unwise; foolish; nonsensical.

They would repent this their senseless perverseness when it would be too late. Clarendon.

4. Wanting understanding; acting without sense or judgment; foolish; stupid.

They were a senseless stupid race. Swift. Senselessly (sensles-li), adv. In a senseless manner; stupidly; unreasonably; as, a man senselessly arrogant. Locke. Senselessness (sens'les-nes), n. The state or quality of being senseless; as, (a) want of sensation, perception, or feeling. A gulf, a void, a sense of senselessness." Shelley. (b) Want of judgment or good sense; unreasonableness; folly; stupidity; absurdity. 'Stupidity and senselessness.' Hales. [Fr. sensiSensibility (sens-i-bil'i-ti), 22. bilité, from sensible.] 1. The state or quality of being sensible or capable of sensation; that power which any organ or tissue of the body has of causing changes inherent in or excited in it to be perceived and recognized by the mind; as, a frozen limb loses its sensibility.-2. Capacity to feel or perceive in general; specifically, the capacity of the soul to exercise or to be the subject of emotion or feeling, as distinguished from the intellect and the will; the capacity of being impressed with such sentiments as those of sublimity, awe, wonder, &c. - 3. Peculiar susceptibility of impression, pleasurable or painful; delicacy or keenness of feeling; quick emotion or sympathy; as, sensibility to praise or blamie; a man of exquisite sensibility.

Modesty is a kind of quick and delicate feeling in the soul: it is such an exquisite sensibility as warns a woman to shun the first appearance of everything hurtful. Addison.



The true lawgiver ought to have a heart full of sensibility. In this sense used frequently in the plural. 'Twere better to be born a stone, Of ruder shape, and feeling none, Than with a tenderness like mine And sensibilities so fine.



4. Experience of sensations; actual feeling. Burke.-5. That quality of an instrument which makes it indicate very slight changes of condition; delicacy; sensitiveness; as, the sensibility of a balance or of a thermometer. Sensible (sens'i-bl), a. [Fr. sensible, from L. sensibilis, from sensus. See SENSE.] 1. Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; capable of exciting sensation.

Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible


To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation? Air is sensible to the touch by its motion. Arbuthnot. 2. Perceptible to the mind; making an impression on the reason or understanding; keenly felt.

The disgrace was more sensible than the pain. Sir W. Temple. 3. Capable of sensation; having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the senses or bodily organs; as, the eye is sensible to light.

I would that your cambric were as sensible as your finger, that you might leave pricking it for pity. Shak. 4. Capable of emotional influences; emotionally affected. 'If thou wert sensible of courtesy.' Shak. 'Sensible of wrong.' Dryden. 5. Very liable to impression from without; easily affected; sensitive. With affection wondrous sensible.' Shak.-6. Per

ceiving or having perception either by the senses or the intellect; perceiving so clearly as to be convinced; cognizant; satisfied; persuaded.

I do not say there is no soul in man because he is not sensible of it in his sleep; but I do say he cannot think at any time, waking or sleeping, without being sensible

of it.


They were now sensible it would have been better to comply than to refuse. Addison.

7. Easily or readily moved or affected by natural agents; capable of indicating slight changes of condition; sensitive; as, a sensible thermometer or balance.-8. Possessing or containing sense, judgment, or reason; endowed with or characterized by good or common sense; intelligent; understanding; reasonable; judicious; as, a sensible man; a sensible proposal. To be now a sensible man, by and by a fool.' Shak.Sensible note or tone, in music, the seventh note of any diatonic scale: so termed because, being but a semitone below the octave or key-note, and naturally leading up to that, it makes the ear sensible of its approaching sound. Called also the Leading Note. Sensible † (sens'i-bl), n. 1. Sensation; sensibility.

Our torments also may in length of time
Become our elements; these piercing fires
As soft as now severe, our temper changed
Into their temper; which must needs remove
The sensible of pain.

2. That which produces sensation; that which impresses itself on the senses; something perceptible; a material substance. Dr. H. More.-3. That which possesses sensibility or capability of feeling; sensitive being.

This melancholy extends itself not to men only, but even to vegetals and sensibles. Burton.

Sensibleness (sens'i-bl-nes), n. The state or quality of being sensible; sensibility; as, (a) capability of sensation; as, the sensibleness of the eye to light. (b) Possibility of being perceived by the senses. (c) Sensitiveness; keenness of feeling. This feeling and sensibleness and sorrow for sin.' Hammond. (d) Good sense; intelligence; reasonableness; as, the sensibleness of his conduct or remarks. Sensibly (sens'i-bli), adv. In a sensible manner; as, (a) in a manner perceived by the senses; perceptibly to the senses; as, pain sensibly increased; motion sensibly accelerated. (b) With perception, either of mind or body; sensitively; feelingly; as, he feels his loss very sensibly.


What remains past cure Bear not too sensibly. (c) With intelligence or good sense; judiciously; as, the man converses very sensibly on all common topics. Sensiferous (sen-sif'èr-us), a. Producing sensation. [Rare.]

Sensific (sen-sif'ik), a. [L. sensus, sense, and facio, to make.] Producing sensation. Sensism (sens'izm), n. In metaph. same as Sensualism.

Sensist (sens'ist), n. Same as Sensationalist. Sensitive (sens'i-tiv), a. [Fr. sensitif, L. L. sensitivus. See SENSE.] 1. Having sense or feeling, or having the capacity of perceiving impressions from external objects. 'The


sensitive appetite.' Dryden. 'The sensitive faculty. Ray. 2. Having feelings easily excited; having feelings keenly susceptible of external impressions; readily and acutely affected; of keen sensibility; as, the most sensible men are the least sensitive.

She was too sensitive to abuse and calumny.


