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about 98. 4d sterling. Usually written Sequin (which see).

Zechstein (zek'stin or tsech'stin), n. [G., from zeche, a mine, and stein, stone.] In geol. a German limestone, the equivalent of the English Permian or magnesian limestone. It lies immediately under the red sandstone and above the marl slate of the magnesian limestone formation.

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Zed (zed). The name of the letter Z. Zed, thou unnecessary letter.' Shak. Provincially called also Izzard.

Zedoary (zed'ô-a-ri), n. [Fr. zédoaire, Sp. and Pg. zedoaria, Ar. and Pers. zedwar, jedwar, zedoary.] The name given to the root-stocks of certain plants of the genus Curcuma. They are aromatic, bitter, pungent, and tonic, and are used for similar purposes as ginger. Round zedoary is the produce of C. Zedoaria, and long zedoary of C. Zerumbet, natives of India and China. Zee-koe (za'kö), n. [D., lit. sea (or lake) cow.] The name given by the Dutch colonists of South Africa to the hippopotamus. Zein, Zeine (zé ́in, zē ́in), n. [From zea (which see).] The gluten of maize, a substance of a yellowish colour, soft, insipid, and elastic, procured from the seeds of Zea Mays or Indian corn. It is said to differ essentially from the gluten of wheat. Zel (zel), n. An Eastern instrument of music of the cymbal kind.


Where, some hours since, was heard the swell Of trumpet and the clash of zel, Bidding the bright-eyed sun farewell. Zelousie † (zel'us-i), n. Jealousy. 'The zelousie and the eagre feersenes of Olimpias.' J. Udall.

Zemindar (zem-in-där), n. [Per. zemindar, a landholder-zemin, land, and dár, holding, a holder.] In India, one of a class of officials created under the Mogul government of India. They have been regarded, first, as district governors, second, as landed proprietors, and third, as farmers or collectors of the government revenue on land. Their functions appear to have been to a great extent arbitrary and variable, but founded on and arising out of the last-named office. At the present day, in Bengal, the zemindar has all the rights of a British landed proprietor, subject to the payment of the landtax, and also to a certain ill-defined tenantright on the part of tenants who have long held possession of their farms. Spelled also Zamindar.

Zemindary, Zemindaree (zem'in-da-ri, zem'in-da-re), n. The office or jurisdiction of a zemindar; the land possessed by a zemindar.

Zenana (ze-nä'na), n. [Per. zenanah, belonging to women, from zen, woman. ] The name given to the portion of a house reserved exclusively for the females belonging to a family of good caste in India. Zend (zend), n. [From Zend in Zend-Avesta (which see)] 1. An ancient Iranian language, in which are composed the sacred writings of the Zoroastrians. It is a member of the Aryan family of languages, and very closely allied to Sanskrit, especially the Sanskrit of the Vedas, by means of which, and by the help of comparative philology, it has been deciphered. Called also Avestan, 2. A contracted name for the Zend-Avesta or sacred writings of Zoroaster. Zend-Avesta (zend-a-ves'ta), n. [This name seems to mean 'commentary-text,' or authorized text and commentary. The first portion of the name is now usually applied to the language in which the early portion of the work is written.] The collective name for the sacred writings of the Guebers or Parsees, ascribed to Zoroaster, and reverenced as a bible or sole rule of faith and practice. It consists of several divisions, of which the oldest is written in the primitive Zend language. It is often called the Avesta.

Zendik (zen'dik), n. [Ar., an infidel, an atheist. ] This name is given in the East not only to disbelievers in revealed religion, but also to such as are accused of magical heresy.

Zenik (ze'nik), n. An African quadruped, the suricate or four-toed weasel. SURICATE.


Zenith (ze'nith), n. [Fr. zenith, from Sp. zenit, zenith, a corruption of Ar samt, semt, abbreviated for samt-ur-ras, semt-er-ras, way of the head, zenith, samt being a way. Akin azimuth.] 1. The vertical point of the heavens at any place, or point right above a spectator's head; the upper pole of the ce

[blocks in formation]

the spectator's place being considered as the centre of the celestial sphere.-2. The highest point of a person's fortune, or the highest or culminating point of any subject referred to. By my prescience


I find my zenith doth depend upon A most auspicious star. -Zenith distance. The zenith distance of a heavenly body is the arc intercepted between the body and the zenith, being the same as the co-altitude of the body.-Zenith sector, an astronomical instrument for measuring with great accuracy the zenith distances of stars which pass near the zenith. It is also used in trigonometrical surveys for determining the difference of latitude of two stations by observing the difference of the zenith distances of the same star at the two stations as it passes the meridian. It consists essentially, as its name implies, of a portion of a divided circle. See SECTOR.-Zenith telescope, a geodetical instrument, having adjustments in altitude and azimuth, a graduated vertical semicircle, a level, and a micrometer: used for measuring the difference of the zenith distances of two stars as a means of determining the latitude, the stars being such as pass the meridian about the same time, but on opposite sides of the zenith. Zenithal (ze'nith-al), a. Of or pertaining to the zenith. 'The deep zenithal blue." Tyndall.

Zeolite (ze'ō-lit), n. [Gr. zeō, to boil, to foam, and lithos, stone: so named originally by Cronstedt from their boiling and swelling when heated by the blow-pipe.] A generic name of hydrated double silicates in which the principal bases are aluminium and calcium. Zeolites frequently contain iron, magnesium, and alkalies. Zeolites intumesce before the blow-pipe. They are decomposed by acids, yielding silica. Among them are analcime, apophyllite, harmotome, stilbite, &c. Zeolitic (ze-o-litik), a. Pertaining to zeolite; consisting of zeolite or resembling it. Zeolitiform (zé-ō-lit′i-form), a. Having the form of zeolite.

Zephaniah (zef-a-ni′a), n. The name of one of the books of the Bible, the work of one of the minor prophets. The author lived in the reign of Josiah, in the seventh century B.C. The subjects of his prophecy are the temporary desolation of Judea, the destruction of the Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites, Assyrians, &c., and the promise that God will leave a righteous remnant in Israel. Zephyr, Zephyrus (zefér, zef'i-rus), n. [L. zephyrus, from Gr. zephyros, allied to zophos, darkness, gloom, the west.] The west wind; and poetically, any soft, mild, gentle breeze. The poets personify Zephyrus, and make him the most mild and gentle of all the sylvan deities.

As gentle As zephyrs blowing below the violet, Not wagging his sweet head. Shak. Mild as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes. Milton. Zerda (zér'da), n. [African.] A beautiful little animal of the genus Megalotis,family Canidæ, principally found in northern Africa; the fennec. See MEGALOTIS.

Zero (ze'rō), n. [Fr. zéro, It. and Sp. zero, from Ar. sifr, a cipher, by contracting such forms as zefro, zifro; really therefore the same word as cipher.] 1. No number or quantity; number or quantity diminished to nothing; a cipher; nothing.

