Imágenes de páginas

Ex abundantia. [L.] Out of the abundance.
Ex adverso. [L] From the opposite side.
Ex æquo et bono. [L] Agreeably to what is
good and right.

Ex animo. [L.] Heartily; sincerely.

Ex capite. [L.] From the head; from memory. Exceptio probat regulam. [L.] The exception proves the rule.

Exceptis excipiendis. [L.] The due exceptions being made.

Ex concesso. [L] From what has been conceded.

Ex curia. [L] Out of court.

Ex delicto. [L] From the crime.

Ex dono. [L] By the gift.

Exegi monumentum ære perennius. [L.] I have reared a monument more lasting than brass.

Exempla sunt odiosa. [L.] Examples are offensive.

Exempli gratia. [L.] By way of example.

Ex facto jus oritur. [L.] The law springs

from the fact.

Exitus acta probat. [L] The event justifies the deed.

Ex mera gratia. [L.] Through mere favour.

Ex rnero inotu. [L.] From his own impulse; from his own freewill

Execessitate rei. [L] From the necessity of the case.

Ex nihilo nihil fit. [L] From, or out of, nothing, nothing comes; nothing produces nothing.

Ex opere operato. [L] By outward acts. Ex pede Herculem. [L] From the foot we recognize a Hercules; we judge of the whole from the specimen.

Experientia docet stultos. [L] Experience instructs fools.

Experimentum crucis. [L.] The trial or ex

periment of the cross; an experiment of a most searching nature.

Experto crede. [L] Trust one who has had experience.

Expertus metuit. [L] Having experience, he fears it.

Ex post facto. [L.] After the deed is done; retrospective.

Expressis verbis. [L.] In express terms.
Ex quocunque capite. [L] For whatever


Ex tacito. [L.] Tacitly.

Extinctus amabitur idem. [L.] The same man when dead will be loved. Extra muros. [L.] Beyond the walls.

Ex ungue leonem. [L.] The lion is known by his claws.

Ex uno disce omnes. [L] From one learn all; from this specimen judge of the rest.

Faber sua fortuna. [L] The maker of his own fortune; a self-made man. Facile est inventis addere. [L.] It is easy to add to things already invented. Facile princeps. [L] Easily pre-eminent; indisputably the first; the admitted chief. Facilis est descensus Averni (or Averno). [L] The descent to Avernus (or hell) is easy; the road to evil is easy.

Façon de parler. [Fr] Manner of speaking. Fæx populi. [L] The dregs of the people. Faire bonne mine. [Fr.] To put a good face upon the matter.

Faire l'homme d'importance. [Fr.] To assume an air of importance.

Faire mon devoir. [Fr.] To do my duty. Faire sans dire. [Fr] To do, not to say; to act without ostentation.

Fait accompli. [Fr.] A thing already done. Fama clamosa. [L] A current scandal; a prevailing report.

Fama nihil est celerius. [L] Nothing travels swifter than scandal.

Fama semper vivat. [L] May his fame endure for ever.

Far niente. [It] The doing of nothing.
Fas est ab hoste doceri. [L.] It is right to
be taught even by an enemy.
Fata obstant. [L.] The Fates oppose it.
Fata viam invenient. [L.] The Fates will find

a way.

Fax mentis incendium gloria. [L.] The passion of glory is the torch of the mind. Felicitas multos habet amicos. [L. ] Prosperity has many friends.

Fendre un cheveu en quatre. [Fr] To split a hair in four; to make a very subtle distinction.

Festina lente. [L.] Hasten slowly.
Fiat justitia, ruat cœlum. [L.] Let justice
be done though the heavens should fall.
Fiat lux. [L. Let there be light.
Fide et amore. [L.] By faith and love.
Fide et fiducia. [L.] By fidelity and confidence.
Fide et fortitudine. [L.] With faith and for-


Fidei coticula crux. [L.] The cross is the touchstone of faith.

Fidei defensor. [L.] Defender of the faith.
Fide non armis. [L.] By faith, not by arms.
Fide, sed cui vide. [L.] Trust, but see whom.
Fides et justitia [L.] Fidelity and justice.
Fides Punica. [L.] Punic faith; treachery.
Fidus Achates. [L.] Faithful Achates; i.e. a
true friend.

Fidus et audax. [L.] Faithful and bold.
Filius nullius. [L.] A son of nobody.
Filius populi. [L] A son of the people.
Filius terræ. [L.] A son of the earth; one of
low birth.

Fille de joie. [Fr.] A woman of licentious pleasure; a prostitute.

Fille d'honneur. [Fr.] A maid of honour.
Finem respice. [L.] Look to the end.
Finis coronat opus. [L.] The end crowns the

Flagrante bello. [L.] During hostilities. Flagrante delicto. [L.] In the commission of the crime.

Flecti, non frangi [L.] To be bent,not broken. Flosculi sententiarum. [L.] Flowers of fine thoughts.

Flux de bouche. [Fr.] An inordinate flow of words; garrulity.

Fænum in cornu habet. [L] He has hay upon his horn (the sign of a dangerous bull); take care of him.

Fons et origo. [L] The source and origin. Forensis strepitus. [L.] The clamour of the forum.

Forte scutum salus ducum. [L.] A strong shield is the safety of leaders.

Fortes fortuna juvat. [L.] Fortune helps the brave.

Forti et fideli nihil difficile. [L.] Nothing is difficult to the brave and faithful.

Fortiter et recte. [L.] With fortitude and rectitude.

Fortiter, fideliter, feliciter.

faithfully, successfully.

[L.] Boldly,

Fortiter in re. [L.] With firmness in acting. Fortuna favet fatuis. [L.] Fortune favours fools.

Frangas, non flectes. [L.] You may break but shall not bend me.

Fraus pia. [L] A pious fraud. Froides mains, chaude amour. [Fr.] Cold hands and a warm heart.

Front à front. [Fr.] Face to face. Fronti nulla fides. [L.] There is no trusting to appearances.

Fruges consumere nati. [L] Born to consume fruits; born only to eat.

Fugit irreparabile tempus. [L.] Irrecoverable time flies on.

Fuimus Troes. [L.] We were once Trojans.
Fuit Ilium. [L] Troy has been.
Fulmen brutum. [L] A harmless thunder-

Functus officio. [L] Having performed one's
office or duty; hence, out of office.
Furor arma ministrat. [L] Rage' provides


Furor loquendi. [L.] A rage for speaking.
Furor poeticus. [L] Poetical fire.

Furor scribendi. [L] A rage for writing. Fuyez les dangers de loisir. [Fr.] Avoid the dangers of leisure.

Gaieté de cœur. [Fr.] Gaiety of heart.
Gallicè. [L] In French.

Garçon. [Fr.] A boy; a waiter.
Garde à cheval. [Fr] A mounted guard.
Garde du corps. [Fr.] A body-guard.
Garde mobile. [Fr.] A guard liable to
general service.

Gardez. [Fr.] Be on your guard; take care.
Gardez bien. [Fr.] Take good care.
Gardez la foi. [Fr.] Keep the faith.
Gaudeamus igitur. [L] So let us be joyful.
Gaudet tentamine virtus. [L.] Virtue re-
joices in temptation.

