Imágenes de páginas

upon divine subjects, which he put into their hands.

preached lectures to them in a stated course, and took much pains to Christianize and civilize them.*

And this good man had the pleasure to find, that both adults and children made laudable pro-It being difficult, if not imficiency in Christian knowledge. practicable to supply all the vilAnd he had the happiness to un- lages of the Christianized Inderstand, that many of the prose-dians, or even the most of them, lytes, and after a time the gene- with fixed English ministers; rality, prayed in their families to remedy, in some measure, morning and evening, and that this, defect, Mr. Eliot, in declinwith much apparent affection ing years, used special endeavand reverence.* ors to qualify some of the natives to be teachers of their countrymen. Mr. Gookin gives an ac

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Eliot has, of late for some years preyear 1674) fallen

Mr. Eliot was desirous of being as extensively useful as might be to communicate the count of this in the words followknowledge of the divine Sa-ing: "Mr. 'viour to as great numbers, as 66 years (i. e. was in his power: He therefore" ceding the not only visited the various vil-" into a practice among the Inlages of the natives, as often as "dians, the better to prepare, circumstances would allow ; but " and furnish them with abilities was careful to take journies to" to explain and apply the scrippreach the gospel in places, "tures, by setting up a lecture where, upon special occasions, among them in logic and thelarge numbers of them were "ology, once every fortnight, all collected; as when, from vari-" the summer, at Natick, at ous parts, they resorted to the "which he reads and explains best fishing places-when they" to them the principles of those assembled to attend the court of" arts. And God has been pleasthe English magistrate who was superintendent in their civil concerns, &c.t

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❝ed graciously so to bless these

means, that several of them, "especially young men of acute So intent was he upon propa“ parts, have gained much knowgating the gospel among them, "ledge, and are able to speak that he used his influence, by "methodically, and properly, conversation and letters, to ex- "unto any plain text of scripcite other ministers and scho-" ture; yea, as well as can be lars, both in the Massachusetts "imagined such little means of and other colonies, to qualify" learning can enable them to themselves, and to engage in "do. From this church and the benevolent and important "town of Natick have issued work, and prosecute it, as far as "forth, as from a seminary of circumstances would permit : "virtue and piety, sundry teachAnd some good success attend-"ers, that are employed in seved, and followed these endear-" eral new preaching towns." ors; several worthy men learned the language of the natives,

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Mr. Eliot continued his missionary labors among the Indians 'till very old age, and its

*Gookin, p. 172.

Nor was Mr. Eliot negligent in making attempts to introduce regular civil government, and the arts of civil life among the natives; sensible that to civil

attendant infirmities, obliged him to give them over. Perhaps to no man, since St. Paul, and his inspired brethren, could the title of, "A Teacher, a Minister, and an Apostle of the Gen-ize them, was of importance, as tiles," be affixed with greater well as to gospelize them; and propriety, than to him. He was that the former contributed, in in the service of the gospel a- no small degree, to the advancemong them much of his time ment of the latter. He paid for more than forty years in suc- careful and unwearied attention cession; took frequent, and dis- both to the civil and religious intant, tedious, and perilous jour-terests of the Indians in the vanies to visit their various tribes, rious plantations which he visitand plantations. He taught ed. His heart was in the work: them with plainness and fidel- He engaged in it from the most ity, the important doctrines of pure and noble motives; and the Christianity; and was uncom- toils, hardships, and dangers monly diligent in the work. with which it was attended, did not discourage his generous and pious mind: And the observable success which he met with, in many instances, stimulated him to pursue the service with unremitting vigor and diligence.

Through the whole of his missionary course, he acted with that uprightness, which became a Christian minister; detesting such fraudulent and dishonorable measures, as have been taken by certain missionaries of another communion, I mean the Romish, some of whom have been detected in using the most base, and unchristian ways, to induce the heathen to imbibe their doctrines, and become members of their church,*

Instances of this kind occur in history. Dr. Mather communicates the following, which he thus introduces: "The Popish falsity disposes them to so much legerdemain in their applications (to the Indians) as is very disagreeable to the spirit and progress of the gospel. My worthy friend, Mynheer Dellins, who has been sedulous and successful among the Maquas (Mohawks) assures me, that a French predicator (preacher) having been attempting to bring over those Indians into the interest, not of our Saviour so much as, of Canada; at last, for a cure of their infidelity, told them, that he would give them a sign of God's displeasure at them for it; The sun should such a day be put out. This terrified them at a sad rate;

