Imágenes de páginas


Service-book (sér'vis-bak), n. A book used in church service; a book of devotion; a prayer-book; a missal. Milton. Service-money (servis-mun-ni), n. Money paid for service. Secret service-money to Betty. Addison.

Service-pipe (servis-pip), n. A pipe, usually of lead or iron, for the supply of water, gas, and the like from the main to a building. Service-tree (servis-tre), n. [A corruption of L sorbus, the sorb or service-tree.] The Pyrus (Sorbus) domestica, a tree of 50 or 60 feet in height, a rare native of England, yielding a valuable hard-grained timber and a small pear-shaped fruit, which, like the medlar, is only pleasant in an over-ripe condition. The wild service-tree (Pyrus torminalis) also bears a fruit which becomes mellow and pleasant by keeping, and of which large quantities are sent to the London market from Hertfordshire.

Servient (sér'vi-ent), a. [L serviens, servientis, ppr. of servio, to serve.] Subordinate. Servient youth and magisterial eld.' Dyer. A form servient and assisting. Cowley-Servient tenement, in Scots law, a tenement or subject over which a predial servi tude is constituted; an estate in respect of which a service is owing, the dominant tenement being that to which the service is due. Serviette (ser-vi-et'), n. [Fr.] A tablenapkin.

Servile (ser-vil), a. [Fr., from L. servilis, from servio, to serve.] 1. Pertaining to or befitting a servant or slave; slavish; mean; proceeding from dependence; as, servile fear; servile obedience.-2. Held in subjection; dependent.

What! have we hands, and shall we servile be? Why were swords made but to preserve men free? Daniel.

3. Cringing: fawning; meanly submissive; as, servile flattery.

She must bend the servile knee. Thomson. 4. In gram. (a) not belonging to the original root; as, a servile letter. (b) Not itself sounded; silent, as the final é in servile, tune, &c.

Servile (sér vil), n. In gram. a letter which forms no part of the original root: opposed to radical Also, a letter of a word which is not sounded, as the final e in peace, plane, &c. Servilely (ser'vil-li), adv. In a servile manner: (a) meanly; slavishly; with base submission or obsequiousness.

Who more than thou Once fawned and cringed, and servilely adored Heaven's awful monarch? Milton.

(b) With base deference to another; as, to adopt opinions servilely. Servileness (ser'vil-nes), n. Same as Servility

Servility (ser-vil'i-ti), n. The state or quality of being servile; as, (a) the condition of a slave or bondman; slavery.

To be a queen in bondage is more vile
Than is a slave in base servility.


(b) Mean submission; baseness; slavishness; mean obsequiousness; slavish deference. This unhappy servility to custom.' Dr. H. More.

The very feeling which would have restrained us from committing the act would have led us, after it had been committed, to defend it against the ravings of servility and superstition. Macaulay.

Serving-board (serving-bord), n. Naut. a piece of hard wood fitted with a handle and used for serving spun-yarn on small ropes. Serving-maid (serving-mad), n. A female servant; a menial.

Serving-mallet (serving-mal-let), n. Naut. a semicylindrical piece of wood, fitted with a handle, and having a groove on one side to fit the convexity of a rope which it is used to serve or wrap round with spun-yarn, &c, to prevent chafing. Serving-man (ser' ving-man), n. A male servant; a menial. Shak.

Servitium (ser-vish'i-um), n. [L] In law, service; servitude.

Servitor (sér'vi-tér), n. [LL, from L. servio, to serve.] 1. A male servant or domestic; an attendant; one who acts under another; a follower or adherent.

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office of a servitor. Boswell. Servitude (sér vi-tud), n. [Fr., from L. servitudo, servitude. See SERVE.] 1. The condition of a slave; the state of involuntary subjection to a master; slavery; bondage. You would have sold your king to slaughter, His princes and his peers to servitude.


Shak. 2. The condition of a menial or underling. 3. Compulsory service or labour, such as a criminal has to undergo as a punishment; as, penal servitude. See under PENAL.-4. A state of slavish dependence. 'In love with a splendid servitude. South.-5.t Servants, collectively. A cumbrous train of herds and flocks, and numerous servitude.' Milton.6. A term used in civil and Scots law to signify a right whereby one thing is subject to another thing or person for use or convenience contrary to common right. Servitudes are divided into personal and prædial. A personal servitude is a right constituted over a subject in favour of a person without reference to possession or property, and now consists only in liferent or usufruct. prædial servitude is a right constituted over one subject or tenement by the owner of another subject or tenement. Prædial servitudes are either rural or urban, according as they affect land or houses. The usual rural servitudes are passage or road, or the right which a person has to walk or drive to his house over another's land; pasture, or the right to send cattle to graze on another's land; feal and divot, or the right to cut turf and peats on another's land; aqueduct, or the right to have a stream of water conveyed through another's land; thirlage, or the right to have other people's corn sent to one's own mill to be ground. Urban servitudes consist chiefly in the right to have the rain from one's roof to drop on another's land or house; the right to prevent another from building so as to obstruct the windows of one's house; the right of the owner of the flat above to have his flat supported by the flat beneath, &c.-Servitude, Slavery, Bondage. Servitude is general, and implies either the state of a voluntary servant or of a slave, but is generally used for the latter. Slavery is involuntary and compulsory servitude. Bondage, slavery aggravated by oppression or confinement.

Serviture (sér'vi-tur), n. Servants collectively; the whole body of servants in a family. Calling the rest of the serviture.' Milton.

Sesame (ses'a-me), n. [Gr. sesame, sesamon, L. sesamum.] An annual herbaceous plant of the genus Sesamum (which see).-Open Sesame, the charm by which the door of the robbers' dungeon in the tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves flew open; hence, a specific for gaining entrance into any place, or means of exit from it.

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West Indies. Sesamum seeds are sometimes added to broths, frequently to cakes by the Jews, and likewise in the East. The oil expressed from them is bland, and of a fine quality, and will keep many years without becoming rancid. It is often used in India as a salad-oil. The leaves of the plant are mucilaginous, and are employed for poultices. Of the seeds two varieties are known in commerce, the one white and the other black.

Sesban (ses'ban), n. A leguminous plant. See SESBANIA.