Gens d'armes. [Fr.] Men at arms.
Gens d'eglise. [Fr.] Churchmen,
Gens de guerre. [Fr] Military men.
Gens de lettres. [Fr.] Literary men.
Gens de lois. [Fr.] Lawyers.

Gens de même famille. [Fr.] Birds of a feather.

Gens de peu. [Fr.] The meaner class of people.

Gens togata. [L] Civilians.
Gentilhomme. [Fr.] A gentleman.
Germanice. [L.] In German.
Gibier de potence. [Fr] A gallows-bird.
Giovine santo, diavolo vecchio. [It.] A
young saint, an old devil.
Gitano. [Sp.] A gypsy.

Gli assenti hanno torto. [It] The absent are in the wrong.

Gloria in excelsis. [L.] Glory to God in the highest.


Gloria patri. [L.] Glory be to the Father.
Gnothi seauton. [Gr.] Know thyself.
Goutte à goutte. [Fr.] Drop by drop.
Grace à Dieu. [Fr.] Thanks to God.
Gradu diverso, via una. [L] The same
road by different steps.

Gradus ad Parnassum. [L.] A step to Parnassus; aid in writing Greek or Latin poetry.

Grande chère et beau feu. [Fr.] Good cheer and a good fire; comfortable quarters. Grande parure. [Fr.] Full dress.

Grande toilette.

Grand merci. [Fr.] Many thanks.
Gratia placendi. [L.] The delight of pleasing.
Gratis dictum. [L.] Mere assertion.
Graviora manent. [L.] Greater afflictions
await us.

Graviora quædam sunt remedia periculis. [L.]

Some remedies are worse than the disease. Grex venalium. [L.] A venal rabble. Grosse tête et peu de sens. [Fr.] A large head and little sense.

Guerra al cuchillo. [Sp.] War to the knife. Guerre à mort. [Fr.] War to the death. Guerre à outrance. [Fr.] War to the uttermost.

Gutta cavat lapidem non vi, sed sæpe cadendo. [L.] The drop hollows the stone by frequent falling, not by force.

Hannibal ante portas. [L.] Hannibal before the gates; the enemy close at hand. Hardi comme un coq sur son fumier. [Fr.] Brave as a cock on his own dunghill. Haud longis intervallis. [L.] At brief intervals.

Haud passibus æquis. [L.] Not with equal steps

Haut goût. [Fr.] High flavour; elegant taste. Helluo librorum. [L.] A devourer of books; a book-worm.

Heu pietas! heu prisca fides! [L.] Alas for piety! alas for the ancient faith! Hiatus valde deflendus. [L.] A chasm or deficiency much to be regretted.

Hic et ubique. [L.] Here and everywhere. Hic labor, hoc opus est. [L] This is labour, this is toil.

Hic sepultus. [L.] Here buried.

Hinc illæ lacrima [L.] Hence these tears. Hodi mihi, cras tibi. [L.] Mine to-day, yours to-morrow.

Hoi polloi. [Gr.] The many; the vulgar; the rabble.

Hombre de un libro. [Sp.] A man of one book. Hominis est errare. [L.] To err is human. Homme de robe. [Fr.] A man in civil office. Homme des affaires. [Fr.] A man of business. Homme d'esprit. [Fr.] A man of wit or genius.

Homo factus ad unguem. [L.] A highlypolished man; one finished to the highest degree.

Homo homini lupus. [L.] Man is a wolf to


Homo multarum literarum. [L.] A man of great learning.

Homo solus aut deus aut dæmon. [L.] A man alone is either a god or a devil. Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto. [L] I am a man; I count nothing human indifferent to me.

Honi soi qui mal y pense. [0. Fr.] Evil to him who evil thinks.

Honores mutant mores. [L.] Honours change men's manners or characters. Honos habet onus. [L.] Honour brings responsibility.

Hora canonica. [L.] Prescribed hours for prayer; canonical hours.

Horresco referens. [L.] I shudder as I relate. Hors de combat. [Fr.] Out of condition to fight.

Hors de la loi. [Fr.] In the condition of an outlaw.

Hors de propos. [Fr.] Not to the point or purpose.

Hors de saison. [Fr.] Out of season.
Hors d'œuvre. [Fr.] Out of course; out of

Hotel garni. [Fr.] A furnished lodging-house.
Humanum est errare. [L.] To err is human.
Hunc tu caveto. [L.] Beware of him.
Hurtar para dar por Dios. [Sp.] To steal for
the purpose of giving to God.

Ich dien. [Ger.] I serve.
Idée fixe. [Fr] A fixed idea.

Id genus omne. [L.] All of that sort or description.

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. [L.] Ignorance of the law excuses no one. Ignorantio elenchi. [L.] Ignorance of the point in question; the logical fallacy of arguing to the wrong point.


Ignoti nulla cupido. [L] No desire is felt for a thing unknown.

Ignotum per ignotius. [L.] The unknown by the still more unknown.

Il a le diable au corps. [Fr.] The devil is in him.

Ilias malorum. [L.] An Iliad of ills; a host of evils.

Il n'a ni bouche ni éperon. [Fr] He has neither mouth nor spur, neither wit nor courage.

Il ne faut jamais défier un fou. [Fr.] Never defy a fool.

Il penseroso. [It.] The pensive man.

Il sent le fagot. [Fr.] He smells of the faggot; he is suspected of heresy.

Imitatores, servum pecus. [L.] Imitators, a servile herd.

Imo pectore. [L.] From the bottom of the breast.

Impari Marte. [L.] With unequal military strength.

Impedimenta. [L] Travellers' luggage; the baggage of an army.

Imperium in imperio. [L] A state within a
state; a government within another.
Implicite. [L] By implication.
Impos animi. [L] Of weak mind.

In actu. [L.] In act or reality.

In æternum. [L] For ever.

In ambiguo. [L.] In doubt.

In articulo mortis. [L.] At the point of death; in the last struggle.

In bianco. [It.] In blank; in white.

In capite. [L] In chief.

In coelo quies. [L.] There is rest in heaven. Incredulus odi [L.] Being incredulous I cannot endure it.

In curia. [L.] In court.

Inde ira. [L] Hence these resentments.
Index expurgatorius.

Index prohibitorius.

In dubio. [L.] In doubt.

[L.] A list of prohib

ited books.


Inter spem et metum. [L] Between hope and fear.

In totidem verbis. [L.] In so many words.
In toto. [L.] In the whole; entirely.
Intra muros. [L.] Within the walls.
In transitu. [L.] On the passage.
Intra parietes. [L.] Within walls; in private.
In usum Delphini. [L.] For the use of the

In utroque fidelis. [L] Faithful in both.
In vacuo. [L] In empty space; in a vacuum.
Inversa ordine. [L.] In an inverse order.
In vino veritas. [L.] There is truth in wine;
truth is told under the influence of intoxi-

Invita Minerva. [L.] Against the will of Minerva; at variance with one's mental capacity; without genius.

Ipse dixit. [L.] He himself said it; a dogmatic saying or assertion.

Ipsissima verba. [L.] The very words.
Ipso facto. [L.] In the fact itself.
Ipso jure. [L] By the law itself.

Ira furor brevis est. [L] Anger is a short madness.

Ita est. [L.] It is so.

