Imágenes de páginas


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Sequela (se-kwè'la), n. pl. Sequelæ (se-kwè'lė). [L., from sequor, to follow. See SEQUEL.] One who or that which follows; as, (a) an adherent or band of adherents. Coleridge and his sequela.' G. P. Marsh. (b) An inference; a conclusion; that which follows as the result of a course of reasoning. 'Sequel, or thoughts suggested by the preceding aphorisms.' Coleridge. (c) In pathol. the consequent of a disease; a morbid affection which follows another, as anasarca after scarlatina, &c.-Sequela curiæ, in law, a suit of court. -Sequela causa, the process and depending issue of a cause for trial. Sequence (se'kwens), n. [Fr. séquence, L.L. sequentia, from L. sequens, sequentis, ppr. of sequor, secutus, to follow.] L The state of being sequent; a following or coming after; succession.

How art thou a king


But by fair sequence and succession? 2. A particular order of succession or following; arrangement; order.

The cause proceedeth from a precedent sequence and series of the seasons of the year. Bacon.

3. Invariable order of succession; an observed instance of uniformity in following: used frequently in this sense by metaphysical writers in opposition to effect as following a cause.

He who sees in the person of his Redeemer a fact more stupendous and more majestic than all those observed sequences which men endow with an imaginary omnipotence, and worship under the name of Law-to him at least there will be neither difficulty nor hesitation in supposing that Christ... did utter his mandate, and that the wind and the sea obeyed. Farrar.

4. A series of things following in a certain order; specifically, a set of cards immediately following each other in the same suit, as king, queen, knave, &c.; thus we say a sequence of three, four, or five cards.-5. In music, the recurrence of a harmonic progression or melodic figure at a different pitch or in a different key to that in which it was first given.-6. In the R. Cath. Ch. a hymn introduced into the mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel and after the gradual, whence the name. Sequent (se 'kwent), a. [L. sequens, sequentis, following. See above.]

1. Con

tinuing in the same course or order; following; succeeding. 'Immediate sentence, then, and sequent death.' Shak. Many sequent hours.' Keats.-2. Following by logical consequence.

Sequent (se'kwent), n. 1. A follower.

He hath framed a letter to a sequent of the stranger queen's. Shak

Being in

2. A sequence or sequel; that which follows as a result. [Rare.] Sequential (se-kwen'shal), a. succession; succeeding; following. Sequentially (se-kwen'shal-li), adv. By sequence or succession.

Sequester (sé-kwes'ter), v. t. [Fr. séquestrer, L. sequestro, to put into the hands of an indifferent person, as a deposit; from sequester, a trustee, a depositary or person intrusted with a thing claimed by litigants.] 1. In law, (a) to separate from the owner for a time; to seize or take possession of, as the property and income of a debtor, until the claims of creditors be satisfied. (b) To set aside from the power of either party, as a matter at issue, by order of a court of law. In Scots law, see SEQUESTRATE. See also SEQUESTRATION.

Formerly the goods of a defendant in chancery were, in the last resort, sequestered and detained to enforce the decrees of the court. And now the profits of a benefice are sequestered to pay the debts of ecclesiastics. Blackstone.

2. To put aside; to remove; to separate from other things. To sequester his mind from all respect to an ensuing reward.' South. I had wholly sequestered my civil affairs. Bacon. 3. To cause to retire or withdraw into obscurity; to seclude; to withdraw.

Why are you sequester'd from all your train? Shak. It was his tailor and his cook, his fine fashions and his French ragouts, which sequestered him. South.

In this sense often used reflexively with one's self, themselves, and the like. 'When men most sequester themselves from action.' Hooker.

Sequester (se-kwes'ter), v.i. 1. To withdraw. To sequester out of the world into Atlantick and Utopian politicks.' Milton.2. In law, to renounce or decline, as a widow, any concern with the estate of her husband. Sequester (së-kwes'tër), n. 1. The act of


sequestering; sequestration; separation; seclusion.

This hand of yours requires


A sequester from liberty. 2. In law, a person with whom two or more parties to a suit or controversy deposit the subject of controversy; a mediator or referee between two parties; an umpire. Bouvier.

Sequestered (se-kwes'térd), p. and a. 1. In law, seized and detained for a time to satisfy a demand.-2. Secluded; private; retired; as, a sequestered situation.

Along the cool sequester'd vale of life

They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. Gray. 3. Separated from others; being sent or having gone into retirement.

To the which place a poor sequester'd stag, That from the hunter's aim had ta'en a hurt, Did come to languish. Shak. Sequestrable (se-kwes'tra-bl), a. Capable of being sequestered or separated; subject or liable to sequestration. Sequestrate (se-kwes'trat), v.t. pret. & pp. sequestrated; ppr. sequestrating. 1. In law, to sequester; especially in Scots law, to take possession of for behoof of creditors; to take possession of, as of the estate of a bankrupt, with the view of realizing it and distributing it equitably among the creditors.-2. To set apart from others; to seclude.

In general contagions more perish for want of necessaries than by the malignity of the disease, they being sequestrated from mankind. Arbuthnot. Sequestration (sek-wes-trä'shon), n. 1. In law, (a) the separation of a thing in controversy from the possession of those who contend for it. (b) The setting apart of the goods and chattels of a deceased person to whom no one was willing to take out administration. (c) A writ directed by the Court of Chancery to commissioners commanding them to enter the lands and seize the goods of the person against whom it is directed. It may be issued against a defendant who is in contempt by reason of neglect or refusal to appear or answer or to obey a decree of court. (d) The act of taking property from the owner for a time till the rents, issues, and profits satisfy a demand; especially, in eccles. practice, a species of execution for debt in the case of a beneficed clergyman issued by the bishop of the diocese on the receipt of a writ to that effect. The profits of the benefice are paid over to the creditor until his claim is satisfied. (e) The gathering of the fruits of a vacant benefice for the use of the next incumbent. (f) The seizure of the property of an individual for the use of the state; particularly applied to the seizure by a belligerent power of debts due by its subjects to the enemy. (g) In Scots law, the seizing of a bankrupt's estate, by decree of a competent court, for behoof of the creditors. 2. The act of sequestering or the state of being sequestered or set aside; separation; retirement; seclusion from society.

When Squire and Priest and they who round them dwelt

In rustic sequestration-all dependent
Upon the Pediar's toil-supplied their wants
Or pleased their fancies with the wares he brought.

3. + Disunion; disjunction; division; rupture. Without any sequestration of elementary principles.


It was a violent commencement, and thou shalt see an answerable sequestration. Shak

Sequestrator (sek'wes-trat-ér), n. 1. One who sequesters property or takes the possession of it for a time to satisfy a demand out of its rents or profits.-2. One to whom the keeping of sequestered property is committed.