As to number they (the teeth of fishes) range from zero to countless quantities.

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2. In physics, any convenient point with reference to which quantitatively estimable phenomena of the same kind are compared; the point of a graduated instrument at which its scale commences; the neutral point between any ascending and descending scale or series, generally represented by the mark 0. In thermometers the zero of the Centigrade and Réaumur scales is the freezingpoint of water; in Fahrenheit's scale, 32° below the freezing-point of water. The zero of Wedgwood's pyrometer corresponds with 1077° Fahr.-Absolute zero, 273° C., at which temperature any given body is supposed to contain no heat. In elect. an object is said to be at zero potential when it is in contact with and is at the same potential as the earth.-Zero point, the point indicating the commencement of any scale or reckoning. Zest (zest), n. [Fr. zeste, a kind of partition in a walnut, the peel of an orange or lemon; from L schistus, Gr. schistos, split, divided, from schizo, to split or divide (whence also schism).] 1. A piece of orange or lemon peel, used to give flavour to liquor, or the fine thin oil that spurts out of it when squeezed; also, the woody thick skin quartering the kernel of a walnut. 2. Something that gives a pleasant taste; that which serves to enhance enjoyment; hence, a pleasant taste; that quality which makes a thing enjoyable; relish.

Liberality of disposition and conduct gives the highest test and relish to social intercourse. Cogan. 3. Relish or keenness of pleasure experienced; keen enjoyment; gusto.

They joined and partook of the rude fare with the zest of fatigue and youth. Lord Lytton.

Zest (zest), v.t. 1. To add a zest or relish to. My Lord, when my wine's right I never care it should be zested. Cibber.

2. To cut, as the peel of an orange or lemon from top to bottom into thin slips, or to squeeze, as peel over the surface of anything.

Zeta (zē'ta), n. [L. zeta, for diata, a chamber, a dwelling, from Gr. diaita, a way of living, mode of life, dwelling.] A little closet or chamber. Applied by some writers to the room over the porch of a Christian church where the sexton or porter resided and kept the church documents. Britton. Zetetic (ze-tet'ik), a. [Gr. zětětikos, from zeteō, to seek.] Proceeding by inquiry; seeking. The zetetic method, in math the method used in endeavouring to discover the value of unknown quantities or to find the solution of a problem. [Rare.]

Zetetic (zē-tet'ik), n. A seeker; a name adopted by some of the Pyrrhonists. Zetetics (ze-tet'iks), n. A name given to that part of algebra which consists in the direct search after unknown quantities. [Rare.]

Zeticula (ze-tik'ū-la), n. [A dim. of zeta (which see).] A small withdrawing-room. Zeuglodon (zü'glo-don), n. [Gr. zeugle, the strap or loop of a yoke, and odous, odontos, a tooth, lit. yoke-tooth: so called from the peculiar form of its molar teeth.] An extinct genus of marine mammals, regarded by Huxley as intermediate between the true cetaceans and the carnivorous seals. The species had an elongated snout, conical incisors, and molar teeth with triangular serrated crowns, implanted in the jaws by two roots, each molar appearing to be formed of two separate teeth united at the crown (whence the generic name). They belong to the eocene and miocene, the best known species being Z. cetoides of the middle eocene of the United States, which attained a length of 70 feet. The first found remains were believed to be those of a reptile, and the name Basilosaurus was therefore given to them. Zeuglodontidæ (zü-glo-don'ti-dē), An extinct family of cetaceans, of which Zeuglodon is the type.

Zeugma (zug'ma), n. [Gr. zeugma, from zeugnymi, to join. See YOKE] A figure in grammar in which two nouns are joined to a verb suitable to only one of them, but suggesting another verb suitable to the other noun; or in which an adjective is similarly used with two nouns. Zeugmatic (zug-mat'ík), a. Of or pertaining to the figure of speech zeugma. Zeus (züs), n. 1. In myth. the supreme divinity among the Greeks; the ruler of the other gods: generally treated as the equivalent of the Roman Jupiter. See JUPITER. —2. A genus of acanthopterygious fishes, re


markable for their roundish or oval compressed form. To this genus belongs the species called doree, dory, and John Dory (Z. Faber). See DOREE.

Zeuxite (züks'ît), n. A zeolitic mineral found in Cornwall.

Zibet, Zibeth (zib'et), n. [See CIVET.] A digitigrade carnivorous mammal belonging to the genus Viverra, the F. zibetha, and bearing a close resemblance to the civetcat. It is found on the Asiatic coast, and in some of the larger islands of the Indian Archipelago. It secretes an odoriferous substance which resembles that of the civet, and is perhaps equally prized. It is often tamed by the natives of the countries where it is found, and it inhabits the houses like a domestic cat.

Zibethum (zi-bē'tum), n. A name given to the unctuous odoriferous substance secreted by the zibet.

Ziega (zē'ga), n. Curd produced from milk by adding acetic acid, after rennet has ceased to cause coagulation. Brande & Cox. Zif (zif), n. The second month of the Jewish sacred year, and the eighth of the civil, answering to part of our April and May. 1 Ki. vi. 1.

Ziffust (zif'i-us), n. Probably for Xiphias, the sword-fish. Huge ziffius whom mariners eschew. Spenser.

Zigzag (zigzag), n. [Fr. zig-zag, from G. zick-zack, perhaps reduplicated from zacke, a tooth or sharp prong or point, a dentil.] 1. Something that has short sharp turns or angles, as a line. Cracks and zigzags of the head.' Pope -2. In fort. a trench of approach against a fortress, so constructed that the line of trench may not be enfiladed by the defenders. 3 In arch. a zigzag moulding; a chevron or dancette. Zigzag (zigʻzag), a. Having sharp and quick turns or flexures. By zig-zag paths, and juts of pointed rock.' Tennyson. - Zigzag inoulding, in arch. see CHEVRON, DANCETTE Zigzag (zigʻzag), v.t. To form with short turns or angles. T. Warton.

Zigzag (zigʻzag), v.i. To move or advance in a zigzag fashion; to form zigzags; as, the path zigzags.

Zigzaggery (zig-zag'ér-i), n. The quality of being zigzag; crookedness. The zigzaggery of my father's approaches.' Sterne. [Rare.] Zigzaggy (zigzag-i), a. Having sharp and quick turns; zigzag. The zigzaggy pattern by Saxons invented. R. H. Barham. Zillah (zil'la), n. In Hindustan, a local division of a country; a shire or county. Zimb (zim), n. [Ar. zimb, a fly.] A dipterous insect of Abyssinia, resembling the tsetse of the more southern parts of Africa, to whose

Zimb, from Bruce's Travels.

family it probably belongs, in being very destructive to cattle. It is somewhat larger than a bee, and thicker in proportion. Ziment-water (zim'ent-wa-tér), n. [G. cementwasser, lit. cement or cementation water; comp. cementkupfer, copper deposited in water.] A name given to water found in copper mines; water impregnated with copper.