Ita lex scripta. [L.] Thus the law is written. Italicè. [L.] In Italian.

Jacta est alea. [L.] The die is cast. Jamais arrière. [Fr.] Never behind. Jamais bon coureur ne fut pris. [Fr.] A good runner is never caught; an old bird is not to be caught with chaff.

Januis clausis. [L.] With closed doors. Je maintiendrai le droit. [Fr.] I will maintain the right.

Je ne sais quoi. [Fr.] I know not what. Je n'oublierai jamais. [Fr.] I will never forget.

Je suis prêt. [Fr.] I am ready.

Jet d'eau. [Fr.] A jet of water; a fountain. Jeu de mots. [Fr.] A play on words; a pun.

In equilibrio. [L.] In equilibrium; equally Jeu d'esprit. [Fr.] A display of wit; a wittibalanced.

In esse. [L.] In being.

In extenso. [L] At full length.

In extremis. [L.] At the point of death. Infandum renovare dolorem. [L.] To revive unspeakable grief.

In forma pauperis. [L.] As a poor man. Infra dignitatem. [L.] Below one's dignity. In futuro. [L.] In future; henceforth.

In hoc signo spes mea. [L.] In this sign is my hope.

In hoc signo vinces. [L.] Under this sign or standard thou shalt conquer.

In limine. [L.] At the threshold.

In loco. [L] In the place; in the natural or proper place.

In loco parentis. [L.] In the place of a parent. In medias res. [L] Into the midst of things. In memoriam. [L.] To the memory of; in


In nomine. [L.] In the name of.
In nubibus. [L.] In the clouds.
In nuce. [L.] In a nut-shell.

In omnia paratus. [L.] Prepared for all things.

Inopem copia fecit. [L.] Abundance made him poor.

In ovo. [L] In the egg.
In pace. [L.] In peace.

In partibus infidelium. [L.] In parts belong-
ing to infidels, or countries not adhering
to the Roman Catholic faith.
In perpetuum. [L] Forever.

In petto. [It.] Within the breast; in reserve. In pleno. [L] In full.

In posse. [L.] In possible existence; in possibility.

In præsenti. [L.] At the present moment.
In propria persona. [L] In person.
In puris naturalibus. [L.] Quite naked.
In re. [L.] In the matter of.

In rerum natura. [L] In the nature of things.

In sæcula sæculorum. [L.] For ages on ages.
In sano sensu. [L.] In a proper sense.
In situ. [L] In its original situation.
In solo Deo salus. [L.] In God alone is safety.
In statu quo. [L] In the former state.
In te, Domine, speravi. [L.] In thee, Lord,
have I put my trust.

Inter alia. [L.) Among other things.
Inter arma silent leges. [L.] Laws are silent
in the midst of arms.

Inter canem et lupum. [L.] Between dog and wolf: at twilight.

Interim vulgus rectum videt. [L.] The
rabble sometimes see what is right.
Inter nos. [L.] Between ourselves.
Inter pocula. [L] At one's cups.

In terrorem. [L.] In terror; by way of warning.


Jeu de théâtre. [Fr.] Stage-trick; clap-trap.
Je vis en espoir. [Fr.] I live in hope.
Joci causa. [L.] For the sake of a joke.
Jubilate Deo. [L.] Rejoice in God; be joyful
in the Lord.

Jucundi acti labores. [L.] Past labours are pleasant.

Judicium Dei. [L] The judgment of God. Judicium parum, aut leges terræ. [L] The judgment of our peers or the laws of the land.

Jure divino. [L.] By divine law.
Jure humano. [L.] By human law.
Juris peritus. [L] One learned in the law.
Juris utriusque doctor. [L] Doctor of both
the civil and canon law.

Jus canonicum. [L.] The canon law.
Jus civile. [L.] The civil law.
Jus divinum. [L.] The divine law.
Jus et norma loquendi. [L.] The law and rule
of speech.

Jus gentium. [L.] The law of nations.
Jus gladii. [L.] The right of the sword.
Jus possessionis. [L] Right of possession.
Jus proprietatis. [L] The right of property.
Juste milieu. [Fr.] The golden mean.

Labore et honore. [L.] By labour and honour. Labor ipse voluptas. [L.] Labour itself is a pleasure.

Labor omnia vincit. [L.] Labour conquers everything.

Laborum dulce lenimen. [L.] The sweet solace of our labours.

La critique est aisée, et l'art est difficile. [Fr.] Criticism is easy, and art is difficult.

La fortune passe partout. [Fr.] Fortune passes everywhere; all suffer change or vicissitude.

L'allegro. [It] The merry man.

L'amour et la fumée ne peuvent se cacher. [Fr.] Love and smoke cannot conceal themselves.

Lana caprina. [L] Goat's wool; hence, a thing of little worth or consequence or which does not exist.

Langage des halles. [Fr.] The language of the markets; profane or foul language or abuse; billingsgate.

La patience est amère, mais son fruit est doux. [Fr] Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Lapis philosophorum. [L] The philosopher's


La povertà è la madre di tutte le arti. [It.] Poverty is the mother of all the arts. Lapsus calami. [L.] A slip of the pen. Lapsus linguæ. [L.] A slip of the tongue. Lapsus memoria. [L.] A slip of the memory. Lares et penates. [L] Household gods.

queen (or the king) wills it: the formula expressing the sovereign's assent to a bill which has passed both Houses of Parliament.

Lateat scintillula forsan. [L.] Perhaps a small spark may lie hid.

Latet anguis in herba. [L.] A snake lies hid in the grass.

Latinè dictum. [L.] Spoken in Latin. Laudari a viro laudato. [L.] To be praised by one who is himself praised. Laudator temporis acti. [L.] One who praises time past.

Laudum immensa cupido. [L] Insatiable desire for praise.

Laus Deo. [L] Praise to God.
L'avenir. [Fr.] The future.

La vertu est la seule noblesse. [Fr.] Virtue is the only nobility.

Le beau monde. [Fr.] The fashionable world. Le bon temps viendra. [Fr.] The good time will come.

Le coût en óte le goût. [Fr.] The cost takes away the taste.

Lector benevole. [L.] Kind or gentle reader. Legatus a latere. [L.] A papal ambassador. Le grand monarque. [Fr.] The great mon

arch: a name applied to Louis XIV. of France.

Le grand œuvre. [Fr] The great work; in alchem, the philosopher's stone.

Le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle. [Fr.] The game is not worth the candle; the object is not worth the trouble.

Le monde est le livre des femmes. [Fr.] The world is woman's book.

Le mot d'énigme. [Fr.] The key to the mystery.

Le pas. [Fr.) Precedence in place or rank.
Le point de jour. [Fr.] Daybreak.

Le roi et l'état. [Fr.] The king and the state. Les absens ont toujours tort. [Fr.] The absent are always in the wrong.

Lèse majesté. [Fr.] High-treason.

Les murailles ont des oreilles. [Fr.] Walls have ears.

Le tout ensemble. [Fr.] The whole together.
Lettre de cachet. [Fr.] A sealed letter con-
taining private orders; a royal warrant.
Lettre de change. [Fr.] Bill of exchange.
Lettre de créance. [Fr.] Letter of credit.
Le vrai n'est pas toujours vraisemblable. [Fr.]
The truth is not always probable; truth is
stranger than fiction.