Sequestrum (se-kwes'trum), n. [L. sequestro, to sever.] In pathol. the portion of bone which is detached in necrosis. Sequin (sé'kwin), n. [Fr. sequin, from It. zecchino, from zecca, the mint, from Ar. sikkah, sekkah, a stamp, a die.] A gold coin first struck at Venice about the end of the thirteenth century. In size it resembled a ducat, and in value was equivalent to about 98. 4d. sterling. Coins of the same name but varying in value were issued by other


Sequoia (se-kwoi'a), n. [Native Californian name.] A North-western American genus of conifers, otherwise called Wellingtonia, consisting of two species only-S. sempervirens, the red-wood of the timber trade, and S. gigantea, the Wellingtonia of our gardens and the big or mammoth tree of the Americans. Both attain gigantic dimensions, reaching a


height of upwards of 300 feet. See REDWOOD, MAMMOTH-TREE. Seraglio (sé-räl'yo), n. [It. serraglio, an inclosure, a palace, the sultan's harem, from Turk. serai, Per. sarai, a palace The sense of the Italian form has been influenced by serrare, to inclose, to shut, to shut up.] 1. A palace; specifically, the palace of the Sultan of Turkey at Constantinople. It is of immense size, and contains government buildings, mosques, &c., as well as the sultan's harem. Hence 2. A harem; a place for keeping wives or concubines; and hence, a house of debauchery; a place of licentious pleasure.

We've here no gaudy feminines to show,

As you have had in that great seraglio. W. Broome. 3. An inclosure; a place to which certain persons are confined or limited.

I went to Ghetto, where the Jews dwell as in a suburb by themselves. I passed by the piazza Judea, where their seraglio begins. Evelyn. Serai (sē-rā'), n. [Per. serai, a palace.] In Eastern countries, a place for the accommodation of travellers; a caravansary; a khan.

My boat on shore, my galley on the sea;

Oh, more than cities and serais to me. Byron. Seral (se'ral), a. [L. sero, late.] Lit late; applied to the last of Prof. H. Rogers' fifteen divisions of the paleozoic strata in the Appalachian chain of North America, Seralbumen (sẽral-bū-men)”. (Serum and albumen.] Albumen of the blood: so called to distinguish it from ovalbumen, or the albumen of the white of an egg, from which it somewhat differs in its chemical reaction. Serang (se-rang), n. An East Indian name for the boatswain of a vessel. Serape (se-ra'pā), n. A blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by the Mexicans and other natives of Spanish North America. Seraph (ser'af), n. pl. Seraphs; but sometimes the Hebrew plural Seraphim is used. [From Heb. saraph, to burn, to be eniment or noble.] An angel of the highest order. As full, as perfect in vile man that mourns As the rapt seraph that adores and burns. Pope. Seraphic, Seraphical (se-raf'ik, se-rafikal), a. 1. Pertaining to a seraph; angelic; sublime; as, seraphic purity; seraphic fervour.-2. Pure; refined from sensuality.

He at last descends
To like with less seraphic ends.



3. Burning or inflamed with love or zeal. Love is curious of little things, desiring to be of angelical purity, of perfect innocence, and seraphical fervour. Fer. Taylor. In the Seraphically (se-raf'ik-al-li), adv. manner of a seraph; seraphically. Seraphicalness (se-raf'ik-al-nes), n. state or quality of being seraphic. [Rare] Seraphicism † (se-raf'is-izm), n. The quality of being seraphic. Cudworth. Seraphim (ser'a-fim), n. pl. See SERAPH. Seraphina, Seraphine (ser-a-fi'na, serafēn), n. [From seraph.] A keyed windinstrument the tones of which are generated by the play of wind upon metallic reeds, as in the accordion. It was the precursor of the harmonium.

Serapis (se-ra'pis), n. The Greek name of a deity whose worship was introduced into Egypt in the reign of Ptolemy I. He was considered as a combination of Osiris and Apis. His worship extended into Asia Minor and Greece, and was introduced into Rome. Seraskier, Serasquier (se-ras'ker), n. [Fr. sérasquier, from Per. serasker-ser, seri, head, chief, and asker, an army.] A Turkish general or commander of land forces. This title is given by the Turks to every general having command of a separate army, but especially to the commander-inchief and minister at war. Seraskierate (se-ras'kĕr-ät), n. of a seraskier.

The office

Serb (serb), n. [Native form.] A native or inhabitant of Servia.

Serbonian (sér-bo'ni-an), a. Applied to a large bog or lake in Egypt surrounded by hills of loose sand, which, being blown into it, afforded a treacherous footing, whole armies attempting to cross it having been swallowed up. Hence the phrase Serbonian bcg has passed into a proverb, signifying a difficult or complicated situation from which it is almost impossible to extricate one's self; a mess; a confused condition of affairs.No Serbonian bog deeper than a £5 rating would prove to be.' Disraeli.

A gulf profound as that Serbonian dog,
Betwixt Damiata and Mount Casius old,
Where armies whole have sunk.


Sercel (ser'sel), n. See SARCEL.

Sere (ser), a. Dry; withered; sear. 'One sick willow aere and small.' Tennyson. Seret (sér), n. [Fr. serre, a claw.] A claw or talon. Chapman.

Serein (se-ran), n. [Fr. serein, night dew, from L serum, a late hour, but affected by L serenus, serene] A mist or excessively fine rain which falls from a cloudless sky, a phenomenon not unusual in tropical climates. Prof. Tyndall.

Serenade (ser-e-nad'), n. [Fr. sérénade, from It. serenata, a serenade, night-music, clear and fine weather at night, from L serenus, clear, fair, bright.] Music performed in the open air at night; usually, an entertainment of music given in the night by a lover to his mistress under her window. Such music is sometimes performed as a mark of esteem and good-will towards distinguished persons. The name is also given to a piece of music characterized by the soft repose which is supposed to be in harmony with the stillness of night. See SERENATA.

Shall I the neighbours' nightly rest invade

At her deaf doors with some vile serenade 1 Dryden. Serenade (ser-ē-nād′), v.t. pret. & pp. serenaded; ppr. serenading. To entertain with a serenade or nocturnal music.

He continued to serenade her every morning till the queen was charmed with his harmony. Spectator. Serenade (ser-e-nād′), v. i. To perform serenades or nocturnal music.

A man might as well serenade in Greenland as in our region. Tatier.

Serenader (ser-e-nād'èr), n One who serenades or performs nocturnal music. Serenata (ser-é-na'ta), n.

In music, originally a serenade, but latterly applied to a cantata having a pastoral subject, and to a work of large proportions, in the form, to some extent, of a symphony.

Serenate (ser-e-nat),n. A serenade. Milton. Serene (sé-rén'), a. [L serenus, serene; allied by Curtius with Gr. seirinos, hot, scorching, said of summer heat, Seirios, Sirius, and Skr. swear, heaven, surya, the sun.] 1. Clear or fair, and calm; placid; quiet; as, a serene sky; a serene air.