3. In physics, easily affected or moved; as, a sensitive balance; a sensitive thermometer. 4. In chem. and photog. readily affected by the action of appropriate agents; as, iodized paper is sensitive to the action of light. 5. Serving to affect the senses; sensible. love of some sensitive object.' Hammond. [Rare.]-6. Pertaining to the senses or to sensation; depending on sensation; as, sensitive muscular motions excited by irritation. -Sensitive flames, flames which are easily affected by sounds, being made to lengthen out or contract, or change their form in various ways. The most sensitive flame is produced in burning gas issuing from a small taper jet. Such a flame will be affected by very small noises, as the ticking of a watch held near it or the clinking of coins 100 feet off. The gas must be turned on so that the flame is just at the point of roaring. -Sensitive plant. See SENSITIVE-PLANT. Sensitive † (sens'i-tiv), n. Something that feels; sensorium.

Sensitively (sens'i-tiv-li), adv. In a sensitive manner. Hammond. Sensitiveness (sens'i-tiv-nes), n. The state of being sensitive or easily affected by external objects, events, or representations; the state of having quick and acute sensibility to impressions upon the mind and feelings.

Sensitive-plant (Mimosa pudica).

Sensitive-plant (sens'i-tiv-plant), n. A name given to several plants which display movements of their leaves in a remarkable degree, not only under the influence of light and darkness, but also under mechanical and other stimuli. The common sensitive plant is a tropical American leguminous annual the genus of Mimosa (M. pudica). It is a low plant, with white flowers disposed in heads, which are rendered somewhat conspicuous by the length of the stamens; the leaves are compound, consisting of four leaves, themselves pinnated, united upon a common footstalk. At the approach of night the leaflets all fold together; the same takes place with the partial leaves, and, finally, the common footstalk bends towards the stem; at sunrise the leaves generally unfold. The same phenomena take place on the plant being roughly touched or irritated, only that it recovers itself in a short period. The same property belongs to other species of Mimosa, and to species of other genera, as the Hedysarum gyrans, the ternate and pinnate species of Oxalis, the Dionaea muscipula, &c. Sensitivity (sens-i-tiv'i-ti), n. The state of being sensitive; specifically, (a) in chem. and photog. readily affected by the action of appropriate agents; as, the sensitivity of prepared paper. (b) In physiol. that property of living parts by which they are capable of receiving impressions by means of the nervous system; sensibility. Sensitize (sens'i-tiz), v.t. pret. & pp. sensitized; ppr. sensitizing. To render sensitive or capable of being acted on by the actinic rays of the sun; as, sensitized paper or a sensitized plate: a term in photography, &c. Sensitory (sens'i-to-ri), n. Same as Sen8ory. See SENSORIUM. Sensivet (sen'siv), a. Possessing sense or feeling; sensitive. Sir P. Sidney. Sensor (sen'sor), a. Sensory. [Rare.] Sensorial (sen-sō'ri-al), a. Pertaining to the sensory or sensorium; as, sensorial faculties; sensorial motions or powers. Sensorium (sen-sō'ri-um), n. [From L.


sensus, sense.] 1. A general name given to the brain or to any series of nerve-centres in which impressions derived from the external world become localized, transformed into sensations, and thereafter transferred by reflex action to other parts of the body The term has been sometimes specially applied to denote the series of organs in the brain connected with the reception of special impressions derived from the organs of sense. Thus the olfactory and optic lobes, the auditory and gustatory ganglia, &c, form parts of the typical sensorium in this latter sense. The older physiologists held the theory of a sensorium commune which extended throughout the whole nervous system.-2. The term formerly applied to an ideal point in the brain where the soul was supposed to be more especially located or centralized; according to Descartes a small body near the base of the brain called the pineal gland.

Sensory (sen'so-ri), a. Relating to the sensorium; as, sensory ganglia; sensory nerves. Sensory (sen'so-ri), n. 1. Same as Sensorium, I.

Is not the sensory of animals the place to which the sensitive substance is present, and into which the sen sible species of things are carried through the nerves of the brain, that there they may be perceived by their immediate presence to that substance. Sir I. Newton. 2. One of the organs of sense.

That we all have double sensories,two eyes, two ears, is an effectual confutation of this atheistical sophism. Bentley. Sensual (sen'sü-al), a. [L. sensualis, from sentio, sensum, to perceive by the senses. See SENSE.] 1. Pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting the senses or bodily organs of perception.

Far as creation's ample range extends

The scale of sensual, mental pow'rs ascends. Pope. 2. Relating to or concerning the body, in distinction from the spirit; not spiritual or intellectual; carnal; fleshly. Jas. iii. 15; Jude 19.


The greatest part of men are such as prefer. good which is sensual before whatsoever is divine. Hooker.

3. Pertaining to or consisting in the gratification of sense or the indulgence of appetite; luxurious; lewd; voluptuous; devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite.

No small part of virtue consists in abstaining from that in which sensual men place their felicity. Atterbury.

4. Pertaining, relating, or peculiar to sensualism as a philosophical doctrine. Sensualism (sen'sù-al-izm), n. 1. In metaph. that theory which bases all our mental acts and intellectual powers upon sensation; sensationalism. The theory opposed to it is intellectualism.-2. A state of subjection to sensual feelings and appetites; sensuality; lewdness.

Tyrants, by the sale of human life, Heap luxuries to their sensualism. Shelley. Sensualist (sen'su-al-ist), n. 1. A person given to the indulgence of the appetites or senses; one who places his chief happiness in carnal pleasures.-2. One who holds the sensual theory in philosophy; a sensationalist.

Sensualistic (sen'sû-al-ist"ik), a. 1. Upholding the doctrine of sensualism.---2. Sensual.

Sensuality (sen-su-al'i-ti), n. [Fr. sensu alité. See SENSUAL] The quality of being sensual: (a) devotedness to the gratification of the bodily appetites; free indulgence in carnal or sensual pleasures. Those pamper'd animals that rage in savage sensuality. Shak.