Lex loci. [L.] The law or custom of the place. Lex non scripta. [L.] Unwritten law; common law.

Lex scripta. [L.] Statute law.

Lex talionis. [L.] The law of retaliation.
Lex terræ. [L.] The law of the land.

L'homme propose, et Dieu dispose. [Fr.] Man proposes, and God disposes.

Licentia vatum. [L] The license of the poets; poetical license.

Limæ labor et mora. [L.] The labour and delay of the file; the slow and laborious polishing of a literary composition. L'inconnu. [Fr.] The unknown. L'incroyable. [Fr.] The incredible. Lingua Franca. [It.] The mixed language used between Europeans and Orientals in the Levant.

Lis litem generat. [L] Strife begets strife. Litem lite resolvere. [L.] To settle strife by strife; to remove one difficulty by introducing another.

Lite pendente. [L.] During the trial.
Litera scripta manet. [L.] The written letter

Loci communes. [L.] Common places.
Loco citato. [L.] In the place cited.
Locus classicus. [L.] A classical passage.
Locus criminis. [L.] Place of the crime.
Locus in quo. (L.) The place in which.
Longe aberrat scopo. [L.] He goes far from
the mark.

Longo intervallo. [L.] By or with a long interval.

Loyauté m'oblige. [Fr.] Loyalty binds me. Lucidus ordo. [L.] A lucid arrangement. Lucri causa. [L.] For the sake of gain. Lucus à non lucendo. [L.] Used as typical of an absurd derivation, and, by extension, of anything utterly inconsecutive or absurd -lucus, a grove, having been derived by an old grammarian from luceo, to shine'from not shining.'

Lusus naturæ. [L.] A sport or freak of nature.

Ma chère. [Fr.] My dear (fem.).
Ma fois. [Fr.] Upon my faith.
Magister ceremoniarum. [L] Master of the

Magna civitas, magna solitudo. [L. A great

Magna spes altera Roma. [L.] Another hope of great Rome.

Magna est veritas, et prevalebit. [L.] Truth is mighty, and will prevail.

Magna est vis consuetudinis. [L.] Great is the force of habit.

Magnas inter opes inops. [L.] Poor in the midst of great wealth.

Magni nominis umbra. [L.] The shadow of a great name.

Magnum bonum. [L.] A great good.
Magnum est vectigal parsimonia. [L.] Econ-
omy is itself a great income.
Magnum opus. [L.] A great work.

Maintien le droit. [Fr.] Maintain the right.
Maison de campagne. [Fr.] A country house.
Maison de santé. [Fr.] A private asylum or

Maison de ville. [Fr.] A town-house.
Maitre des basses œuvres. [Fr.] A night-man.
Maître des hautes œuvres. [Fr.] An execu-
tioner; a hangman.

Maitre d'hôtel. [Fr.] A house-steward.
Maladie du pays. [Fr.] Home-sickness.
Mala fide. [L.] With bad faith; treacherously.
Mal de dents. [Fr.] Toothache.
Mal de mer. [Fr.] Sea-sickness.
Mal de tête. [Fr.] Headache.

Mal entendre. [Fr.] A misunderstanding; a mistake.

Malgré nous. [Fr.] In spite of us. Malheur ne vient jamais seul. [Fr.] Misfortunes never come singly.

Mali exempli. [L.] Of a bad example. Mali principii malus finis. [L.] Bad beginnings have bad endings.

Malis avibus. [L.] With unlucky birds; with bad omens.

Malo modo. [L.] In a bad manner.

Malum in se. [L.] Evil or an evil in itself.
Malum prohibitum. [L.] An evil prohibited;
evil because prohibited.
Malus pudor. [L.] False shame.
Manibus pedibusque. [L.] With hands and


Manu forti. [L.] With a strong hand.
Manu propria. [L] With one's own hand.
Mardi gras. [Fr] Shrove-Tuesday,
Mare clausum. [L.] A closed sea; a bay.
Mariage de conscience. [Fr.] A private mar-

Mariage de convenance. [Fr.] Marriage from
motives of interest rather than of love.
Mariage de la main gauche. [Fr.] Left-handed
marriage; morganatic marriage.
Mars gravior sub pace latet. [L.] A severer
war lies hidden under peace.
Materiam superabit opus. [L.] The work-
manship will prove superior to the ma-

Mauvaise honte. [Fr] False modesty.
Mauvais goût. [Fr] Bad taste.
Mauvais sujet. [Fr.] A bad subject; a worth-
less scamp.

Médecin, guéris-toi toi-même. [Fr.] Physician, heal thyself.

Mediocria firma. [L] Moderate or middle things are surest.

Medio tutissimus ibis. [L] In a medium course you will be safest.

Mega biblion, mega kakon. [Gr.] A great book is a great evil.

Me judice. [L.) I being judge; in my opinion. Memento mori. [L.] Remember death. Memor et fidelis. [L.] Mindful and faithful. Memoria in æterna. [L.] In eternal remembrance.

Mens agitat molem. [L.] Mind moves matter. Mens legis. [L] The spirit of the law.

Mens sana in corpore sano. [L.] A sound mind in a sound body.

Mens sibi conscia recti. [L.] A mind conscious of rectitude.

Meo periculo. [L.] At my own risk.
Meo voto. [L.] According to my wish.
Meum et tuum. [L.] Mine and thine.
Mihi cura futuri. [L.] My care is for the

Mirabile dictu. [L] Wonderful to relate.
Mirabile visu. [L.] Wonderful to see.
Mise en scène. [Fr.] The getting up for the
stage, or the putting on the stage.
Modo et forma. [L.] In manner and form.
Modus operandi. [L.] Manner of working.
Mollia tempora fandi. [L.] Times favourable
for speaking.

Mon ami. [Fr.] My friend.
Mon cher. [Fr.] My dear (masc.).
Monumentum ære perennius. [L.] A monu-
ment more lasting than brass.

More majorum. [L] After the manner of our ancestors.

More suo. [L.] In his own way. Mors omnibus communis. [L.] Death is common to all.


Mot du guet. [Fr.] A watchword.
Mots d'usage. [Fr.] Words in common use.
Motu proprio. [L.] Of his own accord.
Multum in parvo. [L] Much in little.
Mundus vult decipi. [L.] The world wishes
to be deceived.

Munus Apolline dignum. [L.] A gift worthy of Apollo.

Mutatis mutandis. [L.] With the necessary changes.

Mutuus consensus. [L.] Mutual consent.

Natale solum. [L.] Natal soil.

Nec cupias, nec metuas. [L.] Neither desire nor fear.

Ne cede malis. [L.] Yield not to misfortune. Necessitas non habet legem. [L.] Necessity has no law.

Nec mora, nec requies. [L.] Neither delay nor repose.

Nec pluribus impar. [L.] Not an unequal match for numbers.

Nec prece, nec pretio. [L.] Neither by entreaty nor by bribe.

Nec quærere, nec spernere honorem. [L.] Neither to seek nor to contemn honours. Nec scire fas est omnia. [L.] It is not permitted to know all things.

Nec temere, nec timide. [L] Neither rashly nor timidly.