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3 An epithet or form of address restricted to the sovereign princes of Germany, and the members of their families; as, his serene highness prince so and so. To the most serene Prince Leopold, Archduke of Austria.' Milton.-Drop serene, the disease of the eye known as gutta serena; amaurosis or black cataract. Milton.

Serene (sé-rén ́), n. 1. Clearness.

N, mist obscures, nor cloud, nor speck, nor stain,
Breaks the serene of heaven. Wordsworth.

2 Serenity; tranquillity; calmness. [Poetical.]

To their master is denied

To share their sweet serene.


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Thy muddy beverage to serene and drive Precipitant the baser ropy lees. J. Philips. Serenely (sé-rén ́li), adv. 1. Calmly; quietly.

The setting sun now shone serenely bright. Pope. 2 With unruffled temper; coolly; deliberately. That men would, without shame or fear, confidently and serenely break a rule.' Locke

Sereneness (së-ren'nes), n. The state of being serene; serenity. The sereneness of a healthful conscience.' Feltham Serenitudet (sé-ren'i-tüd),n. Calmness. Wot

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Serenity (sé-ren'i-ti), n. [Fr. sérénité, L Ennitas. See SERENE) 1. The quality or condition of being serene; clearness; calm


ness; quietness; stillness; peace; as, the serenity of the air or sky.

A general peace and serenity newly succeeded a general trouble. Sir W. Temple.

2. Calmness of mind; evenness of temper; undisturbed state; coolness.

I cannot see how any men should transgress those moral rules with confidence and serenity. Locke. 3. A title of respect or courtesy; serene highness. The sentence of that court now sent to your serenity.' Milton. Serf (sérf), n. [Fr., from L. servus, a slave, from servio, to be a slave.] A villein; one of those who in the middle ages were incapable of holding property, were attached to the land and transferred with it, and liable to feudal services of the lowest description; a forced labourer attached to an estate, as formerly in Russia. Serfage, Serfdom (sérf ́aj, sérf'dom), n. The

state or condition of a serf. Serfhood, Serfism (sèrf'hud, sérf'izm), n. Same as Serfage.

Serge (sérj), n. [Fr. serge, It. sargia, a coverlet, sargano, serge; origin doubtful. Diez suggests L. sericum, silk, Ar. saraka.] A kind of twilled worsted cloth of inferior quality. Silk serge, a twilled silken stuff used by tailors for lining garments. Serge (serj), n. [Fr. cierge, a wax taper; L cereus, waxed, cera, wax.] In the R. Cath. Ch. a name given to the large wax candles, sometimes weighing several pounds, burned before the altar.

Sergeancy (särʼjan-si), n. The office of a sergeant or serjeant-at-law. Sergeancy, Sergeantcy (sär'jan-si, sär'jant-si), n. Same as Serjeantship. Sergeant (sar'jant), n. [Also written serjeant. From Fr. sergent, O. Fr. serjent, originally a servant, a servitor, from L.serviens, servientis, ppr. of servio, to serve (servient-, servjent-, serjent. See ABRIDGE).] 1. A squire, attendant upon a prince or nobleman. 2. A sheriff's officer; a bailiff. See SERJEANT.

This fell sergeant, death, Is strict in his arrest.


3. A non-commissioned officer in the army in the grade next above corporal. He is appointed to see discipline observed, to teach the soldiers their drill, and also to command small bodies of men as escorts and the like. Every company has four sergeants, of whom the senior is the coloursergeant (which see). A superior class are the staff-sergeants (see STAFF-SERGEANT); and above all is the sergeant-major (which see). Covering sergeant, a sergeant who, during the exercise of a battalion, stands or moves behind each officer commanding or acting with a platoon or company.— Lance sergeant, a corporal acting as a sergeant in a company.-Pay sergeant, a sergeant appointed to pay the men and to account for all disbursements. White sergeant, a term of ridicule for a lady who interferes in military matters. See also DRILLSERGEANT, QUARTERMASTER-SERGEANT. — 4. A lawyer of the highest rank in England. See SERJEANT.-5. A title given to certain of the sovereign's servants. See SERJEANT. 6. A police-officer of superior rank. [The two orthographies sergeant and serjeant are both well authorized, but in the legal sense, and as applied to certain officers of the royal household, of municipal and legislative bodies, the latter spelling is the one usually adopted.]


Sergeant-major (sär'jant-má-jêr), n. the army, the highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. He acts as assistant to the adjutant. Sergeantry, Sergeanty (sär-jant-ri, sär jant-i), n. Same as Serjeantry. Sergeantship (sär'jant-ship), n. The office of a sergeant.

Serial (se'ri-al), a. 1. Pertaining to a series; consisting of, constituted by, or having the nature of a series. 2. In bot. of or pertaining to rows. Asa Gray.-Serial homology, in zool. the homology or similarity exhibited by organs or structures following each other in a straight line or series in certain animals (e.g. the joints of a lobster's body). Serial (se'ri-al), n. 1. A tale or other composition commenced in one number of a periodical work, and continued in successive numbers. -2. A work or publication issued in successive numbers; a periodical Seriality (se-ri-al'i-ti), n. The state or condition of following in successive order; sequence.

When we interrogate consciousness, we find that

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Seriatim (se-ri-ā'tim), adv. [L] In regular order; one after the other. Sericeous (se-rish'us), a. [L. sericeus, from sericum, silk.] 1. Pertaining to silk; consisting of silk; silky. -2. In bot. covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface; as, a sericeous leaf. Sericulture (sé'ri-kul-tür), n. [L sericum, silk, and cultura, cultivation.] The breeding and treatment of silkworms. Tomlinson. Sericulturist (së-ri-kul'tŭ-ríst), n. A cultivator of silkworms.


Sericulus (sé-rik'u-lus), n. [From L. sericum, silk, from its glossy plumage.] genus of Australian insessorial birds belonging to the family of the orioles. S. chrysocephalus is known by the name of the Regent-bird. See REGENT-BIRD. Serie,t n. Series. Chaucer. Seriema (ser-i-e'ma), n. [The Brazilian name.] The Dicholophus cristatus of Illiger, a grallatorial bird of the size of a heron, inhabiting the great mountain plains of Brazil, where its sonorous voice often breaks the silence of the desert. It is a bird of retired habits. It is protected on account of its serpent-killing habits. Written also Cariama and Ceriema.

Series (se'rēz or sē'ri-êz), n. sing. and pl. [L., same root as sero, to join, to weave together; Gr. seira, a cord; Škr. sarat, sarit, a thread.] 1A continued succession of similar things, or of things bearing a similar relation to each other; an extended order, line, or course; sequence; succession; as, a series of kings; a series of calamitous events.

During some years his life was a series of triumphs. Macaulay.

