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prison ? Were such views real- | penitent sinner shall be admitted


into it. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God ? Be not deceived.

No fornicator, or adulterer, or unclean person shall have any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ. The wicked shall be turned into hell, amd all the peo

wicked God will rain snares, fire, brimstone, and a terrible tempest, this shall be their portion; a portion how different from that which we have just been describ

ized they would reconcile you to the death of relations as dear to you as your own souls ; for what is there really afflicting in the death of those who sleep in Jesus? They would also teach you to bear properly the evils and troubles of life. Your light trib- | ulations, which are but for a mo-ple who forget God. Upon the ment, would work out for you a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Estimate by comparison with the happiness of heaven the pleasures of this vain and transitory life, and seeing! how poor they all are, and how little worth that eager pursuit with which they are sought by many. Finally, let this glorious prospect animate and cheer you whenever you faint or are weary. All this scene of blessedness is ready to open upon you as soon as you put off this mortal life, which may be in a very short time, and cannot be at a very distant period. See then that you are walking worthy of the vocation with which you are called, daily living as those who are expecting and waiting for such a glory ready to be revealed. Remember that here that relation must be begun between you and God, which is only perfected above. There is a difference, rather in degree than in kind, between the employments and the enjoyments of the church below and the church above. See then that you look upon this life as a preparation only for a better, and that having this hope you purify yourselves even as he who hath called you is pure.

Now may I not appeal to the consciences of some of my readers on this point: that they have no part or lot in this glorious inheritance of the saints ? If the wicked are excluded, they are excluded. If none can enter into the kingdom of God but those that are born of the Spirit of God, they are not born again, as their own consciences bear them witness. If it is necessary that we should possess a true and living faith in order to be united to Christ; they have no such faith, and therefore are not one with Christ and Christ with them. In a word, if the whole current of scripture declares, in the most pointed and express manner, that none are admitted into the kingdom of heaven but such as are previously prepared and fitted for it, by repentance, faith, and holiness; then they stand excluded. Do not say

that you are no worse than your neighbors, and that many others are as careless about their souls as you are. It is too true: our But let it be remembered, that Saviour has said the same: the same scriptures which de-"wide is the gate and broad is clare to us the happiness of hea- the way that leadeth to destrucven, declare also, with equal | tion, and many there are that clearness and fulness, that no im- enter in thereat; and strait is

of my friend,) began at the university, which we entered and quitted nearly at the same time; and it was improved into an intimacy by an occasional intercourse of several years. He was sensible, lively, affable, generous, and humane; but with these qualities he had one fault, which often made me tremble for its

the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." But while I would alarm you who are impenitent with a sense of your danger, I would also beseech you to reflect that it is not yet too late; though you know not how soon it may be. Blessed be God, the door of mercy is still open. By all the unspeak-consequences, an impetuosity of able joys which I have described, temper, which ill brooked oppo by all the terrors of everlasting sition or restraint. In 1785 I left destruction, remain not, I intreat England, under a promise of you, in a state of sin, or even of writing to Theophilus, which I doubt, about your salvation. Let never performed, although I alnot so great and glorious a trea- ways retained a sincere regard sure, as is offered to you, be lost, for him. I returned to my nabecause you would not accept it. tive country at the close of the This day, while it is called to- last century, and enquiring after day, reflect seriously upon the the companion of my youth, I world to come. Think of the learnt that, in 1787, he had sucblessedness of dying in the Lord, ceeded to a large estate in and being admitted into heaven; shire, and had ever since lived and of the misery of perishing in the country, visiting the mefor ever; and may the Lord tropolis only when called to it by give you repentance and true business of importance. conversion.


From the Christian Observer.

The Nature and Effects of Christian Courtesy exemplified.