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They avoid dress, lest they should have affections tainted by any sensuality. Addison.

(b) Carnality; fleshliness. Daniel Rogers. Sensualization (sen'sû-al-iz-à"shon), n. The act of sensualizing; the state of being sensualized.

Sensualize (sen'sû-al-iz), v.t. pret. & pp. sensualized; ppr. sensualizing. To make sensual; to subject to the love of sensual pleasure; to debase by carnal gratifications. Sensualized by pleasure, like those who were changed into brutes by Circe.' Pope. Sensually (sen'sù-al-li), adv. In a sensual The qua


Sensualness (sen'sû-al-nes), n. lity of being sensual; sensuality. Sensuism (sen'sû-izm), n. The same as Sensualism. Sensuosity (sen-sû-os'i-ti), n. The state of being sensuous. Sensuous (sen'sù-us), a. 1. Pertaining to the senses; connected with sensible objects; ap

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Too soft and sensuous by nature to be exhilarated by the conflict of modern opinions, he (Keats) found at once food for his love of beauty, and an opiate for bis despondency in the remote tales of Greek mythology. Quart. Rev. Sensuously (sen'sũ-us-li), adv. In a sensuous manner. Coleridge. Sensuousness (sen'sü-us-nes), n. Quality of being sensuous, in both its meanings.

There is a suggestion of easy-going sensuousness in the lower part of the face, especially in the fulness Edin. Rev.

of the chin.

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My sentence is for open war. The sentence of the early writers, including the fifth and sixth centuries, if it did not pass for infal lible, was of prodigious weight in controversy. Hallam.

2 In law, a definitive judgment pronounced by a court or judge upon a criminal; a judicial decision publicly and officially declared in a criminal prosecution. In technical language sentence is used only for the declaration of judgment against one convicted of a crime. In civil cases the decision of a court is called a judgment. In criminal cases sentence is a judgment pronounced; doom-3. A determination or decision given, particularly a decision that condemns, or an unfavourable determination.

Let him set out some of Luther's works, that by them we may pass sentence upon his doctrines. Atterbury. 4. A maxim; an axiom; a short saying containing moral instruction.

Who fears a sentence or an old man's saw Shall by a painted cloth be kept in awe. Shak. 5. In gram. a period; a number of words containing complete sense or a sentiment, and followed by a full point; a form of words in which a complete thought or proposition is expressed. Sentences may be divided into simple, compound, and complex. A simple sentence consists of one subject and one finite verb; as, the Lord reigns.' A compound sentence contains two or more subjects and finite verbs, as in this verseHe fills, he bounds, connects and equals all Pope. A complex sentence consists of one principal sentence together with one or more dependent sentences; as, 'the man, who came yesterday, went away to-day.' It differs from the compound sentence in having one or more clauses subordinate to a principal clause, whereas in the compound the clauses are co-ordinate, or on the same footing.-6. Sense; meaning; significance. The discourse itself, voluble enough, and full of sentence. Milton.

Sentence (sen'tens), v.t. pret. & pp. sentenced; ppr. sentencing. 1. To pass or pronounce sentence or judgment on; to condemn; to doom to punishment.

Nature herself is sentenced in your doom. Dryden. Sentencing an officer of rank and family to the rally in the regular course of judicial proceedings, gave general disgust. Brougham.

2+ To pronounce as judgment; to express as a decision or determination; to decree. Let them... enforce the present execution Of what we chance to sentence.


at To express in a short energetic manner. Let me hear one wise man sentence it, rather than twenty fools, garrulous in their lengthened tale. Feltham.

Sentencer (sen'tens-ér), n. One who pronounces a sentence. Southey. Sentential (sen-ten'shal), a. 1. Comprising sentences-2. Pertaining to a sentence or full period; as, a sentential pause. Sententially (sen-ten'shal-li), adv. In a sentential manner; by means of sentences. Sententiarian, Sententiary (sen-ten-shiari-an, sen-ten'shi-a-ri), a. Formerly, one who read lectures or commented on the Liber sententiarum of Peter Lombard, a school divine of the twelfth century. This

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manual consisted of an arranged collection of sentences from Augustine and other fathers on points of Christian doctrine, with objections and replies, also collected from authors of repute.

Sententiosity (sen-ten'shi-os'i-ti), n. Sententiousness. Sir T. Browne. Sententious (sen-ten'shus), a. [L. sententiosus, Fr. sententieux. See SENTENCE.] 1. Abounding with sentences, axioms, and maxims; rich in judicious observations; pithy; terse; as, a sententious style or discourse; sententious truth.

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2. Comprising sentences; sentential; as, 'sententious marks.' N. Grew. Sententiously (sen-ten'shus-li), adv. In a sententious manner; in short expressive periods; with striking brevity.

Nausicaa delivers her judgment sententiously, to give it more weight. W. Broome. Sententiousness (sen-ten'shus-nes), n. The quality of being sententious or short and energetic in expression; pithiness of sentences; brevity of expression combined with strength.

The Medea I esteem for the gravity and sententiousness of it. Dryden.

Sentery (sen'tèr-i), n. A sentinel. See SENTRY. Milton. Sentience, Sentiency (sen'shi-ens, sen'shien-si), n. The state of being sentient; the faculty of perception; feeling. 'Sentience or feeling. Nature.

Sentient (sen'shi-ent), a. [L. sentiens, sentientis, ppr. of sentio, to perceive by the senses. See SENSE ] 1. Capable of perceiving or feeling; having the faculty of perception; as, man is a sentient being; he possesses a sentient faculty. The series of mental states which constituted his sentient existence.' J. S. Mill.-2. In physiol. a term applied to those parts which are more susceptible of feeling than others; as, the sentient extremities of the nerves, &c.

Sentient (sen'shi-ent), n. One who has the faculty of perception; a perceiving being. Glanville.

Sentiently (sen'shi-ent-li), adv. In a sentient or perceptive manner.