Nefasti dies. [L.] Days on which judgment

could not be pronounced, nor assemblies of the people be held; hence, unlucky days. Ne fronti crede. [L.] Trust not to appearances. Nemine contradicente. [L] No one speaking in opposition; without opposition. Nemine dissentiente. [L.] No one dissenting; without a dissenting voice.

Nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto. [L.] No one is twice punished for the same offence. Nemo me impune lacessit. [L.] No one assails me with impunity.

Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. [L.] No one is wise at all times.

Nemo repente fuit turpissimus. [L.] No one ever became a villain in an instant. Nemo solus sapit. [L.] No one is wise alone. Ne plus ultra. [L.] Nothing further; the uttermost point; perfection.

Ne puero gladium. [L.] Intrust not a boy with a sword.

Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat. [L.] Lest the state receive any detriment. Nervus probandi. [L.] The sinews of the argument.

Ne sutor ultra crepidam. [L] Let not the shoemaker go beyond his last; let no one meddle with what lies beyond his range. Ne tentes, aut perfice. [L.] Attempt not, or accomplish thoroughly.

Ne vile fano. [L.] Let nothing vile be in the temple.

Nihil ad rem. [L.] Nothing to the point. Nihil quod tetigit non ornavit. [L.] He touched nothing without embellishing it. Nil admirari. [L.] To be astonished at nothing.

Nil conscire sibi, nullâ pallescere culpâ. [L.] To be conscious of no fault, and to turn pale at no accusation.

Nil desperandum. [L.] There is no reason for despair.

Nil nisi cruce. [L] No dependence but on the cross.

Ni l'un ni l'autre. [Fr.] Neither the one nor the other.

Nimium ne crede colori. [L.] Trust not too much to looks.

N'importe. [Fr.] It matters not.

Nisi Dominus frustra. [L] Unless God be with us all our labour is in vain. Nitor in adversum. [L] I strive against opposition.

Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus. [L.] Virtue is the true and only nobility. Noblesse oblige. [Fr.] Rank imposes obligations; much is expected from one in good position.

Nolens volens. [L.] Willing or unwilling.
Noli me tangere. [L.] Touch me not.
Nolo episcopari. [L.] I do not wish to be
made a bishop.

Nom de guerre. [Fr.] A war name; an as-
sumed travelling name; a pseudonym.
Nom de plume. [Fr.] A pen name; an as-
sumed name of a writer.
Nomina stultorum parietibus haerent. [L]
Fools' names are seen upon the walls.
Non compos mentis [L.] Not in sound mind.
Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum
[L.] Every man has not the fortune to go
to Corinth.

Non datur tertium. [L.] There is not given a third one or a third chance.

Non deficiente crumená. [L.] The purse not


Non est inventus. [L] He has not been found.
Non libet. [L.] It does not please me.
Non mi recordo. [It.] I do not remember.
Non multa, sed multum. [L.] Not many
things but much.

Non nobis solum. [L.] Not to ourselves alone. Non obstant clameur de haro. [Fr.] Notwithstanding the hue and cry.

Non omne licitum honestum. [L.] Not every lawful thing is honourable.

Non omnia possumus omnes. [L.] We cannot, all of us, do everything.

Non quis, sed quid. [L.] Not who but what, not the person but the deed. Non sequitur. [L] It does not follow. Non sibi, sed patriæ. [L.] Not for himself but for his country.

Non sum qualis eram. [L.] I am not what I once was.

Nosce teipsum. [L.] Know thyself.

Noscitur e sociis. [L] He is known by his companions.

Nota bene. [L.] Mark well.
Notre Dame. [Fr.] Our Lady.
N'oubliez pas. [Fr.] Don't forget.

Nous avons changé tout cela. [Fr.] We have changed all that.

Nous verrons. [Fr.] We shall see.
Novus homo. [L.] A new man; one who has
raised himself from obscurity.
Nudis verbis. [L.] In plain words.
Nudum pactum. [L.] A mere agreement,
unconfirmed by writing.

Nulla dies sine lined. [L.] Not a day without
a line; no day without something done.
Nulli secundus. [L.] Second to none.
Nunc aut nunquam. [L.] Now or never.
Nunquam minus solus, quam cum solus. [L ]
Never less alone than when alone.
Nunquam non paratus. [L] Never unpre-
pared; always ready.

Obiit. [L] He, or she, died.

Obiter dictum. [L.] A thing said by the way. Obscurum per obscurius. [L.] Explaining an obscurity by something more obscure still. Obsta principiis. [L] Resist the first beginnings.

Occurrent nubes. [L.] Clouds will intervene. Oderint dum metuant. [L.] Let them hate provided they fear.

Odi profanum vulgus. [L.] I loathe the profane rabble.

Odium theologicum. [L.] The hatred of theologians.

Eil de bœuf. [Fr.] A bull's-eye.
Euvres. [Fr.] Works.

Officina gentium. [L.] The workshop of the world.

Omen faustum. [L.] A favourable omen. Omne ignotum pro magnifico. [L.] Whatever is unknown is held to be magnificent. Omnem movere lapidem. [L.] To turn every stone; to leave no stone unturned; to make every exertion.

Omne solum forti patria. [L.] Every soil is a brave man's country.

Omne trinum perfectum. [L.] Every perfect thing is threefold.

Omnia ad Dei gloriam. [L] All things for the glory of God.

Omnia bona bonis. [L.] All things are good to the good.

Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. [L.] All things change, and we change with them.

Omnia vincit amor. [L.] Love conquers all things.

Omnia vincit labor. [L.] Labour overcomes all things.

Omnis amans amens. [L.] Every lover is demented.

On connait l'ami au besoin. [Fr.] A friend is known in time of need.

Opera pretium est. [L.] It is worth while.
Ora et labora. [L.] Pray and work.
Ora pro nobis. [L.] Pray for us.
Orator fit, poeta nascitur. [L] An orator may
be made by training, a poet is born a

Ore rotundo. [L.] With round full voice.
Origo mali. [L.] Origin of the evil.
O! si sic omnia. [L.] O! if all things so; O!
if he had always so spoken or acted.
O tempora! O mores! [L] O the times! O

the manners!

Otiosa sedulitas. [L.] Idle industry; laborious trifling.

Otium cum dignitate. [L.] Ease with dignity; dignified leisure.

Oublier je ne puis. [Fr.] I can never forget. Oui-dire. [Fr] Hearsay.

Ouvrage de longue haleine. [Fr.] A work of long breath; a work long in being got through; a long-winded or tedious business.


Pace. [L] By leave of; not to give offence to.-Pace tua, with your consent.

Pacta conventa. [L.] The conditions agreed


Padrone. [It] A master; a landlord.
Pallida mors. [L.] Pale death.
Palmam qui meruit ferat. [L.] Let him who
has won the palm wear it.

Par ci par la. [Fr.] Here and there.
Par excellence. [Fr] By way of eminence.
Par negotiis, neque supra. [L.] Neither above
nor below his business.

Par nobile fratrum. [L.] A noble pair of brothers; two just alike; the one as good or as bad as the other.

Parole d'honneur. [Fr] Word of honour. Pars pro toto. [L.] Part for the whole. Particeps criminis. [L] An accomplice in a crime.