Sesbania (ses-ba'ni-a), n. [From Sesban, the Arabic name of S. aegyptiaca.] A genus of plants, nat. order Leguminosa. There are about sixteen species of shrubs or herbs found in the warmer parts of the world. They have pinnate leaves and lax axillary racemes, of yellow, scarlet, purple, or white flowers. S. aegyptiaca, the Egyptian species, found also in India, forms a small and very elegant tree, the wood of which is employed in making the best charcoal for gunpowder. S. aculeata, the dhanchi of Bengal, is cultivated on account of the fibres of the bark, which are generally employed for the dragropes and other cordage about fishing-nets. Seseli (ses'e-li), n. [L. and Gr. seselis, seseli.] A genus of umbelliferous plants. S. libanotis is a British plant, found in chalky pastures in Cambridgeshire. It is known by the names of mountain meadow-saxifrage and hartwort.

Sesha (sesh'a), n. In Hind. myth. the king of the serpents, with a thousand heads, on one of which the world rests. Vishnu reclines on him in the primeval waters. When depicted coiled he is the symbol of eternity.

Sesleria (ses-lē'ri-a), n. [In honour of M. Sesler, a physician and botanist of the eighteenth century.] A genus of grasses belonging to the tribe Festuceæ. The inflorescence is in simple spikes; spikelets, two to six flowered; glumes, two membranaceous, nearly equal and pointed or mucronate; flowering glumes, three to five toothed; stamens, three; styles, two. Its British representative is S. cærulea or moor-grass. Sesqui (ses'kwi). [L] A prefix signifying one integer or whole and a half; as, sesqui-granum, a grain and a half, &c. In chem. this term is used to designate compounds in which an equivalent and a half of one substance are combined with one of another; thus, sesquioxide of iron is an oxide containing 1 equivalent of iron to 1 of oxygen, or 2 of iron to 3 of oxygen. In music it signifies a whole and a half; joined with altera, terza, quarta it is much used in the Italian music to express a set of ratios, particularly the several species of triple time. In geom. it expresses a ratio in which the greater term contains the less once, and leaves a certain aliquot part of the less over; but such terms are nearly obsolete.

Sesquialtera (ses-kwi-al'tér-a), n. The name of a compound stop on the organ, consisting of several ranks of pipes sounding high harmonics, for the purpose of strengthening the ground tone. Sesquialteral (ses-kwi-al'ter-al), a. [L. prefix sesqui, and alter, other.] 1. In math. a term applied to a ratio where one quantity or number contains another once and half as much more; thus the ratio 9 to 6 is sesquialteral.-2. A sesquialteral floret, in bot. a large fertile floret accompanied with a small abortive one.

Sesquialterate (ses-kwi-al'tér-at), a. Same as Sesquialteral.



Sesquialterous (ses-kwi-al'tér-us), a.
quialteral (which see).
Sesquiduple (ses-kwi-du'pl), a. Same as

Sesquiduplicate (ses-kwi-dü'pli-kät), a. [L.
prefix sesqui, and duplicatus, double.] De-
signating the ratio of two and a half to one,
or where the greater term contains the
lesser twice and a half, as that of 50 to 20.
Sesquioxide (ses-kwi-oks'id), n. A com-
pound of oxygen and another element in
the proportion of three equivalents of oxy-
gen to two of the other.
Sesquipedalian, Sesquipedal (ses'kwi-
pe-da"li-an, ses'kwip-e-dal), a. [L. sesqui-
pedalis-sesqui, one and a half, and pedalis,
from pes, a foot.] Containing or measuring
a foot and a half; as, a sesquipedalian
pigmy often humorously applied to long
words, as translation of Horace's 'sesqui-
pedalia verba."


Sesquipedality (ses'kwi-pe-dal"i-ti), n. 1. The quality or condition of being sesquipedalian. Sterne.-2. The practice of using long words. [Prefix Sesquiplicate (ses-kwip'li-kat), a.

sesqui, and plicate.] Designating the proportion one quantity or number has to another in the ratio of one and a half to one; as, the sesquiplicate proportion of the periodical times of the planets. A salt conSesquisalt (ses-kwi-salt'), n. sisting of three equivalents of one element to two of another.

Sesquisulphide (ses-kwi-sulfid), n. A basic compound of sulphur with some other element, in the proportions of three equivalents of sulphur to two of the other element. Sesquitertial (ses-kwi-tér'shi-al), a. Same as Sesquitertian.

Sesquitertian, Sesquitertianal (ses-kwitér'shi-an, ses-kwi-ter'shi-an-al), a. [L. sesqui, one and a half, and tertius, third.] Designating the ratio of one and one-third

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gland, one not elevated on a stalk; a sessile stigma, one without a style, as in the poppy. The first figure shows the sessile leaves of American snake-root (Polygala Senega), and the second the sessile flower of chicory (Cichorium Intybus).

Session (se'shon), n. [Fr., from L. sessio, sessionis, from sedeo, sessum, to sit.] 1. Act of sitting; state of being seated.

For so much his ascension into heaven and his session at the right hand of God do import. Hooker. But Vivian... leaped from her session on his lap Tennyson. and stood.

2. The sitting together of a body of individuals for the transaction of business; the sitting of a court, academic body, council, legislature, &c., or the actual assembly of the members of these or any similar body for the transaction of business; as, the court is now in session, that is, the members are assembled for business.


Suminon a session that we may arraign Our most disloyal lady. His pigeons, who in session on their roofs Approved him, bowing at their own deserts. Tennyson. 3. The time, space, or term during which a court, council, legislature, and the like, meet daily for business or transact business regularly without breaking up. Thus a session of parliament comprises the time from its meeting to its prorogation, of which there is in general but one in each year. The session of a judicial court is called a term.-4. In law, generally used absolutely in the plural, a sitting of justices in court upon commission; as, the sessions of oyer and terminer. See under OYER.

We have had a very heavy sessions, said the judge. T. Hook. -Sessions of the peace, the name given to sessions held by justices of the peace, whether petty, special, quarter, or general. Petty sessions, the meeting of two or more justices for trying offences in a summary way under various acts of parliament empowering them to do so.-Special sessions, sessions held by justices acting for a division of a county or riding, or for a burgh, for the transaction of special business, such as granting licenses, &c.-Quarter-sessions.