Sentiment (sen'ti-ment), n. [Fr.; L.L. sentimentum, from L. sentio, to perceive by the senses, to feel. See SENSE.] 1. A thought prompted by passion or feeling; a feeling toward or respecting some person or thing; a particular disposition of mind in view of some subject.

We speak of sentiments of respect, of esteem, of gratitude; but I never heard the paint of the gout, or any other feeling, called a sentiment.


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3. Thought; opinion; notion; judgment; the decision of the mind formed by deliberation or reasoning; as, to express one's sentiments on a subject.

On questions of feeling, taste, observation, or report, we define our sentiments. On questions of science, argument, or metaphysical abstraction, we define our opinions. W. Taylor.

4. The sense, thought, or opinion contained in words, but considered as distinct from them; as, we may like the sentiment, when we dislike the language. Hence-5. In the fine arts, the leading idea which has governed the general conception of a work of art, or which makes itself visible to the eye and mind of the spectator through the work of the artist. Fairholt.-6. A thought expressed in striking words; a sentence expressive of a wish or desire; a toast, generally couched in proverbial or epigrammatic language; as, 'More friends and less need of them.'

I'll give you a sentiment. Here's success to usury. Sheridan. 7. In phren, a term employed to designate the second division of the moral or affective faculties of the mind, the first being termed propensities. See PHRENOLOGY. Sentimental (sen-ti-ment'al), a. 1. Having sentiment; apt to be swayed by sentiment; indulging in sensibility; manifesting an excess of sentiment; affecting sentiment or sensibility; artificially or mawkishly tender. A sentimental mind is rather prone to overwrought feeling and exaggerated tenderness. Whately. f, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;


2. Exciting sensibility; appealing to sentiment or feeling rather than to reason.

Perhaps there is no less danger in works called sentimental. They attack the heart more successfully because more cautiously. Dr. Knox.

-Romantic, Sentimental. See under RoMANTIC.

Sentimentalism (sen-ti-ment' al-izm), n. The quality of being sentimental or having an excess of sensibility; affectation of sentiment or sensibility; sentimentality. 'Eschew political sentimentalism.' Disraeli. Sentimentalist (sen-ti-ment'al-ist), n. One who affects sentiment, fine feeling, or exquisite sensibility.

Sentimentality (sen'ti-ment-al"i-ti), n. Affectation of fine feeling or exquisite sensibility; sentimentalism. The false pity and sentimentality of many modern ladies.' T Warton.

Sentimentalize (sen-ti-ment'al-iz), v. i. pret. & pp. sentimentalized; ppr. sentimentaliz ing. To affect exquisite sensibility; to play the sentimentalist. Sentimentally (sen-ti-mental-li), adv. In a sentimental manner; as, to speak sentimentally.

Sentine† (sen'tin), n. [L. sentina, a sink.] A place into which dregs, dirt, &c., are thrown; a sink. 'A stinking sentine of all

vices.' Latimer.

Sentinel (sen'ti-nel), n. [Fr. sentinelle; It. sentinella; origin doubtful; by some regarded as from L. sentio, to perceive.] 1. One who watches or keeps guard to prevent surprise; especially (milit.), a soldier set to watch or guard an army, camp, or other place from surprise, to observe the approach of danger and give notice of it.

The fix'd sentinels almost receive The secret whispers of each other's watch, Shak. Where Love reigns, disturbing Jealousy Doth call himself Affection's sentinel. Shak.

2. The watch, guard, or duty of a sentinel. That princes do keep due sentinel.' Bacon. Used adjectively.

The sentinel stars set their watch in the sky. Campbell Sentinel (sen'ti-nel), v. t. 1. To watch over as a sentinel. To sentinel enchanted ground.' Sir W. Scott.-2. To furnish with a sentinel or sentinels; to place under the guard of sentinels. R. Pollok.

Sentry (sen'tri), n. [Corruption of sentinel.] 1. A soldier placed on guard; a sentinel. 2. Guard; watch; duty of a sentinel. O'er my slumbers sentry keep.' Sir T. Browne. Sentry-box (sen'tri-boks), n. A small shed to cover a sentinel at his post, and shelter him from the weather.

Senza (sant'zä). [It., without] In music, a term signifying without; as, senza stromenti, without instruments. -Senza sordini, without the dampers; in pianoforte playing, meaning that the dampers are to be raised from the strings.-Senza sordino, in violin or violoncello playing, signifies that the mute is to be removed.

Sepahi (sep'a-hi), n. A sipahi; a sepoy. Sepal (se pal), n. [Fr. sépale, an invented

term made to resemble pétale, a petal] In bot, one of the separate divisions of a calyx when that organ is made up of various leaves. When it consists of but one part it is said to be monosepalous; when of two or more parts, it is said to be di-, tri-, tetra-, pentasepalous, &c. When of a variable and indefinite number of parts, it is said to be polysepalous. Sepaline (sep'al-in), a. In bot relating to a sepal or sepals; having the nature of a sepal.

ss, Sepals.

Sepaloid (sep'al-oid), a.. Like a sepal, or distinct part of a perianth. Sepalous (sep'al-us), a. Relating to or having sepals.

Separability (sep'a-ra-bil”i-ti), n. The quality of being separable, or of admitting separation or disunion; divisibility.

Separability is the greatest argument of real distinction. Glanville.

Separable (sep'a-ra-bl), a. [L separabilis. See SEPARATE.] Capable of being separated, disjoined, disunited, or rent; divisible; as, the separable parts of plants; qualities not separable from the substance in which they exist.

w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


The Separableness (sep'a-ra-bl-nes), n. quality of being separable, or capable of separation or disunion.

Trials permit me not to doubt of the separableness of a yellow tincture from gold. Boyle. Separably (sep'a-ra-bli), adv. In a separ able manner.