Intending to surprise him by an early visit, I forebore writing to him, but from circumstances which it is unnecessary to particularize, I had no opportunity of executing my intention before the beginning of last September, when, without any previous notice, I repaired to his house. At the distance of three quarters of SHORT time since, I paid a mile from it, I passed through a visit to an old friend at a village, which I was informed his residence in a remote part of had been established by Theophthe kingdom, whom I had not ilus; the neatness of the cottaseen for eighteen years, and Iges, and the appearance of their am disposed to think the narra- inhabitants bespoke industry, ortive of the circumstances of that der, economy, and comfort. My interview, and of the consequen-name, as that of a perfect strances attending it, will not be un-ger, was announced to him by interesting to yourself or your a servant. I heard it repeated readers. with a vivacity which convinced me that I was not forgotten, and that I should be a welcome visitor: in a moment afterwards

My acquaintance with Theophilus (for that is the title under which I shall conceal the name VOL. VI. No, 3.


my friend took me by the hand, and his voice confirmed what his countenance expressed, that he was really glad to see me.

which no mortal can ever hope to equal, but which I daily study, as a model of unattainable though imitable perfection; a character which combines such dignity and condescension, such sublim

We had chatted more than an hour, with all the hilarity and interest which a renewed friend-ity and humility, so much forship, after long separation, in- bearance under affront, such paspires, when we were most dis- tience under ill usage, such love agreeably interrupted by rude to God, and such good will to noises at the gate a servant en- man, evinced by habitual piety tering announced the arrival of and philanthropy, that even men some clamorous complainants, of the world are compelled to who required the interposition admire it, whilst those to whom it of my friend as a magistrate. | is given to understand it love and He immediately arose, apologis- adore it. Imagination never coned for the necessity of attending ceived a character so amiable, his duty, and was preparing to so elevated." From this and leave the room, when I request- some other expressions I sused to accompany him. The par-pected Theophilus had become ties stated their complaints, a Methodist,and the morning and which had arisen out of a drun- evening use of family prayer, ken brawl, with the greatest ve- with the general tenor of his hemence, although they were so conversation, so different from trifling and ridiculous, that I what it used to be, tended strongcould not suppress my vexation ly to confirm the suspicion, alat the ill timed intrusion. My though I saw nothing in his befriend, however, heard them, havior or in that of his family, of not merely with patience, but the cant, precision, and formaliwith complacency, and I admir-ty attributed to people of that ed the dexterity with which he denomination. The suspicion, soothed and composed the enra- however, (I now confess it with ged opponents, and the well ad- shame,) abated somewhat of that apted, impressive admonition cordiality which I felt on the with which he discharged, after first renewal of our intimacy; having reconciled, them. All but an intercourse of a few days this was done without any emo- completely annihilated it, and tion, and with so much good hu- my admiration of his character mor, that I could not conceal my and love of his person hourly insurprise. Theophilus, smiling, creased. His deportment was replied, "You knew me at a so invariably courteous and kind, time when I should not have his conversation, though serious, borne such a scene with so much was so free from gloom, so affacomposure, but since our sepa- ble and cheerful, his whole deration I have been studying mo- meanor was so graceful and enrals and manners in that book, gaging, that I never saw the (pointing to one which I saw was character of a fine gentleman a bible;) in that," continuing more strikingly displayed than his discourse with a rising ani- by him. Decorum, civility, and mation in his voice and eyes, politeness, we expect, and usual"there is a character described, ly find, in persons of a certain

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barrassed applied to him for advice, the distressed for assistance, and the unhappy for consolation, and the sympathy which he felt and exhibited on such occasions gave a grace to his generosity, and a softness to his admonition,, which gained the affections, as well as the gratitude, of those whom he relieved. I regretted that I could not see him in the