2. In geol. a set of strata possessing some common mineral or fossil characteristic; as, the greensand series; the Wenlock series, &c. 3. In chem. a group of compounds, each containing the same radical. 4. In arith, and alg. a number of terms in succession, increasing or diminishing according to a certain law. The usual form of a series is a set of terms connected by the signs + or-Arithmetical series, a series in which each term differs from the preceding by the addition or subtraction of a constant number or quantity; or it is a series in which the terms increase or decrease by a common difference, as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, &c., or 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, -2, -4, -6, &c. Algebraically, a, a+d, a +2d, a+3d, a +4d, &c.; or z, z-d, z-2d, z-3d, z-4d, &c.; where a represents the least term, z the greatest, and d the common difference.-A circular series, one whose terms depend on circular functions, as sines, cosines, &c.—A converging series is one in which the successive terms become less and less-A diverging series, one in which any term is greater than the preceding. An exponential series, one whose terms depend on exponential quantities.-The general term of a series is a function of some indeterminate quantity x, which, on substituting successively the numbers 1, 2, 3, &c., for æ, produces the terms of the series.-Geometrical series, a series in which the terms increase or decrease by a common multiplier or common divisor, termed the common ratio. See PROGRESSION. - Indeterminate series, one whose terms proceed by the powers of an indeterminate quantity.-When the number of terms is greater than any assignable number, the series is said to be infinite.-Law of a series, that relation which subsists between the successive terms of a series, and by which their general term may be denoted. -A logarithmic series, one whose terms depend on logarithms. A recurring series, one in which each term is a certain constant function of two or more of the preceding terms; as, 1+3x+4x2+7x3+11x4, &c.Summation of series, the method of finding the sum of a series whether the number of terms be finite or infinite. See PROGRESSION.

Seriform (ser'i-form), a. [L. Seres, the Chinese, and forma, form] Applied to a section of the Altaic family of languages, comprising the Chinese, Siamese, Burmese, &c.


Serin (ser'in), n. [Fr.] A song-bird of the fuch tribe (Fringilla serina), found in the central parts of Europe. It has a small, horny, and short bill; and its habits are mostly similar to those of the canary bird. Seringue (se-ring'ga), n. [Pg. seringa, a sy ringe, caoutchouc having been first used to make syringes.] A South American name for the caoutchouc-tree, a species of Siphonia.

Serio-comic, Serio-comical (sẽ'ri-ō-kom”ik, se'ri-o-kom"ik-al), a. Having a mixture of seriousness and comicality. Serious (se'ri-us), a. [Fr. sérieux, L. serius, serious, earnest.] 1. Grave in manner or disposition; solemn; not light, gay, or volatile; as, a serious man; a serious habit or disposition. A weighty and a serious brow.' Shak

He is always serious, yet there is about his manner a graceful ease. Macaulay.

2. Really intending what is said; being in earnest; not jesting or making a false pretence.

I hear of peace and war in newspapers; but I am never alarmed, except when I am informed that the Sovereigns want treasure: then I know that the mon. archs are serious. Disraeli.

3. Important; weighty; not trifling.

I'll hence to London on a serious matter. Shak. 4. Attended with danger; giving rise to apprehension; as, a serious illness.-5. Deeply impressed with the importance of religion. Seriously (sé'ri-us-li), adv. In a serious manner; gravely; solemnly; in earnest; without levity; as, to think seriously of amending one's life.

Juno and Ceres whisper seriously. Shak. Seriousness (se'ri-us-nes), n. 1. The condition or quality of being serious; gravity of manner or of mind; solemnity; as, he spoke with great seriousness, or with an air of seriousness.-2. Earnest attention, particularly to religious concerns.

That spirit of religion and seriousness vanished all Atterbury.

at once.

Serjania (ser-jā'ni-a), n. [In honour of Paul Serjeant, a French friar and botanist.] An entirely tropical South American and West Indian genus of plants, nat. order Sapindacere. The species are climbing or twining shrubs with tendrils, with divided leaves and white flowers arranged in racemes. Some of them possess very poisonous properties. S. triternata is acrid and narcotic, and employed for the purpose of stupefying fish.

Serjeant (sär'jant), n. [Fr. sergent. See SERGEANT.] 1. Formerly, an officer in England, nearly answering to the more modern bailiff of the hundred; also, an officer whose duty was to attend on the sovereign, and on the lord high steward in court, to arrest traitors and other offenders. This officer is now called serjeant-at-arms. A similar offcer, termed a serjeant-at-arms, attends the lord-chancellor; another, the speaker of the House of Commons, and another the Lordmayor of London on solemn occasions.Common serjeant, an officer of the city of London who attends the lord-mayor and court of aldermen on court days, and is in council with them on all occasions.-2. Milit see SERGEANT, which for this sense is the usual spelling.-3. In England, a lawyer of the highest rank. He is called serjeant-atlaw, serjeant-countor, or serjeant of the coif. By ancient custom the common law judges were always admitted to the order of serjeants before sitting as judges, but this practice was abolished in 1874. A serjeant is appointed by writ or patent of the crown.-Serjeants of the household, officers who execute several functions within the royal household, as the serjeant-surgeon, &c. - Inferior serjeants, serjeants of the mace in corporations, officers of the county, &c. There are also serjeants of manors, &c. See SERGEANT.-Serjeants' inn, a society or corporation consisting of the entire body of serjeants-at-law. See under INN.King's or queen's serjeant, the name given to one or more of the serjeants-at-law, whose presumed duty is to plead for the king in causes of a public nature, as indictments for treason, &c.

Serjeant-at-arms (sär'jant-at-ärmz), n. See
Serjeant-countor (sär'jant-kount-or), n. A

Serjeantship (särʼjant-ship), n. The office
of a serjeant-at-law. Called also Serjeancy,
Serjeanty, Serjeantry (särʼjant-i, särʼjant-


ri), n. An honorary kind of English tenure, on condition of service due, not to any lord, but to the king only. Serjeanty is of two kinds, grand serjeanty and petit sergeanty. Grand serjeanty is a particular kind of knight service, a tenure by which the tenant was bound to attend on the king in person, not merely in war, but in his court, and at all times when summoned. Petit serjeanty was a tenure in which the services stipulated for bore some relation to war, but were not required to be executed personally by the tenant, or to be performed to the person of the king, as the payment of rent in implements of war, as a bow, a pair of spurs, a sword, a lance, or the like. Sermocination (sér-mo'si-na''shon), n. [L. sermocinatio, from sermocinari, to discourse. See SERMON.] Speech-making. Sermocinations of ironmongers, felt-makers, cobblers, broom-men.' Bp. Hall. Sermocinator† (sér-mo'si-nā"tor), n. [See above.] One that makes sermons or speeches. Obstreperous sermocinators.' Howell. Sermon (sérmon), n. [L. sermo, sermonis, speech, discourse, connected discourse, from sero, to join together.] 1. A speech, discourse, or writing.-2. A discourse delivered in public, especially by a clergyman or preacher, for the purpose of religious instruction or the inculcation of morality, and grounded on some text or passage of Scripture; a similar discourse written or printed, whether delivered or not; a homily. His preaching much, but more his practice wrought, A living sermon of the truths he taught. Dryden. 3. A serious exhortation, rebuke, or reproof; an address on one's conduct or duty. [Colloq.]