See QUARTER-SESSIONS.-General session of
the peace, a meeting of the justices held for
the purpose of acting judicially for the
whole district comprised within their com-
mission. The sessions that are held once
every quarter of the year are called the
general quarter-sessions of the peace.-Court
of Session, the supreme civil court of Scot-
land, having jurisdiction in all civil ques-
tions of whatever nature. It was instituted
in 1532. The number of judges is thirteen:
the lord-president, the lord justice-clerk,
and eleven ordinary lords. They sit in two
divisions, the lord-president and three or-
dinary lords forming the first division, and
the lord justice-clerk and other three ordi-
nary lords the second division. The first
and second division form what is called the
inner house. There are five permanent
lords-ordinary, each of whom holds a court,
the courts of the lords-ordinary forming
what is called the outer house. The junior
lord-ordinary officiates in the bill-chamber
during session. (See BILL CHAMBER.) The
judgments of inferior courts, except those
of the small-debts courts, are mostly sub-
ject to the review of the Court of Session.
Judgments of the Court of Session may be
appealed against to the House of Lords.
The judges hold their office ad vitam aut
culpam, and their nomination and appoint-
ment are in the crown.- Clerk of the session.
See under CLERK.-Great Session of Wales,
a court which was abolished by 1 William IV.
1xx.; the proceedings now issue out of the
courts at Westminster, and two of the
judges of the superior courts hold the cir-
cuits in Wales and Cheshire as in other
English counties.-5. In the Church of Scot-
land, see KIRK-SESSION.

Sessional (se'shon-al), a. Relating or be-
longing to a session or sessions.-Sessional
orders, in Parliament, certain orders agreed
to by both Houses of Parliament at the com-
mencement of each session, which are re-
newed from year to year, and not intended
to endure beyond the existing session. Sir
E. May.

Session-clerk (se'shon klärk), n. In Scot-
land, one who officially keeps the books and
documents of a kirk-session, makes all en-
tries, and manages the proclamations of
banns for marriages.

Sess-pool (ses'pöl), n. See CESS-POOL.
Sesterce, Sestertius (ses'ters, ses-tér'she-
us), n. [Fr. sesterce, L. sestertius, lit. what
contains two and a half-semis, a half, and
tertius, a third.] A Roman coin or denomi-
nation of money, in value the fourth part
of a denarius, and originally containing two
asses and a half, about 2d. sterling. The
Romans generally reckoned sums of money
in sestertii, although the coin used in mak-
ing payments was commonly the denarius.
Large sums they reckoned by sestertia, that
is, sums of a thousand sestertii.

Several of them would rather chuse a sum in ses-
terces than in pounds sterling.

Sestet, Sestetto (ses'tet, ses-tet'to), n. [It.
sestetto, from L. sextus, sixth, from sex, six.]
In music, a composition for six voices or six
instruments. Written also Sestett.
Sestine (ses'tin), n. In pros. a stanza of six
lines; a sextain.

Set (set), v.t. pret. & pp. set; ppr. setting.
[Causative or factitive of sit; A.Sax. settan,
to set, place, appoint, &c.; O. Sax. settian,
Icel. setja, Dan. sette, Goth. satjan G. setzen,
to set.] 1. To make or cause to sit; to place
in a sitting, standing, or any natural pos-
ture; to place upright; as, to set a box on its
end or a table on its feet: often with up or
down. 'Sets down her babe.' Shak.

They took Dagon, and set him in his place again.
1 Sam. v. 3.
Thy grand captain Antony
Shall set thee on triumphant chariots and
Put garlands on thy head.
We'll set thy statue in some holy place,
And have thee reverenced like a blessed saint.

Gen. ix. 13.

2. Generally, to put, place, or fix; to put in
a certain place, position, or station.
I do set my bow in the cloud.
Where may we set our horses?
More specifically, (a) to arrange; to dispose;
to station; to post.

Set we our squadrons on yond side o' the hill,
In eye of Cæsar's battle."
Am I a sea or a whale, that thou settest a watch
Job vii. 12.
over me?

(b) To place or plant firmly; as, to set one's
foot upon a person's neck. Set him breast
deep in earth.' Shak. (c) To establish in a

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I cannot think but in the end the villanies of man Shak. will set him clear. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying. 4. To fix or make immobile; to render motionless.


Here comes Baptista; set your countenance, sir.

Set are her eyes, and motionless her limbs. Garth, 5. To fix as regards amount or value; to determine or regulate beforehand; as, to set a price on a house, farm, or horse.

And as for these whose ransom we have set, It is our pleasure one of them depart. Shak. 6. To fix or settle authoritatively or by arrangement; to prescribe; to appoint; to assign; to predetermine; as, to set a time or place for meeting; to set an hour or a day for a journey. Set him such a task to be done in such a time.' Locke.

I am to bruise his heel;

His seed (when is not set) shall bruise my head.

7. To place in estimation; to value; to esti-
mate; to rate; to prize.

Ye have set at nought all my counsel.

I do not ser my life at a pin's fee.

Prov. i, 25.

8. To regulate or adjust; as, to set a timepiece by the sun.

In court they determine the king's good by his desires, which is a kind of setting the sun by the dial. Suckling.

9. To fit to music; to adapt with notes; as, to set the words of a psalm to music.

Set thy own songs, and sing them to thy lute. Dryden. 10. To pitch; to lead off, as a tune in singing.

I had one day set the hundredth psalm, and was singing the first line, in order to put the congrega Spectator.

tion into tune.

11. To plant, as a shrub, tree, or vegetable,
as distinguished from sowing.
Whatsoever fruit useth to be set upon a root or a
slip, if it be sown, will degenerate.
I'll not put
The dibble in earth to set one slip of them. Shak.
12. To fix for ornament, as in metal; as, a
diamond set in a ring.

Too rich a jewel to be set
In vulgar metal for a vulgar use.


13. To adorn, as with precious stones; to intersperse; to stud; as, to set anything with diamonds or pearls.

High on their heads, with jewels richly set,

Each lady wore a radiant coronet. Dryden. 14. To reduce from a dislocated or fractured state; as, to set a bone or a leg.-15. To fix mentally; to fix with settled purpose; to place: to make intent on, as the heart or affections. 'Minds altogether set on trade and profit.' Addison.


Set not thy sweet heart on proud array. 16. To stake at play; to wager; to risk. I have set my life upon a cast, And I will stand the hazard of the die. 17. To embarrass; to perplex; to pose; to bring to a mental stand-still.



They are hard set to represent the bill as a griev
Learning was pos'd, Philosophie was set,
G. Herbert.
Sophisters taken in a fisher's net.
18. To put in good order; to put in trim for
use; as, to set a razor, that is, to give it a
fine edge; to set a saw, to incline the teeth
laterally to right and left in order that the
kerf may be wider than the thickness of the
blade.-19. To apply or use in action; to em-
ploy: with to; as, to set spurs to one's horse.
Set the axe to thy usurping root.' Shak.
'That the Lord thy God may bless thee in
all that thou settest thine hand to.'
xxiii. 20.-20. To attach; to add to; to join
'Do set a
with; to impart: with to or on.
scandal on my sex.' Shak.

Be Mercury, set feathers to thy heels,
And fly like thought from them to me again. Shak
21. To incite; to instigate; to encourage; to
spur: often with on. See also below. 'Sets
Thersites to match us in comparisons.'