Separate (sep'a-rat), v. t. pret. & pp. separated; ppr. separating. [L. separo, separatum-se, aside, and paro, to put, set, or place in order (whence prepare, &c.).] 1. To disunite; to divide; to sever; to part, in almost any manner, either things naturally or casually joined; as, the parts of a solid substance may be separated by breaking, cutting, or splitting, or by fusion, decomposition, or natural dissolution; a compound body may be separated into its constituent parts; friends may be separated by necessity, and must be separated by death; the prism separates the several kinds of coloured rays; a riddle separates the chaff from the grain. 2. To set apart from a number, as for a particular service.

Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work Acts xiii. 2. whereunto I have called them.

3. To make a space between; to sever, as by an intervening space; to lie between; as, the Atlantic separates Europe from America. Separate (sep'a-rāt), v. i. 1. To part; to be disunited; to be disconnected; to withdraw from each other.

When there was not room enough for their herds to feed, they by consent separated, and enlarged their pasture.


2. To cleave; to open; as, the parts of a substance separate by drying. Separate (sep'a-rat), a. [L. separatus, pp. of separo. See the verb.] 1. Divided from the rest; being parted from another; disjoined; disconnected: used of things that have been united or connected.

Heb. vii. 26.

Come out from among them, and be ye separate, 2 Cor. vi. 17. saith the Lord. 2. Unconnected; not united; distinct: used of things that have not been connected. Such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners. 3. Alone; withdrawn; without company. Beyond his hope, Eve separate he spies. Milton. 4. Disunited from the body; incorporeal; as, a separate spirit; the separate state of souls. Locke.-Separate estate, the property of a married woman, which she holds independently of her husband's interference and control-Separate maintenance, a provision made by a husband for the sustenance of his wife, where they have come to a resolution to live separately.

Separately (sep'a-rat-li), adv. In a separate or unconnected state; apart; distinctly; singly; as, the opinions of the council were separately taken.

Conceive the whole together, and not everything separately and in particular. Dryden. Separateness (sep'a-rat-nes), n. The state of being separate. Separatical (sep-a-rat'ik-al), a. Pertaining to separation in religion; schismatical Dwight. [Rare.]

Separation (sep-a-ra'shon), n. [L. separatio, separationis. See SEPARATE.] 1. The act of separating, severing, or disconnecting; disjunction; as, the separation of the soul from the body.-2. The state of being separate; disunion; disconnection.

As the confusion of tongues was a mark of separation, so the being of one language was a mark of Bacon.


3. The operation of disuniting or decomposing substances; chemical analysis.


4. Divorce; disunion of married persons; cessation of conjugal cohabitation of man and wife. A separation between the king and Katharine.' Shak.-Judicial separation, the separation of a husband and wife by decree of the Court of Divorce. It may be obtained by a husband or by a wife on the ground of adultery, cruelty, or desertion without cause for two years and upwards. The parties, not being divorced, cannot marry again; but there is no longer the duty of cohabiting. Other effects of a judicial separation depend on the terms of the order, the judge having considerable discretion, so as to deal with each case according to its merits. The Scottish law nearly coincides with the English, the Court of Session having jurisdiction. Neither in England nor in Scotland are husband and wife entitled to live apart unless by common


consent, or by decree of a court of law. See

Separatism (sep'a-rāt-izm), n. The state of
being a separatist; the opinions or practice
of separatists; disposition to withdraw from
a church; dissent.
Separatist (sep'a-rat-ist), n. [Fr. sépara-
tiste. See SEPARATE] One who withdraws
or separates himself; especially, one who
withdraws from a church, or rather from an
established church, to which he has be-
longed; a dissenter; a seceder; a schismatic;
a sectary.

After a faint struggle he yielded, and passed, with the show of alacrity, a series of odious acts against Macaulay. the separatists.

Separatistic (sep'a-rat-ist"ik), a. Relating to or characterized by separatism; schismatical.

Separative (sep'a-rat-iv), a. Tending to
separate; promoting separation. Boyle.
Separator (sep'a-rat-ér), n. One who or
that which separates, divides, or disjoins;
a divider.

Separatory (sep'a-ra-to-ri), a. Causing or
used in separation; separative; as, separa-
tory ducts. Cheyne.
Separatory (sep'a-ra-to-ri), n.

1. A chemi

cal vessel for separating liquors.-2. A surgical instrument for separating the pericranium from the cranium. Sepawn (se-pan'), n. A species of food consisting of meal of maize boiled in water. [United States.] Written also Sepon. Sepeliblet (sep'e-li-bl),a. [L. sepelibilis, from sepelio, to bury.] Fit for, admitting of, or intended for burial; that may be buried. Sepelitiont (sep-i-li'shon), n. (See above.] Burial; interment. Bp. Hall. Sepia (se'pi-a), n. [L., from Gr. sepia, the cuttle-fish or squid.] 1. The cuttle-fish, a genus of cephalopodous molluscs, order Dibranchiata. See CUTTLE.-2. In the fine arts, a species of pigment prepared from a black juice secreted by certain glands of the sepia or cuttle-fish. The Sepia officinalis, so common in the Mediterranean, is chiefly sought after on account of the profusion of colour which it affords. The secretion, which is insoluble in water, but extremely diffusible through it, is agitated in water to wash it, and then allowed slowly to subside, after which the water is poured off, and the black sediment is formed into

cakes or sticks. In this form it is used as a common writing ink in China, Japan, and India. When prepared with caustic lye it forms a beautiful brown colour, with a fine grain, and has given name to a species of monochrome drawing now extensively cultivated.

Sepiadæ (së'pi-a-dē), n. [See SEPIA] A family of cephalopods, including those forms which are popularly called cuttle-fishes. See CUTTLE.