Mr. Gookin, a friend and companion of Mr. Eliot, who was well acquainted with many of the Indians, as he was their super

and with great admiration and expectation they told the Dutch of what was to come to pass: The Dutch replied, This was no more than every child among them could foretel; they all knew there would be an eclipse of the sun; but, said they, speak to Monsieur, that he would get the sun extinguished a day before, or a day after what be speaks of; and if he can do that, believe him. When the Indians thus understood what a trick the Frenchman would have put upon them, they became irreconcilably prejudiced against all his offers; nor have the French been since able to gain much upon that considerable people. The NewEnglanders have used no such stratagems and knaveries; 'tis the pure light of truth, which is all that has been used for the affecting of the rude people, whom it was easy to have cheated into our profession.

Magnalia, b. iii. p. 204.

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me; my memory fails me; my utterance fails me; but, I thank God, my charity holds out still; I find that rather grows than fails."* Love to his poor Indians, as well as the other branches of charity, remained unimpaired to the last.

intending magistrate, observes, | thing; my understanding leaves "For my own part, I have no doubt, but am fully satisfied, according to the judgment of charity, that divers of them do fear God, and are true believers; but yet I will not deny, but there may be some of them hypocrites, that profess religion, and yet are not sound hearted."-He observes further, "In all acts of public worship (for I have been often present with them) they demean themselves visibly with reverence, attention, modesty, and solemnity."*

Mr. Eliot continued to itstruct the Indians till within two or three years of his death. Tho' near the close of his mission, his very advanced age, and consequent debility prevented him from doing so much for their spiritual and temporal interests as he ardently desired; yet he earnestly improved, in this excellent work, the little strength and ability which remained: And when he could no longer labor among them, their interest lay as near his heart as ever; and he fervently prayed, that God would give success to the exertions of others, who had, or might enter into his labors.

When the good work among them appeared to decline, as it did towards the close of his life, his mind was filled with tender grief: And to some of his friends, a little before his death, he expressed himself in the following pathetic strain : "There is a cloud, a dark cloud upon the work of the gospel among the poor Indians; the Lord revive and prosper that work, and grant it may live, when I am dead."

The converted Indians had a great veneration for Mr, Eliot ; and appeared to have a deep sense of his kind and laborious services among them. "And it is no wonder he was in such high esteem among them-that they consulted him as their oracle in all difficult cases-that they loved him with a very strong affection, and would run all hazards to serve him: He really deserved highly of them; for it may be doubted, whether any man, since the apostolic age,

He was conscious of the decay, not only of his bodily, but mental powers; but was equal-ever took more pains in the ly conscious of the strength of missionary work, than himself: his love: The venerable old man His name therefore will be mentowards the close of life, when tioned with honor, as long as his age had rendered him unfit there is a Christian Indian in the for almost all employments, and world."+ bereaved him, in a great measure, of those gifts and parts, which once he had been accomplished with, being asked how he did, would sometimes answer, "Alas! I have lost every

*Historical Collections, p. 183.

Mr. Eliot was in high esteem, particularly as a missionary, not only with his brethren in the ministry, but also with gentle, men in civil life; some of whom

*Magnalia, b. iii. p. 181. Neil's History, vol. i. p. 262.

left behind them written testi- | Christian, and not any carnaland monials of the sentiments they by-ends; for in those times noentertained of his solid worth. thing of outward encouragement Capt. Roger Clap, one of the did appear: He preached sev early settlers, and for many eral years without receiving any years commander of the Castle pecuniary reward-was unweain Boston bay; who resided ried in his endeavors to promote within a few miles of him, was the salvation of the poor Indians personally, and for a long time acquainted, gives him the following character; " Among others, [who instructed the natives in the Christian religion] the principal was that reverend man of God, Mr. John Eliot, teacher of the church of Christ at Roxbury, whose great labor, and pains in catechising, preaching theber with the principal part of a

word, and translating the Bible into the Indian language, God has blessed, I doubt not, to the converting of many among them. He that converteth souls, shall shine as the sun in the firmament. Oh! how glorious will the shining of that star be in heaven! I rejoice to think of it."*