Spit and throw stones, cast mire upon me, set
The dogs o' the street to bay me.

22. To produce; to contrive.

Most freely I confess, myself and Toby
Set this device against Malvolio here.


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Set in a note-book, learn'd, and conn'd by rote.

Shak. 27. In printing, (a) to place in proper order, as types; to compose. (b) To put into type; as, to set a MS.: usually with up.-28. Naut (a) to loosen and extend; to spread; as, to set the sails of a ship. (b) To observe the bearings of, as a distant object by the compass; as, to set the land; to set the sun.. 29. To make stiff or solid; to convert into curd; as, to set milk for cheese.-30. To become as to manners, rank, merit; to become as to dress; to fit; to suit. [Scotch.] -To set against, to oppose; to set in comparison, or to oppose as an equivalent in exchange. Setting the probabilities of the story against the credit of the witnesses.' Brougham.-To set aside, (a) to omit for the present; to lay out of the question. 'Setting aside all other considerations. Tillotson. (b) To reject. Woodward. (e) To abrogate; to annul; as, to set aside a verdict.-To set at defiance, to defy; to dare to combat.To set at ease, to quiet; to tranquillize; as, to set the mind at ease.-To set at naught, to regard as of no value or consideration; to despise. To set a trap or snare, to prepare and place it so as to catch prey; hence, to lay a plan to deceive and draw into the power of another.-To set at work, to cause to enter on work or action; to direct how to enter on work. To set before, (a) to present to view; to exhibit; to display. To set before your sight your glorious race.' Dryden. (b) To present for choice or consideration. To set by, to reject; to put aside; to dismiss; to omit for the present.-To set down, (a) to place upon the ground or floor. (b) To enter in writing; to register. Shak. (c) To ordain; to fix; to establish. 'This

law: which God hath set down with himself." Hooker. To set eyes on, to fix the eyes in looking on; to behold.


No single soul can we set eyes on. -To set fire to, to apply fire to; to set on fire. To set forth, (a) to represent by words; to present to view or consideration; to make known fully; to show. (b) To promulgate; to publish; to make appear. (c)t To prepare and send out. A fleet of sixty galleys set forth by the Venetians. Knolles.To set forward, to advance; to promote; to further; as, to set forward a scheme.


set them forward in the way of life.' Hooker. -To set in, to put in the way to begin; to give a start to. If you please to assist and set me in.' Jeremy Collier.- To set in order, to adjust or arrange; to reduce to method. The rest will I set in order when I come. I Cor. xi. 34-To set much (little, &c.) by, to regard much; to esteem greatly.

His name was much set by. 1 Sam. xviii. 30. -To set off, (a) to adorn; to decorate; to embellish Addison. (b) To show to the best advantage; to recommend. That which hath no foil to set it off. Shak. (e) To place against as an equivalent. (d) To remove. Shak-To set on or upon, (a) to incite; to instigate; to animate to action.

Thou, traitor, hast set on thy wife to this. Shak. (b) To employ as in a task. Set on thy wife to observe.' Shak. (c) To determine with settled purpose. A patch set on learning. Shak.-To set one's cap at. See under CAP. To set one's teeth, to press them close together. -To set on fire, to kindle; to inflame. It will set the heart on Are. Shak-To set on foot, to start; to set agoing.-To set out, (a) to assign; to allot; ax, to set out the share of each proprietor or he'r of an estate. (b) To publish, as a proclamation. That excellent proclamation set out by the king' Bacon. (c) To mark by boundaries or distinctions of space.

Determinate portions of those infinite abysses of space and duration, set out, or supposed to be disEnguished from all the rest by known boundaries. Locke.


(d) To adorn; to embellish.

An ugly woman in a rich habit, set out with jewels, nothing can become. Dryden. (e) To raise, equip, and send forth; to furnish.

The Venetians pretend they could set out, in case of great necessity, thirty men of war. Addison.

(f) To show; to display; to recommend; to set off.

I could set out that best side of Luther.

(g) To show; to prove.


Those very reasons set out how heinous his sin was. Atterbury.

(h) To recite; to state at large. To set over, (a) to appoint or constitute as supervisor, inspector, governor, or director.

I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.

Gen. xli. 41. (b) To assign; to transfer; to convey.-To set right, to correct; to put in order.-To set sail (naut.). See under SAIL.-To set the teeth on edge. See under EDGE.-To set the fashion, to establish the mode; to determine what shall be the fashion.-To set up, (a) to erect; as, to set up a post or a monument. (b) To begin a new institution; to institute; to establish; to found; as, to set up a manufactory; to set up a school. (c) To enable to commence a new business; as, to set up a son in trade. (d) To raise; to exalt; to put in power. 'I will set up shepherds over them.' Jer. xxiii. 4. (e) To place in view; as, to set up a mark. (f) To raise; to utter loudly. I'll set up such a note as she shall hear.' Dryden. (g) To advance; to propose as truth or for reception; as, to set up a new opinion or doctrine. (h) To raise from depression or to a sufficient fortune; as, this good fortune quite set him up. (i) Naut. to extend, as the shrouds, stays, &c. (j) To fix; to establish; as, a resolution.

Here will I set up my everlasting rest.


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2. To be fixed hard; to be close or firm. Maketh the teeth to set hard one against another.' Bacon.-3. To fit music to words. Your ladyship can set.' Shak.-4. To congeal or concrete; to solidify.

That fluid substance in a few minutes begins to set. Boyle.

5. To begin a journey, march, or voyage; to go forth; to start. The king is set from London. Shak. [Instead of the simple

verb, we now use set out.]-6. To plant; to place plants or shoots in the ground; as, to sow dry, and to set wet.-7. To flow; to have a certain direction in motion; to tend; as, the tide sets to the east or north; the current sets westward.

Trust me, cousin, all the current of my being sets to thee. Tennyson.

8. To point out game, as a sportsman's dog; to hunt game by the aid of a setter.-9. To undertake earnestly; to apply one's self. 'If he sets industriously and sincerely to perform the commands of Christ. Hammond.-10. To face one's partner in dancing.

Out went the boots, first on one side, then on the other, then cutting, then shuffling, then setting to the Denmark satins. Dickens.

-To set about, to begin; to take the first steps in; as, to set about a business or enterprise. To set forth or forward, to move or march; to begin to march; to advance.

It is meet I presently set forth.


The sons of Gershon and the sons of Merari set forward. Num. X. 17.