Sepic (se'pik), a. 1. Pertaining to sepia. 2. Done in sepia, as a drawing. Sepicolous (se-pik'o-lus), a. [L. sepes, a hedge, and colo, to inhabit.] In bot. inhabiting or growing in hedgerows. In zool, of Sepidaceous (se-pi-da'shus), a. or relating to molluscs of the genus Sepia. Sepiment (sep'i-ment), n. [L. sepimentum, from sepio, to inclose.] A hedge; a fence; something that separates.

Sepiolite (se'pi-o-lit), n. [Gr. sepion, the bone of the cuttle-fish, and lithos, a stone.] See MAGNESITE. Sepiostaire (se-pi-os'tar), n. [Gr. sepia, a cuttle-fish, and osteon, a bone.] In zool. the internal shell of the cuttle-fish, commonly known as the cuttle-bone. H. A. Nicholson. [Gr. sepo, to Sepometer (se-pom'et-ér), n. putrefy, and metron, a measure.] An instrument for determining, by means of the decoloration and decomposition produced in permanganate of soda, the amount of organic impurity existing in the atmosphere. Same as Sepawn. Sepon (se-pon'), n. Seposet (se-poz'), v.t. pret. & pp. seposed; ppr. seposing. [L. sepono, sepositum-se, apart, and pono, to place.] To set apart. God seposed a seventh of our time for his exterior Donne. worship.

Sepositt (se-poz'it), v. t. To set aside. Feltham.

The act of Sepositiont (sep-ō-zi'shon), n. setting apart; segregation. Jer. Taylor. Sepoy (se'poi), n. [Per. sipahi, a soldier.] 1. A name given in Hindustan to the native soldiers in the British service.-2. In Bombay, a foot messenger. Stocqueler. Seps (seps), n. [Gr. seps, a small lizard, the bite of which causes putrefaction, from


sepō, to make putrid.] The name of a genus of scincoid saurian reptiles, sometimes called serpent-lizards. They are found in the East Indies, the Cape of Good Hope, and on the coasts of the Mediterranean. These animals have elongated bodies, short and indistinct feet, non-extensile tongues, and scales covering their bodies like tiles. Sepside (sep'si-dē), n. pl. A family of lizards, of which the type is the genus Seps. See SEPS.

Sept (sept), n. [Probably a corruption of sect.] A clan, a branch of a race or family: used particularly of the races or families in Ireland.

The terms 'tribe' and 'sept' are indifferently used by many writers on Irish antiquities; but Sir Henry Maine thinks the first applies to the larger unit of the above description, and the second to the minor groups it includes. . The sept was known by a second name, the Fine or Family, and it was evidently a distinct organic group in the main connected by the ties of blood, and claiming descent from a common ancestor, yet certainly containing other elements introduced by adoption and like processes. In this respect it had much affinity with the Roman 'Gens' and the Hellenic House'; and it was singu larly like the Hindoo 'Joint Family' united in kin dred, worship, and estate, and one of the earliest monads of Aryan life. Edin. Rev.

Sept (sept), n. [L. septum, an inclosure. ]
In arch. a railing. Britton.

Septa (sep'ta), pl. of septum (which see).
Septæmia, n. See SEPTICEMIA.
Septal (sep'tal), a. Of or belonging to a

Septangle (sep'tang-gl), n. [L. septem, seven, and angulus, an angle.] In geom, a figure having seven sides and seven angles; a hept


Septangular (sep-tang'gu-lèr), a. Having seven angles.

Septaria (sep-tă'ri-a), n. [From L. septum, an inclosure, from sepio, to inclose.] 1. A genus of acephalous molluscs belonging to the family Tubicolidae of Lamarck.-2. Inbot. a genus of fungi belonging to the division Gasteromycetes.-3. A name given to nodules or spheroidal masses of calcareous marl, ironstone, or other matter, whose interior presents numerous fissures or seams of some crystallized substance which divide the Septate (sep'tat), a. Partitioned off or divíded into compartments by septa. September (september), n. [L., from septem, seven.] The ninth month of the year, so called from being the seventh month from March, which was formerly the first month of the year.


Septembrist (sep-tem'brist), n. [Fr. septembriste, septembriseur.] The name given to one of the authors or agents of the dreadful massacre of prisoners which took place in Paris on September 2d and 3d, 1792, in the first French revolution; hence, a malignant or bloodthirsty person. Septemfluous (sep-tem'flū-us), a. [L septem, seven, and fluo, to flow.] Divided into seven streams or currents; having seven mouths, as a river. 'The main streams of this septemfluous river.' Dr. H. More. [Rare.] Septempartite (sep-tem'pär-tit),a. Divided nearly to the base into seven parts. Septemvir (sep-tem'ver), n. pl. Septemviri (sep-tem'vi-ri). [L. septem, seven, and vir, a man, pl. viri, men.] One of seven men joined in any office or commission; as, the septemviri epulones, one of the four great religious corporations at Rome. Septemvirate (sep-tem'vér-at), n. The office of a septemvir; a government of seven perSeptenary (sep'ten-a-ri), a. [L. septenarius, from septeni, seven each, from septem, seven.] 1. Consisting of or relating to seven; as, a septenary number.-2. Lasting seven years; occurring once in seven years. The number Septenary (sep'ten-a-ri), n. Burnet. [Rare.] Septenate (sep'ten-at), a.



In bot. applied to an organ having seven parts, as a compound leaf with seven leaflets coming off from one point.

Septennate (sep-ten'āt), n. [L. septem, seven, and annus, a year.] A period of seven years.

Septennial (sep-ten'ni-al), a. [L. septennisseptem, seven, and annus, a year.] I. Lasting or continuing seven years; as, septennial parliaments.-2. Happening or returning once in every seven years; as, septennial elections.

Being once dispensed with for his septennial visit he resolved to govern them by subaltern minisHowell



Septennially (sep-ten'ni-al-li), adv. Once in

seven years.

Septennium (sep-ten'ni-um), n. [L] A period of seven years.