rank in life; but in him they ap- duct was beneficially felt wherepeared the expressions of innatever they were known. The embenevolence. His complacency was without effort, the result of principle, the indication of a mind disciplined and composed, and although I knew that his thoughts were frequently occupied by business of urgent importance, which required intense consideration, I never saw him absent or embarrassed in society, or inattentive to conversation, to which, without any appear-character of a husband and faance of dictating, he often gave ther, but he had lost his wife an improving and entertaining three years before my visit to tone. But nothing struck me him, and the death of his only more forcibly than his behavior child had preceded that of its to young people; he seemed to | mother. feel that to be extensively useful When I visited Theophilus it to them he must possess their was my intention to pass a few esteem and confidence, and as days only with him, but I was this was an object which he had attracted by the irresistible fasconstantly in view, he concilia- cination of his society to prolong ted their attachment by a famili- my stay. I joined in all the daiarity which never lessened their ly devotions of the family at first, respect for him; he would join rather (I will not disguise the them in the hours of recreation, truth) from a motive of conformparticipate their gaiety, and pro- ity than from a sense of religion. mote their innocent amusements; But it was impossible to be long and without the repulsive for- in the company of Theophilus mality of instruction contrived, without feeling the influence of even at those times, to impress his character. The union of piupon their minds useful know- ety and external elegance is irledge and important truths; and resistible; in him they were when he assembled them, as he united, beyond what I ever saw often did, for the express pur- in any man, and it was evident pose of instruction, it was con- that he had not learned politeveyed in such a mode that they ness from the fashionable world seemed as anxious to receive it only, but that it was the expres as he was willing to impart it. sion of principle and feeling Nor was the society of Theoph-combined. The prayers which ilus less agreeable to the aged; he used in the family were eithe same behavior endeared him ther those of our church, or comto them which conciliated the pilations from the different seryoung in short, as a master, a vices of it, or compositions of landlord, or a member of socie- our best divines; and they were ty, he was equally respected and uttered by him with so much unesteemed by his family, his ten- feigned devotion, that it was imants, and his neighbors, and the possible to hear them often withinfluence of his opinions and con- out being affected by them. I

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had, in fact, become in love with religion before I knew what it was, for although my mind had not been indurated by the maxims of infidel philosophy, I had never seriously considered the subject of revelation.

ments. Let the friendship of our declining years be cemented by the rational desire of promoting the eternal welfare of each other. I now look back to the time when we passed our mornings and evenings together, in follies and pleasures, as a period of delirium; and whilst I tremble at the recollection of the dangers in which we were plunged by it, I adore with unspeakable gratitude the mercy which rescued me from it. To you I am bound to make this confession as an atonement for my criminality, in encoura ging by my example and participation the thoughtless dissipation of your younger years. Ig

Theophilus remarked with pleasure the traces of this alteration, he improved the opportunity afforded him by it, of introducing moral and religious topics of conversation, to which, in the first days of our renewed acquaintance, I should have paid little attention; and he led me insensibly to the perusal of books calculated to enlighten my understanding, and awaken and alarm my apprehensions. Some-norant of your situation abroad, times he would descant on the frivolous or vicious pursuits of the times, expatiate on the misery occasioned by them to individuals, families, and the nation; or contrast the turbulence and anxiety of a life of dissipation with the solid composure of a religious mind, and the dying despair or insensibility of the impenitent sinner, with the serene confidence of the true believer. | All this was done with so much judgment, that I felt its effect without perceiving the object of it. To shorten the narrative, I had passed a month with him, when one evening after he had read a discourse to his family, which furnished the subject of our subsequent conversation, he addressed me with an awful, affecting seriousness, and in terms which I shall never forget..

and unapprised even whether you were living or dead, what pain have I not felt from the recollection of that period, and of, ten have I raised my voice in prayer for you to the God of mercy, that he would look down upon you with compassion, and recal you from the dangerous courses in which you began the career of life. lost devoutly do I thank him, that he has anorded me an opportunity of telling you this myself; most devoutly do I implore him, that under his good providence I may be the means of rescuing my friend from the misery and destruction of sin. Eighteen years, the third part of our lives, have elapsed in absence from each other; they have passed like a dream, and the remainder of our allotted existence, be it more or less, will "I love you, Edward, (said he) soon vanish in the same manner, and I mean to give you a solid and the question, which we canproof of my affection. Our not evade, will then be asked, friendship began in youth, and how we have passed our lives? was founded on a similarity of Have we lived to the glory of dispositions, which led us to the God or to ourselves? What an same occupations and amuse-alarming question to beings, who

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