-To set in, (a) to begin; as, winter in England usually sets in about December. (b) To become settled in a particular state. When the weather was set in to be very bad.' Addison. (c) To flow towards the shore; as, the tide sets in-To set off, (a) in printing, to deface or soil the next sheet: said of the ink on a newly-printed sheet, when another sheet comes in contact with it before it has had time to dry. (b) To start; to enter on a journey. -To set on or upon, (a) to begin a journey or an enterprise. 'He that would seriously set upon the search of truth.' Locke. (b) To assault; to make an attack; as, they all set upon him at once.

Cassio has been set on in the dark.



-To set out, (a) to begin a journey or course; as, to set out for London or from London; to set out in business; to set out in life or the world. (b) To have a beginning. To set to, to apply one's self to.-To set up, (a) to begin business or a scheme of life; as, to set up in trade; to set up for one's self.

There is no such thing as a powerful or even dis. tinguished family, unless in some province, as Egypt, of which the bashaw has rebelled and set up for himself. Brougham.

(b) To profess openly; to make pretensions; as, he sets up for a man of wit; he sets up to teach morality.

Set (set), p. and a. 1. Placed; put; located; fixed, &c. 2. Regular; in due form; wellarranged or put together; as, a set speech or phrase; a set discourse; a set battle.

Rail'd on Lady Fortune in good terins,

In good set terms and yet a motley fool. Shak. 3. Fixed in opinion; determined; firm; obstinate; as, a man set in his opinions or way. 4. Established; prescribed; settled; appointed; as, set forms of prayer.

Set places and set hours are but parts of that wor ship we owe. South.

5. Predetermined; fixed beforehand; as, a set purpose.-6. Fixed; immovable.


He saw that Marner's eyes were set like a dead George Eliot. -Set scene, in theatricals, a scene where there is a good deal of arrangement for the pose.-Set speech, (a) a speech carefully prepared beforehand. (b) A formal or methodical speech.

Set (set), n. 1. A number or collection of things of the same kind or suited to each other, or to be used together, of which each is a necessary complement of all the rest; a complete suit or assortment; as, a set of chairs; a set of tea-cups; a set of China or other ware. [In this sense sometimes incorrectly written Sett.]-2. A number of persons customarily or officially associated; as, a set of men; a set of officers; or a number of persons united by some affinity of taste, character, or the like, or of things which have some resemblance or relation to each other.

In men this blunder still you find
All think their little set mankind.

Mrs. H. More. This falls into different divisions or sets of nations connected under particular religions, &c. R. Ward. 3. A number of particular things that are united in the formation of a whole; as, a set of features.-4. A young plant for growth; as, sets of white-thorn or other shrub.-Sets and eyes of potatoes, slices of the tubers of the potato for planting, each slice having at least one eye or bud.-5. The descent of the sun or other luminary below the horizon; as, the set of the sun. Looking at the set of day.' Tennyson.-6. A wager; a venture; a stake; hence, a game of chance; a match. We will, in France, play a set Shall strike his father's crown into the hazard. Shak. That was but civil war, an equal set. Dryden. 7. An attitude, position, or posture.

Moneys in possession do give a set to the head and a confidence to the voice. Cornhill Mag.

8. A permanent change of figure caused by pressure or being retained long in one position; as, the set of a spring.-9. The lateral deflection of a saw tooth. - 10. In plastering, the last coat of plaster on walls for papering. 11. In music and dancing, the five figures or movements of a quadrille; the music adapted to a quadrille; and also, the number of couples required to execute the dance.-12. In theatres, a set scene. (See SET, p. and a., and SCENE.) 'An elaborate set.' Cornhill Mag.-13. A direction or course; as, the set of a current. -Set or sett of a burgh, in Scots law, the constitution of a burgh. The setts are either established by immemorial usage, or were at some time or other modelled by the convention of burghs. A dead set, (a) the act of a setter dog when it discovers the game, and remains intently fixed in pointing it out. (b) A concerted scheme to defraud a Grose. person by gaming. (c) A determined stand in argument or in movement. [Colloq.]-To be at a dead set, to be in a fixed state or condition which precludes further progress. To make a dead set, to make a determined onset, or an importunate application.

Seta (se'ta), n. pl. Setæ (së'tě). [L., a bristle.] A bristle or sharp hair; specifically, in bot. a bristle of any sort; a stiff hair; a slender


straight prickle; also, the stalk that supports the theca, capsule, or sporangium of mosses. In zool, sete are the stiff short hairs that cover many caterpillars and insects, the bristles or processes that cover the limbs and mandibles of many crustaceans. Setaceous (se-ta'shus), a. [L. seta, a bristle.] 1. Bristly; set with bristles; consisting of bristles; as, a stiff setaceous tail.-2. In bot. bristle-shaped; having the character of setæ; as, a setaceous leaf or leaflet. [From L. seta, a Setaria (se-ta'ri-a), n. bristle. The involucre is bristly.] A genus of grasses with spikelets in a dense cylindrical spikelike panicle, containing a few species cultivated as corn-grains in some countries. The species are found in both the warm and tropical parts of the world. S viridis is indigenous in England, S. germanica is cultivated in Hungary as food for horses, and S. italica is cultivated in Italy and other parts of Europe. (See MILLET.) The genus is sometimes included under Panicum.

Set-back (set'bak), n. In arch. a flat plain set-off in a wall.

Set-bolt (set'bolt), n. In ship-building, an iron bolt for faying planks close to each other, or for forcing another bolt out of its hole.

A depressing or Set down (set'doun), n. humiliating rebuke or reprehension; a rebuff; an unexpected and overwhelming answer or reply.

Setee (set-e'), n. A vessel rigged with lateen sails; a settee (which see). Set-fair (set'far), n. The coat of plaster used after roughing in, and floated, or pricked up and floated.

Set-foil (set'foil), n. See SEPT-FOIL. Sethe (seTH), n. A name given to the coalfish (which see). Written and pronounced variously Seath, Saith, Seethe, Sey. [Scotch.] Sethic (seth'ik), a. [A corruption of sothiac (which see).] In chron. applied to a period of 1460 years.

Setiferous (se-tif'ér-us), a. [L. seta, a bristle, and fero, to bear.] Producing or having bristles.

Setiform (se'ti-form). a. [L. seta, a bristle, and forma, form.] Having the form of a bristle.

Setiger (set'i-jêr), n. One of the Setigera. Setigera (se-tij'ér-a), n. pl. [L. setiger, bristly -seta, a bristle, and gero, to carry.] A tribe of abranchiate annelidans, whose members, like the earthworms, are provided with bristles for locomotion.

Setigerous (se-tij'ér-us), a. [L. seta, a bristle, and gero, to bear.] Covered with bristles; setiferous.