Zimome (zi'mom). See ZYмOME.

Zinc (zingk), n. [Fr. zine, G. Sw. and Dan. zink; allied to G. zinn, tin.] Sym. Zn. At. wt. 65. A metal frequently called spelter in commerce. It has a strong metallic lustre and a bluish-white colour. Its texture is lamellated and crystalline, and its specific gravity about 7. It is a hard metal, being acted on by the file with difficulty, and its toughness is such as to require considerable force to break it when the mass is large. At low or high degrees of heat it is brittle, but between 250° and 300' F. it is both malleable and ductile, and may be rolled or hammered into sheets of considerable thinness and drawn into wire. Its malleability is considerably diminished by the impurities which the zinc of commerce contains. It fuses at 773° F., and when slowly cooled crystallizes in four- or six-sided prisms. Zinc undergoes little change by the action of air and moisture. When fused in open vessels it absorbs oxygen and forms the


white oxide called flowers of zine. Heated strongly in air it takes fire and burns with a beautiful white light, forming oxide of zinc. Zinc is found in considerable abundance. It does not occur in the native state, but is obtained from its ores, which are chiefly the sulphide, or zinc-blende, and the carbonate or calamine. The oxide of zinc (ZnO) is a fine white powder insoluble in water, but very soluble in acids, which it neutralizes, being a very powerful base, of the same class as magnesia. It combines also with some of the alkalies. Zinc forms a series of compounds with organic radicles, such as zinc methyl, Zn(CH3), and zinc ethyl, Zn(CH). Several of the salts of zinc are employed in medicine, as the sulphate or white vitriol (ZnSO4), the chloride or butter of zinc (ZnCl2), the acetate and the cyanide. Sheet-zine is largely employed for lining water cisterns, baths, &c., for making spouts, pipes, for covering roofs, and several other architectural purposes. Plates of this metal are used as generators of electricity in voltaic batteries, &c.; they are also employed in the production of pictures, &c., in the style of woodcuts. (See ZINCOGRAPHY.) Zinc is much employed in the manufacture of brass and other alloys, and in preparing galvanized iron. See GALVANIZED. Zinc (zingk). v.t. To coat or cover with zinc. See GALVANIZED.

Zinc-amyl (zingk'am-il), n. A colourless, transparent liquid, coniposed of zinc and amyl. When exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen rapidly, emitting fumes, but does not take fire spontaneously. Zinc-blende (zingk'blend), n. Native sulphide of zinc, a brittle transparent or translucent mineral, consisting essentially of sulphur and zine, but often containing a considerable proportion of iron. It occurs crystallized, massive, or in other forms, and of various colours, but usually yellowish, red, brown, or black. Called also simply


Zinc-bloom (zingk'blöm), n. A mineral substance of the same composition as calamine.

Zinc-ethyl (zingk'ē-thil), n. (Zn(CH).) A colourless volatile liquid composed of zinc and the radicle ethyl. It has powerful affinities for oxygen, igniting spontaneously on exposure to air. It is formed by heating zine with iodide of ethyl under pressure. Brande & Cox.

Zinciferous (zing-kif'èr-us), a. [Zinc, and L. fero, to bear.] Producing zinc; as, zinciferous ore.

Zincite (zingk'it), n. In mineral. a native ferriferous oxide of zinc, found at Franklin and Stirling-Hill in New Jersey. It is brittle, translucent, of a deep red colour, sometimes inclining to yellowish. It owes its colour to the presence of a small quantity of oxide of manganese.

Zincky (zingk'i), a. Pertaining to zine; containing zine; having the appearance of zinc. Written also Zinky.

The zincky ores are said to be grayer than other Kirwan.


Zinc-methyl (zingk'meth-il), n. (Zn(CH3)2.) A volatile liquid of very fetid smell and with poisonous vapours. It takes fire spontaneously on exposure to the atmosphere. Called also Zinc-methide.

Zincode (zingk'ōd), n. [Zine, and Gr. hodos, a way. The positive pole of a galvanic battery.

Zincographer (zing-kogʻra-fér), n. One who practises zincography.

Zincographic, Zincographical (zing-kōgrafik, zing-kō-graf'ik-al), a. Relating to zincography.

Zincography (zing-kog'ra-fi), n. [Zinc, and Gr. graphō, to write.] An art in its essential features similar to lithography, the stone printing-surface of the latter being replaced by that of a plate of polished zinc. A form of this art called anastatic printing is described under ANASTATIC. Zincoid (zingk'oid), a. [Zinc, and Gr. eidos, likeness.] Resembling zinc; pertaining to zine; a term applied to the zincous plate which is in connection with a copper plate in a voltaic circle, and denoting the positive pole or zincode; the chlorous plate which is in connection with a zinc plate being termed the chloroid plate, or negative pole.

Zincolysis (zing-kol'i-sis), n. [Zine, and Gr. lyo, to decompose.] A term in electro-chem. equivalent to Electrolysis, denoting a mode of decomposition occasioned by the induc


tive action of the affinities of zinc, or the positive metal.

Zincolyte (zingk'ol-it), n. [See above.] A term equivalent to Electrolyte, denoting a body decomposable by electricity, the decomposition being occasioned by the action of zinc, or the positive metal. Zinco-polar (zingk'ó-pōl-ér), a. In gale. a term applied to the surface of the zinc, in a battery, presented to the acid. Hoblyn. Zincous (zingk'us), a. Pertaining to zinc, or to the positive pole of a voltaic battery. -Zincous element, the basic or primary element of a binary compound-Zincous pole, that pole of a particle of zinc, or of hydrochloric acid, which has the attraction or affinity which is characteristic of zinc, or the zincous attraction. Zinc-vitriol (zingk'vit-ri-ol), n In chem. sulphate of zine; white vitriol (ZnSO4). Zinc-white (zingk'whit), n. Oxide of zinc,

a pigment now largely substituted for whitelead as being more permanent and not poisonous.