Sermon (sérʼmon), v. t. 1. To discourse of, as in a sermon. Spenser.-2. To tutor; to lesson; to lecture. 'Come, serinon me no further.' Shak.

Sermon (sér mon), v.i. To compose or deliver a sermon. Milton. Sermoneer (sér-mon-er'), n. A preacher of sermons; a sermonizer; a sermonist. B. Jonson; Thackeray.

Sermonic, Sermonical (sér-mon'ik, sermon'ik-al), a. Like a sermon; hortatory. 'Conversation grave or gay, satirical

or sermonic.' Prof. Wilson. [Rare.] Sermoning (sér'mon-ing), n. The act of preaching or teaching; hence, discourse; instruction; advice. A weekly charge of sermoning. Milton.

Sermonish (sér'mon-ish), a. Resembling a sermon. [Rare.]

Sermonist (sér'mon-ist), n. A writer or deliverer of sermons.

Sermonium (sér-mõ’ni-um), n. [L] An interlude or historical play formerly acted by the inferior orders of the Catholic clergy, assisted by youths, in the body of the church.

Sermonize (sérʼmon-iz), v.i. pret. & pp. sermonized; ppr. sermonizing. 1. To preach; to discourse.

In sailor fashion roughly sermonizing

On providence and trust in Heaven. Tennyson, 2. To inculcate rigid rules. 'The dictates of a morose and sermonizing father.' Chesterfield.-3. To make sermons; to compose or write a sermon or sermons. Sermonize (sér'mon-iz), v.t. pret. & pp. sermonized; ppr. sermonizing. To preach a sermon to; to discourse in a sermonizing way to; to affect or influence, as by a ser'Which of us shall sing or sermonize the other fast asleep.' Landor. Sermonizer (sér'mon-iz-ér), n. One who sermonizes; a preacher. Serolin, Seroline (ser'o-lin), n. [L. serum.] A peculiar kind of fat contained in the blood. It is a mixture of several substances.


Seroon, Seron (se-rön', se-ron'), n. [Sp. seron, a frail or basket.] 1. A weight varying with the substance which it measures. Thus a seroon of almonds is the quantity of 874 lbs.; of anise-seed, from 3 to 4 cwt.2. A bale or package made of hide or leather, or formed of pieces of wood covered or fastened with hide, for holding drugs, &c.;

a ceroon.

Seroset (se'rōs), a. Watery; serous. Dr. H. More.

Serosity (se-ros'i-ti), n. [Fr. sérosité. See SERUM] 1. The state of being serous.-2. A serous fluid; serum; the watery part of the blood which exudes from the serum when it is coagulated by heat. Dunglison. Serotine (se'ro-tin), n. [Fr. sérotine, L. serotinus, late.] A species of European bat,

[blocks in formation]

is somewhat rare in England, but common in France, of a chestnut colour, solitary in its habits, frequenting forests, and of slow flight.

Serotinous (sê-rot'in-us), a. [L. serotinus, from serus, late.] In bot. appearing late in a season, or later than some other allied species.

Serous (se'rus), a. [Fr. séreux. See SERUM.] 1. Thin; watery; like whey: applied to that part of the blood which separates in coagulation from the grumous or red part; also to the fluid which lubricates a serous membrane. 2. Pertaining to serum. Serous membrane. See MEMBRANE. Serpens (sér′penz), n. [L., a serpent.] A northern constellation. See SERPENT. Serpent (sér pent), n. [L serpens, serpentis, from serpo, Gr. herpo, to creep; Skr. sarpa, a serpent, from srip, to creep, to go.] 1. An ophidian reptile without feet; a snake. Serpents are extremely elongated in form, and they move by means of muscular contractions of their bodies. Their hearts have two auricles and one ventricle. This is the widest use of the term serpent. This term is likewise applied to a family of ophidian reptiles which comprises all the genera without a sternum, and without any vestige of a shoulder, &c. In Cuvier's arrangement serpents constitute the order Ophidia. See OPHIDIA. - 2. In astron, a constellation in the northern hemisphere. See OPHIUCHUS.--3. A powerful bass musical instrument, consisting of a long conical tube of wood covered with leather, having a mouth-piece, ventages, and keys, and bent in a serpentine form; hence its name. Its compass is said to be from B flat below the bass-staff to C in the third space of the treble-clef.-4. Fig. a subtle or malicious person.-5. A kind of firework having a serpentine motion as it passes through the air.-Serpent-stones or snakestones, popular names sometimes applied to the ammonites.

Serpent (sér pent), v. i. To wind like a serpent; to meander. 'The serpenting of the Thames.' Evelyn. [Rare.]

Serpentaria (ser-pen-ta'ri-a), n. A trivial name given to several plants that have been reputed to be remedial of snake bites, as Aristolochia Serpentaria, &c. See SNAKEROOT.

Serpentarius (sér-pen-tā'ri-us), n. A constellation in the northern hemisphere. Called also Ophiuchus.

Serpentary (sér'pen-ta-ri), n. A plant, the Aristolochia Serpentaria.

Serpentary-root (serpen-ta-ri-röt), n. The root of Aristolochia Serpentaria, a North American plant used in medicine as a tonic, stimulant, diaphoretic, and febrifuge. Serpent-boat (serpent-bot), n. See PAM


Serpent - charmer (sér'pent-chärm-ér), n. One who charms or professes to charm serpents; one who makes serpents obey his will. Serpent-cucumber (serpent-ku-kum-bêr). n. A plant of the genus Trichosanthes, T. colubrina, so called from the remarkable serpent-like appearance of its fruits. Serpent-eater (serpent-et-ér), n. A bird of Africa that devours serpents; the secretary-bird (Gypogeranus serpentarius). See SECRETARY-BIRD.

Serpent-fence (serpent-fens), n. A zigzag fence made by placing the ends of the rails upon each other. Same as Serpent-fish (sér'pent-fish), n. Band-fish. Serpentiform (sér-pent'i-form), a. Having the form of a serpent; serpentine. Serpentigenous (ser-pen-tij'en-us), a. Bred of a serpent.

Serpentine (sèr'pen-tin), a. [L. serpentinus, from serpens, serpentis, a serpent.] 1. Pertaining to or resembling a serpent; having the qualities of a serpent; subtle. To free him from so serpentine a companion.' Sir P. Sidney.-2. Winding or turning one way and the other, like a moving serpent; anfractuous; meandering; spiral; crooked; as, a serpentine road or course; a serpentine worm of a still.-3. In the manege, applied to a horse's tongue when he is constantly moving it, and sometimes passing it over the bit. Serpentine verse, a verse which begins and ends with the same word. The following are examples:

Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit. Greater grows the love of pelf, as pelf itself grows greater.