Parva componere magnis. [L.] To compare small things with great.

Pâté de foi gras. [Fr] Goose-liver pie.
Pater patriæ. [L] Father of his country.
Patres conscripti. [L.] The conscript fathers;
Roman senators.

Pax vobiscum. [L.] Peace be with you.
Peine forte et dure. [Fr.] Strong and severe
punishment; a kind of judicial torture.
Pensée. [Fr.] A thought.

Per. (L.) By; by means of; through. - Per ambages. By circuitous ways; hence, by allegory; figuratively; metaphorically. Per angusta ad augusta. Through trials to triumph.-Per annum. By the year; annually. Per aspera ad astra. Through rough ways to the stars; through suffering to renown-Per capita. By the head or poll.Percentum. By the hundred.-Percuriam. By the court. Per diem. By the day; daily. Per fas et nefas. Through right and wrong. Per gradus. Step by step. — Per interim. In the meantime.-Per mare per terras. Through sea and land. - Per pares. By one's peers.-Per saltum. By a leap or jump.-Per se. By itself considered. -Per viam. By the way of. Per. [It.] For; through; by. Per contra. Contrariwise.-Per contante. For cash. Per conto. Upon account.-Per mese. By the month.

Perfervidum ingenium Scotorum. [L.] The intense earnestness of Scotsmen. Periculum in mora. [L] There is danger in delay.

Petit coup. [Fr.] A small mask covering only the eyes and nose.

Petitio principi. [L.] A begging of the ques


Peu-à-peu. [Fr.] Little by little; by degrees. Pied à terre. [Fr.] A resting-place; a temporary lodging.

Pis aller. [Fr] The worst or last shift.
Plebs. [L] Common people.

Poco a poco. [It] Little by little.
Poeta nascitur, non fit. [L.] The poet is born,
not made; nature, not study, must form
the poet.

Point d'appui. [Fr.] Point of support; prop. Pondere, non numero. [L.] By weight, not by number.

Pons asinorum. [L.] An ass's bridge; a name given to the fifth proposition of the first book of Euclid.

Populus vult decipi. [L] People like to be deceived.

Post bellum auxilium. [L] Aid after the


Pour acquit. [Fr] Received payment; paid: written at the bottom of a discharged account.

Pour faire rire. [Fr] To excite laughter.
Pour faire visite. [Fr.] To pay a visit.
Pour passer le temps. [Fr.] To pass away the

Pour prendre congé. [Fr.] To take leave. Præmonitus, præmunitus. [L.] Forewarned, forearmed.

Prendre la lune avec les dents. [Fr.] To take the moon by the teeth; to aim at impossibilities.

Presto maturo, presto marcio. [It.] Soon ripe, soon rotten.

Prêt d'accomplir. [Fr.] Ready to accomplish.

Prêt pour mon pays. [Fr.] Ready for my country.

Preux chevalier. [Fr] A brave knight.
Primo. [L.] In the first place.
Primum mobile. [L.] The source of motion;
the mainspring.

Principia, non homines. [L] Principles, not


Principiis obsta. [L.] Resist the first beginnings.

Prior tempore, prior jure. [L] First in time;


Pro aris et focis. [L.] For our altars and our hearths; for civil and religious liberty. Probatum est. [L.] It is proved. Probitas laudatur, et alget. [L.] Honesty is praised, and is left to starve.

Pro bono publico. [L.] For the good of the public.

Pro Deo et ecclesia. [L.] For God and the church.

Pro et contra. [L.] For and against.
Profanum vulgus. [L.] The profane vulgar.
Pro forma. [L] For the sake of form.
Proh pudor. [L] O, for shame.

Pro memoria. [L.] For a memorial. Propaganda fide. [L.] For extending the faith.

Pro patria. [L] For our country.

Pro rege, lege, et grege. [L.] For the king, the law, and the people.

Prudens futuri. [L.] Thoughtful of the fu


Pugnis et calcibus. [L] With fists and heels; with all the might.

Punctum saliens. [L.] A salient or prominent point.

Punica fides. [L.] Punic faith; treachery.

Quæ fuerunt vitia, mores, sunt. [L.] What were once vices are now manners or customs.

Quae nocent docent. [L.] Things which injure instruct; we learn by what we suffer. Qualis ab incepto. [L] The same as at the beginning.

Qualis rex, talis grex. [L] Like king, like people.

Qualis vita, finis ita. [L] As life is so is its end.

Quam diu se bene gesserit. [L.] During good


Quanti est sapere [L] How desirable is wisdom or knowledge.

Quantum libet. [L.] As much as you please. Quantum meruit. [L.] As much as he deserved.

Quantum mutatus ab illo. [L] How changed from what he once was.

Quantum sufficit. [L] As much as suffices; a sufficient quantity.

Quelque chose. [Fr.] Something; a trifle.
Quid faciendum? [L.] What is to be done?
Quid rides! [L] Why do you laugh?
Qu'il soit comme il est desiré. [Fr.] Let it be
as desired.

Qui m'aime, aime mon chien. [Fr.] Love me, love my dog.

Qui n'a santé n'a rien. [Fr.] He who wants health wants everything.

Qui nimium probat, nihil probat. [L] He proves nothing who proves too much. Qui non proficit, deficit. [L.] He who does not advance goes backward.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. [L.] Who shall keep the keepers themselves.

Qui tacet consentit. [L.] He who is silent gives consent.

Qui timide rogat, docet negare. [L.] He who
asks timidly invites denial.
Qui va là? [Fr.] Who goes there?
Quoad hoc. [L] To this extent.

Quo animo. [L.] With what intention.
Quocunque modo. [L.] In whatever manner.
Quocunque nomine. [L.] Under whatever


Quod avertat Deus! [L.] Which may God avert!

Quod bene notandum. [L.] Which must be especially noticed.

Quod erat demonstrandum. [L] Which was to be proved or demonstrated.

Quod erat faciendum. [L.] Which was to be done.

Quod hoc sibi vult? [L] What does this mean?
Quod non opus est, asse carum est. [L.] What
is not wanted is dear at a copper.
Quod vide. [L.] Which see.

Quo Fata vocant. [L] Whither the Fates call.

Quo jure? [L.] By what right?

Quo pax et gloria ducunt. [L.] Where peace and glory lead.

Quorum pars magna fuit. [L.] Of whom, or which, I was an important part. Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat. [L.] Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.

Quot homines, tot sententiæ. [L] Many men, many minds.

Raison d'état. [Fr.] A reason of state. Raison d'être. [Fr.] The reason for a thing's existence.

Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillimo cygno. [L] A rare bird on earth, and very like a black swan (formerly believed to be non

Rathhaus. [Ger.] A town-hall. Ratione soli. [L.] As regards the soil. Realschulen. [Ger.] Real schools; secondary German schools giving a general practical training.

Recte et suaviter. [L.] Justly and mildly. Rectus in curia. [L.] Upright in court; with clean hands.

Redolet lucerna. [L.] It smells of the lamp; it is a laboured production. Reductio ad absurdum. [L.] The reducing of a position to an absurdity.

Re infecta. [L.] The business being unfinished.

Relata refero. [L.] I repeat the story as it was given me.

Religio loci. [L] The religious spirit of the place.