Same as Zinc. Wal

Zingel (tsing'el), n. [G.] A teleostean fish of the genus Aspro, closely allied to the perch family. The body is very elongated in form, reaching in one of the species (A. zingel of the Danube and its tributaries) a length of 12 to 15 inches. The mouth is situated under a rounded and projecting snout, the scales are remarkably rough, the dorsal fins are widely separated, and the ventral fins are large. The only other species (A. vulgaris), abundantly found in the Rhine, the Rhone, and their tributaries, is a much smaller fish. Both are considered very palatable. Zinghot (zing'go), n. pole. Zingian (zin'ji-an), a. In philol. a name sometimes given to the South African family of tongues: called also Bantu and Chuana. One peculiarity of this family, especially of the Kafir branch, is the use of clucks or clicks in speaking. See CLUCK. Zingiberaceous (zin'ji-bér-à"shus), a. Of or pertaining to ginger, or to the Zingiberaceœ. Written also Zinziberaceous. Zinkenite (zingk'en-it), n. [After a German director of mines of the name of Zinken.] A steel-gray ore of antimony and lead. Zinky (zink'i), a. See ZINCKY. Zinziber, Zingiber (zinʼzi-bér, zin’ji-bèr), a. [L. zingiber, zinziber, ginger. A genus of plants, nat. order Zinziberaceae. The species are natives of hot climates, and are widely cultivated in both the East and West Indies, as well as in China and Africa. The most important is Z. officinalis, the rhizome of which is the well-known ginger of the shops.


Zinziberaces, Zingiberacea (zinʼzi-bèra"se-ē, zin'ji-bér-a”sé-é), n. pl. A nat, order of plants, of which the genus Zinziber is the type. The species are all tropical plants or nearly so, the greater number inhabiting various parts of the East Indies. They are generally objects of great beauty, on account of the development of their floral envelopes and the rich colours of their bracts; but they are chiefly valued for the sake of the aromatic and stimulating properties of the rhizome or root, such as are found in ginger, galangal, zedoary, cardamoms, &c. Zinziberaceous (zin'zi-bèr-á"shus), a. Same as Zingiberaceous.

Zion (zi'on), n. 1. A mount or eminence in Jerusalem, the royal residence of David and his successors. Hence-2. The theocracy or church of God.

[blocks in formation]

Zircon (zer'kon), n. [Cingalese] (ZrSo0,) A mineral originally found in Ceylon, in the sands of rivers, along with spinel, sapphire, tourmalin, and iron sand. Zircon, hyacinth, and zirconite are regarded as varieties of the same species. They are essentially silicates of zirconium, generally containing minute portions of iron. The primitive form of the crystals is an octahedron, composed of two four-sided prisms. The common form is a rectangular four-sided prism. Called sometimes Jargon. Zirconia (zèr-kō'ni-a), n. (Zr0,) An oxide of the metal zirconium, discovered by Klap roth in the year 1789 in the zircon of Ceylon, and subsequently in the hyacinth of Expaily in France. It resembles alumina in appearIt is so hard as to scratch glass



When pure it is a white powder. It forms salts with acids.-Zirconia light, an intensely brilliant light, differing from the oxyhydrogen or lime light only in that it is produced from zircon cones acted on by oxygen and a highly carburetted gas, in place of the less durable lime balls of the other process. Zirconic (zer-kon'ik), a. Of, pertaining to, or containing zirconium.

Zirconite (zer'kon-it), n. A variety of the zircon.

Zirconium (zer-ko'ni-um), n. Sym. Zr. At. wt. 896. The metal contained in zirconia. Berzelius first obtained zirconium in 1824; but Davy had previously rendered its existence quite probable. It is commonly obtained in the form of a black powder, but it is also known in the crystalline state, forming blackish-gray highly lustrous laminæ, having a specific gravity of 4:15. Zirconium forms a chloride ZrCl4, and an oxide ZrO, commonly known as zirconia. It exists in a few rare minerals, notably in zircon or hyacinth, which is a silicate of zirconium. It appears to form a link between aluminium and silicon.

Zither, Zithern (tsit'er, tsit'ern), n. [G., from L. cithara. See CITHARA.] A stringed musical instrument consisting of a sounding-box pierced with a large circular soundhole near the middle, the strings, to the number of thirty-one in the more perfect forms of the instrument, being made of steel, brass, catgut, and silk covered with fine silver or copper wire, and tuned by pegs at one end. Five of the strings are stretched over a fretted keyboard, and are

Elsgie Zither.

used for playing the melody, the fingers of the left hand stopping the strings on the frets, the right-hand thumb armed with a metal ring, striking the strings. These strings, which are tuned in fifths, have a chromatic range from C in the second space of the bass staff to D on the sixth ledgerline above the treble. All the remaining strings, called the accompanying strings, are struck by the first three fingers of the right hand, and being unstopped produce only the single tone to which they are tuned. The instrument while being played rests on a table with the keyboard side nearest the performer. Tyrol seems to be the native country of this instrument.

Zizania (zi-za'ni-a), n. [Gr. zizanion, darnel.] A genus of grasses, the best-known species of which is Z. aquatica, the Canadian wild rice. It is common in all the waters of North America from Canada to Florida, where it is known also by the name of Tuscarora. The seeds afford a nutritious article of diet to the wandering tribes of North-west America. It was introduced into this country in 1793 by Sir Joseph Banks.

Zizel (zi'zel), n. Same as Suslik. Zizyphus (zi'zi-fus), n. [From zizouf, the Arabic name of the lotus.] A genus of plants, nat. order Rhamnaceae. The species are shrubs with alternate leaves, spiny stipules, and mucilaginous fruit, which is edible. Z. vulgaris, or common jujube, is a native of Syria, and is now cultivated in many parts of Europe. In Spain and Italy the fruit is eaten as a dessert, and in the winter season as a dry sweetmeat. Z. Lotus is a native of southern Europe and northern Africa. (See LOTUS.) There are numerous other species.

Zoadulæ (zo-ad'u-lē), n. pl. In bot. the locomotive spores of some Confervæ. Zoantharia (zo-an-tha'ri-a), n. pl. [Gr. zoon, a living animal, and anthos, a flower.] The helianthoid polyps or animal flowers,' constituting the first order of the class Actinozoa, characterized by the disposition of their soft parts in multiples of five or six, and by the possession of simple, usually numerous tentacles. They have their name


from their resemblance to flowers, are more or less elongated, and very contractile. They are divided into three sub-ordersZoantharia Malacodermata, in which the corallum is absent or very rudimentary, Z. Sclerobasica, in which it is sclerobasic, and Z. Sclerodermata, in which it is sclerodermic. (See SCLEROBASIC, SCLERODERMIC.) Eminent zoologists have questioned the validity of the distinction between sclerobasic and sclerodermic corals. Zoanthidae (zo-an'thi-de), n. pl. A family of polyps of the order Zoantharia, and suborder Z. Malacodermata. These polyps form colonies united by a fleshy or coriaceous cœnosarc in the shape of a crust or of creeping roots, and they have no power of locomotion. The cœnosare is sometimes found strengthened by imbedded spicules, adventitious grains of sand, and other foreign substances.

Zoanthropy (zo-an'thro-pi), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and anthropos, man.] In pathol. a species of monomaniacal delusion, in which the patient believes himself to be transformed into a beast.

Zobo (zō'bo), n. A hybrid between the common Hindu ox and the yak, and in appearance not unlike the English ox. It is reared in the western parts of the Himalaya, where it is employed as a beast of burden, and its flesh and milk form important articles of food.


