Imágenes de páginas

Temperance and exercise preserves health.

Time and tide waits for no man.

My love and affection toward thee remains unaltered.
Wealth, honor, and happiness, forsakes the indolent.
My flesh and my heart faileth.

In all his works, there is sprightliness and vigor.
Elizabeth's meekness and humility was extraordinary.
In unity consists the security and welfare of every society.
High pleasures and luxurious living begets satiety.

Much does human pride and folly require correction. Our conversation and intercourse with the world is, in several respects, an education for vice.

Occasional release from toil, and indulgence of ease, is what nature demands, and virtue allows.


Wisdom, and not wealth, procure esteem.

Prudence, and not pomp, are the basis of his fame.

Not fear but labor have overcome him.

The decency, and not the abstinence, make the difference
Not her beauty but her talents attracts attention.

Her talents, not her beauty, attracts attention.

Study, not vain pleasures, engage his mind.


His constitution, as well as his fortune, require care.
Their religion, as well as their manners, were ridiculed.
Every one, but thou, hadst been legally discharged.
The buyer, as well as the seller, are held liable.
All songsters, save the hooting owl, was mute.

None, but thou, O mighty prince! canst avert the blow.
Nothing, but frivolous amusements, please the indolent.
Cæsar, as well as Cicero, were admired for their eloquence.


Each day, and each hour, bring its portion of duty.

Every house, and even every cottage, were plundered.

Every thought, every word, and every action, are brought into judgment.

The time has come, when no oppressor, and no unjust man, are able to be screened from punishment.

No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride,

No cavern'd hermit, rest self-satisfied.


To profess and to possess is very different.

To do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly has been enjoined upon all mankind.

To cultivate the mind and to purify the heart was the object of her endeavors.


No wife, no mother, no child were there to soothe his dying


Virtue, and virtue alone, are able to satisfy the heart. (Ercep

tion 2.)

There are beauty of thought and elegance of expression in all

his poems. (Exception 1.)

The long and short of the matter are simply this.
James, and also his brother, have left school.

Every herb, every shrub, and every tree are beginning to bud.

That noted poet and scholar have passed from earth.

ception 1.)

Not a loud voice, but strong proofs, brings conviction.


The saint, the father, and the husband pray. (Exception 1.) The ebb and flow of the tides are now understood.


Parse each verb in the preceding exercise.

Rule XI.-Singular Nominatives.

When a verb has two or more singular nominatives connected by or or nor, it must agree with them in the singular number; as, "Fear or jealousy affects him."


1. When the latter nominative is parenthetical, the verb agrees with the former only; as, "One example, or ten, says nothing against the universal opinion."- Leigh Hunt.

2. When the latter of the two nouns connected is used to explain the former, the principal subject alone controls the verb; as, "The Mexican figures, or picture-writing, represent things, not words."

Notes, or Subordinate Rules.

I. When a verb has nominatives of different persons or numbers, connected by or or nor, it must agree with that which is placed next to it, and be understood to the rest, in the person and number required; as, "Neither he nor his brothers were there." -"Neither you nor I am concerned.”

II.-But when the nominatives require different forms of the verb, it is in general more elegant to express the verb, or its auxiliary, in connection with each of them; as, "Either thou art to blame, or I am."- "Neither were their numbers, nor was their destination known."

III.-The speaker should generally mention himself last; as, "Thou or I must go."-"He then addressed his discourse to my father and me." But in confessing a fault he may assume the first place; as, "I and Robert did it."

IV.-Two or more distinct subject phrases connected by or or nor, require a singular verb; as, "That a drunkard should be poor, or that a fop should be ignorant, is not strange."

False Syntax.

EXAMPLE.-Ignorance or negligence have caused this mis


FORMULE.-Not proper, because the verb have caused is of the plural number, and does not correctly agree with its two nominatives, ignorance and negligence, which are connected by or. But, according to Rule XI., "When a verb has two or more singular nominatives, connected by or or nor, it must agree with them in the singular number." Therefore, have caused should be has caused; thus, Ignorance or negligence has caused this mistake.

Neither imprudence, credulity, nor vanity, have ever been imputed to him.

What the heart or the imagination dictate flows readily.

Neither authority nor analogy support such an opinion.
Either ability or inclination were wanting.

Redundant grass or heath afford abundance to their cattle. The returns of kindness are sweet; and there are neither honor, nor virtue, nor utility in repelling them.

The sense or drift of a proposition, often depend upon a single letter.

Neither he nor you was there.


Either the boys or I were in fault.

Neither he nor I intends to be present.

Neither the captain nor the sailors was saved.

Whether one person or more was concerned in the business does not yet appear.


Are they expected or I to be there?

Neither he, nor am I, capable of it.

Either he has been imprudent, or his associates vindictive. Neither were their riches, nor their influence great.


I and my father were riding out.

The premiums were given to me and George.

I and Jane are invited.

They ought to invite me and my sister.

We dreamed a dream in one night, I and he.


To practice tale-bearing, or even to countenance it, are great injustice.

To reveal secrets, or to betray one's friends, are contemptible



Ignorance or negligence have caused the mistake.

Neither the man nor his sons has been here.

Either he or I are mistaken.

Neither thou nor I art to blame.

To have brilliant talents, or to amass great riches, render most

persons very proud.

Neither I nor my father are able to be present.
Vanity, ambition, or sensuality lead many to ruin.
To read or to write were equally difficult to her.
Neither the captain nor the passengers was saved.


Parse each of the verbs in the preceding exercise.

Rule XII.-Verbs Connected.

When verbs are connected by a conjunction, they must either agree in mood, tense, and form, or have separate nominatives expressed; as, "He himself held the plough, sowed the grain, and attended the reapers."-" She was proud, but she is now humble."


Verbs differing in mood, tense, or form, may sometimes agree with the same nominative, especially if the simplest verbs be placed first; as,

"What nothing earthly gives or can destroy.”—Pope.
"Some are, and must be, greater than the rest.”—Id.


Those parts which are common to several verbs, are generally expressed to the first, and understood to the rest; as, "Every sincere endeavor to amend shall be assisted, [shall be] accepted, and [shall be] rewarded.”—“ Honorably do the best you can" [do].—“He thought as I did” [think].—“You have seen it, but I have not” [seen it].—“If you go, I will" [go].

Notes, or Subordinate Rules.

I. The preterit should not be employed to form the compound tenses, nor should the perfect participle be used for the preterit. Thus say, "To have gone," not, "To have went;" and, "I did it,"-not, "I done it."

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