Rem acu tetigisti. [L.] You have touched the matter with a needle; you have hit the thing exactly.

Remis velisque. [L.] With oars and sails; using every endeavour.

Renascentur. [L.] They will be born again. Renovate animos. [L.] Renew your courage. Renovato nomine. [L] By a revived name. Répondre en Normand. [Fr.] To give an evasive answer.

Requiescat in pace. [L.] May he (or she) rest in peace.

Resangusta domi. [L.] Narrow circumstances at home.

Res est sacra miser. [L.] A sufferer is a sacred thing.

Res geste. [L.] Things done; exploits. Res judicata. [L.] A case or suit already settled.

Respice finem. [L.] Look to the end. Respublica. [L] The commonwealth. Resurgam. [L] I shall rise again. Revenons à nos moutons. [Fr.] Let us return to our sheep; let us return to our subject.

Re vera. [L] In the true matter; in truth. Ridere in stomacho. [L.] To laugh secretly: to laugh in one's sleeve.

Ride si sapis. [L] Laugh, if you are wise. Rien n'est beau que le vrai. [Fr.] There is nothing beautiful except the truth. Rira bien, qui rira le dernier. [Fr.] He laughs well who laughs last.

Rire entre cuir et chair. [Fr.] To laugh in Rire sous cape. [Fr.] Jone's sleeve. Rixatur de land caprina. [L.] He contends about goat's wool; he quarrels about trifles. Robe de chambre. [Fr.] A morning-gown or dressing-gown.

Ruat cælum. [L.] Let the heavens fall Rudis indigestaque moles. [L] A rude and undigested mass.

Ruit mole sud. [L] It falls to ruin by its own weight.

Ruse de guerre. [Fr.] A stratagem of war. Rus in urbe. [L.] The country in town.

Sal Atticum. [L] Attic salt; ie, wit.
Salvo jure. [L] The right being safe.
Salvo pudore. [L.] Without offence to mo-

Sans peur et sans reproche. [Fr.] Without fear and without reproach.

Sans rime et sans raison. [Fr.] Without rhyme or reason.

Sans souci. [Fr.] Without care. Sapere aude. [L] Dare to be wise. Sartor resartus. [L] The botcher repatched; the tailor patched or mended. Sat cito, si sat bene. [L] Soon enough done, if well enough done.

Satis dotata, si bene morata. [L.] Well enough dowered, if well principled. Satis eloquentiæ, sapientiæ parvum, [L] Eloquence enough, but little wisdom. Satis superque. [L.] Enough, and more than enough.

Satis verborum. [L] Enough of words; no more need be said.

Sat pulchra, si sat bona. [L] Handsome enough, if good enough.

Sauve qui peut. [Fr.] Let him save himself

who can.

Savoir faire. [Fr.] The knowing how to act;

[blocks in formation]

Secundum artem. [L] According to art or rule; scientifically,

Secundum naturam. [L] According to na ture.

Selon les règles. [Fr.] According to rule. Semel abbas, semper abbas. [L] Once an abbot, always an abbot.

Semel et simul. [L.] Once and together. Semel insanivimus omnes. [L.] We have all, at sometime, been mad.

Semper avarus eget. [L.] The avaricious is always in want.

Semper fidelis. [L] Always faithful.
Semper idem. [L] Always the same.
Semper paratus. [L.] Always ready.
Semper timidum scelus. [L.] Guilt is always

Sempre il mal non vien per nuocere. [It.]
Misfortune does not always come to injure.
Senatus consultum. [L] A decree of the

Se non è vero, è ben trovato. [It.] If not true it is cleverly invented. Sequiturque patrem haud passibus æquis. [L.] He follows his father, but not with equal steps.

Sero venientibus ossa. [L] Those who come late shall have the bones.

Serus in coelum redeas. [L] Late may you return to heaven; may you live long. Servare modum. [L] To keep within bounds. Servus servorem Dei. [L] A servant of the servants of God.

Sic eunt fata hominum. [L.] Thus go the fates of men.

Sic itur ad astra. [L.] Such is the way to the stars, or to immortality.

Sic passim. [L.] So here and there throughout; so everywhere.

Sic semper tyrannis. [L] Ever so to tyrants. Sic transit gloria mundi. [L.] Thus passes away the glory of this world.

Sicut ante. [L.] As before.

Sicut patribus, sit Deus nobis. [L.] As with our fathers so may God be with us. Sic volo, sic jubeo; stat pro ratione voluntas. [L.] Thus I will, thus I command; let my will stand for a reason.

Sic vos non vobis. [L.] Thus you labour but not for yourselves.

Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos? [L] If
God be with us who shall stand against us?
Si diis placit. [L] If it pleases the gods.
Sile, et philosophus esto. [L.] Be silent and
pass for a philosopher.

Silent leges inter arma. [L.] Amidst arms, or in war, laws are silent, or disregarded. Similia similibus curantur. [L.] Like things are cured by like.

Similis simili gaudet. [L.] Like is pleased with like.

Si monumentum quæris, circumspice. [L] If you seek his monument, look around you.

Sine cura. [L] Without charge or care.
Sine die. [L] Without a day being appointed.
Sine dubio. [L.] Without doubt.
Sine mora. [L.] Without delay.
Sine præjudicio. [L] Without prejudice.
Sine qua non. [L] Without which, not.

Si parva licet componere magnis. [L] If small things may be compared with great. Siste viator. [L.] Stop traveller.

Sit tibi terra levis. [L.] Light lie the earth upon thee.

Sit ut est aut non sit. [L.] Let it be as it is, or not at all.

Si vis pacem, para bellum. [L.] If you wish for peace, prepare for war.

Sola nobilitas virtus. [L.] Virtue the only nobility.

Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant. [L.] They make a wilderness and call it peace. Soufler le chaud et le froid. [Fr] To blow hot and cold.

Spero meliora. [L] I hope for better things. Spes sibi quisque. [L.] Let every one hope in himself.

Splendide mendax. [L] Nobly untruthful; untrue for a good object.

Sponte sud. [L] Of one's (or its) own accord. Stat magni nominis umbra. [L.] He stands the shadow of a mighty name.

Stat pro ratione voluntas. [L] Will stands for reason.

Statu quo ante bellum. [L] In the state in which things were before the war. Status quo. [L] The state in which. Stemmata quid faciunt. [L.] Of what value are pedigrees.

Sternitur alieno vulnere. [L.] He is slain by a blow aimed at another.

Stratum super stratum. [L.] Layer above layer.

Studium immane loquendi. [L] An insatiable desire for talking.

Sua cuique voluptas. [L.] Every man has his own pleasures.

Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. [L.] Gentle in manner, resolute in execution. Sub colore juris. [L.] Under colour of law. Sub hoc signo vinces. [L] Under this standard you will conquer.

Sub judice. [L] Under consideration. Sublata causa, tollitur effectus. [L.] The


Sub pœna. [L.] Under a penalty.

Sub prætexto juris. [L.] Under the pretext of justice.

Sub rosa. [L] Under the rose; privately.
Sub silentio. [L.] In silence.