The Hon. Daniel Gookin, who was intimately acquainted with Mr. Eliot, living within a few miles of him, and accompanying him in many of his visits to the Indians, gives him the following


character, principally as an evangelist He styles him, "A learned, and worthy man-a pi

ous servant of God-one endow

ed with an extraordinary spirit, suitable for the work [of the gospel ministry, and particularly evangelizing the heathen]a worthy, and active instrument -one divinely assisted by the Spirit of God. The principles which induced this precious servant of Christ to undertake the work of Christianizing the heathen were heroic, noble, and

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was, to a very advanced age, exceeding diligent, and careful to instruct them in the sound principles of the Christian religion."t


It may not be unacceptable to some readers to finish this num

letter from the Honorable Robert

Boyle, Esq. (first governor of the society for propagating the gospel among the Indians in New England, under the Charter granted by king Charles the second,) to the commissioners of the United Colonies, together with their answer.‡

"Honored Gentlemen,

"A letter of yours being bro't hither, directed to Mr. Ashurst and Mr. Hutchinson; though

the former of these two gentle-
men, did, by the last ship, as he
ceipt of it, and intimate the rea-
tells us, acknowledge the re-
sons of our silence; yet now we
ourselves, how acceptable it was
think it meet to assure you also
that letter of yours, and partly by
to us to be informed, partly by
that letter of yours, and partly by

the relation of some learned mi-
nisters, that came, a while since,
from New-England, that you
your care, and concern
for the propagating the gospel
of Christ among the poor In-
dians. And we are glad, that

+Gookin's Historic Collections, p. 168, &c.

t Gookin's Historical Collections,

p. 215.

comply, as formerly you have done, with our directions herein: The business wherein we desire to engage you, being such, as we thing it truly honorable to be engaged in ourselves; and the design being of a nature to which the greatest and most precious promises are annexed: Besides, that the civilizing and converting of your barbarous and unbelieving neighbors, is that,

through the goodness of God, we are now in a condition to inform you, that since the receipt of your lastly mentioned letter, it has pleased the king's Majesty in Council, to grant a Charter of incorporation, wherein many of the nobility, and other persons of quality, and most of those gentlemen, that were formerly employed in the like work, are authorized and appointed to endeavor the carrying on that pi-whose success will be, in some ous design for converting the heathen natives: Wherein they deservedly esteem it both an honor and advantage to be employed in this new establishment; being, among other particulars, enjoined to appoint commissioners in New England, to prosecute there, by our directions, his Majesty's pious intentions."


regards, of more immediate advantage to yourselves, than to



"Our good wishes to so Christian a work, makes it much our trouble to see the means of carrying it on no greater than we now, at our entrance, find them :Which we mention, not by way of reflection upon those, to whose hands the management of them was committed before the grant of our charter; but because it is. necessary for us to acquaint you with the condition we are bro't to, partly by the great charge you and we have been at on several necessary occasions, and

injurious dealing of some, who take advantage of the letter of the law, against all justice and equity, to repossess themselves, of what they formerly sold, whereby the greatest part of our revenue is, at present, detained; which will prove, we fear, very expensive, and somewhat diffi

"We judge this to be a matter of highest concernment that belongs to the work intrusted to For all our endeavors here, and all the supplies we may procure from hence will be but ineffectual, though not to our own souls, yet to the work we would promote, unless there be a pru-partly, and indeed chiefly by the dent and faithful management of what we send over, by the commissioners we shall appoint in New-England, and those they shall employ. And therefore, since having obtained the best information we can, and seriously considered the matter, we have pitched on the same course, that hath been formerly taken in pur-cult to recover. We cannot suance of the same ends and be so despondent, as not to hope care. Accordingly, determined that the Providence of God will, at present to desire you to take by some means or other, provide upon you again the care and for the supply of a work, so management of this work upon much tending to His own glory, the place. We hope you will and so acceptable to those, who discern, how great a trust we are so heartily concerned for it.” willingly repose in you; and we doubt not of your readiness to

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"That [money] which is from time to time laid out, we

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