Septentrial (sep-ten'tri-al), a. Of or pertaining to the north; septentrional. Drayton. Septentrio (sep-ten'tri-o), n. In astron, the constellation Ursa Major or Great Bear. Septentrion (sep-ten'tri-on), n. [Fr. septentrion, L. septentrio, septentrionis, the north, from septentriones, the seven stars near the north pole belonging to the constellation called the Wain or the Great Bear-septem, seven, and triones, ploughing oxen.] The north or northern regions.


Thou art as opposite to every good As the south to the septentrion, Septentrion (sep-ten'tri-on), a. Northern. Cold septentrion blasts.' Milton. [Rare.] Septentrional (sep-ten'tri-on-al),a. [L. septentrionalis. See above.] Northern; pertaining to the north. The Goths and other septentrional nations.' Howell. Septentrionality (sep-ten'tri-o-nal"i-ti), n. State of being northern; northerliness. Septentrionally (sep-ten'tri-on-al-li), adv. Northerly; towards the north. Sir T. Browne. Septentrionate (sep-ten' tri-on-at), v.i. pret & pp. septentrionated; ppr. septentrionating. To tend toward the north. Sir T. Browne. [Rare.]

Septet, Septette (sep-tet'), n. [L. septem, seven. In music, a composition for seven voices or instruments.

Sept-foil (sept'foil), n. [L. septem, seven, and folium, a leaf.] 1. A British plant, the Potentilla Tormentilla. See POTENTILLA 2 A figure of seven equal segments of a circle used in the Roman Catholic Church as a symbol of the seven sacraments, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, &c. Septic, Septical (sep'tik, sep'tik-al), a. [Gr. septikos, from sepő, to putrefy.] Having power to promote putrefaction; causing putrefaction; as, septic poisons, which are those furnished by the animal kingdom. Septic (sep'tik), n. A substance that promotes or produces the putrefaction of bodies; a substance that eats away the flesh without cansing much pain. Dunglison. Septicemia, Septæmia (sep-ti-se'mi-a, septe mi-a), n. (Gr. septikos, septos, putrefying, from spo, to putrefy, and haima, blood.] Blood-poisoning by absorption into the circulation of poisonous or putrid matter through any surface. Pyæmia is a subvariety.

Septically (sep'tik-al-li), adv. In a septic manner; by means of septica.

Septicidal (sep-ti-sï'dal), a [L septum, a partition, and cado, to cut or divide. See SEPTUM. ]

Dividing at the septa or partitions; in bot. said of a mode of dehiscing in which the fruit is resolved into its component carpels, which split asunder through the dissepiments. Treas. of Septicidal Dehiscence. Botany. Septicity (sep-tis'i-ti), n. sepiments. c, Axis. The quality of being

v. Valves.

d. Dis.

septic; tendency to promote putrefaction. Septifarious (sep-ti-fa'ri-us), a. [L. septifaram, sevenfold, from septem, seven.] In bot. turned seven different ways. Asa Gray. Septiferous (sep-tif'èr-us), a. [L. septum, an inclosure, and fero, to bear.] In bot. bearing septa. See SEPTUM.

Septifluous (sep-tiflû-us), a. [L. septem, seven, and fluo, to flow.] Flowing in seven streams.

Septifolious (sep-ti-fōli-us), a. [L. septem, seven, and folium, a leaf. Having seven leaves.

Septiform (sep'ti-form), a. [L. septum, a partition, and forma, shape.] Resembling a septum or partition. Septifragal (sep-tif'ra-gal), a. [L. septum, a partition, and frango, to break.] In bot. literally breaking from the partitions: applied to a mode of dehiscing in which the backs of the carpels separate from the dissepiments whether formed by their sides or by expansions of the placenta. Septilateral (sep-ti-later-al), a. [L. septem, seven, and latus, lateris, a side.] Having seven sides; as, a septilateral figure.


Septile (sep'til), a. In bot. of or belonging to septa or dissepiments. Septillion (sep-tilli-on), n. [L. septem, seven.] In Eng. notation, a million raised to the seventh power; a number consisting of a unit followed by forty-two ciphers. In French and Italian notation, a unit followed by twenty-four ciphers. Septimal (sep'tí-mal), a. [L. septimus, seventh, from septem, seven.] Relating to the number seven.

Septimanarian(sep'ti-ma-na"ri-an), n. [L. L. septimana, a week, from L. septem, seven.] A monk on duty for a week in a monastery. Septimole (sep'ti-mol), n. In music, a group of seven notes to be played in the time of four or six.

Septisyllable (sep'ti-sil-a-bl), n. [L. septem, seven, and E. syllable.] A word of seven syllables.

Septuagenarian (sep'tu-a-je-nä"ri-an), n. A person seventy


years of age; a person between seventy and eighty years of age. Septuagenary (sep-tu-aj'en-a-ri), a. [L. septuagenarius, consisting of seventy, septuageni, seventy each, from septem, seven.] Consisting of seventy or of seventy years; pertaining to a person seventy years old. Moses's septuagenary determination.' Sir T. Browne.

Septuagenary (sep-tu-aj'en-a-ri), n. A septuagenarian.

Septuagesima (sep'tu-a-jes"i-ma), n. [L. septuagesimus, seventieth.] The third Sunday before Lent or before Quadragesima Sunday, so called because it is about seventy days before Easter.

Septuagesimal (sep'tu-a-jes'i-mal), a. [See above.] Consisting of seventy or of seventy years. 'Our abridged and septuagesimal age. Sir T. Browne.