Ambo florentes ætatibus, Arcades ambo.
Both in the spring of life, Arcadians both.


Serpentine (serpen-tin), . A rock, generally unstratified, which is principally composed of hydrated silicate of magnesia, cominonly occurring associated with altered limestone. It is usually dark-coloured green, red, brown, or gray, with shades and spots resembling a serpent's skin. Its degree of hardness, and the peculiar arrangement of its colours, form the distinctive characters of serpentine. Serpentine is often nearly allied to the harder varieties of steatite and potstone. It presents two varieties, precious serpentine and common serpentine. Though soft enough to be easily cut or turned, serpentine admits of a high polish, and is much used for the manufacture of various ornamental articles. Serpentine (ser'pen-tin), v.i. pret. & pp. serpentined; ppr. serpentining. To wind like a serpent; to meander.

In these fair vales by nature form'd to please, Where Guadalquivir serpentines with ease. W. Harte. Serpentinely (ser'pen-tin-li), adv. In a serpentine manner.

Serpentinous (sérpen-ti-nus), a. Relating to, of the nature of, or resembling serpentine.

Serpentize (ser'pen-tiz), v. i. pret. & pp. serpentized; ppr. serpentizing. To wind; to turn or bend, first in one direction and then in the opposite; to meander; to serpentine. [Rare.]

The river runs before the door, and serpentizes more than you can conceive. H. Walpole. Serpent-like (serpent-lik), a. Like a serpent. Shak

Serpentry (ser' pent-ri), n. 1. A winding like that of a serpent.-2. A place infested by serpents. [Rare in both senses.]

Serpent's-tongue (serpents-tung), n. 1. A fern of the genus Ophioglossum, so called from the form of its fronds; adder's-tongue. 2. A name given to the fossil teeth of a species of shark, because they resemble tongues with their roots.

Serpent-withe (serpent-with), n. A plant, Aristolochia odoratissima.

Serpet (serpet), n. [L. sirpiculus, a basket made of rushes, from sirpus, scirpus, a rush.] A basket.


Serpiginous (sér-pij'in-us), a. 1. Affected with serpigo.-2. In med. applied to certain affections which creep, as it were, from one part to another; as, serpiginous erysipelas. Serpigo (ser-pi'go), n. [LL, from L. serpo, to creep.] A former name for ringworm. Serplath (ser'plath), n. [Corruption of sarplar.) A weight equal to 80 stones. [Scotch.1 Serpolet (sér'po-let), n. [Fr] Wild thyme. Serpula (serpü-la), n. [A dim. of L. serpo, to creep.] A genus of cephalobranchiate annelidans belonging to the order Tubicola, inhabiting cylindrical and tortuous calcare


Serpula, detached and in tube.

ous tubes attached to rocks, shells, &c., in the sea. The shells or tubes are in general exquisitely coloured. Several species are common on the British coasts, but the largest are found in tropical seas. Serpulean (sér-pu'lē-an), n. One of the Serpulida

Serpulida (ser-pū'li-dé), n. pl. [Serpula (which see), and Gr. eidos, resemblance.] A family of tubicolous annelidans, of which the genus Serpula is the type. See SERPULA Serpulidan (sér-pu'li-dan), n. A member of the family Serpulidæ. Serpulite (sér pú-lit), n. Fossil remains of the genus Serpula.

Serrt (sér), v.t. [Fr. serrer, to press, to squeeze, from L sero, to lock, sera, a bolt or bar.] To crowd, press, or drive together. Heat attenuates and sets forth the spirit of a body,


and upon that the more gross parts contract and serr themselves together. Bacon.

Serra (ser'ra), n. [L., a saw.] In anat. a dentation, or tooth-like articulating process of certain bones, as those of the cranium. Serradilla (ser-ra-dil'la), n. [Pg.] A plant, Ornithopus sativus. See ORNITHOP'S. Serranus (ser-ra'nus), n. [From L. serra, a saw-from the saw-like form of the dorsal fin.] A genus of teleostean fishes, included

Serranus scriba (Lettered Serranus).

in the family Percida or perches, but readily distinguished by their possessing only one dorsal fin and seven branchiostegous rays. The S. cabrilla and S. Couchii are found off the British coast, where they are known under the name of comber. S. scriba inhabits the Mediterranean.

Serrate, Serrated (ser'rat,ser'rat-ed), a. [L. serratus, pp. of serro, to saw-serra, a saw.] Notched on the edge like a saw; toothed; specifically, in bot. having sharp notches about the edge, pointing toward the extremity; as, a serrate leaf. When a serrate leaf has small serratures upon the large ones, it is said to be doubly serrate, as in the elm. We say also a serrate calyx, corolla, or stipule. A serrate-ciliate leaf is one having fine hairs, like the eye-lashes, on the serratures.

A serrate-dentate leaf has the Serrate Leaf. serratures toothed.

Serration (ser-ra'shon), n. Formation in the shape of a saw.

Far above, in thunder-blue serration, stand the eternal edges of the angry Apennine, dark with rolling impendence of volcanic cloud. Ruskin. Serratula (ser-rat'u-la), n. A genus of comSerrature (ser'ra-tür), n. A notching in the posite plants. See SAW-WORT. edge of anything, like a saw. Woodward. Serricorn (ser'ri-korn), a. Belonging or

pertaining to the family of coleopterous insects Serricornes; having serrated antennæ. Serricorn (ser'ri-korn), n. A coleopterous Serricornes (ser-ri-kor'něz), n. pl. [L. serra, insect of the family Serricornes. a saw, and cornu, a horn.] Cuvier's third family of coleopterous insects,comprehending those which have serrated or saw-shaped tenne, as the Buprestis, Elater, &c. The cut shows (1) the springingbeetle (Elater), and the antennæ

[blocks in formation]

To relax their ser

Like the teeth of a saw; irregular. Sir T. Browne. [Rare.] Serrulate, Serrulated (ser'ru-lat, ser'rūlat-ed), a. [From L. serrula, dim. of serra, a saw.] Finely serrate; having very minute notches.

Serrulation (ser-ru-la'shon), n. A small notching like the teeth of a saw; an indentation.

Serryt (ser'ri), v.t. [Fr. server. See SERR.] To crowd; to press together. [Obsolete, except in pp. serried.] Sertularia (ser-tu-la'ri-a), n. [L. sertum, a garland.] A genus of Hydrozoa, popularly called, from their resemblance to miniature trees, sea-firs. It is the type genus of the order Sertularida (which see). Sertularian (sér-tu-la'ri-an), n. A member of the order Sertularida (which see). Sertularida (sér-tu-la'ri-da), n. pl. An order of cœlenterate animals, class Hydrozoa,


comprising those whose hydrosoma (or entire organism) becomes fixed by an adherent base, called a hydrorhiza, developed from the end of the cœnosarc, or the common medium by which the various polypites constituting the compound animal are united together. These polypites are invariably defended by little cup-like expansions called hydrothecæ. The coenosare generally consists of a main stem with many branches, and it is so plant-like in appearance that the common sertularians are often mistaken for sea-weed, and are often called sea-firs. The young sertularian, on escaping from the ovum, appears as a free-swimming ciliated body, which soon loses its cilia, fixes itself and develops a cœnosarc, by budding from which the branching hydrosoma of the perfect organism is produced.