Sub specie. [L.] Under the appearance of.
Sub voce. [L.] Under such or such a word.
Suggestio falsi. [L.] Suggestion of falsehood.
Sui generis. [L.] Of its own or of a peculiar

Summum bonum. [L.] The chief good. Summum jus, summa injuria. [L.] The rigour of the law is the height of oppression. Sumptibus publicis. [L.] At the public ex


Sum quod eris; fui quod es. [L.] I am what you will be, I was what you are. Suo Marte. [L.] By his own prowess. Suppressio veri, suggestio falsi. [L.] A suppression of the truth is the suggestion of a falsehood.

Surgit amari aliquid. [L.] Something bitter arises.

Suum cuique. [L.] Let every one have his


Suus cuique mos. [L.] Every one has his particular habit.

Tableau vivant. [Fr.] A living picture; the representation of some scene by groups of persons.

Tabula rasa. [L.] A smooth or blank tablet. Tâche sans tache. [Fr.] A work without a stain.

Tædium vitæ. [L.] Weariness of life. Tangere vulnus. [L.] To touch the wound. Tantæne animus cœlestibus iræ? [L] Can

such anger dwell in heavenly minds? Tant mieux. [Fr.] So much the better. Tanto buon che val niente. [It.] So good as to be good for nothing.

Tant pis. [Fr.] So much the worse.
Tantum vidit Virgilium. [L.] He merely saw

Virgil; he only looked on the great man.
Te judice. [L.] You being the judge.
Tel maître, tel valet. [Fr.] Like master, like


Telum imbelle, sine ictu. [L.] A feeble weapon thrown without effect.

Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis. [L] The times are changing and we with them.

Tempori parendum. [L] We must yield to the times.

Tempus edax rerum. [L.] Time the devourer of all things.

Tempus fugit. [L.] Time flies.

Tempus omnia revelat. [L.] Time reveals all things.

Tenax propositi. [L.] Tenacious of his pur


Teresatque rotundus. [L.] Round and smooth; polished and complete.

Terminus ad quem. [L.] The term or limit to which.

Terminus a quo. [L.] The term or limit from which.

Tertium quid. [L.] A third something; a nondescript

Tibi seris, tibi metis. [L.] You sow for your-
self, you reap for yourself.
Tiens à la vérité. [Fr.] Maintain the truth.
Tiens ta foi. [Fr.] Keep thy faith.

Toga virilis. [L.] The manly toga; the dress of manhood.

To kalon. [Gr.] The beautiful; the chief good.

To prepon. [Gr.] The becoming or proper. Tot homines, quot sententiae. [L.] So many men, so many minds.

Totidem verbis. [L.] In just so many words.
Toties quoties. [L] As often as.
Totis viribus. [L.] With all his might.
Toto cœlo. [L.] By the whole heavens; dia-
metrically opposite.

Toujours perdrix. [Fr] Always partridges;
always the same thing over again.
Toujours prêt. [Fr.] Always ready.
Tour de force. [Fr.] A feat of strength or


Tourner casaque. [Fr.] To turn one's coat; to change sides.

Tout-à-fait. [Fr.] Wholly; entirely.
Tout-à-l'heure. [Fr.] Instantly.

Tout au contraire. [Fr.] On the contrary.
Tout à vous. [Fr.] Wholly yours.

Tout bien ou rien. [Fr.] The whole or nothing.
Tout de suite. [Fr] Immediately.

Tout le monde est sage après coup. [Fr.] Everybody is wise after the event. Trahit sua quemque voluptas. [L.] Every one is attracted by his own liking. Transeat in exemplum. [L.] May it pass into an example.

Tria juncta in uno. [L.] Three joined in one.


Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo discrimine agetur.
[L.] Trojan or Tyrian there shall be no dis-
tinction so far as I am concerned.
Truditur dies die. [L.] One day is pressed
onward by another.

Tu ne cede malis. [L.] Do not yield to evils.
Tu quoque. [L] Thou also.
Tutor et ultor. [L.] Protector and avenger.
Tuum est. [L.] It is your own.

Uberrima fides. [L] Superabounding faith. Ubi bene, ibi patria. [L.] Where it is well there is one's country.

Ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum. [L] Where the law is uncertain there is no law. Ubi lapsus. [L] Where have I fallen? Ubi libertas, ibi patria. [L.] Where liberty is there is my country.

Ubi mel, ibi apes. [L.] Where honey is there are the bees.

Ubique. [L] Everywhere.

Ubique patriam reminisci. [L.] To remember our country everywhere.

Ubi supra. [L.] Where above mentioned. Ultima ratio regum. [L.] The last argument of kings; war.

Ultimus Romanorum. [L.] The last of the Romans.

Ultra licitum. [L.] Beyond what is allowable. Una voce. [L] With one voice; unanimously.

Un bienfait n'est jamais perdu. [Fr.] A kindness is never lost.

Un fait accompli. [Fr.] An accomplished fact.

Unguibus et rostro. [L.] With claws and beak; tooth and nail.

Unguis in ulcere. [L.] A claw in the wound. Uno animo. [L.] With one mind; unanimously.

Un sot à triple étage. [Fr.] An egregious fool. Un tiens' vaut mieux que deux tu l'auras.' [Fr.] One take it is worth more than two thou shalt have it; a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Usque ad aras. [L.] To the very altars; to the last extremity.

Usque ad nauseam. [L.] To disgust.
Usus loquendi. [L] Usage in speaking.
Ut apes geometriam. [L.] As bees practise

Utile dulci. [L.] The useful with the pleasant.

Ut infra. [L.] As below.

Ut pignus amicitiæ. [L.] As a pledge of friendship.

Ut quocunque paratus. [L.] Prepared for every event.

Ut supra. [L.] As above stated.

Vacuus cantat coram latrone viator. [L.] The traveller with an empty purse sings in presence of the highwayman. Vade in pace. [L.] Go in peace. Væ victis. [L] Woe to the vanquished. Valeat quantam valere potest. [L.] Let it pass for what it is worth.

Varice lectiones. [L.] Various readings. Variorum nota. [L] The notes of various


Varium et mutabile semper fæmina. [L] Woman is ever a changeful and capricious thing.

Velis et remis. [L.] With sails and oars; by every possible means.

Veluti in speculum. [L.] Even as in a mirror. Venalis populus, venalis curia patrum. [L.] The people are venal, and the senate is equally venal.

Venenum in auro bibitur. [L] Poison is drunk from golden vessels.

Venia necessitati datur. [L.] Indulgence is granted to necessity. Veni, vidi, vici. [L.] I came, I saw, I conquered. Ventis secundis. [L.] With prosperous winds. Vera incessu patuit dea. [L.] The real goddess was made manifest by her walk. Verbatim et literatim. [L] Word for word and letter for letter.

Verbum sat sapienti. [L.] A word is enough for a wise man.

Veritasodium parit. [L.] Truth begets hatred. Veritas prevalebit. [L.] Truth will prevail. Veritas vincit. [L.] Truth conquers. Veritatis simplex oratio est. [L.] The language of truth is simple.

Vérité sans peur. [Fr.] Truth without fear. Ver non semper viret. [L.] Spring is not always green.

Vestigia nulla retrorsum. [L] No returning
footsteps; no traces backward.
Vexata quæstio, [L] A disputed question.
Via media. [L] A middle course.

Via trita, via tuta. [L.] The beaten path is

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