Septuagint (sep'tù-a-jint), n. [L. septua ginta, seventy, from septem, seven.] A Greek version of the Old Testament, usually expressed by the symbol LXX., so called either because it was approved and sanctioned by the sanhedrim, or supreme council of the Jewish nation, which consisted of about seventy members, or because, according to tradition, about seventy men were employed on the translation. It is reported by Josephus to have been made in the reign and by the order of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, about 270 or 280 years before the birth of Christ. It is supposed, however, by modern critics that this version of the several books is the work, not only of different hands, but of separate times. It is probable that at first only the Pentateuch was translated, and the remaining books gradually. The Septuagint was in use up to the time of our Saviour, and is that out of which most of the citations in the New Testament from the Old are taken. It is an invaluable help to the right understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Septuagint (sep'tu-a-jint), a. Pertaining to the Septuagint; contained in the Greek copy of the Old Testament.

The Septuagint chronology makes fifteen hundred years more from the creation to Abraham, than the present Hebrew copies of the Bible. Encyc. Brit. Septuary+ (sep'tû-a-ri), n. [L. septem, seven.] Something composed of seven; a week. Ash. Septulate (sep❜tü-lat), a. In bot. applied to fruits having imperfect or false septa. Septum (sep'tum), n. pl. Septa (sep'ta). [L, a partition, from sepio, to hedge in, to fence. A partition; a wall separating two cavities; specifically, (a) in bot. the partition of an ovary or fruit produced by the sides of the carpels brought together and consolidated. (b) In anat. the plate or wall which separates from each other two adjoining cavities, or which divides a principal cavity into sev eral secondary ones; as, the septum of the nose. Septum cordis, the parti

ss, Septa.

tion between the two ventricles of the heart. Called also Septum Ventriculorum-Septum auricularum, the partition which separates the right from the left auricle of the heart. -Septum lucidum, the medullary substance which separates the two lateral ventricles of the brain. - Septum transversum, the diaphragm. - Septum nasi, the partition between the nostrils.

Septuor (sep'tù-or), n. [Fr., a somewhat bizarre form, compounded of L. septem,


seven, and the term. of quatuor, four, in music a quartette.] Same as Septet (which see).

Septuple (sep'tü-pl), a. [L. septuplus, from septem, seven.] Sevenfold; seven times as much.

Septuple (sep'tu-pl), v.t. To make sevenfold.

Let any one figure to himself the condition of our globe, were the sun to be septupled. Sir J. Herschel

Sepulchral (së-pul’kral), a. [L. sepulchralis, from sepulchrum. See SEPULCHRE.] 1. Pertaining to burial, to the grave, or to monuments erected to the memory of the dead ; as, a sepulchral stone; a sepulchral statue. Our wasted oil unprofitably burns,

Like hidden lamps in old sepulchral urns. Cowper. 2. Suggestive of a sepulchre; hence, deep; grave; hollow in tone; as, a sepulchral tone of voice. "The solemn sepulchral piety of certain North-Eastern gospellers. Prof. Blackie.-Sepulchral mound. See BARROW. Sepulchralize (sē-pūl’kral-iz), v.t. To render sepulchral or solemn. [Rare.] Sepulchre (sep'ul-kêr), n. [L. sepulchrum, from sepelio, sepultum, to bury.] 1. A tomb; a building, cave, &c., for interment; a burial vault.

He rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed. Mat. xxvii. 60.

2. In eccles. arch. a recess for the reception of the holy elements consecrated on Maunday Thursday till high-mass on Easter-day. Sepulchre (sep'ul-kér, formerly also se-pul'ker), v. t. pret. & pp. sepulchred; ppr. epulchring. To bury; to inter; to entomb.

Obscurely sepulchred. Prior. 'Where merit is not sepulchered alive.' B. Jonson, And so sepulchered in such pomp dost lie, That kings for such a tomb would wish to die. Milton. An earthquake's spoil is sepulchered below. Byron.

Sepulture (sep'ul-tür), n. [L.sepultura, from sepelio, sepultum, to bury.] 1. Burial; interment; the act of depositing the dead body of a human being in a burial-place. 'Where we may royal sepulture prepare.' Dryden.-2. Grave; burial-place; sepulchre. Lamb; Cardinal Wiseman.

When ye comen by my sepulture Remembreth that your fellow resteth there. Chaucer. Sepulture (sep'ul-tur), v.t. To bury; to entomb; to sepulchre. Cowper. [Rare.] Sequacious (se-kwa'shus), a. [L. sequax, sequacis, from sequor, to follow.] 1. Following; attendant; not moving on independently; disposed or tending to follow a leader. "The fond sequacious herd.' Thom

[blocks in formation]

2. Ductile; pliant; manageable. "The matter being ductile and sequacious.' Ray3. Logically consistent and rigorous; consecutive in development or transition of thought. The sequacious thinkers of the day.' Sir W. Hamilton.

The motions of his mind were slow, solemn, and sequacious. De Quincy. Sequaciousness (sē-kwa'shus-nes), n. State of being sequacious; disposition to follow. The servility and sequaciousness of conscience.' Jer. Taylor.

Sequacity (se-kwas'i-ti), n. [L. sequacitas, from sequax. See above.] 1. A following or disposition to follow. Blind sequacity of other men's votes.' Whitlock.

It proved them to be hypotheses, on which the credulous sequacity of philosophers had bestowed the prescriptive authority of self-evident truths. Sir IV. Hamilton.

2. Ductility; pliableness. Bacon. Sequarious (se-kwá'ri-us), a. Following; sequacious. Roget. [Rare.] Sequel (se'kwel), n. [Fr. séquelle; L. sequela, sequel, result, consequence, from sequor, to follow.] 1. That which follows and forms a continuation; a succeeding part; as, the sequel of a man's adventures or history. The sequel of the tale.' Tennyson. O, let me say no more! Gather the sequel by what went before. Shak.

2. Consequence; result; event.

The sequel of to-day unsolders all
The goodliest fellowship of famous knights
Whereof this world holds record. Tennyson.

3. Consequence inferred; consequentialness. [Rare.]

What sequel is there in this argument? An archdeacon is the chief deacon: ergo, he is only a deacon. Whitgift.

4. In Scots law, see under THIRLAGE.

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