Serum (se'rum), n. [L., akin to Gr. oros, whey, serum; Skr. sara, water.] 1. The thin transparent part of the blood; also, the lymph-like fluid secreted by certain membranes in the human body, such as the pericardium, pleura, peritoneum, &c., which are thence denominated serous membranes. The serum of the blood, which separates from the crassamentum during the coagulation of that liquid, has a pale straw-coloured or greenish-yellow colour, is transparent when carefully collected, has a slightly saline taste, and is somewhat unctuous to the touch. It usually constitutes about three-fourths of the blood, the pressed coagulum forming about one-fourth. See BLOOD.-2. The thin part of milk separated from the curd and oil; whey. Called also Serum Lactis.

Servable (sérv'a-bl), a. Capable of being served.

Servage, n. Servitude. Chaucer.

Serval (sér val), n. A digitigrade carnivorous mammal of the cat genus, the Leopardus Serval of Southern Africa. It measures about 2 feet 10 inches in length, including the thick bushy tail, which is from 10 to 12 inches long. The ground colour of the fur is of a bright golden tint, sobered with a wash of gray, and marked with black spots. Its food consists of small mammals and birds. Called also Bush-cat and Tiger-cat. Servand, t pp. of serve. Serving. Chaucer. Servant (servant), n. [Fr., from servir, L. servire, to serve, whence also sergeant, which is little else than another form of this word.] 1. One who serves or does services, voluntarily or involuntarily; a person, male or female, who is employed by another for menial offices or other labour, and is subject to his command; one who exerts himself or herself or labours for the benefit of a master or employer; a subordinate assistant or helper. The term servant usually implies the general idea of one who performs service for another according to compact; a slave, on the other hand, is the property of his master, and is entirely subject to his will. In a legal sense, stewards, factors, bailiffs, and other agents, are servants for the time they are employed in the business of their principal; so any person may be legally the servant of another, in whose business or under whose order, direction, or control he is acting for the time being. The term is often applied distinctively to domestics or domestic servants, those who for the time being form part of a household; as, Mrs. Smith has four servants.-Servants' hall, the room in a house set apart for the use of the servants in common, in which they take their meals together, &c.-2. One in a state of subjection.

Remember that thou wast a servant in Egypt. Deut. v. 15. The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Prov. xxii. 7.

3. An expression of civility used often by equals; formerly, also a term of gallantry denoting an admirer of a lady.

Silvia (to Valentine). I thank you, gentle servant. Shak.

-Your humble servant, your obedient servant, phrases of civility used more especially in closing a letter, and expressing or understood to express the willingness of the speaker or writer to do service to the person addressed.

Our betters tell us they are our humble servants, but understand us to be their slaves. Swift. -Servant of servants, (a) one debased to the lowest condition of servitude. Gen. ix. 25. (b) A title (servus servorum) assumed by the popes since the time of Gregory the Great.



Servant (servant), v.t. To subject.

My affairs are servanted to others. Shak.

Servantesst (sér'vant-es), n. A female servant. Wycliffe.

Servant-girl, Servant-maid (servantgèrl, servant-măd), n. A female or maid servant.

Servant-man (sèr'vant-man), n. A male or man servant.

Servants collecW. H. Russell.

Servantry (servant-ri), n. tively, or body of servants. Servanty (sér'vant-i), n. The state or condition of a servant; the privilege of serving or acting as a servant. God's gift to us of servanty. E. B. Browning.

Serve (sérv), v.t. pret. & pp. served; ppr. serving. [Fr. servir, from L. servio, to serve, from servus, a servant, a slave or serf; by some supposed to be from same root as G. schwer, heavy, O. H.G. swari, burdensome; Lith. swaras, a weight. It would therefore not be connected with L. servo, to keep carefully, to keep unharmed (whence conserve, preserve), this verb being from root of salus, safety, salvus, safe. See SAFE.] 1. To work for; to perform regular or continuous duties in behalf of; to act as servant to; to be in the employment of, as a domestic, slave, hired assistant, official helper, or the like. Jacob loved Rachel; and said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. Gen. xxix. 18.

No man can serve two masters. Mat. vi. 24. 2. To render spiritual obedience and worship to; to conform to the law of, and treat with due reverence.

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve. Jos. xxiv. 15.

3. To be subordinate or subservient to; to act an inferior or secondary part under; to minister to,

Bodies bright and greater should not serve
The less not bright.


[blocks in formation]

Thy care is, under polished tins, To serve the hot-and-hot. Tennyson. Some part he roasts, then serves it up so drest. Dryden.

Soon after our dinner was served in. Bacon. 6. To perform the service of; to perform the duties required in or for; as, a curate may serve two churches. -7. To contribute or conduce to; to be sufficient for; to promote; to be of use to. Feuds serving his traitorous end.' Tennyson.-8. To help by good offices; to administer to the wants of.

'Serve his kind in deed and word.' Tennyson.-9. To be in the place or instead of anything to; to be of use to instead of something else; to be in lieu of; to answer; as, a sofa may serve one for a seat and for a couch.

The cry of 'Talbot' serves me for a sword. Shak. 10. To regulate one's conduct in accordance with the fashion, spirit, or demands of; to comply with; to submit or yield to.

They think herein we serve the time, because thereby we either hold or seek preferment. Hooker. The man who spoke;

Who never sold the truth to serve the hour, Nor palter'd with Eternal God for power. Tennyson. 11. To behave towards; to treat; to requite; as, he served me very ungratefully.-12. To satisfy; to content.

Nothing would serve them then but riding.

Sir R. L'Estrange. 13. To handle; to manipulate; to manage; to work; as, the guns were well served. — 14. Naut. to protect from friction, &c., as a rope by winding something tight round it. 15. In law, to deliver or transmit to; to present to in due form: often with on or upon before the person.

They required that no bookseller should be al lowed to unpack a box of books without notice and a catalogue served upon a judge. Brougham, -To serve one's self of, to avail one's self of; to make use of; to use. [A Gallicism.]

If they elevate themselves, 'tis only to fall from a higher place, because they serve themselves of other men's wings. Dryden.

-To serve out, to deal out or distribute in portions; as, to serve out provisions or ammunition to the soldiers; to serve out grog

to the sailors.-To serve one out, to treat one according to his deserts; to give one what he richly deserves; to take revenge on one; to punish one.