Zocco (zok'kō), n. A zocle or socle. Zocle, Zoccolo (zo'kl, zok'ko-lō), n. zoccolo; from L. soccus, a sock.] A square body under the base of a pedestal, &c., serving for the support of a bust, statue, or column. Written also Zocco, Socle. See SOCLE.

Zodiac (zō'di-ak), n. [Fr. zodiaque, L. zodiacus, the zodiac, from Gr. zodiakos (kyklos, circle, understood), from zodion, dim. of zoon, an animal.] 1. An imaginary belt or zone in the heavens, extending about 8° on each side of the ecliptic. It is divided into twelve equal parts called signs. (See SIGN.) It was marked out by the ancients as distinct from the rest of the heavens because the apparent places of the sun, moon, and the planets known to them were always within it. This, however, is not true of all the newly discovered planets.-2. A girdle; a belt; a zone. [Rare and poetical.] By his side


As in a glistering zodiac, hung his sword. Zodiacal (zo-di'ak-al), a. Pertaining to the zodiac; as, zodiacal signs; zodiacal planets. -Zodiacal light, a luminous tract of an elongated triangular figure, lying nearly in the ecliptic, its base being on the horizon, and its apex at varying altitudes, seen at certain seasons of the year either in the west after sunset or in the east before sunrise. It appears with greatest brilliance within the tropics, where it sometimes rivals the Milky Way. Its nature is unknown, the most plausible hypothesis, supported by many of our most eminent modern astronomers, being that it is the glow from a cloud of meteors revolving round the sun. Zoea (zō'ē-a), n. The name given by Bosc to the larvae of decapod crustaceans, under the impression that they were adults constituting a distinct genus. The mistake was due to the fact that the young decapod leaves the egg in a form very different from that of the full-grown animal, this stage of the animal's existence being now known as the zoea-stage.

Zoetrope (zo'ē-trop), n. [Gr. zōë, life, and trope, a turning, from trepo, to turn.] A toy for children, consisting of an optical instrument, which exhibits pictures as if alive and in action, depending like the thaumatrope on the persistence of vision. It consists of a cylinder, open at the top, with a series of slits in its circumference, through which a person applying his eye to them can see the interior. A series of pictures representing the different attitudes successively assumed by an object in performing any act from its beginning to its close, as by a horseman in leaping a gate, an acrobat performing a somersault, and the like, is arranged along the interior circumference. The instrument is then set in rapid motion, and the person looking through sees the horseman, &c., as if endowed with life and activity, performing the act proper to his character.

Zohar (zō'här), n. [Heb.] A Jewish book of cabalistic commentaries on Scripture, and highly esteemed by the rabbis.


Zoilean (zō-i-le'an), a. [See ZOILISM.] Relating to Zoilus, a severe critic; hence, a term applied to bitter, severe, or malignant criticism or critics.

Zoilism (zo'il-izm), n. [After Zoilus, a sophist and grammarian of Amphipolis, who criticised Homer, Plato, and Isocrates with exceeding severity.] Illiberal or carping criticism; unjust censure.

Bring candid eyes unto the perusal of men's works, and let not zoilism or detraction blast any well-intended labours. Sir T. Browne.

Zoisite (zois'it), n. [From Van Zois, its discoverer.] A mineral regarded as a variety of epidote. It occurs in deeply striated rhomboidal prisms, much compressed and rounded; its colours gray, yellowish or bluish gray, brown, grayish yellow, or reddish white.

Zollverein (tsol'vèr-in), n. [G. zoll, toll, custom, duty, and verein, union or association.] The German commercial or customs union, founded about the year 1818, and afterwards greatly extended through the example and efforts of the government of Prussia. Its principal object was the establishment of a uniform rate of customs duties throughout the various states joining the union. The territories of the Zollverein now coincide with those of the new German Empire (with the notable exceptions of Hamburg and Bremen), and include Luxemburg.

Zomboruk (zom'bo-ruk), n. Same as Zumbooruk.

A section of some eighteen or twenty camels with zomboruks, or swivel guns, mounted on their backs, and an artilleryman or two to each. W. H. Russell.

Zonal (zo'nal), a. Having the character of a zone, belt, or stripe. Zonar (zo'nar), n. [Gr. zonarion, dim. of zone, a girdle.] A belt or girdle which native Christians and Jews in the East were obliged to wear to distinguish them from the Mohammedans.

Zonate (zōn'ät), a. In bot. marked with zones or concentric bands of colour. Zone (zon), n. [L. zona, a belt or girdle, a zone of the earth, from Gr. zone, a girdle, from zōnnymi, to gird.] 1. A girdle or belt. An embroider'd gone surrounds her waist. Dryden. Hence-2. Any well-marked band or stripe running round an object.-3. Circuit; circumference. Milton.-4. In geog. one of the five great divisions of the earth, bounded by circles parallel to the equator, and named according to the temperature prevailing in each. The zones are: the torrid zone, extending from tropic to tropic, or 234° north and 23 south of the equator; two temperate zones, situated between the tropics and polar circles, or extending from the parallel of 231 to that of 664 north and south, and therefore called the north temperate and the south temperate zone respectively; and

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two frigid zones, situated between the polar circles and the north and south poles.5. In nat. hist. any well-defined belt within which certain forms of plant or animal life are confined; as the different belts of vegetation which occur in mountains and the like; specifically, one of the five belts or regions into which naturalists divided the sea-bottom in accordance with the depth of water covering each, this being supposed to determine its fauna and flora. They were called respectively littoral, circumlittoral, median, inframedian, and abyssal. Subsequent researches, notably those of the Challenger, have demonstrated that the assumed facts were to a great extent erroneous, organisms supposed to be confined to the littoral zone having been found at the greatest


depths.-6. In math. a part of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes. Ciliary zone, in anat. the black Impression of the ciliary processes on the vitreous humour of the eye.

Zoned (zond), a. 1. Wearing a zone. -2. Having zones or bands resembling zones. Zoneless (zōn'les), a. Destitute of a zone or girdle; ungirded. That reeling goddess with the zoneless waist.' Cowper. Zonict (zön'ik), n. A girdle; a zone.

I know that the place where I was bred stands upon a zonic of coal. Smollett.

Zonnar (zon'ar), n. Same as Zonar. Zonular (zon'û-lér), a. Of or relating to a zone; zone-shaped. The zonular type of a placenta.' Dana.

Zonule (zün'ül), n. A little zone, band, or belt.

Zonulet (zōn'û-let), n. A little zone; a zonule. That riband 'bout my Julia's waist... that zonulet of love.' Herrick.

Zoo-. (Gr. zoon, a living creature.] A common prefix in Greek compounds signifying animal; as, zoology, a description of animals; zoophyte, an animal plant.