Setireme (se'ti-rēm), n. [L. seta, a bristle, and remus, an oar.] In entom. one of the legs of some insects, as the diving beetle, that has a dense fringe of hairs on the inner side enabling the animal to move on the water.

Set-line (set'lin), n. In fishing, a line to which a number of baited hooks are attached, and which, supported by buoys, is extended on the surface of the water, and may be left unguarded during the absence of the fisherman.

Setness (set'nes), n. The state or quality of being set. [Rare.]

Set-off (set'of), n. 1. That which is set off against another thing; an offset.-2. That which is used to improve the appearance of anything; a decoration; an ornament.3. A counter-claim or demand; a cross debt; a counterbalance; an equivalent.

After the cheque is paid into a different bank, it will not be presented for payment, but liquidated by a set-off against other cheques. F. S. Mill.

An example or two of peace broken by the public voice is a poor set-off against the constant outrages upon humanity and habitual inroads upon the happiness of the country subject to an absolute monarch.



bristle hair or bristles having been origi-
nally used for the purpose.] In surg. a skein
of silk or cotton, or similar material, passed
under the true skin and the cellular tissue
beneath, in order to maintain an artificial
issue. They are inserted by means of a
knife and a probe, or a large needle called
a seton needle, and are applied as counter-
irritants to act as a drain on the system
generally, or to excite inflammation and
adhesion. The name is also given to the
issue itself.

Setose (se'tōs), a. [L. setosus, from seta, a
bristle.] In bot. bristly; having the surface
set with bristles; as, a setose leaf or recep-

Same as Setose.
Setous (se'tus), a.
Set-out (set'out), n. 1. Preparations, as for
beginning a journey, &c. A committee of
ten, to make all the arrangements and
manage the whole set-out.' Dickens.-2.Com-
pany; set; clique.


She must just hate and detest the whole set-out of Dickens.

3. A display, as of plate, &c.; dress and accessories; equipage; turn-out.

His drag is whisked along rapidly by a brisk chestnut pony, well-harnessed; the whole set-out, I was informed, pony included, cost £50 when new. Маућего.

Stitched ac

[Colloq. in all senses.] Set-screw (set'skrö), n. A screw, as in a cramp, screwed through one part tightly upon another to bring pieces of wood, metal, &c., into close contact. Set-stitched (set sticht), a. cording to a set pattern. Sterne. 1. A piece placed temporarily Sett (set), n. on the head of a pile which cannot be reached by the monkey or weight but by means of some intervening matter.-2. See SET, 1.-3. A number of mines taken upon lease.-Sett of a burgh. See SET.

Sette,t v.t. [See SET.] To set; to place; to put; to reckon; to fix.-To sette a man's cappe, to make a fool of him. Chaucer. 1. [From set.] A long Settee (set-te'), n. seat with a back to it; a large sofa-shaped seat for several persons to sit in at one time; a kind of double arm-chair in which two persons can sit at once.

Ingenious Fancy, never better pleased

Than when employ'd t' accommodate the fair,
Heard the sweet moan with pity, and devised
The soft settee; one elbow at each end,
And in the midst an elbow it received,
United yet divided, twain at once.


2. [Fr. scétie, sétie.] A vessel with one deck and a very long sharp prow, carrying two


or three masts with lateen sails; used in the Mediterranean.

A bed that Settee - bed (set-te'bed), n. turns up in the form of a settee. Setter (set'èr), n. 1. One who or that which sets; as, a setter of precious stones, or jeweller; a setter of type, or compositor; a setter of music to words, a musical composer, and the like. This word is often compounded with on, off, up, &c.; as, setter-on, setter-off, and so on. See the separate entries.-2. A kind of sportsman's dog, which derives its name from its habit of setting or crouching when it perceives the scent of game, instead of standing, like the pointer. Setters are, however, now trained to adopt the pointer's mode of standing whilst marking game. It partakes somewhat of the character and appearance of the pointer and spaniel, and is generally regarded as having descended from the crossing of these two varieties.3. A man who performs the office of a setting-dog, or finds persons to be plundered. Another set of men are the devil's setters, who

4. In law, the merging, wholly or partially,
of a claim of one person against another in
a counter-claim by the latter against the
former. Thus a plea of set-off is a plea
whereby a defendant acknowledges the jus-
tice of the plaintiff's demand, but sets up
another demand of his own to counterbal-
ance that of the plaintiff either in whole or
in part-5. The part of a wall, &c., which
is exposed horizontally when the portion
above it is reduced in thickness. Also called
Offset.-6. In printing, the transferred im-
pression from a printed page, the ink on
which is undried, to an opposite page, when
the two leaves are pressed together.
Seton (se'ton), n. [Fr., from L. seta, a


continually beat their brains, how to draw in some innocent unguarded heir into their hellish net. South.

4. In gun. a round stick for driving fuses, or any other compositions, into cases made of paper. Setter-forth (set'êr-forth), n. One who sets forth or brings into public notice; a proclaimer. A setter-forth of strange gods.' Acts xvii. 18.

Setter-grass (set'èr-gras), n. Same as Setter-wort.

Setter-off (set'ér-of), n. One who or that which sets off, decorates, adorns, or recommends. Gilders, setters-off of thy graces.' Whitlock.

Setter-on (set'èr-on), n. One who sets on; an instigator; an inciter.

I could not look upon it but with weeping eyes, in remembering him who was the only setter on to do Ascham.


Setter-up (set'èr-up), n. One who sets up,
establishes, makes, or appoints. Proud
setter-up and puller down of kings!' Shak.
Setter-wort (set'èr-wèrt), n. A perennial
plant, a species of Helleborus, the H. fætidus
(bear's-foot). Called also Setter-grass.
Setting (set'ing), n. 1. The act of one who
or that which sets.

I have touched the highest point of all my greatness,
And from that full meridian of my glory,
I haste now to my setting.


When I

2. Sporting with a setting-dog. go a-hawking or setting.' Boyle.-3. Something set in or inserted.

And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones. Ex. xxviii. 17.

4. That in which something, as a jewel, is set; as, a diamond in a gold setting.-5. The hardening of plaster or cement. Also, same as Setting-coat.

Setting-coat (set'ing-kōt), n. The best sort of plastering on walls or ceilings; a finishing-coat of fine stuff laid by a trowel over the floating-coat, which is of coarse stuff. Setting-dog (set'ing-dog), n. A setter. Addison.

A long pole, Setting-pole (set'ing-pōl), n. often iron pointed, used for pushing boats, &c., along in shallow water. Setting-rule (set'ing-röl), n. In printing, same as Composing-rule.

Setting-stick (set'ing-stik), n. In printing, a composing-stick.