The Right Honourable Gentleman had boasted he had served his country for twenty years-served his country! He should have said served her out! Lord Lytton. -To serve one right, to treat one as he deserves; to let the consequences of one's actions fall upon him: often used interjectionally. Workhouse funeral-serve him right!' Dickens.-To serve the turn, to meet the emergency; to be sufficient for the purpose or occasion; to answer the purpose.

A cloak as long as thine will serve the turn. Shak -To serve an attachment, or writ of attachment, in law, to levy it on the person or goods by seizure, or to seize.-To serve an execution, to levy it on lands, goods, or person, by seizure or taking possession. - To serve a process, in general to read it so as to give due notice to the party concerned, or to leave an attested copy with him or his attorney, or at his usual place of abode.-To serve a warrant, to read it, and to seize the person against whom it is issued.-To serve a writ, to read it to the defendant, or to leave an attested copy at his usual place of abode. To serve a person heir to a property, in Scots law, to take the necessary legal steps for putting him in possession of the property. See SERVICE. To serve an office, to discharge the duties incident to it. Serve (sérv), v. i. 1. To be or act as a servant; to be employed in labour or other services for another; in more specific senses, (a) to perform domestic offices to another; to wait upon one as a servant; to attend.

But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Lu. x. 40. (b) To discharge the requirements of an office or employment; more especially, to act as a soldier, seaman, &c.

Many noble gentlemen,. who before had been great commanders, but now served as private gentlemen without pay. Knolles.

Likewise had he served a year
On board a merchantman, and made himself
Full sailor.

(c) To be in subjection or slavery.
The Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and
from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein
thou wast made to serve.

Is. xiv. 3.

2. To answer a purpose; to accomplish the end; to be sufficient; to be of use.

Rom. Courage man; the hurt cannot be much. Mer. No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church-door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve. Shak. Their hall must also serve for kitchen. Tennyson. 3. To suit; to be convenient.

And as occasion serves, this noble queen

And prince shall follow with a fresh supply. Shak. Server (sérv'èr), n. 1. One who serves.Specifically-2. One who assists the priest at the celebration of the eucharist, by lighting the altar tapers, arranging the books, bringing in the bread, wine, water, &c., and by making the appointed responses in behalf of the congregation. - 3. A salver or small tray.

Service (servis), n. [Fr., from L. servitium, slavery, servitude. See SERVE.] 1. The act of serving; the performance of labour or offices for another, or at another's command; attendance of an inferior, hired helper, assistant, slave, &c., on a superior, employer, master, or the like; menial duties.

The banished Kent, who in disguise Followed his enemy king and did him service Improper for a slave. Shak

Specifically-2. Spiritual obedience, reverence, and love. Earnest in the service of

my God.' Shak.

God requires no man's service upon hard and unreasonable terms. Tillotson.

3. Place or position of a servant; employment as a servant; state of being or acting as a servant; menial employ or capacity; as, to be out of service; to be taken into a person's service. To leave a rich Jew's service.' 'Have got another service.' Shak. None would go to service that thinks he has enough to live well of himself. Sir W. Temple.

4. Labour performed for another; assistance or kindness rendered a superior; duty done or required; office.

As thou lovest me, Camillo, wipe not out the rest of thy services by leaving me now; the need I have of thee thine own goodness hath made. Shak. This poem was the last piece of service I did for my master, King Charles. Dryden.


5. Duty performed in, or appropriate to, any office or charge; official function; hence, specifically, military or naval duty; performance of the duties of a soldier or sailor; as, to see much service abroad.

When he cometh to experience of service abroad, he maketh a worthy soldier. Shak

6. Useful office; advantage conferred or brought about; benefit or good performed or caused.

The stork's plea, when taken in a net, was the service she did in picking up venomous creatures. Sir R. L'Estrange. 7. Profession of respect uttered or sent.


Pray do my service to his majesty. 8. Public religious worship or ceremony; office of devotion; official religious duty performed; religious rites appropriate to any event or ceremonial; as, a marriage service; a burial service.

The congregation was discomposed, and divine service broken off. Watts

9. A musical composition for use in churches; specifically, a name of certain musical compositions for the canticles in the morning and evening services of the Book of Common Prayer. 10. Things required for use; furniture; especially, (a) set of dishes or vessels for the table; as, a tea service, a dinner service; a service of plate. (b) An assortment of table-linen.-11. A course or order of dishes at table.

There was no extraordinary service seen on the table. Hakewill.

12. That which is served round to a company at one time; as, a service of fruit, and the like. 13. The material used for serving a rope, as spun-yarn, twine, canvas, and the like. 14. The duty which a tenant owes to a lord for his fee; thus, personal service consists in homage and fealty, &c.; annual service in rent, suit to the court of the lord, &c.; accidental services in heriots, reliefs, &c.Service of an heir, in Scots law, a proceeding before a jury for ascertaining and determining the heir of a person deceased. It is either general or special. A general service determines generally who is heir of another; a special service ascertains who is heir to particular lands or heritage in which a person dies infeft.-Service of a writ, process, &c., in law, the reading of it to the person to whom notice is intended to be given, or the leaving of an attested copy with the person or his attorney or at his usual place of abode. - Service of an attachment, the seizing of the person or goods according to the direction. -The service of an execution, the levying of it upon the goods, estate, or person of the defendant. Substitution of service, in Ireland, a mode of serving a writ upon the defendant by posting it up in some conspicuous or public place in the neighbourhood or parish. This mode is allowed when entrance to the dwelling-place of the defendant cannot be effected.

Service (servis), n. Same as Service-tree. Serviceable (servis-a-bl), a. 1. Capable of rendering useful service; promoting happiness, interest, advantage, or any good; useful; beneficial; advantageous. The most serviceable tools that he could employ." Macaulay.

Religion hath force to qualify all sorts of men, and to make them, in public affairs, the more serviceable. Hooker.

2. Doing or ready to do service; active; diligent; officious. Seeing her so sweet and serviceable.' Tennyson.


I know thee well, a serviceable villain, Serviceableness (sér vis-a-bl-nes), n. 1. The state of being serviceable; usefulness in promoting good of any kind; beneficialness. All action being for some end, its aptness to be commanded or forbidden must be founded upon its ser. viceableness or disserviceableness to some end. Norris.

2. Officiousness; readiness to do service. He might continually be in her presence, shewing more humble serviceableness and joy to content her than ever before. Sir P. Sidney.

Serviceably (sèr'vis-a-bli), adv. In a ser

viceable manner. Serviceage (sér’vis-àj), n. State of servitude. Thraldom base and serviceage.' Service-berry (servis-be-ri), n. [See SERFairfax. VICE-TREE.] 1. A North American wild plant (Amelanchia canadensis) and its fruit, allied to the medlar. The fruit is a good article of food. Called also Shad-bush, Juneberry.-2. A berry of the service-tree.

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