Zoocarp (zo'o-karp). [Gr. zoon, an animal, and karpos, fruit.] See ZooSPORE. Zoochemical (zo-o-kem'i-kal), a. Of or pertaining to zoochemy or animal chemistry. Dunglison.

Zoochemy (zo-ok'e-mi), n. Animal chemistry. Dunglison.

Zoogen, Zoogene (zō'o-jen, zo'o-jen), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and gennao, to produce. ] A glairy organic substance found on the surface of the thermal waters of Baden and elsewhere.

Zoogenic (zo-o-jen'ik), a. Of or pertaining to animal production.

Zoogony, Zoogeny (zo-og'o-ni, zō-oj'e-ni), n. [Gr. zoon, and the gon-, gen- of gone, genesis, generation.] The doctrine of the formation of the organs of living beings. Zoographer (zo-og'ra-fér), n. One who practises zoography or describes animals, their forms and habits.

Zoographic, Zoographical (zō-o-graf'ik, zo-o-graf'ik-al), a. Pertaining to zoography or the description of animals. Zoographist (zo-og'ra-fist), n. One who describes or depicts animals; a zoologist. Zoography (zó-og'ra-fi), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and grapho, to describe.] A description of animals, their forms and habits. Zooid (zo'oid), a. [Gr. zoon, a living being, an animal, and eidos, likeness.] Resembling or pertaining to an animal.

Zooid (zo'oid), n. [See the adjective.] In biol. (a) an organic body or cell, sometimes free and locomotive, as a spermatozoon, which resembles, but is not, an animal or plant. (b) One of the more or less completely independent organisms well seen in zoophyte, tapeworms, &c., produced by gemmation or fission, whether these remain attached to one another or are detached and set free. The term has also been applied to the animals produced in the phenomena of alternate generation intermediately between the type from which the series began and the original type. Zoolatry (zo-ol'a-tri), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and latreia, worship.] The worship of animals, as in the religion of the ancient Egyptians.

Zoolite (zo'ol-it), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and lithos, stone. ] An animal substance petrified or fossil.

Zoologert (zó-ol'o-jêr), n. A zoologist. Zoological (zo-o-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to zoology or the science of animals. Zoological garden, a public garden in which a collection of animals is kept. Zoologically (zo-o-loj'ik-al-li), adv. In a zoological manner; according to the principles of zoology.

Zoologist (zo-olo-jist), n. One who studies or is well versed in zoology or the natural history of animals. Zoology (zo-olo-ji), n. [From Gr. zoon, an animal, and logos, discourse.] That science which treats of the natural history of animals, or their structure, physiology, classification, habits, and distribution. The term 'natural history' has been frequently used as synonymous with zoology, but such a term is obviously of wider significance, and should be used to indicate the whole group of the natural sciences. Zoology is a branch of biological science, constituting, in fact, with its neighbour branch botany, the science of biology. Its study comprehends such branches as the morphology of ani


mals, or the science of form or structure, which again includes comparative anatomy, by which we investigate external and internal appearances, the positions and relations of organs and parts; the development of animals, which treats of the various stages leading from the embryonic to the mature state; the physiology of animals, which includes the study of the functions of nutrition, reproduction, and of the nervous system; classification or taxonomy, which assigns to the various individuals their proper place in the scale of life. A new department has been added in recent times, sometimes called etiology, which investigates the origin and descent of animals, or treats of the evolutionary aspects of zoological science. Various systems of classification have been framed by zoologists. Linnæus divided the animal kingdom into six classes, viz. Mammalia, Birds, Fishes, Amphibia, Insects, and Worms (Vermes). Cuvier proposed a more scientific arrangement. He divided the animal kingdom into four sub-kingdoms, viz. Vertebrata, Mollusca, Articulata, and Radiata. Recent classiflcations are more strictly based on morphological characters. Professor Huxley recognizes the following sub-kingdoms: Vertebrata, Mollusca, Molluscoida, Colenterata, Annulosa, Annuloida, Infusoria, and Protozoa. See these terms.

Zoomorphic (zo-o-mor'fik), a. [Gr. zoon, a living being, an animal, and morphe, shape.] Pertaining to animal forms; exhibiting animal forms. That peculiarly Celtic form of interlacing zoomorphic decoration, united with coloured designs of diverging spirals and trumpet scrolls.' Jos. Anderson. Zoomorphism (zo-o-morfizm), n. The state of being zoomorphic; characteristic exhibi

tion of animal forms.

But it also exhibits other features which present as their peculiar and prevailing characteristic that zoomorphism of ornamentation which in this case is only partially present. Jos. Anderson. Zoonic (zo-on'ik), a. [Gr. zoon, an animal.] Pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.-Zoonic acid, a name given by Berthollet to acetic acid, combined with animal matter, and obtained by distilling animal matter.

Zoonite (zō-on-it), n. In physiol. one of the theoretic transverse divisions of any segmented body; specifically, one of the segments of an articulate animal. Zoonomy (zo-on'o-mi), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and nomos, law.] The laws of animal life, or the science which treats of the phenomena of animal life, their causes and relations. Zoophaga (zo-of'a-ga), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and phago, to eat.] A name given to those tribes of animals which attack and devour living animals, such as the lion, the tiger, the wolf, &c. The term has no scientific value.

One of the zo

Zoophagan (zo-of'a-gan), n. ophaga; a sarcophagan. Zoophagous (zo-of'a-gus), a. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and phago, to eat.] Feeding on animals; sarcophagous.

Zoophilist (zo-of'i-list), n. A lover of animals or living creatures; one whose sympathy embraces all living creation. Southey. Zoophily (zo-of'i-li), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and philia, love.] A love of animals; a sympathy or tender care for living creatures which prevents all unnecessary acts of cruelty or destruction. Cornhill Mag. Zoophite (zo'o-fit). See ZOOPHYTE. Zoophoric (zo-o-for'ik), a. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and phero, to bear.] Bearing an animal; as, a zoophoric colunin, that is one which supports a figure of an animal. Zoophorus (zo-of'o rus), n. [Gr. zoophoros.] In anc. arch. the same with the frieze in modern architecture; a part between the architrave and cornice: so called from the figures of animals carved upon it. Zoophyte (zo'o-fit), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and phyton, a plant.] The name given by Cuvier to his fourth and last primary division or sub-kingdom of animals, including his Echinodermata, Entozoa. Acalepha, Polypi, and Infusoria, from their structure outwardly presenting a likeness to that of vegetables and the polyps often resembling flowers. Owing to their parts being more or less distinctly arranged round an axis he gave them the alternate name of Radiata. The term zoophyte is no longer employed by scientific naturalists. It is now loosely applied to many plant-like animals, as


sponges, corals, sea-anemones, sea-mats, and the like, the term zoophytes being synonymous with Phytozoa. See PHYTOZOA, 1.