Settle (set'l), n. [A. Sax. setl, a seat, a stool, a settle; from set, sit. Comp. L. sella, a seat, for sedla, from sedeo, to sit. See SET, SIT.] 1. A seat or bench; something to sit on; a stool. 'An oaken settle in the hall.' Tennyson.

The man, their hearty welcome first exprest,

A common settle drew for either guest. Dryden. 2. A part of a platform lower than another part.

Settle (set'l), v.t. pret. & pp. settled; ppr. settling. [From set; a freq. in form.] 1. To place in a fixed or permanent position; to establish.

And I will multiply upon you man and beast... and I will settle you after your old estates. Ezek. xxxvi. IL. But I will settle him in mine house, and in my kingdom for ever. 1 Chr. xvii. 14.

2. To establish or fix in any way or line of life; to place or fix in an office, business, situation, charge, and the like; as, to settle a young man in a trade or profession; to settle a daughter by marriage; to settle a clergyman in a parish.

The father thought the time drew on Dryden. Of settling in the world his only son.

3. To set or fix, as in purpose or intention. Exalt your passion by directing and settling it upon an object. Boyle.

4. To change from a disturbed or troubled condition to one of quietness, tranquillity, or the like; to quiet; to still; hence, to calm the agitation of: to compose; as, to settle the mind when disturbed or agitated.

God settled then the huge whale-bearing lake. Chapman. 5. To clear of dregs, sediment, or impurities, by causing them to sink; to render pure and clear, as a liquid; also, to cause to subside or sink to the bottom, as dregs, &c.; as, to settle coffee grounds. So working seas settle and purge the wine.' Sir J. Davies.6. To render compact, close, or solid; hence, to bring to a smooth, dry, passable condition; as, the fine weather will settle the roads. Cover ant-hills up, that the rain may settle the turf before the spring. Mortimer.

7. To determine, as something which is exposed to doubt or question; to free from



uncertainty or wavering; to make firm, sure, or constant; to confirm; as, to settle one's doubts; to settle a question of law.

It will settle the wavering, and confirm the doubtful. Swift. 8. To adjust, as something in discussion or controversy; to bring to a conclusion; to arrange; to finish; to close up; as, to settle a dispute by agreement, compromise, or force.-9. To make sure or certain, or to make secure by a formal or legal process or act; as, to settle an annuity on a person; to settle the succession to the throne.--10. To liquidate; to balance; to pay; to adjust; as, to settle an account, claim, or score.-11. To plant with inhabitants; to people; to colonize; as, the French first settled Canada; the Puritans settled New England. • Provinces first settled after the flood.' Mitford. -To settle the main-top-sail halyards (naut.), to ease off a small portion of them so as to lower the yard a little. To settle the land, to cause it to sink or appear lower by receding from it.

Settle (set'l), v.i. 1. To become fixed or permanent; to assume a lasting form or condition; to become stationary, from a temporary or changing state.

And I too dream'd, until at last
Across my fancy, brooding warm,
The reflex of a legend past,

And loosely settled into form. Tennyson. 2. To establish a residence; to take up a permanent habitation or place of abode.

The Spinetæ, descended from the Pelasgi, settled at the mouth of the river Po. Arbuthnot.

3. To be established in a method of life; to quit an irregular and desultory for a methodical life; to enter the married state, or the state of a householder; to be established in an employment or profession; as, to settle in life; to settle in the ministry.

As people marry now and settle,
Fierce love abates his usual mettle.


4. To become quiet or clear; to change from a disturbed or turbid state to the opposite; to become free from dregs, &c., by their sinking to the bottom, as liquids; to become dry and hard, as the ground after rain or frost; as, wine settles when standing; roads settle in the spring.

A government, on such occasions, is always thick before it settles. Addison.

5. To sink or fall gradually; to subside, as dregs from a clarifying liquid; to become lowered, as a building, by the sinking of its foundation or the displacement of the ground beneath; as, coffee grounds settle; the house settles on its foundation.

That country became a gained ground by the mud brought down by the Nilus, which settled by degrees into a firm land. Sir T. Browne.

6. To become calm; to cease from agitation. Then, till the fury of his highness settle, Come not before him. Shak.

7. To adjust differences, claims, or accounts; to come to an agreement; as, he has settled with his creditors.-8. To make a jointure for a wife.

He sighs with most success that settles well. Garth. Settle-bed (set'l-bed), n. A bed constructed so as to form a seat; a half-canopy bed. Settled (setld), p. and a. 1. Fixed; established; stable.

A land of settled government, A land of just and old renown, Where Freedom broadens slowly down From precedent to precedent. Tennyson. 2. Permanently or deeply fixed; deep-rooted; firmly seated, unchanging; steady; decided; as, a settled gloom or melancholy; a settled conviction. 3. Arranged or adjusted by agreement, payment, or otherwise; as, a settled bargain; a settled account.-4. Quiet; orderly methodical; as, he now leads a settled life.-Settled estate, in law, an estate held by some tenant for life, under conditions more or less strict, defined by the deed. Settledness (set'ld-nes), n. The state of being settled; confirmed state. Settledness of disposition.' Bp. Hall. Settlement (set'l-ment), n. 1. The act of settling, or state of being settled; as, specifically, (a) establishment in life; fixture in business, condition, or the like; ordination or installation as pastor.

Every man living has a design in his head upon wealth, power, or settlement in the world.

Sir R. L'Estrange. (b) The act of colonizing or peopling; colonization; as, the settlement of a new country. The settlement of oriental colonies in Greece produced no sensible effect on the character either of the language or the nation. W. Mure.


(c) The act or process of adjusting, determining, or deciding; the removal or reconciliation of differences or doubts; the liqui dation of a claim or account; adjustment; arrangement; as, the settlement of a controversy or dispute; the settlement of a debt or the like. (d) A bestowing or giving possession under legal sanction; the act of granting or conferring anything in a formal and permanent manner.

My flocks, my fields, my woods, my pastures take, With settlement as good as law can inake. Dryden. 2. In law, (a) a deed by which property is settled; the general will or disposition by which a person regulates the disposal of his property, usually through the medium of trustees, and for the benefit of a wife, children, or other relatives; disposition of property at marriage in favour of a wife; jointure.

He blew a settlement along;

And bravely bore his rivals down

With coach and six, and house in town. Swift.