1, Sertularia filícula. a, Separate polypites on a larger scale. 2. Pennatula grisea. 4. A detached polypite. 3. Flustra foliacea. , Ceils of same magnified. 4. Lucernaria auricula. 5. Cristateila micedo (natural size). d, The same magnified. Zoophytic, Zoophytical (zo-o-fitik, zo-o-fitik-al), a. Relating to zoophytes. Zoophytoid (zo-ofi-toid), a. [Zoophyte, and Gr. eidos, likeness.] Like a zoophyte. Zoophytological (zo'o-fit-o-loj "ik-al), a. Zoophytology (zo'o-fi-tolo-ji), n. [Zoophyte, Pertaining to zoophytology. and Gr. logos, discourse.] The natural history of zoophytes.

Zoosperm (zo'os-perm), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and sperina, seed.] One of the spermatic particles or spermatozoa of animals. Zoospore (zō'os-pōr), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and spora, a sowing, seed.] A spore occurring in cryptogamic plants, which, having cilia or long filiform moving processes projecting from its surface, moves spon


taneously for a short time after being discharged from the spore-case of the parent plant. The motion is probably due to changes of hygrometric or electric conditions, the purpose served being the wider diffusion of the seeds. Their cessation from motion after a time permits the seed to become fixed in order to germination. Zoospores occur in characeæ, algæ, fungi, and lichens.

Zoosporic (zo-os-por'ik), a. Pertaining to Zootheca (zo-o-the'ka), n. [(Gr. zoon, a living or having the characters of zoospores. being, an animal, and theke, a case ] In physiol. a cell containing a spermatozooid. Zootic (zo-otik), a. Containing the remains of organic life: applied to rocks,soil, caves,&c. Zootomical (zo-o-tom'ik-al), a. [See ZOOTOMY.] Pertaining to zootomy.

The diagram is very instructive, and well expresses the more important relationships existing between the groups as far as their affinities have been dem instrated or shown to be probable by the present state of zootomical science. Nature.

Zootomist (zo-ot'o-mist), n. [See ZOOTOMY.] One who dissects the bodies of animals; a comparative anatomist. Zootomy (zo-ot'o-mi), n. [Gr. zoon, an animal, and tome, a cutting, from temno, to cut ] The anatomy of the lower animals; that branch of anatomical science which relates to the structure of the lower animals Zoo-zoo (zöʻzö). n. [Onomatopoetic.] A wood-pigeon. [Provincial] Zopilote (zo-pi-lo'te), n. See URUBU Zopissa (zo-pis'sa), n. [Gr zopissa.] In med. a mixture of pitch and tar, impreg nated with salt water, scraped from the sides of ships, formerly used in external applications as resolutive and desiccative. Simmonds.

Zoril, Zorille (zor'il), n. [Fr. zorille, Sp. zorilla, zorillo, dim. of zorra, zorro, a fox) An animal of the genus Zorilla (which see). The name is occasionally given also to some varieties of the skunk.


Zorilla (zo'ril-la), n. A genus of carnivorous | quadrupeds closely allied to the weasels and skunks, of which a species, the zoril or mariput (Z. striata or Viverra zorilla) is found in Africa and Asia Minor. It burrows in the ground, is nocturnal in its habits, and lives on mice, birds, insects, &c. Like the skunk it can emit a fetid fluid in its defence. Zoroastrian (zor-o-as'tri-an), a. Of or pertaining to Zoroaster, the great legislator and prophet of the ancient Bactrians, whose system of religion was the national faith of Persia, and is embodied in the Zend-Avesta: of or pertaining to the system of Zoroaster. Zoster (zos'tér), n. [Gr. zōstër, a girdle, from zonnymi, to gird] In pathol. a kind of vesicular disease (herpes zoster), in which the vesicles are pearl-sized, often spreading in clusters round or partially round the body like a girdle; shingles.


Zostera (zos-të'ra), n. [From Gr. zōstēr, a girdle, from their ribbon-like leaves.] A genus of marine grass-like plants, of which the best-known species is Z. marina, the common grass-wrack or sea-wrack. GRASS-WRACK, ZOSTERACEÆ. Zosteraceae (zos-tér-a'së-ě), n. pl. A small order of monocotyledons, of extremely low organization, separated from Naiadaceæ, consisting of marine plants resembling algæ (among which the species live), but bearing long, grass-like, sheathing leaves and perfect flowers. They are found in the seas bordering Europe, Asia, North Africa, the West Indies, and Australia. The order includes the genus Zostera and four or five small genera separated from it. Zosterite (zos'tér-it), n. A genus of fossil plants of the Wealden and lower greensand, so named from its resemblance to Zostera marina.

Zosterops (zos'tér-ops), n. [Gr. zōstër, a girdle, and ops, the eye.] A genus of perching birds, closely allied to the warblers, and seemingly intermediate between them and the titmice. One distinguishing characteristic of the species belonging to this genus is that the eyes are encircled by a ring of snowwhite feathers. Hence they have been named White-eye. They are small birds, found chiefly in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Zotheca (zō-the'ka), n. [Gr. zōthēkē.] In ane. arch. a small apartment or alcove which might be separated from an adjoining apartment by a curtain.

Zouave (zö-äv' or zwäv), n. [Fr., from the name of a tribe inhabiting Algeria.] A soldier belonging to the light infantry corps in the French army, organized in Algeria, and originally intended to be composed exclusively of a tribe of Kabyles, but which, having gradually changed its character, is now constituted almost exclusively of Frenchmen. These corps still, however, wear the picturesque dress, which consists of a loose, dark-blue jacket and waistcoat, baggy Turkish trousers, yellow leather leggings, white gaiters, a sky-blue sash, and a red fez with yellow tassel. The few corps filled with Algerines still connected with the French army are now known as Turcos. Zounds (zoundz ). An exclamation contracted from God's wounds,' formerly used as an oath and an expression of anger or wonder.

Zoutch (zouch), v.t. To stew, as flounders, whitings, gudgeons, eels, &c., with just enough of liquid to cover them. [Local.] Zuchetto (tsö - ket'tō), n. [It. zucchetta, a small gourd, anything in the form of a gourd, from zucca, a gourd.] In the R. Cath. Ch. the skull-cap of an ecclesiastic covering the tonsure. A priest's is black, a bishop's purple, a cardinal's red, and the pope's white.

Zuffolo, Zufolo (zuf'fo-lō or zö'fo-lo), n. [It. zufolo, from zufolare, to hiss or whistle.] A little flute or flageolet, especially that which is used to teach birds.


Zulu (zölö orzu-lö'), n. A member of a warlike
branch of the Kafir race inhabiting a terri-
tory in South Africa situated on the coast
of the Indian Ocean, immediately north of
the British colony of Natal.
Zumbooruk (zum-bö'ruk), n. In the East,
a small cannon supported by a swivelled
rest on the back of a camel, whence it is
Same as

Zumological (zù-mō-loj’ik-al), a.
Zumologist (zū-mol ́o-jist), n.