(b) A settled place of abode; residence; a right arising out of residence; legal residence or establishment of a person in a particular parish, town, or locality, which entitles him to maintenance if a pauper, and subjects the parish or town to his support. -3. A new tract of country peopled or settled; a colony, especially a colony in its earlier stages; as, the British settlements in America or Australia; a back settlement.-4. + That which settles or subsides; subsided matter; sediment; dregs; lees; settlings. Fuller's earth left a thick settlement.' Mortimer.— 5. In the United States, a sum of money or other property granted to a clergyman on his ordination, exclusive of his salary.-Act of settlement, in Eng. hist. the act passed in 1702, by which the crown was settled (on the death of Queen Anne) upon Sophia, electress of Hanover, and the heirs of her body (the present royal line), being Pro


Settler (setlèr), n. 1. One who settles; particularly, one who fixes his residence in a new colony.

You saw the beginnings of civilization as it were; and the necessity of mutual helpfulness among the settlers. W. Black.

2. That which settles or decides anything definitely, as a blow that decides a fight. [Colloq.]

Settling (set'ling), n. 1. The act of one who or that which settles.-2. pl. Lees; dregs; sediment.

Settling-back (set'ling-bak), n. A receptacle in which a solution of glue in process of manufacture is kept warm until the impurities have time to settle.

Settling-day (set'ling-da), n. A day set apart for the settling of accounts; specifically, in the stock exchange, the prompt day in the produce market; the half-monthly account-day for shares and stocks. Settlor (set'lor), n. In law, the person who makes a settlement.

Set-to (set'to), n. A sharp contest; a fight at fisty-cuffs; a pugilistic encounter; a boxing match; any similar contest, as with foils. [Colloq.]

Setula (set'u-la), n. pl. Setulæ (set'u-lē). [L. dim. of seta, a bristle.] In bot. a small bristle or hair; also, the stipe of certain fungi.

Setule (set'ül), n. A small, short bristle or hair. Dana

Setulose (set'u-los), a. Bearing or provided

with setules. Dana.

Setwall (set'wal), n. A species of Valeriana (V. pyrenaica). Written also Setywall. Seurement,tn. Security in a legal sense. Chaucer.

Seuretee, n. Surety in a legal sense; security. Chaucer.

Seven (sev'n), a. (A. Sax. seofon, seofan; common to the Indo-European tongues: L. G. seven, D. zeven, O. Sax. Goth. and O.H.G. sibun, G. sieben, Icel. sjau, Dan. syv (these being contracted forms), W. saith, Ir. seacht, Rus. semj, L. septem, Gr. hepta (for septa), Per. haft, Skr. sapta, saptan.] One more than six or less than eight-Seven stars, the Pleiades. See PLEIAD. - Seven wise men, or seven sages of Greece, a name commonly applied to seven philosophers, several of whom were legislators, at an early period of Grecian history. They were Periander of Corinth, Pittacus of Mitylene, Thales of Miletus, Solon, Bias of Priene, Chilo of Sparta, and Cleobulus of Lindus. — Seven wonders of the world. See WONDER.


Seven (sev'n), n. 1. The number greater by one than six; a group of things amounting to this number.

Of every beast and bird, and insect small
Came sevens and pairs.


2. The symbol representing this number, as 7 or vii. Sevenfold (sev'n-föld), a. 1. Repeated seven times; multiplied seven times; increased to seven times the size or amount.

What, if the breath that kindled those grim fires, Awaked, should blow them into sevenfold rage. Milton.

2. Having seven plies or folds; as, the sevenfold shield of Ajax.

Sevenfold (sev'n-föld), adv. Seven times as much or often; in the proportion of seven to one.

Whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. Gen. iv. 15. Sevennight (sev'n-nit), n. The period of seven days and nights; a week, or the time from one day of the week to the next day of the same denomination preceding or following. See SE'NNIGHT.

Shining woods, laid in a dry room, within a sevennight, lost their shining. Bacon.

Seven-shooter (sev'n-shöt-ér), n A revolver with seven chambers or barrels. [Colloq.]

Sevensome (sev'n-sum), a.

Consisting of

seven things or parts; arranged by sevens. N. Brit. Rev. [Rare.]


Sevensomeness (sev'n-sum-nes), n. quality of being sevensome; arrangement or gradation by sevens. N. Brit. Rev. [Rare ]

Seventeen (sev'n-ten), a. One more than sixteen, or less than eighteen; seven and ten added; as, seventeen years. Seventeen (sev'n-ten), n. 1. The number greater by one than sixteen; the sum of ten and seven.-2. A symbol representing this number, as 17 or xvii.

Seventeenth (sev'n-tenth), a. 1. One next in order after the sixteenth; one coming after sixteen of the same class; as, the seventeenth day of the month.-2. Constituting or being one of seventeen equal parts into which a thing may be divided.

Seventeenth (sev'n-tenth), n. 1. The next in order after the sixteenth; the seventh after the tenth.-2. The quotient of a unit divided by seventeen; one of seventeen equal parts of a whole.-3. In music, an interval consisting of two octaves and a third. Seventh (sev'nth), a. 1. Next after the sixth.-2. Constituting or being one of seven equal parts into which a whole may be divided; as, the seventh part.

Seventh (sev'nth), n. 1.One next in order after the sixth.-2. The quotient of a unit divided by seven; one of seven equal parts into which a whole is divided. 3. In music, (a) the interval of five tones and a semitone embracing seven degrees of the diatonic scale, as from C to B, or do to si: called also a major seventh. An interval one semitone greater than this, as from C to B, is an augmented seventh. An interval one semitone less than the major seventh is a minor seventh, and one a semitone less than this again is a diminished seventh. (b) The seventh note of the diatonic scale reckoning upwards; the B or si of the natural scale. Called also the leading note. Seventh-day (sev'nth-da), a. Pertaining or relating to the seventh day of the week or the Sabbath of the Jews.-Seventh-day Baptists, a religious sect holding generally the same doctrinal views as the Baptists, but differing from them in observing the seventh day of the week instead of the first as the Sabbath. Called also Sabbatarians. Seventhly (sev'nth-li), adv. In the seventh place.

Seventieth (sev'n-ti-eth), a. 1. Next in order after the sixty-ninth; as, the seventieth year of his age.-2. Constituting or being one of seventy parts into which a whole may be divided.

Seventieth (sev'n-ti-eth), n. 1. One next in order after the sixty-ninth; the tenth after the sixtieth.-2. The quotient of a unit divided by seventy; one of seventy equal parts.

Seventy (sev'n-ti), a. [A. Sax. seofontig-seofon, seven, and tig, ten; but the AngloSaxon writers often prefixed hund, as hundseofontig] Seven times ten. Seventy (sev'n-ti), n. 1. The number which is made up of seven times ten.-2. A symbol representing this number, as 70 or 1xx. -The Seventy, a name given to the body of

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