Same as

Zumology (zũ-mol'o-ji), n. Same as Zymology.

Zygæna (zi-gē'na), n. [Gr. zygaina, the hammer-headed shark.] 1. A genus of chondropterygious fishes, belonging to the shark family, and distinguished by the horizontally flattened head, truncated in front, its sides extending transversely like the head of a hammer, whence the species have received the common name of Hammerheaded Sharks. They are found in the Mediterranean and Indian seas. See SHARK. 2. A genus of lepidopterous insects, having a general resemblance to the moths, but which fly during the daytime, living in the open sunshine. Z. filipendula is a common British species.

Zygapophysis (zig-a-pof'i-sis), n. [Gr. zygon, what joins, a yoke, and E. apophysis.] The name given to the processes by means of which the vertebræ or joints of the spine articulate with each other.

Zygnemaceae (zig-nē-mā ́sē-ē), n. pl. [Gr. zeugnymi, to join. ] A nat. order of confervoid algæ, abounding in fresh water, and remarkable for the structure of the endochrome and the phenomena attending the formation of the zoospores, the principal mode of reproduction being by conjugation (whence the name), followed by a mixture of the entire contents of the united cells and their conversion into a spore. Zygodactyla (zi-gō-dak'ti-la), n. pl. [See ZYGODACTYLIC] A section of the Pachydermata, in which the foot is composed of two principal hoofs on which the animals walk, separated by a cleft. It comprises only one family, the Suidae or pigs. Zygodactyli(zi-gō-dak’ti-li), n. pl. [See ZYGODACTYLIC.] A name given by some ornithologists to an order of birds which have the toes disposed in pairs. Synonymous with Scansores (which see). Zygodactylic, Zygoda ctylous (zi'gō-daktil"ik, zi-go-dak'til-us), a. [Gr. zygon, what joins, and daktylos, a finger or toe.] Having the toes disposed in pairs: commonly used of birds, such as the parrots, that have two toes directed forwards and two backwards.

Zygoma (zi-gō'ma), n. [Gr. zygoma, the zygomatic arch, from zygon, a yoke.] In anat. the process of the cheek-bone, a bone of the upper jaw; also, the cavity below the zygomatic arch.

Zygomatic (zi-gō-mat'ik), a. [See ZYGOMA.] Pertaining to a bone of the head, called also os jugale or cheek-bone, or to the bony arch under which the temporal muscle passes. The term zygoma is applied both to the bone and the arch.-Zygomatic arch, a bony bridge in the cheek formed by the zygomatic process articulating with the cheek-bone.-Zygomatic bone, the cheekbone.-Zygomatic muscles, two muscles of the face which rise from the zygomatic bone and are inserted into the corner of the mouth.-Zygomatic processes, the processes of the temporal and cheek bones which unite to form the zygomatic arch.Zygomatic suture, the suture which joins the zygomatic processes of the temporal and cheek bones.

Zygomaturus (zi'gō-ma-tū′′rus), n. A large fossil marsupial, so named from the great width of the zygomatic arches of the skull,

ch, chain; ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j. job; ù, Fr. ton; ng, sing;


found in the post-tertiary deposits of Australia.

Zygophyllacea (zi'gō-fil-lā”sē-ē), n. pl. [Gr. zygon, a yoke, and phyllon, a leaf.] A nat. order of polypetalous, exogenous plants, nearly related to Oxalidaceae and Rutaceæ. The species are herbs, shrubs, and trees, having a very hard wood, and the branches often articulated. The greater part of them are distributed throughout the temperate regions. To the order belong the caltrops (Tribulus), the bean-caper (Zygophyllum). lignum vitæ (Guaiacum), honey-flower (Melianthus), &c.

Zygophyllum (zi-gō-filʼlum), n. A genus of plants, nat. order Zygophyllaceae, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, the Cape de Verd Isles, and the Levant. Z. Fabago is the bean-caper.

Zygosis (zi-gō'sis), n. In biol. same as Conjugation.

Zygosphene (zī'gō-sfēn), n. [Gr. zygon, a yoke, and sphen, a wedge.] In compar anat. the wedge-shaped process from the fore-part of the neural arch of the vertebræ of serpents and some lizards. Zymic (zim'ik), a. [Gr. zyme, leaven.] A term applied by Pasteur to the Infusoria which act as ferments only when the air is excluded as distinguished from those which require the presence of air.

Zymologic, Zymological (zi-mō-loj'ik, zimo-loj'ik-al), a. Of or pertaining to zymology. Zymologist (zi-mol'o-jist), n. One who is skilled in zymology, or in the fermentation of liquors.

Zymology (zi-mol'o-ji), n. [Gr. zyme, ferment, and logos, discourse.] A treatise on the fermentation of liquors, or the doctrine of fermentation. Zymome (zi'mōm), n. [From Gr. zyme, leaven.] An old name for the gluten of wheat that is insoluble in alcohol.

Zymometer (zi-mom'e-tér), n. [Gr. zymě, ferment, and metron, a measure.] An instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation of a fermenting liquor. Zymoscope (zi'mo-skōp), n. [Gr. zyme, ferment, and skopeō, to examine.] An instrument contrived by Zenneck for testing the fermenting power of yeast by bringing it in contact with sugar-water and observing the quantity of carbonic anhydride evolved. Watts.

Zymosimeter (zi-mō-sim'e-tėr), n. [Gr. zymosis, fermentation, and metron, a measure.] Same as Zymometer.

Zymosis (zi-mō'sis), n. [Gr., fermentation.] In pathol. an epidemic, endemic, or contagious affection produced by some morbific influence acting on the system as a ferment; a zymotic disease. Dunglison. Zymotic (zi-motʼik), a. [Gr. zymōtikos, causing to ferment, from zymoo, to ferment, from zyme, ferment.] Of, pertaining to, or produced by fermentation. -Zymotic diseases, a name applied to epidemic, endemic, contagious, or sporadic diseases, because they are supposed to be produced by some morbific principle acting on the system like a ferment. See GERM-THEORY. Zymotically (zi-mot'ik-al-li), adv. In a zymotic manner; according to the manner or nature of zymotic diseases. Zymurgy (zi'mér-ji), n. [Gr. zymě, a ferment, and ergon, work.] A name applied to that department of technological chemistry which treats of the scientific principles of wine-making, brewing, distilling, and the preparation of yeast and vinegar, in which processes fermentation plays the principal part. Watts. Zythepsary+ (zī-thep'sa-ri), n. [Gr. zythos, a kind of beer, and hepso, to boil.] A brewery or brew-house.

Zythum (zi'thum), n. [L. zythum=Gr. zythos, a kind of beer.] A kind of ancient malt beverage; a liquor made from malt and wheat.

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